King: Bucs Could Be A Player
February 25th, 2019
Thinks Bucs and a star WR could be a match.
The Bucs already have a malcontent wide receiver on their roster. A prominent NFL columnist has the notion the Bucs could be replacing that malcontent with a headcase.
That’s the word from mock draft-scowling, L.L. Bean-wearing, Second Amendment abolitionist, Mike Florio-arguing, parrot-insensitive, chewing-with-his-mouth-open, soup-gulping, California train-romancing, anti-football proliferation, outhouse-admiring, airline-napping, steerage-flying, Yogi Berra-worshiping, urinal picture-taking, video game-playing, Taylor Swift-listening, pickpocket-thwarting, Bucs-uniform-frowning, Allie-LaForce-smitten, Big-Ten-Network-hating, pedestrian-bumping, olive oil-lapping, popcorn-munching, coffee-slurping, fried-chicken-eating, oatmeal-loving, circle-jerking, craft beer-chugging, cricket-watching, scone-loathing, college football-naïve, baseball-box-score-reading, NPR-honk, filthy-hotel-staying, fight-instigating, barista-training social activist Peter King of NBC fame.
In his weekly Monday morning column on, King — though he was clear no one is tipping him off — surveyed the NFL landscape and believes the Bucs could be a player in landing a borderline mental patient in gifted and quitting Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown.
Dot-connecting. DeSean Jackson wants a new start out of Tampa. The new coach of the Bucs, Bruce Arians, was the Steelers’ play-caller in 2011, when Brown had his breakout NFL season. Arians wants to throw the ball deep more than any head coach in football. Makes sense to me.
It does make some sense if you completely ignore first the salary cap and then, how a pair of poisonous players all but brought the Bucs down and killed coaching careers by themselves.
Who are those players? Try a couple of former Redskins, offsides-jumping, Lightning-trolling, belly-shirt-wearing, practice-hating, kicker-heckling, tree-grinding , non-contact-football-loving, chicken-wings-grilling, playing-time-squawking, TV-cooking-star, half-sack Swaggy Baker and Jackson.
After receiving third-degree burns from signing a duo who not even shady Redskins big-shot Bruce Almighty wanted to keep, Joe has an idea Jason Licht doesn’t want to get burned again.
Brown is a supremely talented receiver, maybe the best in the NFL. But he has completely lost his mind in recent months in Pittsburgh and then like his quitting teammate Le’Veon Bell, Brown decided to play Operation Shutdown and quit on his team when the Steelers needed him the most — needing a win to stay alive in the final week for a playoff shot.
If Brown was all about playing football, Joe would be all over this move. But the reason why the best receiver in football is available to be had in a trade is that he decided to nuke the Steelers from within.
The thought of Brown (who is much better than DeSean Jackson — yeah, Joe typed that) and Mike Evans on the field at the same time is just delicious. Then, you try to figure out when Brown will quit on the team.
Nah, man.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:13 am
You know who brought the team down, Joe
The Smith and Koetter act complete with incompetent assistants
February 25th, 2019 at 9:14 am
Brown would probably quit when he realizes Jameis can’t hit him deep…
How was Bell a quitter? Just because he wanted a long term contract with some security? Wanna call Brown a quitter I agree but can’t say that about Bell
February 25th, 2019 at 9:16 am
We continue this ridiculous notion that we will pay large bucks to a WR to replace Djax……not happening. We need the money……
February 25th, 2019 at 9:26 am
I’m with you @Loyal…
People (many) that don’t understand the business decision Le’Veon made, broken down over several weeks/months brilliantly by ONLY Mike Florio on PFT, simply don’t grasp the multiplicity of facets of how and why Bell did what he did, not too mention what his “team” did not “want” to do. They just don’t get, and I’m not gonna re-hash it, cuz that’s a FOOL’S ERRAND there.
But I’m with you…and BY NO MEANS….is Le’veon Bell a quitter. Trendsetter, on the owners-wanting-to-screw-the-player clauses in NFL contracts, control versus maximize.
Bell…(not Brown)…will be a versatile, motivated, 3 year worthwhile addition to whichever club is lucky enough to land him–Likely the J-E-T-S.
Go Bucs!
February 25th, 2019 at 9:27 am
Really? Have any clips of him carrying the ball last year? Joe did see pictures of him jetskiing off South Beach.
Steelers were a favorite to make a Super Bowl run. Yet their All Pro running back decided to hang in Florida. If that isn’t quitting, Joe has zero idea what the definition of that word is.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:30 am
Bell is a quiter because he agreed to his current deal in writing, signing off on it, and then decided not to honor his contract and sit out.
A man is only as good as his word. If you make an agreement, you stand by it.
So, you might say, “Teams don’t always honor their contracts!”
Actually, yes they do. The terms of a contract are outlined when they come to terms. A player and his agent knows full well that once there is no dead space, the player can be released.
And aside from that…if a player fullfills his end, the team will not want to move on. That includes ethically.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:30 am
This is silly talk. Brown ain’t comin’ here…..not a chance.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:31 am
So Arians is a deep throw offensive guy? Isnt that a huge criticism of Koetter? It seems that Jameis couldnt his a top flight deep threat already that was a diva, so licht is going to bring another one just like that?
February 25th, 2019 at 9:31 am
Keep the preadolescent brains away—no matter how talented. Let’s try to make the Bucs, for the most part, an “adults only” organization. We already have one player that populates his home with comic book action figures. Are they his friends? Does he engage them with conversation?
One child is enough!
To the Batcave!
February 25th, 2019 at 9:32 am
@joe like everyone says: it’s a business. Bell has proven his worth and Steelers were screwing him. I don’t blame him
February 25th, 2019 at 9:33 am
The Bucs already have enough head cases on the team now, starting with the QB.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:35 am
Joe levon be wanted a new contract that’s the only reason he sat out. If we could get both do it brown and bell. Bruce can handle both of them everybody always asay jameis reminds you been rothlisberger I don’t see the problem Joe you gotta be a little more presice when talking about two future hall of famers who could be bucs next year
February 25th, 2019 at 9:37 am
Dumbest and I do mean STUPID.
Almost as dumb as the people that think Bell isn’t a quitter.
Dude was offered 14.5 MILLION a yr and turned it down because he wanted 17.
Lost an Entire yr’s salary to sit out. I’m not a math major but how many yrs would he have to play for that 2.5Mil difference to equal up to 14.5 Million.
Stupid AND a Quitter IMO
February 25th, 2019 at 9:39 am
Dumbest *take*
February 25th, 2019 at 9:43 am
Joe: Have you ever played organized sports at any level?
(Just wondering)
February 25th, 2019 at 9:44 am
@Joe & Buccaneer Bonzai
Bell had no contract, he never signed the franchise tag. Can’t carry a ball or contribute if he didn’t agree to a contract…
Bell was looking out for his long term future, can’t quit on a team if you were never on the roster. He wasn’t a hold out or a malcontent or a locker room cancer or a quitter he just wasn’t gonna play by the owners rules where they use you up and then throw you away once your too busted to capitalize on your true value
February 25th, 2019 at 9:47 am
Joe Says:
February 25th, 2019 at 9:27 am
“If that isn’t quitting, Joe has zero idea what the definition of that word is.”
Well, ….then @Joe has zero idea of what the definition of that word is.
Go Bucs!
February 25th, 2019 at 9:47 am
StoutGospel Says
“…on the owners-wanting-to-screw-the-player clauses in NFL contracts, control versus maximize…” The
Actually, it is you who are not getting it.
Why do players have agents?
Because most players lack the ability to properly negotiate good contracts and prefer to focus on doing their jobs. I can understand this because I’ve dealt with agents plenty of times, though not sports agents.
But…a player is fully informed when they sign a contract. They no the upsides and the downsides to a deal before they sign.
And yet, at that moment, they decide its those things are acceptable.
From that point on, they have to honor their word.
It’s like smokers suing tobacco companies. Smokers know the risks, but make a conscious decision to ignore them for the benefit of the present. They should not be able to sue later, because they accepted the risks. There was a price to pay.
Like smokers, players agree to contracts for the early benefit, getting a lump sum signing bonus and enjoying the opportunity to make millions.
Owners agree to pay money up front in good faith that the players will perform later. You think they want to risk paying front money for services they may not get later?
Bell bailed when it was time for the owner to benefit from the deal. He is a complete quiter.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:49 am
Sorry, tablet changed some words, but you get the gist.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:49 am
@SB it’s not about the few million it’s about long term guaranteed money, Steelers were never gonna give it to him and wanted to keep control of him, then the player risk injury (like Kwon) and another year of 300 plus touches to wear down his body.
Not about quitting or not wanting to play dude just wanted to be paid like a top 3 rb and some security
February 25th, 2019 at 9:49 am
How the Hell was bell “looking out for his future” by sitting out and LOSING 14.5 Million????
He would have had to play at least 6 more yrs to make up for the 2.5 mil difference he was looking for!!
February 25th, 2019 at 9:51 am
It works both ways……you can be cut….traded….or you can sit out….either way, it is business.
Was it wise?……probably not……but strange things happen often.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:51 am
Actually, Bell DID have a contract…the CBA.
Which allows for teams to use the franchise tag. Bell agreed to this when he agreed to play in the NFL.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:51 am
@Loyal…….Steelers offered him a long term contract at 14.5 Mil
He wanted 17
He sat out thereby losing 14.5 Mil out of his pocket.
The 2.5 Mil difference he was looking for COST him money!
Simple, Simple Simple
February 25th, 2019 at 9:51 am
Let’s all remember too, the intellect and background of a certain Mike Florio….and how the farce of the CBA, and all it’s dimensions. Certainly 99.9% of people here, don’t understand those.
@Loyal….it’s alright man, like I said a fool’s errand. Just let it ride 🙂
Go Bucs!
February 25th, 2019 at 9:53 am
Your missing out on facts, like Bell never signed a contract, he was never obligated to play or report. The franchise tag is designed to let a team keep the players rights while a deal is negotiated not just keep stringing a player along Year to year like the Steelers were doing.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:57 am
That’s a stretch but believe what you want. Steelers had zero interest in offering him a Gurley like deal with guaranteed money. Teams monopolize the franchise tag to try to string guys along when the player is the one with the biggest risk
February 25th, 2019 at 9:58 am
JOE Says:
(regarding Le’Veon Bell)
“”Really? Have any clips of him carrying the ball last year? Joe did see pictures of him jetskiing off South Beach.
Steelers were a favorite to make a Super Bowl run. Yet their All Pro running back decided to hang in Florida. If that isn’t quitting, Joe has zero idea what the definition of that word is.”
Agreed 100%.
Le’Veon Bell is a loser and a quitter, and I would NEVER want him on my team.
Antonio Bryant, hard as this is to fathom…… is WORSE.
Keep BOTH of them away from this football team.
February 25th, 2019 at 9:59 am
i agree…..joe needs to stop with the BS…..
brown and bell are not quitters…..
one was being disrespected and the other wants to protect themselves…..both made business decisions….
if a players is disrespecting the staff(ASJ) or another players(richie icognito) they get the boot…..
if a player doesnt produce, they get the boot….but when they do produce, they cant get paid….lol…they have to prove it again, and again and when they get hurt, oh, now your damaged goods…..
you know what happened to chris johnson once he signed a long term deal…..the titans “QUIT”on him as soon as his production wasnt matching his pay check….
joe if your looking for a quitter look at vontae davis…..thats a quitter….not brown and bell…..
February 25th, 2019 at 10:02 am
Dude, you are missing some facts. A team/player contract is not the only contract signed when a player enters the NFL. They also must decide whether to accept the terms of the CBA , which is another contract.
And there are other documents as well.
So far as the Franchise Tag, the teams have used it the same way since it was created. Players know that, and they agreed to it in writing. THAT is a legally binding contract.
Regardless, Bell is an idiot, because no club will pay him more than $14m this year. In fact, he’ll probably get either a one year deal for much less, or a long term deal for around half that annually.
He’s actually cost himself a fortune that he’ll never get back now.
And teams probably won’t want to risk a long term deal on him now.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:04 am
February 25th, 2019 at 10:08 am
“Arians wants to throw the ball deep more than any head coach in football.”
*Looks at Jameis.
The first coach to understand Jameis excels at dinking and dunking will take him far. Every coach that wants to throw it deep, will be met with the same demise as the last coach.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:09 am
Our WR room has enough talent. The risk outweighs the reward in this specific instance.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:10 am
Bobo Wilson might be the replacement for Humphries.
Godwin is a legit #2.
Watson wasnt drafted to play special teams.
We have hope at WR. Bobo looked quick and tough last year.
We need to save $ honestly.
You cant have two of the top 5 highest paid WR’s on the same team
February 25th, 2019 at 10:11 am
Do they? Jackson is likely gone. It is starting to feel like Adam Humphries may as well. Love Chris Godwin but he hasn’t balled out for an entire season yet. He vanished down the stretch last year.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:11 am
813bucboi, teams are not the only ones who put something on the table.
Players offer their own things, and if they fail to provide, you better believe they are in breach of contract.
If you pay for lawn work, you expect it to be provided, whether the guy is healthy or not. And if he doesn’t provide it, you should not have to pay for it.
Players are not victims. Clubs are. They put a lot of money up front.
Heck, does anyone here really believe Donovan Smith is worth $14 million per year??? No.
The owners agree to pay more than a player is worth in exchange for a short term agreement.
Bell has zero chance of making that much per year.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:12 am
In talent, yes. Just would like to see him produce for a whole season before we start polishing his Canton bust.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:12 am
Correction: Meant Antonio Brown (obviously)… not Antonio Bryant, LOL
February 25th, 2019 at 10:13 am
Joe catches himself often with that, don’t feel bad.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:13 am
Humphries will be re-signed.
If not, Arians will have failed big time.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:14 am
Not in Arians’ control.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:15 am
Bell screwed himself.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:16 am
People are missing a big point in regard to Antonio Brown.
He’s perhaps the best WR. He will not settle to be a #2 guy. Does anyone really think Mike Evans should be demoted?
February 25th, 2019 at 10:17 am
Lol, Joe, let’s not fool ourselves here. Arians is in complete control of this team. More so than Lovie was his first year.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:18 am
“Do they?”
Top end, yes. Deep threat, with our “not hitting anything passed 30 yards” QB, yes. We keep trying to have 2 #1 receivers and it doesn’t work. Ever. We keep trying to have deep threats and it doesn’t work. Ever
February 25th, 2019 at 10:19 am
If he signs for more I expect a nice retraction from you
Heck even if he signs for 12 a year but is guaranteed 30-35 million he got what he wanted. Steelers weren’t honoring what the franchise tag was about they just wanted to control him use him up and hurt his value after 2018
They were gonna give him another 300 plus touches and not care if he’s hurt or not. Players especially RBs gotta look after themselves the teams don’t
February 25th, 2019 at 10:20 am
I agree joe on whether or not the WR room does have enough talent, because that is a huge question mark and godwin looked a tad shaky down the stretch in some games dropping the ball & of course adding OJ to the mix increasing that talent and hopefully Leftwich takes some out of the Pats playbook and spreads OJ out for mismatches. Not helping the WRs is the fact that aside from new signee andre ellington the bucs have ZERO rbs that can catch
February 25th, 2019 at 10:21 am
Follow his Snapchat and you will see the hard work and dedication brown puts into the game he loves football he is blessed to have made his own success I think he is a great man stuck in a bad team come to TB send Djax up there win win find the money to get him if we get 1 player in FA to impact like JPP we did good
February 25th, 2019 at 10:27 am
With all due respect, LeVeon Bell is not a quitter. He was franchise tagged, twice, while playing a devaulued position with an average lifespan of 3 years.
The Steelers GM also “promised” to take care of Bell after playing with the franchise tag in 2017 and accessing 450+ touches.
AB- that’s quitting. You get your mega deal and don’t want to play the last game of the season.
Joe- can you call Jameis a quitter because he was suspended three games? I believe, if applying your narrow scope of “quitter”-the yes-Jameis’ poor behaivor makes him just as much of a “quitter”.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:29 am
Buc1987 Says:
February 25th, 2019 at 10:15 am
Bell screwed himself.
I completely disagree. Bell is healthy as he ever was, about to turn 28, and won his free agency!
Do you really think if the Steelers fed him 450+ touches this year that he’d be any likelier to secure his payday?
I believe Bell is focused, and going to ball out once he gets paid.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:29 am
You can see that there are two sides to these stories. In the end, it boils down to whatever team is willing to take the risk that comes, not from the money, from the drama.
We think DeSean pouting is bad?! AB meltdowns are epic! And Bell? While a superb talent, he’s oft-injured and has a hard time putting down the pipe…allegedly!
Whether they quit or not, it’s hard to empathize when they make more in one game check than most people do in a lifetime. $14 or $17 million?!
Go get your money but don’t expect people to feel sorry for you. It’s hard to argue that being there for the TEAM would have gotten them further. It seems selfish to me. I’m sure there’s more to it.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:30 am
No Brown. No bell. Not team players. Locker room cancers. To much money.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:30 am
Pryda30…. sec 147 Says:
“Follow his Snapchat and you will see the hard work and dedication brown puts into the game he loves football”
This being said, he is a complete liability to any football team and should be avoided like the plague. I would rather follow the Snapchat page of an inchworm.
Sorry no offense to you at all, Pryda, just DO NOT like AB.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:32 am
Bell sat out the year because the Steelers refused to pay him. They screwed themselves.
Do you really think of LeVeon Bell suited up last year, under the tag/accruing another 450+ touches, that he would likely get paid?
The Steelers are are the problem. No control, too much drama, and a GM that props up a questionable character at QB.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:32 am
I’d rather pay Bell than GMC! Who is more likely to take us to the playoffs in 2019?
February 25th, 2019 at 10:35 am
If LeVeon Bell is a “quitter” in Joe’s eyes, than so I is Jameis Winston!
One guy sat out after being franchised twice, and not afforded a secure long term deal- up to their worth.
The other made silly, drunken decisions and was suspended for the first three games in 2018.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:44 am
AB and Arians hate each other
this is lazy voodoo journalism at its best”
Kobe Faker
February 25th, 2019 at 10:57 am
LOL, ridiculous analogy, SteveK.
February 25th, 2019 at 10:59 am
Bell WAS offered a long term contract @14.5 Million per yr.
He wanted 17!!!!!
He QUIT for an entire yr, thereby losing 14.5 Million last yr
That makes him stupid AND a quitter.
Not sure why this is so hard to understand
February 25th, 2019 at 11:01 am
SteveK Says:
February 25th, 2019 at 10:32 am
I’d rather pay Bell than GMC! Who is more likely to take us to the playoffs in 2019?
Hmmmm. Pretty profound point there! 🙂
Go Bucs!
February 25th, 2019 at 11:02 am
And in case nobody noticed James Conner did quite well in Bell’s absence.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:20 am
Conner won me my fantasy football league at work! I’ll pass I’m both Of them
February 25th, 2019 at 11:23 am
Arians can say that he wants to throw the ball downfield but I am sure his aware that he has one of the worst deep throwing QBs in the NFL — maybe the worst.
Any speed/deep receiver will be an over-paid decoy with JW3 taking the snaps.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:38 am
Joe by your logic Derrick Brooks was a quitter.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:38 am
After BA’s “Diva” comments I highly doubt Brown wants anything to do with Arians again.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:40 am
Agree! It’s ridiculous to call Jameis or Bell a quitter. Was just trying to apply “Joe-logic” on his sentiments.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:47 am
At what point do some of you realize what the word greed means?
Let’s try Merriam Webster since obviously some of you do not get it.
Definition of greed
: a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed
The Steelers offered Bell a contract that basically insured he would earn 33 million in his first two years…TEN MILLION WAS GUARANTEED.
How big of a financial moron do you need to be to not be able to get by on TEN MILLION GUARANTEED?
Was Bell selfish? Ask his teammates? The locker room did NOT support him!!!
Yes we all know the owners are greedy pigs…does that justify the players being obnoxiously greedy? We also agree that it’s America and everybody is “entitled” to get the most they can if they do not mind being greedy jerks. But it doesn’t mean that folks cannot perceive a greedy jerk when they see one, and we are just as “entitled” to call it out when we see it.
Thomas Bassinger has a GREAT article on just how stupid the Bucs would have to be to pay Bell what he’s asking. Yet we are one of the three teams that is frequently mentioned as having “interest”. I hope that is just BS.
Check out Bassinger’s article this morning backed by clear easy to read charts. Basically signing Bell along with ME and JW’s contracts would take up close to half the salary cap. Not much left to field a team much less get any depth tied up in three offensive positions. D.R. would go crazy and even though I loved the old AFL bombs away offenses I would agree with D.R. I personally LOVE offense but I never argue with guys who love to point out that defense wins championships. I suspect they are right. And as Buc fans how can we argue that point looking back on our solitary SB win?
Then check out the chart for the cap hit of the top RB’s in the league. Most are a fraction of Bell’s asking price including the top guy Gurley.
Then check out the stats and trend lines to how often NFL teams now run versus pass…it’s two divergent lines with the pass attempts growing every year while the runs are dropping. It IS a passing high scoring league….the boring SB aside, which again confirmed the defense wins championships meme.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:54 am
^^^^^ Which ironically completely makes my 9:47 am post…spot on, again.
Go Bucs!
February 25th, 2019 at 11:56 am
The deal you are mentioning was BS and had very little guaranteed money compared to other contracts
Do your homework before you post
February 25th, 2019 at 11:57 am
You keep calling Bell a quitter but I wasnt aware that he had a contract last season. He was offered one which he declined and then given a tag which he also declined. Quitting is when you agree to fulfill an obligation but don’t fulfill your end of the commitment. He never agreed to play under a tag and was upfront in saying he wouldn’t. Sounds to me like a one sided agreement.
February 25th, 2019 at 12:03 pm
Gurley got 45 million guaranteed
Steelers were offering bell 30-33 guaranteed when he’s been a top runner and receiver for them
Betting on himself will only be a good benefit if he finds a team that’s gonna guarantee him 35-40 or more
February 25th, 2019 at 12:09 pm
Bell bet on himself and I bet he wins.
Tune in this offseason, but I bet he gets paid.
February 25th, 2019 at 12:16 pm
Gurley’s deal is not what it seems on the surface. Only 21 mil was fully guaranteed but a lot of the other guarantees come in the form of roster bonuses. The team can walk away from him after 2019. Bell will end up with something similar but he’s not getting 35 mil fully guaranteed.
February 25th, 2019 at 12:20 pm
Steelers didn’t pay bell what he he wanted. Bell didn t work for the Steelers. Bell lost money for that year. Steelers lost the chance for the Super Bowl. Both lost. Simple as as that. Both made bussiness decisions and both were wrong.
February 25th, 2019 at 12:23 pm
Between….@Loyal, Waterboy, and SteveK…..NOW we’re making some sense! And yes, everyone should go do their homework at all times, before posting. 🙂
Well done chaps, all of you!
Go Bucs
February 25th, 2019 at 12:37 pm
Le’Veon Bell is garbage, and any team that signs him will regret it.
That is an opinion.
Unfortunately, many of Bell’s former teammates share that opinion. It goes far beyond the contract squabble.
February 25th, 2019 at 12:41 pm
A.B didn’t quit on the team… the team quit on A.B … give the man respect … yeah he’s a diva but tell me one great reciever who isn’t a diva … yes mike Evans is a diva…. he wants the ball as much as the next guy if not more
February 25th, 2019 at 12:56 pm
I think alot has to do with being frustrated about not being able to get to the Superbowl. Big Ben couldn’t do it,let’s try with another young promising QB and legitimately a top 3 WR in the NFL in Evans. And if you bring in Brown I can bet you anything Bell would give Tampa a friendly deal instead of the $14-15 mil he wants.
February 25th, 2019 at 12:57 pm
Bell is garbage? Great football acumen here at JBF ha ha ha
February 25th, 2019 at 1:03 pm
Brown is NOT coming here period.
You have a better chance of seeing
Tmax becoming a die hard McCoy fan.
Bucboi813 and Realist enjoying a dinner together
Kobe faker with a real (non-imaginary) girlfriend
The Bucs 2019 kicking game above an 89% success rate
Mike Smith working with a pro or college team’s defense in any capacity.
February 25th, 2019 at 1:07 pm
Teams tag players with their best interest in mind and then try to guilt guys into playing under that tag by getting the fan base involved. Ask Earl Thomas how did that workout for him. He won’t get that big contract now until he proves he can still play at the level he was prior to his injury but at that point age will also be factored into what he gets. I think more players should take Bell’s approach and call the teams bluff.
If 14.5 mil was fair market value why didn’t they release him to hit the market so that the market could determine his worth?
February 25th, 2019 at 1:23 pm
LeVeon Bell might be the best back in football, and definitely the best dual threat runner/receiver.
LeVeon Bell, would give the Bucs “the best RB in the division. RoJo ain’t it.
February 25th, 2019 at 1:31 pm
Yes Loyal, garbage.
February 25th, 2019 at 1:35 pm
LeVeon Bell would be the best player on our team if signed, and probably the best player in the entire NFC S.
If he’s garbage, than call me the trash man!
February 25th, 2019 at 1:36 pm
Football “acumen” entails many different elements in a given football player. There is a lot that goes into that, and how that player affects a team. Your opinions don’t necessarily make you right. Mine don’t necessarily make me right.
They are simply opinions.
February 25th, 2019 at 1:37 pm
Stevek Says:
“If he’s garbage, than call me the trash man!”
LOL good one man.
I understand your sentiment.
February 25th, 2019 at 1:45 pm
How many of you have quit a job because they weren’t paying. You enough. How is this any different? Especially when you have limited amount of years before your worthless or even worse injures. Le’Veon bell is going to be amazing. I hoe he’s a panther with all of you f0cking babies complaining.
February 25th, 2019 at 1:59 pm
I hope he’s a Panther too, Army. That would be fantastic.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:13 pm
Then we would hear all of them crying saying oh I wish we picked him up when we had a chance. NOPE NOW YOU WILL FACE HIM Twice a year. The. Talk hahahahaha
February 25th, 2019 at 2:14 pm
But this would go against Jason Lichts free agency policy of not signing good players, so we can’t do that.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:28 pm
Fair enough, Army, you are entitled to your opinion. I would welcome him playing on any team in our division. Just not us. I personally don’t think he will have another significant season anywhere close to what he has done in the past.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:34 pm
I agree with your premise that. ..opinions vary. To sum it up.
But to call Bell garbage is not an equally weighted but different opinion. Bell’s character is garbage, his hygiene habits is garbage etc etc is 100% subjective and your opinion is just that yours. But your not going anywhere in that direction. Your saying He’s a garbage football player and that’s not something supported by the dozens of stats used to measure and quantify his individual performance.
So you can’t make such a ludicrous and utterly asinine statement then hide behind …it’s my opinion and it’s equal……the phuc it is. There’s absolutely zero measurable, this is a sport that measures everything a hundred different ways, to give your statement any shred of credibility.
You may believe the guy is garbage as a person, fair enough, but as a player your outta your fing mind. Lockeroom compatibility isnt a measurable. Not a single player is in Canton because he was the perfect teammate and all around wonderful human being. So please don’t even attempt to come back with that weak azzz un reasoning.
Other than that you seem like a perfectly reasonable and gracious human being.
Have a pleasant afternoon Sir.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:39 pm
You can lead a horse to water….but.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:48 pm
Where have I heard that before. Oh yea Adrian Peterson “he’s all washed up.” “He will never be the back he use to be” yet he went on to have yet another 1,000 yard season. Oh wait when was the last time the bucs have had a consistent RB with 1,000 yard seasons….. crickets anybody ? Without a powerful run game they the defenses are going to eat Tampa alive. Without someone they fear in the backfield. I would play man all day on Jameis and dare him to throw deep while blitzing the hell out of him. With my front 4. This team has had the chances of getting dominant running backs but what do we do? We go dumpster diving and hope we find someone. ROJO A PERFECT EXAMPLE.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:50 pm
No crickets here, Army. I completely agree with you about Adrian Peterson. I 100% was onboard with the fact that he was going to prove a lot of people wrong. Sorry, we are on the same page with that one. With AP.
Not with Bell, though. Sorry.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:50 pm
You go dumpster diving and guess what you will find a great free agent pickup besides JPP IN THE LAST 10 years that’s still on the team.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:56 pm
I think bell is going to do the same thing Peterson did and silence his critics. I just wish for once we can be the team smart enough to pick up a player of his ability. I’ve been a bucs fan for as long as I can remember and remember when we called Bo Jackson’s name during the draft I was so excited but that excitement quickly turned in disparity when I learned he rather play baseball then be a buc. For once I’d like to get a running back that is actually worth what we are willing to pay.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:56 pm
Joe I see eye to eye with you on a lot of things that you post, but I’m getting a little tired of you calling LB a quitter. He made a business decision and felt that he was not offered what he felt his value was. That is not quitting, just not devaluing ones self. Can’t blame a man for a teams downfall that never intended to play under the tag of he clearly told you ahead of time that he would sit the entire year if he had no long term security. I truly appreciate don’t get your way of thinking on this topic.
February 25th, 2019 at 2:57 pm
LOL Stout.. but what? You are entitled to your opinion. I would not want Bell on my football team. Not that hard to understand. There are more than a few Steelers players who felt the same way.
February 25th, 2019 at 3:02 pm
Armybucfan Says:
“I remember when we called Bo Jackson’s name during the draft I was so excited but that excitement quickly turned in disparity…”
NO doubt, brother. I remember it well, too.
That one hurt.
February 25th, 2019 at 3:05 pm
Darealist is absolutely right . Most of the people calling him a quitter just hate that they cannot do what he did with their own jobs. How many of you would love to tell your bosses to suck your marbles if they didn’t give you the raise you deserved. The only difference is Bell has millions stashed so we could and 99 percent of us on the site cannot. I commend Bell with sticking with his guns and the team cannot say he did not warn them if they did not reach a long term contract and they tried to tag him again he would sit out. Then we have the nerve to criticize him for enjoying himself in Miami. People always say football is a business and Bell made a business decision but that doesn’t make him any less of a player. He just wanted job security for the one of the most battered positions in the nfl.
February 25th, 2019 at 3:05 pm
Bucsfire I think I literally cried that day.
February 25th, 2019 at 3:48 pm
@Joe: Funny how you ducked my question and responded to others nevertheless other posters made the point I was going to make. Bell didn’t QUIT on Steelers he did what was in best interest for HIM. Funny how when players do it media types BS and they are selfish but when Franchises do this it is par for the course.
I for one would welcome BELL and or AB on this team and would love to see you have to pin articles on BOTH of them. If you played organized sports you would understand this. The Steelers keep making excuses for Ben and its gonna be the demise of their franchise. You can only lose so many talented players and still continue to win.
February 25th, 2019 at 8:07 pm
Bell was franchise tagged two years in row. He played the first year without a contract. Steelers should have signed him to a contract or set him free instead of tagging him again. I think the franchise tag rules should prevent multiple back to back tags. Not fair to the player at that point.
February 25th, 2019 at 8:39 pm
Brown is a very talented prima donna. If we really value that then just keep DJAX he’s already under contract.
We have a very good group of targets already for JW…and they are class guys with good team chemistry…except for DJAX…why would we want to mess that up?
Where would Brown get enough targets on a team with ME13…OJ…and Godwin and Hump and Brate if we keep them.
Targets for JW are the least of our needs. How about some help in the trenches where we have genuine needs on both sides of the ball.
February 25th, 2019 at 8:53 pm
What contract did Bell sign cuz I thought he refused to sign a SECOND franchise tag contract or am I wrong
February 25th, 2019 at 10:20 pm
Your correct, He didn’t sign the franchise tag tender offer, ie contract, this past off season.
He had no contract. Recieved no compensation. Which is something a few people seem to know but not understand . Understand I mean they view him as a person who violated his contract and quit on his team. Quit on his team is a phrase that has no place in this discussion. In fact it just muddys the water from the start as it’s a false premise to begin with.
I have to believe that one of the Joe’s took there’s no Santa Claus or easter bunny awfully hard.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:08 pm
No way Joe. I said this last time you equated Brown’s belly flop on his team to Bell. The NFL is a business is it not? So, when owners throw in the towel and the full contract is not guaranteed, it’s not okay for a player to do the same? Bell made it clear way before the Steelers tried to tag him…again and again….. that he would not play for the tag. Heck, why would he. You only get to this point once in your career. These men put their bodies and practically their lives on the line when they do work on the field. You have to cash in while you can. I’ll take Bell all day every day. Not worth the resources to have Brown on the team.
February 25th, 2019 at 11:18 pm
LeVeon Bell would be a huge coup for any team. He bet on himself and called the Steelers bluff. He didn’t quit on him like AB. Ben is also given free reign to call people out on his radio show and some players think that’s lame/low/poor leadership.
Bell did not quit, he stayed fresh and is ready to give his next team a Tom of production. What team pays LeVeon. Bell after three straight years with 400+ touches? Their front office advised him to play on the tag the first year and then they’d get something done. Steelers made no effort. They lied, totally within their right, and wanted to use up LeVeon Bell. If the Steelers like Bell that much; then pay the guy a decent contract.
Im laughing hard Joe. Your opinion on Bell is particularly obtuse- unless Winston is a quitter too because he quit on the Bucs the first three games last year.
February 26th, 2019 at 10:12 am
Wasnt it Koetter and Smith together in Jacksonville when Jacksonville sucked ? Then they brought undersized Jacquizz Rodgers to collect a nice payday .And brought a culture of losing with them.