“Unprecedented Privilege”
June 27th, 2018
People have lost their damn minds.
Sometimes, you just don’t understand where the hell someone is coming from.
And that is Joe’s predicament when he trying to figure out why someone by the name of Carson J. Phillips wants to crucify America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
It seems Phillips, typing for the New York Daily News, has hoisted himself upon a pedestal as the spokesman for right-thinking African-Americans and because Jameis is also an African-American, Phillips wants NFL warden Roger Goodell to throw the book at Jameis over this hassle with an Uber driver.
Why? Because Phillips believes Jameis is too privileged of a black man.
In a time in which white privilege is constantly discussed and recognized, Young’s piece was able to bring a larger conversation home and explain how those same principles can apply within black culture.
Which is why the latest news surrounding Jameis Winston is so intriguing because the problematic Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback has now reached a level of privilege that no black athlete, let alone a black man, should be able to achieve. …
But in the case of Winston, we’re watching a black man who was once thought to be the next great quarterback develop into just an above average one at best, while yet still achieving a level of privilege that has never been granted to someone of his race with this lack of production on the playing field.
Maybe Joe is the crazy one here, but is Phillips suggesting Jameis should given the maximum sentence because of the color of his skin? Has Joe somehow been transported in time back to 1918? Joe thought we were living in the 21st century?
And folks wonder why Joe refers to Jameis as “America’s Quarterback.” When a non-sportswriting hack in the largest city in America can lobby to have Jameis all but banned from the NFL, in part, for being too successful, Jameis truly has become a household name.
Yes, Jameis moves the needle like few players Joe has ever seen.
June 27th, 2018 at 5:20 am
if the football business doesn’t twerk out for famous, he can always dabble in porn…he’s not far off from it at this point with his shennanies
June 27th, 2018 at 5:28 am
Jameis moves the needle for Jameis. His average play on the field and below average off the field behavior causes the needle to move as it did with Johnny Manzel and others who have had high expectations put on them with questionable moral character.
They all moved their own needles…sometimes aimed at the wrong people!
June 27th, 2018 at 5:36 am
Aah yes, our obligatory daily “As the Jameis Turns’ story. Or is that ‘The Days of Our Jameis’ story? Oh wait, there’s two, and it’s not even 6 AM yet.
@Joe … “And folks wonder why Joe refers to Jameis as “America’s Quarterback.” No, we don’t wonder at all Joe. But really, with training camp only a month away, when can we start talking S-P-O-R-T-S instead of crapola like this?
June 27th, 2018 at 5:45 am
There is a difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Inappropriate touching is generally classified as sexual harassment, unless it is extreme in nature.
Forcing oneself on someone is sexual assault
The disciplinary action regarding the 2 is different.
Criminalizing politically incorrect behavior is the latest left wing cultural fad.
June 27th, 2018 at 5:57 am
Read that article yesterday, while a bit raw for my tastes, he isn’t wrong in principal. JW has gotten a pass and he is “develop into just an above average one at best,”
June 27th, 2018 at 6:03 am
Drew Magary at Deadspin had a good ripping of JW as well yesterday with very salty language. “The Tampa Bay Bucs did This To Themselves”
June 27th, 2018 at 6:10 am
Don’t forget the titillating Walters Football quote “Jameis shady activities”…so there seems to be more smoke whether it is truth or rumor….the all clear signal has not yet sounded…I been a Buc fan since day one and have experienced all sorts of emotional highs and lows….I have never felt this sinking depression with seemingly no relief in sight…
June 27th, 2018 at 6:14 am
Well In 2016, Carson J. Phillips was named Journalist of the Year by the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. Maybe that is where he is coming from?
June 27th, 2018 at 6:17 am
It’s fair game and it’s open season. Everybody is going to weigh in on this garbage because the door’s been kicked wide-open!
Maybe, just maybe, it goes away after the suspension and he blossoms into the QB we have hung our expectations on.
Until then (sorry Defense Rules), it will be the topic du jour.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:19 am
Joe, your explanation of “folks wonder why Joe refers to Jameis as America’s QB” is a swing and a miss. You didn’t explain that stupidity at all. Now, please explain it appropriately, succinctly…..and please do not use the race card. It just won’t work, unless you’re equating black men in general with the transgressions of this soon-to-be suspended jerk.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:22 am
What does Donald Trump and the people that voted for him think about Jameis grabbing a woman by the crotch?
June 27th, 2018 at 6:23 am
Alanbucsfan Says:
June 27th, 2018 at 5:45 am
Criminalizing politically incorrect behavior is the latest left wing cultural fad.
So groping someone is just politically incorrect? You’re an idiot.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:25 am
@Defense rules… “obligatory Jameis story”??? Excuse me sir but this is the most important story in Tampa Bay sports since we won the Super Bowl. The Joes would be guilty of journalistic malpractice if they didn’t keep us informed. Unlike a certain local radio station on the AM dial who stopped talking about this for the most part 2 days ago. Thanks Joes for keeping us well informed.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:29 am
@AlanBucsFan, if Jameis did what the Uber driver alleged, that is “sexual abuse” in the State of Arizona, and it is actually Sexual Assualt in Florida. In both states, it is a felony; in both states the person convicted would have to register as a sex offender. Sexual harassment is a whole different set of rules…is serious but not as egregious as grabbing someone’s privates without permission; it does not rise to the level of what is alleged.
As far as what Phillips said, that is wierd.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:31 am
A fledgling journalists opinion isn’t “keeping us up to date”…its just desperate click bait lacking any critical thought. That’s, largely, why people are skeptical of msm in today’s reflexive atmosphere. You jameis haters KEEP stretching… Lol!! Good day
June 27th, 2018 at 6:31 am
I just hope all of this makes Jameis start to play less excited and more pissed off going forward.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:33 am
Joe disagrees with a story written by Carson Phillips and has the audacity to call him a hack. Uh, I believe he’s a much more successful and far more accomplished journalist than you’ve ever been, Joe.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:36 am
As far as the constant question of Jameis being referred to as America’s Quarterback, this to me is another clever way referring to whom we’d hoped is our frachise QB. Wouldn’t it be great for him to grow into it? The little ones in my family have every Jamies T-shirt, bobblehead, picture, etc you can think of. He is a household name. But moreso for the past year it has been for the wrong reasons–injury, regression, bad sportsmanship, and now this. I just agree that he’s worthy of the nickname.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:36 am
Roy T….the Uber “Hassel” is only part of the story….Jameis’s (if) lied and deceived the NFL is the biggest part of the story….I am guessing the later is still unwinding and the NFL is PISSED !
June 27th, 2018 at 6:37 am
@Roy T did you read his whole article? Not just what Joe shared? He sort of makes his case…
June 27th, 2018 at 6:43 am
@Buc believer … “Excuse me sir but this is the most important story in Tampa Bay sports since we won the Super Bowl.” Never said it wasn’t important Believer, but here’s a couple of thoughts. For starters, NOTHING from the NFL is official yet, meaning that everything is speculation to this point. Just a thought, but why don’t folks cool it for awhile until it is official.
For another, JBF has long been a great S-P-O-R-T-S site, but does seemingly every article nowadays have to be about Jameis? Bucs did some very significant upgrades since last season ended, and we’ve picked up several very talented players. That’s something that Bucs’ fans should be excited about. But instead, we’re getting dragged through the mud story after story, day after day because of what ONE player allegedly did. The Bucs’ T-E-A-M is more than Jameis, but no one would know it from everything we’re reading nowadays.
June 27th, 2018 at 6:46 am
Buc Believer
I think what Defense Rules might mean is that it would be nice to hear about the other guys on the team as well.
JW is the big story obviously, but how about some articles on Vita, Whitehead, RJ and others.
It’s a team, right?
June 27th, 2018 at 6:48 am
That’s a huge swing and miss on why he moves needle guys .smh
This is #meetoo movement. Any sexual harassment against women is coming out from around the country . Jameis has one that nfl investigated after his big rape accusation in college in which a documentary was done
They are not doing articles cause he is popular / cause he moves the needle It’s because he is having Keyshawn and LT talk about how disappointed they are in him. Who’s next the devil himself gonna give his take.
Again get over it other joe. You are so wrong about this it’s blinding. You think people/journalists are writing about him cause he is so good /americas qb/ popular. . No it’s because of such entitled despicable decisions that will torpedo organization as it relates to the world we live in today
June 27th, 2018 at 6:51 am
Is Jameis way more talented then Fitzpatrick – hell yes , it’s not even close . Way bigger arm . However , Jameis winstons decision making , deep ball, accuracy at times and turnovers have kept him from taking the next step. Yes he put up huge numbers out of gate. But then , teams got more tape as time goes by and his tendencies have been exposed. He doesn’t want to check down or throw a ball a way. Why not ? Why does he need to hit a homerun every play?
Whether his shoulder was worse in this or that game , I’m sorry but there wasn’t much of a fall off when Fitzpatrick came in. Jameis played good in 4 games last year out of the 11 or 12 played or whatever number was. Sorry but not good enough for #1 pick
June 27th, 2018 at 6:55 am
@Pete I, No, I didn’t. Looks like I should that to get my own full context. To me, it’s sad that race is always the issue brought up. Even sadder is that football and a new exciting season is what should be talked about now…but we’re doomed for this to be the story of the Bucs all year, even if they do well. I spend so much money on sporting events and even traveling to away games and being highly involved with the franchises on a personal level because it gets my head of the stuff I deal with everyday, and what I’ve dealt with in the past. So this alll really bites. Moving the needle into the red…is moving the needle, and it’s not good to me.
June 27th, 2018 at 7:03 am
Black or White has absolutely nothing to do with this….if you believe that, then that itself is a racial thought.
Name me one starting QB in the NFL who isn’t privileged…..just one….go ahead and name one….there are only 32 in the world.
This is about power, money, immaturity, alcohol and extreme poor judgement….
It knows no color.
And….Nice try, Joe on the America’s QB explanation…..doesn’t fly. You were calling him that before the draft.
Since that point I had hoped Jameis would rise to that accolade….unfortunately he has actually declined in the eyes of most.
June 27th, 2018 at 7:07 am
Thank God a fresh perspective on JW. Later today an article on how his diet effects his decisions.
June 27th, 2018 at 7:12 am
Jameis will be known for his “big numbers”. When you are always playing from behind with no running game as well, you will put up big numbers!! Just look at Jake Plummer’s numbers at Arizona!!
June 27th, 2018 at 7:27 am
Turns out, Philips is a Saints fan..ha
June 27th, 2018 at 7:39 am
This is stupid. This incident is about Jamis, the person. What did he do and how should he be accountable for his actions. In reference to JW’s on the field prowess, he is what he is, average. How football wishes to reward him for being average is up to ownership.
If it were me, my money, which it is not, he would not be getting big bucks. We as fans can only make decisions that affect the Glazers. We do that by going to games, purchasing merchandise, supporting advertisers, or not.
What someone in New Your writes is irrelevant.
June 27th, 2018 at 7:52 am
@Defense rules… hope you did not think I was trying to call you out in anyway because I certainly was not and if came across that way I offer my apologies. I am simply saying that while yes we do have a whole team to talk about Jameis is wether we like it or not the most high profile member of the team and in my belief at least as Jameis goes so does the Bucs. I keep coming back to this site and other news sources expecting to have some breaking news anytime now and it’s just not happening…. so frustrating.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:27 am
Let’s see, what about the Bucs is in the news as of late June while the entire team is scattered across the globe on vacation?
That’s it’s franchise quarterback is on the cusp of being suspended which could trigger a collapse of the organization?
Or is the news of the day Keith Tandy getting married?
Joe knows what people read.
If you expect Joe to break down offensive line calls, you’ve come to the wrong site, sorry.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:34 am
BoJim and Roy T Buford:
We don’t know what happened
We Do Know:
1) Uber driver made complaint to company and company suspended Jameis’ account
2) Uber driver did Not press sexual assault charges
The fact that she Did Not press charges is telling as to the severity of the alleged incident
By the way, BoJim, thanks for revealing your fascism- name calling instead of discussing is what fascists do
June 27th, 2018 at 9:07 am
The left has gone full retard
June 27th, 2018 at 9:11 am
Yea – I’m sure Winston feels quite “privileged” to be raked over the coals AGAIN by damn near every talking head on the planet for something that happened 2 years and for which there is no proof whatsoever….
Call me insensitive or whatever – but even if everything the Uber driver said is true – it is NOT THIS big of a deal.
Crass? Yes. Disrespectful? Very! Disappointing? Extremely! But worthy of the 3 ring circus that has evolved and the near universal labeling of Winston as an absolute POS because of an alleged 3 second bad, drunken decision 2 years ago when he had just turned 22 years old? Absolute Insanity!
Manning tea bagged a female trainer. Farve sent dik pics multiple times to a female reporter. Roethlisberger ra_ped TWO women (allegedly) – yet the “fallout” from all those incidents involving terrible decisions by star QBs and females was fairly minimal.
Winston is accused (with zero proof) of inappropriately touching an Uber driver – over her clothes – for 3 seconds and he’s publicly classified in the same league as Hitler and Attilla the Hun.
Hmmmm – I wonder what the obvious difference between those 3 QBs and Winston could be…
June 27th, 2018 at 9:26 am
@TBBF, AlteredEgo…kudos on your comments. I agree this isn’t about race, and not about groping so much as truth and trust to the guys who give you a shot at the ultimate American Dream. That is for them to reconcile for sure. I know the Glazers come from a background with their grandparents past (Holocaust and Eastern Europe) so they have an amazing capacity about truth and truth. On one hand, they don’t sweat the small stuff. On the other, they also know what it’s like to be wronged. The fan base has to deal with that as well, but also has to wonder if JW is escaping or will escape paying for a crime, whether charges are ever brought or not. I gave him the benefit of the doubt with Kins man. But I have to wonder if it’s the story of the guy who cried wolf–this stuff keeps finding him “somehow.” So I’m back to what we know, truth and trust. I would really rather like my QB personally and what he does on the field. Right now, I can’t say he’s impressive in either department.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:28 am
@TBBF, AlteredEgo…kudos on your comments. I agree this isn’t about race, and not about gr*ping so much as truth and trust to the guys who give you a shot at the ultimate American Dream. That is for them to reconcile for sure. I know the Glazers come from a background with their grandparents past (Hol*caust and Eastern Europe) so they have an amazing capacity about truth and truth. On one hand, they don’t sweat the small stuff. On the other, they also know what it’s like to be wronged. The fan base has to deal with that as well, but also has to wonder if JW is escaping or will escape paying for a cri*e, whether charges are ever brought or not. I gave him the benefit of the doubt with the FSU allegations. But I have to wonder if it’s the story of the guy who cried wolf. So I’m back to what we know, truth and trust. I would really rather like my QB personally and what he does on the field. Right now, I can’t say he’s impressive in either department.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:31 am
@AlanBucsFan….the fact she didn’t bring a civil suit and wants to remain anonymous is also telling…with the other “reports” (yet to be proven) to corroborate what she says. She reported it to her employer long before the metoo movement got fired up…and most sexual abuse/assault is never reported. I agree, we don’t know about that for sure, but it’s not “telling” as you say in favor of Jameis.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:31 am
Yea – I’m sure Winston feels quite “privileged” to be raked over the coals AGAIN by damn near every talking head on the planet for something that happened 2 years and for which there is no proof whatsoever….
Call me insensitive or whatever – but even if everything the Uber driver said is true – it is NOT THIS big of a deal.
Crass? Yes. Disrespectful? Very! Disappointing? Extremely! But worthy of the 3 ring circus that has evolved and the near universal labeling of Winston as an absolute POS because of an alleged 3 second bad, drunken decision 2 years ago when he had just turned 22 years old? Absolute Insanity!
Manning tea_bagged a female trainer. Farve sent dic pics multiple times to a female reporter. Roethlisberger r a ped TWO women (allegedly) – yet the “fallout” from all those incidents involving terrible decisions by star QBs and females was fairly minimal.
Winston is accused (with zero proof) of inappropriately touching an Uber driver – over her clothes – for 3 seconds and he’s publicly classified in the same league as Hitler and Attilla the Hun.
Hmmmm – I wonder what the obvious difference between those 3 QBs and Winston could be…
June 27th, 2018 at 9:31 am
Sorry for the duplicate post.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:32 am
@Joe … “Joe knows what people read.” Lots of Americans read the National Inquirer too Joe, but I just don’t happen to be one of them. I get that Jameis’ sordid affair is ‘THE NEWS’ while “the entire team is scattered across the globe on vacation.” And maybe I’m the only one who’s lost interest in this debacle, at least until the NFL comes out with a concrete, official position.
I love football, but I read enough of this type of crapola in the national news every day coming out of Washington & elsewhere. Guess I kinda viewed JBF as an escape from that junk. Not anymore. Now that day-to-day drama is even ruining football for some of us who really love the sport.
And while I recognize your contention that this ugly incident “could trigger a collapse of the organization” I don’t buy into it. IMO, the Bucs are finally getting closer to having a real T-E-A-M for a change, one with some decent coaches, quality starters AND some depth. As important as you apparently believe that Jameis is to the Bucs’ organization, I’m a firm believer that he’s replaceable. EVERY PLAYER IS REPLACEABLE IN THE NFL. Next man up is Fitz. Would kinda like to see the media & fans … and for sure the T-E-A-M … rally behind him. If Fitz doesn’t cut it, then again … next man up.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:34 am
Sorry for the double post (again). Joe this business of comments not showing up until 5-10 minutes after posting them is getting to be a problem…
June 27th, 2018 at 9:35 am
thats what happens when liberals run wild, fake news
June 27th, 2018 at 9:35 am
OMG, I cannot believe we have so many idiots in this area. Are f***ing kidding Alan. You win the idiot of the day award!
June 27th, 2018 at 9:35 am
@Pickgrin….you said “Call me insensitive or whatever – but even if everything the Uber driver said is true – it is NOT THIS big of a deal.” You don’t consider a 5th degree felony a big deal?
Oh my.
I can see some folks not thinking that lying about the number of people in the car being true….is not a dealbreaker for them (it is for me…frankly), but I can’t say I’ve seen anyone yet here say grabbing and holding the genitals of perfect stranger…a sex crime…is not a big deal.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:45 am
@Pickgrin…man you are way outta town today. You said “Winston is accused (with zero proof) of inappropriately touching an Uber driver – over her clothes – for 3 seconds and he’s publicly classified in the same league as Hitler and Attilla the Hun.” One problem is when people are accused and it turns out to be unsubstantiated. They may be committing a crime themselves. However, one doesn’t need “proof” to accuse someone of a crime…hopefully they have it but let’s not throw the victims under the bus here. Crimes against victims occur every day where there is little to no proof remains. Still, it is their right and then the case is brought. Hopefully for their case they are not making it up. I have not seen any comparisons to Adolf or Attilla…and I haven’t seen anyone slamming JW for accusations of crtotchgrabbing and holding (which is a crime if done, like it or not)…all I’ve seen is people caveating it all with “if” and focusing on the truthfulness of JW’s account and how forthcomings he’s (not) been.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:51 am
Funny is I read the posts about “right” and “left” and don’t see how this situtipn applies to either. Are folks saying you are a liberal left guy if you get bent out of shape about someone grabbing a lady’s crotch and holding their hand there? Or is it the lefties saying the righties are all holier than thou and worry about things that shouldn’t matter? I don’t see race or politics here. A crime was or was not committed, and lying by an athlete(s) and/or Uber driver was or was not committed. There are two simple principles involved here: The rule of law and whether their was a cover up. You don’t have to agree with the law or think being truthful matters. But good heavens, don’t make a political/racial controversy out of it.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:54 am
If youre going to inject your warped political views into the conversation after only 4 comments, why don’t you try saying something original instead of parroting the same tired Fox News talking points over and over? You can think for yourself, right? Or are you only capable of echoing the dribble that comes out of your dear leader”s orange mouth?
June 27th, 2018 at 9:56 am
Exactly Roy- this has nothing to do with politics. ( or at least it shouldn’t).
But I guess if people are cool with the prez grabbing women by their P they shouldn’t have any problem with a quarterback doing the same thing. #AmericanValues
June 27th, 2018 at 10:49 am
i think your missing the point…..Phillips aint wrong….he’s not suggesting Winston should have the book thrown at him but is saying Winston should be held accountable for his actions and should also be held to a higher standard as an professional QB……
the point that Phillips is trying to get at is that it seems as if Winston has been cuddled since HS because he’s an elite QB…..and just like many other elite black athletes they sometimes don’t get held accountable for their actions because their winning(or bring in tons of cash for their school)…..as that athlete gets older they become numb to situations that aren’t in their best interest and expect the minimum when it comes to consequences because they play sports…..in a sense they feel they’ve become “above the law”……
now, im not saying Winston thinks he’s above the law but some of his action suggest otherwise…..he’s a smart young man….he knows right from wrong…..and yet here we go again…..
as much as a bucs fan and Winston fan I am, if the NFL has evidence that he did something inappropriate and can prove it, then he should get 6games not 3…..what lesson is that teaching Winston?……what lesson is that teaching our youth?….
the point is if it were a 3rd string DB with this allegation things would be much different…..he would be kicked off the team in a heart beat…..the league wouldn’t be trying to allegedly cut deals or drag this process out…..
June 27th, 2018 at 10:51 am
Without liberals humanity would have no rights, I had to get that in as a response to the delusion otherwise.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:53 am
1. Jameis is one of about 10qbs that are household names
2. That’s not what the writer was implying at all
June 27th, 2018 at 11:14 am
Whatever is going on with the Shield, it can’t be good.. Audio/Video?
Kate seemed to be pretty clear in her statement. He groped me. He stopped. He finished the ride without incident. Seems pretty straight forward. There’s JW’s “obstruction and false statements” to the Shield.
Short of anything else, there is no good reason for this to go on this long. I don’t think it’s about Mickey Mouse either. The Shield is super paranoid about it’s image. Why would they risk the backlash on a suspension policy based on a TV schedule.
June 27th, 2018 at 11:15 am
He’s a household name alright. For way too many wrong reasons.
June 27th, 2018 at 11:41 am
June 27th, 2018 at 12:04 pm
Whatever Roy.
IF it happened – which I still have some doubts about – it was basically an awkward attempt at a pass on a woman by a drunken 22 year old. Happens with horny youths thousands of times every weekend of every year in every state of this country. Its not just men who do this to women either. It goes both ways. And 99.9% of the time – it is not viewed by those involved as some BFD that someones entire life and reputation should be utterly ruined over….
Kate’s self described semi-casual response of “What’s up with that?” – followed by the immediate removal of the alleged offending hand means she never lost control of the situation. I’m sure she didn’t appreciate the unwanted touch and rightfully felt violated – but it absolutely falls more under the category of stupid and very disrespectful than that of “sex crime”.
Like I said earlier – “Crass? Yes. Disrespectful? Very! Disappointing? Extremely!” – But crime of the century? Hardly.
Winston was stupid as hell if he did this – which is what everyone is assuming without one iota of proof. But it WAS 2 years ago – and since then Jameis has given hundreds of hours of his time to good and charitable causes. Has created positive experiences and life inspiration for literally thousands of young people in that time.
Surely there should be SOME level of balance when viewing this Ubergate situation and accessing Winston’s value to the Buccaneers and the Tampa Bay community – right?
(cue Lets-make-a-deal ZONK sound in response to the Bucs fans “balanced” reaction)
June 27th, 2018 at 12:20 pm
Jameis is a household name not for his on field play, but for his off field behavior. So sure, call him America’s F’d up QB all you want, but it isn’t because of his play on the field. As someone said, maybe America’s Crotch Grabber is a better name for him.
June 27th, 2018 at 12:31 pm
Okay, I read the full Phillips article. I don’t get the same view Joe did on this. In the end, it’s about being it’s a shame that having come so far this kind of thing happens and is a setback. Like saying “How do you rate such a nice house?” to a friend of smething is making light of a great situation, one that “wasn’t meant to happen” so to speak. Not a criticism. I don’t see any issue with the article, but we all have our opinions.
June 27th, 2018 at 12:36 pm
@Pickgrin…first point…”awkward pass” that amounts a 5th degree felony is a 5th degree felony. Being drunk (if that’s the case) is no excuse. There are consequences. Second, the issue is covering it up, lying, etc, if that happened. From the start, I’ve caveated, as most have, with “if.” That said, JW isn’t that good either. If the Glazers had a crystal ball, and put new clips up to now next to his record and stats….would they draft him again?
June 27th, 2018 at 12:37 pm
Always funny when the Joes bash another writer when they don’t even have the journalistic integrity to credit who writes what on this site
LOL. “Journalistic integrity?” Joe has been writing a third-person blog for 10 years but still is out there publicly (radio, podcasts, TV) and doesn’t shy away from any responsibility. Plus, JoeBucsFan writers are credentialed journalists and easy to find. –Joe
June 27th, 2018 at 1:01 pm
Anyone who mentions the word “privilege” in the context this woman is using deserves to be mocked and ridiculed thoroughly.
June 27th, 2018 at 1:18 pm
Leftists should get rid of the concept of white privilege and just call it achievement.
June 27th, 2018 at 1:21 pm
This may be touchy for some but here goes. I guess it’s some pretty moralistic sh|t when a member of your own race calls you out for abusing your privileges. I think what I take from his comments is that he believes Winston should “act like you’ve been there before”. That with the times we live in, he believes Winston’s play is mediocre at best. That he is put on a pedestal, not because of great play, but rather because of the color of his skin. Had Winston been white would this have been tolerated?. Carson J. Phillips laid it on thick but his message was very clear that privilege should not be abused by any race, and that being black should never quantify the reason for that new found privilege.
June 27th, 2018 at 2:09 pm
Wow, you Joe’s sure are full of it and yourselves.
LOL. “Journalistic integrity?” Joe has been writing a third-person blog for 10 years but still is out there publicly (radio, podcasts, TV) and doesn’t shy away from any responsibility.”
Exactly, you’re a 3rd person BLOG, lol!!! You never say who’s written anything, just that a Joe wrote it. There ZERO credibility in being anonymous to your readers so good luck with that line of horse sh!t. According to … you?? The fact is, what is written here on JoeBucsFan.com is considered credible by fans and media, and it actually is credible. That’s because of the consistent care for the integrity of this website. That’s why Joe has media credentials — local and national — and unmatched access, as well as tremendous respect across the national spectrum of those in the industry. There’s been fierce adherence to a lofty standard here since Day 1 back in 2008, to a set of values consistent with traditional journalism. You can believe otherwise, but you would be incorrect.–Joe And dont give me that BS “we know who you are” just because you throw your names out on a podcast with Ira.
June 27th, 2018 at 2:19 pm
No question being named America’s quarterback has to be the stupidest nickname going in the NFL for poor Jamies. Hands down. Lmao
June 27th, 2018 at 2:54 pm
Thought I smelled a trip to the cooler there for a second….
Instead Joe chose to give the verbal smackdown. (paraphrased) – “FU – we’re legit! Check the numbers and the access – Biatch!” LOL
You got off light this time Jjones…
June 27th, 2018 at 3:04 pm
You Joe’s really believe you have the pulse of the fans and nation, not quite bubba. Maybe take some notes from your boys at Pewter Report, that’s real journalism.
Only reason most come here are for the comments so they can bitch at one another, that’s SAD.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:03 pm
Yes because having a large salary makes a black man privilege lol right because it’s not like he actually worked at his craft to put himself in position to be the number 1 pick…. Your not privileged if you worked to get where you are today. It’s not like he’s Trump and the soon if a millionaire or anything.
If any of you harass a female off duty or get a dui you still have a right to go find another crappy job to get fired from. It won’t change for an NFL player because you the nobody doesn’t want to see him play or thinks he doesn’t deserve to be paid more than you.
This is a black man basically saying what big Ben did is ok because he’s white and a better quarterback but because Winston is black you should not have a right to make that kind of money….. Winston may be dumb but this guy is ignorant. My take is based on a small passage of his article but that alone makes it not worth the attention
June 27th, 2018 at 10:14 pm
@Trench War
Coming from a black man the guy that write that is an idiot. Where do people get the idea that nfl players are privilege. If you get hired at your regular job it’s because you were more qualified or just looked more overall over the other applicants. Do you know how many colleges there are in the United States and how kids are trying to get in the NFL? I’d say the Heisman trophy and national championship says that he earned everything he’s gotten. It’s not privilege when you work hard to earn something. It’s privilege when your the soon of a tick kids like Trump and given a million dollar loan to go out and make your fortune. Did Trump pay for ivy league degree or did his racist Daddy?
Another black man saying he doesn’t deserve to be rich is incredibly salty. I guess he think big Ben’s 6 game suspension is ok because he’s white and better. Lol privileged… There are guys who piss it away like that recover from the browns that keeps getting suspended. The truth is there aren’t many African American who can act like they’ve been there if you get what I mean. Yes Winston is dumb but that article was trashy.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:37 pm
The president said if your rich you can grap women there. Jameis just got some bad advice