Down Goes Jameis
July 23rd, 2018
Team Glazer speaks softly and carries a big stick
They say actions speak louder than words, and Team Glazer just sent quite a message to Buccaneers fans, sponsors and Jameis Winston, America’s Quarterback.
They gave him the Doug Martin treatment.
In 2016, Martin’s image was prominently displayed with a giant picture outside a corner of the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway; it’s where the Bucs salute and promote the faces of their franchise to the community every year.
But Martin proceeded to get suspended to end the 2016 season and for the first three games of 2017. And Bucs officials decided to pull his image from the stadium facade last summer.
Per the Tampa Bay Times, last year’s stadium image of Jameis has been replaced and will not be there as the team showcases its faces for the start of the 2018 season.
Just four months ago, Buccaneers co-chairman Joel Gazer spoke glowingly of Jameis to Joe and Ira Kaufman at the NFL Owners Meetings. Glazer expressed great pride for the way Jameis has conducted himself as a Buccaneer in the community and as a teammate.
It sure feels like a lot has changed.
Joe’s not going to ascribe motives to Team Glazer’s decision, but Jameis getting pulled off the stadium was no oversight. One could speculate in many different directions, from money considerations to a loss of trust and beyond.
On the heels of Bucs officials giving the Jameis three-game suspension and NFL sex offender label a complete silent treatment after it came down a few weeks ago, this stadium decision invites a lot of speculation.
Would you put money on Jameis quarterbacking the Bucs next season?
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:47 pm
America’s quarterback? He’s lucky he’s still the Bucs quarterback.
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:50 pm
He will be here next year if he balls out and keeps his down town away from controversy otherwise he will be gone.
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:50 pm
I 100% expect #3 to be up there after thi.s season.
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:50 pm
Down Time
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:50 pm
Should’ve taken Mariota
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:55 pm
The deafening, icy silence, the lack of endorsement offers, Winston’s disappearance from Bucs promotional videos and now this, tells us Winston has been lying for over a half year to not only the fans, but the owners and staff as well, resulting in a (complete?) loss of faith.
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:56 pm
No surprise with this move. The Bucs will hide him behind the players who produce and have no off the field issues. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t have the C on his uniform either. Make him earn it.
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:58 pm
Ho Hum…This is the same Glazers that had a fundraiser for a certain P grabber. Give me a break. It is all PR. He will be back up there next year.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:03 pm
Big deal…A friggin pic. Kid is gonna BALL when he gets back on the field!!!
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:04 pm
I think even if he did ball out, him and new agents will probably ditch this team. Start over with another team. Best thing for him. If not. JW get the hell out of Tampa man if ur reading this.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:05 pm
Joe, I predicted in a post over a week ago that this would happen. Did I have “inside information”? Nope, just common sense. There is NO way they leave the huge mug of an alleged sex offender up on the stadium. And you can be sure, they are at the very least debating how to dump him, if they choose that path…..and they should.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:06 pm
No big deal, Glazer Boyz are just sending a message. The big deal will be how Jameis responds.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:07 pm
And Joe…can we now FINALLY cease and desist with the “AQ” label. He’s not even Raymond James Stadium QB.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:07 pm
Motivation at its best. Nothing given at this point as he, along with everyone else, should earn what they get. At this point it is 100% on Jamies to earn back everyone’s trust though his actions off the field and just continue to progress on the field. BTW anyone surprised by this is really lacking in awareness of the world we are living in today.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:08 pm
Jameis is going super saiyan on the league going to earn it
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:16 pm
Joe’s not going to ascribe motives to Team Glazer’s decision,
Joe won’t but I will…..this is purely a PR move……why promote a negative…..just bury it…..they won’t talk about it….and Jameis will have to work his way back.
This is textbook PR 101…..not a surprise at all.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:19 pm
The title of this article reminded me of this!!!
Howard Cosell made the legendary exclamation, “Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!”
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:20 pm
call me a hater or whatever you want. I just make my call based on whats known. what is known is that jdubya has shown zero, nothing, nada in the form of taking responsibility for his actions. just more lies.
based on that I see him going all josh freeman and imploding. except freeman didn’t have the mouth and ego j dubya does.
jubya’s undoing is going to be epic. this is but a crayon stroke in the sheet stain he is going to leave on this organization.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:21 pm
Marketing 101. My opinion is the Glazers are hoping JW turns his personal life around but until he does he’s not a marketing asset. Virtually every poster on JBF knew Winston was not going to be on the side of the stadium. He may not be there next year. He can get back on when the Glazers know that Winston is the long term answer at QB.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:27 pm
Whether you believe he did it or not is irrelevant, it’s as it should be and at the very least it goes a long way in making sure he is aware he has to earn that right and that being in the spotlight for something like that in this day in age is a big deal. He burned himself and no you have to go out and earn it this year and I’m not talking about earning a big payday bro
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:29 pm
PR move, makes since…
Go Jameis, I still believe in you…hopefully you learn from this…you have your own family now, its time to shrink your inner circle and stay away from people who mean you no good…
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:30 pm
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:36 pm
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:36 pm
To the sports writers out there who cover the Bucs, including Joe, who now must feel deep regret in naming Jameis “America’s Quarterback”, I offer these questions: Have any of you asked Jameis why, oh why, after being chosen number 1 in the entire draft, you deemed it a good idea to get into a car with a female driver?
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:42 pm
It was the right decision.
He is not a leader.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:42 pm
I am not a big Glazer fan, but I agree 100% on what they did…….You want the money? Well,you have to earn it, because on the field you are as inconsistent as off the field….You can be really good, but you did not arrive there, because your on and off the field issues. Time to grow up!!!!!!!!!!
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:44 pm
The people who say we should’ve taken Mariota instead… you’re a joke. He sucks too. Put on the tape.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:46 pm
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:03 pm
Big deal…A friggin pic. Kid is gonna BALL when he gets back on the field!!!
Common sense prevails!
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:48 pm
Considering that the league did not make it’s notification letter to Jameis public, you can bet the farm that the league and the GLazers know things on and about him that were kept private, confidential and away from the public.
I do believe a big part of his picture being taken down was a message to their corporate sponsors and advertisers that they will not be spending their millions of sponsorship and advertising dollars on a team whose “Face” is someone who has been accused of Sexual Assault twice and has a history of theft, vandalism, alcohol abuse and may be homophobic.
Maybe the Bucs brass are finally realizing that drafting Winston was a huge mistake and that big gamble is coming back to haunt them.
Time for the Bucs to admit their mistake, release him and move on
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Stick a fork in him; he’s done
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Boy would Nick Foles look good as a poster on the side of Raymond James stadium wearing a Buccaneers uniform. I think this city would embrace a Super Bowl winning MVP quarterback come next spring after Winston implodes on the football field this season when he returns from suspension.
July 23rd, 2018 at 2:50 pm
[Trying to get banned? — Joe]
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:00 pm
PR move…nothing more. They want JW to bounce back like Big Ben and then they will once again embrace their prodigal son.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:02 pm
Winston, you dont deserve the people of Tampa Bay area.
If I was you I would want out and go somewhere else where you can be appreciated for what you are.
I know you like baseball
Whatchya think?
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:02 pm
I agree 100%
What a gigantic coup it would be for Jason Licht if he could get Nick Foles, the Superbowl and NFC title game MVP, former Pro Bowl MVP, and the current NFL merchandise seller in Red and Pewter!
Not to mention that he is a high character and classy guy.
Anybody that watched the Espy’s last week saw him win for Best Championship Performance and make a very classy acceptance speech.
To have Foles here to replace America’s Crotchgrabber And Liar would be absolutely fantastic for the entire Bucs franchise and fan base.
Jason Licht. Make it happen!
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:04 pm
Nick foles 2018, trade winston
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:06 pm
Strictly a PR move, has nothing to do with his chances of being on this team. That will be determined by his play
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:06 pm
If he plays well, he stays. If not, oh well, sorry it didn’t work out.
You HAVE to take that picture down if you have any P.R. worth its salt in the organization.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:09 pm
Great posturing by the Glazers.
Doesn’t mean a darn thing for Jameis other than what he already knows– he is out of passes.
The Glazers know barring anything else or a terrible season- that Jameis is going be here a long time and he gives them the best chance to win long term.
They did this for the fans in uproar. So they could have something to say that they took away from Jameis. Watch they will publically talk about him needing to redeem and prove himself again so the fans don’t think he is entitled.
The is all part of his PR rehab. He will be back up next year if he wins this season like i think he will.
GO BUCS!!!!!
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:21 pm
Depends on his contract
If they get him on the cheap he will be here
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:25 pm
Maybe less exposure will be a good thing for JW. I would say it’s less pressure, but as many have stated, this is a make or break 13 games for #3.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:25 pm
Why not trade for Bridgewater? WAY more upside than Foles
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:27 pm
YO SHEEP, just stop this nonsense of predicting whats going to happen to JW3 because…
Not even the Glazers know what is going to happen
JW3 will playout this season. Even if he plays well, the public might still be against JW3 being here for the future of this franchise no matter how well he plays
The glazers will make that judgement, but right at this time they do not know
Just because JW3 plays well doesnt mean Glazers want him back
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:29 pm
It would be great if they could trade him. Would any other team take him right now? If he lied to ownership and Licht and Kutter, who wants that?
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:33 pm
Now cut him.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:34 pm
It would be great if they could trade Winston, but at this point there’s not another team in the league that would touch him. He’s a walking PR nightmare plus you never know when he’s going to do something else stupid or get in trouble again. That’s a lot of trouble for a QB who is average at best
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:37 pm
This article is pure speculation
Better to have speculation than criticism
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:39 pm
It had to be done!…Sponsorship and all that.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:41 pm
Would you put money on Jameis quarterbacking the Bucs next season?
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:43 pm
This is simple…
The company does not want to promote an alleged sex offender as the face of the franchise. What do they have to gain from that?
It doesn’t mean they’ll cut him.
That ALL depends on Jameis and his record when he returns.
If Jameis goes 8-5 or better when he returns… he gets the extension.
If he goes 7-6 it could go either way.
If he goes 6-7 or worse I guarantee he does not get an extension and at best plays out the final year of his contract with some real competition in town.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:47 pm
I dont think this is a sign of the end. Like Martin he will have a chance to prove himself. Fail like Martin did and he will be out faster than Lovie Smith in a wet t-shirt contest.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:49 pm
Don’t get those people who want Bridgewater.. If he gets hit by a slight breeze he might tear up that leg again.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:49 pm
Lol…this is how you squeeze a qb to take less money.
This nonsense of missing out on taking Mariotta is hogwash. Wait till their rookie contracts end to judge performance.
Mariotta is going to fall face first this year. Jameis will have outperformed riding the bench the first three games vs Mariotta putting on a crap-show the first three games.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:52 pm
Bridgewater? Foles? Glennon? Freeman? Manziel? I dont think this is going to end well…
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:54 pm
Also, you are dealing with a billionaire mindset. These people have tremendous patience. It’s how they got their billions in the first place.
They will wait it out instead of making a rash decision.
The Shady McCoy debacle helped Jameis out tremendously removing him from the spot light.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:56 pm
Hmm I thinks it’s pretty stupid to remove him off the stadium because now they are sending a mixed message. It’s like we don’t want to show case you but we want to use your talent. If they lost complete trust in Jameis then I predict an implosion of a season as well. It will be very hard for Jameis to focus on the field knowing the Glazers don’t have his back. It’s not a good thing to have a lack of trust in a team or family. I think it’s a stupid move by the PR group. The only other thing I could see is if this was part of the deal made between Goodell and Jameis….Maybe after the suspension he goes back up? I just hope Jameis turns this ship around and comes back better then ever and wants to stay with us in the future. He is our only hope or my tickets will gone as well. I’m not waiting for another franchise QB which this team has shown has a hard time even drafting.
July 23rd, 2018 at 3:59 pm
A franchise QB is nice and all, but not 100% necessary. All those that say the Bucs are doomed without Winston are just flat wrong.
Build a Defense. Then your QB isn’t such a big deal. T Dungy (Mr. NO OFFENSE, although his offenses were as good as Gruden’s, statistically) coached up Shaun King, an undersized rookie with marginal talent and got to the NFC Championship game. And should have won it.
You just need a QB who is good enough to not get you beat.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:00 pm
If Jameis wasn’t guilty, he should have fought this to the bitter end. I’m still behind him but guilty people take deals or people that can’t afford to fight it. I can’t help but wonder if maybe Jameis hadn’t come clean yet with the Glazers when Joe interviewed them. We’ve all had time to think about it and I can’t help but wonder if there’s more to the story. Did they put a lid on something else that happened that night? What happened at the club that they had to get him outta there so quickly? Maybe there’s nothing there but silence speaks volumes and so does taking a 3 game suspension without a whimper whine or complaint. Something stinks.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:03 pm
I love the fact that the same people on this website rip Jamies for being inaccurate are begging for a guy had a 56.4 comp% last year to Jameis’s 63.8%. Foles was also asked to throw the ball a whopping 14 times a game when Jameis was asked to throw it 34 times a game. And for you math challenged folks out there that is 20 TIMES MORE A GAME!!! Foles avg pass went 5.3 yards while Jameis was 7.9 yards which again speaks to the completely different game they are being asked to play. So if you hate Jameis in this offense man you would really hate Foles in this offense, but keep talking like you know what you are talking about cause you all sound really smart. SMH at this fan base.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:06 pm
I heard that they are just moving it over to Mons Venus.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:08 pm
Foles Superbowl MVP
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:09 pm
Winston will be gone after next year and it wont be the glazers choice…winston is going to haul a$$ at the first sight of day light!!!!!
back when Winston got injured there was some smoke that he felt the organization didn’t have his back….he went and got and second opinion….while dirk and smitty were trying to save their job, his injury turned out to be worse than expected and had to be shut down….
his situation happened in ARZ and the glazers, dirk and licht all said they were disappointed but will support Winston….
now his mural comes down….lol….
winston, I hope you walk around OBP with eyes in the back of your head…..backstabbers are lurking!!!!!!!!….
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:14 pm
This frotteurism will not stand, man.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:14 pm
I hear ya…..folks are just caught up in the moment…..the SB run foles had and the suspension…..
blame dirk….maybe if winston only threw 14-18 times a game he would look and produce better…..
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:16 pm
Winston not being in view on the stadium is good for the Bucs, good for Winston, good for fans. Good for Bucs: Winston has been a PR nightmare. They gave him a go, and it’s not worked out well so far. Evaluate whether he’s the guy going foward; there is time. Dumb to cut him this year–but be ready to. Good for Winston: He may not know it, but his best medicine is to be out of the public eye, take his raps, earn back all that he threw away in one night–fair or not. It will be good for his therapy, and for his career to take some humble pie. The worst thing for PR is for the team rally around him. Not for this. Good for Fans: Agree or not, think he did it or not, it is reasonable that given the past, a good deal of fans think he probably did all of it, or lean that way. No one can blame them. Doesn’t mean some won’t forget and support him, but face it. The Bucs need families to love to the Bucs, and given the allegations, true or not, that kind of image doesn’t draw families close to the RayJay. Families can spend their time better ways than having to explain away to the kids what’s going on, why they are taking time out go watch a losing team play who is led, perhaps in many’s view, by a real life pirate. Go to the beach in the morning, catch the game on TV later on.
Good decision. Now…don’t let him be team captain, and keep him off all PR events, and let the year progress. Draft a QB in ’19.
Shado 31, out.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:17 pm
Winston’s stats from the last 5 games when he was healthy. All these games were competitive so no garbage time stats. All these teams were in the playoff hunt except GB so no let downs.
316 yards per game
9 TD passes
5 int
123/183 = 67% comp %
18/84 yards rushing 4.6 ypc
1 rush TD
20 times sacked
If you think the Glazers are going to give up on this guy it’s wishful thinking. He has already turned the corner except the fumbles. Better OL play and the sacks and fumbles will decrease. A better running game and play action will increase. All Winston has to do is stay out of his own way on a personal level. Time will tell but I think he has turned the corner there with the suspension. My prediction would be:
9 wins 4 losses
3800 passing yards
25 TD’s
12 int
5 lost fumbles in 13 games
2 rushing TD’s
28 sacks against
Might as well get used to it but JW is going to be a Buc for a long time and probably on a friendlier team contract to boot.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:25 pm
The article said: “One could speculate in many different directions, from money considerations to a loss of trust and beyond. On the heels of Bucs officials giving the Jameis three-game suspension and NFL label a complete silent treatment after it came down a few weeks ago, this stadium decision invites a lot of speculation.”
Looks like no speculation needed. Keep a whole slew good players for the cash, break ties with the PR nightmare and start again at that position…pick up where you left off this year, and regain the respect of families.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:28 pm
Backstabbers? Smoke? Foles? Foles is not coming to this mismanaged NFL team when he has options and Winston is still here; thats fantasy football.
I don’t think Winston has anyone else to blame but himself for the shoes he wears today. He lost my support when he lied to the fans about who was in the car (original stmt). My support is earned not given but I can be easily bought with NFL wins; hence why I still think Winston has a chance to redeem himself. Its the NFL way if you look at its history. Its very millennial to blame others for the inappropriate actions of one self. Winston needs to look no further than the mirror for accountability. I think the Glazers were right to remove his image from the stadium; being consistent with your actions toward the players (Martin now Winston) is very important and earns respect. What message would they be sending by leaving him up there? The same message he got at FSU where he felt entitled. I think we will see a different Winston this year….I hope its a better one with 5-7 more wins than last year.
Go Bucs!
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:30 pm
jmarkbuc Mark Rypien won the Super Bowl MVP too but then again you probably thought he was good as well if you even know who that is.
Also in one of the few games he started in the regular season Foles was 19-38 (50% comp%) for 163 yards, with a pick and a fumble vs the Raiders. Do you think in your wildest dreams we could ever win a game with Jameis playing that poorly? This is what you folks are missing, it takes a team to win games not just one player. And every aspect of your team makes each aspects job easier but again you would have to understand football to truly get it.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:31 pm
I believe it’s a message Jameis should take heed of. Don’t really think Marriotta was the better pick. It is time for Jameis to play consistently and show the leadership that was expected of him. A good PR move for Jameis just might be for Jameis to step down as captain. It just might show he is serious about straightening out his life.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:34 pm
Joe disagreed with me years ago when I was saying this team needed Tim tebow but again I refer to this article plus the lavonte David article on situations and continue to stand by my point of view. It’s too late and we will never know but tebow won and jameis has not.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:39 pm
“JW3 less money and a discount? LOL. Google agent Tom Condon. JW3 will get over 25 mill per year minimum on his next contract with his future team..100%”
Kobe Faker
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:40 pm
JW is a modern day Jeff George. Although George was lucky to not have to deal with social media. Cancer kills.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:41 pm
I agree with 813 Bucboi
U can forget about JW. JW is as good as gone. On his terms
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:41 pm
SHut up and play. No more eating W’s or anything stupid. Stay off teh radar and play well. If not, see ya.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:44 pm
Surprised it took them this long.
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:51 pm
Foles was 19-38 (50% comp%) for 163 yards, with a pick and a fumble vs the Raiders. Do you think in your wildest dreams we could ever win a game with Jameis playing that poorly?
Nope.. but who won that game? You only help to prove my point. Stats (including JW’s) are for losers. #FACTSMATTER
A franchise QB is nice and all, but not 100% necessary. All those that say the Bucs are doomed without Winston are just flat wrong, You just need a QB who is good enough to not get you beat.
You kill me…don’t quote football to me son. I’ve forgotten more about football than you know. Get back on your Bi Polar meds will ya?
July 23rd, 2018 at 4:51 pm
I think it can be concluded already that Winston is gone. Just a matter of when. If he can play well for his team and for his future somewhere else this year, great. Bucs will not have any problem benching him healthy and cutting him this year if he does not deliver. This is business. He’s not helped the bottom line. Probably won’t.
Shado 31, out.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:01 pm
No one has done anything to hurt Jameis. All Jameis’s wounds are self inflicted. No knives in the back. No rumors or made up stories. He did it all to himself with his own actions. Much of it is on tape. I don’t totally condemn him for the Uber deal and I want him to succeed, but he needs to own it. All of it. Grow up. Come clean and tell the truth. Stop drinking and partying. He owes it to his teammates. He totally screwed them over with his actions. He needs to make it right, somehow, because if they don’t rally around him and support him, there’s no point in him staying.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:06 pm
People forget this incident happened two years ago. Since then, Jameis has been a model citizen and has been one of if not the best contributer in the community. Don’t act like this happened recently.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:10 pm
Make a trade with the Raiders Glazers. Send JW to Vegas and bring in Carr.
A Fan can dream, JW with Marshawn, Dougie an oline Jordy Nelson, Jared Cook, Bryant, and Gruden. Mannnng
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:12 pm
bigmac says: No knives in the back.
folks at OBP all said they support Winston and have his back…..then they take his mural down….doesn’t sound like having “his” back to me…..
sounds like metal being sharpened…..
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:13 pm
Again i ask why do you waaste your time? Why do you care about the opinions of sheep? Its not worth it.
As i have been saying all ofseason………
Dear jameis,
Please leave this idiot fan base/hypocrites as soon as you can.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:14 pm
No way a franchise is cutting a good player with the potential to be great at 24 years old. At the hardest position in sports to play. You all act like we just draft a qb next year and boom he is good enough to win with this team. Ask Cleveland how easy it is to find a good qb or the Jets. And to everyone wanting Foles. He was a free agent last year no one wanted him. I think koetter tried to sign him but he didn’t want to relocate his family to Tampa. I think he is a system quarterback who was just in the perfect situation last year. Happens all the time but if he changes teams he would be hard pressed to duplicate that success. If he was so great you do t think a team would have traded two first round picks for him. Heck the saints spent two first round picks on project defensive end from a small school.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:31 pm
They had to do this…you Winston haters are so funny it’s like everything that is a normal move is another reason why he’s done… Jameis fires his agent oh it’s because they didn’t want to represent him, a week later it’s reported that he is being courted by several top NFL agencies. You guys would be slamming the bucs if they kept up the mural, you guys just seem miserable and you find enjoyment in . rooting for someone’s downfall, it’s really sad
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:37 pm
He’s Josh Freeman 2.0. The Glazer boys need to sell. Pops would have done this the right way.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:42 pm
Listen I’m so tired of ppl putting down Jameis. He was a 22 year old kid who drank to heavy and don’t know what he did if he did anything at all cause there is no real proof he did it anyways. I can sit here today and tell you that I used to drink a lot and I used to black out a lot and not remember what I did a lot! Then I quit drinking and grew up and wanted to be a better me for me most of all. Ppl told me I was a totally different person when I drank. Unrecognizable! Every damn one of us has done something stupid as hell when we were younger drinking or not. No sin is greater than the other so shut it!
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:42 pm
Listen I’m so tired of ppl putting down Jameis. He was a 22 year old kid who drank to heavy and don’t know what he did if he did anything at all cause there is no real proof he did it anyways. I can sit here today and tell you that I used to drink a lot and I used to black out a lot and not remember what I did a lot! Then I quit drinking and grew up and wanted to be a better me for me most of all. Ppl told me I was a totally different person when I drank. Unrecognizable! Every damn one of us has done something stupid as hell when we were younger drinking or not. No sin is greater than the other so shut it!
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:42 pm
Everything that would make the owners mad happened recently. It doesn’t matter if Winston has been the Pope for the past two years…when something comes out just weeks ago that hurts confidence, hurts trust, hurts business, and sidelines him right now…all bets are off. Potential doesn’t matter if starting now he is hurting business. Oh, they will get their five pounds of flesh out of him for this year, maybe next. But this is on owners terms now. They owe him nothing but this year and “support” for his rehabilitation. He’s 24 now. So what? After he’s 25-26, they have to pay a premium for whomever is under center. Pay a premium for this? I don’t think so. Business, business, business. Should have gotten a DL stud. Think the Bucs know it.
Shado 31, out.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:43 pm
Yea but we aren’t the face of a franchise idiot.
We were not picked number 1 in the draft.
He should be held to a higher standard.
Are you really this stupid?
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:48 pm
Yeah, lots of people drank a lot and have done something stupid? That only means there are lots of people who got drunk and did something stupid.
Doesn’t mean people have to deal with someone else’s problem; don’t have to have it blared on your TV every night in your living room. And they certainly don’t have to pay $120 million or more…for a guy that’s hurting your business right now this minute. Business. Business. Business. C’mon now. Get real.
Shado 31, out.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:51 pm
Wow, Joe REPORTS a happening (Down comes Jameis’ IMAGE from RayJay) and WHAMO, the pirañas go into a frenzy. Bridgewater, Foles, Joe Namath (hey, why not, just as ridiculous as the other two, and at ‘only 75’ we could get him cheap I bet).
But I’ll bet that the Bucs aren’t bringing in ANY of those. For one thing, we don’t have the money. For another, we don’t need them … we have TWO pretty decent QBs right now in Jameis & Fitz (and Ryan Griffin just MAY be better than many JBFers seem to think). And for a third, we have several other NEEDS that SHOULD be a higher priority right now going into training camp (like OLine & Secondary & maybe a beast RB who can actually score from 2 yds out).
In other happenings, have seen several articles recently indicating that the Bucs MAY be posturing to move to a 3-4 defense (certain defensive additions start making sense if they do). And oh ya, reports that Kendell Beckwith has been placed on the ‘active/non-football-injury list’ today (although he’s not ready to practice, that’s awesome news IMO since it indicates that the Bucs seem to have faith that he’s progressing nicely and should be available to start the season).
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:51 pm
Would you put money on Jameis quarterbacking the Bucs next season?
Nope….but I’ll tell ya what I will put money on, Jameis being another name on the list to go somewhere else and win a crap load of football games.
If that happens I will never watch another game in person nor on t.v. That will be the end of it. This ownership group is a joke. They get NOTHING right every year.
There goes Jameis, followed by a really good GM. This team is hopeless. If something happens and he doesn’t even start this season….HA!! These Glazier boys are the dumbest smart guys I know of.
July 23rd, 2018 at 5:56 pm
And i bet u voted for the president. Higher standard my @$$
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:03 pm
Just for the record NDOG , Doug Williams was the SB MVP in 1988 as Rypien watched from the sidelines. Rypien got a ring , but not the MVP. Jameis made a mistake and according to JW he has removed alcohol from his life completely , prolly a GREAT move there. JW is a talented QB with a fiery competitive side , the kind of QB that everybody plays harder for , but if he messes up again he is done. The Bucs have a penchant for letting QB’s leave and win Super Bowl rings-See Doug Williams and Trent Dilfer. The Bucs have never resigned a QB that they drafted , and if JW keeps his nose clean , I for one hope they resign him. Go Bucs!!!
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:04 pm
And I bet you voted for Hillary. And have safe spaces and scream a thons at your pink haired gender fluid boyfriends house.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:07 pm
Bucball: you my friend are a certified idiot. He is now 24 in 3 plus years he will be in his late 20’s. His career is over. Why support a coward and loser. Check his NFL record and not his stats. His record would be a lot worse if he did not have FSU University police investigating an All American QB…..different kind of record but same loser result.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:13 pm
I want to see how many of the hypicritical chumps will be at training camp booing Jameis carrying your big ol internet bravado to his face. More than likely he can take out 3 of y’all at once let alone all the other team mates. Be men show your butts off in person on some website!
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:14 pm
I want to see how many of the hypicritical chumps will be at training camp booing Jameis carrying your big ol internet bravado to his face. More than likely he can take out 3 of y’all at once let alone all the other team mates. Be men show your butts off in person not on some website!
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:15 pm
Agree with Bucballbaby84
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:15 pm
Webster is the bottom guy
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:17 pm
OneBuc I think he is as much the problem in the circle as anyone.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:18 pm
Sweptheleague your an idiot. None of that give you a reason to judge him. He’s human just like the rest of us. Ppl can either look at it like a human being like I am or they can look at it like you a greedy person.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:21 pm
He will be the Bucs quarterback of the future and he’s not going anywheres.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:21 pm
Sweeptheleg* whatever the heck your name is.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:23 pm
Hey DavidBigBucsFan99, we’re not the ones who got suspended for 3 games, Winston is. Just about all of his both on and off field transgressions have been self inflicted. I must say it’s quite revealing seeing the aggressive tone of the comments from some of the Winston defenders on this site. I think it’s in large part because deep down even the Winston supporters know Winston is in danger of not making the Bucs roster come 2019 and that these 13 games this year are pretty much his audition for why the Glazer boys should keep him here in Tampa.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:31 pm
Big Mac it really isn’t up for debate regarding his guilt anymore.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:32 pm
Gotta love FSU fans.
I bought his jersey. I supported him. And it doesn’t matter whether any of us like it or not. If he flames out this year then he and the rest of the staff are gone anyway. But Being the 4th best QB in the division I wouldn’t put my money on him.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:33 pm
For those of you saying that Jameis should pack up and leave as soon as he can because this fan base doesn’t deserve him. Have you actually spent any time in other fan bases or met a lot of fans outside of here? New York, Philly, Chicago, Detroit, New England, Pittsburgh Cleveland, Cincy, etc etc etc. They would be calling for his head way worse than you are currently hearing it here. Jameis is actually lucky he’s in Tampa and we’re some of the most forgiving fan bases out there. I know many Steelers fans who wanted Big Ben gone at the time he went through his ordeal. But he kept on winning and kept his nose clean, and all is good now. Jameis needs to do the same. Plain and simple! He wins when he returns he’ll get another year, he wins again the year after this and stays clean he’ll get his extension and his image on the stadium again. Don’t understand the blame on the fans or the Glazers. The fans or the Glazers haven’t been the ones creating Jameis’ drama. That he did to himself. So let’s stop enabling him and hold him accountable. I don’t understand the whining really. Cut down on the turnovers! Win! Stay out of trouble! Then get your contract and image on the stadium. I’m rooting for Jameis! But I’m rooting for him to EARN IT!
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:34 pm
It’s you’re not your.
And I’m the idiot?
Could’ve fooled me.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:38 pm
Down goes America’s QB.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:43 pm
Jameis is unavailable to our team and fans for three games for foolish actions.
Shameful. I hope he comes back firing on all cylinders. We need him to come back week 4, ready to go.
He better not got 3-10 this year. Sure, the defense was bad, but I need to see less foolishness ON and OFF the field.
#1 overall pick needs to step up.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:44 pm
Let me lay it out. Fitz plays for four, no matter what–to the bye…unless he really stinks it up. Oh, but Fitz does well, he stays in and Winston doesn’t get in the game until Fitz falters. You Winston man-crushers want that to happen or are you behind Fitz if he wins? So, Fitz messes up, Winston comes in…performs…and he don’t eat no Ws but makes some…Wnston plays out the year. But: Bucs draft a QB. Maybe Winston is here in 2019–but Bucs will not commit beyond that. They owe him NOTHING–just what he gave them-ZIPPO. If he plays good…better than Manziel, maybe someone signs him. Good for him. Bucs cut their losses hence forth. Now, Winston messes up this year, season lost game 10 or so? Let Griffin play out–get experience as #2 and they cut Winston this season. Fitz #2. Take that to the bank. I don’t think there is any way to play well enough to be the franchise guy again. I think ship sailed and Winston blew it up.
Meet your 2019 Offensive Team Captains: Mike Evans, Ryan Jensen.
Ya’ll be good.
Shado 31, TERMINATE, out.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:46 pm
“Lots of people make mistakes”.
Sure, no one is perfect.
Not a lot of people are #1 overall draft picks and starting QBs for our favorite team.
I hate the excuses. Win games or bye bye Jameis. You’re good, but not great and as of right now not worth the headache.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:47 pm
Its irrelevant who i voted for idiot. Atleast i am not an hypocrite. The person you voted for has been accused 20 times for assault yet you think he can hold the top office but jameis cant hold 1 out of atleast 70 jobs in the nfl? Higher standard? HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!
@ Bucfansince76
Williams won the mvp in 1987 for the skins and rypien was not the backup. Rypien won mvp in 1991. Ndog was correct.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:53 pm
@ chrisk
Im sure pittsburg called for big ben’s head twice oooopps.
July 23rd, 2018 at 6:54 pm
Hate to burst your bubble, but there is not a team in the entire NFL that would touch a cancer like Winston right now. Could maybe get a box of snowballs from a Canadian League team for him, or maybe some free license plates from a team in the Penal League.
Winston is just a very dark cloud hanging over the Bucs franchise. He needs to go. Anywhere.
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:04 pm
Oh, it’s nice to see the Whiny Webster back……
Has Jameis returned any of your 147 phone calls yet?
It must hurt to see your Messiah fall so hard.
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:14 pm
Ive posted just not on jameis articles. Thats how i know you are a troll. I didnt feel the need to post with idiots such as yourself for the past month. This is an idiot fan base and joe wanted to feed the trolls like you for the past month and it was not worth my time. You are a bunch of idiots.!!!!
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:16 pm
Dear Jameis,
Please call webster back, he really needs to hear your voice.
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:21 pm
How in the he\\ did you turn this into a trump thing?
My god get over it he won.
The grown ups are talking about Winston and the Bucs moron.
Now stfu and cook your boyfriend dinner.
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:23 pm
Only a liberal can take a Winston conversation and turn it into a trump thing.
Whaaaa whaaaaa go cry in your safe space little cry baby
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:27 pm
Trade Winston? What a big joke that is. There is not another team in the entire NFL that would touch him. Maybe the Bucs could get a box of snowballs for him from a Canadian League team, or maybe some free license plates from a team in the Penal League. Bucs need to get rid of the Cancer and the dark cloud that is hanging over the franchise right now and it’s name is Jameis Winston. Go somewhere. Anywhere.
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:29 pm
The Bucs attempted to trade JW prior to the draft. There were no takers. They had Lamar Jackson in their sites from a draft perspective.
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:48 pm
Poor Webster.
What a pathetic life wasting human
July 23rd, 2018 at 7:59 pm
Poor Jameis???
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:01 pm
Do the Buccaneers win on Sundays? That’s the only damn thing that matters in this discussion. Jameis potentially torpedoed our season. Not cool!
I’d love to see the Bucs back in the playoffs before Cleveland gets there.
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:13 pm
Bottom line is if Jameis is not light years better than he has been.
Meaning strong playoff contender he is gone Everybody is gone.
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:16 pm
America’s Pervert
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:16 pm
I’m a JW supporter and I want Fitz to look garbage. Lose all 3 games by one of our textbook blowouts. I want JW back in the game asap. IDC if he suspend or not. Just wake up me week 4
For the JW haters out there
Webster I’m with you sir. F these haters
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:20 pm
It would be easier to cut these sorry so called bucs fans than it would be to cut Winston better yet they could just continue to do what they’ve been doing for those crying to cut Winston which is ignore you as the irreverent reactionary fanatics you are. I think this is our motivation for Winston. I hope he does it down with all the extra emotion when he gets back on the field
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:21 pm
Bucsfansince1976 Rypien won the MVP when the Redskins beat the Bills in 1992. Don’t try my knowledge sir, you will lose.
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:24 pm
Lamarcus Says:
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:16 pm
I’m a JW supporter and I want Fitz to look garbage. Lose all 3 games by one of our textbook blowouts. I want JW back in the game asap. IDC if he suspend or not. Just wake up me week 4
For the JW haters out there
Webster I’m with you sir. F these haters
What a crappy outtake. You want the Buccaneers to fail bc of your mancrush on JW3.
Victories for the team mean everything.
Worst. Outlook. Ever.
Are you a Buc fan, Lamarcus, or just a fan of troubled, underachieving QBs that are the #1 overall pic?
I’m a Bucs fan through and through. Your comment struck a nerve. I can’t wrap my brain around it. You must’ve not played a lot of team sports or something?
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:34 pm
I have my Jameis jersey still, and looking forward to wearing it. This year is exciting.
I feel bad for Koetter. He finally gets his shot, and goes 9-7 as a rookie HC. Then, in year 2, he gets stuck with hard knocks and bad weather (no bye week), and a suspended muscle hamster.
Now, in year 3, Winston’s poor off the field antics caught up with a suspension.
If the Bucs suck this year, and folks get fired: Licht, Smitty, Koetter, then Jameis should walk the plank too.
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:40 pm
Lamarcus: do you ever proof read your comments before pushing the submit button?
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:42 pm
You guys are out of your mind to think Foles would come here. He is set in Philly nobody knows how well Wentz is going to return and they are going to want everything you have for him. He played a few games well last year but look at his over all body of work. Remember when he
won one here and everybody thought he was trash kinda like losing to Case Keenum. Now all of a sudden you’re begging for him to be QB . Look if you don’t like Jameis for whatever reason that cool that’s your opinion. But let’s not act like there are a line of better QB’s out there Wentz/Foles, Mariota Goff, Keenum, Bortles all had the same thing in common a good defense so they didn’t have to air it out all 2nd half to “pad their stats” No QB looks good when your defense is bottom 5 in the league and running game is nonexistent. I’m pissed with Jameis too but let’s be realistic.
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:55 pm
I do proofread everything I write thank you. I know what I said and I mean it
July 23rd, 2018 at 8:59 pm
Maybe the Bucs could trade Winston to a Canadian League team for a box of snowballs or to a Penal League team for some free license plates.
Would love to see the Bucs trade Winston somewhere. Anywhere.
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:02 pm
Not even going to comment to what u said.
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:03 pm
I do like to see traded also. So he can win like was doing before he got to Tampa
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:17 pm
No matter how much lipstick you put on it this has been a bad month for the Bucs. Team, Front Office and Fans.
Split second decisions that required an extra second of thought is beyond the “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” saying in real life.
I am praying for JW and his family. Can’t be easy for them either. Just hope this is a motivator and not a detractor. We will see how nasty the media becomes when TC and Preseason ramps up.
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:25 pm
Maybe then the Bucs could somehow trade Winston back to the Seminoles, as he seems to be a college QB instead of an NFL QB.
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:34 pm
Winston is gonna light it up this season. If you honestly don’t think so, well, ok. But, he will dominate with a running game, and Rojo is gonna be real. Barber is gonna break out, and he’ll get to see Fitz pull the trigger standing next to Monken. This will work out well for the Bucs this season. It’s not gonna hurt for him to see other things open up from the sideline, in game speed. The guy’s been thrown to the wolves at a very young age. Check Elway’s stats early. Aikman’s. Jameis ranks very near the top thru 3 seasons. He’s going to learn a hell of a lot the first 3 games. He’ll see he doesn’t need to be the guy. This team should compete regardless of JW. The pressure should be lessened greatly in his eyes as he watches the offense click. You can bet Fitz wants nothing more than to win for Jameis. The guy’s rock solid. That’s why he’s still getting paid well 15 seasons in. I love the early doom and gloom from across the board this season. That’ll change quick. Bucs are gonna be a damn good football team this season.
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:39 pm
Wish he could eat W’s, Uber’s #1 customer, Central America’s Quarterback, former pro bowl 3rd alternate because nobody else wanted to go that actually deserved to be in the probowl. No longer face of the franchise and I LOVE IT!
Justice has been served!!
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:44 pm
Sorry if I can across rude, but I still disagree that JW3>Buccaneers.
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:48 pm
[Thank you for the compliment. That is partially why you didn’t just get banned accusing a Bucs player of committing a felony. The other reason is Joe is too busy on other projects right now. You won’t be warned again. — Joe]
July 23rd, 2018 at 9:49 pm
@Gilhealy, are you smoking crack? Yeah I’m so sure Fitz wants nothing more than to win for Jameis. Why would he want to win for Jameis? Seriously enlighten us all with your vast knowledge on how you came up with that nugget of stupidity. Dumbest comment I read on this thread, I mean really dumb.
Yeah of course he wouldn’t want to win for himself, his teammates who are not suspended, the organization that pays him, and for his family. No definitely not, he wants to do it for Jameis!
What a simple minded fool you are to think of something so ridiculous!
July 23rd, 2018 at 10:23 pm
Agree with gilhealy
Jw wasn’t even a full time Qb until he entered the draft. And to put up some HOF numbers at such a young age points to elite Qbs.
Simple. They can’t have JW poster hanging out there for guys like Eric. It’ll pass
July 23rd, 2018 at 10:51 pm
Bucs over any player. Team first. Always. He’ll get this year to prove himself. Neither Licht nor JW will see a third coach in TB. Done and done.
July 23rd, 2018 at 10:56 pm
We will all know that JW is done in Tampa when the Glazers extend his contract. The Glazers just love to pay people not to play, coach, or manage. #PaidFloridaVacation
July 23rd, 2018 at 11:29 pm
Great tradecraft guys. Wonder how long it took to come up with the title?
July 23rd, 2018 at 11:51 pm
Not sure it is possible for a human to get “light years” better than what Jameis has been his first three years.
Better, maybe. Light years? Unless he wins a Super Bowl in January, not sure that is possible.
July 23rd, 2018 at 11:52 pm
This is news to Joe. Gotta link?
July 23rd, 2018 at 11:54 pm
Yeah he was a kid. He made a mistake. And the keyword is He. He did it to himself. I think it’s great he’s supposedly been clean since. If it costs him his job and millions of dollars, he can only blame himself. I still think there is more going on here that the NFL is keeping under wraps. Does Jameis deserve the support of his teammates? They’re paying the price right along with him. One guy screws up and everybody pays. I hope Fitz and his teammates can bail him out and win these games. Goodell sucks though. This should have been dealt with last season along with the suspension. Just another way to kick a team that’s already down, trying to get back up.
July 23rd, 2018 at 11:56 pm
If he’s so changed now, why did he lie about it and try to have his boys orchestrate a cover up? Remove the wool from your eyes.
July 24th, 2018 at 12:31 am
Jameis likely understands that the Glazers depend on making money and they have to come up with a way to sell tickets this year and putting Jameis on the stadium would be counterproductive to that purpose. He should not take it personally. All he needs to do is be grateful the Glazers are giving him an opportunity to make a comeback playing the game he loves. He can redeem himself with great effort and loyalty to his team and carry them to wins in the post season year after year. He also has to understand the Glazers will have to bring in a capable QB as an insurance policy if Jameis goes off the wagon or gets injured.
July 24th, 2018 at 4:18 am
BucfanBF Says:
July 23rd, 2018 at 1:50 pm
He will be here next year if he balls out and keeps his down town away from controversy otherwise he will be gone.
BuccanBF is correct…if jameis can stop going downtown on the ladies he will be fine…these downtown moves below the belt are straight crotch-adocious !!…keep it uptown jameis…grab a busty senorita!
#ChestIsBest #NoGoingDownTownOnTheLadies
July 24th, 2018 at 4:24 am
word is jameis is gonna get crazy hazed by the d-line once he gets to the locker room…
buckner is organizing the boys…
it’s called “operation target jaboo”
July 24th, 2018 at 5:40 am
He won’t lose it if they go another way, but rather walk away like LOVIE and never say a word but he will be back to make you pull you hair out your head …for those who have any left! Ha ha ha ha!!!
July 24th, 2018 at 6:15 am
Looks like shark week has com to JBF after reading a lot of these anti Jameis posts. Glad to see we have SO many perfect people in the world. Get over yourselves haters.
July 24th, 2018 at 8:52 am
Winston is garbage just like FSU fans!
July 24th, 2018 at 7:28 pm
Winston will be a Buc long term if he keeps it clean, the Glazers are not stupid and know the Winston is probably the most talented QB this franchise has ever had. Protect Winston and get him a running game and watch him thrive.