Rodney Harrison Talks To Joe
February 26th, 2018
Has fix for Bucs.
One famous bone-rattling safety believes he has a simple answer to what ails the Bucs.
Back during Super Bowl week, Joe had a chance to talk to former Super Bowl-winning safety and current NBC Sports talking head Rodney Harrison. Joe initially asked Harrison about the Bucs defense but Harrison instead answered how the issue with the Bucs was the offense. And he has a simply solution.
“They have to find a way to get Winston to play under control,” Harrison said. “I think Winston, when he gets out there, they get so enamored with all of these weapons that they have, they think they have to sling the ball all over instead of being patient and having [Winston] do the things that he does well.”
Now Joe doesn’t think Harrison is off base in any way here. In fact, it is sort of enlightening.
The problem is, this is a broad brush perspective. The Bucs, read: Dirk Koetter, had little choice but to sling the ball around. The Bucs, because of a combination slow starts and no running game to speak of, had little option than to regularly go all Don Coryell. They were painted into a corner.
Joe has maintained the biggest drag on the Bucs last year was not Jameis’ bum throwing shoulder, but zero run game. The offense was so one-dimensional.
Get a decent running game where Jameis does some play-action passes and watch the offense go, Harrison reasons. It’s not crazy thought.
Besides, even with no running game, the Bucs had the No. 9 offense in the NFL.
That also demonstrates what a freaking nightmare the defense was when you have a top-ten offense and can only muster five wins.
February 26th, 2018 at 8:05 am
Captain Obvious strikes again, so many smart people know what’s wrong with this team, except the Head Coach and GM, always trying to fix last years problems instead of planning for the future
February 26th, 2018 at 8:05 am
A run game would help immensely but the defense has to improve from bottom of the barrel to at least mediocre
February 26th, 2018 at 8:09 am
Hell…Harrison sees this and he is merely a casual observer….try being a fan of the Bucs…..Jameis is going to have to take a dramatic step up in his game this upcoming season or he never will learn….and I am not talking about “stats” ….he has to play consistently like every QB we watched in the Play offs a few weeks ago…that is how I watched the games…Jameis throws ,timing and decision making compared to our Jameis Winston
February 26th, 2018 at 8:09 am
How much better would our team be if we’d drafted Kamara or Hunt instead of Evans, sure Evans is a good player on the worst defense, but a solid running game keeps our putrid defense off the field, keeps JWin from trying to do too much, but nope, let’s keep handing it to Drug Mart over and over and put us behind the chains, stupid coaching
February 26th, 2018 at 8:11 am
Having the worst owners in ALL of pro sports is what has guaranteed bucs another decade plus in the nfc south basement.
February 26th, 2018 at 8:15 am
Another uninformed comment from someone who never watches us play. Thanks for trying Joe but this is a waste of our time. Do any of us really believe this guy actually sits around and watches a team, he never has to prepare for, for fun?
February 26th, 2018 at 8:23 am
@Joe … “even with no running game, the Bucs had the No. 9 offense in the NFL.” Must say Joe, at least you’re consistent. Yes based on YARDS/GAME, our Bucs had the #9 offense in the NFL. And no matter how many times I looked up at the scoreboard, it still showed POINTS (normally with the Bucs behind). Using your criteria (YARDAGE), then the Rams (#10), Vikings (#11), Panthers (#19), Titans (#23) & Bills (#29) were ALL worse teams than the Bucs. But interestingly they ALL had one thing in common … THEY MADE THE PLAYOFFS; Bucs didn’t.
Now use TOTAL POINTS and only the Titans (334 pts) and Bills (302 pts) ranked worse than the Bucs (335 pts). IMO the Titans & Bucs are fairly evenly matched (although I’d love to have their running game), but the Bucs are a better team than the Bills (and we should’ve beaten them).
February 26th, 2018 at 8:23 am
Licht is the culprit. He decided to retain Doug Martin last year, thus sucking the life out of a running game.
February 26th, 2018 at 8:25 am
“If the Bucs can just score more points than the other team, they’ll win more times than they’ll lose” lol!
February 26th, 2018 at 8:53 am
That guy is so anti- Tampa, why even bother?
February 26th, 2018 at 9:00 am
I love that Joe still does not get it!!!!! yards mean nothing, its all about the “score board”
Does Joe think that the 2015 loser lovie defense would have helped this year????? They were #10 in yards but 6th worst in points allowed!!!!!!!
With all the resources going to the offense, I expect, and NFL analyst expect the offense to score more points, If the offense scored 4 more points per game they would have been a 10-6 team!!!!!!!!!
And before anyone says that the defense gave up leads, they did!!!! But I do not expect the defense to hold teams to 18 pts per game!!!!!!! To many turnover ( 6th worst offense for turnover) and only a 20.9 pts per game is why they lost in the 4th quarter!!!!!!!!!!
It must be Monday Morning because The Realist just took the sheep to School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 26th, 2018 at 9:04 am
Harrison is a hack. He is constantly getting in analytical fights with Dungy and Dan Patrick on Sunday Night Football, even got suspended once cause he mouthed off on air about some sponsors. Dungy always has to take the high road in their conversations. He’s bitter, and certainly not a trusted game/personnel evaluator.
Now if we wanted to find a forum to get Bill Parcells…, or Ron Wolf’s (ex packers GM) take on the state of affairs for the Bucs, then that absolutely would be worth it’s weight in gold. IMO. Lol.
February 26th, 2018 at 9:13 am
Welp! The rams are making their team better meanwhile in Tampa it’s cupcakes and ice cream for everyone! HBD Cupcake!
February 26th, 2018 at 9:17 am
instead of being patient and having [Winston] do the things that he does well.”
Once again JW is not Koetters QB. JW is going to have to change his whole game in order to run koetters playbook. Rather than practicing his accuracy JW should practice falling down properly in order to avoid injury when getting sacked. He’s gonna need to improve that very important skill bc ……
February 26th, 2018 at 9:30 am
Have Jason be a scout
Get a true gm
February 26th, 2018 at 9:32 am
Yet you say the guy who has been in charge of the same offense that has struggled to score 20 a game for the past 3 years should get a 2 year extension….
February 26th, 2018 at 9:33 am
If dork cared about running back position he would have played Barber more. He didn’t because I it’s more important the backs can block while he throws the ball instead of actually being able to run which is why Martin and sims played so much. Dork had the personnel but won’t use it properly because if his misguided philosophy
February 26th, 2018 at 9:38 am
That was only part of the statement, If they traded old man mccoy and got as many draft picks and committed to rebuilding both trenches I would hand out 2 year extensions!!!!!
I really think if we patch the D-line, and “get mccoy” help, that we will be asking the same questions next year!!!!!!! too many band-aids!!!!!!!
The goal needs to be how to get to the playoffs and beyond, not how to squeeze one last year out of old man mccoy, who only cares about his pro-bowl appearance!!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!
February 26th, 2018 at 9:47 am
I doubt this concept is lost on Dirk Koetter. He has had good running games in the past. He just made a mistake of counting on Muscle Shamster to get the job done.
February 26th, 2018 at 9:47 am
I agree with you for the most part there. And yes if we just patch the D-line with FAs it wont work out they people would expect it to. D-line needs pretty much a total rebuild.
February 26th, 2018 at 9:54 am
Wow. What an amazing analysis!!!!
February 26th, 2018 at 9:55 am
@Joe … “The Bucs, read: Dirk Koetter, had little choice but to sling the ball around.” That’s just another excuse Joe, like ‘Jameis hurt his shoulder’ and ‘We had no RBs worth a hoot’. If you have a QB with a hurting shoulder, you sit him down and it’s ‘next man up’. Same thing with the running game … if one RB isn’t getting it done you plug in another. Koetter CHOSE to play Jameis hurt, and he CHOSE to play Martin even when he wasn’t getting the job done.
Towards the end of the season, when Jameis had ‘recovered’ (after Fitz QB’d the first Atlanta game), I’m sure that you noticed that Koetter’s gameplans changed . He used Barber more, starting with the Packers’ game (where Barber got over 100 yds). He used DJax differently (more short/intermediate passes). He used short passes more across the board it seemed like. Bucs lost 4 out of those last 5 games … but put up a helluva fight in each one. Lost by a TOTAL of 15 points in those 4 games; the difference between a FG & a TD. In those 4 losses Bucs scored exactly 20 pts/game and had LOTS of missed OFFENSIVE opportunities. Granted, the Bucs’ defense couldn’t hold late leads, but in those 4 losses they gave up 24 pts/game average, right on their seasonal average, against 4 very tough opponents. Bucs defense obviously needs to do better, but so does the Bucs’ offense. And much of that improvement has to come in game-planning AND play-calling.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:03 am
We are not a PLAYER away from being good. What’s lost in the conversation regarding the run-game was the horrific play-calling. We were way too predictable throughout the ENTIRE season and continued to rely on a subpar defensive unit to pick up the slack. There was no need in many of those games to completely abandon sound coaching and play-calling. Going “air Coryell” is not necessary when you’re only down by 3 or 7, or even 10 for that matter. Couple that with predictable calls, turnovers, bad o-line play, and a plodding RB and you end up 5-11.
Don’t only blame the run-game.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:12 am
we need an identity!!!!!!!!…..
#NOEXCUSESIN2018!!!!….GO BUCS!!!!!
February 26th, 2018 at 10:20 am
@ defense rules,
Lol, you are trying to discredit joe’s statement about defense by saying the bucs did not make the playoffs but the rams, titans, carolina, vickings and vickings did. You say the common denominator was the playoffs. WRONG!!!!! The common denominator was they all have very good defenses and that is joe’s point. What do you freaking people not understand? I know a lot of you hate jameis but the bucs had the worst defense in the nfl. Let me repeat it again, THE WORST!!!! Let me know when that sinks in for some of you.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:24 am
If Chubb is gone in the first, I am all for grabbing Nelson with #7 overall. Sign Andrew Norwell and our line is looking pretty damn strong. Do what has to be done to grab Guice, Jones or Penny in the second. Then, all of a sudden, we have a team that can control the clock and keep the D off the field.
Switch to a 3-4. Mike Clay recently tweeted me, saying that Mike Smith won’t do it because he has always been a 4-3 guy. I just don’t see how you won’t play to your strengths. If this is the case, then let the D rot out this year and have the new coaching staff fix the D next year. At least, we will have an offense that is set up for success for years to come.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:25 am
I meant rams, titans, carolina, vickings and bills. Oh another common thread is they all have running games something else the bucs did not have but lets keep blaming jameis.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:35 am
“They have to find a way to get Winston to play under control,” Harrison said. “I think Winston, when he gets out there, they get so enamored with all of these weapons that they have, they think they have to sling the ball all over instead of being patient and having [Winston] do the things that he does well.”…..Hyperbole. Plain and simple.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:40 am
You had this exact conversation with Ira. Joe: “Let’s win now by fixing the running game. Draft Barkley.” Ira: “Let’s fix the running game by improving the offensive line. Draft or sign oline studs.”
Put me in Ira’s camp.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:50 am
@Webster … “What do you freaking people not understand? I know a lot of you hate jameis but the bucs had the worst defense in the nfl. Let me repeat it again, THE WORST!!!! Let me know when that sinks in for some of you.”
Webster, take off the rose-colored glasses for a minute and recognize that BOTH sides of the Bucs’ T-E-A-M underperformed last year. For starters, I have no clue where you get this thing that so many (including me apparently) HATE Jameis. Go back & read some of my posts & you’ll see that’s bullcrap. Jameis is still maturing (heck, he’s only 24 years old). ‘Good Jameis’ shows up a LOT; but periodically, so does ‘Bad Jameis’. Part of that’s on him, part of that’s on the players he’s got around him, and part of it’s on the coaching. If calling it like it is represents HATE to you, I feel for ya.
Far as the Bucs’ defense being the WORST (your caps) in the NFL, that’s bullcrap too. You’re drinking Joe’s Koolaid (YARDAGE ALLOWED = WORST), and instead you need to broaden your perspective. Bucs clearly played one of the hardest schedules in the NFL last season, and gave up 383 pts total (23.9 Pts/game average). Of those, 28 points were given up by the offense & STs … the defense wasn’t even on the field. Take those away and the Bucs’ DEFENSE really gave up 22 pts/game. And they did it with a LOT of injuries on defense, and several starters who’d be backups on most of the playoff teams. They certainly need priority this year to improve their personnel, especially on the DLine & in the Secondary, but I’m tired of hearing that they had the WORST (your caps) defense in the NFL.
February 26th, 2018 at 10:50 am
I have never blamed Jameis… the team has so many holes it’s impossible to single out anyone for blame. Jameis however has flaws that don’t seem to be improving… decision making, accuracy, timing these are all very troublesome
February 26th, 2018 at 10:59 am
mike clay is wrong, Coach Smitty was with the Ravens in 1999-2002 when they ran the 3-4, and the last 2 years of Atlanta they ran the 3-4 when he was head coach!!!!!!
maybe he meant as “defensive Coordinator” during his Jacksonville he ran the 4-3, but to say he is a 4-3 only guy is just incorrect!!!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 26th, 2018 at 11:16 am
They are 5-11, not 11-5
When you’re 5-11, with the 7th pick in the NFL draft. This means one thing….this teams has issues, from the GM to the ballboy. You can’t lay blame to one player/one unit. The GM failed, the coaching staff failed, the players failed.
February 26th, 2018 at 11:22 am
A run game and a short controlled passing game. That is what we need. Too many low percentage throws to the sideline where 13 has to dive to catch the ball. Wasted opportunities to get the fastest guy on the field in Djax the ball on bubble screens or short crossing patterns. Control the clock. Keep the D off the field. Give your young QB a sense of setting the pace of the game. We always seem to be behind early so maybe that is part of the problem. There are a few good home run hitting RBs in the draft we should target after we take BPA on our board in the first round.
February 26th, 2018 at 11:34 am
@jerseybuc- Thank you. It’s people like you and others that give me hope as a fan. So many people just want to “air it out” but don’t realize the importance of clock control on the game. The clock controls EVERYTHING. I’d be willing to bet that the percentages of teams who have the ball longer win more games.
If our offense has the ball, their offense cannot score. It’s riveting, I know. So, why on Earth would you try to reinvent the wheel?! This is just one way to make up for a bad defense.
February 26th, 2018 at 11:47 am
Even Stevie Wonder..sees..the problems with Jameis Winston.
February 26th, 2018 at 11:49 am
I was preaching what jerseybuc said, before they signed DJAX
Lakeland Says:
February 9th, 2017 at 11:57 am
83 passes to RB…..116 passes to TE…372 passes to WR. That’s why the Bucs want Speedy WRs so bad. Over 65% of their passes goes to WRs, and we talk about accuracy. We just have to throw the ball 20 yards up the field. We just don’t believe in * taking what the defense give us*. We just feel the need to force the ball to WRs in double coverage. Hump is not a legitimate * Number 2 WR” according to some posters, because he don’t stretch the field. We don’t need 4.2 WRs to stretch the field, we need 2-3 more WRs like Hump, who can move the chains. And add a 3 down back, who can run,block and catch.
You can lead a horse to the water
But you can’t make him drink it
February 26th, 2018 at 12:11 pm
@ defense rules
Rose colored glasses? Hahahaha. The good jameis/bad jameis? Its called maturing people. Peyton manning was still maturing in his 4th year where he threw 23 ints and in his 5th year he threw 19 ints. Jameis takes way too much blame by the masses who can’t see how ridiculous they sound. You calling it like it is? I call it that you are calling it incorrectly. Mariota’s year sucked yet his defense and running game was good. What people like you refuse to acknowledge is jameis was good enough to be in the playoffs unfortunately his team was not.
I’m drinking joes kool aid? Your defense was WORST in sacks, WORST in yards, WORST in 3rd down conversions. You making excuses for the defense yet you are not conceeding the points that were left off the board because your kicker could not kick. How many redzone fumbles at the five yard line did the bucs have this year that should have been 7 pts but at least another 3? Get out of here. You are another one of those who blames jameis for everything. As i said he was more than enough for the bucs to be in the playoffs. But people like you would rather have bortles, tyrod taylor and mariota who threw 12 tds and 15 ints because they “led” their teams to the playoffs lol. I love buc fans
February 26th, 2018 at 12:18 pm
@ defense rules
All your defense did was give up 4 late fourth qtr drives after jameis and the offense came up clutch. It would have been 5 but jameis had to be clutch again and beat the saints after the defense gave up the @$$ again late to drew brees. I will let you continue to praise the WORST defense in the nfl.
February 26th, 2018 at 12:21 pm
@Lake- Like I said, it gives me hope. I can’t figure out why they try to over-complicate a simple game. Move. The. Chains!
February 26th, 2018 at 12:25 pm
@webster- You’re not absolving Jameis in that nightmare of a season, right? I mean, it’s hard to argue that he didn’t contribute to our woes. It ain’t ALL on the defense my friend. A lot, but not all.
February 26th, 2018 at 12:25 pm
So the defense isn’t the biggest problem? Hmmm…….interesting.
February 26th, 2018 at 12:31 pm
@Webster … “You making excuses for the defense yet you are not conceeding the points that were left off the board because your kicker could not kick. How many redzone fumbles at the five yard line did the bucs have this year that should have been 7 pts but at least another 3? Get out of here.”
Last I recall, the KICKER is part of Special Teams, not the Defense Webster. And last I recall, fumbles at the 5-yard line fall on the OFFENSE not the Defense Webster. And as far as “What people like you refuse to acknowledge is jameis was good enough to be in the playoffs unfortunately his team was not” goes, I say again Webster … ‘Take off the rose-colored glasses’.
February 26th, 2018 at 12:34 pm
top 10 offense my foot… not scoring 21 point per game it wasn’t… i don’ t care if they avg 1000 yards per game
February 26th, 2018 at 12:39 pm
webster….accuracy has NOTHING to do with maturity…..going on 5 years of inaccurate bonehead decisions on the football field…2 a FSU and 2 with the Bucs….sure timing and decision making can improve….there is some with Jameis and his accuracy needing “large catch radius” receivers ….did you watch the QB’s in the play offs…..if Jameis can’t make those throws he is toast
February 26th, 2018 at 12:44 pm
@ defense rules
My point is you are complaining about the scoring of the bucs but are not making excuses that one of the main reasons they did not score more is because the kicker sucked. Not once did i say special teams was part of the defense. Nice try though. Fumbles feel on oj howard who fumbled twice at the 5. Peyton barber fumbled at the 5. Doug martin fumbled right before half which sealed his fate for the remainder of the season. My point is you want to blame jameis for not putting up more points and i have just laid out how that is not all on jameis.
@ bucemup
You see the brilliance of some buc fans? According to this guy defense is not buggest problem. And buc fans like him wonder why he is laughed at.
February 26th, 2018 at 12:52 pm
@ altered ego
Funny, the great peyton manning only completed 62.5 percent of his passes his third year. Jameis is at 63.8. I dont remember anyone calling manning inacurate hmmm. Altered you are another blame jameis for everything types trying to preach a narrative that does not line up reality. But what do i expect from a guy saying 5 years when jameis is going into his 4th year? Obviously he cant count and that is why he does not understand 63.8% is higher than the greatness of manning at 62.5% at the same point. Prentending jameis has not made throws like the qbs in the playoffs is just not worth wasting my time with the lunacy.
February 26th, 2018 at 12:53 pm
My opinion may differ from some here. First limit the deep passes especilally in the early drives. Don’t shelve them completely but give Jameis a chance to improve in this area because it will make the offense less predictable. Jameis
completion percentage has improved the last couple of years. Believe Jameis wants to throw the deep ball as much or more than Koetter. But IMO his intermediate game is the next best thing in Jameis’s mind and the last 4 games he seemed more comfortable throwing them against good defenses. This is an important key to his developement.
Not sure what is considered a short pass but do remember Godwin breaking a big play over the middle. As for DJAX on bubble screens, at 170 lbs, defenders can use the press to control him in the first five yards.Also think DJAX is at a stage in his career where he will pull up or not make the extra effort if he
thinks he will get hurt.
February 26th, 2018 at 12:56 pm
webster….I throw the stats out the window when judging Winston’s accuracy……without accuracy like any of the QB’s in the play offs a few weeks ago….his only lasting stat will be a a short career as a starter…
February 26th, 2018 at 12:57 pm
AlteredEgo, don’t bother. Some ‘fans’ are only interested in beating on the DEFENSE while ignoring the OFFENSE. And anyone who tries to look at Jameis’ performance objectively becomes a Jameis-hater apparently. Fortunately most JBFers are a lot more objective than that.
February 26th, 2018 at 1:05 pm
Really doesn’t matter what he says you have to know this team and be in the locker room Jameis played well enough to win in this league
February 26th, 2018 at 1:07 pm
DR…I’d LOVE Jameis to be the QB I have waited for since 1976….we’ll see soon enough
February 26th, 2018 at 1:14 pm
Jameis will not have a long career as a starter? Ok you need to stop taking bath salts.
February 26th, 2018 at 1:23 pm
web…you are misquoting me….
“without accuracy like any of the QB’s in the play offs a few weeks ago….his only lasting stat will be a a short career as a starter…”
February 26th, 2018 at 1:24 pm
@ chickster
Dont tell these clowns nothing. They want to praise a defense that gave up 4 4th quarter leads with 2 minutes or less to go. They also let teams go down and break ties with 2 minutes or less. In their warped mind thats playing at a high level.
February 26th, 2018 at 1:26 pm
Jameis was number 12 in completion %. Mvp candidate wentz was 25 with 60% completion. Your narrative does not fit reality.
February 26th, 2018 at 1:33 pm
Interesting read below posted by Gregg Rosenthal (former early columnist from the stud crew over at PFT–now
Imagine that… it references Vinny Curry from PHI…as THIS loyal Bucs fan had been opining on that we should target. Cut/restructure Ayers, Gholston should be cut outright. Swap Geno Atkins for GMC (indirectly), maybe supplement with a Connor Barwin. Let Spence recover.
February 26th, 2018 at 1:33 pm
Here are a few names of qbs with a worse completion % than winston all im assuming you think is better
There are more, but im sure you would take all of them over winston. My point is chill. This man is only in his third year and you are complaing like he is the worst thing out there. Oh and as many posters have pointed out, the bucs run one of the most vertical offenses in the league yet his completion % is better than all of those names i proved. You guys sound like haters or just stupid
February 26th, 2018 at 1:37 pm
Can someone explain to me where on the scoreboard completion stats are displayed….I am new to football….is it near the two big numbers ?
February 26th, 2018 at 1:52 pm
The only stat I’m interested in is this,
NFC South
New Orleans 11-5
Carolina 11-5
Atlanta 10-6
Tampa Bay 5-11
If this was golf, individual stats would be great
But this is football, and team stats are more important
February 26th, 2018 at 1:56 pm
Can any one explain to me how some one continues to talk about inaccurate but when you totally debunked that false narrative, that same someone goes turtle hiding behind wins? Speaking of wins, can someone explain to me why that same someone doesnt understand that it takes more than the #12 completion percentage qb to win and that he needs more than the WORST defense in order to win? Can anyone explain to me why this same someone does not understand that a team cant also have the WORST rated special teams by far and expect to win? And can anyone explain to me why the same someone does not understand that you can not win in this league with also having the 27th rushing attack eventhough you have the qb that was #12 in the league? As ive stated countless times, jameis did enough to win but the team as a whole did not. Maybe that someone will get it now. Then again
February 26th, 2018 at 1:59 pm
It wasn’t the offense or defenses fault exclusively – they both had a part in making this team terrible last year. Major changes are needed on both sides of the ball. The only thankful things is that in the NFL you can go from worst to first with a couple of players picking it up and adding the right pieces. I look forward to the day that a good Bucs team puts the trolls on this board at bay – sadly though there is just as big a chance the Bucs are worse next year then better.
February 26th, 2018 at 2:04 pm
SCB…the posters that are Jameis first Bucs second are trolls too…
February 26th, 2018 at 2:06 pm
AE this board is littered with trolls. Its easy to find fault with this team – too easy – but you can tell some on this board will find fault in every thread.
February 26th, 2018 at 2:06 pm
It’s not just Jameis Winston stats that’s always paraded around on Bucs blogs.
There’s also Mike Evans stats ( The youngest to reach this, blah, blah, blah)
Then there’s the GMC stats ( 6 straight Pro Bowls blah, blah, blah)
Kwon Alexander stats ( Lead the NFL in solo tackles, blah, blah, blah)
Lavonte David ( First LB to force and recover 5 fumbles, blah, blah, blah
There’s more, but those are the regulars
February 26th, 2018 at 2:09 pm
The last time I checked, football were a team sport.
February 26th, 2018 at 2:16 pm
AlteredEgo … “I’d LOVE Jameis to be the QB I have waited for since 1976.” Me too, and I’m convinced he will be … in time. As Bucs improve the T-E-A-M around him, Jameis will improve also. As the play-calling improves, Jameis will improve also. But as both of those improve, Jameis himself also has some improving to do. And I’m convinced that he will. Lots of QBs who are in the Hall of Fame and many who are at the top of their game today didn’t necessarily start off like gangbusters. But they matured & learned how to play with the T-E-A-M concept. And IMO, THAT’S when the winning happens & that’s when they become great.
February 26th, 2018 at 2:21 pm
DR – I don’t think JW is good enough to put his team on his back all season and win but I think, with the right supporting cast, he can be an upper level QB and in meaningful games. Right now the cast isn’t there or, if it is, it isn’t coached or utilized in a way that makes this team good.
February 26th, 2018 at 2:21 pm
^^^ yep… DR…yep…I just get irritated when some folks put the cart before the horse…
February 26th, 2018 at 2:22 pm
*win meaningful games
February 26th, 2018 at 2:24 pm
LakeLand- I get so tired of the individual stats being marched around when we haven’t won a meaningful game since the Earth cooled!
There is not a single player on this team that doesn’t need work. Want to know how I know? 5-11, that’s how. There is no individual stat that trumps winning, NONE! Records are meant to be broken.
Ask Marino about his records.
February 26th, 2018 at 2:54 pm
@ scb
Those who always bash jameis like alterego on every article as if he sucks are the true trolls. They are the butt hurt fans that wanted mariota and will find fault with jameis at every turn.
February 26th, 2018 at 2:57 pm
We would win meaningful games if we did not have the WORST defense, WORST special teams and the 27th rushing attack. I agree lakeland, it takes a team but these jameis naysayers put it all on him when he is brightest light on the team.
February 26th, 2018 at 3:01 pm
I am surprised that Harrison did not answer that what the Bucs need was that truck full of “PED’s” that was enough for a football team that came to his house every week!!!!!!!
“Real recognize Real”!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 26th, 2018 at 3:13 pm
People put the cart before the horse because some trolls are idiots. These are the idiots who hated lebron when he was in cleveland the 1st time. They talked about how he would never win. They nit picked this man’s game all because they simply did not like him and hated all the love he received ie mvps. Lbj would take garbage teams with varejo at center, boobie gibson at pg, candace parker’s brother at sg when his claim to fame was being candace parker’s brother. His talent was and still is undeniable but yet they hated. Those idiots due to hate love to blame lbj when his team sucked. It was a miracle they were as good as they were because none of those early players did anything without lbj. Thats the same thing winston is going through here. Jameis had a bad reputation and many hate him eventhough his talent is undeniable and he has been nothing but great in this community. These trolls hold winston to standards no other qb was ever held too. He breaks records but he is irrelevant to them. So thats why you have those to defend him. You can deny the talent all you want but you would be completely wrong.
February 26th, 2018 at 3:36 pm
Bucs are a loosing team. Not much has changed so not much will change on the scoreboard. This is as good as it gets folks. Hope you enjoy 4th
February 26th, 2018 at 4:48 pm
Thank you John Madden.
February 26th, 2018 at 4:48 pm
Winston is fine. He just turned 24.
The solution is obvious. I’ll say it yet again…
if they FIX THE TRENCHES, then they will FIX THE BUCS!!
February 26th, 2018 at 6:09 pm
I don’t understand how the bucs beat any team worth a crap last year without Winston slinging the ball all over? They couldn’t stop anyone when it mattered and couldn’t run at all (i know this is Winston’s fault too). Look at the Falcons game…Winston played a near perfect game and bucs still lost. It isn’t that hard to see the defense needs to get better for the Bucs to be good. #TeamGame
February 27th, 2018 at 12:37 am
What was are rank in points per game?
February 27th, 2018 at 8:16 am
Webster = NFLnut. The two biggest winston nut gobblers on JBF. Hillarious.