Defense, Run Game Killed Jameis
June 26th, 2018
Talkin’ Jameis.
Yes, Bucs fans, your beloved pewter pirates are getting talked about on just about every sports platform you can think of.
Joe hasn’t heard this much babbling about the Bucs since the team appeared in “Hard Knocks.” What offseason?
But instead of appearing on a reality TV show, the chatter this time is all about America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston. Not surprisingly, most deals with Jameis’ hassle with an Uber driver in Arizona and a tentative three-game suspension.
Naturally, Jameis was discussed last night on “Late Hits,” co-hosted by Hall of Fame general manager Bill Polian and Alex Marvez, heard exclusively on SiriusXM NFL Radio.
Polian only briefly addressed the pending suspension because the NFL has yet to announce anything. But he doesn’t believe the Bucs are in bad shape as some panicked fans believe. Polian suggested a veteran backup like Ryan Fitzpatrick is just what the team needs to potentially survive without Jameis.
“I think they will do pretty well,” Polian said. “I think they will do OK.”
Polian added it will help the Bucs to not be in the spotlight and that Jameis’ suspension should not have any lingering malaise.
“If you handle it correctly, you can manage the public fallout,” Polian said.
Polian then gave his take on where Jameis stands after three seasons.
“He is a mediocre quarterback who has suffered from a defense that was exceptionally subpar,” Polian said, while also mocking the lack of a run game from the Bucs. “He’s just a mediocre quarterback at this stage.”
Polian remarked Jameis’ 40 percent winning percentage is “misleading” because of the sieve of a defense the Bucs have and no running game.
Marcus Mariota may be better largely because his team wins and he has a running game, Polian said adding, if Jameis apologists want to say the only reason Mariota is having success is because he has a run game, “that would be valid.”
Polian also noted Jameis has a tendency to lock in on one receiver and rely on him too much.
What must Jameis need do to turn the corner? Recognize defenses better and react quicker, Polian said. And of course cut down on the turnovers.
Polian thought that as the season progressed last year, Jameis’ arrow was pointing up. However, with the expected suspension, Polian would be in no hurry to sign Jameis to a second contract.
June 26th, 2018 at 7:41 am
Do I have to say this again?
Give Jameis a running game and an average defense and he will win a Championship for Tampa.
June 26th, 2018 at 7:44 am
I agree with him completely.
June 26th, 2018 at 7:50 am
Yep, the defense and the run game made Winston allegedly sexually Assault a female Uber driver
June 26th, 2018 at 7:53 am
BrianBucs – wrong take on the wrong article. I think this article is about the poor run game and atrocious defenses of the JW era. And it is spot on, whereas you, you’re just piling on.
June 26th, 2018 at 7:56 am
It was Bucs fans who were assaulted watching that garbage pass defense.
June 26th, 2018 at 8:02 am
Why is Joe listening to what a guy that claims he and his team had a “solid 1st round pick grade” on Brady but didn’t draft him cause they had a QB not even as a backup 😂😂.
Maybe it’s age but Polian has always been all over the place and no one should rally trust what he has to say.
June 26th, 2018 at 8:05 am
With all do respect Mr. Polian…
Jamies numbers to start his career imo suggest he’s better than mediocre…I see as above average at worst with the talent to be great…He’s still very young and the turnovers and the lack of wins I’m pretty sure weighed heavily into Mr. Polians assessment. I still believe in Winston; Imo, since he’s been in Tampa he’s been a model citizen with the exception of this last Uber incident…Hopefully this if the wake up call he needed as far as choosing better friends is concerned. My grandfather once told me after I got in trouble for doing something stupid “you’re as grown as you’re gonna get, at some point you just gotta start acting like it”.
The irony of this season is the 2 things this team has lacked since Jameis has been here (a consistent run game and defense) are the 2 things that are gonna have to hold things down until Jameis returns (assuming he does get suspended).
June 26th, 2018 at 8:13 am
What if we do this separate the stupidity from off the field to the stupidity on the field regardless of the reason “why” they transpired at the end of the day it’s just stupid. Stupid people are born every day he just happens to be one of them…. hopefully he takes his time off to wash away all the foolishness that has surrounded him and decides to be a man. Would be nice for his son to have a father who is a man
June 26th, 2018 at 8:13 am
I remember back when Mr. Polian was being discredited on this site because he was highly in favor of the Bucs picking Mariotta over Winston in the draft. He said that Winston had way too many red flags and would be a turnover machine in the NFL. Now he thinks he is just “mediocre “. So far he is 100% correct on all fronts
June 26th, 2018 at 8:13 am
“America’s QB” my a$$.
June 26th, 2018 at 8:14 am
Agree with him 100% and seems polian taking a shot at jameis and licht, comparing both to the Titans and how they have been built compared to the bucs process, titans grab derek henry the bucs take a kicker, closer compare would be bortles & the jags, team built w defense & run game and to this point jameis has made more head scratching moments than ones you think he may be the guy to lead tampa to a top level
June 26th, 2018 at 8:18 am
So sick of reading all this, and wishing the season was already underway. Tampa will be just fine w/o Jameis for 3 games, and hopefully he returns and Balls the rest of the season.
Go Bucs !
June 26th, 2018 at 8:21 am
Let’s just set aside for a moment the stupidity off the field and the stupidity on it regardless of the reason it’s just stupid. Stupid people are born every day he just happens to be one of them. Hopefully he takes the unpaid vacation he will be given to learn to be a man, the best thing that could happen for his future son that his father becomes a man. He is a gifted athlete maybe the guy just needs a mentor…
June 26th, 2018 at 8:43 am
So with a solid running game….all star lineup of receivers….AND a solid defense, Winston will go from a mediocre QB to a good QB who’s still too much of a risk off the field to sign to a long term deal……Sounds like we nailed it with our #1 pick.
June 26th, 2018 at 8:46 am
I agree with the point that he was trying to make. I agree Winston will be much better if we had a running game and a good defense. But the Mariota comparison is off base. He never mentioned the fact that Winston has star talent everywhere at receiver and tight end while Mariota has perhaps the worst receiving corps in the NFL. If you want to hold your breath until Mariota get suspended one game or more for behavior on or off the field good luck!
June 26th, 2018 at 8:51 am
Polian is exactly the TYPE of guy the Bucs need as head of football operations. Been there, done that guy.
June 26th, 2018 at 9:01 am
Mediocre football players but Allstar groper!
June 26th, 2018 at 9:01 am
Mediocre…any questions?
June 26th, 2018 at 9:05 am
Eric he is a below mediocre groper, if he was elite this would never happen
June 26th, 2018 at 9:13 am
Um Mariota had an of calling plays from the 80s with offset fullbacks and three tight end sets. If he had dj Evans and Godwin and brate and howard…. look out
June 26th, 2018 at 9:13 am
Lol he has proved He is a mediocre quarterback and I agree with polian. Green Bay does not have the receivers we do but Aaron Rodgers gets them more wins than they deserve. I remember us playing them last year with a hundred yard rusher and still losing. Yeah people blamed the defense because of the run defense in overtime but who threw that boneheaded pick 6 to a freaking defensive lineman? Mediocre best described what you want to call America’s quarterback. Don’t twist his words to make it seem like that’s why he was mediocre.
He’s becoming the gmc of the offense all talk no results only he has óne pro bowl to go along with his big mouth
June 26th, 2018 at 9:18 am
How nice is it to see a published opinion of an intelligent, well respected, analyst?
I agree completely with polian. Everything he said was 💯.
June 26th, 2018 at 10:14 am
Rimshot to Dusthy! 🙂
June 26th, 2018 at 10:22 am
“He’s just a mediocre quarterback at this stage.” Pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell!
June 26th, 2018 at 10:31 am
“turnovers and the lack of wins I’m pretty sure weighed heavily into Mr. Polians assessment.” One can only hope so, because it sure should!
June 26th, 2018 at 11:20 am
Well we added a 3rd down back…..
June 26th, 2018 at 11:36 am
Pretty accurate assessment.
June 26th, 2018 at 11:40 am
Polian stating “I think they will do pretty well” then “I think they will do OK” sounds like a bit of a on second thought backtrack.
June 26th, 2018 at 11:55 am
This hot mess is what happens when you draft an immature turnover machine and then draft and pick FAs to supposedly give this idiot weapons. Licht and Koetter should both be Dead man walking and JW, when all is said and done will make Freeman look like Montana. Start the new GM search now!
June 26th, 2018 at 11:59 am
The same pourous defense also gave Jameis enough opportunities to score 14 extra points a game. 13 INT’s and 13 fumbles recovered. Jameis needs to take
better advantage the extra chances the defense gives him.
June 26th, 2018 at 12:08 pm
sorry looking over the chart again Defense scored 3 touchdowns on those turnovers so that boils
down to a little more than 12 points a game.
June 26th, 2018 at 1:34 pm
” America’s Mediocre QB ”
My Momma has observed Jameis locking in on his receivers the entire time he’s been with the Buc’s. She says her grandson, who was a top high school quarterback in the state of Florida a couple years ago( Nike Elite 11 ) could go through his progressions and not lock in on a receiver and manipulate the safety with his eyes. She’s always thought it was strange that NFL quarterback couldnt do that. That’s why she says Jameis inability to manipulate the DB’s has led to the untimely picks, and that you can’t always blame it on the offensive line for not giving him enough time, or poor play calling, because the plays are there to be made. She thinks the Polian is spot-on in his observations.
My Momma thinks Joe should give up on his blind obsession with ” America’s Mediocre QB”.
June 26th, 2018 at 3:44 pm
Don’t forget Mariota had the benefit of playing in one of, if not the weakest division in the league. Two 4-12 teams included last year.
June 26th, 2018 at 4:41 pm
But look at the defense in the division.
My Momma,
Your momma is dead on. If you look at the scouting report on JW, college, it’s the exact same negatives as today. A 3yr vet should improve……..He’s 24………have to mention that fact. Why because at 25 that excuse expires.
June 26th, 2018 at 5:31 pm
Fumbles ,ints and being inaccurate kill Winston! There’s plenty of years Aaron Rodgers Peyton Manning and several others including Russell Wilson Wilson had a sucky defenses and no Run game and still put their team on their back and carry them to the playoffs or a winning season they shouldn’t be JoeBucsFan it should be Jameis Winston excuses. Com
June 26th, 2018 at 7:37 pm
Yeah, I looked at the Titans’ defensive ranks. 13th in yards and 17th in points allowed. Not bad but not great either. Contrast that with Texans’ and Colts’ 32th and 30th in points allowed respectively. A bit easier to clinch a playoff berth when competition in your division are struggling. Not to mention the fact that Luck was unavailable the whole year and Watson was out most. These factors helped Mariota and the Titans clinch despite him going throwing 13 tds and 15 ints. I’m not dissing MM. I actually preferred him over Winston pre 2015 draft. I’m only saying Mariota’s success can be a bit inflated compared to Winston’s when looking at the divisional strength and competition.
June 26th, 2018 at 8:47 pm
‘BrianBucs Says:
June 26th, 2018 at 7:50 am
Yep, the defense and the run game made Winston allegedly sexually Assault a female Uber driver’
lol. Nice one.
June 26th, 2018 at 11:53 pm
I think the Titans hit a perfect storm last year because of the division and injuries as you mention. MM had a bad year no question but when the Bucs have been the beneficiary of injuries to the starting QB they haven’t been able to take advantage of it. MM and the Titans benefited from the division because they won . I don’t believe the Bucs would have capitalized on the division if they were to swap.
BTW, I would have divorced the Bucs on the spot if they had selected MM. I’m not a fan of MM but I find the JW is God and MM is a sh+t salad narrative puts me on his side often. I really never expected that JW and MM would be so freaking close to each other stats wise considering how different from one another they are.
Point is JW was far and away the most pro ready yet it ain’t so 3yrs later.
June 27th, 2018 at 1:33 am
Well, we haven’t seen season ending injuries to Ryan and Brees in the same season but it’s true when competition was weaker and when our divisional opponents faced injuries to their starting QB, we didn’t fully take advantage of it in 2015-16, considering the Bucs have yet to display a competent defense and respectable running game as the Titans did(though that can change this year), so I agree on the ‘swap’ theory hypothetically speaking. And when it comes to Jameis, I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s defining himself to be another Eli Manning until he proves himself otherwise. He at this stage is not capable of carrying a team with little help. He will commit his share of turnovers but can at times deliver in the clutch. But unlike Eli, he struggles with the deep ball and can be too emotional at times, also negatives. Desperately requires at least an average defense and running game for him to win consistently despite all of his dangerous targets to throw to. So I see your point on Jameis.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:50 am
Jameis is the best QB the Bucs have ever had. They (QBs) don’t grow on trees. His stats speak for themselves. If he was not injured he probably would of had 3 – 4000 yard seasons. Name me another QB that had that in his first 3 seasons. He’s had bad defense’s and no run game. His last game showed his potential. Can you imagine if the super bowl Bucs had Jameis.
June 27th, 2018 at 7:49 pm
Jameis is not the best Buc’s QB, that would be Brad Johnson, the guy that won us a Super Bowl. I dont give a crap if he throws 6k garbage time yards… if you can’t hit open wide receivers for a TD and give the ball to the opposing team 19 times in one year, your mediocre at best, a detriment to your team at worse.