Breakout Coming?
May 27th, 2018
Get ready.
Could this be the year that all the haters of America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, have to put their tails between their legs in shame and start wearing their Titans jerseys in public?
That’s what Zach Kruse of Bleacher Report seems to suggest. Kruse broke down tape of Jameis — and Ryan Fitzpatrick in doing research for a piece on each team’s set of quarterbacks — and types that Jameis actually improved as a quarterback last season; the haters either didn’t see it, didn’t want to see it, or were just blinded by rage.
Winston’s 2017 season looked shaky at times, but he improved in many key areas, including completion percentage, interception percentage, yards per attempt and passer rating. A breakout season could be coming in 2018. If it does, the Bucs could be one of the NFL’s most improved teams.
Joe believes this is fair. If the Bucs are an improved team — they sure on on paper — then it is reasonable to suggest Jameis is having a fine season and so too is the offense.
If Jameis can cut down those nasty fumbles, he should be the least of the Bucs’ worries.
May 27th, 2018 at 12:40 am
People wrote Winston’s 2017 off too easily. Take his games before the injury and the last 5 games after he was fully healed and his stats are top 5 across the board.
Is he perfect? Of course not
But the haters are way off here
If he stays injury and suspension free… look out!
May 27th, 2018 at 1:32 am
JW3 for mvp
May 27th, 2018 at 2:50 am
Jameis did improve in many areas last year.
He has all the talent it takes, to lead a team.
Im really hoping he can carry the team to the playoffs.
The concern with Jameis, both here and At FSU, is his decision making.
Between throwing the ball up for grabs, while in the grasp, to chanting sexually
Offensive chants on a table- WHILE KNOWING HE IS BEING VIDEO TAPED- its the decisions.
If he gets suspended over this uber Incident, its gonna hurt the team( although Fitz can win games!). It will hurt the teams image, and his image. And that matters.
Hes gotta start making smarter decisions. He cant afford to keep doing dumb things.
I know Joe has postered that Jameis won a scholastic to a major colege.
I also know that I watched hard Knocks, Where Jameis was designating himself the “Coachroach hunter”, while trying to determine if they were mating, or giving birth.
Embarrassingly not so impressive.
To be the franchise QB we need him to be, Jameis just needs to continue improving on his incredible physical skills.
And stop making bad decisions.
Can he do it?
The result of the Uber investigation will give us some idea.
I really like Jameis- and honestly believe him to be a great young man, who unfortunately makes bad choices sometimes. The whole QB thing means you are living in the limelight. Every bad decision is magnified.
I really hope he can get a handle on it
May 27th, 2018 at 3:45 am
sure hope so
May 27th, 2018 at 4:25 am
Well said Capt Tim, well said. My sentiments exactly.
May 27th, 2018 at 5:11 am
Captain Tim,
I personally think Jameis is innocent of the Uber thing…but I also think that in the eyes of Goodell, innocence does not matter. Obviously, if there were three passengers as reporter, and Jameis and Darby were in the back seats, then the third guy would have to be the guilty party, if anything actually happened.
If that third person was a player, Jameis is in a catch 22. Revealing who it was would clear him, but it would result in him being responsible for getting that player suspended. That would cost Jameis the respect of other players in the league.
So Jameis may have to keep his mouth shut. The question then becomes…how will Goodell take it?
All this talk about Jameis not reporting the incident? If he is innocent, he had no reason to report it. In such a case, it was a service provider closing his account. No big deal was being made of it at the time, so there was no reason to report it.
No, the only reason s to suspend him are public image or his refusal to name that third person.
Goodell will suspend someone regardless…and Jameis is a stand up guy so he will take the hit.
But I got off on a tangent. Your post was about his decision making. Assuming his innocence of Uber, he has done nothing but make good decisions off the field since being drafted.
On the field is a different story.
He’s a gunslinger. Really, I cannot think of another true gunslinger since Brett Favre…and Jameis has a mentality just like Favre on the field. I’m sure Green Bay fans wished Favre would make smarter decisions many times, but he was a gunslinger…par for the course. That’s how gunslingers are.
The only thing that makes a gunslinger QB worth having is the fact that his wild ways can pay off more often than not…that he can overcome his mistakes in a game.
Jameis seems able to do that…and he puts up better numbers than Favre ever dreamed of.
I think don’t think he will ever completely eliminate those bad decisions on the field. He might reduce them though. And if he can stop fumbling, then he should be great. Favre was lucky because the Packers had a defense that could help overcome any mistakes he made…and as he aged he became a little wiser.
That will come with Jameis.
I think the suspension will be either 1 game or 4 games. I think if 4, we’ll be lucky if Fitz can win 1 game (the first). The improved defense might make a bigger difference.
But I also believe Jameis can carry the team through a string of wins when he comes back. Enough to make the playoffs? It depends on that suspension length.
May 27th, 2018 at 6:43 am
Jameis has a plethora of weapons this year…If we get consistent play from Jamies, our defense, and our offensive line we could finally end this ridiculous playoff drought…
May 27th, 2018 at 7:00 am
I think we should stop with the Favre comparisons
Did you know that Favre never had a losing season in his first 13 years. Not one.
Of his entire 19 year career with 3 teams he had 2 losing seasons. Yes 2 people. Can’t imagine it was the defense carrying him those 19 seasons ? Did he turn the ball over? Of course …but please go look at some of his seasons. He was a stud and the qb touches the ball every single snap so he is the engine that runs the bus.
Jameis will have his best season this year . And everyone should be rooting for him whether you have doubts or not. Cause if the roller coaster ride continues then it will set the bucs back a decade (especially If given the big contract )
I do agree with the comments that he tries to hard. There is nothing wrong with going check down from time to time or throwing ball away. Staring guys down and forcing throws are others issues. And we gotta get 7 in red zone. With our receiving core we got to use the height advantages across the board. We have the best receiving/tight end group in nfl. It’s unacceptable for us not to put up points on regular basis.
May 27th, 2018 at 7:02 am
and start wearing their Titans jerseys in public?
Joe, don’t you mean stop wearing them?
As for Jameis…..he has improved….and it’s not all on Jameis to improve….he needs a team behind him and he hasn’t had that thus far.
I believe when he realizes that the rest of the team can help him win he won’t feel like he has to carry them on his back.
May 27th, 2018 at 7:10 am
yes, please stop the favre comparisons… because don “magic man” majkowski was a standout with those stud packer teams… and then reggie white, and Leroy Butler werent leaders, i guess… yes, look at favre, AND ELWAYS STATS, before terrell davis.. lol!!! jameis is favre 2.0
May 27th, 2018 at 7:15 am
Joe-did you ever figure out when & WHY?? you chose to start calling Jameis “America’s Quarteback”. Never answered my question about that.
May 27th, 2018 at 7:19 am
Feels like this is the 3rd year a “breakout” is being predicted for Jameis.
May 27th, 2018 at 7:20 am
Jameis won’t be suspended unless bloggers keep talking about it. It’s really a non-issue at this point. We all know he didn’t do anything wrong. The good news now is fans will stop the something goes wrong “blame Jameis” narrative and now shift it onto Licht for being a crap GM and Dirk for being an inexperienced head coach.
May 27th, 2018 at 7:21 am
I disagree with the “if the team was better JW3 can relax more” !!!! The truth is that for 3 years the Bucs Offense has been one of the bottom teams in giveaways!!!! And the few teams that are below Tampa usually draft in front of Tampa!!!!! And their were games that if the deep ball was connected on, easy TD’s would have been scored and the Bucs would have been up by 2 scores on some games!!!!!! Instead of the last minute panic in the 4th quarter to finally score and/or catch up when the injured/gassed defense has been trying to keep it manageable the whole 4 quarters!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!
May 27th, 2018 at 7:41 am
19 TDs 11 INTs 15 fumbles in 2017, 28 TDs 18 INTs 10 fumbles in 2016, 22 TDs 15 INTs 6 Fumbles in 2015. Let us all hope and (pray) believe that the INTs and the fumbles trend downward not continue to go up. And if Mr. Winston has a worse year do we sign him for the going rate of “franchise” QBs at 20-25 million plus or minus a season? Be better to take the fifth year option on his contract and see what happens the following seasons. J. Winston is a baller but he needs to Wins ton like we where told about here on this blog page. I am still “waiting for it” for J. Winston to win a ton of games. 10 wins would be nice in a season before I feel J Winston gets a new contract. If he doesn’t do we really want to give him all that money on what he might grow into, you know a multiple winning season NFL QB. Yes I know it is not my money, but I would not want to put my name on a contract that large without seeing a multiple double digit WINS Seasons from Winston. And if he does not make that happen, next! It sucks but how else can you show that he has earned a new multi-multi-million contract? By what he did 5 seasons ago in his two years of college ball? NFL= Not For Long, not just because of injury, oftentimes it is a lack of production on the field.
My fingers and toes are crossed, hoping that our best QB to wear a Buccaneer uniform will make better decisions, and take better care of the football in his own hands. Improvements in his passing skillset, ball placement, and taking what the defense gives him occasionally. He may get that next big contract. If not?
May 27th, 2018 at 7:45 am
I said before Jamies was drafted that he will win multiple MVP’s in the NFL and I am still convinced he will.
May 27th, 2018 at 7:48 am
IF….he’s not suspended, doesnt re-injure his shoulder, cuts down on turnovers, has a running game, the defense plays better and finds a connection with Desean….this could be a break out year.
Lots of “ifs” for a guy in his 4th year in the same offense.
May 27th, 2018 at 8:09 am
Doesn’t matter if you have a million dollar arm if it’s in an entitled ten cent head.
May 27th, 2018 at 8:33 am
Didn’t the kool-aid slurping start about this time last year? Let’s see it on the field…..starting with the PRESEASON!
I don’t care what anyone says. If we continue to suck in the preseason, it will continue into the regular season.
May 27th, 2018 at 8:56 am
@Buddy…quit being a fu©k-tard. Don’t like it? Go elsewhere. It doesn’t matter when or why…
May 27th, 2018 at 8:56 am
Come on joe!!!!! we see what you are doing!!!! Using prison terms like “breakout” to incite the so-called fans!!!!!! Whats next??? Will a headline read that during OTA’s JW3 is working hard like he is on work-release???????
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!
May 27th, 2018 at 9:04 am
If Jameis can replicate the way he played after he can back from watching Fitz, and Mike Smith can figure out a way to field his first average defense consistently throughout a season this team is in the playoffs
May 27th, 2018 at 9:08 am
Better D and running game will help JW be a better QB, as he will not have try do too much.
He absolutely needs to reduce turnovers. he cannot be a turnover machine. 15 fumbles is ridicules. Cost Bucs at least 3 games in 2017.
May 27th, 2018 at 9:48 am
While 5 or 6 fumbles might have been bad Marpet snaps. Agree that Jameis can’t have as many turnovers. They have led to 14 point deficits
at the start of games at times. Its a great to watch Jameis when he turns it on early
in games and builds on a lead. Would much rather see Jameis with coaches pre game
going over gameplan and defensive tendencies.
As jameis goes so will the Bucs, so its time for The Bucs to give us win starved fans lots to cheer about. Go Bucs!
May 27th, 2018 at 9:57 am
Yes–Jameis improved.
Yes–Jameis was injured.
Yes–Jameis can get better.
All of these things can be true, much to the chagrin of some of the Jameis haters. His potential is off the chart. Football isn’t a one person game though, he needs to improve, but he also needs better protection and an actual run game. If those things happen I feel like the haters will shut their hater pie holes. We’ll see.
May 27th, 2018 at 10:11 am
If 3 can ascend to a top 12 qb I’ll be happy
May 27th, 2018 at 10:15 am
Don’t you say this same thing every year at this time?
May 27th, 2018 at 10:40 am
DA HYPE. Look out comes the Jhizzzzz.
May 27th, 2018 at 11:45 am
Totally agree!
May 27th, 2018 at 12:18 pm
We have some uneducated fans. Jameis was not video taped saying obsenities. Jesus so many more uneducated comments made on this thread so i only had the stamina to point out the first outlandish falsehood i could remember. Oh yea and there are a lot of butt hurt mariota lovers on here
May 27th, 2018 at 12:22 pm
It would make sense, Brian. — Jameis has clearly gotten better every year.
This year will really be a special one for him as a QB.
May 27th, 2018 at 12:28 pm
The fumbles will go down once he stops getting hit from behind so much. I know that’s not the entire issue, but it’s a big part.
May 27th, 2018 at 12:32 pm
There is no third guy to be guilty. There may be a 3rd guy to witness but if there were three guys the accuser’s story is over because she claimed only ONE person was in the car.
Again…what Goodell has Jameis on is his failure to report the incident under CBA rules. He has nothing on a non existent crime other than the charges that were made.
IMHO failure to report does give Goodell some cover if he wants to discipline Jameis. But really whats fair? A censure would be enough for me…but one game…sadly if Brady is any example four games is more likely. If Jameis gets suspended for four games because of failure to report…if Jameis is truly contrite for not letting people know then I’m Ok with just sucking it up and moving on.
Capt Tim and D.R. I certainly do not disagree with you guys but some here will not be happy.
May 27th, 2018 at 12:51 pm
I hope Jameis has a career year!
May 27th, 2018 at 1:07 pm
JW improved, he was also the beneficiary of a number of dropped INTs, maybe led the league in that category. So before we say he made strides, look at the decision making and the result. His decision making is still a question mark for me. He’s still throwing INTs they’re just being dropped. The fault in the deciding is on him. The result isn’t an INT when it’s dropped, but the decision is still the same. It’s like a receiver dropping a pass in their hands. If you don’t believe I’m right, look back over the season and see how many dropped INTs he threw. I believe there were 5-7. He has to fix this decision making. Everything else is great with him. Hopefully he hits that finally level of maturity this season and puts it all together! I’m rooting for ya JW!
May 27th, 2018 at 2:24 pm
Why I don’t like people saying Jameis tries too hard. Two years ago, it was all his interceptions ppl were bitching about. Did a lot of work to get better at that after the season and he was much better the next year. Hopefully he’s working the fumbles this year. Let him out of the pocket Dirk.