Darby Did In Jameis
June 22nd, 2018
Doomed America.
Joe had heard a lot of things regarding the NFL’s investigation into America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, and his hassle with an Uber driver.
It is why Joe was lukewarm about Jameis skating on a suspension.
Mere hours after it was reported last year that the Uber driver claimed Jameis grabbed her inappropriately, former college teammate of Jameis, the notorious Ronald Darby, claimed to have been a passenger in the same ride. He boastfully proclaimed Jameis innocent.
At the time, that appeared to be Jameis’ get-out-of-Roger-Goodell’s-jail card. As it turned out, Darby sunk Jameis.
Per Mike Garafolo of the NFL Network, Darby was not in the ride for the full trip from the pick-up point to Jameis’ destination. NFL goons, Garafolo said, used forensic evidence, likely tracking data on cell phones.
So not only does history show that Darby isn’t a good friend in that wherever he is, trouble follows, but Darby isn’t even a good witness.
You can watch Garafolo’s report below.
A few notes on Jameis Winston’s situation, following up on reports from ESPN Tallahassee and ESPN. One thing to highlight: Ronald Darby’s backing Winston ultimately didn’t hold water because he wasn’t in the car the whole time, the NFL’s investigation found. pic.twitter.com/hd0wAsfSpS
— Mike Garafolo (@MikeGarafolo) June 21, 2018
June 22nd, 2018 at 2:03 am
So instead of being mad at Jameis for being involved in this bull crap in the first place, instead we should be angry with Darby for trying to give Jameis an alibi. Sorry, I can’t see the logic in that. He betrayed our trust and this season is so important. He should stop thinking about how much money he could lose and appeal the suspension. Kick the can down the road and find a way to play the beginning of the season. An appeal could go well past the first 3 games, and this would give us an ideal where we are at. Don’t appeal until the last possible moment, preferably after training camp.
June 22nd, 2018 at 2:44 am
Didn’t Ezekiel Elliot prolong his suspension actually taking effect? Couldn’t Winston go down the same road in prolonging it or no?
June 22nd, 2018 at 4:29 am
Here’s an idea: Winston ASKED Darby to lie for him bc he knew he was guilty of the accusation. I for one and done defending Jameis.
June 22nd, 2018 at 5:15 am
Fake news….Jameis did in Jameis
June 22nd, 2018 at 5:21 am
Again..Darby is a devout Christian. So Darby got in the car 2nd, immediately after jameis?? The haters are reaching. Don’t worry its painfully apparent
June 22nd, 2018 at 5:23 am
Jameis was too respectful. You call accusers fat and ugly, like, trump..
June 22nd, 2018 at 5:24 am
Sitting in the airport in Iceland awaiting my flight home, just got the news… the enabler’s have used their last card defending Jameis’ unique behaviors on and off the field…. what a slow motion train wreck Jameis is … well there certainly is no shortage of conversation topics
June 22nd, 2018 at 6:09 am
It doesn’t matter how long Darby was in the car, which he was in the car so it’s not a lie . Only thing that matters is was he was in the car while they were in the drive thru. If he was then his testimony is still valid.
June 22nd, 2018 at 6:14 am
The 6 game suspension down to 3 with conditions is very telling!!!!!!!
JW3 did in JW3 (and will sink others)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 22nd, 2018 at 6:21 am
coincidence being jameis’ protector and his alibi witness in 2 different assault cases, is darby being suspended also for lying? this is not good, and i do not think it’s going away soon even after the suspension no matter what the length of it is, and there has been talk of even more games he could sit, could be as much as six how many more jounalist’s in the bay area are going to call for winston’s dismissal
June 22nd, 2018 at 6:35 am
But the driver Jameis was the ONLY person that she picked up! So again if everyone wants to be like Tom Jones and run Jameis out of town fine. The Steelers didn’t run Big Ben out of town & he clearly had issues with women early in his career. Now he is a “model citizen”. Everyone stands behind him and supports him. Jameis’s biggest mistake is being drafted by a bad team so no super bowl equals no support. If Jameis was a serial grouper wouldn’t there be whispers in Tampa or is he only a groper every once in a while. Other than an auto accident recently Jameis has been a model citizen. Oh excuse Ton Jones called Jameis’s speech to children ” an incident”. That was PATHETIC on his part.
June 22nd, 2018 at 6:46 am
What is a fact is the uber driver said Jameis was in the car alone from start to finish. If everyone wants to run Jameis out of town line Tom Jones does than that’s fine. The Steelers didn’t run Big Ben out of town and he clearly had issues that were Proven. The Steelers supported Big Ben and now I guess he is a “model citizen”. If Jameis had been drafted by a good team and been in the playoffs I’m sure would get the support that the Steelers gave Ben. That’s a shame that Super Bowls equal support! Tom Jones had Jameis’s speech to kids as an “incident”, that is outrageous! U would think if Jameis was a “bad guy” that whispers to that fact would have occurred in this community. It’s been the opposite, he has done nothing in the community to NOT GET SUPPORT from the Bucs &a the fans. I believe sometimes accusers get more than the benefit of the doubt but either way I hope Jameis stays here and has much success!!
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:02 am
Seriously Joe? You’re blaming Darby?
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:13 am
Phuck Tom Jones!!!! Dude can’t even keep a gig at a crappy radio station without getting run! Everyone remember this is the same “journalist” that wanted the Bucs to give $100 million to Freeman. Enough said.
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:14 am
This is not good at all
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:15 am
Wasn’t this the biggest concern of BUCS Fans on Draft Day?
For Me, Mariota and Winston were a coin toss talent wise, but Jameis’ looming character issue rearing its ugly head always put Mariota ahead in my mind. Sure hind sight is 20/20, but Hopefully first pick in the draft doesn’t occur frequently in your organization, and when it does, you better be right AND safe. Never understood why take a chance on Jameis when a seemingly equal talent was available. Because *now* could always happen.
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:18 am
Let’s stop with americas quarterback comment
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves still doing that. You stopped calling winning coach koetter after he had losing record.
He lied about comments in groping incident on woman’s
Shame on you guys
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:18 am
Darby should face a suspension of his own for intentionally and willfully misrepresenting facts. Jaboo is toast.
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:26 am
Given the information, and if, said information is fact, who would throw a long-term contract worth 100 million+ at Winston?
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:41 am
“Given the information, and if, said information is fact, who would throw a long-term contract worth 100 million+ at Winston?”
Nobody and it should also be based on his not getting any better in 3 years and his win-loss record.
June 22nd, 2018 at 7:45 am
“Wasn’t this the biggest concern of BUCS Fans on Draft Day?
For Me, Mariota and Winston were a coin toss talent wise, but Jameis’ looming character issue rearing its ugly head always put Mariota ahead in my mind. Sure hind sight is 20/20, but Hopefully first pick in the draft doesn’t occur frequently in your organization, and when it does, you better be right AND safe. Never understood why take a chance on Jameis when a seemingly equal talent was available. Because *now* could always happen.”
Except that Mariota hasn’t turned the NFL on fire, injured and regressed last year. I know he went to the playoffs, but he did that in the only division he could have done that. And “he won” a playoff game. Or did alex Smith “lose it”. But the point on character is well taken.
June 22nd, 2018 at 8:02 am
THIS is why, regardless of talent, you ALWAY go with character. Tony Dungy had it right, when he was coaching us.
June 22nd, 2018 at 8:06 am
Winston was never going to be cut for what he was accused of…..that’s just reality. But the dude has created a dynamic now that makes it tough to manage, not impossible but tough…..If you’re the owners, management, coaches….how much more do you stick your neck out for this guy? One more female comes forward and its a cat 5 crap storm.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I’ve worked with NFL players….i’ve had clients that were with the Bucs. I’ve dealt with situations like this behind the scenes…dealt with the players public relations reps, agents, etc. I can tell you with certainty that 10 yrs ago players knew the first thing you do is report any potential negative press to the team….The team has the resources and contacts to make these situations go away. My first thought on this was….why didnt he report it?…That was red flag #1. Then when the gal simply reported him to Uber and has made no effort to make it a legal matter…..That’s red flag #2. She doesn’t want to deal with public shaming over improper touching. Red flag #3 was Winston refusing to cooperate…..if you’re innocent, you clear your name or at least find out what the allegations are. I had a player that had a gal say she was going to go to the press with dirt on him, but the player was innocent. We reported it to the Bucs, with proof validating his story and the Bucs communicated to the local media what was going on….Nobody would even entertain her story.
Winston is your franchise player….the Cowboys went to bat publicly for Elliot….Patriots the same for Brady. The Bucs……crickets chirping. Winston can recover from this….make the playoffs and all is forgiven but he has done some real damage. One report says for a second offense…basically if any other chick comes forward…he faces a full season suspension. That’s not failure to report folks….that’s quit being a turd of a human or you can forget having a career in the NFL.
June 22nd, 2018 at 8:24 am
If it’s not Darby’s fault then surely it’s because of
Doug Martin
The defense
The o line for not protecting him in a vehicle
Buc secondary coaches cant develop a corner
No pass rush
No kicking game.
Any of those will suffice but under no circumstances do we actually blame the POS who did this crap in the first place
Americas Uber passenger!
Tampa’s failure!!
June 22nd, 2018 at 8:26 am
Two points I don’t know what America you live in but Jamis is by no means America’s quarterback in my world. Secondly who cares if he went to the pro bowl he only went because almost every other NFC QB couldn’t
June 22nd, 2018 at 8:27 am
Jameis did in Tampa!
June 22nd, 2018 at 8:32 am
Darby didn’t do in Jameis…..Jameis did in Jameis…….Jameis could have disclosed that Darby wasn’t in the vehicle the entire time…..
Stop the “America’s QB” Joe….you are putting him on a pedestal where he doesn’t belong.
June 22nd, 2018 at 8:42 am
Joe quit defending Jameis and placing the blame on other people. That’s liberal propaganda.
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:02 am
Jameis sunk Jameis
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:08 am
Of course she’s going to claim this while no one was else was in the car.
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:08 am
If this is true, and Jamies is a scum bag I will be crushed. I won’t be able to trust this team ever again.
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:10 am
Tom Brady is the America’s Quarterback. Some people might say, “Kiss the rings beotch!”
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:21 am
Funny On Draft day I was like should we take josh Rosen?
Doesn’t seems like such a crazy idea now does it?
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:30 am
I dont know how anybody could trust winston again or give him the benifit of doubt after this latest escapade
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:30 am
Please Alaska…you think after they checked Darby’s story and phone, they didn’t sit down with him and tell him what they had and if he didn’t tell the truth, he was going down for covering for Jameis? And you can bet that at that point in time, he confessed. The stuff about in the car in the drive thru or not is pretty ridiculous. They cornered him…he rolled…assuming the story is accurate.
And likely Jameis put his buddy up to it. It wasn’t as if they didn’t have time to talk about it and I think it likely that Darby agreed to put that out there. They couldn’t figure out the phone location would nail them? Well, that doesn’t say too much for their thought process, does it.
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:30 am
From the very time this story originally broke, I thought it was odd that he didn’t try and defend himself.
If someone threatened my livelihood, and was going to defame my character, and I didn’t do anything, I would have been defending myself from the get go…JW Didn’t.
Now he’s not going to appeal? Why is that?
One answer : GUILTY AF
The Bucs have really got to get their front office in order, and start using some common sense when vetting these players. It’s not like JW wasn’t covered in red flags..yet we draft him anyway. He’s not even that talented..they just believed the hype and ignored the obvious.
We’ll get to see what kind of coaching staff we have now…Do they ball up their fist and fight, or curl up in the fetal position and cry?
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:34 am
One trick…that is a good point. Jameis didn’t tell the organization, which he should have so they could have done some legwork. There was a lie, a fake story put out there to give him an alibi, by an untrustworthy good buddy. I wouldn’t say we couldn’t trust him ever again, or any organization couldn’t trust him. But he is on very thin ice at best.
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:35 am
Anybody catch”America’s Game” last night on NFLN?, Man what great memories! And of course during the show, scrolling across the bottom of the screen “JW three game suspension..groping..etc..etc. Oh the Irony!
Tony Dungy for President of Football operations
Derick Brooks for GM
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:36 am
June 22nd, 2018 at 9:51 am
I like how the majority of people are quickly turning their backs on Jameis when #1 there is no evidence that Jameis did anything wrong. Because he didn’t report it? Hogwash. If i am not mistaken the voice mail said ” You or someone in your party did something inappropriate” why would you report something that vague # 2 Now we are going to criticize Darby for lying? last i checked Darby said he was in the car, he didn’t say he was in the car the whole ride. He said he said there were 3 people in the car. he wasn’t lying and as long as he was there during the incident. This reeks of the NFL putting out info to cover their ass because the know mindless sheep believe what they are told despite whether it’s true or not. #3 From the original report : Kate said he was the only passenger. “I started driving, and right away, Jameis behaved poorly” by shouting, in part, homophobic slurs at pedestrians, said Kate, who did not want to be identified by her full name….cased closed. It has been confirmed that Darby was in the car but everyone is ignoring the fact that she herself said lied. Joe can write a piece about Darby but not one time mention that the uber driver lied….Hmmmmmm
June 22nd, 2018 at 10:41 am
@ Buc_The_World Says: I like how the majority of people are quickly turning their backs on Jameis when #1 there is no evidence that Jameis did anything wrong. Because he didn’t report it? Hogwash.
Have you ever heard the expression: Judge a man by his past.
Jamesis college days are far from innocent.
June 22nd, 2018 at 10:43 am
yeah enough of the excuses…..Winston did this to himself……
the only way fans forgive him is if he takes us to the playoffs and wins round 1…..
June 22nd, 2018 at 10:44 am
Nothing to see here. Take the 3 games and put it behind you. Jameis is still probably the Best option for the Bucs. Fitz should be in good shape to start the season. He’s good under pressure and has one helluva supporting cast. He may ge the Bucs to 3-0 and take Jameis’ job. The team will be fine. 20’s kids do dumb things at times. The last thing you want to do is pull the plug on Jameis. Now is the time to give him an extension and save millions because of this.
June 22nd, 2018 at 10:46 am
would you accept any kind of punishment if you were innocent, newly engaged, with a child on the way and a 100million dollar contract staring at you in the face…..hell nawl….
if you were innocent, you would fight to clear your name and would not accept any kind of punishment….
June 22nd, 2018 at 10:47 am
Don’t forget…there is still the third guy…Mr. Mystery! He can save the day if ONLY he will be named and come forward. The ultra-honest Jameis is so wholesome he’ll sacrifice a $110M contract for the future to get Mr. Mystery off a sex offender charge. So we need Mr. Mystery to stop this nonsense and fess up. Not.
Darby aside, pretty likely so far the third guy doesn’t exist, and while I don’t know, it points to Jameis perhaps couldn’t keep his hands to himself. That part can be mended a la Big Ben style. The issue for JW’s future is if he lied to his team (especially the owners) all this time after the incredible risk and trust they placed in him. THAT is where the future lies…the answer to that question. And no one, certainly not Tom Jones, knows the answer to that.
As for Tom Jones..always a skunk. Always a dirtbag. Way to early to call anything.
June 22nd, 2018 at 10:49 am
All that matters is whether Jameis actually assaulted the woman or not.
The rest is irrelevant and misguided.
He either did it or he didn’t. Period.
If he did, he permanently lost one of his biggest fans in myself.
If he didn’t but knows who did – then he should have stood up for the person assaulted and not the assaulter.
If nothing truly happened (which, unfortunately, is the unlikeliest scenario), then its time to come out from behind the lawyers and PR people and tell the world what actually transpired.
Jameis is either guilty or getting very bad advice. Time to man up, Jaboo.
June 22nd, 2018 at 11:33 am
If Jameis really did this f— him. Eject his a– now. Tank season and get first pick in the draft. Shoulda taken Mariota. Jameis is a cancer.
June 22nd, 2018 at 12:30 pm
Well I explained this yesterday…
When you share an uber, someone is going to be dropped off first and someone will be dropped off last- usually the person who called the Uber (Jameis).
So it makes total sense that Darby would not be in the car the entire time.
This also means we have no idea when the driver made the allegation, AKA if other people were still in the car or it was just Jameis at that point. Given his past history, no one will give Jameis the benefit of the doubt. Can’t really say I blame them either, though I never want to say someone is guilty before they’ve had their fair trial.
This really sucks for the other players, the coaching staff, this entire franchise and our fanbase.
June 22nd, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Tony LA Says:
June 22nd, 2018 at 10:49 am
All that matters is whether Jameis actually assaulted the woman or not.
The rest is irrelevant and misguided.
He either did it or he didn’t. Period.
Agreed 100% Tony.
June 22nd, 2018 at 1:06 pm
Mark you are assuming an awful lot in your statement. Basically the whole post useless.
For those who think Jameis has failed himself, put the pipe down. You are losing your memory if you forgot once this event public Jameis immediately denied any wrong doing.
Also since we are all in assume mode….
Maybe Jameis didn’t say anything because he was foolishly hoping it would go away since he did nothing wrong. Why bring that investigation on yourself and have your girl wondering if you did something or not.
I blame Jameis for being irresponsible and not reporting, but i don’t think for a second he is guilty of assault. I will support this man until evidence shows otherwise.
June 22nd, 2018 at 1:52 pm
Winston is totally innocent. He’s been framed his whole life. Some of you should be ashamed. Women throw themselves at him all the time. You don’t know what it’s like to be a real man and football player. He’s deserves another benefit of the doubt. You are all haters.