“Now We’re Going To Find Out What Kind Of People The Glazers Are”
June 29th, 2018
“Hey Joel, these Times guys are pretty tough, except when it comes to their own failing business.”
Tampa Bay Times columnist Tom Jones called for the immediate booting of America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, from the Buccaneers roster eight days ago.
And now Jones has dropped an accountability hammer on Team Glazer.
If he stays here, it’s because the Glazers say it’s okay. Okay that he’s the Bucs’ leader on the field. Okay that he’s the face of the franchise off it.
If you don’t cut him now, what kind of message are you sending to fans?
Here’s what you’re saying: that you tolerate this kind of garbage. That you’re willing to overlook disgusting behavior by a player as long as he can throw a football really well. That winning football games is more important than anything else.
And if that’s what the Glazers think, shame on them.
Jones goes on to close with, “Now we’re going to find out what kind of people the Glazers are.”
Jones makes a strong argument but he fails miserably in the end. Perhaps the Glazers are like Father Dungy, filled with a forgiving spirit and eager to grant second and third chances to anyone if they feel a man or woman is sincere in his or her effort and desire to change in a positive way.
Would Jones wag a finger of shame at Dungy if he counseled Team Glazer to retain Jameis?
Joe can type the following with extreme confidence. Team Glazer recognizes that the ugly Jameis Uber happening was 27 months ago and they will judge Jameis on what he has and hasn’t done since then as much as the misdeeds of that early-morning ride.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:06 am
One of the sad elements to this situation is Jameis’ charity work with Children and other charitable organizations….there will be many who will not permit Jameis to participate…..that is an understandable shame.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:07 am
Wow a whopping 27years ago. I guess he must have changed. Yeah sexual offenders change for sure. If people believed that then all hope is gone
June 29th, 2018 at 9:09 am
one problem joe……..father dungy was a MM fan…..he mentioned drama and character issues as to why he wouldn’t draft Winston…..he would’ve advised glazers and licht to draft MM if they were to ask him back in 2015…..
imo, he’s too risky…..im not sure Winston can stay out of trouble long term….1 more screw up and he could be banned…..
June 29th, 2018 at 9:10 am
If Winston indeed quit drinking than he has made a step in the right direction.
If you are keeping score this is his 3rd major behavioral incident. He needs some serious professional help and the team has to see some better judgement in games also.
He’s in the water now gasping for air, its only up to him to swim to shore to save himself. Time to grow up big guy and stop using others for alibi’s.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:13 am
again…if this piece of lying crap enters training camp on the roster, my 40+ years of being a Bucs fan are over…in all the years of bad football, this was never considered…this is different…some people have morals and can’t side with a con artist…
June 29th, 2018 at 9:14 am
Should be be counting the 27 months since the incident or the 7 months since it became public?
I do agree that his behavior since the incident will be crucial to the decision. Do we really know about that…..there are some references to “shady” behavior this spring…..any clarification on that?
June 29th, 2018 at 9:17 am
Hope they don’t read Huffpost as they have a brutal article on JW entitled “Jameis Winston’s Suspension Is Not Enough, Even By The NFL’s Own Policy”
Was there really two reported women at FSU not just one?
So do the glaziers want the “face of the franchise” to be a troubled man who touches women inappropriately, drinks to much, and lies about it? Or not?
June 29th, 2018 at 9:17 am
One more mediocre season and he will be gone. It’s pretty much a certainty at this point considering Jameis has never proven to be anything but mediocre since being drafted. 🤷🏻♂️
June 29th, 2018 at 9:17 am
Jones put out his last article too early. The one today is about right in some cases. It is rare I agree at all with him, and Jones is a hack, a loser I think, but I think Jones stumbled across the 80% correct answer today. Not by skill, but because he’s always slash and burn. Jones doesn’t understand business and beyond. He’s never owned anything, he’s not loyal to anything, and he’s never supervised anyone. So… The Glazers would be extremely forgiving and amazing risk takers to keep Jameis on past this year in his current capacity. That is their call–and would be mistake to keep him in current prominent image as the face of the franchise. I personally don’t want Jameis on the side of my stadium for the rest of the year (at least), and I don’t want this be the lead story before every game (I try to forget about all the BS in the world when I go to Bucs games). I don’t want Jameis leading my hometown team on the field, and I don’t want to see him in the community laying it on thick. Best way to get to Jameis is strip away his “C”, bump him down to 3rd QB on the roster, and make him earn everything back–EVERYTHING…and even then, no guarantees. Do not count on Jameis Winston for a single thing this year. That said, the Glazers would only be “stupid” if they don’t bring n someone with NFL game experience to compete with or back up Fitz now, before it all starts. When Winston is back, he should have to compete for the #2 spot with whoever is not the starter. Make Fitz or Brate the team captain. Of course, this is by vote from his peers, so will be interesting to see where they want to go. Oh, and I don’t think Winston will ever earn trust back…
June 29th, 2018 at 9:18 am
I think we keep him and just keep tagging him instead of a 100 million dollar deal… I don’t like cutting him so some other team can pick him up. Other teams like the Patriots, for example, seem to not care about off the field issues. Talib had off the field issues one would argue they were less than what Winston has done BUT regardless he was traded for what amounts to a ham sandwich only to go on to win super bowls and pro bowls…
Either way, this is a very difficult place that Winston has put our team in… Very disappointed.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:19 am
Oh, and Tom jones is wrong, Winston can’t really throw a football all that well. He certainly can’t hold on to it very well either.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:20 am
An aside on Jones, he’s been pretty ugly to JBF at times, to Bucs HOF players, to military members, and loves him some Joe Buck and BSPN.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:22 am
Pete is desperate..lol!! You mean other than the one, PROVEN LIAR?? HAHAHA!!! jameis didn’t handle this well, and that is all. Nobody knows and you should wait to judge so critically..The virtue signaling, again, is DISGUSTING!! spare me the sanctimony, fanboys, you ARE NO ANGELS.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:23 am
So Joe now its not an Uber hassle anymore? Now its an Uber “happening” and a “misdeed”
Glad Joe can type the following (or anything) with extreme confidence. that’s a good trait to have. Confidence.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:23 am
How’s the trump train, Joe?? Lol!! Hypocrites know NO BOUNDS
June 29th, 2018 at 9:24 am
@ Pete I
Joe should call it an “incident”….it was good enough for Loretta Lynch in the HRC investigation.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:24 am
Did Walter change his name, or just start to omit his surname?? Are you ashamed of yourself?? Your parents must be so proud to have passed on that legacy…hahahaha!!!!!
June 29th, 2018 at 9:25 am
So the Uber driver wrote in her report that “He is NOT safe for other drivers.”
She probably meant female drivers but who knows?
June 29th, 2018 at 9:27 am
June 29th, 2018 at 9:28 am
For all those who keep saying it was 2+ years ago…look at it from another perspective:
Jameis: A timeline
Signed his rookie contract May 1 2015
Had his “hassle” with an Uber driver just 10 months later
Settled his civil lawsuit with Erica Kinsman 9 months after that
He couldn’t even make it a year before getting himself into a new situation, while the old situation was still hanging over his head and unsettled…
He’s more stupid, and a bigger liar than I thought.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:28 am
Mariota is TERRIBLE…lol!!! Enough with the nonsense..injury prone running qbs don’t last
June 29th, 2018 at 9:29 am
That’s what I took from Jones’ article..
Throw a football really well…what a joke
June 29th, 2018 at 9:30 am
Tom Jones is trying to pressure the Glazers to push his own agenda. I’m of the Raheem Morris mindset they have to tolerate him until they have a suitable replacement and i don’t see that happening with next year’s QB draft class. They may have to holdout until after he completes the 5th year option.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:30 am
His 1st “incident” at FSU was a proven lie/money grab…by every hater here’s account….at least ones that take their meds and can even LIE about not supporting a serial pedo/perv in trump..lol!!!
June 29th, 2018 at 9:33 am
“Actions speak so much louder than words, or what they may have read or what they may have heard. It’s about your actions. Whatever is in the past is in the past. I look forward to gaining everyone’s trust.” – Jameis Winston
June 29th, 2018 at 9:34 am
I like Jameis, more because I’m tired of seeing this team lose and rebuilding teams than anything else and playing Fitzgarbage the whole season will amount to another lost season, but this should be his last chance. Some of you act like he has conducted himself in this type of behavior while with the organization many times .
I guarantee that if we can see what most of those throwing rocks at him did when you were young and drunk you would be going to jail, I know I would.
Can we put all this negativity behind and focus on the good this team has to offer, please!
June 29th, 2018 at 9:35 am
Release him now. Keeping Winston is an insult and embarrassment to the fan base. He should NEVER have the honor of wearing a Bucs uniform again
June 29th, 2018 at 9:37 am
Waterboy is correct. Keep him until a suitable replacement is found and maybe he will have a chance to redeem himself.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:38 am
ZERO TOLERANCE should have already been in effect.
If so, this would all be moot and you wouldn’t have fans at each other. Not sure how you keep him. The fan base is divided over a POS. Garbage. Trash. We are arguing over a piece of human garbage.
Jettison the garbage!
June 29th, 2018 at 9:38 am
“I believe the future of JW3 is still pending and in wait and see mode. The glazers family is not set in stone yet. The public fallout and the important financial ramifications that JW3 has caused is still being calculated. JW3 has created tremendous finiancial loss for the glazers. If JW3 is still QB for the 2019 season, the Bucs will be blackballed for any tv games for the next 2 years. …
Will Darcie Glazer have a huge part in this decision? ”
Kobe Faker
June 29th, 2018 at 9:41 am
@TBBF….to clarify…they called it a “matter.”
June 29th, 2018 at 9:42 am
It seems like nobody understands why Jameis will NEVER be fired by the Bucs. He has just publicly admitted that he has a problem with alcohol. That is a legal disability/disease that is protected by Federal and State laws. Why do so many people read/hear what isn’t there? Jameis’ statement simply said he has eliminated alcohol from his life. There is no timeline. No admission of a problem.–Joe The employer must by law employ the person (Unless they did something massively and provably criminally wrong, for perspective DUI’s can’t get a person fired if they then for the first time admit that they have a problem with alcohol) if they admit they have a problem and they are undergoing counseling to control that. The Bucs and the NFL would be in such legal jeopardy if they were to fire/cut Jameis now. Easiest lawsuit EVER. I’m surprised the lawyer Mike Florio has not discussed that. Any HR person could tell you that. Shows how lazy a journalist Tom Jones is. The Tampa Bay Times has an HR department that could have easily told him this.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:44 am
What hasn’t been emphasized is the JW is a very devisive force for the fan base. He is eroding the remaining fan base and he doesn’t win or play well enough to ignore his transgressions as has been the case in Pittsburgh. He has shown time and time again he can’t be trusted on or off the field and his lying is his only constant. If the Bucs can’t swing a trade for Foles or Flaco now, then bench JW the entire year to avoid that huge payment in case of injury. This dilemma was brought on by the decision to draft him despite all the warning signs. Pack your bags Licht!
June 29th, 2018 at 9:44 am
Reposting because its easier and frankly this statement applies to damned near every JBF comments thread in the last week…
Pickgrin Says:
June 29th, 2018 at 9:28 am
Noticing many of the idiots calling for Winston’s head rarely if ever posted here prior to last week – and now come crawling out of the woodwork – emboldened by the suspension news – spouting their hate and piling on.
This holier than thou, social justice warrior mentality is laughable. Every single damn one of you has done things in your life that would merit severe condemnation if the whole world knew about it.
Hypocrisy running wild lately around here…
June 29th, 2018 at 9:45 am
Its all about the bottom line. If he can be had for 5-7.5 million a year, he stays. If on the other hand, it is going to cost the Glazers 20-30 million a year he goes.
Which translates to me they know he is a whore, its just a matter of price.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:49 am
a follow up comment.
a guy in a bar is talking to a girl and asks her if she would have sex with him for a million dollars? She says sure. Then he asks would you have sex with me for $10?
The girl looks at him and says, what kind of a person do you think I am. The guy responds, we just established that we’re just negotiating price.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:50 am
Thanks, Joe
Jones is a schmuck
June 29th, 2018 at 9:50 am
Winston needs a year away from the Buccaneers….he simply will be too much of a hassle to have around….he needs to work with a shrink and a QB coach to correct his horrible mechanics….come back next year and see
June 29th, 2018 at 9:51 am
The NFL statement strongly denotes that Jameis’ account of the incident and his whereabouts didn’t stand up to investigative scrutiny. Now, I don’t know what the Glazers’ standard of judgment is, but they are 100% responsible for Jameis being in a Buccaneers uniform. They are 100% responsible for how this franchise is perceived. The Glazers bent over backwards to justify his selection and personally vouched for him as a team/community leader- the face of the franchise- at every turn. The next move is theirs and they will/should be judged by it.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:53 am
Pretty sure JW’s good deeds in the community were because he felt guilty and knew the hammer was gonna drop at some point.
He is a mental m!dget.
But like he said……. God is good!
June 29th, 2018 at 9:56 am
Re posting this, just cause it’s easier and shows just what a con man JW really is…That and a serial idiot.
“Actions speak so much louder than words, or what they may have read or what they may have heard. It’s about your actions. Whatever is in the past is in the past. I look forward to gaining everyone’s trust.” – Jameis Winston
From Jmarkbuc
For all those who keep saying it was 2+ years ago…look at it from another perspective:
Jameis: A timeline
Signed his rookie contract May 1 2015
Had his “hassle” with an Uber driver just 10 months later
Settled his civil lawsuit with Erica Kinsman 9 months after that
He couldn’t even make it a year before getting himself into a new situation, while the old situation was still hanging over his head and unsettled…
He’s more stupid, and a bigger liar than I thought.
June 29th, 2018 at 9:57 am
At least FSU had the sense to get rid of him….
June 29th, 2018 at 9:58 am
I don’t give two cents what Tom Jones thinks. If they cut him now, they are pissing the season away and thats not fair for his teammates or the fans.
Keeping Jameis long term is a risk, but what do they have to lose now? Keep him and look for his replacement in next year’s draft, regardless on how well he plays.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:01 am
Enough. Get rid of him. I’d rather cheer for Fitzgerald in a losing season than this miscreant/groper/molester. How many schools are going to now feel unsafe allowing him in for his “charitable” PR stunts. He can’t be trusted. He makes idiot decisions on and off the field. Send him away. Cut him. Trade him. Just no. No more. Enough.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:08 am
Just read Winston’s apology, and I accept it. He indicated that it is alcohol related and that he must hold himself to a higher standard. He also apologized to his teammates on the Bucs, and I accept that too. He made a mistake and he knows that it cannot be made again. Forgiveness is NOT ACCEPTANCE, but it does allow for the ability of the sinner to redeem himself…and I accept that also. For those who won’t forgive and want Jameis head on a platter…I suggest they remember a certain person at a certain well, with a certain prostitute facing an angry mob. He said “Those who are WITHOUT SIN, let THEM cast the first stone.”
June 29th, 2018 at 10:19 am
Tom Jones is a fool
June 29th, 2018 at 10:19 am
The Glazers who had a fundraiser for the P-grabber. Give me a break.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:19 am
HIPAA protects Jameis. He doesn’t have to disclose it and it is unlawful for the NFL to talk about it.
The text from Winston’s statement is a direct and explicit admission that he has a problem with alcohol.
You eliminate something from your life if you have a problem with it and you can’t handle it.
An obese Type 2 Diabetic person doesn’t have to explicitly say they have a problem with food, not excercising and smoking.
If that person says they are changing their diet and excercise patterns nd eliminating certain foods from their diet, eliminating their sedentary lifestyle and stopping smoking they are telling you that they have a problem with those things.
Also, he stated he is taking advantage of the counseling/resources that the NFL/Bucs are legally required to provide under the ADA.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:23 am
Pickgrin- I’m going to re-post your re-post. I really took notice over the last couple of days that there are a considerable amount of new posters willing to “weigh in” on Jameis. It’s like they were waiting for him to fail!
Pickgrin Says:
June 29th, 2018 at 9:28 am
Noticing many of the idiots calling for Winston’s head rarely if ever posted here prior to last week – and now come crawling out of the woodwork – emboldened by the suspension news – spouting their hate and piling on.
This holier than thou, social justice warrior mentality is laughable. Every single damn one of you has done things in your life that would merit severe condemnation if the whole world knew about it.
Hypocrisy running wild lately around here…
I think what he did was stupid. I think him lying about it is even dumber. However, I will not cast aspersions like the guy just committed murder. Get some perspective. He’ll be punished. Move on.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:33 am
“Get some perspective. He’ll be punished. Move on.”
Exactly Bucsfanman!
Let the healing begin.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:35 am
Anthony Liga
His apology wasn’t much of one..Let’s break it down
First and foremost, I would like to say I’m sorry to the Uber driver for the position I put you in. It is uncharacteristic of me and I genuinely apologize.
Ok so I’m really sorry for “putting you in this position” BS
How about, ” While under the influence of alcohol, I made a terrible mistake and touched you in a manner that was completely inappropriate”
It is uncharacteristic of me… WOW , actually Jameis it is COMPLETELY characteristic of you (that’s why we are where we are now)..should have left that line out.
Although I am disappointed in the NFL’s decision, I understand the NFL’s process, and I embrace this as an opportunity to take advantage of the resources available to help me achieve the goals that I have for myself.
Disapointed in the NFL’s decision??
How about “I am truly grateful and appreciative that the NFL has given me another chance to turn my life around
I now look forward to putting this behind me and I will continue to work hard every day to be a positive influence in my community and be the best person, teammate and leader I can be.”
Like I said when I was drafted under a cloud of controversy…
“Actions speak so much louder than words, or what they may have read or what they may have heard. It’s about your actions. Whatever is in the past is in the past. I look forward to gaining everyone’s trust.” – Jameis Winston
I really mean it this time…..
JW is always “looking Forward” and ignoring his past
So in short, His apology doesn’t fly with me..It’s self serving, and insincere, and might have made things worse..Kind of like Jameis himself.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:40 am
Jmark – read the post just above yours. Then re-read it.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:42 am
@Pickgrin … “Hypocrisy running wild lately around here.” Yes they are coming out of the woodwork Pickgrin. The more I think about it, the more it all seems to be the most likely outcome. Bucs took a huge risk drafting Jameis … and so did the fans. Many said ‘Everyone deserves a second chance’ but second chance implies that they viewed him as guilty of what happened at FSU. Everyone knew he was young (20 yrs old at the time), and they wanted to give him ‘the benefit of the doubt’.
What many if not most were expecting was a choirboy; a franchise QB who’d become a model citizen to prove everyone wrong. And Jameis appeared to be taking that road. Many if not most supported him to varying degrees, and now feel that Jameis betrayed their trust … to a certain degree by what we ‘think’ happened in the Uber, but even more-so because he lied to try to cover it all up. In the process he betrayed not just Bucs’ management, coaches & his fellow players, but also a lot of fans who’d been willing to give him that ‘second chance’ and ‘benefit of the doubt’. I’m no longer optimistic that Jameis can rebuild that trust with this team & in this community. Potentially too much water under the bridge.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:47 am
I speak, Pete and Walt go GHOST..bOOOOO!!! such COURAGE in ones convictions is SO admirable..hahahahahahahahaaaa!!! Embarrassing, fellas
June 29th, 2018 at 10:49 am
Are you a gator or trump fan, Brian?? #noexcuses either way…lol!!! Full disclosure time, fella..:)
June 29th, 2018 at 10:53 am
Where is Dungy to mentor Winston and help with the public relations in this mess?
June 29th, 2018 at 10:54 am
Like I posted earlier
Signed his rookie contract May 1 2015
Had his “hassle” with an Uber driver just 10 months later
Settled his civil lawsuit with Erica Kinsman 9 months after that
He couldn’t even make it a year before getting himself into a new situation, while the old situation was still hanging over his head and unsettled…
He is a complete phony…just says what he has to to get himself out of yet another scrape.
Look, up until today I have never said he should be let go.. For me his (non) apology sealed it. I also understand that what he did in the car wasn’t r**e. It’s the whole mentality that nothing is really his fault. All he has to do is say what he thinks he needs to say to get off. That’s not a Franchise QB or a leader of men.
June 29th, 2018 at 10:55 am
Season Is Over Says:
June 29th, 2018 at 10:53 am
Where is Dungy to mentor Winston and help with the public relations in this mess?
perhaps there is NOTHING Dungy can do with a person still in denial….
June 29th, 2018 at 10:56 am
Tony advised against drafting JW. It’s not Tony’s responsibility to save all the wayward NFL players
June 29th, 2018 at 11:03 am
Ok, I rarely ever post on this site, but here goes: I am a BUCS fan. I was a fan before JW and I will be a fan long after he is gone, whenever that is. The decision to keep or cut JW is not mine, nor is it any of yours.
Just friggin win!!
June 29th, 2018 at 11:08 am
@TX- Well said. The team is bigger than one player.
I too am a Bucs-fan, man!
June 29th, 2018 at 11:21 am
somewhere lovie is smiling!!!!!!…..Winston hasn’t been the same since he left….
June 29th, 2018 at 11:24 am
DR Says:
“Everyone deserves a second chance’ but second chance implies that they viewed him as guilty of what happened at FSU”
And that right there is a big part of this “mess”.
The cleatchaser’s false accusation and ensuing media character assassination campaign made it so that even the tiniest “behavioral” slip up by JW at any point would be guaranteed big news – and that a semi-major screw up like this one would be viewed as catastrophic – the end of the world….
Well – its not.
“I’m no longer optimistic that Jameis can rebuild that trust with this team & in this community. Potentially too much water under the bridge.”
I Disagree. If Winston plays good ball and the Bucs start winning, then all of this angst and upset about Ubergate that’s happening right now becomes largely forgotten I betcha.
June 29th, 2018 at 11:37 am
F Tom Jones!! He is a failed radio host and an even worse columnist. This is the same guy that wanted Manzel! He is a joke!
June 29th, 2018 at 11:53 am
You cannot hold the rape accusation against him from college, as it was thrown out 4 times when it came to court. If it was not proven, he was innocent. Therefore you cannot hold it against him.
So really, you can hod the crab legs and this latest thing against him. Nothing more.
June 29th, 2018 at 11:56 am
I’m boycotting the Times as long as Baker and Jones work there. I’ll follow Mr. A and Mr. S on Twitter.
I’m also fasting on the comment section. Only reading stuff by Lord, Pickgrin, Nut and a few others.
My parents (okay, my mom) made sure we attended Sunday School every week; I’ve ended up pretty un-religious, but still remember some of the stories. Favorite one.
“Whichever of you is sinless should cast the first stone” (stoning to death being the traditional punishment for a woman who committed adultery).
June 29th, 2018 at 12:02 pm
Sounds like a bitter Gator fan
June 29th, 2018 at 12:02 pm
Suppose JW3 plays exactly the same. Lots of yards, some unbelievably good throws, but still far too many INTs and fumbles, and too many boneheaded decisions and emotional outbursts, and his record for the 13 games is again
3-10 in his FOURTH YEAR as a starter. What say you then?
June 29th, 2018 at 1:36 pm
Tval- Winstons incident in Tallahassee was was dismissed, in large part, due to the Testimony of Ronald Darby
The same guy who conspired to, and provided, false testimony during the most recent incident.
If Darby was willing to lie once- Im sure he was willing to lie twice.
Jameis quit Drinking? Was that before this season- when he assaulted a player, and tried to attack a referee?
Trade him if possible, cut him if not
June 29th, 2018 at 2:12 pm
Oh great, another Jones hit piece.
If you are on such moral high ground Mr. Jones then maybe you should put your money where your mouth is.
If you really think the Bucs would cut him you should refuse to cover the team until they do. But it’s becoming obvious what your agenda is. You dont care if he is cut, you just want to turn as many Buc fans against him that you can.
So if you are really so offended, quit covering the Bucs so there is one less Times article I need to skip over.
June 29th, 2018 at 2:13 pm
How is this a semi-mess up? Dude knows he is on thin ice and STILL puts himself in these situations and continues to F*** up. Quit making excuses for him
Imagine that being your little sister or daughter… Is it still a semi-mess up? Because that’s what these women are and just because they aren’t related to you doesn’t mean they should be treated any differently.
GTFO with the excuse train bullsh**
June 29th, 2018 at 2:38 pm
Anthony Liga. You must a brother in Christ cause you understand Grace. Most people on this site don’t understand grace even thoe God has shown them grace all the days of they life’s. That’s why I can forgive n go on for anybody cause God did it for me . Even if it’s big Ben are any other white person that do worng an seek forgiveness. Let’s just move on to Football just like y’all say about the anthem.
June 29th, 2018 at 2:44 pm
His actions would be OK if he were running for President but we can’t have this as a Buccaneer. I can’t believe how pissed off some of you are. Dayum
June 29th, 2018 at 4:15 pm
Cut him now.
June 29th, 2018 at 8:08 pm
Jones is an idiot. The Glazers don’t run their team, Jason Licht does. I’m sure Licht seeks their counsel when needed, but they will let Jason Licht make the decision. I’m sure it will be a joint decision with Koetter and maybe even a few other coaches and personnel people under their charge. The Glazers don’t run their teams that way, as Jones suggests. Doesn’t anyone pay attention anymore? As a side note, Licht is doing a good job and they won’t replace him easily. I believe as many others do that Jameis was Lovie’s call.