Crazy Talk From Bart Scott
August 2nd, 2018
Now Joe fully understands why the one and only Chris “Mad Dog” Russo of SiriusXM Radio fame says Bart Scott has no business on New York sports radio.
Yesterday, the former NFL linebacker appeared on one of these FS1 arguing shows, “First Things First,” along with Chris Broussard, Doug Gottlieb and some token hottie. There the subject of America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, came up.
Of course the gist of the initial discussion is whether the Bucs should keep Jameis after he received a three-game sentence from NFL strongman Roger Goodell. Scott, if he were running the Bucs, would want nothing to do with Jameis, mainly because Scott claims he is undependable and immature and not a leader.
OK fine. Scott cited some examples.
OK, Joe understands. However, the facts (ahem) Scott was using to reach this conclusion were not only wildly inaccurate, it is pretty clear to Joe that Scott has never watched Jameis in a game, with the Bucs or at Florida State.
Scott claimed Jameis has a high passer rating only because he is “Checkdown Charlie.’
Now even the most wild-eyed, rabid, knuckle-dragging, foaming-at-the-mouth Jameis haters are not that braindead to refer to Jameis as “Checkdown Charlie.” He’s a gunslinger of the highest order. The personification of a gunslinger.
Scott also rattled off from the notes he took — he obviously doesn’t know how to take notes — Jameis’ past misdeeds. He gave Jameis a mulligan for lifting crablegs (“Big deal!” Scott said.) but claimed Jameis got off on a rape charge because the alleged victim wouldn’t cooperate with authorities!
At least Gottlieb tried to bring some common sense to the discussion. He told Scott that charges of rape were never brought against Jameis even though the alleged victim did cooperate. Gottlieb also noted the Bucs’ horrid defense Pearl Harbored Jameis last year and Gottlieb cited a couple of games.
The thing that drove Joe crazy was that Scott all but demanded the Bucs trade for Teddy Bridgewater to put heat on Jameis.
Why do people all of a sudden have a collective boner to trade for Bridgewater? There’s a reason why the Vikings let him go: his knee was in shambles. And why the hell would you bring in any quarterback for just three games? If anyone, and Joe means anyone, can find a link to a story where a reasonable person advocated the Bucs trade for a quarterback last year when Jameis was hurt, please send Joe the link.
Last year, the Bucs had no idea when Jameis would return and there were zero suggestions to trade for a quarterback. This season we know when Jameis will be back. So why trade for a quarterback who may not be able to walk and won’t know the offense? Just to turn a multi-million dollar investment and the best quarterback in franchise history into a headcase? This is just rank idiocy.
Scott also said Jameis doesn’t have command of Dirk Koetter’s offense. So in Scott’s world a guy who was on pace (before he was injured) to throw for 12,000 yards in his first three years in the NFL playing in the same offense is ignorant of his team’s offense. Right!
Joe hopes for Scott’s sake that this was a rotten attempt at schtick. If Scott was serious, then either he, like Dan Sileo, is walking proof of what too many hits to the head will do to a person. Or, Scott has much bigger things to worry about than Jameis because Joe would suspect if Scott believes every word that came out of his piehole he may be in the early stages of CTE.
And this tripe actually passes for what is considered by suits in tall buildings in Los Angeles and New York as intelligent, thoughtful sports chatter.
Hat tip: @TSmitty3000.
August 2nd, 2018 at 5:24 am
Looking forward to Scott saying something intelligent.
Can’t Wait!!
August 2nd, 2018 at 5:36 am
BART Scott is a moron. Jameis has never been a Checkdown Charlie
August 2nd, 2018 at 5:53 am
This was the site I saw that advocated a teddy bridgewater trade….
Out of fairness, they did support jameis staying on as the franchise qb.
August 2nd, 2018 at 5:57 am
“some token hottie” and “collective boner” in the same article?
August 2nd, 2018 at 6:11 am
First things first, the least you can do Bart is do your homework before you open your big mouth…
Secondly, this is proof that media heads need America’s QB just to have something to talk about…another attempt to kick a man while he’s down…
I fully expect Jameis to have his best season yet when he returns…and moving forward he really needs to be careful with these guys (media)…give’em the Marshawn Lynch treatment…
August 2nd, 2018 at 6:18 am
Scott is mostly wrong. Failure to check down is part of the reason Jameis had a high turnover rate last year. Some of Jameis’s least effective games have been against good defenses. I believe this has to be the next step in his evolution,
to play more consistently against better defenses.
August 2nd, 2018 at 6:19 am
Whether Scott is right or wrong………..once again, this proves that Winston has divided the Buccaneer fan base.
August 2nd, 2018 at 6:22 am
The solution to this is simple!!!!!! Joe, since you see and talk with the Bucs PR guys, just tell them to post Jw3 wrap sheet on Buccaneers website like they do stats!!!!!! If the Buc fans have jw3 as the QB, we need this to avoid confusion!!!!!!!! With all the settlements, dates of infractions, and suspensions and punishments, its a lot for people to remember!!!!!!!!!
Get it done joe!!!!!!
August 2nd, 2018 at 6:28 am
From NYC area Bart Scott is on WFAN in the afternoon’s and he has been preaching this Teddy to the Bucs since the reports out of Jets camp have been good on his play. He even went as far to say the Jets could get a 3rd or 4th rounder. Guy is totally clueless. Lot of the media on BSPN and FS1 rarely watch Bucs games and only go off of what other national media says.
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:05 am
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:14 am
Walter please explain….
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:23 am
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:24 am
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:31 am
This is how and why “fake news” has spread like wildfire. Honest, intelligent, hard-working journalists have to put up with criticisms because of no-talent, uneducated hacks that talk to hear themselves talk. Do your homework moron.
This is case in point that ANYONE can have or be on a talk show!
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:40 am
True Bredren!
But he does make some fair points.
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:46 am
In this case Bart is wrong on his details. JW is mediocre enough withoit making up stuff about him.
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:47 am
LUV- What’s up brother?!
He has some valid points but completely washes away any validity when saying things that clearly show he didn’t do his homework. I don’t hate the guy, he was a good player.
OK, I’m off my soapbox!
August 2nd, 2018 at 7:56 am
Lol, fair enough
We good over here brudda. Just been a super busy summer.
How bout’ yourself?
August 2nd, 2018 at 8:02 am
LUV- Same here man! Just trying to dodge rain and keep cool at the same time!
That Foles story is sure making the rounds. It’s not surprising considering the Bucs were interested not that long ago. Was it this off-season or last? Man, I must be getting old! My years are melding together!
August 2nd, 2018 at 8:11 am
I hear U brudda.
Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
Sidenote: Need some new music (something chill) – any suggestions?
August 2nd, 2018 at 8:43 am
Sadly my biggest issue is the fact that like so many in the national media, this guy wants to sit off about a team he likely hasn’t seen play in 8 years. He described Mike Glennon to a tee though. I get it Tampa isn’t a major market, and no one really cares, but do your damn homework, take some pride in your job and get it right. Unfortunately, this issue goes beyond sports talk show hacks. Since the advent of “news” networks, these channels have struggled to fill at time with content and have resorted with putting often uninformed loudmouths on the air to bicker about things they don’t understand, all in the name of ratings. I just wish they would stop calling it news.
August 2nd, 2018 at 8:49 am
OK, Scott is not the best analyst. Got it. BUT the…..token hottie… is so sexist…..can you write her name down next time? I wonder what Ms. Lane would say to you after reading? I think you know and she is used to the tards on twit-ter. I thought the CTE jab made you no better than Scott and took away from your point. The 12K whole yards argument does not pass more than a sniff test on the reality of the problems plaguing 3. I hope Winston turns it around but I am doubtful based on the shear fact he will be alone and not with the team for 3+ weeks depending if he can get back for the short week 4. He has a mountain to climb that is for sure. #GoBucs
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:00 am
Im all for trading Jameis only because I dont want the Bucs to be foolish enough to pay him big money for 5 years. I would only trade for Nic Foles which I think they will at the end of pre-season and he will be our QB going forward. Jameis is done in Tampa. He IS too immature and leads the league in turnovers every year.
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:06 am
LUV-I hate to admit this, and it has been played incessantly lately, but I kind of like the vibe of Foster the People’s “Sit Next to Me”. I only know of one other of their songs “Pumped up Kicks”. And listen, you can never go wrong with some Pink Floyd.
I’m not high or up to date on new music so I may not be the best source.
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:07 am
Sounds like Bart is 100% correct. The two FSU chicks agreed. It to cooperate with the campus police because there was a back door deal to receive nearly a million dollars each, which they were paid in early 2016. Hell, I would take that deal for one drunken night with JW.
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:07 am
Ramon he said find a story from last year when he was injured that they thought they should trade for a qb. He said in the article that there is plenty of chatter about trading for Bridgewater this year. Your link is a to a recent story which there are plenty of
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:13 am
“This is case in point that ANYONE can have or be on a talk show!”
This is simply a case of showbiz. In another life I worked as a sportscaster as the first big wave of former jocks began to sweep in. We used to have former players as “color commentators” with the notable exception of Pat Summeral who had that magic voice and was an incredibly talented play by play guy.
But over the years standards were lowered and if a guy played and could put two sentences together he had a job somewhere in broadcasting. And of course when I worked there were just three choices…then ESPN came along then…more and more and more…lot of airtime to fill now.
Being a former player does help in the “color” or “personal feeling” categories but we all get to watch the same video. Bart Scott must have been too lazy to even watch. But New Yorkers obviously love him from his JET days.
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:17 am
Go deep now there are two chicks at FSU. You are as bad as Bart Scott. And if they were offered a million dollars to hush up then what really happened. If I was raped or any women in my family. I am sure as Hell not telling them to settle and let a rapist walk free with a chance to do it again. 1 million minus the 35% tax. 650k minus the Lawyers 30 percent. Doesn’t leave enough there for her to justify doing that. And why even hire a lawyer if she was offered 1 million. That’s just a stupid thing to even suggest. Which shows your hatred for him is so strong you will believe something as stupid as that. Go read the police report. Drugged me no drugs in her system. Was drunk no alcohol in her system. Three other dudes semen in her panties. Was in a Facebook group called cleat chasers. Yeah let’s believe this girls story. She thought she had a chance with him. He told her his girlfriend is coming into town so lay low for a while. She was upset and was vindictive and made that whole story up. My brother in law is a sergeant locally head of major crime. He went to Tallahassee for training and actually takes to the lead investigator. That investigator told him there was not enough evidence for the case to be brought to trial. And they said it would have been a he said she said. And they found her to be a unbelievable witness. So they didn’t waste the taxpayers money on a case that was surely never going to make it past a grand jury. But yeah keep thinking in your small mind she was just given a million dollars to hush.
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:17 am
cut Winston !..season tkt holders deserve better ..
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:23 am
That’s an absurd statement from Bart Scott. There have been more than a few occasions where I *wish* Jameis checked it down instead of forcing plays that ended up as a fumble.
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:27 am
^^^D-Rome, I was thinking the same thing. There were moments I was screaming at my TV, “the flats’ open, the flats open”. Tic-Tock, sack or fumble! Dang!
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:29 am
he had some valid points….
and regarding last year joe, no one said trade for a QB when Winston went down because the season was already over….lol….
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:44 am
Buc1987……..if you read the comments, no explanation necessary buddy.
August 2nd, 2018 at 9:49 am
At the end of the day jameis isn’t a bust
He just isn’t elite
20th best qb
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:03 am
So there is about an 80% chance Nick Foles plays against the Bucs week 2.
Wentz looked awful in practice in that knee brace and afraid to even put pressure on it when throwing on the run.
He might have won a Super Bowl, but I have seen plenty of games where Foles looked absolutely clueless.
Look no further than 2015 with the Rams where he played 11 games and only threw 7 TDs against 10 picks with a 56% completion rate and a 69 QB rating. LMAO
I mean everybody is coining him as a freakin Savior and just last year he only threw 5 TDs with a 56% completion and a 79 QB rating. REALLY?
Philly won with defense and running the ball.
Shows how moronic some fans are.
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:12 am
Most football players should not become analysts, this is just more proof of that. Just like some off these people should post on bulletin boards. Walter ben and goddeep666 you should go be fans of other teams. They’re not going to cut or trade him. The Glazers knew what they had when they drafted him. He is maturing at his own pace as any man does except you guys. You must’ve been mature the moment you were born, handing out wisdom to the doctor nurses and all the people who were there. You must have never gone thru a party period in your life that you had to grow out of. You write this young man off like he is such a despicable and incorrigible individual because of his mistakes. If his father reads any of the garbage coming out of the minds of these so called fans I feel for him. I hope your kids mess up and get treated just like Jameis and then you can throw so much hate and vile at therm
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:32 am
“He is maturing at his own pace”………funniest comment EVER about Winston!!! (And spewing the hate befits a Winston defender).
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:48 am
I hope his father does something for his son. Maybe he should have sooner.
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:48 am
Bart Scott isn’t taken seriously by many, so his opinion of Jameis is a so what IMHO.
On the other hand, Dan Sileo is kicking ASS, since he left Tampa.
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:50 am
stpete- Former sportscaster eh?! It makes sense! You’re usually on point with your opinions and you do post a LOT!
Do you remember Emmitt Smith as an analyst?! He was terrible. I didn’t mind him though because he generally wouldn’t speak about things he didn’t know.
My wife worked for a local paper and she worked hard for very little pay. People would be surprised at how much work good journalists and sportscasters alike put into stories. It’s hard work.
The “showbiz” aspect is usually what “sells the soap” and has become necessary for companies to make a profit. It’s the dark side of media that people usually ignore. It doesn’t matter if it’s BSPN, Fox, CNN, or whatever. They work for somebody who is trying to make a profit, plain and simple. Unfortunately we are a “NOW” society and trade scooping for real investigative journalism.
I respect Bart’s opinion but wish he had taken some time to research the topic.
August 2nd, 2018 at 11:51 am
Thanks. You are absolutely correct about what is spoiling our media and it’s not just partisan bias…that comes as a result of what you’ve correctly pointed out…the search for $$$$…it drives everything and results in networks that will deliberately put on falses information…aka fake that’s what their audience wants to see…truth then becomes irrelevant and ratings dominate.
Those who have studied broadcast journalism see the clear evolution of this problem.
Right after WWII when TV was just taking off in the 50’s, a man named William Paley was the “Rupert Murdoch” of his day. But instead of making CBS news propaganda to make money…he separated it from the rest of CBS and the journalism was not spoiled by money or politics or slanted. It produced greats like Murrow and Cronkite.
But then somebody discovered in the 60’s that you could “sell” the news and all that it implied. It’s been downhill ever since.
Just means you have to sort through your media choices far more carefully these days.
August 2nd, 2018 at 12:11 pm
@Jeffbuc: You my friend are dazed and confused. I do not hate JW as an athlete but I do hate that he thinks he is above the law. If it were you or I did grab this Uber driver, we would be in jail. If it were you or I that face the same allegations as he did in college, we would be in jail. If it were you or I that got busted for stealing crab legs, we would be in jail. If it were you or I that stood up in a State of Florida college campus cafeteria and yell obscenities “f that p—-y, we would’ve been tossed from the school. he is a modern day Ryan leaf that cannot be fixed without professional help that would involve heavy medication. Morals and ethics are ingrained in a child by the age of 13. Meaning, you know what’s right and what’s wrong at a very young age it has nothing to do with maturing or growing up
Dddddddduhoes this make sense to you?????
August 2nd, 2018 at 12:24 pm
stpete- It’s kind of sad and truly unfortunate in some cases. Cable is the biggest culprit. We have TV shows masquerading as news that are, in fact, opinion. Those that don’t know better take these shows as gospel and perpetuate flat out lies, or shall we say, “un-truths”!
In any case, the partisans have certainly used it to their advantage.
August 2nd, 2018 at 12:27 pm
You cannot call out Bart for not knowing all the facts and THEN argue the Bucs don’t need another QB while ignoring the REAL and most TRUE stats…
Fitz has the worst winning percentage of any QB with more than 75 career starts by A LOT.
He has never made the playoffs despite playing well over a decade with 7 different teams.
He has gotten 3 coaches fired and been let go by 6 teams.
The last time he was a full time starter he led the league in interceptions until he was benched – this was after leading the entire NFL in interceptions again in 2011.
Players in the NFL were openly using HIM as the example – questioning how in the hell is Fitz still in the league and Kaep is not.
The reason no one said anything about bringing in another QB midseason is EASY to realize:
1. It’s almost impossible for a QB to learn an offense midseason – they need weeks to prepare and Jameis was only going to miss that amount of time.
This situation was different – the Bucs could have given any QB they bring/brought in a full training camp to prepare and battle.
Anyone they brought in was going to at the very least be better than Ryan Griffin.
This regime, with all of their jobs on the line and facing the hardest opening slate of games in modern NFL history, is handing the reins to the QB with the worst winning percentage in the league amongst all veteran QBS, and who has also LED THE LEAGUE in interceptions in 2 of the last 4 seasons he was a starter.
Any who would argue for that is suffering from a bout of temporary insanity.
August 2nd, 2018 at 12:30 pm
I appreciate your math, but do you realize there was another $400k or more left over after all the taxes and lawyer fees?
Some people would ditch their morals for a free dinner. $400k??? I’m betting more than a few would.
August 2nd, 2018 at 1:04 pm
Almost every starting QB last year threw for 4000 yards last season. The 4000 yard bench mark doesn’t really hold water when half the leagues QB’s are doing it every year. This does not make Winston any more special than say Alex Smith who threw for 4042 yards last season.
August 2nd, 2018 at 1:50 pm
Unless you are of the mind the Bucs should cut Jameis, the Bucs don’t need another quarterback, short of Fitz getting injured.
August 2nd, 2018 at 1:51 pm
Heard his most recent rating measured 0.0. That’s not a typo.
August 2nd, 2018 at 1:55 pm
Hahaha. Check downs. Non existant on the Bucs field for some odd reason.
August 2nd, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Jameis was never charged with rape, not because the ‘victim’ would not cooperate, but because the ‘victim’ lied constantly the judges each threw the case out. There was never any proof against Jameis.
And guess what? There isn’t for Ubergate either.
August 2nd, 2018 at 2:55 pm
I believe Jameis is the future here in Tampa, and I support him 100%.
That said, I would rather have Teddy Bridgewater over Ryan Griffin. And Fitz is going to retire in the next year or so. He was going to retire before he came to Tampa, but Licht convinced him not to.
So who would you rather we had as a backup? Griffin or Bridgewater?
August 2nd, 2018 at 2:58 pm
Walter Seidel Says
“Whether Scott is right or wrong………..once again, this proves that Winston has divided the Buccaneer fan base.”
Actually, its the media, fans of other teams trolling here, and FSU haters who are dividing the fan base. And it is the uninformed fans who let it happen by believing what they hear.
August 2nd, 2018 at 2:59 pm
Also…though I am in favor of Bridgewater as a backup, I am not in favor of trading for him. He’ll be released this year or next anyway.
August 2nd, 2018 at 3:00 pm
And the Bucs won’t be going after Foles either.
August 2nd, 2018 at 3:44 pm
Bonzai- Good point! I’d take Bridgewater over Griffin any day, provided he’s healthy of course. Heck, I’d still take Glennon over Griffin!
It’s another position they’ll need to sort out next year.
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:11 pm
Go deep no we would not be in jail. For grabbing Uber girl there were no criminal charges at all. And if you think they would bring charges against a broke regular joe vs a millionaire athlete you are insane. We would not have been charged in FSU for rape allegations either being no proof and he said she said with a girl who lied every step of the way. And we would not have been kicked out of school for yelling an obscenity in the lunch room that every college kid in America was saying. No one would have ever said a word about me or you saying that. It wouldn’t have been on ESPN it wouldn’t even have been on facebook look at this dumbe immature 18 year old. And as for the crab legs me and you would have never been in the position for a hookup from the loca Publix that even hall of fame linebacker Derrick brooks said was around when he was there people at stores would say come by I will hook you up. I guarantee you me as a 39 year old male could go to the local USF college lunchroom tomorrow and scream the same thing and you wouldn’t hear a word about it. And my brother was falsely accused of rape by a vindictive women and guess what he was never convicted or arrested because the cops never believe her lies. It happens every day where women falsely accuse guys to be vindictive. So the worse thing he has been most likely to do is for three seconds place his hands on a girls crouch above her pants. While he was hammered believing he was just hitting on her. Sorry I don’t see through your hater colored glasses. You know he is a black celebrity that is a millionaire and people will make up all kinds of things to get a piece of the pie. If he is ever convicted in court by a jury of his piers than I will be all about him being released and be on your side. But he has never been convicted or even arrested on any charge that’s why there is the court system so wrongly accused people are not just sent to jail over accusations. So until you can show me some arrest records and criminal charges against him that he was found guilty of you are wrong. You are just hating on him. Trying to hold a young successful black man down. We know the real reason you hate him.
August 2nd, 2018 at 10:28 pm
Godeep re: your response to Jeffbuc
If you or I were accused of those things….. nobody would even know about it
Let that sink in for a little while and you might see my point
re: your post at 9:27… now I understand the real meaning of your screen name but, I don’t think you’re Jameis’ type