Turning The Corner?
August 27th, 2018
Is Jameis Winston’s 2018 season pointed in the right direction?
Joe has to keep telling himself, “This is preseason… this is preseason.”
Remember, there are two Joes around these parts.
One Joe worships preseason football and wallows in it as if it was Rachel Watson’s bed.
The other Joe covers Bucs preseason because it is his responsibility and job. As for as other preseason games? The other Joe won’t waste a second on them.
So with America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, having completed his preseason Friday night and the next time he will take an NFL field will be in Chicago on Week 4 (right-thinking people believe that is what should happen), it is hard even for the preseason-hating Joe to not get excited by what Jameis has done this August.
Dude looks like he is playing with a purpose, laser-focused and shutting up the howling labs kvetching about his perceived inaccuracy.
But it is preseason.
Brad Gagnon of Bleacher Report actually thinks Jameis may be playing PO’ed and probably is turning from talented quarterback to stud quarterback.
Is it a sign Winston is turning a corner? Could this offseason have served as a wake-up call? The former Florida State star did have some nice moments when healthy last season, and it’s possible he’s blossoming in the nick of time.
Again, it is preseason. What is really a shame of all this is that Jameis is hot as a firecracker and now he will be on ice for the next month, maybe longer.
And that stinks.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:04 am
There is no question, not even the slightest doubt, that Jameis has improved dramatically in this off season. Every other pre-season over the past three years I did not really see leaps-and-bounds type improvement. This year it’s different. It’s as if everything clicked.
Granted, years ago drafted QBs would sit behind established vets for a few years before they took a real snap in the NFL but #1 overall picks aren’t given that luxury. Ryan Griffin has had that luxury which is why he *also* looks like an established vet. If Fitzpatrick were to go down I’d have very little concern with Griffin.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:05 am
All of us usually learn from our mistakes……it takes some of us longer……and sometimes our mistakes have to have consequences in order for the learning to happen…
In Jameis’ case, the suspension had to be a huge wake up call…not just for his off-field behavior…..but it probably is helping him to focus on his QB skills.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:10 am
Jameis was the highest rated QB in the NFL not named Tom Brady over the last month of last season so perhaps he is just adding to his great finish last year.
I believe Jamies will win multiple MVP’s in the NFL and I expect when he comes back for game 4 he will play very well.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:11 am
As one of his biggest fans….I think he’s improved a lot. Preseason or not
Cue godeep69 with some stupid little girlish post. Perhaps something like the uber driver turned the corner and…….
August 27th, 2018 at 9:13 am
Yes, the fact Jamies is on a serious roll and has to be put on ice for a month is the worst part. Even worse than the Bucs not having Jamies to play in the toughest opening 3 game stretch ever.
Sad we do not get to see the momentum he has built up carry into the start of the season
August 27th, 2018 at 9:20 am
I do believe it is possible Jamies is capable of performing well if he is chosen by coaching to return as the Starter in Week 4 against Chicago… He demonstrates that passion for winning football that he MIGHT NOT Skip a Beat…. However, I thought of the very same reasons as mentioned in your story quoting Tony Dungy, why our coaching staff would hold Jamies out until after the week 5 bye. With being restricted from even entering One Buc Place, Jamies cannot work with his teammates until about Wednesday of the week they play the Steelers on Monday night. The team players will have Tuesday off at minimum, so it could be best for Jamies to return with nearly 2 full weeks of practice, returning against Atlanta in week six.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:27 am
Short quick passing attack
Will stop and cure JW3 fumbllitis and from injury, Getting the ball out fast cures JW3 from Hero-balllitis
August 27th, 2018 at 9:32 am
Jameis has a world of talent and a golden arm. I remember a youtube vid when he was at FSU where kids had challenged him to throw the ball over either the Stadium wall or a building…you FSU guys can clue me in….but it was an impressive display!
So JW has the golden arm…he has size…he is a very deceptive runner…slow but effective..he has a huge heart and will to win…it’s always been above the neck where my concerns were concentrated.
He seems to have finally progressed in that area…at long last. I gotta believe that the “incident”…the horrid PR…and let’s just say it the shame I believe he felt…seems to have fixed his last major challenge. Getting his head screwed on straight.
A well adjusted, focused, JW should scare the bejeesus out of the NFC South!
He looks ready to roll to me at least.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:35 am
“Hero-balllitis” is the most amazing diagnosis ever. Spot on.
Even with pewter color glasses there did seems to be more of a win on the next down mentality to Winston’s play. Hope it continues throughout the season.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:36 am
I know that the Joes are laser-focused on Jameis, but I tend to be more focused on the TEAM as a whole & on position groups vs on individuals (love having depth). Far as the QB position group goes, Bucs are truly blessed IMO in that we seem to have great depth, more than we’ve had for years. Our first 3 opponents are beasts, BUT … facing them early could actually be a good thing IMO. Some teams seem to improve game-to-game (Pats seem to be like that), so playing them early in the season sometimes is a good thing. Also, our starters should be pretty much 100% by Game 1, and we’ve got a VERY competitive starting offense & defense. Still optimistic that we can go 2-1 in these first 3 games.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:36 am
Jameis has been and will be the least of bucs worries. Soft arse defense led by career losers with a long list of coaches they’ve quit on, will once again be the reason bucs claim another basement title
August 27th, 2018 at 9:44 am
Turning… remains to be seen… however they are at the corner
August 27th, 2018 at 9:48 am
He turned the corner the last 5 games of last season.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:51 am
*News from Philly…
Wentz will not be playing in the 2nd game vs the Bucs but more likely Nick foles
the injury is a 9-12 month rehab. beginning of the season will only be 9 months . all the Drs that perform this injury, all state it is high percentage to reinjure the knee on the 9th month vs absolutely none on the 12 month…
IMO, i think philly lets wentz sit vs, atl, bucs, and colts….thinking 2-1 at worst
August 27th, 2018 at 9:53 am
This is for you @stpetebucsfan
Jameis Winston Throws Football Over FSU Pike House: https://vpsal.es/2wjiqCT
August 27th, 2018 at 10:02 am
As someone that can evaluate talent without the pewter glasses!!!!!! It is now time for the “REALSIT REP{ORT”!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jw3 was just pretty good the last 3 years with a less than supporting cast around him!!!!! and less than stellar off the field from when the hassle was reported, to the leaking of JW3 and Head Coach having “issues”, To the refuting, the report, to the accepting of the plea deal!!!!!!!!!!!!! The past 3 pre-season games, have shown a huge step forward, and he actually looked like a 1st overall draft pick!!!!! That O-line he played with was sup-par NFL talent and he made them look very good!!!!!!!! He started very well which has been a problem of the past!!!!! He has been very accurate in passing, Not pin-point, but Very accurate!!!!!!!!! Word on the street that he has been very solid in practice, which use to be not the case!!!!!! And I think it is very difficult to practice sloppy, and have fast starts in the NFL!!!!!!! The “he practices poorly but is a gamer in the game” just leads to sloppy offensive starts!!!!!!!!
In actuality, The “real” fans only complaint at this point, is that JW3 needs to work on his “hand off’s, And his play-action hand-off to roll outs, need to look the same!!!!!!”
Now the “real”,. problem is to stay sharp for the very long time that he is banished!!!! His next game day might be then end of Sept, and could very well be Oct 14th!!!!!!!!!!! that is an eternity in NFL terms!!!!!!!!
August 27th, 2018 at 10:14 am
If you are really paying attention you have noticed that Koetter has simplified the offense which will help all of their QB’s.
Also, even Vinnie Testeverde always lit it up in preseason
August 27th, 2018 at 10:15 am
Ahhhh, the season beckons, the trumpets are blaring, the ringmaster is prepped for leading the three ring circus with St. Winston high stepping outside the stadium. The sweet smell of same old Bucs is heavy in the humidity. Temper your hoorahs lads and hope, as I do, for a new version.
August 27th, 2018 at 10:18 am
I agree JW3 has looked better. . . buuuuttt repeat after me –
I will hold my eval of JW3 until AFTER I see him play in several games this year.
August 27th, 2018 at 10:46 am
You need to evaluate your grammar, sentence structure, and overall IQ level. Evaluating Gridiron Football is far too complex for you, chief.
August 27th, 2018 at 10:59 am
The Browns were 4-0 last preseason. JW is looking good against backups. AND there is no such thing as a wake up call when you are 20 something. Morals and ethics are developed by a human by the time you are 13-14 years of age. JW does not have either and thinks he is above the law because of what he got away with in college. I have been a Bucs fan since 1979 and hate to see my team set back 10 years by this coward and the cowardly acceptance by the teams ownership and upper management. There are way to many FLKS on this site that want to see him succeed because of his Alma Mater, which blinds them from the truth. You would want JW out of here if you really cared about the team and him. It would be best for him to get a fresh start with a new city, fans, and teammates.
August 27th, 2018 at 11:01 am
@darome: you do realize that you just typed out a “run on” sentence.
August 27th, 2018 at 11:02 am
Jameis has looked sharp. I hope he maintains that level when he returns. I also think play-calling has been improved too. If both remain at a high level, we should be lighting it up IMO.
August 27th, 2018 at 11:02 am
none of it matters when your defense is void of leadership and continuously blows leads your qb hands them… that’s the downfall of this team NOT jameis. jameis was fine last year that defense was embarrassing at best.
August 27th, 2018 at 11:37 am
Altered and BucNole
Spot on!! At the corner, and only pre season.
He HAS absolutely looked better this preseason. He has been playing in small amounts against two’s and maybe three’s. That can’t be ignored. I’m most happy that he is throwing better balls for his receivers to catch.
Outside of the wild TD throw in Tenn. (which admit it) gave us all flashbacks, he seems to be playing within himself.
Now as for his running style…Someone called it best..Joe Cocker..lol
August 27th, 2018 at 12:03 pm
Winston is going to have a VERY good year in 2018 – IF the Oline can do a decent job of run blocking and pass protecting…
August 27th, 2018 at 12:27 pm
Godeep66 so you want to go through all the growing pains of a young man/quarterback then right about when he is turning the corner get rid of him for someone else to enjoy? Dude that sounds like someone who is giving up and I for one I am not someone who quits. Sounds like you need to quit watching sports if you are advocating quitting.
August 27th, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Yep Buc1987 called it. godeep couldn’t help herself with another moronic post like she’s a true Bucs fan. So what are you gonna do when they keep him and pay him a new contract godeep??? Are you going to go root for the teen Titans and be Mariotas jockstrap?
August 27th, 2018 at 12:49 pm
No. Just another name change.
August 27th, 2018 at 1:09 pm
Even if Winston’s passes are improving….he’s still a crotch-grabbing, probable-rapist, crab-stealing,helmet-thumping-while-in-street-clothes, uniform-wearing-while-suspended jerk.
August 27th, 2018 at 1:15 pm
This is the first preseason in a long time where I haven’t thought “don’t worry, they will get that (insert some aspect of their game) fixed by opening day.”
I don’t care if no starters are in uniform Thursday night…except rookie starters.
August 27th, 2018 at 1:25 pm
Geez: I got a couple nagging snowflakes that can’t see anyone else’s view but their own.
NDog: 24 years old is no a young man, it’s a MAN. Speaking of quiting: did he not quit on the FANS, teammates, and organization by not fighting the three game suspension? Or did his narcissistic ways catch up to him?
Davidbigbuc: lighten up buttercup. I’ll bring you home a surprise if you can toughen up a little bit and try to see someone else’s views. Your closet door does not lock shut, it’s okay to come out.
I want the Bucs to win but we will not with this poor excuse of a human as the face on the franchise. #winocheo
August 27th, 2018 at 1:27 pm
@walter. The snowflakes are coming, beware. ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
August 27th, 2018 at 2:00 pm
David…a poser is a poser is a poser.
August 27th, 2018 at 2:08 pm
For some reason my “f-h-i-t-p” was blanked out above. Doesn’t matter. EVERYONE knows that that means.
August 27th, 2018 at 2:08 pm
Winston is coming into his own as a QB, and with all that has happened ths offseason, I think it has definitely helped him become hyper focused on just playing football, executing the gameplan and working on his reads/progressions, etc. He will be a force and has weapons all over the field. It’s an exciting time to be a Bucs fan!
August 27th, 2018 at 2:27 pm
August 27th, 2018 at 2:32 pm
Godeep….please take a walk with your terminus being in front of a bus.
August 27th, 2018 at 3:03 pm
JW let us all down. He is missing 19% of the season this year due to his transgressions and eventual narcissist ways. Do any of you Free Shoes University clowns care about that?
August 27th, 2018 at 5:58 pm
When you say “turn the corner” are you saying Winston can actually win games without everything being exactly perfect? I hope so ..but we’ll see
August 27th, 2018 at 6:19 pm
godeep nothin buttercup or snowflake about me. Your lil pitiful self is the one all up in arms about Jameis because of his mistakes. You and your boyfriend walter ziegheil. You take it so personal like a female would. Lil Ms. Moral majority. Your prez of the USA has done a whole lot worse things than Jameis but I’m sure you look past all his stuff. Must feel great sitting high on your judgement seat judging Jameis so harshly. Now I really hope he comes back strong and makes you morons so called rooting for the Bucs life miserable and maybe shut that rectum under your nose.
August 27th, 2018 at 7:45 pm
Godeep66 has no clue what he is talking about but will find out soon enough. He also acts like he’s never made a mistake you must be god bro your perfect haha sarcasm go hate on him somewhere else bro
August 27th, 2018 at 7:58 pm
@alpahbucfan: I have made plenty mistakes in my life but owned up to them and truly learned from them. My mistakes were never overlooked like all of his were until he got to the big leagues. He is too dumb and the NfL is way too smart for his shenanigans.
August 27th, 2018 at 8:00 pm
@daveFATbuc: last time I checked my president is also yours unless you are one of those illegals immigrants. Just like Tiger Woods said yesterday “we all must respect the office”. Put on Fox News and get educated.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:32 pm
Go deep wait a second above you said jameis let us down for not fighting the 3 games suspension. Then you say that you made mistakes owned up to them and truly learned from them. Wouldn’t jameis accepting the three game suspension be owning up to it and facing the only punishment he can receive since no criminal charges have been filed. So to me he owned up to his mistakes and took his 3 games. So he is not afforded the same right as you to learn from his mistakes. Just shown how much of a hypocrite you are. Telling people to listen to your ideas and they might understand. When your ideas contradict themselves in just one article in order to fit your agenda. Shows me you have one agenda to hate winston and will go against your own believes of learning. From mistakes to keep your hate burning. Because now you are known as the jameis hating moron on joe bucs fan so you can’t even simply say yes joe I agree jameis has looked phenomenal this preseason against number 1,2, and 3 defensive players. Doesn’t matter who he is playing against he can only run his offense against the opponent on the other side of the field and he has been lighting them up.
August 27th, 2018 at 9:57 pm
Looka here hegotdeepinme66 that man has disrespected the office and he admitted to doing worse than Jameis ever did but you respect Mr. Hairflip elected him but denigrate and condemn Jameis. You and your kind are hypocrites of the highest order. FOX is just the conservative version of MSNBC so what can it teach me? That America will always be divided because they are only out for their own kind. Jameis isn’t perfect but he’s a better person than you or your little cronies.
August 27th, 2018 at 11:28 pm
so your saying if Jameis does the same bad things as you seem to know the president has done, it’s OK, but then you say, cause you seem to know everything there is to know about the president, that it’s not ok that he allegedly done it. ..is it cherry flavored? #fakenews …this sounds like BSPN
August 28th, 2018 at 5:18 am
DavidBigBucArse99, I had a reply that Joe didn’t approve, but basically, stop with the idiotic, adolescent, homophobia crapola. Unless that’s the best debating tactic you can muster to defend the crotch grabber.
August 28th, 2018 at 8:03 am
@tubbydavid: the truths hurts, doesn’t it?
August 28th, 2018 at 11:15 am
walter sideofbeef there is no defending what he did it was wrong now get over yourselves. Like fox news network you clowns only work with facts that agree with your point of view any that don’t you dismiss as fake news . Jameis messed up he’s going to pay for it. He’s done enough good in the community to show he’s not all that you people paint him out to be. He’s no saint but no devil either. The grope was wrong but the raype never happened. Dudes like Jameis don’t have to rape chicks like her cause she was looking for the next big thing like they always do. She just saw the chance tho make some money off it.
You don’t like the names? Please stop the boo hooing!😭😭😭 You clowns get the names you deserve! Of course you richard craniums don’t have enough imaginations to come up with something original because no one told you what to say.
Nodeep.66 what truth are you talking about? All I saw was incoherent jibber jabber!
August 28th, 2018 at 11:44 am
walter sideofbeef there is no defending what he did it was wrong now get over yourselves. Like fox news network you clowns only work with facts that agree with your point of view any that don’t you dismiss as fake news . Jameis messed up he’s going to pay for it. He’s done enough good in the community to show he’s not all that you people paint him out to be. He’s no saint but no devil either. The grope was wrong but the raype never happened. Dudes like Jameis don’t have to raype chicks like her cause she was looking for the next big thing like they always do. She just saw the chance tho make some money off it.
You don’t like the names? Please stop the boo hooing!😭😭😭 You clowns get the names you deserve! Of course you richard craniums don’t have enough imaginations to come up with something original because no one told you what to say.
Nodeep.66 what truth are you talking about? All I saw was incoherent jibber jabber!
August 28th, 2018 at 11:45 am
Man Joe’s timeout box is a pain!