“He’s Got To Cut Down On Turnovers”
June 5th, 2018
Former GM explains.
The Bucs need Jameis to win.
Jameis needs the Bucs to win.
So what can America’s Quarterback do to turn around the Bucs? It is a simple formula, says former NFL general manager Charley Casserly. And that would be to take care of the damned ball.
“Since he has come into the league, he’s No. 2 in turnovers,” Casserly said of Jameis. “Fifty-nine turnovers. That’s not good.”
Casserly said as a result, teams have a book on Jameis. Casserly claims unless Jameis changes his ways, the way to beat the Bucs is easy. That is, he said, rattle Jameis and here come the turnovers.
The thing is, Jameis has cut down on his picks. As Joe has typed previously, it is the fumbles that have gotten Jameis in hot water. Jameis’ fumbles have gone up each season he’s been in the NFL. Alarmingly, his fumbles shot up 50 percent last year (15) despite playing in three less games. That’s nearly triple the number of fumbles he had his rookie season (six).
This alone cannot be blamed on pressure. There were and are quarterbacks under worse deluges than Jameis was and they didn’t hand over the ball like candy on Halloween.
Eli Manning, for example, played behind five swinging gates last year and had no running game behind him. Additionally, he’s about as mobile as a mailbox. Manning had 11 fumbles last year.
Take care of the fumbles and Jameis will be just fine.
To watch Casserly’s Bucs takes, click on the NFL Network video below.
What I think Jamie’s Winston must do to improve his game and how he can do it. @Buccaneers @nflnetwork pic.twitter.com/bTZQP1dBSY
— Charley Casserly (@CharleyCasserly) June 4, 2018
June 5th, 2018 at 10:06 am
Winston has to get better in that aspect no doubt…..but play calling needs to help him out….when the play is predictable and has a 5 or 7 step drop T.O.’s will happen…..
Winston and the coaches have no excuses this year……
June 5th, 2018 at 10:10 am
Great analysis 813bucboi
June 5th, 2018 at 10:17 am
If Jameis has a running game and can utilize play action, he will have much more success.
June 5th, 2018 at 10:33 am
played behind five swinging gates
And that’s why Eli and the giants picked #2 overall. And if you’re not careful the Bucs can easily follow suit. The fact that the Bucs don’t have an entire right side of an online apparently doesn’t concern anyone.
June 5th, 2018 at 10:38 am
2015 offensive “giveaways” 28
2016 offensive “giveaways” 27
2017 offensive “giveaways” 27
The offensive turnovers in general is much too high to be successful!!!!! joe and the sheep can look at yards all they want, but points and turnovers are the two major stats that lead to wins and losses!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!
June 5th, 2018 at 10:51 am
13 games 11 picks ..that’s a little more than 1 pick a game if you count the certain dropped int’s along with 15 fumbles. Fumbles aside, to say int’s were a season low and no big deal is misleading. That’s 26 turnovers given back to our struggling defense, with some turnovers deep in our own side of the field making it even worse on our defense. It goes without saying, whatever the reason the couch GM’s come up with to coddle Jameis, he has to do better or this staff will be gone and it all starts over. AGAIN
June 5th, 2018 at 11:09 am
Number 2 in turnovers well if your going to be called America’s quarterback I guess you have to be at the top of the league in some category.
June 5th, 2018 at 11:20 am
June 5th, 2018 at 11:24 am
Its possible we win despite the turnovers…..the 9-7 season is proof of that, doesn’t mean Winston has improved. He had 22 turnovers that season…..Just means we won in-spite of his consistent penchant for turnovers.
June 5th, 2018 at 11:42 am
Joe, just go on vacation. The Alpo truck is circling. This horse is ready for the canning assembly line. My God man. Move on to other subjects, or take a hiatus. If you agree a running game and a play action threat is needed, than why the hell do you keep up the ridicule? Daily. I’m starting to think you never played a sport in your life. I loved this site early on, but it has devolved into a whiny, depressing blog. Damn shame. But you’ve got those who eat this crap up. Change the name of the site. It’s the farthest thing from a “fan site” there is. It’s more of a fan site for those that don’t really understand team sports.
June 5th, 2018 at 11:44 am
Run Jameis, run.
June 5th, 2018 at 11:58 am
Dear Jameis
Please leave this idiot fan base as soon as you can. They do not deserve you.
June 5th, 2018 at 12:00 pm
This pathetic franchise has no desire to win therefore jameis should bolt as fast as possible.
June 5th, 2018 at 12:01 pm
Gilhealy and Webster
You both have a real problem with reality don’t you?
June 5th, 2018 at 12:05 pm
fan shaming ..seems to be a new low. What’s worse than being the fan of one of the most historically losing teams in the NFL? Being shamed by morons for being a fan?
June 5th, 2018 at 12:10 pm
@ bobby m
Yes it is possible to win with turnovers. Andrew luck in his first 3 seasons had 43 ints and 29 fumbles but idiots on here will call luck a great qb and jameis the worst and the reason the bucs do not win. And before idiots respond with luck went to the playoffs, he played in the worst division and he defenses were ranked 23, 20, and 11. Im praying the bucs defense can jump 12 spots to 20. I will take that all day with what we have had.
June 5th, 2018 at 12:12 pm
@ joe
Are you really going to let an idiot post under my name? How long have i been posting here? I mean the exact same name?
June 5th, 2018 at 12:12 pm
the sheep can look at yards all they want, but points and turnovers are the two major stats that lead to wins and losses!!!!!!!
tell smitty that!!!!!
June 5th, 2018 at 12:16 pm
@ joe
The idiot who posted at 12:01 pm is not me. Fix it joe
June 5th, 2018 at 12:22 pm
That was me Webster.
Sorry, I really fumbled that one.
I know you’ll be more than understanding.
June 5th, 2018 at 12:40 pm
@ dooshlarue
Way to take responsibility. No problem. All is forgiving. And no, i do not have a problem with reality lol. I just think we beat a dead drum everyday that only feed the trolls. We do not deserve jameis.
June 5th, 2018 at 1:29 pm
Hey QB (insert name here) here you go I give you the worst defense in the league, the 28th rushing attack in football and the worst kicker in the league but forget all that you better win us 10 games or your garbage.
Signed the Buccaneer Fan Base
June 5th, 2018 at 1:33 pm
Blah blah blah, same garbage as always from people who look at box scores instead of watching games.
June 5th, 2018 at 2:10 pm
Nothing to see here, fake news! I saw Jameis walking on water alongside Tim Tebow last night!!! True story!
June 5th, 2018 at 2:31 pm
that narrative will change with everything that has happened in the offseason….or will it?…..
June 5th, 2018 at 2:36 pm
If Jameis doesn’t radically reduce fumbles and INTs, they need to draft a QB next year.
June 5th, 2018 at 3:24 pm
“When people play him – here’s the game plan – pressure him – he’s gonna throw it up and make a mistake”
What a lazy take by Casserly. If this old fart knew anything at all about the Bucs QB beyond looking at a simple stat sheet – he would know that Winston consistently ranks in the top 3 QBs in the league with completion %, QBR etc when under duress.
If the Oline can handle a blitz – and often times even when they can’t – Jameis will make the blitzing team pay – so bring it on defenses….
June 5th, 2018 at 3:33 pm
@ndog 100%
June 5th, 2018 at 3:45 pm
Ndog – another great post straight to the nail!
June 5th, 2018 at 4:08 pm
NFL total Access had a small video on Jameis doing a community charity event yesterday. I watched it. Then rewound it and watched again…. You guys can call me crazy but he was favouring that right shoulder. He threw every pass with his left arm and not once did I see him move his right arm above his head. Again, I may just be looking too deep into it. But I saw what I saw.
June 5th, 2018 at 4:11 pm
You are right webster, we the Buccaneers fanbase do deserve better than America’s ATM machine. After this season, other opposing defensive players around the league will be writing letters to the Glazer boys begging them to keep the ATM machine as the starting QB since the ATM machine keeps giving them good film review and better stats for helping boost their next contract negotiations.
We the Buccaneer fanbase deserve an opportunity to bring in a free agent QB like Nick Foles or draft a new QB in 2019 on a rookie contract instead of giving America’s ATM machine a $100 million guaranteed contract extension.
June 5th, 2018 at 4:17 pm
I am with webster to a point.
Webster I think the dolts that want to run Jamies out of town(possibly some that work for joebucsfan) don’t deserve Jamies as the Bucs QB, but my hope is they are just the outspoken minority.
June 5th, 2018 at 7:31 pm
The hardest thing for a fan might possibly be going through a young QBs growing pains. Keep in mind Winston is ONLY TWENTY FOUR! Ask yourself what was I doing at 24? Trying to get laid would be my answer! He is not only an NFL starting QB but soon to be dad. Way ahead of my personal maturity process and many others as well. He will be great if you give him a chance. He is NOT Josh Freeman so cheer him on!
June 5th, 2018 at 9:06 pm
Love Winston just don’t like this psychotic website being theonly one on the entire planet calling him America’s quarterback and apparently they have no rationale for it. Even if you did it wouldn’t be credible.
Winning has come easy to Winston all his life but he’s gotta earn it at this level. He’ll either rise to the challenge or be mediocre forever or until he’s a backup whois taking advantage of limited opportunities