“I Thought He Was Incredible”
July 28th, 2018
Raves about America.
Well, on Thursday after America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, stood before the Tampa Bay pen and mic club and took his medicine for getting a three-game sentence from NFL strongman Roger Goodell to start the season, most everybody had their takes.
And Jameis got beat up in the court of public opinion. Well, that is but for one show.
One of FS1’s arguing shows, “Speak for Yourself,” (that network’s entire weekday programming is dudes sitting at a table, maybe with a token woman for Title IX purposes, firing at each other over the NBA — in GD July!) personalities Colin Cowherd and Jason Whitlock were not exactly following the lead of many other media outlets.
In fact, both Cowherd and Whitlock praised Jameis for how he handled himself in a very uncomfortable situation.
“I loved the way he handled himself [Thursday],” Whitlock said.
“Yeah!” Cowherd blurted.
“I watched the entire exchange. I thought he was incredible. he went well beyond my expectations. I thought there was some real humility, some real self-awareness. I thought he handled every question brilliantly.”
Cowherd was blunt and explained why, just from a football standpoint, Jameis isn’t going anywhere soon and maybe neither is Bucs coach Dirk Koetter.
The damage to his brand, “it is too bad because he was getting better every year,” Cowherd said of Jameis. “Completion percentage, passer rating. He’s talented. … Dirk Koetter can coach. I liked it.”
Both men admit Jameis has all but wrecked his solid quarterback reputation with off-field stunts. Both believe Jameis may have burned through all of his mulligans before he has turned 25.
Cowherd hinted that getting rid of Jameis easily could backfire on the entire Bucs organization.
“If you are in the same division as Matt Ryan, Cam Newton and Drew Brees, it is easy for us to say, ‘We’ve got to move on,'” Cowherd said adding the Bucs better think twice about dumping Jameis. “You better have a plan [to bring in a quality quarterback] or you are going 2-14.”
Whitlock added he’s sick of Jameis’ on-field antics such as going after referees and eating W’s.
Bucs chatter begins at the 6:30 mark after a discussion about Chucky.
Hat tip: @cullison_eric.
July 28th, 2018 at 8:15 am
Time will tell. Getting married and having kids can slow guys down. Sometimes 24 year old talented knuckleheads take longer to mature. Still hoping this one does and am fully backing Winston. I can’t imagine the Bucs tossing in the towel and then he goes somewhere else and becomes the person and player we thought he’d be. That makes me ill.
#Get After It!
July 28th, 2018 at 8:27 am
I felt the same way …. nicely put thanks Jo
July 28th, 2018 at 8:41 am
Enough of the off field stories….back to on field….
can hit hit his WR’s in stride….throw on time to THE spot…step up in the pocket …make the check down read and hit the short yardage guy instead of running around like a back yard hero…that is how Jameis will be judged
July 28th, 2018 at 8:46 am
……Trade him for Josh Allen….
….I know that will never happen but I’d rather have a rookie QB instead of a QB who embarrasses his team and it’s fans
July 28th, 2018 at 9:04 am
Josh Allen was HORRIFIC last season when you break it down…and I was hoping he’d do well. I’m done with the haters..you have NO leg to stand on and get MORE, ridiculously, nonsensical BY THE DAY!!! this is your curtain call..and funny you pick the ONLY qb with a mountain of question marks..adorable, really..
July 28th, 2018 at 9:04 am
July 28th, 2018 at 9:28 am
Hmmm, it’s still all about Jameis I see.
July 28th, 2018 at 10:01 am
I’m confident Jamies will play very well this year
July 28th, 2018 at 10:16 am
It’s going to be about Fameis all year…or at minimum the first six months…but even if he played lights out and we went to the SB what would the national media focus on before every playoff game with a “special” feature if we made it to the SB. Sex sells. 2nd chances sell. America loves redemption. Good or bad we might as well accept that the Fameis story will be front and center…unless…Fitz beats him out for the starting position…pretty LONG odds there.
I know we like to let our fandom free and get emotional about Fameis whether for or against and everybody’s entitled to their opinion emotional or not.
The Glazers will NOT be emotional even though they too are fans. They are BUSINESSMEN first! They will examine every piece of evidence…perhaps semi secret polling done to determine the feeling of the fan base…whomever they respect around the league among other owners and GM’s will certainly be consulted off the record.
This is why I’m fired up about this season. Fameis…his entire situation…is just another piece to the puzzle. No need to emotional. It will work itself out and I believe “business” will determine the final solution.
July 28th, 2018 at 10:25 am
I thought he handled himself well. The people in the media that didnt like it came in with the expectation that he was guilty of committing the act. From the interview it came off as Jameis not accepting guilt for the action but putting himself in the situation to get blamed for the specific action. He seemed frustrated with the suspension, but understands the suspension and what the NFL had to do. However, you could tell that he didn’t like it because he thinks he didn’t commit the act. And legally, it is silly of people to ever think that he will apologize for committing the act itself. If you were looking for that, you are a moron.
July 28th, 2018 at 10:35 am
Hell I felt sorry for him
Let’s just hope nobody else from his past comes out
I think the reason people have had an issue with 3 is because of his past exploits.
He kinda blew his muligan
July 28th, 2018 at 10:38 am
Whitlock’s wrong, the presser did JW no favors at all. Keep him hidden.
July 28th, 2018 at 11:07 am
The presser was awful. Showed a glib, smug, ass
July 28th, 2018 at 11:18 am
I don’t know what presser these guys saw. From EVERY local sports radio host I’ve heard, the collective opinion was basically “Winston STILL doesn’t get it”
July 28th, 2018 at 11:42 am
Fo all of the Winston haters who seem to not really have an understand ing of how the PR machine works…
Winston – unfortunately – had to be vague. If he said ANYTHING specific, the lawyers for the Uber driver would immediately have all the ammo they need for a long and drawn out civil suit that would be in the headlines for MONTHS and MONTHS. I guarantee you with every fiber of being that those lawyers – and they do exist – were watching that presser like Sharks swirling through the chum just waiting for one single missteps, one ounce of admission from Jameis that they would seize and exploit and feed to every news outlet in the country.
It’s the world we live in. I know what we all wished Jameis had said, but if he had done so it would have been his own execution.
Everyone has the right to be critical of Jameis – no question. But to all the naysayers and those actively criticizing him – at the very least – wise up to the way the world actually works beyond your anonymous keyboards and educate yourselves a little on, well, anything.
July 28th, 2018 at 11:56 am
Media outlets already have enough fodder Tony.
July 28th, 2018 at 1:27 pm
Sex sells and America loves a comeback…especially from America’s QB!
July 28th, 2018 at 1:32 pm
Wausa…… I’m confident Jameis will play very well this year too.
Kind of …..lights out good!
My wife LOVED his apology.
July 28th, 2018 at 1:38 pm
You just lost all creditability with that comment l…hopefully you were joking…
Jameis would take Buffalo back to the playoffs…they have a Defense and a decent running game…not to mention, he’s leaps and bounds better than Tyrod Taylor…Some of you guys really make me wonder if you actually watch the games…The hate for Jameis has blinded many who won’t even acknowledge the good Jameis does on the field; they only see the negatives…The fact is he makes alot more good plays than bad…just look at the stats…
July 28th, 2018 at 1:44 pm
@Bucsanthem…Really?? You just lost all creditability with that comment l…hopefully you were joking…
Jameis would take Buffalo back to the playoffs…they have a Defense and a decent running game…not to mention, he’s leaps and bounds better than Tyrod Taylor…Some of you guys really make me wonder if you actually watch the games…The hate for Jameis has blinded many who won’t even acknowledge the good Jameis does on the field; they only see the negatives…The fact is he makes alot more good plays than bad…just look at the stats…
July 28th, 2018 at 5:10 pm
OK…here is my evaluation of Jameis 3 years post draft…on and off the field
He does know the game in film room Q&A
He does know all the right things to say at the mic
He does not do all the right things game day
He does not practice what he preaches at the mic
so here we are exactly where we started …except the stakes are much much higher….for Jameis and OBP
July 28th, 2018 at 7:10 pm
Jameis is incredible. Incredibly immature. Wake the f up and don’t do this crap anymore! Strike 2. One more and you’re out.
July 28th, 2018 at 7:45 pm
Jameis did place himself in horrible situation. No one knows exactly what occurred in the incident. But I will make note that a lot of these hypocrites who are criticizing Jameis, walked into a voting booth 18 months ago and cast a ballot that placed a man in the Oval Office “POUTUS” who has admitted on audio tape. Of sexually assaulting women by grabbing by the “P—-y”. These allegations may generate outrage for Jameis, a 24 year old man who many want kicked off the TBB, but there’s hope Jameis! run for President, “No Problem Man”.
PS “ You get my point”
July 28th, 2018 at 11:14 pm
if You think that press conference hurt Jameis Winston you clearly didn’t watch it yourself or you have already decided he should be off the team. I don’t normally comment, but at no point ever was Jameis going to admit to doing something wrong. Which I understand some want but no lawsuit has been filed so he isn’t going to say he did anything mostly because he was potentially too drunk to remember. But if you watch that interview and you can’t see the hurt , remorse(for being in the situation that he put himself in), and pure sadness he had for letting down this city and community…. then again…. you have already decided you don’t want Winston here and that he was never going to be the franchise qb.
July 28th, 2018 at 11:34 pm
If the league had actual check mate proof that Jameis committed as act of sexual assault don’t you think they would have suspended him the WHOLE year??? Yet they compromised not Jameis that’s why he only got 3 games! They know that because of the court of public opinion had already convicted him they had to give them something. I bet part of the incentive not to fight the suspension is he gets paid for those games.
So why would Jameis come out admit to something he doesn’t doesn’t believe he didn’t do? He knows video proof wouldn’t help him like it did for Rodney King so why admit off he can’t remember? I know I wouldn’t. Why is he supposed to act sorry? To appease you simpletons? He knows many of you hate him even if he had never been accused of grabbing that Groper driver!
July 28th, 2018 at 11:45 pm
If the league had actual check mate proof that Jameis committed as act of assault don’t you think they would have suspended him the WHOLE year??? Yet they compromised not Jameis that’s why he only got 3 games! They know that because of the court of public opinion had already convicted him they had to give something because the women’s lib groups would be on them like white on rice! I bet part of the incentive not to fight the suspension is he gets paid for those games.
So why would Jameis come out admit to something he doesn’t believe he did ? He knows video proof wouldn’t help him like it did for Rodney King so why admit if he can’t remember? I know I wouldn’t. Why is he supposed to act sorry? To appease you simpletons? He knows many of you hate him even if he had never been accused of grabbing that Groper driver!
Simple advice to you Jameis, never be caught alone in the general area of women who are not your kind because you already have your lovely queen at your side supporting you. Protect yourself before you wreck yourself!