Age Still A Factor?
November 28th, 2018
Hall of Fame parallels.
A lot of folks believe the next five games very likely could be the make-or-break period for the NFL career of Americas’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
Veteran sports columnist Gary Shelton believes folks might want to tap the brakes on blowing “Taps” on Jameis’ career.
Shelton — hardly a Jameis apologist — wrote on his site,, it’s about a coin flip whether he would keep Jameis given his baggage and mostly underwhelming performances.
However, Shelton types, looking at NFL history, it would be bordering on irresponsible to shovel dirt on Jameis’ career. Yes, he needs to improve, but perhaps observers are being too rash with him?
Shelton noted several Hall of Famers who struggled big time when they were the same age as Jameis (24), including a current quarterback who is a no-doubt Hall of Famer.
Hall of Famer Dan Fouts? He had a 5-20 record at Winston’s age. Joe Namath had 70 interceptions. Peyton Manning had 58 interceptions, although he had started to win. Joe Montana had not; he had two career wins at Winston’s age. At Winston’s age, Steve Young was 1-4 with the Bucs. Len Dawson had only one start, and he lost it.
There are more examples. Drew Brees was 10-17 as a quarterback at Winston’s age. Johnny Unitas was 10-9, Brett Favre was coming off of a 24-interception season. Troy Aikman was 7-19. Terry Bradshaw had 58 interceptions. John Elway had 52. Ken Stabler hadn’t thrown an NFL pass yet.
Y.A. Tittle was 1-6 at Winston’s age. Bart Starr was 3-15-3. Fran Tarkenton had thrown 68 interceptions. These are Hall of Fame quarterbacks, guys. Yes, rules make it harder than ever for a quarterback to throw an interception, but the examples do show that quarterbacks often have to grow up, and have their teams do the same.
This is a very interesting argument and final sentence by Shelton.
Joe will once again note that last year Jameis gave the Bucs a lead in the fourth quarter four times only to helplessly watch the defense bend over and say, “Thank you sir, may I have another?” as teams rammed it up their backsides.
Three-plays, 75-yards Tyrod Taylor, anyone?
If the Bucs had a halfway decent defense, no one would be talking about running off Jameis except those who have the twisted notion that NFL teams should be stocked with 53 priests.
Well, come to think of it, that may be a bad analogy. But you get Joe’s drift here.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:09 am
Agree 100% Joe!! As I said before, fans who want Jameis gone do not understand football Period. I got news for all the haters and Ignorant fans. Jameis will be your franchise QB. Take it to the bank!
November 28th, 2018 at 9:09 am
fire dirk!!!!!!……
dirk was promoted to develop winston and he has failed…winston along with others have regressed under dirk…..
November 28th, 2018 at 9:11 am
Great article, Joe. Really appreciate it.
The guy that I always think of is Terry Bradshaw, because early in his career in Pittsburgh he was as polarizing for the Steeler fan base as Jameis is.
Ready for this?
Through his first 4 seasons in Pittsburgh…
Terry Bradshaw had 41 TD’s and 73 INT’s!!!!!!!
November 28th, 2018 at 9:11 am
josh freeman was 24-39 and 66 int.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:15 am
There’s no better option in this years draft, or free agency that’s better then Jameis. He’s only going on 25 yrs old, and finally seems to be getting his life off the field together. He proved last week he can manage a game. If he was playing with the Bears defense this year we’d be in the playoffs. The 20 million we’ll pay him we’ll be the Bucs best investment going forward. We easily have the cap space especially when you get rid of the aging player contracts of McCoy, David, Grimes, and DJax, players who have no upside moving forward. You don’t get rid of a 25yr 1st pick in the draft Q.B. who’s only played for two lousy coaches, on a terrible team, who’s G.M. wastes draft capitol moving up in the second round for a kicker, and other players who’ve not panned out. Find a G.M. who can build a real competitor, and a real coach to lead them. That’s been our real problem the last five years.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:16 am
I do not need priests…but I would like “leaders” who cared enough about the organization to not go out and get blackout drunk (JW’s words) with a convicted rapist one year after a highly sensationalized accusation of rape.
It’s America where we believe in the concept of innocent until proven guilty. Therefore Jameis is innocent. But that has unfortunately reached the point of being irrelevant because of the number of allegations that had preceded Arizona…some of them btw not just allegations but provable facts…not the two sex cases but many other examples of poor judgement. This is called a “reputation”. In most cases it’s earned not just dropped out of the sky on someone. With a reputation come expectations.
Is it fair? No but can anybody deny it is what it is. I had to laugh when I read a poster who said Goodell has set up all the NFL players for golddiggers with his handling of this case. Really? Is that a problem in the league?
Meanwhile…poor Jameis has absolutely made himself a prime target. Again I hope he’s smart enough to hire bodyguards whenever he goes out…they would carry their cellphones to shoot video…there could be no more false charges of assault or anything else.
Seriously…JW is about to cash in on 20 million…he’s already reportedly worth 20 million…hiring a full time guard service to make sure JW remains protected seems like a cheap investment to me.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:20 am
Let’s be clear . The next 5 gams will be the last as a starter for Winston . Curb stomping coming in all of those games . This is what the JW supporters and this organization has left us with and I hope they enjoy watching the other teams real franchise QB destroy our overrated back up JW fumble Americas turnover machine .
November 28th, 2018 at 9:21 am
November 28th, 2018 at 9:22 am
Jameis decision making can improve….his accuracy will never be much more than its past
November 28th, 2018 at 9:22 am
That ‘last sentence’ was the only thing that led credence to that excerpt.
Those QBs played in a WAY tougher environment than what is now the National Flag Football League.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:25 am
Dan Fouts. Bart Starr. Johnny Unitas. Y.A, Tittle. Joe Namath. Peyton Manning. Drew Brees. Terry Bradshaw. Tarkenton, Young, Elway, Dawson, Aikman, Stabler.
And now, Winston.
What do they all have in common? Why, an extensive criminal record, of course.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:26 am
Truly one of your best articles.
You can’t argue with facts that are presented like this. You definitely have convinced me and I was on the fence, but since reading this article, I am now completely convinced that Jameis should be retained, trained and developed.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:26 am
Excellent point which I have endorsed on several sites over last 2 years. truth be known the majority of your leading QB’s who survived several teams, QB coaches, OC’s began their careers in a similar manner. Drew Brees Started with the chargers. I don’t claim to be an expert, only a fan, but I could see the Buc’s cutting Jameis loose only to watch him go on to a Hall of Fame career.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:26 am
Sure about that?
Don’t believe the State of Florida — an open records state — has any documentation of Jameis being arrested.
Joe’s in a good mood this morning. You do know what happens to folks on this site who make up things about players off the field, don’t you? 🙂
November 28th, 2018 at 9:29 am
I agree that compared to others Jameis is not unique with his losses and turnovers…
Bad teams get to draft 1st round QBs……really bad teams get the #1 overall pick…..Bad teams usually have bad defensed…..and bad teams lose games no matter who the QB……the Bucs have been a bad team under Winston…..lets improve the defense…..perhaps he’s a keeper.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:31 am
Hard to tell who is more desperate about Jameis’s home town team in 2020….Joe or Jamyth ….
November 28th, 2018 at 9:36 am
Even though parts of that argument have merritt, it really doesn’t apply here as there is a group of young QB’s in the league right now that have been in the league less time than Winston has that are playing at a much higher level than he is and are bringing excitement to their organizations.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:41 am
Bree’s was, WILDLY, mediocre in San Diego. Folks forget the, almighty, Nick Saban chose Culpepper over Drew. Sean Payton MADE drew. The Saints and Jameis would HAUNT Tampa. Lmao!!!
November 28th, 2018 at 9:43 am
Edgy Joe…well done! And GarBear Shelton may be onto something here. I’d like to give Winston the final 5 games and next season to see how things shake out. There are a lot of lousy alternatives out there…and very few young stars like Watson & Maholmes who have been more than coached up.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:44 am
Those qbs “played in a way tougher environment” my arse. D lineman were 250. Rofl!!! Stop with the INSANE trumpesque “they’re ruining the game” nonsense.. From a bunch of sissies who’ve NEVER played a sport in their lives. Insufferable
November 28th, 2018 at 9:49 am
AlteredEgo Says:
November 28th, 2018 at 9:22 am
Jameis decision making can improve….his accuracy will never be much more than its past
You say he’s not accurate yet his comp percentage this year is higher than Goff, Mahomes, Stafford, Wilson, Roethlisberger, Watson, Prescott, Brady, Flacco, Rodgers along with many others. Next your going to say he only throws short passed right?
#facts try to use them once in awhile.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:55 am
Bottom line is Jameis is still at a very young age in the early part of his QB career. He may play into his late 30s or ealry 40s. Team Glazer has invested too much in him. They already stated earlier this year their belief in Winston.
“He’s the first guy in the building, the last guy to leave the building, playing through pain, with injuries most people probably wouldn’t play for. So he’s done everything we were drawing up on the drawing board as our quarterback and the person we drafted.”
When asked specifically if the Uber allegations had impacted how he views Winston, Glazer responded emphatically, “Absolutely not.”
“The NFL has their policies and their processes, and they’re going through it,” Glazer said. “All we can do is focus on the offseason and doing what we can control, and I know Jameis is working hard and doing all the things he does — not only preparing for the season, but in the community and off the field, and being the person he’s been since we’ve drafted him.”
They are not going to give up on him at this point just because the fans think so.
Not happening. Well maybe in fantasy football.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:56 am
“No one knows more about JW development than Kobe Faker.
JW wants to be great. Great in Brady, Brees great level. Im not sure other young QBs wants that commitment to be that level.
Never in the history of the NFL, has a QB inreased his strength, quickness, speed and agility than JW from his college years(fatboy). The difference is astounding and achieved with unnbelievable commitment from him…
Kobe Faker
JW wants to 1 of the greatest, he needs an offensive QB whisperer thst knows the quick short passing game to compliments JW natural god given down field passing
November 28th, 2018 at 10:01 am
Well, how did that work out for Jacksonville this year?
An incumbent, mistake-prone QB In Blake Bortles – literally sucked the life out of that team.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:09 am
And the excuse next year will be “he’s only 25 years old”….
Did the above QBs start their careers at 20, 21 years old? Were the above QBs already in a system for 4 years, the SAME system?
C’mon, this excuse is completely moot at this point. He HAS to improve.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:16 am
2019 Nfl Draft for Bucs.
1. CB, Greedy Williams- LSU
2. RB, Bryce Love- Stand.
3. DE, Brian Burns -FSU
November 28th, 2018 at 10:18 am
As usual, you made some very good points that were presented with great thought.
I hate to make another Steeler reference (after the Bradshaw one earlier), but Ben Roethlisberger had to overcome some very similar mistakes from his younger years. He has gone on to be a model citizen in Pittsburgh that they are proud of.
I believe Jameis has enough good in his heart, and enough desire to truly do the right things by Tampa Bay….. that he is going to overcome this.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:21 am
All of the idiots who want to see Jacksonville trade us for Winston and see him win a superbowl on another team please go away.Winsotn is not the problem.
I’ll bet if he was white and his name were Andrew luck there would be crickets….but that’s just my opinion. Not trying to a race thing but it obviously boils down to. people looking for a reason to get rid.of him. Jameis isn’t the problem and he’s going to be a winner once he is supported by and average or better defense
November 28th, 2018 at 10:25 am
@joe… isn’t it true Jim Thorpe fumbled a lot until he was 26?
November 28th, 2018 at 10:30 am
BucTown Says:
“What do they all have in common? Why, an extensive criminal record, of course.”
Jameis doesn’t have a criminal record, BucTown.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:31 am
@Bucem, yes if he played like andrew luck who has 33 tds and 11 picks this year thru 10 games. Jw has 11 picks and he’s only started 4 games. Luck has taken a terrible roster to the title game, but yeah, its about race.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:36 am
You cannot compare a young QB in today’s NFL with those names mentioned from the past, including Brees.
First of all college ball was entirely different back then and few, if any, college offenses resembled NFL offenses , one big reason is that of the defenses run in college back them. QB’s simply were not prepared.
Secondly, the rules have changed. Back in The Day, a QB was nothing more than potential Dead Meat and receivers could be decapitated, so offenses operated out of a certain degree of fear. QB’s threw panic balls and still got smashed within the rules, and received got decapitated by D-backs even on an incomplete pass.
Today QB’s wear ballerina consumes and cannot be touched lest a stipe throw a yellow flag. Hell, you can’t even hardly breathe on a QB with a 15-yard penalty. DB’s can’t whack receivers over the middle—where John Lynch, Dwight Smith and Dexter Jackson made their living in the Buc Glory Days.
So QB’s and WR’s have little fear.
And QB’s now come out of college totally prepared for the complexity of pro offenses and defenses; they really just need to adjust to game speed.
Back in The Day there were more panic interceptions for fear of life and limb. Today, and directly regarding Winston, there are dumb-ass interceptions and QB’s no longer fear pain and destruction. Hell, some look like soccer dives if a D-Lineman hadn’t brushed his teeth.
Different worlds. Different game.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:41 am
JW is a good QB and I think he should remain the face of the BUC’s we just have to work on our D and in need of a top RB. Every year JW has been in the NFL he threw for over 4,000 yards but this year. TB give up to many point on D. like I said 1. CB, Greedy Williams LSU, 2. RB, Bryce Love, and Brian Burns DE
November 28th, 2018 at 10:45 am
If Jameis can play mistake football, that is ALL we need. He has all the tangibles. He just needs to grow up and realize that this a team game. If he just does his job, we have the players on offence to win, Now the defense, hire the BEST DC out there!!!
Jameis on his day can be a top 10 QB, without a doubt. I think he has probably been coached all his life. He has a coach that sits next to him every game and goes over plays. Coaching is NOT the problem, it’s his personality and demeanor. He needs to take a page out of any of the greats playing at the moment. All are cool headed is a crisis. When
Jameis can take a sack or throw the ball away as his best decision, then he will be fine.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:48 am
You make some great points, @Cobraboy, although I must say that Mullens (SF QB) took 2 of the hardest shots on Sunday from the Bucs that I have seen in awhile. — It was a beautiful thing.
I have no doubt that those hits contributed to Mullens’ passing struggles.
QB’s can definitely still get hit, and hit hard. It just has to be done with the correct technique and timing.
November 28th, 2018 at 10:50 am
and in 2018 veteran QB’s Aaron Rodgers is 4-6-1 should be 4-7 and Matt Ryan is 4-7. Two veterans who have taken their teams to the Super Bowl BOTH have losing records. As I’ve been stating QB is but one piece of the 53 man roster. An important piece like the Queen in chess but still one piece. Jameis Winston needs to only worry about his play and not trying to save the scrub Buccaneers from themselves. If he does that he’ll have a long career. Hopefully in Tampa.
November 28th, 2018 at 11:41 am
JOE, can you fix that? If so, he can stay. If not, shove off.
Don’t waste anymore time on a guy who only plays well when it doesn’t matter. He sucks when the chips are down.
November 28th, 2018 at 11:44 am
BucEmUp Says:
November 28th, 2018 at 10:21 am
Not trying to a race thing but
These folks should be permabanned.
November 28th, 2018 at 12:18 pm
This is what you guys don’t get, there are going to be TO’s period and there are going to be even more when you have no running game and you are playing from behind.
Plus people are saying Andrew Luck is having a MVP year and he has committed a TO in 6 of his 11 games this year including 4 multiple pick games.
For you folks that are saying just play mistake free football, then that basically means you expect him to be the MVP of the league every game cause those are the only guys that are paying mistake free football each week. See Drew Brees, Tom Brady, etc…
I like Jameis and think he is our guy but we also have to be realistic here, he is not going to be the MVP of the league at 24 years old.
November 28th, 2018 at 12:28 pm
Only a loser mentality and a losing franchise would give up on Jameis at 24
November 28th, 2018 at 12:46 pm
5 games to go, last week he was exceptional. Now come playoff contender Carolina on a losing streak. Winning Sunday and not making bonehead plays will set up more support for Winston amongst fan base, media and management.
Patience is the key here, these games don’t mean much as far as playoffs for the Bucs but they will be meaningful to every opponent except perhaps Atlanta as they too are a 7 loss team. Playing meaningful games in December vs good competition will determine whether Winston shows he can lead the Bucs towards an 8-8 season which at this point would be exceptional.
November 28th, 2018 at 12:47 pm
As for whether he’ll become a truly good QB? Jameis just needs to take the check down or hit the OPEN receiver more and stop looking for 30 yard pass plays.Stop trying to force the ball into coverage….and be more willing to tuck it down and run. Not that complicated.
The people who want to pull the plug on Jameis are the same ones who believed the shifting and multiple version of events in Tallahassee..the same who reflexively say Crab Legs! whenever his name is mentioned… as if they never had a college hook up from a friend.
November 28th, 2018 at 1:02 pm
Jameis will forever be a average QB until he can complete a deep pass to deshawn jackson
November 28th, 2018 at 1:10 pm
Bucs Fan #7423 has an awkward love fest with Mesean Jackson. Dude get over Mesean because after these 5 games he will be known as Megone Jackson. Maybe sooner if the put him on the Irrelevant Receiver list. IR is the perfect spot for Mesean.
November 28th, 2018 at 2:09 pm
Is it me, or has Gary Shelton’s writing improved since he left the paper? Almost as though his superiors there were dictating his stances to generate traffic.
As to Jameis, I’m 100% behind him. Have been since he was drafted by the Buccaneers. I did not want him before that, but he was clearly the better choice between him and Mariota.
Jameis slowly won me over more and more until I became convinced the right choice had been made.
As I’ve been saying, development is everything. Some people like to claim that Winston has not improved since he was drafted, but this claim is simply not true. Turnovers are obviously a weakness, but in all other areas, he has improved.
The addition of Desean Jackson was a setback. Being forced to throw to him resulted in missed opportunities with the other players. Opportunities that may have resulted in wins.
I hope Jackson has a stellar remainder to the season, but not at the expense of ignoring other players. Jameis needs to stop worrying about Jackson’s temper tantrums and take control of the offense. Start asserting himself as the boss.
If Jackson gets out of control, then deal with him in the off season. Until then, treat him like every member of the team…make him earn reps through production. Make him be reliable or demote him.
Jameis can improve in the turnovers. If he becomes more of a game manager for the rest of the season, regardless of wins, he’ll mature. And that will result in good things.
And Jameis is going nowhere. The Glazers will not give up on him after this year. Not going to happen. Is he worth it? Yes. If he wasn’t, then he would not be considered the biggest potential free agent of the upcoming off season.
I’ve checked the lists. College. NFL Free Agents. Even CFL. There is absolutely not a better option for the Bucs. The people who want him gone are not considering what comes next, clearly. The college QBs are nowhere near as good.
November 28th, 2018 at 2:11 pm
Bucs Fan #7423 Says
“Jameis will forever be a average QB until he can complete a deep pass to deshawn jackson”
Desean Jackson won’t even be here next year. And I noticed how it went from ‘Jameis can’t complete deep passes’ to ‘Jameis can’t complete deep passes to Jackson’.
Because Jameis proved in the last game he can connect with deep passes.
Jackson is the issue. Still, I hope he finds a grove from now till the end of season. If for no other reason then to increase his trade value.
November 28th, 2018 at 2:26 pm
Here’s another good example a bit closer to home.
Through his first 4 years (roughly the same # of games as Winston to this point – maybe a couple less) – Vinny Testaverde had 55 TDs and 81 INTs
November 28th, 2018 at 2:31 pm
“The #1 reason and absolutely #1 reson because 2nd is so far behind…
This Uber incident occurred 3 years ago. This is the only reason that the Glazer family has forgiven Jameis because after this date of incident, Jameis was indeed a “different” person in the area and doing good in the community. IF THIS OCCURRED EVEN A YEAR AGO, JW WOULD HAVE BEEN LONG GONE
There is no more chances for Jameis Winston.
Kobe believes JW has learn his lesson. Do you know what this uber grabbing costed JW monetarily? millions in endorsements, possible over 100 million if he doesnt ballout next year, after football, future coaching or tv commentary position…etc
This 3 second grab could have and still can cost JW 100s of millions of dollars…
November 28th, 2018 at 2:47 pm
Pickgrin- In fairness to Vinny, he was “color blind”! Also, a vastly different era.
November 28th, 2018 at 3:19 pm
Really when you think of it if they do wind up moving on from Winston it will show us how dysfunctional this orginazation is. It will be evidence of why we never win.
I say that because they had 3 season to evaluate Winston and more then enough to enter this year with a plan at the QB position.
They should have already known what they planned on doing and if the plan was to move on then why the hell didn’t we take one of the many rooike QBs in the draft? Winston had one really awful game but overall he hasn’t shown any worse then he has shown before. There really hasn’t been much to drastically change Winston’s arrow this year. It’s basically been more of the same.
To pass on a QB in one of the riches drafts in years and then turn around and cut your QB has only one label….. Dysfunction.
November 28th, 2018 at 3:32 pm
Bucsfanman – Yea – “color blind” – LOL That was a hoot when that was revealed and everyone was like – SEE – I KNEW it – that’s why he throws to the wrong color jerseys – HaHa.
If you think about it though – there are a # of similarities between Winston and Testaverde coming in and early in their NFL careers:
– Both Heisman winners –
– Both National Championship winners
– Both big, strong armed QBs with reasonable athleticism and functional mobility coming out
– Both drafted #1 overall by very bad Buccaneers teams
– Both had similar team liabilities in their early NFL careers to try and overcome in the form of sub-par OLines, inadequate running talent and terrible defenses.
– Both made numerous wow plays in their early NFL years – but were more widely known for being “turnover prone” than anything their first few years in the league.
November 28th, 2018 at 3:34 pm
I’ll tolerate you till I can replace you…famous words with a lot of truth!
November 28th, 2018 at 3:34 pm
Joe Says:
November 28th, 2018 at 9:26 am
What do they all have in common? Why, an extensive criminal record, of course.
Sure about that?
Don’t believe the State of Florida — an open records state — has any documentation of Jameis being arrested.
Joe’s in a good mood this morning. You do know what happens to folks on this site who make up things about players off the field, don’t you?
BucTown replies: Should I have said criminal history, rather than record? Does his history go away because you choose to hide behind semantics? We can pick nits if you wish, but don’t for a minute think that you can accuse me of making things up.
November 28th, 2018 at 3:55 pm
BucTown…..I think the answer is yes. You should have said criminal history. That way anybody replying to you wouldn’t have had a minor detail to focus on which took attention away from your point.
For what it’s worth I got what you were saying and thought it was a good point.
November 28th, 2018 at 3:59 pm
Ah $%^, LUV done gone and compared Jameis to Bortles.
November 28th, 2018 at 4:20 pm
He doesn’t have a criminal “history” either.
November 28th, 2018 at 6:04 pm
I agree about JW. I think all of this season’s trials and tribulations and perhaps the benching as much as the suspension have forced him to grow up and realize he’s burnt all of his bridges.
If he can remain as composed as he was Sunday then the sky is the limit. I truly hope he can…and think he can…but it’s only one game so far so I’d like to see a few more.
November 28th, 2018 at 6:14 pm
@ Cobraboy:
Excellent post and spot on.
Just for comparison:
Dan Fouts played in the 1970’s.
In 1978, (when Fouts had played about the same number of games that Jameis has), the AVERAGES for the season of ALL of the QB play that year showed:
224 completions in 422 attempts for 53.1%
16.7 TDs and 22.8 INTs for the season
Average QB rating of 65.0!
Remember those were the average performances of the entire league.
So far this year the QBs on average are completing 65.3% of their passes with 19.5 TDs already and only 9.3 INTs.
The AVERAGE QB rating in the NFL this year is 94.9!
So, it seems to me, that if you are less than 65% completion percentage, less than 19 TDs, more than 9 INTs, and with a QB rating of less than 94, you’re performance to date has NOT even been AVERAGE.
November 28th, 2018 at 7:52 pm
@tickrdr if ALL the qbs played the same, ROBOT, teams on the field, you MIGHT have a point. 😂😂👍🏼 It could, simply, mean Jameis has faced better defenses than some of his counterparts.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:01 pm
I’ve been grouped among the “anti-Jameis” crowd but he played a solid game last week and got a win even if it was against a terrible team. So I will withhold any Jameis “hate”.
However I will say this:
Every quarterback ever drafted in the first round that started playing badly was compared to the greats. JaMarcus Russell, Vince Young, Matt Leinart, and my favorite one, Josh Freeman, among many others.
JBF veterans remember the time when Freeman was given excuse after excuse and comparison after comparison to Hall of Famer quarterbacks. Also, no Buccaneer has scored more touchdowns than Josh Freeman. I find that interesting.
November 28th, 2018 at 9:43 pm
Buccaneer Bonzia- JW 100%!!
November 29th, 2018 at 12:04 am
Tval Says:
November 28th, 2018 at 7:52 pm
@tickrdr if ALL the qbs played the same, ROBOT, teams on the field, you MIGHT have a point. 😂😂👍🏼 It could, simply, mean Jameis has faced better defenses than some of his counterparts.
Jameis has played full games against Atlanta, Cleveland and San Francisco; and one half vs. Chicago, with ~ 3 quarters VS. Cinn and ~ 1 quarter vs. NYG.
Chi. = 2nd in points allowed, 4th in yards allowed.
Atl. = 29th in points allowed, 28th in yards allowed.
Cle. = 23rd in points allowed, 31st in yards allowed.
Cinn. = 32nd in points allowed, 32nd in yards allowed.
NYG = 25th in points allowed, 23rd in yards allowed.
SF = 27th in points allowed, 11th in yards allowed.
So, do you still think that Jameis faced tougher competition than his counterparts?? ……………………… Yeah, me neither.
BTW: Fitzpatrick has faced NO (15th), PHI 14th), Pitt (12th),Chi (2nd),
Car (21st), Wash (7th), NYG (25th), and Cinn (~ last quarter)(32nd) in points allowed.
Most of those seem to be top half defenses, whereas most of JW3’s opposing defenses were in the bottom quartile.
November 29th, 2018 at 3:55 am
AGE does not equal MILEAGE
November 29th, 2018 at 10:07 am
WalkdaPlank Says:
“Every quarterback ever drafted in the first round that started playing badly was compared to the greats. JaMarcus Russell, Vince Young, Matt Leinart, and my favorite one, Josh Freeman, among many others.”
That is actually an excellent point, @WalkdaPlank. — I honestly had not even thought of it that way but you are spot on. Well said.
November 29th, 2018 at 10:14 am
… just playin 😉