Trying Too Hard
June 6th, 2018
Former Pro Bowl WR explains.
It may be the greatest trait of America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston. It also could get in the way of a fine career.
Not even the devout haters of Jameis can say he doesn’t give a damn. Dude’s heart is bursting through his chest. But it seems people are starting to believe that unbridled drive and desire of Jameis to be great just might Pearl Harbor his promising future and present.
Last January, DeSean Jackson told a BSPN audience that Jameis just needed to be himself and not try to please everybody. That raised eyebrows.
Then Bucs offensive coordinator Todd Monken said just before OTAs began that Jameis tries too hard.
Now enter former Pro Bowl wide receiver Reggie Wayne. Speaking with Will Blackmon on “Total Access,” seen on NFL Network, the topic of Jameis came up. Wayne, a Cane, first said Jameis’ shortcoming was his choice of college. Then he too admitted Jameis has all the tools necessary to succeed, all the weapons any quarterback could ever want. Jameis just needs to chill, Wayne believes.
“I rolled with the Jameis Winston bandwagon last year and he let me down,” Wayne said. “But I’m going to do it again. Jameis Winston, you are leader by default. But you don’t have to try so hard.
“Once he relaxes and wins games, everything will take care of itself.”
Joe thinks Wayne’s comments are very interesting. He played with a quarterback who was over-the-top intense in Peyton Manning.
Blackmon is of the mind Jameis puts it all together this fall.
“I think he finally gets it done — he has to improve this year,” Blackmon said.
This is a tough pinch for Koetter. Nobody wants to turn Jameis into Checkdown Charlie. So when is — and what is — too much and what needs to be or can be or should be pulled back? If it s fine line.
As Joe has written, Jameis has every intangible a coach could ever dream of for a quarterback. But is that passion channeled properly?
Good thing Koetter is paid handsomely to tackle this riddle.
To view the full segment, click below.
Hat Tip: @RockinNole
“The pressure is on.”
What should we expect from Jameis Winston in 2018?
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β NFL Network (@nflnetwork) June 5, 2018
June 6th, 2018 at 8:03 am
Play like Brad Johnson…take what they give you…be patient…take the big shot when it is there….repeat….
June 6th, 2018 at 8:19 am
Nothing needs to be pulled back. Other than his arm pulled back into his side to prevent fumbles when he feels the heat. Itβs time to let it loose otherwise. He now has the experience and weapons (including what should be a drastic RB upgrade). He will be great this year IMHO.
June 6th, 2018 at 8:30 am
Dear jameis
Please leave this idiot fan base as soon as you can.
June 6th, 2018 at 8:36 am
Wow!!!!! they said that the Bucs roster did not buy in 100% of JW3 as the leader????????
June 6th, 2018 at 8:51 am
Winston is who he is… wont change unless Koetter deliberately play calls to minimize his screw ups with much more running. Winston forces plays and his ball placement is bad. He had weapons at FSU….he threw 28 interceptions in 27 games….plus whatever fumbles he had. He’s got 50+ turnovers in 45ish games….There’s a consistent pattern. Winston will play his best as a more athletic Brad Johnson. Give him a running game and stout defense, he can win. Put the ball in his hands more then 32 times to pass, you’ll lose 80% of those games. Every team in the NFL knows this so watch for them to continue to stack against the run and give Jackson the deep ball.
June 6th, 2018 at 8:56 am
Are you being sarcastic Realist???? You know very well that the roster didn’t buy 100% into him as the leader.
If a leader isn’t leading his squad to success and leading by example along the way, then there’s always the chance of a mutiny.
Jameis was fighting CBs, repeatedly turning the ball over and blowing scoring chances left and right. He looked immature.
No grown man wants to follow a manchild, no matter how much charisma and charm he has. As the article states, he really does need to settle down and let things come to him. On and off the field.
June 6th, 2018 at 8:56 am
Tampa has really stupid fans.
June 6th, 2018 at 9:07 am
Everyone just needs to relax. Jameis is just a 24 year old kid; his best years are still in front of him. Winston is the best thing to ever happen to this sad Franchise. I just hope we don’t run him off, only to watch him win Super Bowls somewhere else like we’ve done countless others.
Go Bucs, let’s shock the world…
June 6th, 2018 at 9:09 am
Dear jameis
Please read the idiot comments of bobby m and shutthebucup as examples. What more evidence do you need to know this idiot fan base does not deserve you. Please leave as soon as possible.
June 6th, 2018 at 9:25 am
Webster…disagree…most fans that are fans want Jameis to be tremendously successful. That translates into Wins and Post Season appearances. And frankly, I don’t think it wacky or unreasonable to say “this is the year to step forward and prove you are one of the best in the league.” We all have pressures in our life.. so does Jameis. He is still young…but it is a young mans game. And if he doesn’t? He may likely go elsewhere in two years. And it that point if he is no longer a Buc? Who then gives a S about Jameis?
June 6th, 2018 at 9:26 am
Joe is always saying Buc coaches can’t develop young DBs…….
I am playing devil’s advocate here and really love Jameis Winston….
So….perhaps Buc coaches can’t develop young QBs….
We have Winston…..according to some after 3 years….not developed enough…and then we have Ryan Griffin…taking a roster spot for 3 years, only to be our 3rd QB and not suiting up on Sundays.
Using Joe’s logic on DB development issues…..this could be applied to QBs.
June 6th, 2018 at 9:28 am
Maybe he could fix that long windup (see picture above). Not likely at this point.
June 6th, 2018 at 9:31 am
Webster you’re absolutely right in a lot of ways. Our fan base is ignorant as hell. It’s unbelievable how some of their analysis insists he should be successful by now with the worst defense and running back in the league. It will all come together this season, finally and we will see a much more optimistic attitude.
But don’t say that man. There are a lot of die hards in here that deserve him. I’m one of them. I have bucs tattoos. Mugshots in bucs jerseys. Flew to Tampa to see Jameis get drafted at Ray Jay. Wrote for the bucs on multiple sites. Spent more money on them then I have some family members lol. Etc.
I can’t wait til the bandwagon outweighs the ignorance. But damn there is a lot.
June 6th, 2018 at 9:57 am
Dear jameis
Please read mark2001 post.
@ buccernutter
As my teacher in elementary school used to say, sometimes the good have to suffer with the bad. I feel sorry for fans like you and I but we may have to suffer with the bad. He11 jameis is the prime example of that. He had an historic horrible defense, terrible kicking for the past two years, terrible running game for the past two years all while putting up historic numbers of his own by a qb under 24 or a qb in his first 3 years and to idiots of this fan base, he is the problem. They do not even acknowledge how hard he works which will lead only to greater success as he matures as a player. These idiot fans do not acknowledge that the bucs have put more responsibilities on his plate then other teams put on their young qbs because the know he could handle it which will only help in the long run. Yes, we have an idiot fan base. Jameis is the good suffering with the bad. We have idiot fans cool if he is not here in 2 years….see mark2001 comments. I feel your pain buccernutter but sometimes the good have to suffer with the bad.
June 6th, 2018 at 10:02 am
@ buccernutter
We have idiot fans talking about windup as if this is 2015. To validate their argument, they are referring you to a still photo above. You can’t see speed in a still photo. Nevermind the fact that jameis delivery is much different than it was in 2015 but the idiot fans of tampa are not aware of that.
Dear jameis
Please leave this idiot fan base.
June 6th, 2018 at 10:11 am
2016 LA Rams offense scored 14pts per game and Goff was a bust
2017 HC Mcvay had the Rams lead the NFL with 29.9 pts per game and made Goff a star
2019 new Tampa HC John Defilippo will assist JW3 in his steps to his HOF career
Checkdown? that is the old ancient 90s offense that Klueless comes from..
the modern NFL offense is DESIGNED SHORT PASSING ATTACK…hybrid west coast offense
“Kobe Faker has spoken …and it shall be”
June 6th, 2018 at 10:17 am
So Webster…do you care about Martins career? Oh…but you are a bucs fan…so you should, right? Read man…read.
Almost every analyst is saying what I’m saying about Jameis…but then, we are all wrong. And his problems aren’t his fault? How many good players on both sides of the ball don’t get the recognition they deserve because the team isn’t successful? Many on both sides of the ball. And you act like the D and the O exist in a vacuum. Turnovers, three and outs, and threes rather than seven on O when the D is tired and have worked their backside off all day long, is poison. But excuse me….you and nutter are the best Buc fans. Maybe you and nutter can get matching tattoos and mugshots to prove what great fans you both are. And BTW…how many fans do you know from other teams? I know hundreds, primarily Packer fans, and most of them do tend to be more realistic about their teams than Bucs fans are.
June 6th, 2018 at 10:29 am
Dear jameis
Please read mark2001 new comments. He is talking about what national media is saying about you as if national media truly studies you. You had charlie casterly saying the rule on you is to pressure you and you will just throw it up even though the reality is you have been in the top 3 of qbs under pressure since you have been in the league. These same national analyst praised andrew luck in his first 3 years eventhough he had 43 ints and 29 fumbles. Why you ask? Because of the narrative surrounding you both coming out of college. Luck is the great hype and you were the thug. Posters like mark2001 are what i call butt hurt mariota lovers and unfortunately guys like luck are great and you are the worst qb in the league. This is why you must leave as soon as you can.
June 6th, 2018 at 10:34 am
Don’t talk to me like that kiddo. I did not clarify who I was referring to.
You seem a little too sensitive about what Webster is saying. Fact is this fan base is a lot more ignorant than most. You’re not the only one that knows a ton of fans from other teams LMAO. Are you serious?
This was never a matter of how successful fans want Jameis too be but rather their ignorant analysis. His turnovers are a problem but evidently this dude is doing everything he can to compensate for a terrible run game and defense.
Best to not condescend others when you make statements like “how many fans do you know from other teams?” on an internet blog. As if that gives your point more merit πππ
June 6th, 2018 at 10:45 am
@ buccernutter
Do you see what i am talking about? We live in a city/state where many people are not from Tampa or even florida and we have an diot fan asking about how many fans do we know from other teams? I cant remember the last time i met someone from tampa. The idiot even said the bucs have a lot of three and outs when the reality the bucs are in the top 3 as it relates to 3 and outs. He is the president of the idiot fan base.
Dear jameis
June 6th, 2018 at 10:52 am
maybe players and coaches aren’t trying hard enough!!!!!!!!!!……unfortunately, it seems as if Winston is the only player trying to figure out the “Y’s”……
June 6th, 2018 at 10:55 am
Exactly and we have idiots of this fan base blaming him for the team failures. Yes jameis has to get better but he is the only player giving maximum effort on every play. Why in the world would these idiots want to run him off?
Dear jameis
June 6th, 2018 at 11:01 am
Fair or unfair JW carries the weight of being an overall #1 pick. You so called super fans CAN NOT keep making excuses for him. We may be critical of him but unlike some of you guys, we are not looking through rose colored lenses.
June 6th, 2018 at 11:10 am
Dear jameis
Please see shutthebucup post. We just learned he looks through stevie wonder/ray charles glasses. Please leave as soon as you can.
June 6th, 2018 at 11:11 am
Jameis is the only player giving maximum effort on every play?
I wonder how Ali Marpet, Cam Brate and Kwon Alexander feel about that statement Webster.
How do you know this is fact ?
June 6th, 2018 at 11:14 am
Lol, Webster you are quickly approaching troll status. Or should I say blind troll status.
June 6th, 2018 at 11:16 am
webster.. no one in their right mind is blaming Jameis alone for the teams failures. But just consider the Packers…
For years they have been grooming Hundley… Rodgers went down. Hundley played reasonably well, but the missed the playoffs and was erratic in his passing. Could have blamed it on the Secondary as much as anything…note their draft this year… So…
They traded for Kizer… just to get another guy in the mix should Hundley not step up when Rodgers can’t play.
Now I’m not saying we should do that with Jameis. But that is how you do it in the Not For Long league. If he does well this year…great…we all win as fans. But if not, we will have a new HC, a new system, and Jameis will be entering the 5th year of his contract. Do you think that new HC/GM will tie their star to him for the huge payday multi-year deal if they aren’t sure about his ability to do the job effectively? Most likely we would bring in or draft some real competition. And that will have to begin a few games into the new HC/GM process. Is that fair to Jameis? Maybe not. But it is reality.
June 6th, 2018 at 11:21 am
“He’s only 24, he’s still just a kid”
Well i’m sure Bucs fans and their Public relations department will be happy when he grows tf up. This whole uber thing is ridiculous. Either he’s protecting a 3rd person that was in the front seat or he’s lying. Either way he’s acting childish. I don’t hate the man, nor do I dislike him, I just want him to settle down.
June 6th, 2018 at 11:33 am
I’m not making excuses for Winston…..Winston has to get better….I know that….he knows that….the glazers know that…..the coaches know that…..
but to say, “he’s trying to hard” is BS…..its a stupid statement……I rather have a player try too hard vs not trying enough…..
folks need to talk about how dirk, smitty and some of the players aren’t trying hard enough…..
Winston tried “too hard” that last play vs the saints…..but folks forget about that!!!!!….him trying too hard didn’t bother them then…..
June 6th, 2018 at 11:43 am
I cant imagine a new HC not wanting Winston as their QB…..the man won the Heisman, a natty and was the #1 overall pick….the talent is there…..the right coach can bring it out of him…..
just look at what a new HC did for goff…..they played to his strengths….they tailored the system around him…..
I said it earlier on another thread…..I think Winston has plateaued under dirk…..dirk needs toscrap the 4vert scheme…..too many long developing plays and too predictable…..
June 6th, 2018 at 11:58 am
Dear jameis
Please read mark2001, shutthebucup last few post. Please do what is right for you and yor family. This idiot fan base does not deserve you.
@ 813
No need to explain yourself. These idiots know exactly what you are saying but they are trying to twist your words.
@ doolarushe
Let me explain it to you. Jameis is the one player who fights for every blade of grass on every play. The last time we had players fight for every blade of grass was the bucs great defenses. Derrick brooks always talked about the defense fighting for every blade of grass. I have not seen a player or unit do that until jameis has arrived.
Sorry but i need the rest of the team to fight the same way and not turtle on the first play of the season because the ref made a call you did not agree with. Thats why licht drafted and signed the free agents he did. Every blade of grass
June 6th, 2018 at 11:58 am
This is extremely il-informed advice. Everyone who says this doesn’t really understand the word choice they are making.
What people should be saying is this:
Stay calmer.
Find that even range of emotions that can be sustained constantly and consistently.
They don’t need Jameis to rah-rah. They need him to lead.
This DOES NOT mean “try less hard”.
Drew Brees and Tom Brady do not “try less hard” than Jameis and are thus, more successful.
They try harder than everyone. They just know to relax and trust themselves with a sustained and measured approach that is identical in the first and fourth quarters.
“Try less hard” is what people who don’t understand the concept of what they’re saying spew out.
Words like that will taste like vinegar to Jameis.
Stay measured and even and consistent is what everyone should say to Jameis.
Those few media days from Monken were a lesson of what not to say in so many regards it’s disheartening to think he’s the one in Jameis’ ear the most now.
June 6th, 2018 at 12:03 pm
Now who is an idiot? Webester knows every player on the team personally and that Jameis is the only one giving maximum effort on every single play. So if Jameis is the leader of this franchise and the players will not give maximum effort for him what does that mean?
June 6th, 2018 at 12:06 pm
Okay webster how about you go around the league asking other teams fan bases what they think of Jameis Winston. I bet you there’s more opposition to bringing Winston onboard to their teams than you might think. Hint: Mike Florio isn’t some dummy spouting nonsense, and what he said about Winston is a sign of things to come if and when Winston struggles this year.
June 6th, 2018 at 12:12 pm
813…Jameis did accomplish all those things. I like his skills and hope he can succeed. But as UDA’s make teams and sometimes become stars, that happens because for coaches, draft position and past accomplishments mean little. Heisman trophies even less. I didn’t say a new HC wouldn’t like Jameis in the mix.. and would hope he would be very successful. But before you give a guy a nine figure contract, you must know he is your guy…that he can carry the load. You are staking your career on it. Does Jameis have pressure this upcoming year? Sure. But it isn’t going to be less next year if he doesn’t have an excellent year this year. That year after that with a new HC? All bets are off, draft position means nothing. It is about the best guy at every position, or getting a better guy at every position.
June 6th, 2018 at 12:17 pm
Webster…..Please say something inappropriate so Joe can throw you in the cooler with Tmax. You are tiresome.
June 6th, 2018 at 12:48 pm
Dear QB (insert name here) I give you the worst defense in the league, the worst kicker in the league and the 28th ranking rushing attack in the league, now forget about all that go win us 10 games or your are garbage, pure garbage.
Signed Tampa Bay Buccaneer fans
June 6th, 2018 at 12:53 pm
Hahaha Ndog
You just nailed it.
June 6th, 2018 at 1:05 pm
June 6th, 2018 at 1:50 pm
SB…+2, nattering nabobs of negativity aimed at Buc fans.
June 6th, 2018 at 2:18 pm
Jameis’s best bet is to get the heck out of this town. He WAS HURT LAST YEAR! The year before they went 9-7 & in year one they stunk and he still had a nice year considering Lovie was clueless. Even hurt last year in at least 3 or 4 games he had the team in position to win only to either have the D lay down or like against Atlanta at home a missed FG cost them. Also early in the year Against the PATS if we had a kicker we win that game. JAmeis gets blamed way too much in this town. Other than fumbles last year what did he do wrong? Zero running game, Geez give it a rest!!
June 6th, 2018 at 2:53 pm
the glazer made Winston their guy the night he was drafted….they know the only way to win in this league is with a talented QB…..
Winston showed he has what it takes to win in this league….the coaches he’s playing for, not so much…..
when you have a good QB you lock him down for the long haul…..look at the lions……Stafford is a good QB no doubt….has amazing arm talent…..has a losing record vs winning team and still landed a 9figure contract…..and how many HC has he played for?….
June 6th, 2018 at 3:04 pm
hell you aint even got to go that far…..look at Jimmy G….he got paid for winning 5games….
June 6th, 2018 at 3:23 pm
…11 years since last playoff berth
June 6th, 2018 at 6:07 pm
Dear jameis
Please read the last ill informed from larry, moe, curley and the 4th stooge ie mark2001, bluefoot, sb and dbs. Do what is right for you and your family. Leave this idiot fan base.
@ jimmy T
You cant teach stupid. Some like stooges above race to see who can be the dumbest. They wear it as a badge of honor. Its really facinating that one can be so clueless but yet not know it.
June 6th, 2018 at 7:06 pm
There’s a big difference between being an intense perfectionist like Manning and being a loud clown like Winston too often is.
This team needs him to relax and play football and follow the game plan waaaaay more than they need him doing stupid sh!t like eating W’s. Let Kwon and those lunatics like that do the pre-game screaming, Winston just needs to sit back and settle his mind.
When he goes out there before the game jumping around and yelling all the rah-rah crap he comes out of the gate in the game pressing too much and makes horrid decisions with the ball.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the true great QB’s jump around like idiots before games.
June 6th, 2018 at 7:45 pm
Monken did a pretty good job with Evans and I having a feeling that Jameis gets a little extra attention this year.
June 6th, 2018 at 8:37 pm
He can’t relax and just play his game with the league’s worst defense. This is common sense. Give the guy an average defense and a decent kicker and he w ont have to try and be the hero every Sunday. This is not rocket science
June 6th, 2018 at 8:42 pm
Ndog nailed that……. I’m saving that one.
June 6th, 2018 at 8:44 pm
Damn some of y’all really get worked up over each other’s opinions…I prefer to post and bounce. Jameis will have a really good season this year, defense will have us finish .500
June 6th, 2018 at 9:13 pm
Can’t believe anyone on Earth would complain on tv about he is trying to hard. Your 5-11. Come on. I can’t stop thinking about this. Smh
It’s true Bucs are like the NFL version of the Kardashians!!!! Oh it’s damn true….
June 6th, 2018 at 11:11 pm
The last I heard football was a team sport not a quarter back sport. It’s funny how marcus marito never gets criticize by the national media but Winston does. He had 13 td n 15 ints but never is criticize by the national media . He gets all the credit for games when his running backs dominate the game , if that was Winston they will say he holding the team back . Maritio got hurt and the national media let’s every body know it but Winston got hurt and they never mention it. People on this site just listen to what the national media say and believe them that’s just the way it is. They hate Rosen so it don’t matter what he do if his team lose its going to be his fault , if Donald lose then it’s going to be the team fault not his . That’s the same way national media do Winston n Marito. I wish Tampa fans could see that . Winston will be great one day let him grow like every other quarter back the national media love…….
June 7th, 2018 at 12:17 am
Jameis will be fine folks. Look at how putrid team around him has been.