Hiding Jameis II
July 26th, 2018
Pictures and video speak loudly.
Joe noted last week that nowhere in the Bucs’ new promotional videos for the 2018 season is their franchise quarterback, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
Of course, Jameis will serve a three-game sentence to begin the season, levied by NFL strongman Roger Goodell.
It seemed the Bucs were hiding Jameis when those videos appeared. Well, there is more evidence, at least publicly, that the Bucs are distancing themselves from their former No. 1 overall pick.
Yesterday on both Instagram and Buccaneers.com, the Bucs pumped out a lot of video and photos of players showing up for the start of training camp as veterans reported.
There isn’t one photo or one video, as of late Wednesday night, on either the Bucs’ Instagram stories feature (videos) or a photo within the Bucs’ photo gallery on Buccaneers.com, of Jameis showing up for work or being in the locker room.
The Bucs had 16 Instagram stories (videos) of guys either walking into work or hanging out in the locker room. On Buccaneers.com there are 27 photos of players doing the same.
Zero showing Jameis.
Backup quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick was featured in a photo on Buccaneers.com.
It could be that the Bucs team photographer couldn’t get to One Buc Palace at 5:30 a.m. when Jameis roughly shows up for work, if not before. It could be that Jameis was either in meeting rooms watching film or working out in the weight room.
Later today, Jameis is expected at a podium outside after the first training camp practice for his chance to address the media (both local and national) to discuss his three-game sentence.
Joe remembers when Brett Favre stood at a press conference in Green Bay to announce he had to enter a rehab for an addiction issue. He was flanked by his wife, Packers coach Mike Holmgren and other team officials.
Joe seems to recall Steelers coach Mike Tomlin standing next to Ben Roethlisberger to offer support after the Steelers quarterback was suspended over his incident with a girl in a bathroom.
It will be very interesting to Joe to see who if anyone stands next to Jameis later today to show support for the embattled franchise quarterback.
Right now, it sure seems that publicly the Bucs are letting Jameis twist in the wind by himself in his greatest time of need.
July 26th, 2018 at 8:03 am
I don’t think anyone really cares how “AMerica’s Groper” is doing right now
…….seriously Joe……..
Why can’t you just focus on other aspects of the team besides this over covered story??????
July 26th, 2018 at 8:05 am
……don’t you mean “America’s Groper”????
seriously Joe…….why ca’t you cover other aspects of the team besides this over-covered story?????
July 26th, 2018 at 8:05 am
*Plays the worlds smallest violin*
July 26th, 2018 at 8:08 am
The Bucs stood beside Jameis when they drafted him …..that was his 2nd chance….he is a HUGE PR liability any where but for a handful of” Stat Carriers” here on JBF….outside of this area Jameis is vilified
July 26th, 2018 at 8:15 am
Jameis made a very brief “appearance” (snapping behind center) on the bucs video released at 8am this morning on their Twitter account. Just an FYI.
July 26th, 2018 at 8:16 am
Classy. Like bill Clinton says about blind…nm….you gotta hand it to them.
July 26th, 2018 at 8:18 am
Everybody is hiding Jameis except for on JBF…….not a complaint, simply an observation. I believe Jameis will be alone with his PC and it will be very generic…..with a lot of, “I made a mistake” “We have to move on” “I’ll do everything I can to help the team”….etc….etc…..
July 26th, 2018 at 8:25 am
@Joe … “Right now, it sure seems that publicly the Bucs are letting Jameis twist in the wind by himself in his greatest time of need.” In his greatest time of need? Yup, IT’S ALL ABOUT JAMEIS. Can you really blame the Bucs’ owners for distancing themselves from Jameis? These guys have billions of $$$ on the line, and Jameis represents a risky investment right now. Sorry Jameis, the owners didn’t do this to you. Neither did management or the coaching staff or your teammates. YOU did this to yourself. I for one hope that you can turn this all around into something positive, BUT … only YOU can be accountable & ultimately clean up this mess.
July 26th, 2018 at 8:25 am
hiding????? or shunned?????
July 26th, 2018 at 8:26 am
Lol @ TBBF . Sad but TRUE
July 26th, 2018 at 8:27 am
Wondering if he will lose that C on his jersey also
July 26th, 2018 at 8:34 am
Thank you Wright!
July 26th, 2018 at 8:34 am
Off topic but I wonder if the media will ask Jameis when his decision to “eliminate alcohol” was made. I.e was it made just after the uber event. Was it made after the uber event became public, was it made after he found out he was suspended…
July 26th, 2018 at 8:36 am
Because Joe runs a business, not a charity.
July 26th, 2018 at 8:37 am
We know that Jameis will not answer very specific questions about what happened that night with the Uber driver but there is no reason why he should not be able to answer questions about his alcohol elimination. That could give media and fans some idea of that other side of Jameis’ ultimate contrition and when and why it really may have happened.
Was he really sorry for his actions or was he really sorry he got caught.
July 26th, 2018 at 8:39 am
Would be nice if the whole team stood behind him
July 26th, 2018 at 8:44 am
It would be more interesting to me if his fiancée was beside him and offered to speak. I think a significant other can give fans and media a different perspective. I believe that can soften the image of Winston’s disrespect to women. Politicians do that all the time.
I think it is unlikely to happen. I think I fairly wonder if it is because while Winston does work well with the rest of the boys in the locker room does he show the same respect to his fiancée.
July 26th, 2018 at 8:56 am
Geno….it would be more interesting if his wife stood beside him….
July 26th, 2018 at 9:00 am
I certainly hope everyone is ready and excited for Jameis media day. For those of you sick of this subject you better not hold your breath today.
I’m sick of it too but today should help to bury the past. Man Jameis must be anxious. Better get them keyboard hands ready Joe.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:01 am
As it should be. I can tell you that my wife has shunned her Jameis jersey. There are consequences for screwing up and this is part of it. Say what you will, but I’ll bet no team ever worried about what Peyton and Eli Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, Russell Wilson were doing in their off time. Personally I just want Winston to concentrate on FOOTBALL and the less distractions (a big ol banner on the side the stadium for instance) the better. He needs to earn our trust again. He needs to grow up and be a mature QB that takes care of business on and off the field. If having a few less pictures aaround gets the point across, it was well done by the Glazers
July 26th, 2018 at 9:02 am
While all of the negative and full fledged attention has been steered toward the ugly, cancerous dark cloud that continually looms over the Bucs in the form of one Jameis Winston, there is still a lot to be excited about with this team.
Jason Licht had a very good off-season with the draft and free agency. I’m looking forward to watch our new and young Bucs hit the field.
Go Bucs! Wreak Havoc!
July 26th, 2018 at 9:08 am
Dear Joe: you have to admit that he did this to himself, not by the actual action, but by letting the his teammates and origination down by lying to all of them. He is a heck of a talent but you need to have all aspects of your life aligned in order to be successful in this league. I just hope the kid does not totally crack under this negative spotlight, in which he is not accustomed to.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:09 am
Bucs will be high lighted on good morning football this morning
July 26th, 2018 at 9:11 am
@Joe, Jameis just showed up in a promo vid today… super quick cut of him you could barely see lol. But he was there. Bucs trying to sneak him in a bit
July 26th, 2018 at 9:15 am
My son in Columbus is a Brown’s fan. He totally makes fun of the Browns yet like Cubbie fans in the bad ole days…he and his buds will get to several Browns games a year.
He told me on the phone yesterday that the Brown’s fans are enjoying Jameis and our PR and lack of respect around the league …The Browns! The worst franchise in the league is laughing at us!!! WHY?
Yeah shoot back with who are the Browns to make fun of us. THAT’S THE POINT.
The Glazers still have plenty of options. Let me begin with the one at least half of JBF is hoping for….Jameis comes back after suspension…plays lights out…and the Glazers franchise him for another prove it year or sign him to a multi year deal at a HUGE discount for the team. A couple of years from now Fameis wins a SB and EVERYBODY is happy.
But…it is a business and there are other options. The Glazers are not fools when it comes to BUSINESS. They are obviously very shrewd..their highly leveraged buy of Man U. was a business grand slam home run!!! They are making plenty with the Bucs. At the end of the day guys we just have to realize it’s just business.
I believe the Glazers are fans and do love the Bucs as a team…and in fact probably have a super soft spot for the Bucs the franchise that made it all possible….but is YOUR job more important to you than the Bucs? How about your family? That is what the Glazers ultimately face. They can be fans for sure but they have to take care of BUSINESS first. We are all emotional in our love/hate for Jameis. The will NOT be.
Do you throw more good money after bad? Or would you be wasting your already heavy investment if you cut Fameis loose? Those are the two considerations here.
If they feel like the first line of thought…then for all we know a deal is already in the works for Fameis…perhaps the Bucs hope he plays well after the suspension so as to increase his value which is now at an all time low in league circles.
Still he is a #1 draft pick who has flashed real talent at times. If someone thought they could get hold of his head and improve his decision making Fameis has value. The Glazers may have instructed Licht to start shopping him.
We have no real way of knowing how the Glazers feel other than at the end of the day they are amazing businessmen. It doesn’t matter what you think about their football acumen…they have used football to make their family billionaires.
They are NOT dumb!
So I’m just along for the ride. I’ll support the Bucs regardless of their decision because IMO ultimately whatever is best for the business of the Bucs is best for the long term health of the franchise. Nobody is talking about the Bucs leaving town…unlike the Rays.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:17 am
Also Joe in one of the videos , can’t remeber which I’m pretty sure it shows number 3 Throwing in underwear football
July 26th, 2018 at 9:17 am
Maybe it’s just me but I couldn’t careless about a response from him the only thing I’m interested in is what he does on the field and whether he’s the right guy moving forward or if they need to start looking for a replacement. Nothing that he says or doesn’t say is going to change that fact for me.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:21 am
They are getting people pumped for Week 1….which unfortunately will not include #3.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:25 am
The good morning football crew are blasting Jameis Winston Tiki Barber believes he is done in Tampa. One of the other commentators stated that Ryan Fitz Patrick will probably play the entire season Wow.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:28 am
I certainly get your point and indeed for many having his significant other stand up for him would help.
But there is another significant group that looks at those poor women as being in hostage videos. I get so disgusted by politicians who get disgraced by poor personal choice….fing other women!!!…they bring their wives out on stage with them to “Stand By Your Man”. For some people it’s an unfair pressure to place on the mate. THEY didn’t do anything and what are their choices? If they don’t leave they have to support him.
For me I get queasy when we bring ANY family members into these type situations. It should ALL rest on the person whose behavior generated it in the first place.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:30 am
Let’s put an end to this nonsense now….Jameis’ fiancé doesn’t need to stand by his side or speak to the media so that any of you feel better. And stop speculating on things you don’t know about. Having been acquainted with the both of them on many occasion since there college days, I can tell you with absolute certainty that Jameis loves and adores Breion, and treats her with absolute respect just like he would with his mother, grandmother, aunts and cousins. Stop treating this incident like it happened yesterday, it was almost two and a half years ago. The man has a son and is bound to marry the woman of his dreams. Does he need to mature? Damn right he does. Not all of you were “take home to mama and papa” material at the age of 21/22.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:35 am
For those of you who have grown sons, I think you will agree that the difference between 18 and 25 is huge. A lot of mistakes and setbacks as well as maturity transcend over this period in their lives. It is quite understandable that 2 years can make a huge difference in a young mans persona. While I don’t condone his actions if he is guilty, I won’t judge behavior that is relatively consistent in this age group. I will state that the reaction of his peers and those around him play a major role in the kind of man he will be after 25.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:37 am
The Bucs also let many other players twist in the wind yesterday.
What a disgrace! Jameis Winston and Dirk Koetter should have been front and center to discuss the off-season and the alleged incident. Instead, they let other players do it. I don’t blame them Jameis or Dirk. I blame Buccaneers “leadership”. Look at what happened in New England yesterday. Bill Belichick was front and center to face the questions most everyone wanted to know the answer to regarding Malcolm Butler’s benching. Sure, he was his gruff and surly usual self but he did face the music. That was a bad look and there is no spinning it. We all have been talking about for years the void at leadership with the Buccaneers. The problem isn’t with the players or coaches.
The Glazers are smart, successful, generous, good community people, rich, ect…. Feel free to add any description that puts them in a positive light. Every one except “good leaders.”
July 26th, 2018 at 9:44 am
We will find out week four how the Glazers are going to deal with Winston . They can hide behind the suspension until then and remain silent . Ownership has completely handled this fiasco horribly , making it even more distracting . Ownership had to know the status of what was going on all along , if they did not know and were blind sided then they are even more incompetent than previously believed . A losing seasonn will alienate many more fans for good . But for a short 5-6 year run of decent football this franchise has been brutal embararrasment to the Tampa Bay Area ! This is not playing out well at all….
July 26th, 2018 at 9:46 am
“outside of this area Jameis is vilified”
“The good morning football crew are blasting Jameis Winston Tiki Barber believes he is done in Tampa. One of the other commentators stated that Ryan Fitz Patrick will probably play the entire season Wow.”
Yep the buc’s were highlighted all right, the continuing saga of America’s Choir Boy and the mediocre turnover toucher of women.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:50 am
stpetebucsfan Says:
July 26th, 2018 at 9:28 am
For me I get queasy when we bring ANY family members into these type situations. It should ALL rest on the person whose behavior generated it in the first place.
Actually your point is much stronger than mine. I appreciate it.
I am now and have always been a middle of the road Jameis fan. My 1st reaction was to get rid of my season tickets after the uber admission. I have not jumped off that cliff and will give this team another chance. It could be my last year with season tickets.
July 26th, 2018 at 9:59 am
I think the whole hiding jameis is being done by ownership to light a fire under jameis more then anything. It’s a strong symbol being sent to him. Put up or shut up this year or else this organization is moving on. I think jameis will rise to the occasion (hopefully)
July 26th, 2018 at 10:02 am
Hope Fitzpatrick goes 3-0, puts up MVP numbers……THEN what do the Bucs do??? Then, they have options……
July 26th, 2018 at 10:06 am
“Kobe still thinks another QB (Giraffe) is coming in during training camp and…
It is possible JW3 will sit for the rest of the year because they fear paying the 20mil due to injury”
Kobe Faker
July 26th, 2018 at 10:33 am
Move on Joe , Move on !!!
I’m sure your a good journalist that can find other stories besides the JW every day.
July 26th, 2018 at 10:39 am
This is the media thing and you use your audience as the excuse but in reality you care more than we do because you have to. For those of us who are about the team and winning games and even those who pretend to care about the team but really hate Winston and want him to play poorly, the one thing we agree on is that aside from admitting guilt or publicly claiming innocent there’s nothing he can really say that will matter.
Take responsibility or claim your innocence. We all know Winston never says anything if substance at the podium so I don’t expect it now. The guy is full of cliches even about the simple questions. I expect the I’m moving forward talk which is common for him so I’m the end the media will be there disappointed ones
July 26th, 2018 at 10:55 am
There is some precedent for guys overcoming things like this and going on to outstanding careers.
Big Ben a good example.
Hope that applies to Jameis.
July 26th, 2018 at 10:58 am
Can you really blame the Bucs’ owners for distancing themselves from Jameis?
yeah!!!!….actions speak louder than words…..how can you SAY we support jameis, but your action speak otherwise…..
keep your head on the swivel Winston, knives are being sharpened….
July 26th, 2018 at 11:05 am
Lot of big mouth fans who act as if they could easily stand at that podium and talk with the entire football world hanging on your every word at that age even Jimmy garrapalo is learning the hard way after going out on a date with a 41 yr old porn star. I bet it’s a lot easier for you who is you were advised would have have to explain yourself to family at home not the entire world. Really wish people would shut up with all the judging but that’s what people with no life so, they talk about someone more interesting…. Jealously of the rich and famous, it’s just not healthy
July 26th, 2018 at 11:31 am
Jimmy Garapolo “dating” an older woman who happens to be a porn star.
Jimmy’s still new to the game. Where was his “FIXER” to pay her the hush money?
I’m still not sure of Garapolo’s offense since he is single and I myself always liked older women…now I’m too old myself LMAO…my wife is my age. Yikes.
Oh the porn star problem? Was he married…did his wife just give birth to an infant son…perhaps he doesn’t need to pay hush money after all.
July 26th, 2018 at 11:37 am
I don’t understand what the problem is with some people and this Garoppolo story. The porn industry is a legitimate, legal industry. He did nothing wrong and neither has Kiara Mia. It’s not poor judgment on his part at all.
July 26th, 2018 at 11:44 am
“Right now, it sure seems that publicly the Bucs are letting Jameis twist in the wind by himself”
Again I ask Joe…….Chicken or the egg?
July 26th, 2018 at 12:13 pm
stop hating on jimmy g!!!!
July 26th, 2018 at 12:50 pm
Not a big deal at all. As Evans said, he was taken off the posters before as well. It happens.
By no means does this mean the Bucs are moving on from Jameis.