Smith: Jameis Bringing “10 Times” The Fire

June 25th, 2018

Ironically, America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, was in the midst of operating on a much higher level of team leadership during the 2018 offseason, so explained one of his longtime teammates.

Joe’s talking about the ironman of the Bucs offensive line, left tackle Donovan Smith.

Appearing on the Ira Kaufman Podcast last week, Smith was asked about the maturity of Jameis off the field and what he thinks this season will look like.

Smith predicted a huge season for Jameis in 2018.

“You know, just to see the fire he has. He always has fire, and I think it’s times 10,” Smith said of Jameis’ 2018 offseason.

“It’s huge. And you know, Jameis is a guy, his will, it’s ridiculous. So, for him to able to see like I said, the whole humbling [2017] season for everybody. Nobody wants that on their record book and under their belt. He’s going to come back and do everything under his power to make sure that don’t happen. Obviously, you see it, conditioning, running and leading the team and. you know, holding each other accountable, having those uncomfortable conversations with guys.”

This was great to hear. And the “times 10” line was delivered without a hint of exaggeration.

As for the “uncomfortable conversations” Smith referenced, no, those were not about Jameis’ getting suspended and whatever did or did not happen during that fateful Uber ride. But perhaps they should have been?

54 Responses to “Smith: Jameis Bringing “10 Times” The Fire”

  1. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Fire & Fury

  2. firethecannons Says:

    The uber incident was 2 years ago plus–why would Donovan reference it?–Last paragraph seems senseless.
    Bucs management need to get Jameis a bodyguard 24/7 to prevent these kind of issues and provide witness as needed. Along with getting him some psychiatric evaluation and therapy for at least a year. But stop there–we do not need to extend his suspensions or anything else, if he can’t win with all the help he has then cut him or trade him next season

  3. Greg Says:

    Any left tackle‘s job is to protect the quarterback. On and off the field apparently. We really don’t need any fluff pieces written about Winston at this time. As far as people can tell by what’s been published. Winston has been completely dishonest to the very team that drafted him all the way to this day. He lied about the number of people in the car. Forgot to mention alcohol was involved. And that his recent. I don’t want to hear anything about Winston on the field Until something is published factually.

  4. Dooshlarue Says:

    JW was probably over compensating for the impending investigation.

    Joe, obviously this investigation takes priority for the spotlight, but it would be nice to see an article or two about a player not named Jameis.
    Thanks for all your hard work.

    Go Bucs!

  5. feelthepewterpower Says:

    No more Chris Baker….

  6. feelthepewterpower Says:

    That is who Donovan was referencing in the “uncomfy convos” depo.

  7. Jon Says:

    Please stop calling Jameis “America’s Quarterback.” He is nothing to close to that and the man has put his team in jeopardizing position where the season could be over after three games.

    This is coming from someone who still supports Jameis, but to call him that is absurd.

  8. SCBucsFan Says:

    Be more interested in what he says now

  9. Walter Seidel Says:

    “and. you know, holding each other accountable, having those uncomfortable conversations with guys.” It’s gonna be a locker room train wreck. “America’s Train Wreck QB” (And yes, I am PLEADING with you Joe to stop the “AQ” nonsense….because it IS nonsense. “AQ” necessarily means the entire country. Look at it from that perspective. HE AIN’T!!)

  10. Dooshlarue Says:

    You’re fighting a losing battle Walter.
    I don’t like it either……. it makes me KVETCH, but it’s not gonna stop!

  11. Bobthebucfan76 Says:

    Ok guys…..
    If jaboo was in any other line of work he would be fired and charged. This preferential treatment makes me sick.You do not see other nfl quarterbacks behaving in this manner. He is bad for the game we all love…….he is a role model to the young and a promise keeper to the old….his decisions on the field reflect his decisions off it…suspension,,,,,inactive list,,,,,,cut

  12. Not there yet Says:

    Ten times the fire is scary for someone considered to have fire last year but showed immaturity on the field as well. Fire he doesn’t need more of that and that’s meaningless……. How about this Winston, how about ten times the accuracy and your team will be more improved…. If more fire means eating w speeches I’ll pass. I still say no excuses and applaud gmc for talking about how the eagles won a Superbowl with a backup quarterback

  13. ATrain Says:

    A Bodyguard for Jamies

    How about the Millionaire act with some class

    He makes millions because he is in the spotlight SO be an adult and act accordingly

    If he needs a Babysitter send him packing PERIOD

  14. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    …….. I don’t think anybody really cares right about now

  15. AlteredEgo Says:

    I wonder how Jameis will be treated by the hard working dedicated pros that were counting on him in 2018…he has messed up a lot of lives besides his own….

  16. BrianBucs Says:

    So what was Smith suppose to say? Just towing the company line, trying to promotes Jason Licht’s chosen one

  17. Jjones Says:

    Nothing better than a recycled story to drive a narrative.

  18. Jff Says:

    That fire is just HPV

  19. Oneilbucs Says:

    This was a closed case. I think the NFL was done with this back in November. People on this site keep talking about this so much that Roger Goodell feel like he had to do something.

  20. Rob Says:

    Now the annointed one is bring 10 times the “ire” lol. 30 for 30 may has well get the footage now for your documentary. The Bucs are going to have to eat the $hit sandwich they ordered when they invested the number one overall pick on Winston. We all hoped he had changed his ways. You are who you are when you think no one is watching. Cut him and move on. Now. Go Bucs!

  21. Bucko40 Says:

    If Bucs players don’t tow the company line then they would be shown the door. Winston is Teflon based on his athletic talent. This is why a ton of fans dislike sports.

  22. SB Says:

    “Bucs management need to get Jameis a bodyguard 24/7 to prevent these kind of issues and provide witness as needed.”

    Yeah because that is what every “first overall pick in the draft” “Franchise QB” “Professional Athlete” needs.
    Dude is in the “1%” and he needs a babysitter.?.? Sad times indeed.

  23. Oneilbucs Says:

    This was a closed case. I think the NFL was done with this back in November . I think the people on this site keep talking about this so Roger Goodell feel like he had to do something. So he gave y’all what you wanted the Winston haters. Goodell even try to talk about the anthem but y’all kept talking about this case that don’t even exist. The NFL has people watching all of the 32 teams media sites. But y’all wouldn’t leave this alone. So enjoy watching fizpatrick that played for 7 different teams an lost at all of them. So I can’t wait to see fizpatrick go 0-3 and if we don’t i will be the first to say I was worng . But 1-2 not going to be good eather. So to Winston haters I hope y’all happy now you can’t blame him for the team losing this time.

  24. SB Says:

    And to the Joes……I have only mentioned the “America’s QB” thing once that I can recall but I do know that you are the Only one calling him that. I don’t really care one way or the other, it doesn’t “move my needle” other than the fact that when you see something really dumb going on you tend to notice.

  25. Bird Says:

    Good point

    The last 25 articles have been about Jameis.
    Except Ira article.

    Yah. Who cares about other bucs? It’s like when bucs 1st drafted Jameis.
    9 out of 10 articles shoved down our throats just about Jameis.

  26. Anonymous Says:

    This is hilarious, are people still freaking out??

    Babysitter?? Bwahahahaha.

    This season can’t get here soon enough. Once the action starts hopefully the morals police will climb off their high horses and help root the team to victory.

    I for one am pumped to see how the coaches can formulate a a game plan and prepare for these first couple games without JW. Then when Jameis geta back…..ooohhhh man that kid is going to be hyper motivated.

    Jameis is going to make his haters crawl back into the cave they have been hiding in for years (since his last incident). Hopefully he doesn’t forget to tip his waiter or the “fans” will be ready to run him out of town again.

  27. Alaskan Abdominal Snowman Says:

    This is hilarious, are people still freaking out??

    Babysitter?? Bwahahahaha.

    This season can’t get here soon enough. Once the action starts hopefully the morals police will climb off their high horses and help root the team to victory.

    I for one am pumped to see how the coaches can formulate a a game plan and prepare for these first couple games without JW. Then when Jameis geta back…..ooohhhh man that kid is going to be hyper motivated.

    Jameis is going to make his haters crawl back into the cave they have been hiding in for years (since his last incident). Hopefully he doesn’t forget to tip his waiter or the “fans” will be ready to run him out of town again.

  28. Tony Says:

    Don’t want him on my team. Fitzpatrick will do fine.

  29. Jff Says:

    It appalls me how people minimize the behavior of a serial sex offender.

  30. Howard Cosell Says:

    Jff Says:
    June 25th, 2018 at 7:00 pm

    That fire is just HPV

    BWaahahaha!! Best comment ever. U win the internet

  31. Howard Cosell Says:

    I don’t really agree with you but that was funny

  32. firethecannons Says:

    You are right it is sad indeed but effective, at this point he is a target. Whether he grows up or not, one more incident after this then his career is over–all that has to be done is to accuse him–nobody will ever believe him again, he can never be alone with any woman except his wife. He would be an easy blackmail target too.

  33. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I’ve commented on the “America’s Quarterback” many times….

    It is my opinion that it is really bad for Jameis….it labels him something he isn’t and likely will never be…..Joe isn’t doing Jameis any favors….it is controversial and controversy sells. You guys are really spiraling out of control. It’s a nickname Joe enjoys, since Joe began typing it here in 2014. That’s all it is. Joe’s not about to kill it because more people don’t like Jameis now. And nobody is visiting JoeBucsFan because of the “America’s Quarterback” moniker. Stop misrepresenting Joe. Joe has deleted various comments here. And you’re in the commenter cooler for the remainder fo the day only.–Joe

  34. SB Says:

    I agree fire. However do you hand 30 mil a yr to someone who needs a 24 hour a day ‘Babysitter/Moral compass provider” ?
    That is where we may be soon.

  35. SB Says:

    Woooooo………….Joe’s panties sure are in a was over the America’s QB deal.
    People don’t like it Joe. This is your sandbox so you can push it all you want but you would most likely be served to drop it as nobody likes it. I know it is hard to drop it and save face tho.
    The Moniker is heard SOLELY here, so there is that.
    Sir or ma’am, Joe doesn’t care whether it’s just here or it’s everywhere. Why would Joe care about such a thing? And you really want Joe to start typing and writing concerned about what others think and public opinion? This isn’t politics. This would be one boring website if Joe worried about all the people who like and don’t like stuff. –Joe

  36. Bucsfan1988 Says:

    Soooooo, I’m watching the NFL TOP 100 players tonite to see #10 thru #1…The show decides to also let us all in on who just missed out if the top 100. They showed #110 to 101, AND THERE WERE STILL NO BUCS PLAYERS MENTIONED.

    What a gigantic load of horse crap that is!!!

    Guess who was #110??? No other than Marcus Mariota, LMAO 😂😂😂😂😂😂!! You have got to be freakin kidden me 😖😖😖
    What a seriously dumbass show this is…..

  37. Destinjohnny Says:

    If 3 can ever get his accuracy consistent??
    And not screw up off the field????
    Look out

  38. Mike Says:

    He needs a good Bucs mentor- A handler of sorts, like
    Josh Hamilton used to have for the Texas Rangers.

    I nominate former
    DE Keith McCants

  39. mark2001 Says:

    One thing at a time. First he has to get past the suspension and back on the field…ready to go…in tip top condition. I hope he can…I hope he will. One thing for certain…if he doesn’t come back ready to take his game to the next level over what he has shown so far in his career, it might be the death knell for Koetter and Licht…and that could end up with Tampa Bay’s QB playing elsewhere. That is a lot of pressure on him…but he built his own up hill climb.

  40. Mike Says:

    Maybe Father Dungy- seemed to help the cage fighter Vick….

  41. Buccfan37 Says:

    Tampa Bay is a part of America so Americas QB is factual. The uproar at using that description is quite the comedy.

  42. BigMacAttack Says:

    Joe is so funny and right more often than not. The drama sells though, no doubt. I just want to win and Jameis is our best hope, but don’t discount Fitz. He’s a super competitive QB showing little or no fear since he’s been here. I really have good vibes about this defense. I think they’re going to make a statement in New Orleans. It may not matter who plays QB if this defense takes over. If Jameis grabbed that girl’s but when he was drunk, so what. Don’t do it again and give up the booze for good. It should be an enjoyable season.

  43. BigMacAttack Says:

    I hope they’re working on quick slants to DJ Speedster.

  44. SB Says:

    Lol Touchy much………..Poke, Poke!

  45. Trench War Says:

    I’m getting Winston fatigue. Let’s talk about the QB’s that are going to play.

  46. Defense Rules Says:

    @Joe … “As for the “uncomfortable conversations” Smith referenced, no, those were not about Jameis’ getting suspended and whatever did or did not happen during that fateful Uber ride. But perhaps they should have been?”

    @firethecannons … “Last paragraph seems senseless.”

    I agree cannons, but my guess is that it’s just Joe stirring the pot to spice things up. Jameis’ best bet with his Bucs’ teammates is to just keep his mouth shut about this whole nasty situation. ANYTHING that he says could possibly be misconstrued by his teammates (and inadvertently get repeated to the media). Jameis AND the rest of thes Bucs need to get TOTALLY focused on football. Another 5-11 season like last year and a LOT of heads will roll. But reverse that to 11-5 and a LOT of good things can happen. I’ve got a lot of faith in Fitz, but he’s not the future of this franchise. I’m still hoping that Jameis is.

  47. Eric Says:

    Nice fluff article to put the molester in a positive light. Sorry too late for this clown to be our quarterback. Trade him if possible and if not make him ride the bench all year then cut him.
    Tampa’s disgraced backup quarterback! Time to back up Fitzpatrick and hope he does well. If he does not then we pick up our Qb of the future. Its probably for the best anyway, I mean after 3 years we know what he can and cant do. Two things he doesn’t do well and often are throwing accurate passes and more importantly winning… not stats, not fire, not overly dramatic game speeches that dont make sense.

  48. Jff Says:

    Jameis’ favorite song is Track #4 on Nirvana’s In Utero album

  49. GhostofSchiano Says:

    I am confident Jameis will re-earn the Americas quarterback nickname through his on field performance.

    Now his off the field decision making…. that has me worried.

    But no matter what, 24/7 GO BUCS!

  50. GhostofSchiano Says:

    Mike Glennon mob in 3…2…1..

  51. m0j0 Says:

    Once he sees the field, I think it will be very evident that Winston has improved and will continue to grow into a top flight QB in this league.

  52. Mike Johnson Says:

    Next thing we know..Smith will be..tree humpin.

  53. Fire Lichtt Says:

    It amazes me how anti Jameis so many Bucs fans are. I’m pro-Jameis!!! The NFL needs to make an official announcement instead of dragging this out…

  54. Susan Smith Says:

    I think it will be very evident that Winston has improved and will continue to grow into a top flight QB in this league.