Bad Blocking A Team Effort

December 12th, 2018

Breaks down breakdown.

Bucs Bit-O-Honey-snacking, Ozark-watching, yams-eating coach Dirk Koetter seemed to have pulled a one-liner from original Bucs coach John McKay.

The only difference is Koetter wasn’t joking.

After an ugly loss, McKay once quipped to reporters, “We didn’t block very well today. But we made up for it by not tackling.”

For Koetter, in his weekly sitdown with Dan Lucas of WFLA-TV Channel 8, he said in so many words that the Bucs didn’t block very well Sunday but it was a team effort. In a very insightful analysis, Koetter pointed at a unit on offense that was also a culprit in America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, taking too many hits in the loss to the Saints.

Koetter was not trying to absolve the offensive line in any way from failing to protect Jameis, but Koetter said they didn’t get any help.

“All and all we didn’t do a good enough job protecting him,” Koetter said of the 4 sacks and 10 quarterback hits Jameis absorbed. “It’s not just a thing on the offensive line. We [the receivers] didn’t do a good job in separating from their tight coverage.”

This is interesting on a couple of levels. First, Koetter is correct; receivers couldn’t shake loose quick enough, Jameis likely held the ball longer than expected, which meant the offensive line had to hold its blocks longer.

Second, this sort of reminds Joe of how Steve Young described Bill Walsh’s offense and how everything was based on timing, like a choreographed dance. Quarterbacks had to release the ball at a certain time and receivers had to make their breaks at a certain time or otherwise the blocking would break down and the receiver may not be open when the quarterback delivered the ball.

Again, Koetter was not giving the offensive line pass. But he did say others had a hand in the chaos that broke out Sunday.

To watch the full sitdown of Koetter with Lucas, click below. Video courtesy of WFLA-TV Channel 8.

23 Responses to “Bad Blocking A Team Effort”

  1. GhostofSchiano Says:

    Gotta fix the O-line this off season

  2. Bucs Fan #7423 Says:

    Every time Dirk Koetter explains why things went wrong he admits it’s bad coaching. Fire him

  3. Hodad Says:

    He didn’t hesitate to bench Jameis, but Benenoch, Smith, Dotson get a pass? How about Warhop? Seems he can’t coach them up. No one is held accountable no matter how bad they screw up. Can’t wait till they show Koetter’s sorry Arse the door.

  4. El Buco Realisto Says:

    If only the Bucs had one of the fastest WR in the game!!!!!!! Oh wait!!!!!!!!!!

    GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. LargoBuc Says:

    Hopefully new GM Reggie Mckenzie decides to draft either Jonah Williams or Greg Little in round one 👍

  6. Troy Says:

    7423 Preaching, and I gotsta say AMEN! It’s called making adjustments during the game. It’s completely puzzling to me the insanity of this team – we do the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

  7. Fartman Says:

    It’s tough… Jameis’s best play is the scramble drill. I feel like a lot of times, he prefers the play to break down so he can get to it. Offensive line can’t like that… its hard to tell from tv, but I think with our receivers if he were capable of just running the offense, he’d be a lot further ahead.

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I believe we should build on our powerful offense by drafting Olinemen in the first two rounds……no development prospects… later round “steals”…..bona fide top Oline draft picks.
    The new coach & DC can work with many of our younger players…..we can shed some cap money and pick up a CB in FA…..fix the Oline.

  9. Bucsfanman Says:


  10. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    This is is the end of the rope for koetter as a bucs coach and I do understand from what i hear a good guy and probably wants another job in the league but can the joes find out how involved Koetter was with personnel moves it seems like licht just picks player to pick players with no rhyme or reason and it may be the #1 reason this team is TURRIBLE

  11. pelbuc Says:

    Bad GM + Bad coaching = Bad team!

  12. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Just more Koetter throwing players under the bus…

  13. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    I hear everyone saying that Licht needs to be fired. I get that he’s had some bad draft picks that haven’t worked out, but I think everyone does. Look what happened when they fired Smith, the defense is a night and day difference. They’ve got that on offense too. I’m disappointed that Jameis can’t hit the deep ball and that he seems to throw high on a regular basis. Yes we could use 2 players on the O-line, but I don’t think we are in bad shape personnel wise.

    I like Koetter but I don’t think he has a manager’s mentality. If someone isn’t doing the job, he seems like he would rather not say anything than fix the problem which may mean coaching changes. I think this team is super close. I think Koetter needs to go and I’m not sure (still!!!) on Jameis.

  14. Dapostman Says:

    The Bucs receivers run a lot of vertical routes and teams especially division opponents know this. I never see any crossing routes run against tight coverage. I remember years ago Terry Bradshaw saying the crossing route is the best route in football. Do the Bucs use it? Maybe but I never see it.

  15. ATrain Says:

    Yes OLine needs some help
    However a QB in the NFL can’t hold the ball

    Any OLine can only hold for so long

    This Teams problems start in the lockerroom

  16. Kobe Faker Says:

    “For over 3 years, Kobe Faker was verbally persecuted by the JBF Klueless apologists for stating that this ancient passing scheme and playcalling without the modern short passing routes and scheme wouldnt work

    Kluelesss next employer will be Vince Mcmahon and the WWE

    Thanks what im talkin about brother. wooooo”

    Kobe Faker

  17. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    ^ lol Kobe, the XFL would literally be Coach Koetter’s worst nightmare. — Hopefully he will land on his feet in the NFL somewhere as an OC. – Would like to see him continue on and to be successful.

  18. 813bucboi Says:


    I AGREE!!!!!

    PREACH BRO!!!!!


  19. 813bucboi Says:


    if only we had competent coaches that knew how to adjust!!!!!!!

    oh well, we’ll have 1 next year!!!!!!!!!

    KRIS RICHARD 4 HC!!!!!


  20. tnew Says:

    My hope is Koetter somehow ends up in the division. Maybe Carolina loses Turner in the off season and they pick him up.

  21. Aaron Says:

    Hopefully the Ravens come out flat / not very interested on Sunday. We just don’t match-up well with them at all. Not that Koetter ever really brings an exotic game plan, but I have zero idea how Koetter should game plan for this game. Maybe Lots of WR screens…run out of spread? If we come out and run on 1st down and play our base offense…it will get ugly.

  22. unbelievable Says:

    So many excuses for the garbage play from this o-line.

    The excuses are starting to get more pathetic than the poor performances.

  23. Issaic haggins Says:

    Well let’s be very very very CEAR and this is Dirks incredible weakness !!!! The O Line hasn’t had a dominant game run blocking in over two years , that’s RIGHT , 40 plus games !!! Not one !!! Well Dirk is this fixated Micro recognizer , not thinker but recognizer !!! That means , I mean has anyone looked at the Saints D Line they have put together , Well that means that group of Athletes can cut loose !!! There is clearly a fundamental problem !!! And And RoJo isn’t ready to play another fundamental problem of Koetters with skilled position offensive players !!! They are primarily a pass first team because they can’t run