No Difference In Playcalls

November 13th, 2018

Explains playcaller change

Sunday was the first time all season that Bucs Bit-O-Honey-snacking, Ozark-watching coach Dirk Koetter called the plays on offense.

The offense had three points.

But while the offense did rack up an impressive 501 yards of offense, Koetter dismissed any idea there was much of a difference in the way he ran the offense and the way offensive coordinator Todd Monken ran the offense in previous games.

Koetter explained why he called the plays in his weekly sitdown with Dan Lucas of WFLA-TV Channel 8.

“We game plan so much as a staff that there really isn’t much difference when Todd calls it,” Koetter said. “And Todd has done a fantastic job of calling the offense this year.

“Going into [Sunday] based on the game I anticipated it would be, I wanted to try to hold onto the ball a little bit more. Run the ball. Use our RPO’s a little bit more. And we were able to do that.”

Until the offense got into the red zone and fell apart.

You can watch Koetter’s full sitdown with Lucas in the WFLA-TV Channel 8 video below.

34 Responses to “No Difference In Playcalls”

  1. Chuckstutz Says:

    I call bullspit!! When a layman at home senses a different game flow and wonders aloud if someone other than the oc is calling the plays! Obvious differences and not just on the scoreboard. Go coach monken!!!! One damn good coach neutered by not so good a coach.

  2. Tampa Bay Tailgater Says:

    The guy is planning on his departure and is trying to market himself to the rest of the NFL, plain and simple.

  3. Jonathan Lipnicki Says:

    Nice Joe…the nickname game is enjoyable…beginning with Peter King and Aquib Talib…perhaps add “dead man walkin’/lame duck coachin’…to a DK’s RIP.

  4. Rick Theil Says:

    If you all remember last year in the red zone Dirk was terrible, last week we were 4 for 4 and most of this year we scored in the red zone

  5. JJV Says:

    The #1 priority of Bucs fans now should be finding a properly fitting paper bag to wear on our heads.

  6. Getaclue Says:

    Didn’t get Howard involved at all in the red zone. We scored multiple times the week before using him in motion

  7. Bobby M. Says:

    What calls would Monken run that were guaranteed to avoid missed FGs and turnovers? I don’t understand the angle of these articles….Its like there’s this magical crystal ball that clearly shows had Monken been in or Winston been in, that the results would be different then they’ve been all year. It doesn’t matter who was playing QB or calling the plays….The two options we have at QB both are turning the ball over at alarming rates that NO coach can succeed with. Little news flash….Koetter didn’t pick Winston or Fitzpatrick, he just works with what he’s given. To be accurate, Koetter has gone on record stating publicly his preference was Mariota. Our offensive design is literally the only asset this team can hang its hat on and we’re hell bent on getting rid of the one thing that’s producing….Why not position it as how good would we be had Licht drafted Mariota….or not wasted a pick on Aguayo….or Hargreaves….What does the crystal ball show for that scenario?

  8. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    501 yards in totall offense a couple missed FGs, 2 dropped TDs, and then int in Redzone and fumble because the lazy franchise LT is terrible, this was not on Koetter maybe fit and the fumble and int but 501 yards, and if the bucs had a legit #1 RB he takes a couple runs to the house and doesnt fumble running free down the field

  9. Bucsfanman Says:

    Hey, but we have a top 5 offense! Right guys?!!!

  10. Casey Morgan Says:

    The difference is Monken was able to get long TDs. With Koetter we were methodical and got bogged down in the red zone…

  11. doolnutts Says:

    You are spot on Robby.. I don’t understand why people hype up the “play calling” this is Dirk Koetter’s offense plain and simple. We hit turnovers and that has almost nothing to do with play calling… If we didn’t rack up 500 yards and no points you could say Koetter failed but we cannot say that. The players did not execute per usual.

  12. BigMacAttack Says:

    It’s a sad state of affairs when a Bucs’ website has more fans than the Bucs do.
    Commiseraters and haters unite.

  13. OneBuc55 Says:

    Dirk Koetter is the worst my best friend is an Atlanta Falcons fan and he still hates Dirk Koetter…ever notice how much better Matt Ryan got once Dirk Koetter and Mike Smith were run out of town…

  14. JabooBuc Says:

    Once again, this is all BS. Koetter actually called a really good game and the game plan was solid. The Bucs were the better team but did not execute when most important. That’s not on the coach so much as it is on the players. At least 16 points left on the field because of player error.

  15. Bucs Fan #7423 Says:

    Dirk Koetter has a vertical offense to move up and down the field, but once he gets in the red zone he can’t score.

    All he needs to do in the redzone is to flip his “Vertical” plays sideways to become “Horizontal” plays to score in the redzone.

    It’s that simple.

  16. adam from ny Says:

    when the new coach comes in, he will have a year to access winston and decide how to move forward after that…with or without jameis will be a priority for him to figure out in the first year…that will be next year’s scenario most likely

  17. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    It wasn’t the playcalling……dropped passes, penalties, missed kicks…..

    I still don’t understand that with Monken and Koetter….why we absolutely feel it is necessary to waste a first down running play in the red zone.

    Will someone please find the stat for our 1st down running plays in the red zone… will speak volumes….

    We march down the field….get to the red zone….then all of the sudden try to run.


  18. 813bucboi Says:

    dirk is in no mans land……lol….


  19. AtlBuc Says:

    doolnutts Says:
    We hit turnovers and that has almost nothing to do with play calling… If we didn’t rack up 500 yards and no points you could say Koetter failed but we cannot say that. The players did not execute per usual.

    When players don’t execute, it’s because they are not mentally focused. Its the coaches responsibility to keep the players motivated and sharp. The only reason Gruden won the super bowl here was he was a great motivator. He surely isn’t a great coach. You don’t see players relaxin mentally on Bellicheck or Tomlin. It seems like Koetter has lost this team. The offensive line loafing is further evidence of this.

  20. I'm a Tandyman Bucs Fan Says:

    Market himself for other NFL Teams..,$&^@) Who the hell would want someone of his capabilities??? The guy is a flippin Loser. He needs to get on his boat and go fishing way way out in the ocean so nobody can find him to keep from asking about his failures in the NFL …. Or maybe he could go to Louisville they are looking for a Head Coach and they know how to lose as good as Tampa Bay. Ole Dork would fit in fine there!!!!

  21. Troy Says:

    It’s complete nonsense. How hard is it for the head coach to say to the coordinator “Use the RPOs more and let’s run it a bit more”. It all comes down to this – Dirk feels threatened by his OC. He wanted to prove it was his system and not the OC that made the offense better this year. He failed because our red zone offense was putrid, like last year when Dirk called the plays.

  22. joestang Says:

    Koetters play calling in red zone is terrible. You have big receivers and you never try a fade pattern or quick slant.

  23. Cgmaster27 Says:

    I like how some of you say the play calling wasnt the problem. 28 points a game with monken, 3 with Dirk, and those are facts. Heres an idea ,run the valley ont he 5 yard line dumbass Dirk. Or throw it up to Howard. Yes playcalling was way wrong and anyone that has eyes could spot the difference.dirl is a dead man walking hitching hi horse to a 35 year old turnover machine whose plays on 20 different teams.

  24. lambchop Says:

    …..Or a back shoulder.

  25. tnew Says:

    Not the first to say it, but I agree. Koetter is auditioning for his next job.

  26. Not there yet Says:

    Koetter sucks just like the defense and that should be the game plan every week to hold on to the ball more with a horrible defense like that. What did he say I’ll sacrifice points for time of possession? Lol don’t understand why he didn’t think monken could do that. Koetter sucks and he’s a liar. You can’t give play calling back now, if your offense goes backwards you’ll look even worse than he you already do. I’m ready for coaching candidate rumors to be leaked like the Gruden rumors last year

  27. Eric Says:

    3 points is going to get him another NFL gig?

  28. stpetebucsfan Says:

    500 yards offense….we put THREE SCORES on the ground with ME’ drop in the end zone…Brate’s drop near the goal line and Jack’s fumble into the end zone. Even with three missed extra points that was enough to win the game! Then add in the terrific opening drive…Koetter’s play calling…and Fitz gets picked right at the end zone.

    So if the PLAYERS…simply executed Koetter’s plays there’s 28 points right there…missing NOT on Koetter’s play calling but on the players total lack of concentration. I used the C word a couple of weeks ago for the first time. TBBF used it yesterday.

    We need to be honest here. Nobody wants to be called a choker…perhaps the ultimate slam in sports…but our roster right now is LOADED with chokers and some of them are our star players. And it’s not just the playmakers…we have significant choking going on with our OL..DL…LB’s…DB’s our GM and HC and our owners are all choking as well. Time to call a spade a spade.

    I guess we could blame Koetter for not easing their tight collars…but it’s NOT his play calling. When your two top receivers have the dropsies not many plays work with a dropped ball at the end. A couple of games ago I couldn’t believe my eyes…Godwin who is one of my favorite Bucs just couldn’t hang on to the ball.

    If the “C” word as in choke is too harsh…then use the “C” word of concentration. My point is simple…we are losing because of our talent or lack thereof above the neck. This team has talent…it’s not the play calling…it’s the EXECUTION!!!

  29. jjbucfan Says:

    Look at the same posters that bash Jameis are the same ones that continue to Dirk. Gee, I wonder why that is? Very curious.

    I think that what is lost in this is that our offense was scoring at an alarming rate and Dirk decided to upset the apple cart and remove the guy that got us there. The ultimate sign of a narcissist- you are doing great but I can do better. It may just be subconscious that the players couldn’t believe that Dirk would have the audacity to usurp Monken like that. I know all the Dirk guys will say, these are professionals and they have to overcome that, but the truth is that they are also human beings.

    For all of you saying Jameis lost the locker room- I think you are completely misguided, I believe it is Dirk that has lost the locker room and he is burning this spit down on his way out and he is bringing Jameis down with him, because with every narcissist, it is always someone else fault. They can never look inward and believe that it could be them that has failed.

  30. ATrain Says:

    Dirk trying the Jedi Mind Trick

    No difference in Play calling. You see no difference


  31. Says:

    Should I get a Public or Winn Dixie paper bag for the 49ers game?

  32. Says:

    Publix… dang autocorrect…

  33. D1 Says:


    It’s not misguided if a person in the locker room says that JW has lost it. That is something that has been said as has. Koetter would lose his team if he lied by telling the team winston is the best option for winning. That’s a player who is there ….so the only thing misguided is a flat out denial or refusal to acknowledge it.

  34. Darin Says:

    Great Dirk!! You held onto the ball!! Hooray! Try scoring more than them next time!!. No actually dont. Draft talk time. Do your thing and lose em all!!