Friday Practice News, Notes & Nuggets
August 3rd, 2018The full broil was on this morning during a full-length practice by your mighty Buccaneers — in pads.
Joe was hunting for all possible goodies and has plenty to share from One Buc Palace.
*Team Glazer has been at training camp this year but Joe hasn’t spotted any members. Either they’re in disguise or Joe is slipping. Regardless, their presence has been less prominent this summer. Very few fans at practice today. 100? Must have been some sort of V.I.P. day. The light turnout sure made all the blue-clad security guards stand out.
*7-on-7 highlights: Action kicks off with Ryan Fitzpatrick with a sharp throw to Mike Evans.
*Jameis Winston hits Mike Evans. Wide open.
*Coverage sack of Jameis.
*Jameis throws up a soft meatball intercepted by Ryan Smith.
*Flag thrown? Unknown call. The officials are still in town working parts of practice.
*Fitz throws to the right side aiming for Adam Humphries and has the ball tipped by Josh Robinson. Incomplete.
*Jameis rolls left and hits the pride of Syracuse, undrafted rookie receiver Ervin Phillips, along the left sideline for a big gain on a catch-and-run.
*Diving breakup by M.J. Stewart of a pass after backup QB Ryan Griffin rolled left and bought time.
*Deep crossing route complete, Fitzpatrick to DeSean Jackson. Wide open. Dude is fast.
*Receiving back Charles Sims makes a nice catch on a crossing pattern from the left thrown by Jameis. Somehwere, Ira lifts a glass of Riesling for his favorite player.
*Jacquizz Rodgers takes short pass in the right flat from Jameis.
*Rookie receiver Justin Watson comes straight across the field from the left and catches a pass from Fitz with Vernon Hargreaves all over him. Watson comes down with the ball and Hargreaves begins begging the zebras to throw a flag, as in disbelief Watson got away with one. Once Watson broke free of Hargreaves along the right sideline, he housed the play.
*11-on-11 red zone action: Peyton Barber runs left for two yards. The intensity is high on both sides of the ball.
*WHOA!! One-hand left hand grab at the six yard line by O.J. Howard on a ball thrown a little behind him from Jameis.
*Bucs go five-wide and it’s a slant pass to Barber.
*Ronald Jones runs right and is stuffed by corner/safety Josh Liddell.
*Off-target Jameis, throws behind Anthony Auclair.
*BLITZ! Noah Spence comes off the left edge and tags Jameis. (August version of a sack.)
*Fitzpatrick to Mike Evans. Incomplete with a little pressure on Fitz.
*Pretty run by Jacquizz Rodgers up the gut for what would have been at least six yards. Ryan Jensen fires out to the left and opens the hole.
*Nice pass breakup by Carlton Davis on Godwin. Throw by Fitzpatrick.
*Field goal ecstasy. Chandler Catanzaro keeps rolling on 4-of-4 from 35 to 43 yards. Special teams coaching was changing sides of the field on Catanzaro.
*1-on-1 pass rush/pass blocking action
*Vinny Curry beats Demar Dotson easily.
*Noah Spence smokes Donovan Smith on an inside move.
*Dotson with a win against Jason Pierre-Paul. Nicely done.
*Another win for Spence against Smith. Joe’s basing this on a clear fistfull of jersey Smith had.
*JPP comes back to beat Dotson.
*Will Gholston and Alex Cappa tangle in one-on-one drills and it appears it may have been a draw. Perhaps a slight edge to Gholston. However, Gholston was pulled aside by defensive line coach Brentson Buckner for personal coaching.
*Camp meat tackle Brad Seaton pushes fellow human tackling dummy Kiante Anderson outside to move him away from the “quarterback.”
*Will Clarke vs. Donovan Smith. On the video, it appears Clark owned Smith but in person, a Bucs assistant pretending to be the quarterback was positioned well away from Smith, and Smith pushed Clarke just enough to the outside where it kept Clarke away from the “quarterback.”
*Cappa with a W versus free agent DT Mitch Unrein.
*Unrein comes back to beat Ryan Jensen.
*Offensive lineman Cole Boozer (great name) pushes the immortal undrafted rookie defensive end Evan Perrizo to the outside but Perrizo got just enough of a bullrush to take a swipe at the “quarterback” with his paw.
*Perizzo comes back to flatten Boozer. A defensive player yells, “Lunch is served.”
*Seaton stonewalls Anderson. Spin moves by Andersston didn’t work.
*JPP vs. Donovan Smith. JPP tries to muscle through Smith and gets nowhere. When the whistle blows, JPP pats Smith on the helmet like someone would pat his pet puppy for taking a dump outside saying, “Good dog.” Smith yells to the right side of the line, “I got him, Dot,” (Demar Dotson’s nickname.)
*DaVonte Lambert bull rushes undrafted rookie guard Ruben Holcomb right into the “quarterback.” Holcomb comes back to initially stop Clarke but the Bucs defensive end blows past him.
*78 vs. 64. Perrizo gains ground but Boozer pushes him past the “quarterback.”
*Noah Spence’s effort really was extraordinary through this period.
*JPP takes on Cappa and the rookie is no match whatsoever
*Final 11-on-11 period kicks up with a short pass to Peyton Barber from Fitzpatrick. JPP chases him down from behind for a roughly five-yard gain. Big effort from the big DE.
*Fitz rolls left and throws to a diving Howard crossing to the sideline. Joe couldn’t tell if it was a catch, but the way Howard has been playing it probably was.
*Pre-snap flag! Ugh.
*DeSean Jackson end-around for a few yards. Really faked Joe out.
*Ronald Jones is met for no gain by Gholston and Kwon Alexander. Hard hitting.
*Fitzpatrick throws way behind Howard over the middle, a near-pick opportunity. Rough day for Fitz.
*See story on home page on Ronald Jones special run.
*Griffin throws to Godwin for about a short gain. M.J. Stewart make a strong tackle and Keith Tandy is celebrating. Godwin appears annoyed and flips the ball at Tandy.
*Incomplete. Griffin rolls left and doesn’t have much to work with.
*Jameis hits Howard for a medium game in 2nd/3rd team duty.
*Second to last guy off the field after a lot of extra work is Jameis. He even ran out of receivers to throw to and an assistant coach was running routes while QB coach Mike Bajakian was with Jameis.
*Last guy off was Freddie Martino at the Juggs machine. Pride is flowing at the velvet-lined lounge of the Vero Beach Ramada Inn.
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:18 pm
Well, this was an interesting afternoon. I never thought I would be standing around with Darryl Strawberry chatting while our wives are blabbing and blabbing and blabbing. Good wedding though.
I wish I could make it to training camp. I have not been since they were at Tampa College. Of course, I moved away after that.
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:24 pm
*Field goal ecstasy. Chandler Catanzaro keeps rolling on 4-of-4 from 35 to 43 yards. Special teams coaching was changing sides of the field on Catanzaro.
I may have to reconsider the signing of this guy. He;s been really good in camp. Still, I would have loved to see Murray compete against him.
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:26 pm
Vinny Curry is quietly becoming as big a signing as JPP.
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:28 pm
Glazers are throwing a party for Exxon to congratulate the freeze on mileage.
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:34 pm
SOEbuc: seriously?
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:37 pm
SPAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gonna be sick this year and I’m not talking unhealthy.
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:39 pm
Great work, Joe! I know it’s only training camp, but I love the play by play and getting a little insight on our team all the way in PA! This Watson kid might make the team and I’m rooting hard for Whitehead. I wasn’t thrilled with the RoJo pick, and by all accounts is struggling, but I hope he proves me wrong. I love following the rookies this time of year and this site is by far the best place to go for offseason information! Keep it up!
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:39 pm
Maybe howard should get a Nike contract since Nike dripped Jaboob
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:42 pm
Also, Spence winning on an inside move! Hopefully this kid can stay healthy this season. McCoy was injured his first two seasons and has been mostly injury free since. Maybe Spence can follow in his footsteps! If he can turn into an 8 or 9 sack guy that would be a win for Licht!
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:43 pm
Thank you once again Joe! Have you noticed the special tames work on the new kickoff? And the next players day off?
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:45 pm
Thanks for the Cappa info Joe. Gotta find out if he’s the bouncer or the needs to be bounced.
August 3rd, 2018 at 6:51 pm
What’s the deal with Whitehead??? Haven’t heard his name once on good plays or bad entire training camp. Is he injured and am just not realized it. Didn’t know Rays traded Chris Archer till a few hours ago. IT’S NOT A TUMOR!
August 3rd, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Thanks Joe – especially for details of the OL-DL one on one battles.
Sounds like Noah Spence is going to be making some noise this year.
August 3rd, 2018 at 7:04 pm
And the article ends with that same fictional “Vero Bch Ramada Inn” schtick again. Man when you guys invent something you really like to stick to it. lol
August 3rd, 2018 at 7:17 pm
SOEbuc Says
“Thanks for the Cappa info Joe. Gotta find out if he’s the bouncer or the needs to be bounced.”
I think it’s going to be hard to let any of this years picks go. There just are not enough open roster spots, so the team will have to gamble on getting a few onto the practice squad.
Cappa, Whitehead and Cichy will possibly be the ones. Cappa needs time to develop. It would be nice if he was rotated in during the season, but spots are at a premium this year…which mght go down as Licht’s best draft.
August 3rd, 2018 at 7:35 pm
Anyone that believes this team is better than that isn’t living in the land of reality.
August 3rd, 2018 at 7:50 pm
Looks like Jameis needs to be getting more reps instead of Fitz. Get those meatballs out of the way now and in the preseason. Throw the first three games of the official season out of the window and make it a 13 game season. Now that the Bucs have a kicker, I’ll take my chances with a healthy Bucs kicker and Amerca’s QB to eat 9 of 13 W’s!!!
August 3rd, 2018 at 7:57 pm
Reality hasn’t happened yet when it comes to the Bucs, so you might be the one that is living in the land of make believe.
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:01 pm
SB, I love the Joes nicknames! They always fit, like the “milk cartons”, until Pamphile was found!
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:03 pm
Martinos’ nickname is the best! Great creativity there!
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:05 pm
America’s QB is a good one too, if you understand why the Joes call him that. Has nothing to do with play on the field.
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:20 pm
It’s so nice having all this good stuff to read every day. Excited to see them play. I have high hopes and don’t think it’s a fluke this time. I may be too optimistic but that idiot that said 1-15 has no clue, Jameis or not. We all know this team, breathe this team and love this team. They all need to know that we’re behind them, even the coaches. A lot of strong moves this offseason especially with the D line and their coach. Great job Joe!
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:28 pm
“until Pamphile was found!”
and then promptly became “missing” again…
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:32 pm
Pickgrin, at least it was by Koetters choice this time! Lol
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:37 pm
Nike won’t renew its contract with Jameis Winston
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:52 pm
Martino is like a cockroach just won’t go away. Survivor Man
August 3rd, 2018 at 9:29 pm
Sweeptheleg you see you are exactly the kind of negative “fan” we don’t need. So you’re telling us that we are crazy to think that a team that went 5-11 last year and rebuilt the weakest spot on their with proven veterans can’t win an additional 3 to 4 games this year? See I think you’re not living in reality.
August 3rd, 2018 at 9:30 pm
I saw that Nike chose not to renew their endorsement deal with Winston
Just the first of many I assure you.
August 3rd, 2018 at 9:38 pm
FR they won’t renew yours either. Oh wait you’ve never been important or famous enough to warrant any kind of contract. Only peons care about that stuff when Joe talks about training camp.
August 3rd, 2018 at 9:39 pm
Agree with Ndog.
Bucs shored up a couple of their weaknesses with high quality players. I’m still concerned with the right side of the O-Line and a little about the secondary but the team just looks better. Got to make some kicks, run the ball better and cut way down on the turnovers.
ESPN still has the Bucs over/under win 6.5 and I’m going to be optimistic and tale the over. GO BUCS!
August 3rd, 2018 at 10:15 pm
Can we keep 10 WRs……
August 3rd, 2018 at 10:26 pm
Finally a section with more positive posts. Thanks Bucs FANS. Here lately it’s been tough to read the comment board. Although some say no one makes you read them or no one puts a gun to your head. I’d admit I have to read them even if I can’t stand all the negativity and hate for our team. I like seeing other point of views on everything. Being a fan is suppose to bring hope and root for your teams success. Not bashing every single thing from owners to the parking. Let’s unite and cheer for our Bucs. Lift them up so they can’t fall. Our past shortcomings and many losing seasons has everyone that they will tell is lives in reality attacking just normal hard core fans like myself. Hell we super bowl bound every year until I get pissed and say another damn normal Bucs year of losing. Ok ok sorry for all the babble. Just excited to see a comment board with excited fans believing we kick some ass!!!! Go Bucs!!!!!
August 3rd, 2018 at 10:33 pm
Tampabaybucfan, we can, but we wouldn’t want to! Lol
August 3rd, 2018 at 10:35 pm
Marvelous work, Joe
Thanks for your always detailed nuggets!
Go Bucs!!!
August 4th, 2018 at 12:22 am
Jiminy Christmas Joes……GREAT work again.
August 4th, 2018 at 12:27 am
FR Says:
August 3rd, 2018 at 8:37 pm
“Nike won’t renew its contract with Jameis Winston.”
You mean to tell me no more commercials?
No more ads in S.I. ????
August 4th, 2018 at 12:30 am
Does that mean Walter, Brian, Pete I and FR might buy Nike’s again?
August 4th, 2018 at 1:57 am
Love the up dates joe
August 4th, 2018 at 2:04 am
Joe!!! Good Work!!Great Notes!!!!Keep em comin!!!!!
August 4th, 2018 at 5:41 am
I’ve been a Bucs fan longer than some of you have been alive.
With that being said yes we got better but so did other teams.
We have the hardest schedule in the whole league and our starting QB out for the critical start of the season.
So yea I think this is a 6win team. It’s way more likely they will be 6-10 than 10-6.
I’ve bled pewter and red for over 30 years haven’t missed a single game. Watched every single one. Been to more than I can count.
We have a D coordinator that’s an idiot and doesn’t know how to use his players and a coach that goes turtle every time they get near the red zone. So yea
August 4th, 2018 at 7:04 am
#runjameisrun Right up to the CFL
August 5th, 2018 at 12:25 pm
BigMacAttack Says
“Martino is like a cockroach just won’t go away.”
Martino earned his way onto the team the hard way. That said, the competition is a lot more fierce now, so he’ll have a harder time of it.