Monken: Quit Talking About Your College
August 23rd, 2018
Bucs offensive coordinator Todd Monken is a blessing.
When he is allowed to talk, Monken isn’t just refreshing, he is entertaining. Monken represents everything the public, the fans and media types love and what team suits fear and loathe: brutal, unfiltered honesty.
It wasn’t lost on Joe that Monken paraphrased a Bob Knight quote yesterday. The former baron of Indiana basketball didn’t give one flip what anyone thought. Knight said what was on his mind and if you didn’t like that, then go suck your thumb with one hand while wiping your rear end with the other. Knight had zero filters.
Monken isn’t too far off from Knight, sans the profanity, the in-your-face bully tactics and the 500-pound-stomping-gorilla routine.
Of course, Monken made waves earlier this year when he said of last year’s red zone offense, “We chose to suck.” No one has told Joe this directly, but the feel Joe has gotten from Bucs types was that quote didn’t go over very well within the upper levels of One Buc Palace. It certainly made some front office staff (more?) skittish if not paranoid of Monken speaking publicly.
(Guys, Bucs fans crave honesty from their coaches. It doesn’t make the team less popular or fans less likely to buy tickets and gear and $10 lukewarm Miller Lites. Apathy does that. If a team is going to lose, at least be interesting.)
Monken, as the final training camp practice for 2018 came to a close yesterday, all but doubled-down on his “We chose to suck” comment. In no uncertain teams, Monken said if the offense doesn’t hum this fall, it will be because the players don’t value winning enough.
“They have to decide how important winning is,” Monken said. “How important is that? Because that has to be important. Otherwise, it becomes individualistic. ‘I can still play well and I am OK.’
“Don’t you want to be part of winning? Don’t you want to be part of where we talk about the Bucs and not talk about our old college team anymore? Talk about where we are headed so we can put a banner up there for what we have done and what we have accomplished?
“We will decide that. We are the ones who decide that. And it won’t be about talent.”
Well, Joe will let his readers figure out what players Monken may be referring to. Those who closely follow Bucs players on social media can likely connect the dots.
Anyway, more Monken is always good.
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:06 pm
Joe, is it possible that Monken is shooting his mouth off as a way to get fired? I for one, enjoy his honesty but the men whom cut the checks surely do not. A fact I’m sure that is not missed by Monken.
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:13 pm
I don’t follow anyone on social media…would someone connect the dots for me?
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:13 pm
No. If he wanted to get fired he could be already fired if he wanted. And very quickly.
Punch Ed Glazer. Slit the tires of Jameis’ truck. Throw rocks at DeSean Jackson’s rig. Try to hit on Jason Licht’s wife after practice in full view of media. Urinate on the field of the new indoor facility. Remind people of Mike Smith’s track record with cornerbacks as Bucs defensive coordinator… all sorts of ways.
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:27 pm
Monkey is starting to speak a little more to get his name in print for his next job. I’m sure there are more than one owner or GM that likes what he has to say. It does not get any easier than that.
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:27 pm
LJ’sDaddy Says:
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:13 pm
“I don’t follow anyone on social media…would someone connect the dots for me?”
That was my intended comment exactly. Cmon Joe – let the cat out of the bag. Who was Monk referring to? Initials would suffice…
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:30 pm
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:36 pm
Deff not GMC doosh-bag
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:36 pm
Would rather have coaches know that this stuff is best keep in house!!!!!!!! When Joe was doing weekly radio shows, we all know that the most entertaining was the OFF the air show!!!!!! But is that for public consumption??????????
The “real” fans don’t need every dirty detail and have it all spelled out to know what is going on!!!!!!!!!
#trust the coaches!!!!!!!! Fix the “real” problem, the roster!!!!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:37 pm
well folks…you’ve heard it from the horses mouth!!!!!….we sucked because we chose to suck…..not because of injuries or HK or SOS…..
and it sounds like monken is shooting down all other excuses as well…..if the offense doesn’t hum this year regardless of injuries or suspensions its because the player replacing them doesn’t want it bad enough…..since this is the most talented team in years…..
monken aint making excuses!!!!…and either should you….
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:42 pm
I think what Monken really meant is that it won’t be about potential…but attitude and production.
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:46 pm
813bucboi Says
“we sucked because we chose to suck…..not because of…”
Come on now, buddy. You cannot seriously think that all those things contributed to last year.
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:46 pm
Has to be GMC and Donovan Smith. Those guys are always shooting their mouths off about Oklahoma and Penn State on Instagram. Those two force the Bucs to play their fight songs in the weight room and then brag about it on Instagram.
August 23rd, 2018 at 1:57 pm
My guess is he’s talking about OJ Howard. OJ has seemed like he’s getting better, but clearly he hasn’t lived up to his full potential. Brate clearly passed him by in production.
OJ came from a multi-title winning Bama team. It wouldn’t surprise me if he still “talks a lot” about the Bama program and ‘how they did this’ and ‘how they did that’ on offense.
When you come from a consistently winning dominant program like Alabama, it’s probably easy to ‘second guess’ coaching decisions or at least give too many opinions that run coaches the wrong way.
Just my guess.
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:00 pm
What’s the Crimson fight song?
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:05 pm
I remember the FSU receiver Wilson always talking about college last year on Hard Knocks, that’s who came to mind when I read that. But I’m sure he’s not the only one guilty of that. But I do get the point he’s making, college is the past and that doesn’t matter anymore. Hopefully whoever he’s speaking about takes this advice to heart.
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:15 pm
Good Lawd
Just how bad is the culture at OBP?
Monken’s takes may be right on, if so what kind of zoo is this organization running?
Looks like coaches have no handle on the players when they have to use the media to call them out, rightly or wrongly .
I always thought Gruden was an overzealous control freak..truth is he probably was. But at least he HAD some control…..We have a small school college staff here.
Coaches coach and players play…what are we more lacking in?
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:16 pm
He is talking about GMC running around in his underwear to Oklahoma Sooner fight song on Hard knocks. Eeeewww
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:20 pm
Like i said previously this guy just likes to talk to hear himself talk. And obviously half-assed it last year if he let player “choose to suck” so what does that say about the leadership of the coaching staff.
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:22 pm
@Joe … “Remind people of Mike Smith’s track record with cornerbacks as Bucs defensive coordinator.” Ya Joe, that surely is as good a reason for Monken getting fired as ‘punching Ed Glazer” or “urinating on the field in the new indoor facility”.
At least you’re consistent in your dislike of Scapegoat Smitty. Personally, before skewering him, I’d rather wait and see how well he & his staff can do with some halfway decent Secondary talent (albeit very young, inexperienced, injured talent at this point) this year operating behind a decent DLine & decent LB corps.
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:28 pm
We get a few Dlinemen and looks to me like the LBs crap out….
I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a defense ( certainly not a Bucs D) that spends more time chasing down plays rather than attacking and imposing their will.
Say what you will be this D has not been good under Smitty.
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:31 pm
@Jimmy … “Has to be GMC and Donovan Smith. ”
@BucsBandit … “My guess is he’s talking about OJ Howard.”
@Lamarcus … “He is talking about GMC running around in his underwear.”
Aah yes, speculation run amok yet again. Maybe (?), just maybe (?) Monken made it as a GENERAL comment indicating to the players that if they created a winning tradition HERE (like say, oh, maybe the Patriots or Steelers?), they wouldn’t even be thinking about their old college days. They’d be bragging instead of what they’re a part of RIGHT NOW. Good goal to shoot for IMO.
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:31 pm
Once again, if you think Smith and his staff have developed young corners, you and Joe are watching two different teams. Surprised you don’t argue that Jameis doesn’t fumble the ball.
Ever hear the old saying “It ain’t bragging if you back it up?” Same applies when your troops suck eggs.
As Todd Monken would say, “Own it.”
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:41 pm
Why would Monken “try to get fired”. Why wouldn’t he just quit?
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:50 pm
MONKEN SAID THE TEAM “CHOSE TO SUCK”…..I didn’t say it….the coach said it…..
he didn’t mention anything else….
but yeah, go ahead and name all those reas I mean EXCUSES for why we “chose to suck” last year…..
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:59 pm
He also said “we had a nice year two years ago and all of a sudden it’s human nature: “Hey here we go, Bucs, we’ve arrived.” Everyone drank the Kool-Aid, and now Hard Knocks is rolling in and we’ve added some pieces – all of a sudden we think we’re just going to take the field against grown men, the best in the world, and just think it’s going to happen. We all saw that’s not how it works. It works by the work you put in and the attention to detail that you do every single day”!!!
But that is not the first time that you have picked and choose what to hear!!!!!!!! Funny how the “no excuses” were anything but when lovie was coach!!!!!! As they say on the street, “you a jive turkey”!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:59 pm
@Jmarkbuc … “Say what you will be this D has not been good under Smitty.” Never said they have been good Jmark, quite the contrary in the past actually. BUT … I have made the point (many times I know) that POINTS ALLOWED is all that REALLY counts in the final analysis. And in THAT area, Smitty’s defense has come in #15 in 2016 (allowing 369 pts) and #22 in 2017 (allowing 382 pts). And quite a few of those POINTS ALLOWED were either directly attributable to scores allowed by the offense or to very poor field position as a result of offensive miscues. I personally don’t hold Smitty’s defense accountable for crappy situations like that.
What I do hold them accountable for performing much worse in stopping 3rd down conversions in 2017. They actually improved a little in turnovers last year, but their sacks fell off the cliff (down to only 22) meaning zero pressure on the QBs. Yet they held their opponents to the same number of plays on the year (within 2), decreased the number of passing TDs allowed (from 16 in 2016 to 12 in 2017), but totally screwed the pooch in rushing TDs allowed (went from 18 rushing TDs allowed in 2016 to 30 allowed in 2017). But ya, let’s skewer the Secondary. Got a feeling the zero pass rush pressure and crappy run defense (especially near the goal line) was what finally prompted Licht to beef up our DLine. That, combined with some young talent now in the Secondary, should bode well for this year (I hope).
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:14 pm
@Joe … “Ever hear the old saying “It ain’t bragging if you back it up?” Same applies when your troops suck eggs.” When you mention “YOUR TROOPS” Joe, I presume you’re talking about VHIII, Ryan Smith & Javien Elliott (since you’ve previously said Smitty did pretty well with veteran CBs like Grimes & McClain, who thus presumably didn’t “suck eggs”). So Smitty was given one 1st rounder (VHIII) who most seem to agree is much better suited to be a nickel CB, plus a 4th rounder (R Smith) who was for all practical purposes a rookie CB last year, plus an Undrafted FA (Elliott) to ‘develop’ in his first 2 years. Should add Justin Evans in there, although I thought Smitty did a decent job developing him (unless he developed on his own of course). And with all of them operating behind a DLine that truly ‘sucked eggs’. Personally I want to see how Smitty and his Band of Renown do THIS year with a (hopefully) improved DLine AND better talent in the Secondary to develop. And if they STILL ‘suck eggs’ then you can gloat I guess (personally I’d rather see them not suck and us go to the Super Bowl).
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:29 pm
you make yourself sound dumber by the minute….lol….and I luv it!!!!
you if the coaches allowed the players to drank the Kool-Aid, they are at fault more than any one in the organization….they are suppose to keep players from drinking the Kool-Aid….
that’s an indictment on your coaching staff!!!!!
once again you’ve exposed your dirty little maxipad and your lousy staff…..
now pull your skirt down….
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:36 pm
Once again, Joe will ask you in a very elementary way. Did any of the following corners improve in any way or even plateau from their first to second season?
Did Javien Elliott?
Did Ryan Smith?
Did Vernon Hargreaves?
If the answer is “yes” to any of the above, then please also explain why Jason Licht spent two second-round picks — not one, but two! — on cornerbacks? Am sure the Glazer family would love to be enlightened.
Sorry, but a good coach should make someone better, not worse. No, Joe doesn’t expect Mike Smith or his assistant to make these guys Hall of Famer. But a good coach at least gets his players to play remotely respectable.
Just FYI, the Bucs were No. 32 in pass defense last year. You know, the same defense your Messiah coached.
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:46 pm
JOE dropped the mic on you again!!!!!….lol….please quit…….
on second thought, keep it up….I luv watching(reading) you get slapped around like smitty’s defense!!!!!
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:50 pm
Lemme see.
Monken’s comments on DJax last year, I’m sure that sat well with the team
The team choses to suck, wonder how that sits with the team when they are the one’s out there getting hit
Now throwing off on players on Social media about their college days as if they are not concerned about winning
I guess he is there everyday, so he knows.
What Joe calls refreshing, I would call it “what have you done lately” yeah players play and coaches coach, but let’s se how much better the d-lne plays for a guy who says what he says and has put the blood and sweat on the field. Why were these players tuned into Dungy, he played, in the league and has rings.
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:51 pm
It’s getting rough in these here parts! Dang!
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:55 pm
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:24 pm
Defense rules
Come on man
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:30 pm
Joe Says:
August 23rd, 2018 at 3:36 pm
Once again, Joe will ask you in a very elementary way. Did any of the following corners improve in any way or even plateau from their first to second season?
Did Javien Elliott?
Did Ryan Smith?
Did Vernon Hargreaves?
I can’t believe your using those 3 names as a defense to that stupid argument. Again your thinking 2 if those 3 should be starters just because of how long they’ve been in the roster, are you serious?
VH3 was projected to be a slot corner and look how he plays in the slot versus outside? You mean he was good enough to start as a rookie and it’s the coaches fault he’s played worse? You mean you can actually coach someone to be worse? Ryan Smith has a lot of experience and one of the worse corners on the roster and you sound really stupid blaming the coaches for his lack of talent despite his game experience seeing how he looks worse than rookies I’d say it’s because of talent not coaching. Well anyone with common sense would say that
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:32 pm
one of the issues everyone had with Lovie was his inability to adjust the defense to his players when he did not have the players he needed, isn’t that the same thisng Smitty is doing with his DB’s, if they are better press coverage but the CBs are 10-12 yards off the los, hence the reason you saw Taylor Lewan go for the long TD run against the defense last Saturday, easy pickins when you have one CB dropped back ten yards, he can’t even slow the runner down before help gets there. That is scheme
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:34 pm
813bucboi Says:
August 23rd, 2018 at 2:50 pm
he didn’t mention anything else…
And you were proven wrong!!!!! Then tried to change the subject!! Nice try!!!!!!!! If you were trying!!!! more like not comprehending again!!!!!!! You better go find an adult to Mansplain it to you!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:45 pm
I am with DR and never bought into they can’t develop corners. One of the most ridiculous takes since the Joes were pimping Johnny Foosball.
Why do our corners stink? Here:
1. Worst pass rush in the league.
2. Soft arse scheme with ( see No. 1)
3. You can’t put a poodle in a greyhound race
Hargreaves was showing a lot of improvement last off-season and was making picks in practice and I remember a lot of buzz. Whatever is going on with him is mental and is on him to correct.
Ryan Smith is still super raw and just lacks any sort of field awareness. Lost cause.
Elliott is like 150 lbs. He was never supposed to be starting on an NFL team. That just shows you how thin we were at corner.
I like Licht but to this point I would say the deficiencies in the secondary are more talent gathering than bad coaching. Why was Smith and Elliot on the roster and we let guys like Sterling Moore and Rashan Melvin go? Throw Robert McClain in there this year too.
These Rooks are playing well…they are being DEVELOPED into this (soft) system. So if the rookies ball out this year can you drop this silly can’t develop corners nonsense?
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:50 pm
With all this talk it seems the Bucs are headed for another lost season. Lots of talent, but unfocused talent is useless talent.
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:52 pm
Well, who is responsible for that? Pretty sure it isn’t George Warhop.
You know, maybe a coordinator should fit the scheme to the talent he has, not to be another Lovie Smith? Just maybe?
August 23rd, 2018 at 4:55 pm
What do you mean? That *is* the argument! All three of those guys have gotten worse. What example is Joe supposed to list about young guys not developing at corner, Lavonte David and Gerald McCoy?
Holy smokes, if you have to move the goal posts that badly, you have nothing to stand on, which is exactly what Joe has pointed out. Those three are precisely what Joe is talking about, good grief.
August 23rd, 2018 at 5:05 pm
It’s sounds to me like Klueless Koetter drank the cool aid. He’s the one that ran a soft camp like they had already arrived.
August 23rd, 2018 at 5:16 pm
el puta
your coaches committed cardinal sin #1….don’t drink the Kool-Aid…..
and he admitted they ALL DID…..what part don’t you understand?…..
that’s coaching 101…..just proves “your” staff is incompetent…..
August 23rd, 2018 at 5:17 pm
How many times do we have to go over this Joe?
Ryan Smith DID improve last year. Visibly. The other Joe wrote those very words just a week or so ago.
Smith went from “Holy Crap that guy is awful” when he got thrown to the wolves in the 2nd game – to “no longer a serious liability” by the later part of the season. He’s still got a ways to go if he is to be expected to defend successfully against the likes of JJ and Michael Thomas – but Smith DID in fact improve last year – thus “development”…
Time to let this silly notion GO.
Both rookie CBs and the rookie safety all look competent and capable 2 weeks into the pre-season. They knew absolutely nothing about Mike Smith’s defense just 4 short months ago and now they are all playing in it fairly successfully – flashing and making plays. Do you think these rookies were just handed play books and instructed to “figure it out” – or did the DB coaches and their direct boss Smitty work with them, teach them, DEVELOP them….
You are just trolling us all at this point on this issue Joe(L) – I’m convinced of it! 🙂
August 23rd, 2018 at 5:21 pm
how does smith look now?…..looks like he’s regressed…
August 23rd, 2018 at 5:28 pm
I think this is going to be a better offensive year with Koetter not being HC and OC and trying to figure out which bad play to run from both positions.
August 23rd, 2018 at 5:40 pm
We shall see 813. Ryan Smith isn’t going anywhere – so he will get his chances.
If a 4th rd pick ultimately becomes a valuable special teams player (which Smith already is!) and reasonably capable back up – then he was a good selection and has already beaten the 70+% odds that were stacked against him by “making it” in the NFL.
August 23rd, 2018 at 5:44 pm
Why aren’t the coaches being accountable and not letting this attitude exist on their team. Why are they coaching scared as if the jobs arent on the line. That is why running soft training camps produce soft teams.
August 23rd, 2018 at 6:29 pm
The offensive line was a huge culprit. How many OL penalties pushed back long drives once they got in the red zone? Jameis missed passes in the end zone. Receivers were so often covered up, but if the ball is pin pointed, those guys can come down with it. It also seemed like Jameis was always under pressure because the offensive line chose to suck. When they didn’t they got called for holding often. Koetter above all else totally sucked. They would pass pass pass down the field. They would get in the red zone and Derp would call two run plays with a suck run offense and it’s 3’rd and 8. The pass is coming and Jameis couldn’t complete it, but receivers were locked down. I guess the point is that Derp needs to figure it out. Call a play that will work and the defense doesn’t expect. Yes it’s easy to say but Sean Payton does it every week. I want a coach like that. Dirk you suck and you are responsible. That’s why I’ve pushed hard for Monken to call plays. The red zone has been Derp’s Achilles since he got here. Figure it out. Find what other teams do that actually works. This problem won’t go away by itself.
August 23rd, 2018 at 6:29 pm
@Joe … “You know, maybe a coordinator should fit the scheme to the talent he has, not to be another Lovie Smith?” I agree with you Joe, and I think that Smitty has done that to the extent that he can. It’s not practical IMO to change a complete defensive philosophy just to accommodate 1 or 2 players though. Smitty’s defensive concept is really pretty straight-forward IMO: DLine pressures the QB & stuffs the run, LBs clean up behind & take advantage of ‘openings’, and the Secondary tries to minimize explosive plays & potentially capitalize by creating INTs.
Undoubtedly a LOT more sophisticated than that, but as I looked at what the Jaguars did last year, it was right in-line with that. Smitty’s problem is that he didn’t have the horses in the trenches, nor did he have a decent-enough Secondary to do what he needed back there (their tackling sucked IOW & they gave up too many explosive plays, even with playing off). No defensive concept is gonna work well if you don’t have the horses … and we didn’t last year. That’s why I’m eager to see how this defense does this year with better talent. Time will tell.
August 23rd, 2018 at 7:09 pm
OJ getting better? God some of you are dumb
August 23rd, 2018 at 7:56 pm
Monken is a straight shooter.
Monken turned around Southern Miss and left that program to come here. They have a good first year and bad second year. Monken is dead on. He is on the hot seat with everyone else. Just let it fly, a man with nothing to lose. And I dig it.
I have no idea as to what player he was referring to in regards to college glory day reveling? He’s right. Just because your rich AF, doesn’t mean you should forgot about what got you here. I hope Monken rips every last MFer in the lockerroom before games. Get these guys focused and fired up. No more soft football in Tampa, please.
August 23rd, 2018 at 8:55 pm
Not sold on Mike Smith. Let’s see what he does with FINALLY calling a few blitzes this season. Bucs weakness isn’t Monken and DK’s offense, it’s the D.
August 23rd, 2018 at 9:19 pm
I said it before the draft and I’ll say it again. If Mike Smith can’t devolope Corners this year will proove it or disproove. Now here we are with 2 rookie Corners who have spashed in preseason looking to get a real chance. I’m sure Joe will be the happiest to admitted he was wrong if that what happens
Anboby trying to argue Smith can develop based on current players is just making an ass out of themselves
August 23rd, 2018 at 9:38 pm
Defense Rules
You know I love Defense as much as you. But I’m sorry there is know defending what is being put on that field, and unfortunately that is Smitty’s responsibility as DC and then DK’s as HC. If you want to argue available talent, then look at the GM.
Your argument for points allowed.. sure points allowed is a big stat. Blaming “quite a few points on poor field position/crappy situations” might be true, but it is still bunk. For every “crappy situation” they were in last year, there was a march down the field by the opposing team, like a hot knife through butter.
How many bad positions did Sapp, Brooks and Lynch et. al. find themselves in? How did they perform?
If we don’t have good enough players get a new GM. If we have all this talent everybody is raving about lately, and they don’t produce, Fire the DC.
This Defensive TEAM lacks the very basics of DEFENSE…Heart, Desire, and Pride. Those deficiencies can’t be masked by schemes or talent. If your DC can’t instill those basic principles,through his teaching or through the people he hires to teach, the TEAM doesn’t stand a chance.
Smitty ain’t it, and everybody knows it…up to and including the talent. I will be glad to let him prove me wrong.
August 24th, 2018 at 12:12 am
After reading all of this you would think the season was half way over with a 2-6 record. LOL
August 24th, 2018 at 4:24 am
@Jmarkbuc … “If we don’t have good enough players get a new GM. If we have all this talent everybody is raving about lately, and they don’t produce, Fire the DC.”
Agree Jmark. Last year the talent simply wasn’t there. This year the talent level has been markedly improved. If the results don’t also improve significantly, that’d be more on coaching than talent. But realistically, if we still don’t improve, it won’t just be the DC who’ll be out looking for a job. So will the HC and the GM.