Father Dungy Sees 1997 In 2018 Bucs
September 21st, 2018
Talks Fitzpatrick, camp impressions, team construction and more
Back in training camp, Father Dungy spent a day at One Buc Palace that included watching practice, talking to Dirk Koetter and addressing the players.
For those who forgot, Dungy’s uplifting message was that he sees a playoff team when he looks at the Bucs’ talent.
But today on the Buccaneers Radio Network, Dungy went deeper explaining that he saw “a very confident group” that reminded him of his breakthrough, 10-6 Bucs team that beat the Lions in the ’97 playoffs before getting suffocated by a beastly Packers defense.
“They had the confidence. It didn’t look like a team that didn’t look like they know where they are going,” Dungy said of the Bucs he saw this summer, even though America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, was facing a three-game conduct suspension.
“And I told Coach Koetter that. It reminded me of 1997.”
Dungy went on to say the construction of the current Bucs reminds him a lot of how the Colts initially built after drafting Peyton Marnning, quickly going to load up on weapons like Marvin Harrison, Dallas Clark, etc.
On the Ryan Fitzpatrick rise, Dungy is not surprised. The Hall of Fame coach says he sees a QB knows where the “weak spots” are in a defense, has enough protection and is cashing in on the talent around him.
“Fitzpatrick knows how to play quarterback and he hasn’t always had pieces like he has now, Dungy said.
The ’97 season was Dungy’s favorite in coaching, he said. The shattering of the Bucs’ losing-season streak that dated to the early 1980s changed the town and Dungy said it was an amazing feeling to do it with a team that was on the rise with a strong core.
September 21st, 2018 at 5:59 pm
’97 was a fantastic season. So much fun. What a way to close down the Big Sombrero
after such a long stretch of losing seasons with that playoff win against the Lions. Thanks Tony.
September 21st, 2018 at 6:02 pm
Tony could easily be one of the humans I admire most on this planet
September 21st, 2018 at 6:09 pm
The vultures are waiting patiently for Fitzpatrick to have the eventual average of bad game to call for Winston. Then they will be the same ones calling for Fitzpatrick back if Winston fails. They are like sharks circling wishing for blood. He careful for what you wish for. There may be an unhappy ending.
September 21st, 2018 at 6:11 pm
I remembered the 97′ season vividly! I mostly remembered getting nauseous watching Dilfer! Couldn’t wait until the D got back on the field. #dilfersucksdungysucks.
September 21st, 2018 at 6:18 pm
Love Tony but these Bucs are nothing like 1997 or 1999 Bucs. These guys can poor on the points and now we are begging the defense to hold teams under 17 points.
September 21st, 2018 at 6:26 pm
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now. Just enjoy the Bucs winning I say
We know damn well we can lose our next 14 games
So I say enjoy the moment
September 21st, 2018 at 6:37 pm
I remember 1997… I had just moved back from Florida State, the Bucs just changed their uniforms and drafted Warrick Dunn the year after drafting Derrick Brooks. I had 3 row, 50 yard line seats behind the Bucs bench for the Niners-Bucs Week 1 game at “Houlihan’s Stadium.” The went 5-0 to start the season and then I remember Week 6 sold out when the bandwagon filled up.
September 21st, 2018 at 6:38 pm
You know, years ago, I mocked the use of the ‘Father Dungy’ moniker.
But…it is so fitting now. Dungy was the father of the modern Buccaneers. He made them great for the first time.
Intentional or not, Joe was a prophet years ago!
September 21st, 2018 at 6:47 pm
@ Buc50
Was going to say the same thing. Dungy would have won SB in Tampa if he could have talked Les Steckel into staying with the Bucs a couple more years. 2000 was the year we broke the Bucs record for most points scored in a season. This is the best our offense has looked since then. Offense is on fire! #FearTheBeard #GoBucs
September 21st, 2018 at 6:53 pm
JJV Says
The vultures are waiting patiently for Fitzpatrick to have the eventual average of bad game to call for Winston. Then they will be the same ones calling for Fitzpatrick back if Winston fails. They are like sharks circling wishing for blood.
You really think we are ‘vultures’?
Perhaps we recognize what you do not. We experienced a superbowl win. Guess what? One was not enough. We do not just want one more. One and done, so to speak. We want multiple superbowls.
Can Fitzpatrick give us those? No. Let’s say he pulls off a miracle and gets us one game into the playoffs. Is that enough for you? Are you that easy to please?
Speaking for myself, one and done is not good enough. That was all Gruden was after the superbowl. Consider this: if the Bucs had made the superbowl the year King led us to the Championship game (we lost because of a bad call by the refs), how many more superbowl trips would that have led to? Things would have been much different.
Things can be different now. This is the year Winston could START leading us to the promise land, but you want to delay his development for Fitzpatrick because he goes 2-1???
Get real. This is the most important year of Winston’s career so far. Bailing on him is the worst idea ever.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:00 pm
@ BucTrooper
Brooks was drafted with Sapp in ’95. Would have liked to go to that game. Sapp took Steve Young and Jerry Rice out of the game. Man that defense looked good. Thanks for that memory BTW.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:08 pm
Your comment at the top about people waiting for Fitz to fail.
This is why I want JW back asap… Let the legend of The Bearded One sit in the minds of the opponent. The greatest Fitzmagic trick of them all. Disappear for a game or two and reappear on another team for a 1rst or 2nd round pick.
And if DJax wants to go with him… Id say he is worth at least a 3rd maybe a 2nd round pick.
Bring up Watson and or ROJO…
September 21st, 2018 at 7:09 pm
The current Bucs defense has the potential to be just as good. As Brooks said, the beginning of a season is the worst time for defenses. They always start in a hole because of the limits in practices, and now the new rules limit them even more.
The average number of sacks per team is going to dwindle a bit because of Rough the Passer changes, for example.c
We have just the right mixture of talent on defense now. They’ll improve rapidly from game three forward. The vets will make the difference while the youth develops. Right when the vets age out, the youth will be ready.
Extended success…if we allow Winston to take his next step.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:16 pm
Let nature take its course.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:18 pm
Sorry if Fitzmagic has blinded you Buc Fans… I guess thats why its Magic…
This is a False Messiah Event…. You should all Repent Right now!!!
September 21st, 2018 at 7:22 pm
I should get some kind of reward for that kind of reporting…
You heard it here first folks…
Fitzmagic is a False Messiah Event… Repent Now!!! It is the Season for it… (Go figure)
September 21st, 2018 at 7:23 pm
Bonzai- appreciate and respect your opinion. I agree that Fitzpatrick still has much to prove as well as Winston. Yes, Winston is younger with potential upside if he improves. The big word is “if”. There are no guarantees with Winston to bring multiple Superbowls. The same is true with Fitzpatrick. Why is Fitzpatrick not able to possibly bring multiple Superbowls? Is it because of his age? He said he is feeling great. He may play well into his early 40s. There are QBs that are successful in their late 30s and early 40s. Also, Fitz has less wear and tear not playing in as much as a starter recently in his career. Are we certain Winston is really going to develop into a multiple Superbowl leader of our team? He could learn many things watching a learning from a potential Superbowl QB in Fitzpatrick. How does anyone truly know if Fitzpatrick can or will be the one. It may be just as much of a mistake to remove him for Winston. The decision will be who do the Bucs trust the most. It’s a tough decision. We fans have different opinions and beliefs. But in the end we just want our Bucs to win.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:26 pm
Negative people are what screws this world up.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:33 pm
@ Buccaneer Bonzai
You want Fitzpatrick to fail so bad you’re giving us a loss before even playing the game. We could/will end up 4-0. Then what? Would you rather us be 0-2 so your hero can come back? SMH
September 21st, 2018 at 7:46 pm
I agree. Time for everyone to just grab his or her favorite Friday night beverage and cue this up.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:49 pm
BTW, no one wants to delay Winston’s development for Fitzpatrick. Jameis did that all by himself by his actions. There is no one else to blame.
September 21st, 2018 at 7:49 pm
Fitz is killing it and is going to keep the starting job as long as he is balling. Jameis is not going anywhere, he is the future of this team and if he has to sit on the sideline and watch Fitz kill it this season it will only make him a better and more mature player. It’s nice having these type of problems because when was the last time the bucs has even 1 QB that was worth a crap? Dilfer, B Johnson….
September 21st, 2018 at 7:55 pm
Bonzai ruined this thread. Time for a new one.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:09 pm
Big Stinky Says
“You want Fitzpatrick to fail so bad you’re giving us a loss before even playing the game.”
Did you think we would go 16-0? No? Which games do you think we’ll lose? Before the season, what games did you think? How was that different?
I predicted an 11-5 season. I still do. I expected to beat the Saints and said we had a strong chance to beat the Eagles. Of the five games I predicted us to lose, this is the first.
I made those predictions before the first game was played. Me predicting a loss this week has absolutely nothing to do with Fitzpatrick. If I was on my laptop right now, I would link to the proof.
Fitzpatrick is doing EXACTLY what he is paid to do. Win as many games as possible until the starter returns. Jameis is the starter.
You forget that Jameis has been behaving for almost three years. It’s not like he went out and groped an Uber driver this off season. Or last off season. This event was in his past.
You act like he just did it. If he even did it at all. We’ll never know if he did because the NFL stripped him of the right to face his accuser. If he fights it, he could be banned.
And as far as Fitzpatrick, he was going to retire two years ago. The Bucs had to convince him not to. Again, this year, they had to convince him. He only agreed to a one year deal. This is his last year in football.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:10 pm
JimmyJack, I am glad I made a troll feel that way.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:17 pm
Yep, definitely remember being at that game also against the 49ers, that place was rocking walking out of the stadium. I see where Dungy is coming from, there is a quiet swagger to this team. The offense is what we thought it could be with the weapons and I am optimistic that the youngry defensive backs with Kwon and Beckwith (LBs) will turn it around, become the defense they were at the end of 2017
September 21st, 2018 at 8:26 pm
Bonzai….come on man. You are missing some key factors that will be in play if Dirk changes QBs from a guy who is on top of the game right now.
The people in the locker room are real people bro. Their opinions on the matter(Djax gave us a taste) actually do matter buddy. And guess what? They matter more then ours.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:36 pm
Quote of the day. “Im glade I made a troll feel that way.”
In reference to JimmyJack. “Way to ruin a thread…”
Prize goes to Bonzai
September 21st, 2018 at 8:41 pm
Bonzai- Fair enough some good points. Again, is it certain this is Fitzpatrick’s last year in football? Only he knows that answer. He seems very happy and having a bunch of fun now. There is really no way to predict it in my opinion.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:44 pm
@Buccaneer Bonzai
I figured 9-7 or 10-6 but not 16-0. Fitzpatrick looks so good maybe we will go 11-5 or 12-4 if he can stay in the zone. Have to say, I want to see JW play to see if he is any better.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:45 pm
For the record, in 2009 Fitz had Marshawn Lynch, Fred Jackson, Stevie Johnson and Terrell Owens. To my count that’s 3 HOF’ers on offense. That year Fitz threw for 1400 yards 9 TDS and 10 ints.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:54 pm
FreeTheWeapon, that’s cool I’ll take that one on the chin. But I think you should do the same for calling our QB a phony.
September 21st, 2018 at 8:58 pm
I saw this on the twitter verse and wanted to get your thoughts.
desean jackson the same guy than got the locker room to turn on vick for kevin kolb and foles, then got shipped to dc by chip kelly, then in dc got the skins locker room to turn againist rg3 for cousins… now what is djax doing
September 21st, 2018 at 9:09 pm
Never called him a phony…
You on the other hand… Well never mind Bonzai got your phony arzzzs
Learn to read… I want the best for this team… I want DYNASTY!!!!!
Balls on your forhead TROLL…
September 21st, 2018 at 9:13 pm
False Messiah is a real thing… Dont be fooled, always repent… Word of Wisdom for real life… Sports be damed.
September 21st, 2018 at 9:19 pm
BigStinky…. my bad. Had the years mixed up. Brooks was drafted while I was at FSU. INTERESTING TRIVIA: I watched the Bucs draft draft Dunn WITH brooks at a draft party in tallahassee.
September 21st, 2018 at 9:34 pm
FreeTheWeapon…..I guess you got me there. In fact you never called him phony. You used the word false so congrats you got me on a technicality.
Anyways I seemed to have overestimated you. You are clearly an adolescent or a very immature man.
Wake me up if youre ever ready to have an actual relevant conversation……Until then continue having your little fun talking about nuts or wieners or whatever else is on your mind…….very strange that mens private parts are the first thing that comes to your mind when you wanna insult somebody but to each their own I guess.
September 21st, 2018 at 9:35 pm
FreeTheSecretWeapon….dynasty in a small market town……….YUP!
That’s what I want too.
September 21st, 2018 at 9:38 pm
So you’re good with Shaun King leading us… but not Fitzhatrick?
September 21st, 2018 at 9:48 pm
FreeTheSecretWeapon……IMO..a little less balls…..
A lot more of “learn to read”…that always works….cause some folks on here can’t comprehend what’s written…..not naming names…but it’s out there repeatedly…especially when it comes to Jameis.
I’m not some Winstonite, Jameis-nugger, or whatever name I get called for being a fan of the kid. I want to not only win, but win BIG at this point. We’ve lost for so long.
September 21st, 2018 at 9:51 pm
You have a link for that, or what account had that?
September 21st, 2018 at 9:53 pm
Slow your roll. Fred Jackson and Stevie Johnson are Hall of Famers???
September 21st, 2018 at 9:55 pm
Easy. RGII was ruined due to injuries.
September 21st, 2018 at 10:05 pm
Right there with ya 87
Love Me some Ftizmagic but Magic is for Kids!!!
Or was it tricks are for kids???
Oh well they are both the same right…
Wait Fitz has 7 kids…. You dont say?!?!?…. Hmmmm
The Beard Confusing People
September 21st, 2018 at 10:21 pm
In case you missed the one hit wonder…
September 21st, 2018 at 10:25 pm
Acct: J1988
I found it on my TL but had to do a search: Desean Jackson rg3 cousins
FYI – I do not endorse this message just want to get feedback n thoughts
September 21st, 2018 at 10:32 pm
My bad I got Fred Jackson and Fred Taylor confused for a minute. Must have been that stiff arm Jackson put on Conte that got me voting him into the hof. Lol.
No Stevie isn’t but if memory serve me correctly he’s a burner like djax.
September 21st, 2018 at 10:32 pm
@ Buc1987
We would all like a dynasty and that would mean it needs to start this year. There is no way we can keep all these WR’s and TE’s together for more than another 2 years. We will probably lose DJax next year. I’m glad Fitzpatrick is making him look like the WR he is. He almost has 1/5 of his catch total from last year in just 2 games. Why don’t all of you want Fitzy to do well? What if he could lead us to the Superbowl this year? There is NO guarantee JW will play as good as the magic man. H3ll, it could all end on MNF for that matter. We shall see!!!
September 21st, 2018 at 10:49 pm
Bonzai, the 99 Bucs didn’t lose because of a bad call. It was a good call, just a bad rule. The call was correct. The rule was changed for the next season. We lost because Kiffen didn’t call off the blitz after the Rams timeout. He went against his own game plan and Sapp was pissed! Look into it more, please.
September 21st, 2018 at 10:53 pm
One last thing, didn’t Fitz say something along the lines of they like you more when you throw them the ball?
Idk that it’s completely far fetched that djax is trying to grease his own wheels coming out in public to say such things
The Eagles had a three-quarterback competition with Nick Foles, Michael Vick and Matt Barkley, with Vick winning the job. After Vick got injured, however, Foles took over as quarterback and was eventually named the new starting quarterback despite Vick’s return. – wiki- eagles 2013
Coincidentally the best year of his career along with 2009. You heard him on HK asking Jameis for the ball, only recorded 668 yards last yr and maybe he doesn’t like playing second fiddle to Cameron Brate. But again wtfdik
September 21st, 2018 at 11:01 pm
Five Thirty Eight has a good article about Winston and Fitzpatrick. If you are confused maybe this will help you figure out who should be the QB.
September 21st, 2018 at 11:03 pm
Stinky, it’s not that we don’t want Fitzpatrick to do well, we want the starter to do well. If we go with Fitz this season and give up on Winston, we are back to the same boat we were in 2014. I love what Fitz is doing, but Fitz is a proven backup and he won’t play forever. I want to see what Winston does this season so we know if we need another rookie QB. I don’t want to go through that again so soon. We need to see what Winston can do now. If we make a playoff run with Fitz, he’s going to want to get paid. Then it will be W vs Fitz. What do you do? Fitz is not a long term answer. I guess if you want Winston gone and you don’t care who the QB is in 2 years, then you’re in your happy place. I’d rather find out what we’ve got in Winston so we can make a reasonable decision.
September 21st, 2018 at 11:10 pm
One thing everyone can agree on …… Jameis couldn’t connect with D- Jax deep last season .
Trying to remember how many deep connects Fitzy and DeSean hit on when J3 was out….. last season
September 21st, 2018 at 11:24 pm
@ Dapostman
When did it say Winston should come back? Just curious. I clicked on the link but it said page not found.
September 21st, 2018 at 11:25 pm
I ac agree DJax couldnt connect wirh JW… Connects with other targets dont seem to be an issue… So that leaves it on DJax…
Glade he is peaking with Fitz…. Trade them both NOW…
Bring up Watson or ROJO with JW
September 21st, 2018 at 11:26 pm
The ’97 Bucs were coming off, what, 14 straight losing season and didn’t have a SB in their past – so that feeling in ’97, the only season I had season tickets, I don’t think this team can achieve that that same feeling because of the Bucs history at that time. But for you bandwagon riders that only came on board after the Bucs started winning, this I guess is as close as you’ll get to that feeling. In any case it’s a huge amount of fun and if the Bucs can start out 5-0 and win a playoff game, I think this city will get excited about football again. Then again if they go 5-0 and don’t win the SB I think you’d have half of the people on this message board throwing themselves off the Skyway. Anyways that would be a great problem to have, except for Joe who might have half his traffic end up as fish food. LOL!
September 21st, 2018 at 11:27 pm
September 21st, 2018 at 11:38 pm
2 victories.
16 game season
You people are all insane- lemmings- whole Bucs community sounds like fools- like they’ve arrived
The world has gone mad
Try developing a defense that isn’t a giant porous hole-
Try having a running game- a professional back- not a serviceable one
Try doing it for say- more than 6 or 7 times in a system
Email me when you’re in the playoffs, and I’ll give you my attention
Your’s Truly
September 21st, 2018 at 11:39 pm
September 21st, 2018 at 11:41 pm
Agreed secret weapon
Trade fitz and DJax contingent upon leveon Bell signing a long term deal with us
September 21st, 2018 at 11:57 pm
@ BuccaneEric75
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I do want to see Winston before the season is over but I also don’t think we should pull Fitz while he keeps playing like this. What if he could win us a Superbowl? Wouldn’t that be awesome? Fitzpatrick can always leave with Monken next year and you know he would get a HC job. We’re not gonna be able to afford DJax next year either so he may as well join them. They can always let JW practice with the ones and see how he does. #GoodTimes
September 22nd, 2018 at 12:59 am
I wonder if fans of other teams are divided over their QB’s like we are with Winston? We can’t be the only ones doing it. Right? We happen to have 2 quarterbacks that could both be starting. It sucks we all argue over who should be the QB for week 4 and beyond. The coaches will decide when JW should start, not us. It would be nice if Fitzpatrick could get us off to a 6-0 start or better, We play quite a few defenses that are good this season. Fitzy will have to earn every one of those 6 wins. Hopefully they will beat the Steelers on Monday night and start 3-0 against the hardest first 3 games since ’70 or whenever. #GoBucs
September 22nd, 2018 at 9:10 am
What is funny is that JJV is the vulture. He would be delighted if JW came back and failed miserably. He is just a hater. If you think a 36yo back up who has had a career like a yoyo is the long term answer you are just a fool. I’m happy to ride this out while it lasts, but at some point JW will be the franchise QB here. You may as well move to Nashville now JJV.
September 22nd, 2018 at 9:49 am
Touch down
I haven’t seen a comment yet that advances the idea that Fitz is a long term solution.
Is that your invention or something else?
Long term, if jw comes in this year and improves slightly , same as the first second and third years, what do you do. Because Fitz is not in the jw decision , extend , it’s jw vs all the upcoming college players, free agent pros, trade for guys.
Bottom line, it’s jw against the Persians
September 22nd, 2018 at 11:26 pm
Fitz’s true test will be against Chicago and that front 4! Mack is unstoppable and if the line cannot block and give him enough time once he gets spooked the old well known Fitz will come out. There’s a chance Jameis will have no choice but to play. Haters please don’t read into that statement that I can’t wait for Fitz to fail because I don’t. I want him to keep making the record the only qb to throw 4tds and 400 yards in the 1st 5 games of the season! If he wins a championship mo power to him because I want my Bucs to win.
JJV it’s actually been the Jameis haters from day 1 who have been waiting and vehemently “running” their mouths up here whining and crying for his failure not because they want the Bucs to win but Winston to lose. They only talk about his bad points never any good so please don’t get that twisted Jameis fans want Fitz to keep lighting up because first and foremost we are Bucs fans. Haters are fans of their own thoughts and if Jameis is starting they want them to lose so they can say SEE I TOLD YOU SO!