Don’t Forget The WRs
September 22nd, 2018
Talks wide receivers.
Obviously, backup quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick is collecting all sorts of kudos for his superior play and accurate throws in the first two weeks of the season.
But Bucs offensive coordinator Todd Monken noted that the wide receivers are getting the job done, too. When asked why the offense has been so explosive over the first two weeks, Monken, among other things, cited the wide receivers’ play.
“I think our skill guys have done a great job when we’ve had one-on-one match-ups — they’ve won,” Monken said.
And Monken has a helluva point. A quarterback can be the most pinpoint accurate guy in the league but if he’s throwing to covered receivers, it won’t matter.
Joe wonders if the receivers can get open Monday night against an improved Steelers secondary (yeah, Joe wrote that and you will find out why shortly).
September 22nd, 2018 at 7:57 am
Most underrated aspect of Fitzmagic’s success. Yeah he has thrown accurate, well-timed balls and has had a clean pocket to do so, but we have seen both James and Fitz ball out in pre-season with the cast of characters they have. Esp with a team like Philly who run primarily man, leaving their corners on an island, the trio of Evans Jackson and Godwin are gonna eat it up quite a lot.
This team is so frigging fun. Let’s hope the o line can open up some holes for Peyton this Monday.
September 22nd, 2018 at 8:00 am
My concern is more on whether our defense can contain the Steelers receivers. Boy if we had Greg Williams as our DCoordinator our defense would improve tremendously.
September 22nd, 2018 at 8:10 am
Love some of you Fans
Fitz does awesome and it is the OLine. WR. More experienced Players
Winston is all Winston. Everyone day can’t win with out him
Fitz hits the long ball
Fitz has the team playing together
Bucs are having fun.
Reads Defenses very well
Don’t discredit Fitz play
September 22nd, 2018 at 8:41 am
Agree with Bucsfaninchina, these WR’s/TE’s plus the improved play of the OLine is the main reason the Bucs offense is a complete biatch to deal with. On any one play they can have 4 -5 out in patterns that are all better than your 4-5 covering.
As a defense, what do you do? It’s pick your poison time and that’s why i Fitz might be the right guy to have at QB. He’s smart and he’s been in the league for a long time. Teams need to blitz often or drop 6 in coverage giving Fitz time to throw. Good news is that he has seen it all. JW might be here for the long term but Fitz may be the guy this year.
September 22nd, 2018 at 9:09 am
I wonder if Jon Gruden would give us a 1rst round pick for a package deal of Fitz and Jackson???
Make it happen JL…
We need to DE in the first round next year…
Maybe even a QB. I dont know yet.
September 22nd, 2018 at 9:14 am
One change on the OLine and that’s is why we are winning
Not because the QB can read a Defense
Oh my you Winston FSU fans kill me
Give Fitz his due credit
Y’all had us going 0-3 with out Grabby Mc Graberson
September 22nd, 2018 at 9:27 am
“For the sheep that think Fitz is going to falter and su*k very soon…”
On 2015 when Fitz was QB for the NY Jets, Fitz played lights out for the WHOLE season. 31 tds 15 ints and 3900 yards
Fitz played under the west coast scheme which he is tailored made for and strives under”
“Kobe believes Fitz can sustain his performance level all year, What Kobe fears is being injury prone at his age and running dangerously”
Kobe Faker
September 22nd, 2018 at 9:30 am
Best set of WRs and TEs in my memory – for the entire NFL. And Fitz can hit them. Keep it up.
September 22nd, 2018 at 9:32 am
“Stay humble and dont change who you are.”
Thats meany for EVERYONE, including your backups. How ironic it was a backup who said that.
Thing that make you go HMMMMMMMMMM.
He will get his do when we trarde him for a Cornerback or Draft pick… His value will show up IF and when other teams come calling for him… A fuy that got talked outta retirement just to play a handful of games….
It feels so good to know we can run ANY QB out there and DOMINATE….
Lets get the one with the most talents back on the field ASAP
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:03 am
What did he do in the Playoffs… Or is that a part of the season we dont want to talk about…
Or is that when the talent around him gets called into question???
Fitz couldnt hold JWs jock if you compared JWs 3 seasons as a pro with the talent JW has had vs any 3 seasons Fitz has had with the talent he had…
The point is not that I want Fitz to fail…. I just dont want him to ruin our long term plans… Playoffs and fail would be better for this team to experience with JW not Fitz… Same is true if we win the whole freaking thing…
Stop smoking the Fitzmagic its worst than crack
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:07 am
ATrain…put Fitz on the trade block today…..
No one would call…
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:15 am
Taken as a whole (which includes the TEs) – the Bucs have the best receivers in the NFL.
Evans, DJax, Godwin, Humphries, Howard, Brate
That’s an embarrassment of riches!
If all 6 of those players stay healthy for 16 games – these 2018 Buccaneers are going to obliterate the team records for receiving yards (4366) and receiving TDs (29) – may even vie for the NFL records whatever those may be (ok just looked it up – Yards #1 – 2000 Rams 5,232 yds, #2 – 1984 Dolphins 5018 yds – – TDs #1 2004 Colts 51 TDS, #2 07 Patriots 50 TDs, #3 1984 Dolphins 49 TDs) )
Bucs have 810 passing yards and 8 passing TDs after just 2 games – an average of 405 yds and 4 TDs per game which won’t hold up all season long of course – but if it did, that’s 6,480 yds and 64 TDs….
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:23 am
please bucs …trade Winston because he doesn’t deserve to carry Fitz jock :>))
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:38 am
Ben is not a Bucs fan…
He/She or Both given the day, is a Fitz jock sniffer…. LOL…. Just kidding…. Fitzmagics dont need a jock strap… He could play this game in his undies
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:40 am
Hey Capt Obvious
No Crap Really no one is trading for a 35 year old QB
Does that change the FACT he is winning with minor changes to an offense that could close out a game
Trade Winston and get the 1st round pick get a DE and A new a QB
Yes there are Coaches out there as desperate as Winston fans to believe he can do it
Well I gave the man 4 years and all I have seen is a Cheerlea making excuses poor decisions on and off the field who had thrown for 4000 yards and won nothing
I go for the 35 year old who can hit the long pass score and not bring Drama to the team
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:45 am
“One change in the o-line”..?
Maybe someone should tell atrain that 3/5 (60%) of the Oline positions have someone new playing there this season.
Receivers are running way better routes. Tight ends and running blocks are also helping in pass protection. And all our QBs looked great.
Ride the hot hand with Fitz, and when Jameis comes back he will dominate.
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:54 am
New Center
Ali moved back to Guard
Everyone else has been on the line
DJax Evan and O.J. just learned how to run Deep routes?
That’s why Winston couldn’t hit anything long last year HAHA
Do u believe that
Our QB look Good
Winston played preseason against 2nd stringers
This blind love of a player is unbelievable
I want to watch the BUCS WIN not one player get great stats
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:59 am
A-Train …..I’m rooting for Fitz…..but I’ll check back on you in a few weeks and see how you feel then….
No they won’t trade for a 35 yr old qb cause of his age…..but cause of his history. He would then go to that team with less weapons and lesser o-line and prolly suck.
That’s reality. Yet some fans keep saying it’s all about Fitz…..when that simply fantasyland to me.
Discredit Winston all you want….but if someone discredits this 14 year vet for being mostly a bum his whole career….how dare you….
He’s playing outstanding………..put him on a team with lesser talent and MOST of us know what he’d look like.
September 22nd, 2018 at 11:01 am
ATrain…Winston also played….with 2nd stringers…
September 22nd, 2018 at 11:40 am
So you point is because he played with seconded stringers and against second stringers he will look good in an NFL game
My point is no credit given to Fitz
Yes a few changes but this team is putting up serious points and WINNINGS
Fan scream for Winston who in my opinion has given nothing in 4 years
Except great stats which will only win fantasy games
This team looks very different
I think because of Fitz play and leasership
September 22nd, 2018 at 11:41 am
“This love affair of the Offensive line is nauseating and idiotic lazy journalism followed by the non thinking Sheep”
Its alot easier to hold blocks for 2 seconds than 5 seconds like they had to do last year under Klueless
“Hey Sheep!, look at the 3 game great stats Fitz achieved under Klueless last year…backup QB numbers…WHY?
Barber had better run blocking last part of last year
Monken is hiding alot of flaws in this team. The defense, the Oline and the running game is average at best
September 22nd, 2018 at 12:03 pm
Fear The Beard !
September 22nd, 2018 at 12:07 pm
Winston was playing against 1st stringers in game 3 too.
But hey don’t let facts get in the way of opinions.
Never said the receivers just learned how to run deep routes, but it’s obvious as hell how much better O.J. and Godwin are at running routes compared to their rookie years.
All our QBs looked great in preseason. O-line is pass protecting better than ever, and yes there is someone new at LG, C, and RG compared to last year. That’s 3 positions. Take your hater blinders off.
September 22nd, 2018 at 12:34 pm
“Let cut the nonsense”
Klueless was playing and targeting Brate and Little Hump too much
70% snaps last year , OJ was blocking
“Very simple . Playmakers making plays because they are getting balls thrown to them”
“What happens if you throw 5 yard pass to OJ and Godwin ? 75 yard TDs…This is whats happening throughout the whole NFL…
Sorry to the old timers here, but the days of inside the tackles rumbling stumbling tumbling running games are over.
Kobe Faker
September 22nd, 2018 at 1:13 pm
Oh Winston played 2 mins against 1st stringers yep He’s ready
Probably walking on water right now
BLINDERS are for Winston Lovers
I gave this guy a chance 4 years ago. Ummm
What had HE done
If Winston is this Great then when they put him back in He better Win it all because the pieces are there
But I’m sure like True Winston fans you Have an Excuse at the ready
September 22nd, 2018 at 1:15 pm
One Huge Question? Why was DJax brought to Tampa
To take the top off the defense
Why didn’t that work
Because Winston couldn’t hit the throw
But I suppose DJax just learned how to catch this year
September 22nd, 2018 at 1:40 pm
Where was Djax tds from Fritz last year during the 3 games?
Why wasnt there a QB controversy last year after Fitz Magic?
“Lazy journalism is a detriment to the human race”
Kobe Faker
September 22nd, 2018 at 1:49 pm
You gave him 4 years, even though he’s only played 3?
That’s interesting…
You can go search the archives if you care that much- I am not a Winston lover and was not even in favor of drafting him originally. But I am a rational person who saw clearly how good ALL our QBs looked in preseason, which carried over to the regular season so far.
2017 training camp bad practices = sluggish preseason = sluggish regular season. (Not even bringing up the injury)
2018 training camp great practices = great preseason performance = great regular season performance so far.
The entire offense is playing better and has been since tc started. Sorry you can’t see that.
September 22nd, 2018 at 2:11 pm
I apologize you are correct he is going into his 4th season of course he hasn’t played yet
Kobe have no clue what your argument is
Fitz is throwing the long ball this year to the Same WR Winston couldn’t hit
But it doesn’t matter you will defend this guy no matter what
I didn’t want to draft him but gave him a chance come in and be the gret player
Only thing the Bucs got was a 4000 yard throwing QB who lost
Then more off field BS
By the way the Other Guy has been to the playoffs without having to buy a ticket and watch Jamies hasnt
September 22nd, 2018 at 5:26 pm
Atrain , your comparison is flawed
Your supposed to compare Fritz performance under Koetter (3 games last year) vs
this years 2 game performance under Monken
*How do you compare JW performance with Fitz when JW has never taken a snap under Monken
**The comparison between JW and Fitz can ONLY happen until and when JW is QB under MONK’S PLAYCALLING
**Last year, under KLUELESS PLAYCALLING, JW outplayed Fritz”
Kobe “Micheal Buffer” Faker
September 22nd, 2018 at 8:53 pm
Ok Kobe
Then we will see
And if he does Great I will be the first on here
But if he Doesn’t then the Winston Fans need to call him out
And I challenge you to call them out