Gordon No Threat To Bucs
September 4th, 2018
“Batman? Commissioner Gordon here. Been trying to reach you for hours but the Batphone was always busy. Is Robin stalking my daughter Batgirl again?”
Unless someone plans to get a major jump on the “Bourbon Street Takeover” festivities way, way early, Tropical Storm Gordon will not have any effect on the Bucs’ season opener at New Orleans Sunday.
Bucs fans were peppering Joe with questions about Gordon, then not yet a named storm, fresh with the memories of last year when Hurricane Irma delayed the opening game at Miami and may have wrecked the season.
Gordon is expected to hit the Louisiana coast late tonight under its current track, and may become a hurricane just before landfall. By Saturday, Gordon will be deep within the Midwest, far away from New Orleans.
September 4th, 2018 at 5:46 am
No threat with this storm, but absolutely idiotic that the league put the Bucs in a position to have the same thing happen as last year.
September 4th, 2018 at 6:51 am
So ‘knock on wood’ for no storm surge and game on!
September 4th, 2018 at 7:30 am
@79defense you’re totally right! How did the nfl not see this storm coming when they made the schedule months ago
September 4th, 2018 at 7:44 am
Amen. Not only shows how far off the radar the Bucs are, but the league office, rising above the busy Park Avenue in toney Manhattan, has no clue about the annual threat of hurricanes in the Gulf.
September 4th, 2018 at 8:34 am
So I was stumbling across the internet this mourning and came across this garbage from Scott Davis of business insider.com. He actually thinks Ryan Smith will be our breakout star, Ryan freaking Smith! Not only that but he notes Smith IS a full time starter….ugh…smh. Sorry Joe for going else where to read about the Bucs. What was I thinking!? lol.
September 4th, 2018 at 8:35 am
Big Boss Bucs Fan:
LOL Thanks for the link! 🙂
September 4th, 2018 at 9:03 am
Ya F the league office and mother nature for doing this to the bucs, how can the league offices schedule the bucs to pay football in the path of a hurricane, unless it was a crossfire hurricane then its ok
September 4th, 2018 at 9:09 am
I feel very good about seeing the Bucs on Sunday.
Again though we tend to think of Hurricanes for their violence, wind and surge.
Harvey destroyed Houston because of a confluence of events. Houston is an incredibly low lying city and the storm didn’t move fast enough which meant inches and inches of rain causing horrific flood damage.
That’s my only concern for N.O. They are even lower than Houston and if Gordon stalls a bit and continues to dump rain the mighty Mississippi will be overflowing it’s banks…hopefully NOT overflowing the levees like Katrina.
Agree with all the NFL is brain dead to schedule any opening games in hurricane cities like us, Miami, N.O., Houston etc.
September 4th, 2018 at 9:55 am
Hurricane season runs through November, what the hell is the NFL supposed to do to avoid Mother Nature’s unpredictable clock? Is it better they schedule the Bucs to play 8 straight weeks of away games?
September 4th, 2018 at 10:00 am
The storm hitting was our only chance.
September 4th, 2018 at 10:17 am
We agree you can’t schedule all 8 weeks out of hurricane cities…but opening game is no big deal.
September 4th, 2018 at 11:23 am
@ St Pete
I fail to see the difference of one week to another. It’s going to be a crap shoot regardless. If week two is cancelled due to a storm, will it be any less of a surprise? These are the consequences of Florida football, and the NFL shouldn’t attempt to satisfy 3 team’s schedule because of an unknown.
September 4th, 2018 at 12:28 pm
How dare the Saints play in New Orleans? Haven’t they learned a lesson by now? ..smh
September 4th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
When you say you “fail to see the difference between one week to another.” There’s a big difference from having a forced bye in week one to perhaps having a forced bye in a later week. No team wants to have their bye in week one.
September 4th, 2018 at 2:37 pm
Nor in the second or third week would a team want a bye, that’s a full October of football.
I’m shocked anybody thinks the NFL should appease a team’s schedule for the sake of unforeseen weather. It would seem almost unethical for the NFL to make a schedule for a team’s needs or wishes. Should Green Bay or Chicago get a say in December games being scheduled away because of potential blizzards?
The only concern the Nfl should have for a team’s schedule should be proper rest between games.
September 4th, 2018 at 5:05 pm
September 4th, 2018 at 5:10 pm
No, no, no.
Had this storm actually hit New Orleans over the weekend the resolution would have been simple: Flip home-and-home series.
However last year, the NFL had no contingency plan in place and there is no excuse for that.
The NFL should have all the cities along the Gulf (Tampa Bay, New Orleans, Houston) and east coast with backup plans in case those cities are hit by a storm and be ready to pull up stakes and play inland in, say, Dallas, Atlanta, Nashville, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, etc.
The NFL has done that on the west coast when wildfires forced officials to move games. Why can’t that happen with teams in hurricane-prone areas for the first few weeks of the season when hurricanes are more likely?
September 4th, 2018 at 5:45 pm
Big Boss Bucs Fan: Wow, if people need any more proof of MSNBC being fake news…
Speaking of fake news the NHC is keeping up their run of inflating storms to meet year quotas. They have this storm with 70mph winds! Wow, it’s nearly a hurricane, amazing. Except there’s literally nothing to justify those wind speeds other than radar estimates, which are incredibly inaccurate and never make their way down to the surface. When the NHC says a storm has 70mph winds, that means it has sustained 70mph at the surface, and this storm has nothing of the sort. Right now according to radar wind estimates the winds are around 60mph over Panama City, yet you check the winds on the ground and it’s mostly in the teens with some gusts up into the high 20s. If you ever wanted to know how people could sit at home and ignore Katrina, this is how. You do this for decades, tell people they’re about to get hit by a hurricane, then nothing happens. The NHC cries wolf all the time, and that makes people ignore them in the long run. We’re currently in the cycle where people pay attention to them, but give us another decade of these fake hurricanes and you’ll see Katrina happen again.
Now, in fairness, you had to be a complete moron to look at Katrina and say that wasn’t going to destroy everything in it’s path, it was literally the largest hurricane to ever be in the gulf, it had as defined of an eye as you could get, and with a storm moving fairly slow that meant a huge wall of water was coming, so to ignore Katrina was incredibly dumb – but people were conditioned by decades of false alarms to not pay attention. This is how that happens, you tell NO a hurricane is on the way, and meanwhile you have a slightly breezy day with a 30% chance of rain.
September 4th, 2018 at 6:43 pm
@Rod Munch
..the boy who cried wolf syndrome
Katrina was scaring watching on the doppler, and I was concerned about Charlie hitting Tampa until it made a right turn and slammed into Port Charlotte.
September 5th, 2018 at 12:21 am
Trench War – The issue I have is the NHC pumping up storms when they know for a FACT that the storms will not have close to the impact they claim. This storm was a middling tropical storm, no legit models ever had the winds, sustained, getting above about 45-50mph, yet they claimed it would hit hurricane status just before landfall. Reading the comments on the storm from the NHC it was obvious they knew it was fake news. The best case scenario for the NHC is that they’re being being dramatically too safe and giving people the worst case scenario, but that’s not what their job is, their job is to give accurate information to the best of their abilities. But now the NHC gives everything a name, even when it’s completely unjustified, and I have no doubt in my mind they do so in order to meet quotas in order to get better funding. If they can say the number of storms each year is growing and growing and growing and we need more funding, that’s a more compelling argument than the number of storms is roughly the same it has been and we tend to go through periods of time with a lot of storms, then not so many storms, but we need more funding. Also there is the entire tie-in with global warming, which I’m not even arguing with here, and how if you go along with whatever people want to hear you get more money.
Anywho with Katrina, as I said, you had to be a complete moron to ignore the warnings. But again, go through nearly 40 years of doomsday predictions nearly every year where where a storm is tracking to be the next Camille and people get lazy. Also, in fairness, all the news stations were out on the morning Katrina hit, broadcasting live from the French Quarter saying how once again NO was spared and came through unscathed (people forget that, but go watch the broadcasts). They didn’t know the leeves had broke, and I do believe some of them only failed later in the day well past the time Katrina passed. But if you’re told you have a record sized hurricane coming directly at you, this is how storm surge works, you live in a bowl and if the levees fail or get topped you’re going to be in trouble, to ignore that, you have to be remarkably dumb to ignore that. Regardless of the track record of the people giving the forecast you should be able to just look at a picture of the storm and say, wow, I’m out.
Also, for those that care, there’s now three hurricanes that are expecting to be coming across the atlantic this week. We have one already, Florence, which won’t be an issue for us, but two more are expected to form behind it. All three, at this time, appear as if they’ll curve back out into the Atlantic and won’t be of any threat. But the hype machine should get into full effect here soon.