“He Tries To Throw People Open A Lot More So Than Younger Quarterbacks”
November 3rd, 2018
Panthers head coach Ron Rivera fears the beard and talked about it this week on SiriusXM NFL Radio.
Rivera did not mention America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, when asked about the Buccaneers’ quarterback change. But Rivera did appear to tip off what he thinks makes Ryan Fitzpatrick more dangerous than Jameis.
“One thing that when you watch Fitzy throw the ball, he tries to throw people open a lot more so than younger quarterbacks. He’s a veteran guy that has a type of feel for that,” Rivera said. “So again, we gotta be able to keep it front of us [defensively]. We gotta understand and anticipate what to get from these guys. Again, they’re very explosive and they do get that ball vertical in a hurry.”
Yeah, our beloved Bucs have a crazy-dangerous offense. And for this Sunday, it feels like Fitzpatrick is the best option for an upset win at Carolina.
However, Joe remains sickened by the thought of the future for a Fitzpatick-led team. Everyone in charge at One Buc Palace should be, too.
It’ll be fun to cheer for Fitzpatrick and the high-flying Bucs when the whistle blows Sunday, as always. Joe is going to try hard to live in the moment because anything else with this team is downright troubling.
Yes!! It’s a Bucs-Panthers preview on TAMPA TWO, the hot new all-Bucs show with Derrick Brooks and The Sage of Tampa Bay sports, Ira Kaufman, presented by Caldeco Air Conditioning & Heating. TAMPA TWO is a joint project of The Identity Tampa Bay and JoeBucsFan.com.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:05 pm
Fitz ain’t it.
We want Jameis
Number 3 is number 1!
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:10 pm
He definitely throws WR’s open. His ball placement is above average. This gives them a chance to catch and run. More than anything when he’s throwing WR’s open they have to run the correct route. Or else, it’s cookies. I see a different dynamic when he’s in. Is he the long-term answer? No. But he’s won this season. And the players play for him. We all want our YUCS to win now. I’m rooting for whoever they put back there.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:11 pm
You can tell which “Joe” is writing an article based on how close the author sounds to throwing himself off a bridge at the thought of Jameis Winston not being the greatest thing ever.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:15 pm
Butt hurt much Joe? Who cares who plays QB, only thing that matters is a Bucs victory.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:21 pm
Push Winston gently off the bridge and let him swim to another team.. Bucs are drowning with him at qb
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:27 pm
Carolina can’t hang in a shootout. They might rush for 300 yards though. Bucs 38 Panthers 31
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:28 pm
Ray fizpatrick is trash why do y’all think this guy is so good after being in the league for 14 years on 8 different teams and never played in a play off game.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:32 pm
The opposing coach says something positive about your QB1 that also reinforces the logic of demoting your former starter to QB2 after a nauseating 13-quarter stink fest… and you’re sickened by the thought of our future being led by a 2-time NFC Offensive Player of the Week. Pathetic! Just buy a whole bunch of TUMS for your queasy tummy, wait for Winston to land somewhere else, and go root for that team!
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:36 pm
Anyone who thinks Jameis Winston is not the future QB for this team is mistaken.
Jameis had a very bad game last week. It happens.
Already happened to Fitzy in Chicago….
I will of course root for Fitzy to play well and for a Buccaneers win – but with an understanding that would mean it further muddies the waters as pertains to Winston getting his opportunity to play again anytime soon and thus – an attempt to redeem himself with his on-field play for the rough start to his season (and the Bengals game in particular.)
That is what Joe is referring to in his last 2 paragraphs. And I agree.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:37 pm
Tell us why JW is anything other than trash….
Is it the playoff appearances?
His won/loss record?
His TD to INT ratio?
His high moral character?
His passing accuracy?
Oh, wait I know, it’s his rousing pre game speeches. And his post game admissions that he’s got to play better….
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:37 pm
I’ll bet folks were afraid of a future with a Kurt Warner at QB when Trent Green, their mega-hot QB, went down.
Question to the Bucco Fitz detractors: has Ryan Fitzpatrick ever played on any team with the offensive personnel of the Bucs?
Expect the Kitties to blitz almost every down, similar to the Steelers first half game plan.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:37 pm
I’m sure Rivera would prefer JW be the starter for obvious reasons. 2.5 guaranteed turnovers and a win for the Panthers.
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:45 pm
Fitz gonna be just fine bucs 31-24
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:48 pm
LMAO here at some of the comments. People, there’s a reason Fitz is a career backup. Sure, he will give you a freat game or two. But his play does get erratic and when it does..it goes..all the way South. I struggle about what to do with Jameis. But I do think he is not only salvagetable, he still may be our QB. I’m thinkin its time for Koetter to move on. I’m also thinking the Glazers need to truly get busy and serious about creating a winning franchise. The Buc faithful really are strtched thin. And you Can’t blame them. Koetter won’t win 8 this year ti break 500. I can’t see it looking at the schedule. If they can win Sunday though…And I don’t even see that! We’re gonna look real stupid when Jameis goes elsewheres and wins a superbowl..Real stupid!
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:51 pm
All I see is people crying about Winston,get over it he’s garbage!!
This team is not all about Winston its about winning and he’s not getting it done!
November 3rd, 2018 at 12:55 pm
@Colonel Angus
Hands down, best said.
This should be the motto of this blog, and is NOT.
They (FSUs) tie the success of JW as QB (the most important thing to them),with the success of Bucs. The rest of us, the DON’T care FSU or other school, we want Bucs to win with ANY QB.
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:00 pm
4 wasted years on an FSU over-rated QB – remember the toy out
the pram when beaten by Mariota at Oregan, waste of space
over-rated turnover machine
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:02 pm
Oooo, and I used ” America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston” in an other blog site thinking this is how he is know around the league, and bloggers were laughing with my post. I did apologized to them.
Time to re-baptized him with a more realistic name. Please make suggestions…
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:14 pm
I think Fitzmagic will play decent. Peyton Barber is going to cry after just the sight of Luke Kuechly. And the Bucs defense is going to do their best lawn chair impression when they see Cam Newton, at least a lawn chair might trip someone or something.
It’ll be a shootout, with the Bucs not being able to hang IMHO
24-35 Carolina
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:16 pm
Jameis doesn’t have the wins cause he’s eaten them all. Fitz for now then let’s see about next year. Go Bucs!
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:17 pm
Throwing people open is learned in backyard football …..if it’s not in EVERY NFL QB’s bag of tricks something is seriously wrong
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:23 pm
This is a tough win for either Buc QB
I don’t understand the “fitz will be fitz” crowd aka the messiah worshippers.
What is Winston then “average will be average “
Or “turnover will be turnovers “
Fitz won against good teams :saints in road / philly at home / Steelers game lost by Godwin ‘s 2 td drops in end zone with one right before half. Also a fumble.
Chicago game was a disaster for every player not named JPP
Jameis lost against these crap defenses with huge injuries : Cleveland beat themselves ; Atlanta ; bengals. I mean he should have shined in these matchups and not struggled.
Jameis is consistently inconsistent. It’s obvious. Yes he is young. But good players turn the corner by year 4. He lost his swag. Doesn’t even trust his arm anymore as he is running for first downs. Call me a hater if you want. He is a Bucs so I supported him. The reason I can get negative Nancy on him are these posters that make every excuse for Winston but then lay into everyone else. Mainly McCoy. Pretty sure the qb who touches the ball every offensive play has more of an effect on the outcome of a game then a defensive tackle.
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:32 pm
Fans live in the moment and right now Fitz is their hot mess. Question is do the Glazers have the balls to wait out the better play that is coming from Winston?
Remember Kurt Warner? Had 3 great years with the Rams then went belly up for a couple years. Shipped off to the Giants and stunk. Then went to Arizona and stunk for 3 years before salvaging his career there with two good years and a Super Bowl appearance. Jameis Winston is far from done at 24 years old. Anybody who thinks that is a moron. Hopefully Tampa doesn’t keep making the same mistakes over and over and getting rid of players who WILL peak in the future. We’ve seen it over and over with other former Bucs.
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:43 pm
Cow buc crazy
“America’s Free agent Quarterback”
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:43 pm
Oops cw
November 3rd, 2018 at 1:53 pm
Jmarkbuc..you’ll wait forever to get an answer from oneil..there isn’t one..Jameis is what Jameis is..a mediocre QB..hope his days are numbered with the Bucs..
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:04 pm
That’s a good start, but c’mon we can do better than that… more realistic…
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:05 pm
some of you actually sound like you’re rooting against Fitzgerald ..sad sad fanbase
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:12 pm
Jeebus…some of you guys just don’t get it!!! I’m not talking about those Jameis sycophants being wrong…perhaps they’re right but time is obviously running out.
An old saying goes…you do not make your furniture better by chopping up your neighbors for comparison.
There is NO need for this total trashing of Fitz by the scared JW supporters who see their hero’s feet of clay being exposed daily here.
JW is JW. Fitz is Fitz….nobody can see the future but stop trying to disparage Ryan Fitzpatrick!!! It’s getting UGLY.
One side of this debate still believes that their guy is headed to the HOF…the other side…HOPING that Fitz can win some more games for us THIS YEAR.
Fitz won ten games one year….has JW done that yet? Oh but it was ALL that great Jet’s defense. Yeah they were good but that is exactly the freaking point!!!! Surround Fitz with the proper team and he CAN WIN….JW has won 9 games ONCE in his career.
JW has a 4.4 TD % with a 3.2% int rate.
Fitz has a 4.4 TD % with a 3.4% int rate.
These guys have such similar numbers it’s eerie…one has done it over 14 years the other over 4 years.
Continually insulting Fitz as a journeyman backup is disrespectful to a guy who has played in this league 14 years. Get back to me when JW has a 14 year career…certainly a possibility but UNTIL he does it…respect some achievements will ya? During the second week of the 2011 season, Fitzpatrick led the Bills to touchdown drives on five straight possessions in the second half to rally past the Raiders. It was the first time in league history a team had scored offensive touchdowns on five straight possessions in the second half. It was dare I say it….JW style heroics.
Trashing Fitz is not only wrong it DOES NOT HELP JW.
The ONLY thing that can save JW relative to Fitz now is not all this trashing of Fitz…they have similar numbers! You have to pray Fitz has a bad rest of the season. Go Bucs eh.
BTW Not that anybody cares but if you like cerebral QB’s…Fitz has the highest Wonderlic score for any QB whose ever taken the test. In fact the only guy to score higher was Pat McInally the Bengal WR/punter another Harvard guy.
I honestly do not know what will happen going forward…as D.R.
loves to remind us….football is a team sport. This team…or perhaps the constant negativity on this blog..has destroyed my confidence in the team and organization.
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:18 pm
don’t see any other way, no one will trade for him when our other option is to release him….
I don’t think a different coach can fix what can’t be fixed.
NO that is not an endorsement of Dork.
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:23 pm
@I Bleed Pewter
“sad sad fanbase” correction: sad FSU fanbase.
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:38 pm
@Colonel Angus
Congrats on selecting the best name on this blog. LMAO
That SNL skit with Christopher Walken was the GOAT!!!!
And BTW you nailed this entire debate with one single sentence.
“Who cares who plays QB, only thing that matters is a Bucs victory.”
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:51 pm
I read the same thing over and over again, jameis will win a superbowl with another team.
That’s all that you can muster in defense of a #1 pick. Oh and he’s what 21, 22, 23 24.. That’s basically a concession that you’ve lost but you cant admit it. Who knows if winston gets a superbowl ring. You a gypsy fortune teller , time traveler or something that gives so much certainty about future events. If yes, cool quit wasting time and go to the track. After you’ve proven that you are a super hero get back to us.
The bucs have gone thru a crap load of QB’S and because three of 100 won a chip you want to base future decisions on past successes. I hope at some point you guys realize how insane you sound and get help. If winston does win a chip with another team, I’m sure you’ll preen around telling anyone and everyone you knew it. For puc sakes, you sound like a wife.
Be a man, make decisions that you have responsibility for the outcome. Since you got Nada in the game, stop acting like a housewife of largo. Be etch.
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:54 pm
Joe is sickened by the thought of a Fitzpatrick led Bucs team. The rest of the world is sickened by the thought of a team led by a W-eating, crotch grabbing wannabe with all the leadership skills of a fifth grader.
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:57 pm
You heard it here first…..Fitz has to win or Jameis starts next week…..
The only way Fitz stays with a loss is if he plays lights out and the defense totally is responsible for the loss….
November 3rd, 2018 at 2:59 pm
Play the hot hand… so Fitz gets the start this week and we see how it goes. Nothing wrong with that, but obviously he’s not the teams future QB, Winston is, and he should be back in there soon enough when Fitz cools off. In the meantime I hope Fitz can get a W since if he can’t the season is over and it’s on to yet another year when the talk in early Nov is about next year’s draft.
November 3rd, 2018 at 3:19 pm
I love how all the Winston-homers think he “just had one bad game and got benched.” He’s had a problem with turnovers EVERY SINGLE YEAR he has played.
November 3rd, 2018 at 3:55 pm
Fitz is SO awesome and SO generous that he wanted 7 teams in 13 years to experience his greatness! What a guy!!
November 3rd, 2018 at 4:03 pm
How the F is the season over if we lose to the Panthers? 3-5 ain’t over. 3-7 is over.
November 3rd, 2018 at 4:09 pm
Buc believer
Looks like JW maybe on to his second team in 5 years, and I wonder if he’ll even make it 13. Actually that was an ignorant comment anyway. By trying to criticize Fitz you basically said that JW sucks worse. After all he is Fitz’s back-up now. JSTFU
November 3rd, 2018 at 4:13 pm
A fanbase so intent on losing. So used to losing they want to lose just to maintain that losing feeling. Want so bad for their Winston fanboy love to be validated that they hope their team loses.
Say what you want about Browns fans. They don’t act like losers.
November 3rd, 2018 at 4:27 pm
How ironic is it for a “fan” to hope their QB fails so a favorite failed QB gets to try failing again?
I guess there is a difference between a Buc Fan and a Winston Fan.
November 3rd, 2018 at 4:45 pm
Embarrassing times around here backing Winston
November 3rd, 2018 at 4:50 pm
November 3rd, 2018 at 5:01 pm
Listen let the owners n coaches deal with the qb. I like jw he had a crap game n ain’t been great this year hope he gets a chance again and thrives but it’s not up to us. I also hope fitz does great. How many times I see negativity from so called fans “we’re gonna lose this game n that game STFU hope for the best expect the worst but stop all the negativity and hate. U look like a bunch of falcon fans talking crap about ur own team n players its straight pathetic it ain’t a wonder the fan base here is more of a laughing stock than our teams defensive performance SMMFH
November 3rd, 2018 at 5:06 pm
Couple of possible Buc draft pick QBs playing right now… Drew Lock Mizzou and Finley NC State
November 3rd, 2018 at 5:28 pm
Start the rumor mill! Bradford to Tampa!!
November 3rd, 2018 at 5:37 pm
we gotta be able to keep it front of us [defensively]
Translation short throws meaning more chances to get picks, if the deep ball isn’t available this team can’t methodically go down the field on the others defense. Good luck Fitz, dirk is praying you are lights out because he believes you will save his job. I’m already seeing flashbacks of games 3&4. I’ll be honest I don’t want to waste time on Fitz stop gap. Don’t look good thing year only to look old and crappy next year. If we’re going to move on from Winston move on and find a way to go get a quarterback, last in the division and thinking Fitz will get us a wildcard is delusional to me.
What coach will want to come here thinking oh we’re good they got Fitz magic? Some wet behind the ears nobody that just wants a chance to lead a team
November 3rd, 2018 at 5:53 pm
Bruce Irving cut by Raiders.
Go get him.
November 3rd, 2018 at 5:58 pm
There’s apparently a lot of friction between McCarthy and Aaron Rodgers and Rodgers might be wanting out of Green Bay. Maybe we could swap Winston for Rodgers. A. Rodgers would be a great fit for our offense plus he would help take the pressure off our defense.
November 3rd, 2018 at 5:59 pm
Omg there is no unwritten law that you have to draft your franchise QB in the first round. Winston ain’t working out. Fitz may not be long term but he’s the best chance to win now. Let’s fix the defense and sign a veteran free agent (Flacco?) and not spend the next decade in the freaking doldrums again.
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:07 pm
North Carolina State Ryan Finley QB top draft pic we need to draft him with Fitzy leading away to highly intellectual accurate quarterbacks what a legacy 4 Fitzpatrick to finish out the year get us in postseason then bringing a new rookie that’s just as smart as he is with a great sense of football and knows how to protect the ball and it’s a great third round converter
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:11 pm
North Carolina State Ryan Finley QB top draft pick we need to draft him with Fitzy leading the way twp highly intellectual accurate quarterbacks what a legacy for Fitzpatrick to finish out the year and possibly get us in postseason then bringing a new rookie that’s just as smart as he is with a great sense of football and knows how to protect the ball and he’s a great third round converter also.
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:11 pm
I love how people talk of Winston as if he hasn’t been here for four years.
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:11 pm
Man up, Joes.
Execution/performance rules the day around here, now.
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:16 pm
So we don’t have a franchise QB still. I don’t think it’s a good idea to draft a QB in first rd. We need to draft D anyways. We need to trade for a big name QB. Makes no sense to have all these weapons in their prime on O and start hoping a unproven rookie is going to ball out. These vet weapons will be out the door real quick if they are asked to rely on a rookie. Why do you guys think the players on O like Fitz so much? Because he knows what he’s doing and has tons of experience. I totally understand he is not the future. But he is our best chance to win now.
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:19 pm
Buc believer Says:
Fitz is SO awesome and SO generous that he wanted 7 teams in 13 years to experience his greatness! What a guy!!
Rich Gannon was SO awesome and SO generous that he wanted 5 teams in 13 years to experience his greatness! What a guy!!
Oneilbucs Says:
Ray fizpatrick is trash why do y’all think this guy is so good after being in the league for 14 years on 8 different teams and never played in a play off game.
Rich Gannon was drafted by the Pats in 1987 who quickly released him. He went on to the Vikes, then Redskins, then Chiefs, until he finally reached the Raiders 13 years after he was drafted. No one would dispute that up to that point he had been a career backup journeyman QB. If Oneil had been there at that time, he likely would have written an identical post to criticize Gannon, just like the one he wrote to criticize Ray fitzpatrick (who?). Yet in his 2nd year with the Raiders he finally led a team to the postseason and started his 1st playoff game, and it happened ONLY 14 years after being drafted. Imagine that. .
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:20 pm
That was I, Anonymous.
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:22 pm
Hmm. The post I just sent in as Anonymous hasn’t shown up yet.
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:33 pm
I’m gonna just say this, if the bucs work out sam Bradford I’m walkin
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:54 pm
2 future Buc QB’s are having good days
Drew Lock…Mizzou
Finley …NC State
I’ve been saying QB with 1st pick in 2019
November 3rd, 2018 at 6:56 pm
Well if you’re going to dream might as well dream big. But I spend three months a year in the heart of “Pack Country”
If ANYBODY leaves GB it will be McCarthy not Rodgers.
Now perhaps that is a fantasy some here would like to pursue…Fire Koetter and bring in McCarthy.
And there is this… Aaron Rodgers signs record-breaking NFL contract worth $134 million. Talk about immediate cap issues for the Bucs.
Rodgers is one of my favorite players not in a Buc uniform…but I’m not getting my hopes up Trench. At least you’re thinking outside the box.
November 3rd, 2018 at 7:43 pm
The only thing thats given is Fitz’s performance has the Coaches believing he gives the team the best chance to win. Panthers have a very good defense
and they know jameis’s tendencies. Kuekly has gotten Jameis to change the play
that to the defense is ready for before. He often telegraphs his intentions so these are
weaknesses that Koetter can’t hide from a seasoned defense.. Fitz has a tough challenge but his best chance is to get the ball out quick and use his ability to anticipate where the receivers will be.
Hard to knock the decision with the high turnovers and only one TD in\.
the last two games through the air.
November 3rd, 2018 at 7:44 pm
Matt Ryan thrived in a Dirk offense, Fitz is thriving in a Dirk offense, David Garrard thrived in a Dirk offense. Winston can but he is not accurate and throws picks.
November 3rd, 2018 at 8:01 pm
At this point who cares about the future of the franchise. The future of every position on this team, both front office and personnel, looks bleak.
The only thing going for this team is that we are still hovering around .500 and are still alive for a playoff run. Of course that could basically die tomorrow but at least we still have a chance for the moment.
This franchise is just so difficult to keep following year in and year out. We can never root for any playoffs. Can barely hoping for .500 football. They can’t even give us good games against our division foes and you can’t even buy a ticket and go to a game and expect a win.
I’m a die-hard fan but I’m embarrassed about my team. I am in shame.
November 3rd, 2018 at 8:02 pm
Simply out: the Vegas line would move 5/6 points if Winston were the starting QB.
November 3rd, 2018 at 8:08 pm
You just know if Mike Smith we’re still here he would let the Panthers run all over us. I’ll be curious to see Duffners attack plan in the 1st quarter tomorrow.
November 3rd, 2018 at 8:12 pm
He needs to find a way to get Carlton matching up with Olsen. I’m sick and tired of no-name TEs eating us alive.
I expect Olsen to ba accounted for and adjustments made if need be.
November 3rd, 2018 at 8:15 pm
Tank for tua 2020
November 3rd, 2018 at 8:26 pm
It would take a miracle ..but can you imagine the confidence boost for a beleaguered fanbase, just seeing a future H.O.F.er running our offense? It would certainly be interesting. 🏈
November 3rd, 2018 at 8:50 pm
One thing that Jameis has is heart mixed with athletic talent. You will all see soon enough. Jameis will resurge with hope, and the courage to lead the Bucs to superiority. For now he will lay low until the dust settles. Go Bucs!
November 3rd, 2018 at 9:00 pm
Oh yeah Trench…agree…but again Rodgers is my favorite player not wearing a Buc’s uni.
I just suspect that if the power struggle gets too intense it will be McCarthy who is forced out not Rodgers. Perhaps you’re right though. Maybe the Pack is second guessing themselves over that 134 million.
BTW Trench if McCarthy leaves would you prefer him over Koetter?
November 3rd, 2018 at 10:15 pm
Wow people are so ready to get rid of Winston and they sound so desperate. Not only that but dumb enough to say just go get another quarterback in the draft as if it’s soooo easy. We’ve never even drafted an average qb like Winston which is pathetic. We had the first overall to get him . We have the worst defense in the league and no third round pick. What’s the plan? Ignore the defense and draft a quarterback instead of keeping Winston one more year? Your going to pay Fitz at his age 12-14 mil and cut the young? They are stuck with Winston and no one except fake fans feel the need to rush to cut the first overall pick because you have no skin in the game watching doesn’t count. A new coach will decide his fate not sorry arse dork Koetter
November 3rd, 2018 at 10:27 pm
No we dont want Jameis
November 3rd, 2018 at 10:54 pm
You know what’s dumb. ^^^^^
Giving him a 5 year 125 million contract. You know the one that Derek Carr got and experts have compared to before.
For an average quarterback you just commented on above and is true.
Please. I beg you. Please take your hands away from that man’s junk.
November 3rd, 2018 at 10:57 pm
That’s 25 mil a year which means less money to spend on free agents and your own solid players.
If you are paying that kinda money, you better be absolutely right.
Off and on field issues not inline with that.
November 4th, 2018 at 12:01 am
2015: Winston 5-2 when Bucs hold opponents to 24 or less pts.
2016: Winston 9-0 when Bucs hold opponents to 24 or less pts.
2017: Winston 2-5 when Bucs hold opponents to 24 or less pts.
2018: Winston 1-0 when Bucs hold opponents to 24 or less pts.
17 wins and 7 losses when the Bucs play AVERAGE defense. If you don’t understand these numbers you are a moron. It’s all about Winston and his Won/Loss record is all I read. Well with an AVERAGE defense Winston is 17-7. Quit complaining about Winston and start complaining about the 11+ guys who play defense. Winston is going to play even better in the future. His problem is he tries to rescue this pathetic team with bad throws then takes the brunt of the criticism. Let’s see is this Defense can hold the Panthers to 24 pts or less Sunday. My gut says it won’t happen and please don’t blame Fitzpatrick either. The QB position is not the problem.