Louis Murphy Says Something’s Wrong With NFL Handling Of Jameis Winston
July 30th, 2018
Louis Murphy talks to Joe
Coming off the practice field yesterday, Cameron Brate and Ryan Griffin were having a laugh after one asked the other, “Did you see Murph signing autographs?”
It was a fun moment.
They were referring to their former teammate, ex-Bucs wide receiver Louis Murphy, who has logged nine NFL seasons but is unemployed after eight receptions with the 49ers last year.
Murphy, 31, watched practice, visited his former teammates and coaches on the field and mingled with fans.
Joe caught up with Murphy afterwards to talk about his friend Jameis Winston, America’s Quarterback. Jameis is a regular at Murphy’s annual youth life and football clinic in St. Petersburg.
Two years ago, Murphy talked to ESPN’s “The Undefeated” about racist blasts at Jameis in rival stadiums. Sadly, the Bucs and the NFL didn’t seem to care. Yesterday, Joe talked to Murphy about the aftermath of that and about the three-game suspension of Jameis and the NFL branding him as a league sex offender.
Murphy, who has been a players union representative for multiple teams, thinks the NFL justice system is broken and will be fixed when a new NFL labor agreement is negotiated for 2021.
“Yeah, it’s troubling with no police report,” Murphy said of Jameis’ suspension. “Because you see other players in the league, not to throw anybody under the bus, but you see [Reuben] Foster, the linebacker in San Francisco got hit with possession charges, abuse and it goes to court and he gets two games [suspended]. But Jameis is in a he said/she said with no police and it’s three games. I don’t know. I think [Roger] Goodell is going to have to take a look at that. It sucks to be in Jameis’ shoes, man, being a high-profile quarterback. But I think he’s going to do much better, you know, just with seeing how it all happened, how he got in that situation.”
Murphy went on to say changing and clarifying NFL discipline processes is definitely being talked about among players and is something that must be addressed. “It’s way too vague as far as proof and evidence, and how that’s handled,” Murphy said.
Jameis looked solid in practice yesterday, Murphy said, and based on their conversations prior to yesterday, Murphy added that Jameis is handling everything in stride and has maintained a daily positive attitude.
July 30th, 2018 at 1:45 pm
Something is wrong with #3…….hopefully the knucklehead has looked in the same mirror the world sees him in….
July 30th, 2018 at 1:56 pm
There’s no doubt that something is broken with the way the NFL handles disciplining of their players. I hope the NFLPA takes the NFL to task and gets a better system in place during the next CBA, because Goodell being the judge, jury and executioner just isn’t working on any level.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:02 pm
mojo….the NFL should not have to spend so much time disciplining players…this has a trickle down and back up starting with youth football….win at ANY cost…if these kids understood they could never play for stepping over the line….they’d never play….big societal issue…NFL is stuck with pissing on PR fires @ the end of the pipeline
July 30th, 2018 at 2:08 pm
This is great insight from a player’s point of view and he makes a couple excellent points. I agree that Winston looked sharp yesterday, and taking reps with the 3s he’s going to give it his best every rep. This actually bodes very well for guys like Bobo, Martino and the rookie Watson.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:10 pm
Coming from a has been bum that never was who moonlights as a drunken museum tour guide when not impersonating a football player. Who cares. You can alwsys count on joe for supporting irrelevant former players and has beens. Let the past go folks it sucked outside of Gruden’s glory year.
You are one heck of a hater. Murphy actually had a very solid nine-year career for a fourth-round pick, and he’s probably not done. He’s relevant here as a Winston friend and a longtime union rep. … Reality really is a beotch. –Joe
July 30th, 2018 at 2:15 pm
I am hoping 2 things – –
1) Jameis had a problem with alcohol – – some folks just CANNOT handle it – it does something weird to their bran and makes them loco – – hope he stays away from it and has no more issues off the field (or on)
2) He need not say any more about it – – – the media (real and pretend) need to give him his space and move on. Nobody was raped, cut or shot. This is likely NOT a major crime we are dealing with. Many that want to keep wanting to bait him and capture a story likely are not without fault – – I bet some of them drove impaired over the weekend – – that is worse than what he did.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:19 pm
Anyone know how many players have been suspended and their length of suspension without having any sort of a police report filed? I would love to know that but no idea how to go about looking something like that up.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:23 pm
LOL at Joe’s retort to RiaB!!
July 30th, 2018 at 2:39 pm
Yeah it was he said/she said but from what little reporting we got on it, the league found evidence that what “he said” was a load of crap. As in his story didn’t add up when they did their investigation. His story was proven factually incorrect regardless of whether a police report was done. Murphy thinks the league should have just said sorry try not to lie next time.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:40 pm
Man you haters are becoming so bad joe is starting to get angry. Not a good sign for you guys. I see some moderation and some time in the cooler coming for a lot of you haters. Negative on every article is getting old.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:41 pm
And let’s not forget Tom Brady was suspended four games for destroying his own old personal cell phone.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:52 pm
One of them is already there. He is just back under another name. Knew as soon as the Murphy story came out it would bring tmax out .
July 30th, 2018 at 2:57 pm
Otherwise known as evidence. Messing with the integrity of the game is a big deal.
July 30th, 2018 at 2:58 pm
I’m with you Joe Dunn support MYQB#3 GoBUCS
July 30th, 2018 at 3:04 pm
Just stop the nonsense Murphy. For all intents and purposes, Winston admitted to the “hassle” (Joe’s term)….and has not even once uttered any denials.
July 30th, 2018 at 3:07 pm
If you are suggesting the Bucs didn’t miss Murph after he blew out his knee in the Capitol Collapse, then you know so little about football you don’t know what shape it is.
Joe understands for some reason Murphy triggers you. Who are you anyway, Brian Bruch?
July 30th, 2018 at 3:32 pm
Innocent Until Proven Guilty Go Bucs and Go Jameis !!!!!
July 30th, 2018 at 3:40 pm
It was a very severe penalty, but I am confident Jamies is going to have a great year. Hopefully Fitz can lead the Bucs to at least one victory over the first three games.
July 30th, 2018 at 3:42 pm
Just wait til the tape or witnesses leak.
July 30th, 2018 at 3:47 pm
Joe Says:
“Who are you anyway”
C’mon Man!
As if you needed yet more “proof” that RIAB is tmax logging in under a different ip address than the one Joe already banned….
maxi_pad continues to troll unabated and mock Joe daily in the process with just his presence.
July 30th, 2018 at 3:48 pm
How we got to this point can only be, and is Winston’s fault. Blaming the system for it’s inequality of doling out punishment is a deflection from why Winston is even in this position. Hopefully it’s a lesson learned and the outside white noise will slowly fade away if Winston comes back and plays smart and wins. If he continues to be his own worst enemy then the noise will get louder. Just like all of this was created by Winston, it is only Winston who can quiet his critics by his play, and leadership.
July 30th, 2018 at 3:49 pm
Joseph Mamma Says:
“His story was proven factually incorrect regardless of whether a police report was done.”
Is that so? Can you provide a link to this “proof”?? Yea – didn’t think so….
July 30th, 2018 at 3:56 pm
DAMN Joe slammed Reality is a Beeeeotch HARD! Good Job Joe! Keep givin it to the haters LOL
July 30th, 2018 at 4:10 pm
Louis could play and was a solid pro
July 30th, 2018 at 4:12 pm
The NFL investigation found the proof. If you’re looking to remain willingly blind by all means continue. The facts are JW is suspended for violating the personal conduct code after an 8 month investigation. If you’re looking for Winston during the first 3 games of the season, no surprise, but it’s not because the NFL investigation found JW innocent.
It’s not that big a deal. Accept it and move on.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:19 pm
Yep. It was mishandled. Should have been 6 games.
However the folks that handled it the worst was the Glazers, who kept Winston on the roster
July 30th, 2018 at 4:19 pm
The NFL statement offered no claim of “proof” against Winston – simply that the Uber driver’s version of the allegation were “credible and consistent”. There was no “proof” whatsoever – which is why the suspension wasn’t 6 games or 4 at minimum.
Should not have been a suspension at all without proof. That’s basically what former union rep Murphy is saying.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:21 pm
No way you can have a domestic abuse policy based on police reports or convictions. We know these guys will just pay off the chick to go away. No way. Also, Goodell does not hear the appeals. It’s done by an arbitrator. I doubt you see much change in the next CBA.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:23 pm
Pickgrin Says:
July 30th, 2018 at 3:49 pm
Joseph Mamma Says:
“His story was proven factually incorrect regardless of whether a police report was done.”
Is that so? Can you provide a link to this “proof”?? Yea – didn’t think so….
Winston claimed the driver was confused as to how many passengers were in the uber and who was sitting next to her.
Darby claimed there were three of them in the car, not just Winston.
NFL concluded based on their investigation that Darby was not in the car the entire ride.
The league promptly initiated a comprehensive investigation that included interviews with several persons, including the driver, Winston and others with relevant information. The league also examined an extensive amount of other evidence, including telephone records, business records, data from electronic devices and other communications. Based on the investigation, the NFL found that Winston had violated the NFL Personal Conduct Policy, which allows for discipline to be imposed even when criminal charges are not presented.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:37 pm
“Credible and consistent”………..says it all.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:39 pm
Absolutely love Murph. Would like to see him back or get on another team. I 100% agree with him. I hate Goodell. He sucks. Jerrah was right and the NFL should have dumped him. He thinks he’s God. Player discipline should go hand in hand with criminal courts’ actions. He said she said should not warrant a suspension unless their is video proof of a crime and or credible witnesses. Goodell further sucks in the fact that this happened 2.5 yrs ago and should have been dealt with last season. I hate this for the team because Goodell’s low priority investigating it and procrastination could hurt the organization. It’s Complete BS and hopefully the new agreement will not only change the discipline process but call for Goodell’s removal as Commissioner. He sucks outbloud.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:45 pm
I would say the arguments should be over, the sentence is handed down. JW will not play in the first three games and Fitz will. Get behind him and support your team. I see Jameis as the starter in game #4, after all in reality he is the better Qb . If he has a good finish to the year be happy and celebrate! I do not understand why everyone (that does) has to put him down because we don’t make those decisions about his future. No, he isn’t doing everything one would like to see him do, but hopefully in the last two years he has grown. Hate is such a waste of one’s time and energies! Move on, they will.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:49 pm
Lmao… sucks to be a high-profile quarterback 😂. Yep poor Jameis
July 30th, 2018 at 4:50 pm
The haters will say anything to keep Winston negativity alive just like the news reporters. Just move on! Football is here and the team is much improved.
July 30th, 2018 at 4:51 pm
“Prosecutors dismissed domestic violence charges against Panthers defensive end and soon-to-be free agent Greg Hardy on Monday after they said the accuser in the case couldn’t be found.”
If anyone thinks that Hardy shouldn’t have been punished you are idiots. But you can’t help it.
July 30th, 2018 at 6:02 pm
Joe understands for some reason Murphy triggers you. Who are you anyway, Brian Bruch?
Who is Brian Bruch?
July 30th, 2018 at 6:13 pm
There are victims on both sides of the #metoo movement. I believe it has been used for personal gain in this case.
July 30th, 2018 at 6:32 pm
Willy D
Who gained what personally?
July 30th, 2018 at 7:36 pm
Reality is this chick has the former lawyer he already settled out of court with, basically this chick is going to wait for Winston’s payday then file a police report then lawsuit. Whether he likes or not more details will come out. This year is crucial for Winston because his play will determine if he’s cut or not, just don’t think this is over for him.
July 30th, 2018 at 8:35 pm
Doosh, it appears that Brian Bruch was Murphy’s old High School Coach. Must be some bad blood there.
July 30th, 2018 at 9:50 pm
Theres something wrong alright, and its with fans. Let us not forget this is the town that only 37 years ago mailed a rotten watermelon to Doug Williams with a note saying “Thats to you N***ER, we lost the game”.
You dont have to look far to find racism in this BS crusade against Jameis, no, no one is actually coming out and saying it, because they know better. But just like our last president took more flack than ive ever seen a president take, this QB is taking it too, mostly from people who have never l istened to him talk to hear what he is about. And Kotter telling him not to be vocal in camp..thats a mistake, but hey, its his job on the line. And the GM.
July 30th, 2018 at 10:12 pm
Why do ppl care what these crazy athletes who are no better than me or any one else DO on their time. I don’t even care about the racist tweets the baseball players did and I’m black
I’m one JW biggest fans and im happy JW is being suspended but not for Ubergate but for what he did in other football related stuff like eating Ws, causing roits, exposing Dirk for being soft and weak, playing stat games like his last game, going after refs, throwing footballs while 1 inch off the ground too many times.
I watched alot of jw interviews and one thing I know JW hates what has happened to him and probably ball out like we never seen him do ever
July 30th, 2018 at 10:52 pm
Jo Mamma Says:
“NFL CONCLUDED based on their investigation…that Winston had violated the NFL Personal Conduct Policy”
Exactly. No PROOF!!
The NFL decided that Winston needed to be punished with no proof to back it up. If there was actual proof – it would have been spelled out and Winston would have been suspended for 4-6 games. When is the last time you ever heard of the NFL cutting a deal with a player regarding a suspension????
July 30th, 2018 at 11:03 pm
League wasn’t going to happen after the Ezekiel Elliott meltdown last season.
July 31st, 2018 at 12:29 am
This isn’t the right thread to mention it, but taking a lot of third team reps may actually help Winston. Koetter said last year that repping the go routes was really difficult. “It’s not like we can run DJax full speed 50 yards in practice.” The first string guys do a lot of stuff at 3/4 speed–for good reason. The third string and camp meat guys run 100% every rep; getting noticed, maybe making the team, maybe a year on the practice squad. A lot of guys have parlayed that “maybe” into becoming a multi-millionaire. And building some camaraderie, some symbiosis with Jameis would give those guts an exponentially improved chance of making it.
The above mention Murphy’s pension benefits alone make him a millionaire. If he’s been taking the two for one employer match for any reasonable amount, he’s a multi-millionaire–and that’s not counting what he made in salary so far.
July 31st, 2018 at 5:57 am
@Not there yet, Jameis never paid a settlement out of court. FSU paid Kinsman for a title 9 issue. The civil case between the two was dismissed. No money changed hands, and both were responsible for their own court costs and legal fees. Winston’s counter suit and the witnesses against her, including her friend who wouldn’t exchange underwear with her that night, caused her to reconsider the consequences of a trial.
July 31st, 2018 at 6:34 am
Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t JWs legal team negotiate and agree to a 3 game suspension? Down from 6 games. I hope the kid comes back but a change of scenery may serve him well.
July 31st, 2018 at 8:07 am
Thanks for clarifying.
Just stop with that nonsense.
July 31st, 2018 at 8:51 am
@gilhealy – Link? Or your full of BS. I couldn’t find the terms. So, link it up or be forever known as a BS artist.
July 31st, 2018 at 9:11 am
T Rex, try harder. It’s not that tough to find. Sorry to ruin your dream scenario.
July 31st, 2018 at 10:30 am
Murphy getting locked in the museum actually made me appreciate him even more. Comic relief.
July 31st, 2018 at 10:34 am
“I know JW hates what has happened to him and probably ball out like we never seen him do ever”
Lamarcus I think you might be right…..the more they beat him up at FSU the better he got….as if he feeds off the negativity thrown his way.
Will he try TOO hard? Probably, but I think this season he’ll be successful at it and even the”haters” will say wtf were we thinking….
July 31st, 2018 at 11:01 am
No Murphy said or is saying that 3/games was too much! THAT IS ALL!!
July 31st, 2018 at 12:12 pm
He makes a good point. An actual police report gets you two games but some progressive #MeToo bim can point a finger and you get 3 games?
July 31st, 2018 at 1:46 pm
July 31st, 2018 at 3:46 pm
gilhealy is full of shinola everyone. Total BS artist! LIAR!
The public won’t learn any details about Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston’s settlement of the sexual assault lawsuit filed against him by a former Florida State University classmate.
Gilhealy is full of BS.
Do not believe a word his says. He is a troll.