It Is Not The Quarterback
November 12th, 2018 has the answer.
There seem to be two types of Bucs fans these days. One blames whoever is quarterbacking the Bucs. The other blames the defense.
Lost in the hollering over what is killing the Bucs is a third and perhaps a fourth theory.
Austin Knoblauch of is of the opinion the issue is not America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, or journeyman backup Ryan Fitzpatrick.
The problem is on offense and it is plain as day, he suggests.
Koetter said he was mulling over whether or not to start Jameis Winston next week, but that probably won’t fix what ails the Bucs. Fitzpatrick’s two interceptions stung, but the lack of a running game in combination with two lost fumbles and Chandler Catanzaro missing two of three field-goal attempts (30 and 48 yards) are game-breakers in close contests.
That is a very interesting point to Joe and it may be why the Bucs struggle so much in the red zone. Defenses don’t worry about the run (that may also explain why Bucs quarterbacks have done so well scrambling up the middle this year — defenses don’t give a damn about the Bucs running backs).
The kicking situation is beyond a comedy show at this point. And just for fun, let’s take a look at running backs the Bucs have banked on the past few years.
Doug Martin, Chuckie Sims, SnoopDog McPlaybook, Jacquizz Rodgers, Ronald Jones and an undrafted free agent out of Auburn, Peyton Barber (who runs hard as hell when he gets the ball, just busts his tail).
No wonder defenses snicker like Muttley when the Bucs are in the red zone with that cast of running backs.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:03 am
the problem is Koetter.
Jamies will be a fantastic QB for another franchise with good coaching in the near future.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:03 am
it’s ownership and it always has been. the losing culture is real and promoted by owners with no intentions of fielding a respectable product.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:04 am
Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) This is how I get about this time every year to the point where I just don’t give a crap anymore.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:06 am
Winston > Freeman maybe but their careers are starting to follow the same path.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:09 am
They had this problem for the past 2 years and now all of a sudden the national folks see this as an issue.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:11 am
Bucnjim BECAUSE TAMPA DESTROYS CAREERS! Leave Tampa and you win. Just look at how many have done it. Yet they are no good here in Tampa? I wish this franchise would just move to another state and start over.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:13 am
Can the bucs swap Winston for a different player on another team?
November 12th, 2018 at 11:18 am
i was thinking during the second half of the game that monken heavily regressed as a play caller or something…of course dirk secretly took over…the man is obviously threatened by monken as a play caller and took back the duties, thus to lay an egg…dirk has to go…it seems to be that that man on many levels is actually a football idiot – or something to that nature…glazers please force dirk to let monken call the plays – at least that worked…dirk seems to be quite the shmuck – just look at him after games at the podium – it’s sad, ridiculous, and the expression on his face is sadly telltale of a bucs life
November 12th, 2018 at 11:20 am
The woefully poor running by this team is on the O line. Peyton Barber may lack big play speed, but that kid runs with everything he has. If this line could give him a crease he would be very successful in the red zone. Additionally, play calling in the red zone has been questionable all year.
Personally, I think we should let Jameis kick the rest of the year. He can’t be worse that Cantazero, I mean shouldn’t we give our #1 pick a chance to resurrect his career?
November 12th, 2018 at 11:22 am
Lack of running game and kicking problems? Shame no one on this board hasn’t seen that yet. lol
November 12th, 2018 at 11:22 am
Ben your a moron. You are actually part of the reason this franchise is always in the dumps. You probably don’t even support the team by going to the games. Instead the only thing you can see is the stats but not recognize the big picture. Do yourself a favor and go reread this article. These team needs a RB and has not had one since Jameis has been a Buc. A RB is a QBs best friend because it forces them to not just always play the pass. Hmm maybe that is why our red zone offense has been so bad for years…..
November 12th, 2018 at 11:23 am
how could that makeshift o-line of the skins manhandle our line…mccoy is a joke, we all know that…but now you have to remove those rose colored glasses and hone in on buckner and the potentially crappy job he is doing too…
also, it looks like jpp has kicked it sort of into cruise control…but still love that guy…someone probably told his “dude you can’t do this alone – chill out and you’ll still get 10-12 sacks and don’t kill your body”
also that last drive that turned to nothing – not even a field goal attempt – at the end of the first half – was pathetic – where dirk was smirking and laughing and shaking his head…that was sad to watch too
November 12th, 2018 at 11:24 am
And yes we need to build the Oline to have a good running game.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:26 am
FitzTragic blew the game yesterday
0-5 Passing, 2 turnovers, 2 sacks in the Red Zone
There’s no way to deny it
No matter how hard these Sportswriters try to point the blame in another direction
November 12th, 2018 at 11:27 am
FitzTragic left at least 20 points on the field
November 12th, 2018 at 11:27 am
there are two types
jameis the crabman supporters and buccaneer fans
crabman supporters blame the defense- their the same
there’s crabman and anti-crabman
November 12th, 2018 at 11:27 am
dirks face at the podium is just not good any more…he has to go because the team players watch these press conferences too – and his face says it all – there’s half a season left and his demeanor alone is not cutting it at the podium…he is losing me, so he is definitely losing the players…his face is a disgrace
November 12th, 2018 at 11:29 am
this sucks because i like dirk – but when it’s over it’s over…
November 12th, 2018 at 11:29 am
November 12th, 2018 at 11:32 am
Blame everything and everyone, including JoeBucsFan, coincidence they appeared as the lost decade began? Hmmmmmm….
Winston sucks, Fitz sucks, Owners suck, Coaches suck, even the stadium sucks.
The Defense really sucks and did they really play well yesterday? Or was it simply a awful Redskin offense?
November 12th, 2018 at 11:32 am
Comfortably Numb.
Bucnjim ….that’s how I’ve been with this team for the past 5-6 years now.
I’m not sure who’s to blame for the problems on O. I do think 2 1/2 games of football in 2018 is too small of a sample size to throw Jameis away. I think the Bucs are making a BIG mistake not starting him.
To Jameis : I’ve been a Bucs fan for nearly 30 years…..Run away Jameis. Run far away from this area. I know you want to make the Bucs great again, I know the drive is there. Take that drive and head north on I 95. Go win them somewhere else. Come back someday to show all the Tampa fans what your rings look like. We’ll still be here bitchin’ and moanin’ about our current QB at the time. Some will still be here longing for the days of “magic” again….
Run Jameis run!
November 12th, 2018 at 11:37 am
If you have 501 yards of offense and you score 3 points
You blame the guy with the ball in his hand
The QB, it’s not that complicated
November 12th, 2018 at 11:44 am
Koetter gets outcoached on a weekly basis. Y is he still coaching this team? We need an aggressive take some chances coach who will go toe to toe for a knockout with the likes of Sean Peyton,Riverboat Ron, n Dan Quinn. They all have no respect for Koetter’s team. I know many fans would like to have John Harbaugh but I want his brother Jim Harbaugh AKA “Captain Come Back”.He’s feisty n aggressive n is the perfect fit for developing Winston. Players will come come crying to play for this coach. Defense will improve tremendously because he’s a players coach.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:44 am
I’ve seen down and distance decisions and plays that had Dirk’s MO on them being called for the last couple of weeks, and said so during the games. it’s looked to me like he re-claimed the lion’s share of the play-calling role, and just yesterday decided to share that with us, the uneducated masses.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:48 am
Players are waiting for Koetter and possibly themselves to be released so they’re playing sluggish. Giving %50 instead of %150.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:48 am
the problem is the HC and his scheme…..dirk is soft and his offense is passive…..his BFF had a passive defensive scheme……
smittys defensive scheme is outdated and dirks 4vert scheme is outdated….
we need a HC that wants to attack and play physical on offense and defense…..attack the ball carrier or passer on defense and unleash a creative unpredictable rushing attack on offense…..
and for GOD’s sake play to players strength and put them in position to be successful……if we draft a man press cb(VHG&ryan smith) play them in a man press defensive scheme…..dont force them to play off coverage or try to turn them into a safety…..if a players played 34 LB in college and most believe he’ll be an 34 LB because he lacks ideal DE size, dont force him to play 43 DE…..your setting players up for failure……
November 12th, 2018 at 11:50 am
There’s another problem. “Drop” Evans starts each game with a crucial drive killing drop. Yesterday’s fumble on Fitz wouldn’t have happened if Evans catches the damn ball in the end zone. He’s way overpaid for his production and seems to always lead the league in drops. The Oline is horrible with the exception of Marpet. Yes, that includes overpaid Jensen, and D. Smith. Don’t even get me going on Benenoch. As for the D, total overhaul is in order.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:52 am
November 12th, 2018 at 11:53 am
Why would depend on a 36 Year old journeyman QB
To lead you to the playoffs
7 teams in 14 years
Never been in a playoff game
3.4 INT rate
A career 50-74-1 record
It take a DUMB franchise to make a STUPID decision like this
November 12th, 2018 at 11:59 am
Starts with these sh!tty owners in the Glazer kids. Don’t know how to find a good GM and make terrible decisions when it comes to head coaches. They need to finally open the vault to a veteran HC with good playoff experience, not another coordinator, Rutgers! coach, or soft ass Lovie Dovey.
November 12th, 2018 at 11:59 am
All these articles shape around Koetter but Koetter didn’t pick these RBs…or kickers. If the talent isn’t there, it’s just not there. Licht drafted Simms…Is he even in the league? Snoop Dogs nephew…is buried on a depth chart or practice squad. Doug Martin is avg in Oakland. Jones was not remotely NFL ready and might just be another Simms. Barber and Rodgers are serviceable but our o-line blows at run blocking. Koetter didn’t pick the blockers either. It’s time for Licht to take the beating, he’s had 5 years and while the Titans are competing for a division…we sit dead last again for what will be the 4th time in 5 yrs.
November 12th, 2018 at 12:05 pm
Jason Licht brought this trash to Tampa
And now he is disowning it
November 12th, 2018 at 12:12 pm
Koetter doesn’t call any exciting routes in the red zone and that’s why he sucks. He thinks other teams play the 15 yard cushion in the red zone like we do. I can call every play in the red zone.
1st down: Obvious run call that gets stuffed
2nd and 3rd down: Designed play for a shot over the middle. Never see receivers in the back of the end zone and a the drop down to the outside doesn’t exist in Koetter’s playbook.
November 12th, 2018 at 12:25 pm
It all falls on Koetter because he decides who plays. Before it was Doug Martin when we could all clearly see Barber was better but now it Benonoch who’s clearly garbage but this coach isn’t even looking at replacing him with anyone so much that he’s avoiding the run altogether just to play this guy. Dirk doesn’t HAVE to play Shaun Wilson and quizz Rodgers doesn’t HAVE to play as much as he does, tired of seeing barber disappearing in the middle of the game to wonder if he got injured. Dirk is trash and she should have remained coordinator because he doesn’t a head coach mentality
November 12th, 2018 at 12:29 pm
-19 turnover margin. Next closest team is -13 (49ers), -11 (Jax), -7 (Jets, Cards, Bills). Notice any similarities between these teams?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this large a margin this early in the year. This stat clearly defines the issue with this team. The offense is careless with the ball and the defense simply does not play with the aggression needed to take the ball away. -19 TO margin translates into NFL losers.
November 12th, 2018 at 12:45 pm
Joe I think most rational fans knew that last year. I read a stat before the season started that the Bucs longest rushing TD last season was from 2 yds out. That’s ridiculous!
November 12th, 2018 at 12:46 pm
I wanted Fitz to start in place of JW because I thought he gave us the best chance to win yesterday. However, i am not married to this idea. At this point, it doesn’t matter so I guess you go with JW.
November 12th, 2018 at 12:48 pm
I thought the running game was better yesterday, and at times we ran real play action, like linebackers taking a step forward and dline actually flinching play action.
November 12th, 2018 at 12:56 pm
This is why I’ve been screaming all damn year that we should be running out of the shotgun formation. Teams don’t respect our run game, so make them pay for it.
Then you said up more effective play action. Maybe even try some misdirection plays to confuse a defense, what a crazy concept!
But hey wtfdik?
November 12th, 2018 at 1:20 pm
The problem is that the O-line sucks at run blocking. They get stood up at the line of scrimmage way to often with hardly an initial push.
November 12th, 2018 at 1:23 pm
I’m about to check -out for the season. I’m pondering giving up my fandom and take up fishing on Sundays. I’m tired of being a loser.
November 12th, 2018 at 1:32 pm
“No wonder defenses snicker like Muttley when the Bucs are in the red zone”
Joe going old school with that awesome one liner… And the visual to boot. Isn’t technology great? THIS is why newsprint is almost dead right here! Good one!
OK Joe – So I’ll see your joke at the expense of the Bucs offensive red zone efficiency and RAISE you a sarcastic quip regarding the Bucs Defensive red zone stopping skills.
Ha – winner winner chicken dinner.
Considering they showed a graphic during yesterdays game that the Bucs give up a TD 90% of the time when the other team enters the red zone….
I’m sitting on the NUTS and Joe is drawing dead…
It’s a Bucs Life….
November 12th, 2018 at 2:13 pm
First – Tampa is one of the most negative sports towns in the country. I’m from Tampa and have lived ALL OVER the US. It’s true. All the local sportswriters revel in the woe is me lore of past failures and all the fanbase commenters do is whine and complain and run players out of town. There is never a strong support system for players.
Second – the owners HAVE to hire a smart head of football operations who then hires the GM and coach next season.
Third – you absolutely bring Winston back for the final year AND you draft/sign another QB to compete with him. Period. Give Winston a shot for the rest of this season and with the next regime. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
FOURTH – all you Fitzmagic believers. Explain the fact that Koetter will be the 7th head coach fired on his watch in his career? Just try and explain that one.
FIFTH – don’t watch football if all it does is anger and depress you. Root for the guys to succeed and if they don’t, focus on your own life and what you can control.
November 12th, 2018 at 2:19 pm
Wasn’t barber having by far his best game of the season before they completely shut him down? …. this team had more issues than two qbs that aren’t careful with the football, a bad kicker, or a bad running game. The one game both the d and running game do OK is one of few games our offense doesn’t score tons of points. This team is just flat out dysfunctional and lacks the desire to win. Very few flag out effort plays where someone wills his team to a win at any phase of this team
November 12th, 2018 at 2:20 pm
“FitzTragic left at least 20 points on the field”
Yeah and Dirk’s play calling did the rest right? What game are you guys watching?
Fitz hit ME13 in the end zone for a TD that was DROPPED!!!
Fitz hit Brate just short of the end zone setting up another scoring opportunity..but wait it was dropped.
Jack Rodgers is steaming towards the end zone…Fitz moved the team down the field…when Jack fumbles the ball into the end zone…That’s only 18 points because we don’t have an NFL kicker to assure us of the three extra points to go with the 18.
That’s a win on DK’s playcalling….Fitz’s QB…our defense played decently yesterday….it’s a loss on EXECUTION.
We are radically inconsistent. There is not a star on this team that hasn’t choked plays away…we could start with #3 and add Fitz…and toss in some drops by normally solid receivers.
We make bad snaps…take stupid penalties…and along with this entire mess we complete this turd sandwich with bad luck.
We overthrow a ball…or it’s tipped and the other team for an int…we fumble and it’s lost…other team’s balls fall harmlessly to the ground. The fact we don’t have an int is certainly an indictment on our D but it’s actually pretty amazing from a simple luck factor.
EVERYTHING about this team sucks right now. There is NO need to look for scapegoats or try to blame one or two guys….it’s the ENTIRE ORGANIZATION from top to bottom…on and off the field.
November 12th, 2018 at 2:34 pm
I was sitting on the Redskins side of the field because my bro-in-law is a Skins fan and he was in town. I had the Skins fans thinking I was Nostradamus because every time the Bucs got into the Tedskin or close I would say “ Just wait, there’s a turnover coming soon.” It happened every time. How do you have 500 yards of offense and only 3 points??!! You have to be a special kind of inept to do that. Poorly coached team. We have the talent on offense we should be putting up 35+ per game. Number one offense in the NFL that includes teams like the Rams, Saints, Chiefs, + Steelers and we’re 3-6?? It’s coaching. This is not a disciplined or motivated team.
November 12th, 2018 at 2:35 pm
Tedskin is supposed to be Redzone. Damn you autocorrect!!
November 12th, 2018 at 3:24 pm
I like Dirk Koetter. I like Jason Licht. I like Ryan Fitzpatrick. Just as I liked Mike Smith. A lot of cool and nice men. But no more Mr. Nice Guys. We need tough, modern, up-to-date coaching and QB play. Since discussions have begun about canning the whole organization, I have winced. That means rebuilding and waiting 2-3 years before determining that we’re still going to be pond scum. But I’m at a point now, where I believe top to bottom changes are needed. The quicker we begin cleaning house, the sooner we can pull ourselves out of this debacle. Truly, this may be the worst team, with the most talent (particularly on offense), I’ve ever rooted for.
November 12th, 2018 at 4:59 pm
Koetter is like Norv Turner, or Wade Phillips, or Chan Gailey or Dave Campo – all good assistants, but Not good head coaches
November 12th, 2018 at 5:00 pm
glazers went cheap got cheap play cheap hope it was worth it
November 12th, 2018 at 5:02 pm
Barber would not start for any other team
November 12th, 2018 at 8:40 pm
Licht has built the team with questionable players in a lot of areas. His drafts have been monumentally stupid and aside from a few good free agents most have been busts. Kind of sad as we have some good skill players who are wasting their careers in Tampa. Nothing Koetter or Licht can do to save themselves. They are as good as gone after the last game.