A Hidden Influence
June 27th, 2018
Can Mickey help Jameis?
One reason the NFL has taken over seven months to render a decision on America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, and his hassle with an Uber driver is negotiations.
Mike Florio, the creator, curator and overall guru of ProFootballTalk.com noted last week that he senses the NFL and Jameis’ camp are brokering a deal whereby Jameis serves three games, so long as Jameis meets predetermined criteria. No one yet knows how long the suspension will be or what those stipulations may be.
Joe thinks it is fair to assume the NFL is also negotiating with the alleged victim to assess what her people will accept as a fair penance. Others in the mix are the Bucs and, of course, the NFLPA.
Joe believes there may be a hidden party the NFL is also talking turkey with. And one only needs to follow the (substantial) money to know who and why.
That secret party could be Disney.
Why Disney? You see, Disney owns BSPN. And if Jameis is slapped with a three-game suspension, the third and final game of his suspension would be served when the Bucs host the Steelers. That game just happens to be a Monday night game. And who broadcasts Monday Night Football? You guessed it. BSPN.
Mind you, BSPN (Disney) coughs up $1.9 billion annually to the NFL — that’s not a typo — for Monday Night Football broadcast rights. That’s a serious piece of change.
You can just imagine the suits at BSPN (and Disney) really sweating this out, and they likely are in the ear of NFL strongman Roger Goodell.
While the Bucs stink and are not a marquee team, that is not to say there is no interest in the Bucs. And one Bucs player is a virtual household name: Jameis.
One thing Jameis has done well dating all the way back to his Florida State days is play the part of a wrestling heel. And that is beautiful for sports on TV: a good guy and a bad guy. The squeaky clean Steelers against the (perceived) monster that is Jameis Winston and the Buccaneers. It’s a TV script made in heaven.
Good vs. (perceived) evil.
Sort of like a throwback to the NFL’s glory years when the Steelers played the evil, dirty Raiders or when Joe Montana and the 49ers faced the hated Cowboys.
Joe can just hear the BSPN suits screaming at Goodell. “How the hell are we supposed to sell this friggin’ game without Jameis? It’s Ben Roethlisberger and the Steelers against who? Do you know how much we’re paying you each year?”
And if somehow, someway Jameis only gets a two-game suspension, guess who will make his season debut against the Steelers in Week 3 on Monday Night Football?
You guessed it. Jameis.
Man, how BSPN would hype that game.
Now Joe may be a bit too cynical here. Clearly the NFL would never acknowledge that a player suspension for an alleged heinous act could or would be lessened due to the influence of a broadcast partner. But we are talking about the cold reality of corporate backroom politics where money does the talking. And more than $100 million per game is a whole lot of chatter.
If Jameis only gets a two-game suspension, it’s hard for Joe to imagine someone at NFL headquarters didn’t receive a spirited phone call from a Disney heavy-hitter reminding the NFL who helps pay the bills.
After all, the NFL doesn’t want to p!ss off BSPN (Disney) so badly they won’t bid on another TV package when the current contract expires after the 2021 season.
Dropping $1.9 billion on an outfit each year can buy someone a boatload of influence.
Yeah, the NFL is paranoid about its image. It doesn’t want The Shield damaged.
But what the NFL cares about above all else is revenue.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:05 am
I thought about this exact issue when talk of three games first started. The only issue I have with this article is I would hardly call the Steelers squeaky clean in recent years. They’ve had their QB accused of sexual assault and multiple PED/illicit drug suspensions.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:07 am
Joe, you’re losing it. Your imagination is running wild. What the hell are you drinking this early in the morning??
Oh, and STOP with the “America’s” crap. You’re getting laughed at…even by your own readers.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:08 am
“Now Joe may be a bit too cynical here” yep
June 27th, 2018 at 8:09 am
Justice is Bind…
June 27th, 2018 at 8:10 am
Hope this does happen better yet make it 1 game with loss of pay for 2-3 games but he only has to sit out 1 game seems fair to me considering it’s all gear say An he technically didn’t report so he will be suspended works for everyone. Stand behind My QB#3
June 27th, 2018 at 8:10 am
Follow the money! ! !
June 27th, 2018 at 8:15 am
So the NFL has to broker all these deals to clean up the mess Jameis created…..and they owe him a speedy process? And he’s innocent?….Folks are delusional. The Bucs and NFL have him by the bxlls and i dont know if that’s a great situation for Winston. He already presses and attempts to do to much.
That being said, i live what Ira said, Fitzpatrick is serviceable and this team is pretty stacked. Fitzpatrick is really about even with Blake Bortles and the Jaguars went pretty far. Personally i would love to see this team excel without Winston so when he does come back he understands they dont need him to play hero, he just needs to not give games away.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:16 am
Since when did Ben Rapistburger become squeaky clean?
June 27th, 2018 at 8:17 am
Cynical, Joe?
June 27th, 2018 at 8:18 am
Wow, now that’s a reach for a story but an interesting point nonetheless. To say a significant amount of people will tune out because Fitz is behind center instead of JW is, well, out there.
And I think Joe is just using America’s QB to pick at those who are picking at him. Still, in light of the accusations, I think its time to put that moniker back in the barn. It’s just wrong.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:19 am
Since when is Big Ben squeaky clean? Last I checked dude had not one but two more serious accusations.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:19 am
ESPN has to set it’s schedule long before the season starts….it has some hits and some misses…..Sept 24th will be outside the ratings period….not that that’s a huge factor but it matters…..I don’t think the NFL would risk cutting the suspension over this issue and being accused of manipulation.
I suspect 3rd party negotiations (Driver) may be in play….or, they may want to bury this during the holiday week…..it is a black eye to the NFL also.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:20 am
This could be the dumbest thing ever written on JBF!!!!!!!
Conspiracy theory involving Disney?? Too cynical??
Lighten up on the hallucinogens Joe.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:23 am
If, the part about the NFL negotiating the deal with the driver, her attorney, her silence, and last but all least, her payout, the NFL has just become a scumbag. If you are correct and Disney is part of the cover-up, I hope someone pulls the curtain back on Disney and the company crumbles.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:26 am
I think you should change the name from America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston to America’s crotch grabber, Quarterback, Jameis Winston,,
June 27th, 2018 at 8:26 am
See, I look at this from another angle. Why would the NFL want Winston back for a National game? I would think they would want less fanfare and discussion, perhaps the following week for smaller market Bucs-Bears 1:00 game.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:32 am
@Joe … “Joe believes there may be a hidden party the NFL is also talking turkey with. And one only needs to follow the (substantial) money to know who and why.
That secret party could be Disney.”
Is this what we’ve evolved to now … conspiracy theories? I agree with Walter Seidel Joe … “you’re losing it. Your imagination is running wild.”
June 27th, 2018 at 8:34 am
Winston may move the needle on little JBF but he does not move the TV needle. If he did, we would be slotted for more THR night games. How many 5 win QBs move the needle? If he is moving the needle now, its only due to the fact they AMericans love to watch a train wreck while it happens.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:35 am
My error…I meant to say 3 win QBs. Fitz had 2
June 27th, 2018 at 8:36 am
And passthecrack should stop with the reflexive nonsense..lol!! Trump supporter, right?? Is he “the best man ever”?? Lol rhetorical
June 27th, 2018 at 8:37 am
Cynical no
Ridiculous yes
But who doesn’t wish Joe is right?
Where the hell is the great mentor Derrick Brooks? He’s never been income this long and the media won’t talk to him or even mention his name at all and that seems suspicious. Isn’t he still working for the NFL
June 27th, 2018 at 8:38 am
And Disney has suffered MUCH LARGER p.r. nightmares, you child..crumbles??? HA!!! moushwitz, anyone??
June 27th, 2018 at 8:39 am
If the NFL has conditions, what might they be? They could want a Trumpian deal similar to what Cohen made with Stormy D where Jameis settles with the victim and her lawyer in return for her silence. When FSU settled the title 9 suit with EK for $950k, she only got $250k. So, you’re really settling with Clune.
It’s also possible that the league wants Winston to show some moral responsibility by admitting what he did and making a public mea culpa. Still if you think the NFL is interested in either (1) protecting itself financially or (2) taking the moral high ground and doing the “right thing,” I’d bet on worrying about the money every time.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:53 am
Squeaky clean? It’s a face off between sexual predators.
June 27th, 2018 at 8:55 am
If the NFL would have wrapped this up in two months, the “third rider” sitting in the front seat would have remained unknown, significantly impacting the case. Perhaps more facts will surface. Isn’t Ira calling for “details”? Takes time…
June 27th, 2018 at 8:56 am
Joe, you are giving waaaaaaay too much credit to Jameis bro. I realize you worship the ground he walks on and you like to call “America’s Turnover Machine” (Human ATM) something else, but really? Wonderboy could get hurt during preseason, or tripping on a rapist’s foot as he gets out of a Uber, I mean cab. (He is banned from Uber). I wouldn’t be surprised if the anointed one gets more than 6 games. I also wouldn’t be surprised if the Bucs do the right thing and cut him anyway once his suspension is confirmed. Play with who we have and let the chips fall where they may. The team is bound to rally around Fitz and the defense will presumably be improved after the non defense of last year. If we suck without Jameis and have to draft another quarterback, so be it. I’m moving on from what could have been a franchise quarterback but will now wind up just another 30 for 30 story. Go Bucs!
June 27th, 2018 at 9:01 am
Mentioning bucs franchise and tv ratings in same sentence is laughable. Even with jameis and including the underachieving years with dungy the clown bucs are always in the Bottom half of rankings. Small markey irrelevant franchise ran by morons.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:03 am
Instead of reading the daily comic strips, one can just come here for far more funny nonsense.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:04 am
Great joe let’s equate sexual assault to wrestling heels.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:07 am
Entirely possible the NFL makes this bad PR go away by giving Jameis the whole season off….that and dollars to donuts….heard it here first… Father Dungy will volunteer to mentor JW during his year off as well as NFL many other conditions for Jameis going through various counseling’s and treatment programs….personally I think in the long run this is exactly what Jameis needs as a person….he needs to step back and learn to take a longer term view of life
June 27th, 2018 at 9:08 am
Lets all just keep in mind when talking about a QB’s win/loss record that after 3 season played Jameis has a better winning % than either Half of Famers Troy Aiken and Warren Moon. That’s not even taking into account guys like Drew Brees who Jameis’s winning % is also better than, but that’s because Brees was not asked to play right away. You see this is why this is such a HUGE deal, this guy was slowly becoming a top 5 QB in this league regardless if you folks liked it or not. The numbers don’t lie and as soon as we had at least an average defense and a at least an average running game we were going to be set, but Jameis has probably destroyed all of that with his idiotic actions, cause trust is one of the hardest things to get back and no matter what the outcome of this is he has for sure lost trust from most if not all of us, including the people he works with everyday.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:17 am
Didn’t Ben Cheeseburger have a run in with some underage girls a few years back???
Oh yeah, that’s right, he’s been to three super bowls and won two…
Who cares, right?
June 27th, 2018 at 9:18 am
Soon it will be on to the article about the next talking head who has an opinion about this. Maybe we can get Ray Rice’s perspective.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:18 am
I had the same thought last week Joe…
June 27th, 2018 at 9:20 am
I think the other big money factor in this is the timing of all of this. You can’t tell me the NFL and it’s investigative team didn’t know the truth behind whatever Jameis did or did not do months ago. The intentionally sat on this until the slowest part of the NFL year when their TV ratings and interest wane the most. Now look at the media frenzy and national buzz it has created. Jameis probably didn’t even do anything wrong and that’s why it will be a three game or less suspension but they will fluff it up to be some big ordeal just to keep money rolling in during the slow season.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:21 am
A Hidden Flatulence….
June 27th, 2018 at 9:21 am
LightningBuc: Great comment. It made me realize I hadn’t looked at the daily comics in a long time. Too much humor reading the posts here.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:24 am
That is a reach. JW should be suspended for at least six games. He concocted a lie with Darby to mislead the NFL and the team. I don’t think they will do a two game suspension so Cleveland South will have their sexual deviant QB behind center that night.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:25 am
On another note, is their any talk of Darby being in hot water for lying?
June 27th, 2018 at 9:26 am
Hahaha….ESPN has the Steelers playing on Monday night, that is ratings gold. The steelers have fan clubs everywhere and they alone outnumber Bucs fans. Disney wants Pittsburgh in that game, for them the Bucs are the Washington Generals only. Disney sweating over JW? Hahahahahaha!
June 27th, 2018 at 9:27 am
And its just possible the NFL is continuing its investigation,in light of new reports coming out. They might be negotiating with Banks lawyer to question him.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:29 am
Kobe was crunching numbers last night in my moms basement
99% it will be 6 games
1% it will be 3 games
3 games will be too little in the minds of the national public
Kobe Faker
June 27th, 2018 at 9:30 am
They could bill it as the “Bill Cosby Bowl.”
June 27th, 2018 at 9:34 am
Entirely possible… until you read the NFL’s Personal Conduct Policy. Maximum sentence Jameis can get is six games.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:37 am
Please trade for Nick Foles
June 27th, 2018 at 9:38 am
i guessing then was written after a few too many.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:42 am
this has to be the stupidest thing i have read in some time. stopped reading after squeaky clean.
as many have said, this would be the sexual predator bowl.
the face of the NFL today………
and you wonder why people are tuning out. GOOD GOD MAN, im my best bones voice…….wake the f up!
June 27th, 2018 at 9:44 am
“Entirely possible… until you read the NFL’s Personal Conduct Policy. Maximum sentence Jameis can get is six games.”….games for violating the Personal Conduct Policy….if JW lied including all parts of the lie then perhaps it falls outside of the PCP…hey…we are all guessing…I just sense something heavier looming over the horizon…but thanks for reading my comments
June 27th, 2018 at 9:45 am
trade 2nd round pick next season for Nick Foles
June 27th, 2018 at 9:50 am
Nick Foles would light this town on FIRE !!!!
June 27th, 2018 at 9:50 am
I thought this article was about gmc bc of the picture. You trickster you.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:51 am
You never know, but money certainly does talk and Jameis is the face of the Bucs right now, so that could play a part in the decision. I wonder if the reason why it’s taken this long is that they are planning to drag out the investigation until after the Monday night game, then institute the suspension during the season. Now that would be some BS.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:53 am
3 games is actually because Disney/ESPN doesn’t want Jameis on MNF.
ESPN spearheaded the Jameis investigations at FSU. The goal is to end his career. Which he may deserve at this point.
Wake up, people.
June 27th, 2018 at 9:53 am
Still no official word from the NFL. That says it all.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:00 am
It’s amazing how many people still see Jameis as the victim here. If he steered clear of bad company, he wouldn’t be in this situation. Or any of the bad situations he’s been in. Long time Seminole and Bucs fan here. It’s time to move on from Jameis. He’s bad news.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:02 am
“Why Disney? You see, Disney owns BSPN. And if Jameis is slapped with a three-game suspension, the third and final game of his suspension would be served when the Bucs host the Steelers. That game just happens to be a Monday night game. And who broadcasts Monday Night Football? You guessed it. BSPN.” – Joe
Joe, that is such a good point!
And thank you for pointing out the obvious in the last Ira podcast. Even if Winston is guilty, is it really that big a deal? They could have been flirting and he reached over in that flirty way, but she rejected him and he backed off. It wasn’t assault, even if it happened…
…which I doubt it happened at all.
So, if the report comes out and says it is a suspension for failure to report the incident, does Winston get the benefit of the doubt from the fans?
And special thanks to the Sage (Ira), for calling out these so-called fans.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:11 am
They could have been flirting and he reached over in that flirty way, but she rejected him and he backed off.
I thought I was the only one. I thought men have to get prior approval now before making a pass. I wondered if he tried to kiss her and she rejected him, is that assault too?
Ultimately I think many just want to label him as an r-word bc well bc our society is fckd up.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:17 am
More like the alleged rap!st vs the alleged groper.
It’s funny how Big Ben was accused of much worse but that all just went away when he started winning. What’s the saying? “Winning cures all”…?
June 27th, 2018 at 10:18 am
Well I guess my posts are disappearing now like everyone else’s. Apparently we can’t disicss the subject of 95% of the articles on JBF.
Joe is responsible for everything written here, not anonymous commenters. Therefore, Joe must screen everything for accuracy, malice and a whole host of other things. –Joe
June 27th, 2018 at 10:38 am
Walter S, you plucked my comment from the ether, well done.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:44 am
It seems to have done wonders for JBF
June 27th, 2018 at 10:46 am
Initially, I thought this sounded ludicrous…until I gave it some thought, then it became one of those things that make you go hmm…
Big Ben v. Jameis is the #metoo crowd’s worst nightmare. Makes Hereditary look like Miracle on 34th Street.
The longer the NFL dithers on announcing the suspension, the more I think some behind the scenes things are going on anyway. If I were them I’d be annoyed by the info leak as well and would try to find the source.
June 27th, 2018 at 10:47 am
Wow Joe, squeaky clean Steelers? I guess you forgot Ben in the bathroom with the helpless drunk female that he wouldn’t let out until she made him happy? Are you kidding me? If Goodell had gotten his hands on that incident nothing squeaky clean about the Steelers surely Joe you remember that????????
June 27th, 2018 at 11:05 am
If BSPN/Disney are worried then they don’t watch ratings for any Bucs night games. They are next to the lowest. The only people watching are the fans of the 2 teams. Half of them turn it off. Jameis is not the national draw for football you wish he was.
June 27th, 2018 at 11:11 am
Go Mickey Mouse! Twist Goodells arm to allow Jameis back for MNF. Do that and I slovenly swear that I’ll never refer to something rinky dink as mickey mouse.
June 27th, 2018 at 11:47 am
Yes, wake up. Even after BSPN “spearheaded” investigations, guess what ACC team always found its games on primetime on BSPN? Florida State quarterbacked by youknowwho.
When the NHL can’t even buy time to get its highlights on BSPN, guess what college baseball team had its highlights on SportsCenter? Yup. Florida State, which had a closer and right fielder by the name of Jameis Winston. Even after BSPN “spearheaded” investigations. Shoot, even BSPN started broadcasting FSU baseball games after it “spearheaded” investigations.
If Jameis chased away as many eyeballs as people suggest, you think BSPN would never have devoted so much valuable airtime to him and his teams? But they did. Why? Eyeballs.
All after it “spearheaded” investigations.
June 27th, 2018 at 11:52 am
Yes, Joe wrote “Steelers” as in the organization. The NFL lifts the Rooney family up as the ultimate in a moral family business that the littles can look up to with pride and honor. The team is marketed that way the same way the NFL pushes the Packers and Giants as the league’s standard for family values.
June 27th, 2018 at 11:54 am
It is the NFL that sets the schedule.
June 27th, 2018 at 11:58 am
bonzai says: Even if Winston is guilty, is it really that big a deal?
I hope you don’t have a daughter talking like that….if so, I feel extremely sorry for her….
so yall think Disney and the nfl are in negotiation over a QB that has already had a previous sexually assault situation in college and is now in the mist of round 2….lol….
im a huge Winston fan but what has he won?…..what has he done in the league that would make Disney says Winston is must see…..I understand drama, but I doubt Disney is looking for that kind of drama…..
June 27th, 2018 at 12:18 pm
DB55 & bonzai
yall nuts….lol…..you can flirt with a woman without touching her….lol….its called game….maybe you old skool cats don’t know about that…..maybe that’s how they did it back in the 50’s & 60’s….you can most definitely flirt with a woman without groping her va jj….lol….
if a man leans over to kiss a woman and she rejects, cool….no contact was made…..
but if he literally reaches over with his hand and touches her between the legs and she rejects, your playing with fire….. normal folks may or may not have a problem but an NFL QB with a past history of this situation which includes the victim on a sexual assault documentary, your in big trouble…..
yall nuts talking bout flirting…..
June 27th, 2018 at 12:52 pm
“Buccaneer Bonzai aka Donald Trump”
Kobe Faker
June 27th, 2018 at 1:25 pm
The stuff Jameis is “accused” of is ugly. It’s power abusing. It speaks to a sick individual. The rape allegation was an allegation. The assault in the Uber was an allegation. Taken together with the other KNOWN mistakes it’s hard to write those off any more. I let him slide on the FSU biz and justified it as immaturity and money chasing. But with this new allegation and forthcoming suspension, arguing its bs is just being naive to make one’s self comfortable. Disney needs to NOT have two ALLEGED abusers playing in their Monday night games. You all already can see these headlines and story lines about privelged jocks behaving badly. That game, assuming Jameis were to be in it is worse for the NFL and Disney then NOT having Jameis in it. Having these two talented bozos who can’t behave around women leading their franchises is embarrassing to those of us who defend our love of football and point out he 95 pcnt of decent players who live with their fame and talent as genuine decent humans should. Disney and the NFL don’t need or want the publicity this game will focus on them. It’s embarrassing.
June 27th, 2018 at 1:26 pm
You know, I’m pissed at Jameis, I’m frustrated with the Bucs…but I don’t see them going 0-3. I just don’t. I feel Buckner will get the juice. Out of the DLine. I think Smith’s D scheme works with a better DLine. I think Fitz has fantastic talent to work with. If the O Line isn’t a shambles… Im concerned about the lack of consistency…and Fitz has time to make reads I see better than 0-3.you know what I’m scared of? What happens when Jameis returns and feels that pressure to make up for his transgressions? I’m worried Jameis goes 0-3 on his return. That scares me. His return psyche is gonna be a mighty wildcard. If he goes 0-3 or 1-5 after the bye throwing ints and fumbling while trying too hard… thats where we lose our season
June 27th, 2018 at 2:01 pm
If we had a really good DC, I’d feel much better.
Would like to be able to say that the D is gonna stand up and be accountable, but really not sure at this point. Common sentiment is that we brought in all these new players, so we will be much better. But no one really knows that yet. While I certainly hope so, I have been a Bucs fan too long to put the cart before the horse. Been there done that.
Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.
June 27th, 2018 at 2:21 pm
I think you’re reading way too much into it. If Disney got involved and made decisions with ESPN based on all NFL player’s behavior then they would have to address half the league. If they can decide or altar their schedule according to who they find reprehensible then that could effect future NFL TV contracts with ESPN. I don’t think Disney will be involved with the day to day operations of the NFL, and will try to change scheduling according to their publicly perceived moral high ground. J.M.O. of course ..but who knows?
June 27th, 2018 at 2:39 pm
“Tonight, on BSPN!, its Predator bowl! No Cheerleaders, and chicken wire around the stadium walls!”
With Viewer numbers already dropping, and Fans upset with rule changes, Anthem kneeling, and player(mis)behavior,
Do you really believe that family oriented Disney wants to be a part of the” alleged” Sexual assaulters bowl?
No. I think if Disney is involved- they are trying to get Jameis the 6 games suspension.
Its big picture vs little picture. They dont want to add to the flow of viewers leaving the NFL. Too much bad press is to much bad press
June 27th, 2018 at 2:41 pm
And another post lost
June 27th, 2018 at 2:41 pm
That’s not true at all. My mom can tell you who Tom Brady is and who he plays for. She couldn’t do the same for Jameis. She doesn’t watch football, ever. Jameis is not a household name.
June 27th, 2018 at 2:46 pm
One more try.
With viewership dropping, fans already upset with changes to the game.
Fans boycotting because of players kneeling during the Anthem,
I dont think that Disney wants to be a part of “The alleged Sexual predator bowl”
June 27th, 2018 at 2:55 pm
It’s ironic that in a world dominated by tinder, POF, snap, ig (sliding into dm’s, Phub and chaterbate that we’re here in this situation.
June 27th, 2018 at 3:16 pm
tell me about it…..
I find it ironic Winston is giving folks ammo that want him to fail while showing he still has work to do as a gunslinger…..
June 27th, 2018 at 5:06 pm
Truth on all fronts.
June 27th, 2018 at 5:36 pm
Great insight Joe. Great article.