Nike Passes On Renewing Jameis Winston’s Contract

August 4th, 2018

If you dreamed of seeing Jameis Winston, America’s Quarterback, in a Nike commercial with Michael Jordan, it’s not going to happen this year.

The folks at ESPN and made a big deal yesterday about Jameis’ marketing contract with Nike expiring and and the company saying it will not be renewed.

Joe wonders, will these same outlets will report it when Jameis signs his next marketing deal? Was the Nike deal significant? Joe has seen no reports on what it actually paid Jameis.

Regardless, this is just another reminder to Jameis that there is a price for foolish behavior — and for not appealing a three-game NFL suspension that includes the league labeling you a sex offender.

67 Responses to “Nike Passes On Renewing Jameis Winston’s Contract”

  1. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    The word on street is – Jell’os looking for a new frontman.

  2. Easy Says:


    I’m in tears!! “Either we f*ckin, or I’m f*ckin”.

  3. I'm a Tandyman Bucs Fan Says:

    Knew this was coming!!!!! Poor Jameis will have to get another job!!!! Heard Uber was hiring.

  4. Buc believer Says:

    Nike and anyone else who drops Jameis and also mostly the suddenly righteous very vocal very small (and small minded) “fans” will regret the decision to not stick with America’s Winner Mr. Jameis Winston! He will bring much success and Super Bowls to the Tampa Bay Area.

  5. Godeep66 Says:

    Nike make calculated decisions when it comes to the dismissal of current athlete agreements. To that end, they spent countless hours reviewing the JW “transgression” and I’m quite confident that he is not only guilty of the Uber episode but also a high risk in the future. Now if we can only get the Bucs to cut him as well.

  6. AlteredEgo Says:

    Buc believer….outside of the Tampa market the split on Jameis is NO where close to what it is here in town and on JBF….right or wrong the marketing perception is what they read in the headlines about off field “hassels” and video of him eating W’s while his team mates look on with confused expressions

  7. Jman5 Says:

    Buc Believer yea he’s obviously so beloved around the nation. Women should coat themselves in Teflon around him. Maybe he could help sponsor that.

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Any company has to weigh the pros & cons of a player endorsement….and yes, it goes both ways….A player not only endorses the product but the product in turn endorses the player…..
    If that evaluation is a net negative…..the player will be dropped….
    Obviously, this is the case with Winston vs Tiger Woods for example.

  9. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Why is everybody always pickin’ on me.

  10. The Buc Realist Says:

    Nike should have signed jw3 for pennies!!!!!! Then create a huge campaign of “Just Don’t Do It” about behaving off the field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Buc believer Says:

    Jman you are just SO funny! I read your little retort on the thrown and instead of my coffee doing it’s job your little quip did.if I were you I would quit my job at the factory and try to be a comedian.

  12. SteelStudBuc Says:

    I guess he’s not America’s 3rd string Quarterback former Pro Bowl alternate after all? Well what is he then?

  13. ben Says:

    Maybe sign up with a company that sells crap legs !

  14. Americas Qb Says:

    A crab stealing, crouch grabbing, 24 year old who is about to make all of you look silly for saying the get rid of him and that he is garbage comments! Havent looked more forward to a season than this one in about a decade! Going to be a fun ride no matter how it all unfolds. Lots of drama, good or bad!!! Go bucs!!

  15. Dreambig Says:

    Adversity in life makes you or breaks you. This is probably the first time in Jameis life he is being held accountable for his actions and having to take a penalty. You would hope he is learning from this and comes back to be a better man that makes us proud over the next 10 years.

  16. Kobe Faker Says:


    “Who said The Buc Realist and people from Sebring doesnt have a sense of humor!”

    Kobe Faker

  17. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “and for not appealing a three-game NFL suspension that includes the league labeling you a sex offender.”

    Unless somebody has seen ALL the evidence the NFL gathered there is simply no way to make that statement. We do not know what would have happened if he had appealed. Perhaps he beats the rap. Then again how many NFL players have successfully appealed a suspension. Go ahead and list them. The league’s best player Tom Brady couldn’t why do we suppose Fameis could?

    Meanwhile if he appeals one thing is certain. This story blows up even larger! The nasty details would be hashed out in public over and over again. Fameis would NEVER get another NIKE deal. His reputation may be a bit tainted now, but a months long he said she said is not what would have been best for Fameis career.

    He did the right thing minimizing this…three more games he can play and a career that can still be turned around. He did the wrong thing hanging out at a bar at 3AM with two losers…blackout drunk…one year after he beat a rape charge. That is either Forrest Gump ignorant or so entitled as to believe you can do whatever you want.

    I sincerely hope the young man has FINALLY learned his lesson. I hope he develops some stand-up character and does not lie and leave his team hanging out to dry. He’s paying for his lesson now…sadly so are the Bucs.

  18. Not there yet Says:

    Don’t know about all the super bowl hype buc believer but jman5 is one of the new haters disguised as a buc fan coming here after news of suspension started coming up. No love or hate here for Winston I want to be impressed if not get a new qb that can get the job done. It’s no surprise they ended the contact, you can’t market this guy right now and I don’t remember him in any big time Nike commerical so why continue with the partnership.

    Unless your Josh Gordon or Doug Martin, losing money makes you wake up to reality real fast. If Winston did win is a Superbowl this year it would be the worst timing ever because no one would want to put him on TV. I don’t think he’s ready for primetime yet but can’t wait to find out

  19. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    “Either we f*ckin, or I’m f*ckin”.


  20. Anonymous Says:

    I don’t see the big deal here. They didn’t renew a contract w him that had him in 0 commercial, posters, ads, or other media…. wow. Major blow. ::eye roll::

  21. Kalind Says:

    What’s the big deal here? He didn’t get a contract renewed w a company that had him in 0 commercials, posters, ads, or other media? Wow. Shocked. Must major blow to both…::eye roll::

  22. Destinjohnny Says:

    It’s wild to watch someone lose and leave so so so so much money on the table wow
    He couldn’t of picked a worse time to asault a women

  23. Duthsty Rhothdes Says:

    Lyft will hire him

  24. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Interesting thoughts about the “dangers” of making the SB this year.

    It could go either way. One thing is certain in front of every game along the way…every playoff game and of course a massive feature on SB Sunday about Fameis and his trials and tribulations.

    Not really good to relive the past but OTOH if Fameis handlers got out ahead of it they spin it as the ultimate story of redemption. If it “looks” like spin though…could be a backlash.

    If we make the SB and Fameis is the QB who did it…it will be a wildly interesting post season.

  25. Jman5 Says:

    Believer you really think I could make it?

  26. donuts Says:

    If you dreamed of seeing Jameis Winston, Ybor city Quarterback, in a Nike commercial with Michael Jordan, it’s not going to happen EVER.

    Ya think Jordan would really associate his name with Winston?

    Not in a million years.

    How about finding a new agent?? Seems to be taking a long time. (July 2) I hope he turns this thing around but the mountain is steep…like Everest.

  27. tickrdr Says:

    Completely OT:

    Johnny Manziel throws 4 first-half INTs in his CFL debut.


  28. Godeep66 Says:

    There is a chance for Canada’s QB JW to out shine Miezel in the CFL.

  29. Bobby M. Says:

    When the team that drafted you removes you from the side of the stadium, expect others to pass as well. It would take a substantial amount of winning to outweigh the risk of having him affiliated with a company’s brand…..For example, Nike stuck by Tiger Woods and Kobe. They were elite….Nike doesn’t view Winston even close to that status and certainly not worth the risk.

  30. Godeep66 Says:

    @bobby: spot on with your analysis. Nike knows far more than any of us about JWs off field issues.

  31. D-Rome Says:

    Johnny Manziel throws 4 first-half INTs in his CFL debut.

    He looked horrible. Missed wide open guys in favor of throwing to receivers in double coverage. Thank God no one listened to the Joes, or the Commish, or Dick Vitale when it came to the 7th pick in the 2014 draft.

  32. Yungry Says:

    Great decision Nike! This guy is disgusting

  33. Eric Says:

    Well put Bobby

  34. Bucsfaninchina Says:

    Joebucsfan comment boards, YOUR source for rape jokesk

  35. Buccfan37 Says:

    Good, maybe Nike can pay their sweatshop labor an extra penny per hour.

  36. Season Is Over Says:

    I can assure sure that no one on earth is dreaming of seeing Mr. Magoo in a Nike commercial with Jordan. Lmao! His own team doesn’t want to see him on their own stadium.

  37. Greg Says:

    Why would Nike want to support a guy when his own team won’t put a banner of him on the stadium? Joe is hanging on to a turd. Just pinch it off Joe he never was Americas quarterback. Just Joe’s quarterback

  38. Buc68 Says:

    I don’t think people realize how well Jameis was playing to close the year. Also no one seems to realize how important a kicker and a defense is. I understand most people here are trolls, but if we have an average defense and kicker, and the exact same Jameis that finished the season shows up we will be a nasty football team.

  39. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    I just hope that this, along with the suspension, makes Jameis realize, guilty or not, that he can’t put himself in this position. I gave him a pass when he was at FSU because I made stupid decisions when I was 20, but I didn’t when I was 22. Winston has a chance to be a top 10 QB, a lot of that is his maturity off the field. I hope he doesn’t waste that chance like other players have.

  40. Jman5 Says:

    Eric you didn’t have to add the or not part

  41. Greg Says:

    At least Wednesday and is not Johnny Manziel who Joe also wanted. Joe loves him a douche bag quarterback

  42. Buc1987 Says:

    So…. no more Jameis Winston commercials? Oh wait…

    No more Jameis Winston Nike ads in magazines? Oh wait….

    As a Bucs fan since 87 and never having a franchise QB, I really care about all this crap. Oh wait….

    Does this mean his “haters” will finally buy Nikes again?

  43. Buc1987 Says:

    Greg there is no mural on the stadium. None. Of any player.

  44. Joe Says:

    Greg there is no mural on the stadium. None. Of any player.

    So they are “likenesses?”

  45. Buc1987 Says:

    DB55 Says:
    July 1st, 2018 at 12:05 pm

    “Yesterday I saw a guy with a buzz cut, hadn’t shaven in weeks, wearing a #87 jersey as he walked through the intersection with an obvious meth high and I thought to myself there goes Roy T and/or JMan.”


    DB…I read your stuff man….sorry I couldn’t be there. Some of the stuff that has been said about Jameis on this site… is more disgusting than his supposed Uber incident from 3 yrs ago. So here’s what I’ll give them….

    …………./´¯/)……….. (\¯`\
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    (.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….).)
    .\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./
    ..\…………….. /……..\………………/
    ….\…………..(………. ..)……………./
    ……\………….\……… ../…………./

  46. Buc1987 Says:

    LOL Joe…who’s up there now? I was in Tampa awhile back and I didn’t see anyone on the stadium.

  47. The Buc Realist Says:


    The “real” fans would not be opposed to see JW3 in a colt 45 malt liquor commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Joe Says:

    LOL Joe…who’s up there now?

    Can’t remember but someone is on the northeast corner.

  49. Buc1987 Says:

    Okay…lol I saw they picked Brate and David out of the entire roster…and that it was kind of made a semi big deal of by the media. He’ll prolly be back up there later in the season if they start winning.

    Let the season begin.

  50. Walter Seidel Says:

    Phillip Knight is a businessman who made a business decision. No one else is going to pay a sexual assaulter to represent their brand. Glazers are businessmen. I hope they make a business decision too.

  51. Walter Seidel Says:

    And….”three game suspension” my butt !!! It was SIX or more and he agreed to apologize and not contest it, to make it only a three game suspension. Please, Glazers… Massey Services and eliminate this pest!!

  52. BrianBucs Says:

    Nike shows that they are much smarter than the Glazers

  53. unbelievable Says:

    LOL LUV 😂😂

  54. NJBucsFan Says:

    Sinking ship all the way around. We’ll be back at ground zero in the next 18 months. New GM, new coach, new players.

  55. Oneilbucs Says:

    BrainBucs why do that matter if Nike drop him ? So do that change your life or something. I’m a football fan I watch football for entertainment I want the bucs to win, but if they don’t I’m not losing not sleep . I like Winston cuz he can play football that’s it I don’t know him personally. I know him just as much I know you. So if you haven’t live a perfect life witch I know you didn’t why would I judge you for something you did in the pass . And I know you did the same thing that they said he did. If I mentioned 1 name Hillary Clinton. They call her every disrespectful name you can call a women and no one cares. Y’all are a bunch of hypocrits. Go bucs ….. n fizpatrick for 3 games then Winston let’s goooooo……..

  56. Kb Says:

    Jameis been wearing Jordan’s anyway! A brand doesn’t define a player anyways!!!

  57. BrianBucs Says:


    If you only like Winston because he can play football then your standards are very low.
    I’ve been a devoted Bucs fan since 1976, have bought season tickets many times and have seen every single Bucs player come and go. So yes, it pains me to see the starting QB and face of the franchise of the team that I have loved for so many years be a total turd and a disgrace to the uniform

  58. gilhealy Says:

    BrianBucs, being a women you have the right to be skeptical of Jameis. But give it a rest. Do you have any other pieces of wisdom concerning the Bucs? Does your boyfriend or husband have any thoughts you’d like to share? Anything? You gotta move on, lady.

  59. Joe Says:

    Jameis been wearing Jordan’s anyway! A brand doesn’t define a player anyways!!!

    Aren’t those made by NIKE?

  60. BrianBucs Says:


    Too Funny. Nice try though

  61. BrianBucs Says:


    That’s Classic, lol

  62. Oneilbucs Says:

    BrainBucs I just believe in grace. I’m not God . I can show grace towards people. It’s not about standards cause no one I mean no one has ever lived up to God standards but 1 and that’s God in flesh which is Jesus Christ!!

  63. Gman Says:

    Michael Jordan would not be seen on the same side of the street as Jaboo let alone a TV commercial

  64. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Gman please. You forget Jordan is black. I highly doubt he’d dip on Jameis like that like you people do. Nike made a business decision as did the Glazers. No biggie, when the team finally starts to rally around Jameis and helps him win he’ll be back up there, unless he’s smart and goes to a new team. I hope he lights it up this year and Bellicheat signs him when Brady retires.

  65. Walter Seidel Says:

    Yeah DavidBigBucsFan99…..hope he’s “smart” and goes to a new team. Thank you.

  66. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    You know, it is entirely possible it has nothing to do with the accusations made against him. They could just want a fresh, new hot name…there are some out there.

    If they wanted to, they could have cancelled his contract month ago to make a statement. Instead, they let it play out.

    So…sorry to spoil haters day.

  67. NYC Bucs Fan Says:

    Jameis does not have a high enough national profile for them to take a risk to their brand at this time. If you remember, both Kobe Bryant and Ben Roethlisberger regained all of their endorsement contracts, over time, after they were accused of doing things much worse than what Jameis was accused of.

    Moving forward, he just needs to play well, lead our team to WINS and be a good citizen off-the-field.