Tearful Brother Helped Prompt Smith To Lead
June 10th, 2018
Bucs left tackle Donovan Smith
Donovan Smith is in his contract year and is primed to get a no-Pro-Bowl Nate Solder kind of contract next season for $15 million per year.
But life is about more than money and blocking for Smith.
He’s stepped up his game as a community servant over the past year, with a focus on raising money for autism research and support. He was back at it again recently and former Bucs beat writer Katherine Smith, now of Spectrum Sports, caught up to the Bucs’ left tackle to talk about his efforts.
In the video below, Donovan Smith explains that a motivator for him is his older brother’s challenge raising an autistic son. Good stuff.
Always great to see the big-name Bucs using their fame and riches to help others.
June 10th, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Good for him. Great to see a player involved in his community.
June 10th, 2018 at 10:46 pm
Ditto, but if he wants 15 mil a year he better be consistent this year instead of a turnstyle and he needs to quit the holding penalties that crippled his team too. His best talent could still be used at LG if we have to use our first draft pick next year for a real LT that has proven he can pass block and run block both. We can’t continue to not properly protect Jameis anymore!
June 11th, 2018 at 8:17 am
Thanks owlycat, for showing up and posting a stupid.
I was worried that no one would write anything really moronic, this early on a Monday.
Donovan will get his 15 million or more. Because it will be decided by people that actually know something about football- which wouldnt be you.
Way to be an ass, on an article about Donovan’s charity work.
People just keep sliding futher and futher down the evolutionary scale.
Who woulda thought that computers, and anonymous communication, would set mankind backward?
June 11th, 2018 at 8:33 am
Capt. Tim
You are right. He will get 15 million with or without the Bucs.
June 11th, 2018 at 9:03 am
Plan on Smith getting a premium contract. Licht has shown willingness to give his guys big contracts. I hope that much of hs struggles were due to the left guard play. As a gm, I would really be forced to ask, has Smith done enough to warrant a second LT contract? With Marpet next to him this year will be a fair examination. If he continues his play from last year, I persoanally would look elsewhere. I’m hoping he earns his contract. Left Tackles are hard to find.
June 11th, 2018 at 10:43 am
@Capt.Tim What did Owlycat say that the new IANBUCSFAN site didn’t already say? Would’ve thought a self proclaimed Capt. Would lead with some knowledge that just a few days ago these very Joes allowed IANBUCSFAN to say the LT in question is still making mistakes only a rookie should be doing at this stage of his career. Side Bar, I do applaud Donovan for his work in Autism Awareness. As he has a nephew with Autism I have a son with Autism. We are thankful that more and more people are taking notice of this.