Gerald McCoy Will Bust $110 Million Mark
July 18th, 2018
Gerald McCoy is marching toward Darrelle Revis territory
Life is very, very good for the former face of the Buccaneers franchise.
Six-time Pro Bowler Gerald McCoy will bust the $110 million earned mark this season, per reliable Per the site, McCoy already has pocketed about $97.7 million worth of Team Glazer loot and he’ll score another $12.25 million in base salary this season.
With Darrelle Revis’ official retirement today, there’s been social media chatter about what a good businessman he was, earning $124 million during his storied career. Well, with good heath and a typical season this year, McCoy will be right there with Revis next year.
Joe is going to safely type (without researching the data) that McCoy has been paid more money by the Buccaneers than any player in history. For those wondering, iconic Derrick Brooks earned $11 million in 2008, his final and most lucrative season, per ESPN.
McCoy, of course, entered the NFL as the No. 3 overall pick in 2010, the final year before the asinine lockout that led to the rookie wage scale, which drove down salaries for top draft picks.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:29 pm
Hmmm, good for him. Glad I didn’t pay him that much money, I’m not sure I would feel I got a deal or anything.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
He was totally worth it if you enjoyed the “Lost Decade”.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Outside of some early injuries to his career, he has been worth it.
Sorry haters, but you can’t force a genuinely nice guy to be an A-hole. He gets paid to perform at a Pro-Bowl level and he has been doing that 6 seasons in a row. He does not get paid to be an A-hole and that doesn’t always translate to being great on the field (see Ndamukong Shu) Not his fault that the talent around him on the D-Line is an embarassment. If anything GMC should sue Mark Dominik and Licht for an unsafe work enviroment by knowingly and willfully neglecting the D-Line for so long.
Zero off field issues, zero on field issues, great involvement with the fans and community. Well respected by peers. Would it be great if he was the second coming of Warren Sapp? Absolutely, but you are a fool if you think that HoF tackles are a dime a dozen in the draft, even as high as the 3rd pick overall. Are you mad that he has recieved so much money compared to other players? That’s what happens when you are as bad as the Yucs have been for the past decade. You pay top dollar for the elite players or you watch them win Lombardi Trophies with other teams.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:42 pm
That $12.25 million will be well worth it this year.
I know the GMC haters will say what they want, but the truth is that the only reason McCoy has not gotten 10+ sack seasons is because the rest of the defensive line and much of the rest of the defense has been horribly built before this year, outside of Linebackers.
Now, there will be true support. When he has his best season this year, it will be clear that had the Bucs built around him earlier, his career would not have been wasted in Tampa.
Thankfully, he still has a few years left in him.
And I’m not blaming Licht for focusing mainly on the Offense. With a young franchise QB, that had to be the priority, and it is not his fault Dominick failed to build around McCoy.
But with the Offense pretty much fixed now, Licht was finally able to address the Defense, and he;s done an absolutely amazing job of it this year.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:44 pm
He could of been anywhere else, multiple playoffs appearances and ended up a mega star. Instead he plays for the Bucs.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:46 pm
He is the post Super Bowl Paul Gruber.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:47 pm
“But with the Offense pretty much fixed now, Licht was finally able to address the Defense, and he;s done an absolutely amazing job of it this year.”
Hmmm, pretty much fixed? Amazing job? Hmmm.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:47 pm
McCoy makes those around him better. And by those I mean his investment bankers.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:47 pm
And I fully expect the offense and defense to click on all cylinders this year. And I think we’ll be surprised on kick and punt returns.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:48 pm
What a colossal waste.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:49 pm
I like how the 12 million is brought up to make it look better but the actual number per season is 16 million. 12 million is the lowest salary year. Nice try.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:55 pm
Pete I Says
“Hmmm, pretty much fixed? Amazing job? Hmmm.”
I don’t see how anyone can think otherwise.
In fact, I’ve decided to chronicle this season in book form from a fan’s perspective. I just spent hours reviewing and writing about this off season, and Jason Licht was an artist through it all.
The only downer was the Winston thing, but the team is now built to get past it.
He upgraded the Defensive Line in a big way, adding Curry, JPP, Allen and Unrein, then Drafted Vita Vea. No matter how you look at it, the line is majorly upgraded.
He resigned Grimes and drafted two CBs.
He cut Sweezy, signed Jenson (C), and drafted Cappa.
He cut Martin and Drafted Jones.
He brought back Bully and drafted Cichy for depth.
He brought back Conte, and drafted Whitehead as his eventual replacement.
Heck, he even drafted a kick returner.
This may just go down as the greatest off season of his career.
July 18th, 2018 at 12:59 pm
Season Is Over Says
“I like how the 12 million is brought up to make it look better but the actual number per season is 16 million.”
I like how you are wrong and do not even know it.
His total cap hit is $12,750,000 in 2018.
I don’t know where you got that $16 mil number.
July 18th, 2018 at 1:00 pm
Season Is Over, you are wrong. I actually linked to proof but the filter ate my post.
July 18th, 2018 at 1:04 pm
“I don’t see how anyone can think otherwise.”
I don’t know, basically the same coaching staff and play caller? Can’t know how it will shake out, but full fledged optimism seems a bit much.
“In fact, I’ve decided to chronicle this season in book form from a fan’s perspective. I just spent hours reviewing and writing about this off season, and Jason Licht was an artist through it all.” Interesting.
July 18th, 2018 at 1:15 pm
Your link says exactly what I said. I am wrong when 6 divided by 95.2 isn’t 15.86.
July 18th, 2018 at 1:22 pm
Yeah season is over contracts by Licht have been set up to pay out heavy the first 2-3 years where we can release the players if they are not performing with cap hit after those years. You can divide,multiply,add, and subtract all you want. He is getting 12.5 million this year. Joe is not twisting anything. He is simply doing basic math that his career earnings plus this years salary equals x. No big conspiracy theory. Just a easy going article about career earnings. That some how you try to turn negative. He stated his career earnings what exactly are you whining about. Some people will whine about anything. I get the feeling people hate going out to dinner with you. You seem like the type of guy that sends everything back just to bitch.
July 18th, 2018 at 1:24 pm
I’m mean look at your name your already whining that the season is over and we haven’t even started training camp.
July 18th, 2018 at 1:29 pm
As far as I’m concerned GMC is the real face of the franchise. An outstanding human being, member of the community, family man, and great player.
All that being said I kinda miss tmaxcon’s inane ramblings on the cancerous ice cream man.
July 18th, 2018 at 1:34 pm
“Siege The Pay “
July 18th, 2018 at 2:14 pm
Yet another example of the severe oppression of NFL players in America.
July 18th, 2018 at 2:19 pm
HOF talent. make the playoffs 2 or 3 years and he has a shot.
July 18th, 2018 at 2:36 pm
It’s what DTs make who produce the way he has. It’s well-earned.
Besides, why complain? It ain’t your money to begin with!
July 18th, 2018 at 2:44 pm
Talk about Baker stealing loot. GMC is paid…..but his knee is hurt
July 18th, 2018 at 2:47 pm
Better than Suh….
July 18th, 2018 at 2:52 pm
I always felt like Revis got into McIceCream’s ear and was like “heeeeyyy boo, you know you don’t have to play hard or win, just get that money sis”. And as they say the rest is history.
Revis is by far the worst decision this storied franchise has ever made even bigger than Bo Jackson.
July 18th, 2018 at 3:17 pm
This article reminds me – I haven’t seen “Reality-is-a-Beotch” lately.
Did Joe finally get wise to maxi_pad’s alter ego and end the charade by banning that IP address as well?
I guess soon he’ll probably be going to the Library 7 days a week to post under yet another name – unless he was already doing it that way as “beotch”… LOL
July 18th, 2018 at 3:52 pm
Agreed. Not only that but Jason Licht (not Lovie) getting rid of Revis was absolutely the right move. Revis was not going to help the Bucs in 2014.
July 18th, 2018 at 4:41 pm
100 plus million for 8 basement titles and zero hope. Selfish career loser who has quit in every coach hired. But you low standard losers bought into the fraud hook line and sinker
July 18th, 2018 at 4:54 pm
D-Rome Says All that being said I kinda miss tmaxcon’s inane ramblings on the cancerous ice cream man.
You forgot the “Soft mentality” “Softness” “Weak” “Loser” and several other colorful adjectives and one adverb to describe what I also feel is the true face of the franchise. People can say what they want about him but they can never say he put his hands on a woman like some in the NFL have shamelessly done.
July 18th, 2018 at 4:57 pm
Pickgrin, if Joe suddenly got wise to that it would have been after being reminded of it for the 500th time by me you and others. More likely he mixed up his meds, ran out of Jameson, or exhausted all his money on his beloved hookers. But don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Let the lack of idiocy wash over you.
July 18th, 2018 at 5:57 pm
Despite the GMC what hater he’s earned it
July 18th, 2018 at 8:05 pm
I’m considered a GMC hater and yeah, that’s probably true.
However, given all the BS concerning our Soiled Messiah QB, I feel a little better about GMC.
He’s still soft but he’s kept his nose clean.
So I guess what all the JW supporters say is true…….
Jameis really does make his team mates better.
July 18th, 2018 at 8:06 pm
He is the epitome of something out of nothing.
July 18th, 2018 at 10:07 pm
My last diss and rant on GMC. Final. GMC is just not my type of player. I like BAD boys. I like rah rah type of guys. Guys like Me13 and JW who would whoop your a when they get embarrassed. I’m all for JW and his actions. Uber is pretting damning. I’m tired of the Gmc type of guys losing and carrying on though. “If we win we win and if we don’t we don’t” type of comments turn me off. JW starting roots and then tell the media ” that’s what I did do” afterwards with his eyes lit gets me going. At least I know then my Bucs are not soft. GMC crying when he got hurt was waaaayyyyy more embarrassing than eating Ws. Speaking of eating Ws ( weird) at least I know he wanted to win that game. There is no expectation or accountability for GMC. This guy flys under the radar and we accepted that just him and the way it is. Every podcast, media, fan, etc gives him the ultimate pass because he makes probowls and stats. And because he is nice and don’t touch coochies of taxi drivers. The highest paid Buc of all time has really no absolute reason for even being on this team for 8 years. I get it he is few of our Stars. Damn that. Pat’s consistently trade great players for consistently winning. While Bucs keep guys for years and past their prime and get nothing but Ls. I remember a coach taught him how to “go after the half-man” sooooo yea he runs into doubles and then gives up.
As a man he is a cool guy. The player? Overrated garbage that will get u blown out on a weekly basis I’m a fan of football and football only. Not a fan or judge of thier “life” character. I really don’t think or care what they do in their life. If they were common folk they won’t be doing charities/community service. I want the Bucs to win at football (the game)
July 18th, 2018 at 11:10 pm
The butmobile though, 👀 I guess we know what a 100 mil we get you.
July 19th, 2018 at 12:02 am
If he was being paid according to his season sack average, he would by far be the most over paid DT in the league. It breaks down to,
$2.7 million per sack at an average of 6 sacks a year
July 19th, 2018 at 1:05 am
Mr can’t show up when you need him in games. Maybe this year will be different but I’m not going to hold my breath.
July 19th, 2018 at 11:34 am
Well a million dollars ain’t what it was when the Beverly Hillbillies hit the TV back in the 60’s.
July 20th, 2018 at 11:14 am
Top 3 DT in the league boys an girls. Thank you gmc for all you have done we need more players like him. Great example for our kids an adults keep hating haters cuz that’s all you know how to do #lovinit