“Why Would You Play Him This Year?”
June 28th, 2018
Is it the end?
The Bucs may be in a horrible mess with no easy solution for years.
No, Joe is not exaggerating. If the Bucs come to the conclusion they can no longer trust America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, and that they cut him before the league year kicks in next year, it will be years before the Bucs climb out of this hole.
If the Bucs decide to keep Jameis on the roster next March, his guaranteed salary is just a couple of bags of quarters shy of $21 million.
The only way Jameis could collect that cash and not be on the roster would be if he got injured this year.
In the wake of today’s news that Jameis was less than honest about his hassle with an Uber driver in Arizona (not to mention trying to hide the incident from his employers, his coaches, the guy who stuck his @ss on the line to draft him along with his teammates and the NFL until Buzzfeed.com outed him), Pat Kirwan suggests it is entirely possible that Jameis may have taken his last snap as a Bucs quarterback.
Kirwan, a former pro player personnel director of the Jets, is a co-host of “Movin’ the Chains” heard exclusively on SiriusXM NFL Radio. Today, Kirwan said if the movers and shakers at One Buc Palace determine they cannot trust Jameis any longer, he could be benched for the season. Then before the start of the league year in March they could wave goodbye.
“Why would you play him this year?” Kirwan asked. Kirwan made it clear that’s only if the Bucs have decided he is not the future should they bench him and avoid paying him $20 million for 2019.
And if the Bucs decide to part ways with Jameis, it will set back to the days of the Byron Leftwiches, Stewart McClowns and Mike Glennons. No friggin’ hope. Back to rolling the dice on a rookie quarterback who may take years to develop.
And how is your summer going this fine day?
You can hear Kirwan’s take on Jameis below. Audio courtesy of SiriusXM.
#Bucs fans, Jim Miller & Pat Kirwan are discussing the long term prospects of Jameis under center. Would YOU bring him back in 2019!? Let us know.. **Audio UP** pic.twitter.com/CPgBV7ZUCr
— SiriusXM NFL Radio (@SiriusXMNFL) June 28, 2018
June 28th, 2018 at 8:31 pm
If we cannot trust him?
This is the second time someone has come forward with a sexual assault accusation against Winston.
He is not worth the investment, drop him now and move on.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:33 pm
It’s a legit discussion point…
June 28th, 2018 at 8:34 pm
How do you know it will set the Bucs back years? Just because Gruden wouldn’t draft and develop a QB and the others couldn’t develop a QB (or even recognizes a good QB) doesn’t mean a good QB can’t be drafted next year, or that a good QB can’t be traded for.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:35 pm
They could cut him today if they wanted to go that route.
No way they leave him the bench if he’s on the roster.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:36 pm
They’ll play him….he’s not going anywhere unless there’s real concern behind the scenes that he has more skeletons….but i think that’s why the NFL took so long. They wanted to give plenty of time for others to come forward.
I think if he comes back….wins….everything will take care of itself. What i would pay attention to is how well this team plays without Winston. If we go 4-0 without Winston, I dont think you change whats working….If we can win with Fitzpatrick, the team is built to win with Foles. Maybe then they say they dont want to roll the dice. If we suck with Fitzpatrick, then Winston saves the season, they’ll keep him. Maybe franchise tag him two time….maybe draft a back up plan…but ultimately they’ll keep him if he’s winning.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:36 pm
Jameis and avoid playing him some $20 million for 2019.
Nov 17 buzz article comes
Apr 18 Bucs pick up 5th yr option
Why pick up the option if you plan to sit him for the entire season? Worst case is that he’s suspended for 6-16 games. Bucs already made their decision. If the allegations came out after they picked up the option then that’s one thing but explain why you pick up the option even after the report?
June 28th, 2018 at 8:37 pm
Some things Are more important than footballl, you said earlier this week if he was guilty it’s indefensible… show him the door
June 28th, 2018 at 8:37 pm
Can we not simply cut him? Can we not trade (give him away) to another team to be on the hook for that salary. Let’s be honest. No matter how much we love Jameis if we can’t even give him away that’s the rest of the league saying he’s NOT WORTH IT.
I don’t see how not playing him really works. Does the injury have to come in an actual game….practice doesn’t count? I guess they would have to sit him for practice as well. It would have to be a virtual suspension.
I still do not get who the mook is who signed off on Jameis contract. Was there no clause inserted in their that said in light of his past transgressions Jameis agrees that the contract is voided if he…..shows up on TMZ accused of grabbing a strange woman’s crotch should be enough to void any contract if the Bucs didn’t totally have their helmets up their rectums.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:39 pm
We’re worried about $20 mill for one season. What about $120-130 million?
How do you trust this guy?
June 28th, 2018 at 8:39 pm
JOE, Kirwin is right and you are wrong. You just can’t give a turd like Winston a big contract, and releasing Jameis WOULD NOT set the franchise back several years. Winston is not the future here, but there are some QB’s out there that could be. Keeping Winston and his antics and transgressions is what would keep setting the franchise backwards
June 28th, 2018 at 8:40 pm
Set us back years?? From what?? The idea that we cannot win without him is preposterous. The playoffs proved that 2nd tier quarterbacks can do just fine with a good surrounding cast.
Find the right guy and we can turn the page. Move on. NOW.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:40 pm
He was drunk and made a move on a chick. She said no, and really made a big deal about it to probably try and get a pay out – she was successful. Now the NFL is making you all believe he’s a rapist. Have you never made a move on a girl-drunk-and she says get off me. Well I have so if you all think I’m a rapist and my job should fire me then F all of you! Quit making this way bigger then it is.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:41 pm
Why would there be a negotiation for 3 games instead of 6 if you didn’t plan to play him anyway….Just take the 6 and leave Winston hanging out to dry….
This doesn’t make any sense.
The reason why the silence….the reason for the deal is that they will go forward with Winston and that is absolutely the right decision.
What is going to absolutely inflame the Media is the silence and lack of info on the details from the NFL…..no additional statements from the Bucs or Winston.
Will drive the media nuts…and defeat the purpose of what they are trying to do….move on.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:41 pm
Years before the Bucs climb out of the hole? They were 5-11 WITH your favorite groper – Jaboo is the one with the shovel.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:42 pm
Injury…another business reason to sit him. Bring in a game-experienced QB now to compete with Fitz OR be the #2/backup. When JW returns from from suspension and whatever rehap he needs, let two continue to compete to replace whoever the starter is, if that starter is not doing well or get injured. Sorry, when it comes to 20 million, and Jameis con-jobs about a host of other stuff, if I was on the hook to pay him, I’d be worried about him taking a pretty swan dive onto the turf when tapped at practice. Can’t trust this guy–and that’s his fault, not ours.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:43 pm
Of course you bring him back and play him. Still I don’t trust the NFL process JW had to admit he did it ( which he still denying to his friends). So he can move on from Me too.
But did he do it or naw? Or just got caught alone in a Uber? Or he was he so drunk he blackout and don’t remember the second ride?
I’m backing JW. I still don’t think he did it without the real evidence just because it’s not a court of law and NFL is known for prior railroading
June 28th, 2018 at 8:43 pm
Future contract you have all sorts of clauses in it that protects the team. That’s a no-brainer. Cannot rewrite current contract unless Jameis agrees to rewrite it. And at this point, he would have to be placed in a mental ward if he wanted to redo his current contract.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:44 pm
The good news is none of the Jameis sponsors have announced they will discontinue use of his product endorsements.
Because he has none….remember, he was already on shaky ground. No one wants him to sell their products…the Glazers are either mighty stupid or mighty forgiving (yet again) if they keep this guy’s mug on their brand.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:47 pm
Except in the world of football where billions are at stake.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:49 pm
Joe Says:
June 28th, 2018 at 8:47 pm
Some things Are more important than footballl
Except in the world of football where billions are at stake.
And, apparently, at JBF headquarters, where Buc football trumps the moral compass.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:50 pm
If they don’t play him I’m done as a season ticket holder. I travel over three hundred miles for every game since 2013 and will no longer do it if we drop someone over this bs. I have already emailed the organization on how I feel and I know I’m just one but I know many more who will follow. People are really trying to blow this thing out of proportion and it’s driving me crazy. Get a life people and worry about your own issues.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:50 pm
Bucs could easily trade for a decent QB and make a playoff run if Mike Smith is fired and a decent DC came aboard. Let’s be real here Winston has been average for 3 years and now all of a sudden he will start playing at a high level.
It’s simply NEVER going to happen. He made his bed and now he has to sleep in it.
Other than the fans…I really feel bad for his new wife and child. His house must be full of anger and negativity. My wife would never forgive me and I don’t have millions of dollars. He done F’d up. Big time!!
June 28th, 2018 at 8:52 pm
My prediction is America’s Quarterback will play this year and have a winning record.
He will be a lifetime Buc and none of this will matter after this season when contract talks begin.
He will still eventually be the highest paid player in the league.
June 28th, 2018 at 8:53 pm
Some in Atlanta thought the same thing during the mike Vick saga!!!! And then they drafted a QB they can trust!!!!!!!
are you saying that the Bucs cannot find a rookie to throw 19 tds and win 3 games???? Because that is what we will be replacing!!!!!!!
Think, the Bucs could have a QB that can throw a deep a ball and not commit sexual assault!!!!!!!!!
June 28th, 2018 at 8:57 pm
Joe, just curious… Would you personally try to trade him for a Teddy Bridgewater or Jacoby Brisset, maybe even Tyrod Taylor after this season? If we wereto trade him, I would want of those 3 and then draft a Rook…
But, the Steelers stuck with Big Ben, so I think I would rather go that route and then if anything else EVER happened, 3rd strike and you’re OUT for Jameis.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:00 pm
JW should be playing for his job this year, but Team Glazer will find a way to pay him more money than he is worth (yes, beyond the nearly $21 mill in 2019) and then cut him. They can’t help it. It’s simply who they are.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:02 pm
WHAT???? How can we NOT trust AMERICA’S QUARTERBACK, PRO BOWLER JAMEIS WINSTON???? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Joe…here’s a hint…give it up.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:03 pm
Panic for no reason.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:03 pm
In all honesty, if Jameis comes back from this and leads us to the playoffs, you have to keep him (unless he screws up even 1 more time at all in the future)…
Our roster in freakin stacked, people.
Jameis could even possibly come back from this and lead us all the way to the Promised Land this year with this stacked roster and team behind him (if they are, presumably).
We would obviously keep him in either of the above scenarios. And everyone would love him around town again.
Let’s see what happens, but remember I said it…
June 28th, 2018 at 9:03 pm
Well, please name any walk of life where the entire organization is pure as snow and filled with angels? Nowhere.
Priests get popped with boys. Teachers get busted for sex with students (both genders). TV evangelists pay for hookers if they don’t rip off the elderly. Politicians have more affairs than one can count. Let’s stop pretending the NFL should be a bunch of Eagle scouts. TV journalists are lousy with guys who get too handsy.
Spare Joe the moral outrage of the Bucs when guys who copped a plea in a double murder are lauded and another quarterback has his goons play lookout while he has his way with a college chick in a bathroom.
Same folks who kvetch about Jameis being a thug (he’s certainly a con artist) are the same people who if given a chance would have beat Mark Dominik over the head with a baseball bat for trying to fill his roster with choir boys and the (alleged) scumbags he and Greg Schiano chased off helped teams win Super Bowls.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:05 pm
Today nfl com had an article staying that they asked Nick Foles why he hasn’t taken the starting job on another team. He responded that he’d rather be a back-up than go to a dysfunctional organization.
That 2016 season looks like a fluke at this point. #Dysfunctional
Somebody answer the question why pick up the 5th yr option 6 months AFTER the allegations surface. Porque?
June 28th, 2018 at 9:06 pm
They will play him and if he plays well they will re-sign him. This is not a great mystery.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:09 pm
The Buc Realist if you are such a realist would understand any QB with that defense, running game, and lack of a kicker would fail. It’s that simple. Let’s see how he does with a better team around him then be real. I have a feeling he will be an elite QB soon. Just hopefully nobody runs him out of town. I say forgive him since it’s his first issue as a Buc and let’s move on. If he strikes out again be done with him. However for now we need to not jump to conclusions nor judge him.Go Bucs!
June 28th, 2018 at 9:09 pm
Anyway that Jameis could get the Jerry Richardson punishment where he pays only 2.75 million dollar fine and gets to grope at least 3 more women, preferably employees at OBP?
I like that punishment better.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:11 pm
I had an interesting take from a friend of mine, one who doesn’t care about the Bucs or Jameis. Anyway, I was telling him about how many Bucs fans all of a sudden want Jameis gone. I was explaining to him that this is a pretty conservative fan base, and that probably has a lot to do with it (I don’t consider myself liberal or conservative, but more so right down the middle depending on the issue). He then said, “well those conservatives who want Jameis out must not be Trump supporters, because Trump literally bragged about doing the same thing, and he was elected President”. I’m not trying to drag politics into it, but it did get me thinking. I would be curious how any of the Trump supporters who want Jameis out could justify that. I’m not calling them out or shaming them, but it’s a genuine curiosity.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:12 pm
No it’s not sexual assault willie g. That’s what the media is saying to make it sound a lot worse. It is lewd and lacivious battery. And something like that is very rarely ever even tried in court. Because it is he said she said. With no proof. Because it was on top of her clothes. How is someone suppose to prove that in court. So yeah I am that ignorant. If he was this big time sexual predator you are making it seem like I think being hammered where his friends had to send him home. Being that drunk and alone with a girl I doubt a sexual predator would have stopped after being told to and not even try to make more moves. So willie g you never hit on a girl drunk in a manner you wouldn’t sober. Get over yourself I’m sure you have done bad things in your life where if you were an nfl qb you would be drug through the mud.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:12 pm
@Britishcolumbiabuc…. F…thank you!!!!! I have been shouting that since all this came down. What guy hasn’t made a pass at a chick while drunk? Hell man that means that most straight dudes (who are real men) are pervs. So what is your point guilty as charged. He did stop when she said no. So props to him for that. This little chicky just hears the brink truck backing up
June 28th, 2018 at 9:15 pm
Think, the Bucs could have a QB that can throw a deep a ball and not commit sexual assault!!!!!!!!
So tell me realist when is the last time the Bucs had a qb who did that in 12.5 games?
June 28th, 2018 at 9:18 pm
Were keeping him, everyone in the world knows he is on his 9th life.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:19 pm
He also said 3 days ago that the media was the enemy and today you have 5 journalist eliminated. But I bet they do not equate the two.
You know the answer is simple just not very popular. When Jerry Richardson and Trump do worse it’s okay but when Jameis or any other “thug” does it we must end their careers.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:19 pm
How does it set the franchise back for years? That’s not for certain.
Remember the Vick mess in Atlanta in 2007? They drafted a QB in 2008 and havent looked back since.
Settle down with the drama.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:20 pm
1. Nobody knows the exact details here. Only thing we know was she was made to feel uncomfortable and Jamis in some way touched her. There are sooo many “what if’s” to this scenario..
2. People act like they have never been 22.. drank to much… and done something they regret the next day…
It sounds like Jamis is owning up… cooperating with what is asked of him to make amends.. and quit drinking… let’s keep a level head about this.
….And yes, I have 2 daughters..
Does he need to have consequences for his actions? YES
But let’s not crucify him… jeez.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:21 pm
It’s only okay when Jerry Richardson or any other old rich white guy does it, locker room talk, boys will be boys. But when the guy in the actual locker room does it we must end his career. Duh!
June 28th, 2018 at 9:23 pm
Winston could murder someone and some people would still defend him.
Cut him. He’s trash.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:23 pm
Sure. Matty Ice was considered the top pro style quarterback in the draft that year. Who exactly is that quarterback this season (pretty slim pickings) or the next year?
Don’t think the next Matty Ice will be in the draft in March.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:24 pm
Uh… Richardson was forced to sell his team. Wake up.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:24 pm
@Buc believer Says
Many men get drunk and awkwardly but respectfully hit on women without grabbing their genitals or otherwise sexually assaulting them. You’re a disgusting human being and a disgrace to males everywhere.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:24 pm
It will be interesting to see how the schools and some of the charitable organizations deal with this…..will they permit Jameis to do some of the things he loves to do in the community?…..
It would be a shame if this affects that also….but it probably will.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:26 pm
Joel they drafted a QB in 2008 and have yet to win a Superbowl….we don’t accept participation trophies here.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:26 pm
That’s what I thought but he voluntarily sold the team. The nfl levied at 2.75 fine that’s it. Why is he not in jail?
June 28th, 2018 at 9:30 pm
I really want to hear it from a Trump supporter. I doubt I’ll get an answer because for the life of me I can’t think of a legitimate one.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:31 pm
Joel your point shows how ignorant you are when comparing an allegation to murder. Good thing you are not part of a jury. Yikes!
June 28th, 2018 at 9:33 pm
Thrasius…. your obviously one of the limp wristed individuals I was referring too. Get off your high horse you politically correct weenie.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:34 pm
He also said the media was the real enemy (3 days ago) and today 5 journalist were eliminated but they won’t tie the two together.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:34 pm
@ Defense Rules
Note that I answered your post re Winston’s alcohol……he definitely has a problem….
June 28th, 2018 at 9:38 pm
I’ve never even thought about grabbing a Crotch as a pick up move, let alone actually thinking that it would be a good idea. He needs help or staying away from the booze. Probably both. I have had my Crotch grabbed by women on a few occasions and have seen it done to my friends, so many it’s just a girl thing.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:42 pm
I would love to know exactly what the NFL discovered in their tracking of phone records and electronic devices. If all they came up with is that he was indeed alone in the car, and nothing else, then I don’t see how we can call for the man’s head. If they have some legitimate proof that he did what he’s accused of, then sure, let him go. His “I apologize” statement just isn’t enough for me. The NFL is so worried about their public perception it wouldn’t surprise me if part of his deal was to say those exact words. I’m sorry, and I may be in the minority, but Ive always thought it was “innocent until proven guilty” and from what I’ve read (unless I’ve missed something) there still hasn’t been any real proof. Does anyone believe with what has been released that he would be found guilty in a court of law? I personally do not, and therefore cannot personally convict him myself.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:43 pm
Doing dumb things does not constitute anyone being a bad person or scum.
For everyone who keeps saying if this was my daughter….
Well have you thought if this was your son…?
I would definitely say my son is not making smart decisions but is he learning from them and is he remorseful? Is he trying to be a better person?
I could not condemn my own son without any physical proof and since I don’t see any, I have to defend Jameis from people who choose only to look at this from one perspective.
Ironically many trying to oust America’s Quarterback are POTUS supporters. Others are those who made the decision years ago to never support America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler, Most Accomplished QB under 24 in NFL History Jameis Winston
June 28th, 2018 at 9:45 pm
“JW3 will be playing this year and that is a fact. This incident occured 2 years and time is a huge factor in glazers decision making and…
Right now there is no plan B. The draft already occurred….
There will be a high QB draft pick next year 100%
If Jameis doesnt go 9-7 and play lights out and like a allpro
Jameis will be traded
The 2019 Tampa QB will be a newly traded QB and they will draft a QB”
Kobe Faker
June 28th, 2018 at 9:47 pm
“There would be GMs fighting each other for JW3 for a 3rd round pick”
Kobe Faker
June 28th, 2018 at 9:48 pm
AGbucs, Innocent until proven guiltily in a court of law. The NFL is not a court and can rule however they feel. I think with the lies of Winston is all I need to know. It’s pretty obvious to me that he did what he was accused of, but the question is how do we feel about it and can we still support him like the Steelers support Big Ben?
June 28th, 2018 at 9:49 pm
I’m not sure how he can possibly go 9-7 when he can only play 13 games. Is my math off?
June 28th, 2018 at 9:49 pm
The nfl doesn’t try to “help” any player in any investigation especially Jameis. The fact that’s it’s 3 games instead of 6 AND they won’t release the report tells me all I need to know. They got nothing on jw and are saving face bc imagine if they came out and said “sorry nothing to see here no punishment.” Goodell would be crucified by the righteous and mighty season ticket holders bc ALL LIVES MATTER
June 28th, 2018 at 9:54 pm
Abstain from drinking and he’ll be fine. Time to move on and hope he has a great season.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:54 pm
Poor picked on us. Were so held back. Mistreated. Take that crap somewhere else 55.
June 28th, 2018 at 9:55 pm
Joes, why was the name Darby removed from my post?
June 28th, 2018 at 9:56 pm
Joes, and the fact that the third passenger is a convicted rapist?
June 28th, 2018 at 9:58 pm
The players union and their attorneys wouldnt allow jameis to accept a 6 week suspension without a police report or complaint and goodell knew that.
This was a negoitation
Nfl got 3 weeks instead of 6 but has jameis admit wrongdoing and accepting that the next incident he gets banned
Jameis recieved 3 instead of 6 even though jw3 attorneys knew the NFL had hardcore evidence
Kobe &Kobe
Slip & fall lakeland attorneys
June 28th, 2018 at 10:02 pm
Bucs were going to win 4-5 games max with or without JW3
Bucs are hoping JW plays good enough to get the best draft pick they can get(3rd round)
Bucs will have a new free agent QB at 2019 and they will also draft a QB for the future
June 28th, 2018 at 10:04 pm
Exactly DB55 they had nothing on him. If they did he would’ve wrote a check for bail instead of a apology letter to save face for Roger and the Bucs and the 15 or 20 of us fans fans left.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:09 pm
The loyalty some of you have for this piece of human feces is quite alarming. Seems that many Americans have sold their souls during these dark days under the Orange dictator. Have we all forgot what morals are? Every man on these boards has been turned down while drunk. That is typical for someone in their 20’s while single, especially with drinking involved. I can honestly say that I never touched a girl who I didn’t know in her crotch and have to be banned due to that behavior in any way. Sorry I dont get so messed up that I don’t know what happened. Its inexplicable how someone with a history of sexual allegations allows himself to even be in a situation where a female can say that. He is a fool for not having himself a babysitter when you have that kind of money. He is a piece of garbage for touching a woman he just met and then lying to his team and letting down his teammates. Get rid of the trash before you lose your fanbase Glazer family. When I had my 9 yo son ask me today why they were suspending him it was at that moment I knew this wont work. I cant have my kids looking up to a trash human, nor can I allow them to see me support the Bucs if they keep Jameis. My 13 yo daughter cant see her father supporting a sex offender. It’s really that simple when you are a real father. Will the Glazers do the right thing and cut him? If they want my support they gotta cut him now! Send the right message!!
June 28th, 2018 at 10:13 pm
@Donuts … “Bucs could easily trade for a decent QB and make a playoff run if Mike Smith is fired and a decent DC came aboard.” Just out of curiosity Donuts, WHY bring Mike Smith into this? Smitty & his defensive staff have been working their butts off by all accounts to improve our defense. They’ve FINALLY got some decent talent to work with on the DLine & in the LB corps. Secondary’s still iffy IMO, but none of us will know just how good … or bad … they are until September and beyond.
Take a good look at Smitty’s coaching resume & accomplishment, then compare yours to his. Little accomplishments like “named Sporting News 2012 Coach of the Year for the THIRD time by a pool of 27 NFL coaches and executives” tell me a LOT. Show me a DC, any DC, who can consistently win on defense with the DLine & Secondary that the Bucs fielded last year (and the year before) & my first question would be “Why didn’t the Bucs hire him?”
June 28th, 2018 at 10:15 pm
JW is really a wrestling heel now Kinda like Pentagon Dark in Lucha Underground.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:19 pm
Alaskan just to point out I hate Trump and all his dumb sheep so no buddy Winston doesn’t need any help getting people to hate him. There is plenty of dumb to choose from. I’m not surprised by your stance, they say a lot of sex offenders move to Alaska from the lower 50. Hint hint
June 28th, 2018 at 10:22 pm
The only person dumber than Jaboo is Mrs. Jaboo
June 28th, 2018 at 10:24 pm
If Fitzpatrick plays well, he should be starter for the entire season.
Winston has not played well enough and has exposed has immaturity in various incidents last year. He shouldhave hold of a starting quarterback position and in light of this case and suspension, his dishonesty and lack of discipline has indicated that he should not play this season except in relief or due to injury provided he is at least second on a depth chart.
Sit him.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:27 pm
Wait til you send her to college. It gets even worse.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:31 pm
Challenge accepted. You guys don’t realize just how bad Fitz is because he beat 2 five-win teams. But by all means let’s go with it.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:36 pm
I understand what you are saying. How many years is it gonna take to get this DEF to even top 15 with Smitty? Our issues are not solely talent related. Excuse. Smitty has been working his ass off? lmao. OK. I will keep this simple for you. When your DEF is ranked 32nd in the NFL of 32 teams. You suck. In 2016, 23rd rank DEF. You stink. and again in 2015 = 23rd still stinking. A good DEF is related to winning. As America’s QB (barf) says, we need to eat some more Ws.
We all know what a great DEF looks like from Brooks-Sapp-Lynch-Barber days….I dont see it at the moment or in 2016 – 2015 like most others.
Why bring it up? Meh..I was bored of writing about Winston. I needed a break like most fans of his nonsense.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:39 pm
Joe Says:
June 28th, 2018 at 9:03 pm
And, apparently, at JBF headquarters, where Buc football trumps the moral compass.
Well, please name any walk of life where the entire organization is pure as snow and filled with angels? Nowhere.
Priests get popped with boys. Teachers get busted for sex with students (both genders). TV evangelists pay for hookers if they don’t rip off the elderly. Politicians have more affairs than one can count. Let’s stop pretending the NFL should be a bunch of Eagle scouts. TV journalists are lousy with guys who get too handsy.
Spare Joe the moral outrage of the Bucs when guys who copped a plea in a double murder are lauded and another quarterback has his goons play lookout while he has his way with a college chick in a bathroom.
Same folks who kvetch about Jameis being a thug (he’s certainly a con artist) are the same people who if given a chance would have beat Mark Dominik over the head with a baseball bat for trying to fill his roster with choir boys and the (alleged) scumbags he and Greg Schiano chased off helped teams win Super Bowls.
First things first every single one of those institutions should have a moral compass. Just because you say they don’t doesn’t mean they shouldn’t. Its exactly what society is trying to rectify but then journalist like yourself fight against the current.
Joe you literally just normalized criminal and sexual behavior there. So by your standards if everyone else(everyone you named above) is doing it it’s no big deal that NFL teams and players do it because that’s just who they are, so spare Joe the moral compass argument? Billions of dollars may be their moral compass but to act like the NFL , their players and other corporations shouldn’t have a moral compass shows ignorance.
This kind of thinking is what gets in the way of change. This kind of thinking is why Jameis Winston is in the position he’s in right now.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:43 pm
So….I guess its settled then….
Winston might have groped the driver.
Winston was drunk.
Winston tried to hide it.
Winston failed to report the incident.
Winston has some $hitty friends.
Winston negotiated the deal down with an essential “no contest” plea.
The Owners have a decision to make…..play him, don’t play him, cut him, trade him, give him another shot.
We fans have little choice….we can boycott….we can protest…..we can complain….we can pray.
So….it’s settled.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:44 pm
I always get a very big laugh when somebody is ignorant enough to post here that the people who want Jameis gone are the Trump supporters. Are some of you people really that stupid or just desperate?
June 28th, 2018 at 10:45 pm
please we are going 6-10 if he starts every game.
He isn’t Russel Wilson
June 28th, 2018 at 10:47 pm
In fairness to Smitty, 2015 was the Lovie DEF masterpiece. My point was this Def has been bad for a long time now.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:47 pm
June 28th, 2018 at 10:52 pm
Here you go… Hypothetical for you. After all this crap and yes he has been charged with unethical whatever. If we could find and sign a top line Quarterback to go with all the good pieces Licht secured. Would you still want JW3 to run your team or win with the other guy???? Hypothetical?
June 28th, 2018 at 10:57 pm
No Joe did not. But Joe is tired of people thinking the NFL should be nothing but bunch of saints and eagle scouts. No line of work is. If a player serves a penalty and later keeps his nose clean and someone wants to employ him to play football, so be it. Not sure why Jameis should be held to a higher standard than others players who have really been involved in some heinous acts including a double-murder. But Jameis is to be made an example of?
Besides, Jameis has and will pay dearly for this crap. Maybe with his career. Surely his stunts have cost him tens of millions of dollars.
June 28th, 2018 at 10:59 pm
I can’t see him playing for the bucs again.
A disaster.
The incident is bad enough, but to lie to everyone about it is even worse.
I’m totally through with the guy and embarrassed that I was ever for him. And that is from a huge Seminole fan and long time Jameis supporter.
June 28th, 2018 at 11:03 pm
Pretty much sums it up. About the only thing kind Joe can say is Jameis isn’t a leader.
June 28th, 2018 at 11:04 pm
The worst thing that could happen is if Tampa trades Winston and he straightens out and becomes the player we thought he would. That will be like Doug Williams 2.0. My take is JW will take his 3 games and once he’s back in the starting lineup and playing well this will pass. Unless there is another transgression then the Glazers may pull the plug. I think JW is smart enough to know he is down to his last chance and another transgression will cost him millions. For all we know JW may have a personality disorder like bi polar or may have an alcohol issue. For know it’s Fitzmagic…….MHO.
June 28th, 2018 at 11:10 pm
I LOVE these post if “he was making a pass”
He wasn’t doing Anything that bad
Sooo to be a Real Man you walk up to a female
Say hey what’s up
And grab Her crotch
Your an idiot. Just like this fool JW
June 28th, 2018 at 11:50 pm
Are you serious!? Are we going to let another good player go (Bennett,talib,etc) for the first sign of trouble? This is the first thing that has happened with him since being in the league and he deserves one last chance to prove he is worth it. If we let him go that would be idiotic and another team will get him another good player from us. Haven’t we learned yet that you deserve second chances for special players like Jameis. People need to get off their high horse and stop acting like you never made mistakes when you were young and give the guy a chance
June 29th, 2018 at 12:00 am
The more I think about it, the more I feel like the franchise got what it deserved here. Go back and read the comments and watch the team produced propaganda leading up to and after the draft, as they tried to spin Jameis’ transgressions and justify things by relying on the fact that he was never criminally charged during his time at FSU. They skewed their moral bright line in favor of a NFL ready passer and anointed him the savior. Painted him as the messiah because of his football savvy and supposed leadership. They NEVER seriously considered Mariota as a squeaky clean alternative even amidst rumors that their then OC (Koetter) preferred him to Jameis. They went for sizzle over safe and it has blown up in their faces. You simply can’t gamble with the #1 pick. They did and lost big time. We can’t turn back time, but we can certainly expect and demand accountability from the top- down. It’s not just Jameis.
The Glazer family has to own this mess, Licht too. I have posted multiple times that Jameis should sit/be suspended for the season by the team. He has earned that fate. So have they.
June 29th, 2018 at 2:12 am
I’ve brought that point up in a few threads today. No one would respond with a real answer, but it definitely angered his supporters.
June 29th, 2018 at 3:58 am
Joel db55 y’all real thunk he voluntarily sold the team come on just like this crap we don’t n never will know what billionaires discuss behind closed doors. They forced him to sell the team just like they force he to write a fake a$$ apology letter that he admitted nothing to everyone is over reacting as usual
June 29th, 2018 at 5:17 am
My daughters are 11 and 8 and like going to Buc’s games and have been asking me why is JW in so much trouble. Right now I can’t even stand to look at Winston’s face. Thanks JW and his enablers at OBP! What a horrible mess to be in!
June 29th, 2018 at 7:21 am
Hawaian I think its important to mention that there is a difference between a die hard Trump supporter, and a voter that voted for Trump simply because they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary.
June 29th, 2018 at 8:57 am
Its funny reading these posts. Losing Winston wont set us back??? Talib didnt? He was a mess everyone said move on from that garbage. Pretty sure he went on to win multiple super bowls and a very successful career. You guys who type on here act like you are so perfect and never f up. Winston needs to grow up but some of you imho are way over reacting based on accusations from when he was in college. He is by far the most talented qb to ever wear a tampa uniform and at 24 we want to get rid of him so another franchise can win with him. Yup this is truly becoming a buc life!
June 29th, 2018 at 10:36 am
Americas Quarterback……You ever heard of a guy named Doug Williams!!!!! He was a pretty good Quarterback for the Bucs. Or are you one of them Millennium’s that know it all and don’t go back that far to remember such talent?????
June 29th, 2018 at 11:21 am
Honestly I like Jameis, but we are still losing and the notion it can set us back is weak at best. Another rookie QB couldn’t do any worse. Hopefully for Jameis’s sake the Bucs will keep him.
June 29th, 2018 at 11:41 am
Agree with Joe on this one. Years we’ll be set back. Terrible as it was, it was a five second lapse of judgement while drunk that will cost him tens of millions of dollars.
June 29th, 2018 at 11:46 am
Agree with Joe on this one. Years we’ll be set back. Terrible as it was, it was a five second lapse of judgement while drunk that will cost him tens of millions of dollars.
I’m going on a partial fast. Not reading any comments except for Pickgrin, Nut, Lord, NOSBOS and a few others like MJohnson, DSelmon or DBS.
June 29th, 2018 at 8:24 pm
Joe Knows QBs….this clown may end up making even Manziel look like choir boy