“They Have Not Talked To Jameis”
February 17th, 2018
Fresh update
Perhaps the only thing darker than the nine-game personal losing streak Jameis Winston endured last season is the cloud hanging over his head from the lingering NFL investigation into his alleged crotch-grabbing of a female Uber driver without permission.
We’re nearing the three-month anniversary of the investigation launch, and there is little evidence the NFL is taking it seriously.
Nearly three weeks ago, alleged witness Ronald Darby, the Eagles cornerback, told Joe the NFL had yet to talk to him about the incident. In November, Darby issued a statement claiming he was in the car with Jameis and an unnamed person and Jameis is being falsely accused.
On Friday, Bucs beat writer Rick Stroud issued an update to the situation on his Tampa Bay Times podcast.
“That have not interviewed Winston; they have not interviewed Darby. When I say [that], the NFL that is,” Stroud said.
Joe’s going to assume Stroud is not peddling in fake news. So here we are, left to conclude the NFL is dragging its feet. Heck, it’s not like NFL investigators can’t interview Darby and Jameis multiple times.
We also learned this week that Bucs general manager Jason Licht believes the Bucs are powerless in the situation, which Joe finds ludicrous.
Meanwhile, Bucs fans are left to wonder what quarterback they’ll be paying to see on opening day and whether anyone in power cares enough about Tampa Bay fans to move this along quickly. Joe also wonders whether Team Glazer is putting the same resources into learning the truth of the alleged incident as it did when it invested heavily into researching Jameis prior to the 2015 NFL Draft.
February 17th, 2018 at 10:54 am
Ira reported on this site that he had learned from one NFL insider that this investigation is not going anywhere against Winston. This was over two months ago. Meanwhile, we hear repeated pleas for the NFL to wrap it up. Well it’s been three months and neither Winston or Darby have even been interviewed, while the calls to “wrap-it-up” have been ignored. Comments?
February 17th, 2018 at 11:00 am
All along I’ve held the position we should not pre judge either the girl or Jameis until all the facts are in.
None of us were there…NONE of us know which party is lying. But this is a he said she said case and that’s just too flimsy to do anything to Jameis even if he actually did it. There needs to be proof or it should have been dropped long ago.
However in this case the he said…she said is so different that we should get some closure. In fact we should have had closure long ago. She was adamant that Jameis was alone with her. Jameis is adamant that he had two buds with him and he was in the back seat not the front.
If Jameis has a credible second witness to back his and Darby’s account it would seem to me the entire charge falls apart.
Now for our attorneys here…can you help? Many here have already resorted to slut shaming and blamed the girl with no real knowledge of the situation. Some have resorted to the old charges and blaming Jameis again with NO real knowledge of what happened.
IF there are two more witnesses besides Jameis she has no witness to corroborate her account. Doesn’t that make it all fall apart. And indeed instead of all the speculation that she will sue Jameis…wouldn’t he actually have a defamation suit against the girl if there are two witnesses for him and none for her?
Jameis…his advisors…the Bucs…the NFL have all totally screwed the pooch on this. It should have been addressed IMMEDIATELY over a year ago. The longer this drags out the worse it looks for Jameis…rightly or wrongly. This is not rocket science. Are there two witnesses to back up Jameis or not? If he only has Darby that’s gonna be weak because of their past relationship. A second more independent witness closes the deal for me. Where is that guy and why haven’t we heard?
February 17th, 2018 at 11:06 am
Here’s hoping they sweep it under the rug.
February 17th, 2018 at 11:10 am
You realize you and st Pete are the only ones who bring up this drama queen bs each and every time you talk about Winston. You two need to learn the two most important things in life. You listen’? Never rat out your friends and always keep your mouth shut.
It almost seems like you want Winston suspended. You guys did the same thing with the finger pointing in NO. The hate is real! Luckily Winston won’t be around these here part very much longer got willing.
February 17th, 2018 at 11:16 am
Preach brother… No one likes a rat
February 17th, 2018 at 11:25 am
Maybe Winston and Darby should just name this mysterious third person?
February 17th, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Buncha drama queens on this issue ever since it “broke” in TMZ fashion. Local media in particular.
This is basically a non-story.
No formal accusation. No police. No charges. No proof. No lawsuit.
Once again – Winston’s name and reputation are being dragged through the mud for no reason other than sensationalism.
February 17th, 2018 at 12:34 pm
If Jameis is going to be suspended, it would be nice to know when FA begins so we can go get Cousins.
No need to put faith in a QB with on the field turnover issues, and a guy that gets suspended and misses games for off fly he field issues.
February 17th, 2018 at 12:36 pm
It’s it absolutely about whether or not the Buccaneers (team) is effected by off the field shenanigans.
And, I hope Winston is ok, but if he’s suspended then Bye Bye!
No need to keep a turnover machine with off the field issues.
Dude is a millionaire, not like he can’t afford a 24/7 babysitter.
February 17th, 2018 at 12:47 pm
If you’re suggesting that the 3rd guy in the car would be a rat or that Fameis would be the rat that’s crap…UNLESS the 3rd guy was in the front seat and actually grabbed the girl but even then “rat’ falls apart because the girls ENTIRE story rests on just ONE passenger. You’re do not rat is just awful. This is a major reason why St. Pete’s Southside has it’s crime issues.
When the shootings happen the citizens there simply do not cooperate…as a whole…to help provide evidence.
I absolutely do not blame those residents though. First and foremost they have to protect themselves. If word got out that they helped the police then we’d get the Southside DB55’s calling them rats and in a worse case scenario initiate another drive by shooting.
Secondly blacks have not had the best experiences with police…getting shot in the back, planted evidence etc and so they simply do not trust them.
Combine that with the other side of the coin that police have been abused and shot in that community and the distrust becomes mutual. BTW since some people here have reading comprehension skills I am NOT blaming the police.
In fact just last week at Village Inn I saw two officers getting up to leave and I thanked them for putting their lives on the line for us. They have a very dangerous largely thankless job and so I thank them when I see them.
February 17th, 2018 at 12:49 pm
I’ve told ya’ll, especially Joe, from the very beginning that neither Jameis nor Darby should name the 3rd passenger and I doubt they ever do …
I also doubt Jameis gets suspended even one game … he said/she said with ONLY ONE EYEWITNESS and that one eyewitness corroborates Jameis’ side of events = CASE CLOSED.
The 3rd passenger NEVER needs to be named … at present there is ONLY ONE WITNESS and that witness corroborates Jameis’ side of events … THERE IS NO CASE AT ALL.
The ONLY way I could see Jameis being suspended is if this mysterious 3rd passenger pops out of the woodwork and says both Jameis and Darby are lying and that’s not happening obviously … so … if the 3rd witness is never named and never pops out of the woodwork, that’s fine too as there simply is no case at all as-is.
I’d be shocked if Jameis gets suspended for even 1 regular season game.
HOWEVER … even if he gets suspened 6 full games … the Bucs will still offer him the richest contract in NFL history when the time comes … you can take that to the bank imho.
February 17th, 2018 at 1:01 pm
Their is NO lawsuit pending so naming the 3rd person (if their is one) is no big deal. Winston could pay some dude some cash and all will be happy.
February 17th, 2018 at 1:17 pm
I think much depends on the NFL watching to see if the two years goes by without a civil suit being filed (statute of limitations in ARI for that alleged offense), and that will be up next month. I doubt one will be filed, and lack of suit will tell the NFL a lot. The real question is who was in the car and if JW is being truthful about it. That will get him in worse hot water whether he did anything or not. So I’m hoping he’s told his tea who the third person is. If he did, no reason for the owners to go any further. If he hasn’t…I don’t even want to think about it.
There is in fact, nothing the Bucs GM and owners can do but plan for who the b/u QB(s) are. It’s a no-brainer the NFL isn’t going to move things along just because the Bucs are worried about their starting QB. If the Patriots Kraft couldn’t push it fast for Brady, and Jones couldn’t push it fast for Elliott, it’s clear the Bucs won’t be successful, so no reason to tee Goodell off.
February 17th, 2018 at 1:32 pm
StPeteBucsFan…the most important thing JW can do is reveal who else was in the car. I hope he’s done that with his team. The NFL is going to eventually ask him (and Darby) anyway, and it will be under oath. If no civil suit is filed, the NFL will still proceed with their own investigation, and probably not until then. So that’s the key question to answer. I don’t put it into “he said she said” just yet because JW says there are more people, while the driver said it’s just her. One of them is in fact, lying about a second issue as well as the first. If it is found that it’s just JW in the car, he is in deep trouble for lying, and it will not bode well for his credibility about whether the incident occurred. If it’s proven to be three guys were present, and the third is found to have been in the front seat, JW is off the hook, for the most part. I doubt we’ll know anything until May.
February 17th, 2018 at 1:37 pm
Thoughtful post with some very important facts. I agree with your speculation.
I hadn’t realized the Statute of limitations and given that timing perhaps they are waiting to see what happens legally first.
Ronald Darby has a reputation and not just for being at the infamous party scene with Jameis…he fled the scene of an accident and he’s had other difficulties.
Fair or not REALITY is we all roll with reputations. And so ironically if #3 had just GMC as a witness he’d be golden because of GMC’s spotless rep. Ronald Darby?
We usually agree but not here. It’s just too dang easy to produce the 2nd witness and move beyond this. Again it’s not about your or my or anybody’s perception of what is fair and right it’s what exists in reality. We should have removed this potential disaster more than a year ago….long before the #metoo movement.
Again I suspect there are some here who care less about whether Jameis actually did this and I get for that group this is an open shut case because they are not upset by guys touching girls privates for ten seconds.
February 17th, 2018 at 1:37 pm
DB55…what friendship is strong enough that the accused, a starting QB in the NFL who stands to score a $140 million contract, will throw all that away for not “ratting out his friend.” That said, if his “friend” was up front and did indeed commit the crime alleged, who would want that friend to go free? What kind of person would protect his friend from know sexual abuse of a girl doing her job? That said, if she’s lying, there are ways to fix that legally too.
February 17th, 2018 at 1:42 pm
StPetBucs, et al, I for one, as a Bucs fan and season ticket holder for about $13K a year hope JW is telling the truth. It doesn’t sound like him, frankly, especially yelling the homo slurs, but he’s a bit awkward socially as we’ve seen many times. I don’t know what happened. If the girl was groped, whoever it was needs to be punished.
I don’t tie this to the Kinsman thing at all. I think that was two college kids rolling in the hey and she had some serious issues as well. I agree, Darby doesn’t seem like the guy I’d put stock in given his other stuff…
February 17th, 2018 at 1:50 pm
Somebody please explain to me again why Winston, after having been suspended by Uber because of this incident, failed to report this back to the team, as he was obligated to do. I forgot…
February 17th, 2018 at 2:20 pm
“I just dont get it. I tried to grope or whatever you call it on my girlfriend, Kandy Faker. I dont get it. All I felt was “zipper and pants”. Kobe is puzzled. Is this a millennial generation thing?”
Kobe Faker
February 17th, 2018 at 2:44 pm
The NFL always says so when their investigation results in no fine or suspension. They wouldn’t just say nothing.
I think people are dreaming that Winston won’t get suspended. Goodell does not need or desire proof. He does as he wants.
4-8 weeks suspension most likely.
February 17th, 2018 at 3:04 pm
Think Bonzai is right if indeed there are not three people in the car. If a third guy is known to be in the car, and Jameis was not up there with the driver, he’s fine.
But if it looks he was the only guy in the car (lied about three guys) he will get 6 games…2 for lying and 4 more based on Goodell’s view he probably lied about the groping too.
Impacts could be more far reaching than that…Bucs may not pick up his fifth year if he lied to them too.
Which is why I hope JW is telling the truth.
February 17th, 2018 at 3:08 pm
The 3rd passenger is irrelevant if the driver has no proof (and she obviously has no proof) as the 2nd passenger (Darby) already corroborated Jameis’ statement.
And again, if Darby and Jameis believe the front-seat 3rd passenger did not do anything wrong, neither one should just offer up his name to the uber driver so she can sue an innocent man! If she wants to sue him, she can hire her own P.I. on her own dime and try to find out who he was.
You guys that think if Jameis gets suspened for 6 games it will cost him a mega contract are nuts … Jameis can hit free agency at 27 years of age, with 6 years of experience under his belt and BREAK THE BANK whether he gets suspended for zero games or 6 games.
Also, as to the claim that some people don’t care if Jameis did this … I’d say that’s partly true, simply do the nature of the accusation. The driver isn’t saying she was raped, molested or assaulted … she’s simply claiming someone who was inebriated put his hand on top of her jeans as a pick-up move … I would imagine most people, both men and women, don’t think that’s a big deal. Ladies pat men’s butts and even rub up on their junk all the time without invitation in clubs and after partying and men don’t complain … likewise men hug women from behind, pat their butts, etc., all the time in clubs and after partying and the women don’t complain … and what the driver is saying isn’t even that … just some inebriated guy placing his hand on top of her pants and then removing it right when she said “What’s up with that?” and causing no further incidence the rest of the ride … I mean, the whole thing is sort of stupid in the minds of many.
As for me … I have daughters, so I can sympathize with the driver, but even to me, it’s obvious their is no legal case or even civil case to speak of her, whether the front seat passenger was Jameis or just Joe Schmoe … the Police would not take this seriously, no civil jury is going to take it seriously and it’s basically just a non-event.
But, regardless, ALL OF THE ABOVE SAID, the 3rd passenger is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT. The only way he’s relevant is if he would corroborate the driver’s story as Jameis doesn’t need another witness to corroborate his statement as he already has the one and only eye witness offering to speak corroborating his side. Therefore, I doubt Jameis even cares if the 3rd passenger ever comes forward on his behalf and I doubt he has any plan to release said 3rd passengers name … it’s ONLY the Uber driver herself that would want the 3rd passenger to come forward and then ONLY if that 3rd passenger would side with her, and since that obviously isn’t happening, I don’t think Jameis has anything to worry about and I doubt he even gets a 1 game suspension.
February 17th, 2018 at 3:47 pm
“Which is why I hope JW is telling the truth.”
Amen brother. I like the kid a and genuinely hope he hasn’t made a huge mistake…and not just because it effects my team but his life.
Exactly…that is my major problem with all of this. Given that there was a LOT of talk whether Jameis would be the #1 pick because of off field nonsense you would have imagined that BOTH Jameis and “his people” along with the Bucs would have been super focused on this kind of stuff.
I’m not sure why you keep doing to Goodell what you are accusing him of doing …railroading people. There were investigations of Zeke…he was found to have abused women on three different occasions and there were police reports and ACTUAL EVIDENCE. In fact Zeke probably got off easy…too bad it wasn’t Florida and one of the women could have “stood her ground” and blow his sorry arse away. Again no man should be hitting on women! And when it’s a well built football player what’s a woman to do?
Brady’s case also investigated and the proof rested in the Patriot locker room with the managers. Brady was guilty! Perhaps the crime did not fit the punishment…I thought that part of it was weak…but Brady was not innocent.
There was obvious video of Ray Rice. Goodell has NOT suspended folks willy nilly. There HAS to be evidence or the NFL could be set up for a huge lawsuit for defamation of character and loss of earnings.
At the moment the ONLY evidence is the word of Jameis against the girl and the immediate report to Uber. Just because we may love him doesn’t change reality.
He NEEDS to clear his name which could EASILY be done with that second witness.
There are two issues here. Did Jameis actually grab her crotch. Or did he not but still lie about other passengers because he was afraid he would get railroaded.
AGAIN….NONE of us are that 2nd witness…NONE of us were there. ALL we can do is speculate but again if this had been taken care of last year with the 2nd witness we would not be fearing any suspension. Unless of course he did it. Hard for me to believe given his situation coming into the league…if he did he has serious mental issues which I prefer not to believe.
February 17th, 2018 at 3:50 pm
The 3rd passenger is irrelevant if the driver has no proof (and she obviously has no proof) as the 2nd passenger (Darby) already corroborated Jameis’ statement.
And again, if Darby and Jameis believe the front-seat 3rd passenger did not do anything wrong, neither one should just offer up his name to the uber driver so she can sue an innocent man! If she wants to sue him, she can hire her own P.I. on her own dime and try to find out who he was.
You guys that think if Jameis gets suspened for 6 games it will cost him a mega contract are nuts … Jameis can hit free agency at 27 years of age, with 6 years of experience under his belt and BREAK THE BANK whether he gets suspended for zero games or 6 games.
Also, as to the claim that some people don’t care if Jameis did this … I’d say that’s partly true, simply do the nature of the accusation. The driver isn’t saying she was ra*ed … she’s simply claiming someone who was inebriated put his hand on top of her jeans as a pick-up move … I would imagine most people, both men and women, don’t think that’s a big deal. Ladies pat men’s butts and even rub up on their junk all the time without invitation in clubs and after partying and men don’t complain … likewise men hug women from behind, pat their butts, etc., all the time in clubs and after partying and the women don’t complain … and what the driver is saying isn’t even that … just some inebriated guy placing his hand on top of her pants and then removing it right when she said “What’s up with that?” and causing no further incidence the rest of the ride … I mean, the whole thing is sort of stupid in the minds of many.
As for me … I have daughters, so I can sympathize with the driver, but even to me, it’s obvious their is no legal case or even civil case to speak of her, whether the front seat passenger was Jameis or just Joe Schmoe … the Police would not take this seriously, no civil jury is going to take it seriously and it’s basically just a non-event.
But, regardless, ALL OF THE ABOVE SAID, the 3rd passenger is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT. The only way he’s relevant is if he would corroborate the driver’s story as Jameis doesn’t need another witness to corroborate his statement as he already has the one and only eye witness offering to speak corroborating his side. Therefore, I doubt Jameis even cares if the 3rd passenger ever comes forward on his behalf and I doubt he has any plan to release said 3rd passengers name … it’s ONLY the Uber driver herself that would want the 3rd passenger to come forward and then ONLY if that 3rd passenger would side with her, and since that obviously isn’t happening, I don’t think Jameis has anything to worry about and I doubt he even gets a 1 game suspension.
February 17th, 2018 at 3:52 pm
I love you man BUT an inebriated man doesn’t need to have “mental issues” to hit on a woman by placing his hand on top of her pants … any man could do that and far, far worse if inebriated …
February 17th, 2018 at 4:16 pm
I’ll speculate and say..2 to 5 game suspension.
February 17th, 2018 at 4:37 pm
If Jameis is suspended 2-5 games, I say draft a QB at 7.
No QB of mine will be suspended for abusing women. Especially if said QB already had one issue with this kind of stuff in college.
Jameis is a millionaire, hire a flipping babysitter.
February 17th, 2018 at 4:48 pm
^ They should probably draft a QB with one of those 6th round picks even if Jameis isn’t suspended at all … but to draft a QB at #7 would be completely asinine! Thankfully YOU aren’t the Bucs GM.
February 17th, 2018 at 4:54 pm
Nut, I don’t know why they should draft a QB. Just go to the next page and you’ll see we got some pretty nice options behind Winston as is.
Only thing I could maybe see is taking an undrafted guy and let him compete in camp.
February 17th, 2018 at 4:59 pm
I just like the idea of drafting late-round QBs as a value-play, as they may be able to be traded later on for a much higher pick … for example, if Jameis does happen to get suspended and we have Fitz and a 6th round QB and that 6th round QB plays well in pre-season, we may be able to flip him for a 4th rounder in 2019 …
February 17th, 2018 at 5:36 pm
Mutual love bro and I certainly confess to have doing “some” of the types of things you are mentioning. Especially when inebriated. LOL
But I’m an old dude who was well ahead of the #metoo movement. In fact when I was 21 just back from ‘Nam…attending U. Cincinnati and working at Delta Airlines I planned to go into broadcasting…which I ultimately did. But a Delta manager called me into his office because he liked me and told me I should reconsider and stay with Delta.
Then he told me to look out his glass office window at the office full of reservationists. The office had about 100 total..90 women and 10 men. Only two men were not in management…me and another guy who only had a few months on the job. He asked me what did I see? Uhhhh reservationists?
No they’re all women!!! You’re a man. You’ll shoot right to the top of the ladder. Can you even imagine saying that out loud now days. No wonder women were so peoed back then. LOL
As for Jameis…I hope you’re correct and there is no suspension. I certainly accept your opinion and believe you might be right. Bonzai thinks Goodell will suspend him just for giggles…I do not.
I’m not the judge or jury and it’s only my opinion. Ronald Darby is probably the least credible backup he could have found which is why I wish we’d get the other guy…in addition IF there’s another guy it corroborates Jameis story.
Again ironically if he had been rolling with GMC and he was the only witness nobody would have any problems.
But I hear ya. The ONLY real thing that agitates me is how it was handled and when. Should have been wrapped up back when it happened. But as Roy pointed out perhaps there were legal reasons like the statute of limitations that delayed it.
February 17th, 2018 at 5:50 pm
Nut that would mean they would need a lot of things to fall perfectly into place. Sounds like an extreme long shot and not a very effiecent use of the pick.
Personally I think they have a better chance at using late round picks on positions of need and developing them. Maybe they even play some snaps this year if they play above expectations or maybe they make an impact on special teams.
Just rather take a guy who has a better chance to make an impact. Our team right now just isn’t competitive enough to take a flyer on a QB IMO.
February 17th, 2018 at 5:59 pm
St Pete….There was nothing to wrap up 2 years ago or whenever it happened. The only thing Jamie’s could/should have done was alert his lawyer and do whatever was advised.
Are you saying he didn’t let his lawyer know? I haven’t heard that.
Other then that there isn’t really anything he could have done because there was no prior investigation or charges.
February 17th, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Low priority for the NFL they’ll give an update when they get to it.
February 17th, 2018 at 6:03 pm
They have no evidence no proof no nothing no story….next
February 17th, 2018 at 6:33 pm
^ Agreed … they have an actual player to worry about … Rueben Foster
February 17th, 2018 at 6:36 pm
You’re certainly not wrong to prefer the team use both their 6th rounders on a “position of need” … I just feel like 6th and 7th rounders generally don’t pan out anyways, I’d rather take a QB and try to turn him into a 4th rounder the next year.
But, I mean, if we could get CB/RS DJ Reed and RT DesMond Harrison with our 6th round picks, lets do it!
February 17th, 2018 at 6:41 pm
I agree with you about GMC … he would have been perfect as the eye witness. I do however think Darby is a better witness then just some nobody as he has millions in future earnings to protect and has a reason not to lie, whereas if the front seat passenger was just some friend that works at Subway, he’d have a reason to lie rather than tell the truth.
As for your workplace story … you’re right, women had a reason to be upset. I also sympathize with the #MeTooMovement and honestly think Halsey’s poem that she delivered at the Women’s March was extremely powerful … however I also think the movement is being co-opted by people that are using it as a way to keep the focus off the issue of pedophilia in Hollywood which bothers me … by all means we should all treat women with respect, but children are even more vulnerable and Hollywood and the main stream media don’t see to care about them at all which really bothers me.
February 17th, 2018 at 6:47 pm
Devil’s advocate: is it possible the driver got a bad rating and made-up the incident to restore the rating?
February 17th, 2018 at 6:48 pm
I question whether this is accurate. I’m sure Winston and Darby have been instructed not to comment on anything about this, and the investigator wouldn’t.
So how does Stroud know?
Seems very unlikely they haven’t talked to anybody, unless there is sufficient info out there that disproves this.
February 17th, 2018 at 7:08 pm
NFLNut Says:
February 17th, 2018 at 4:48 pm
^ They should probably draft a QB with one of those 6th round picks even if Jameis isn’t suspended at all … but to draft a QB at #7 would be completely asinine! Thankfully YOU aren’t the Bucs GM.
Lmao! Back at ya! You said Jameis will get the richest contract in history. I say hell no if he is suspended.
Glad you’re not the GM either bc your love of Jameis is disturbing. He is a promising young QB with turnover issues. And a lot of these turnovers are of the really stupid variety.
February 17th, 2018 at 7:11 pm
“Completely asinine” would be giving Jameis the richest contract in NFL history if he’s suspended/ and a turnover machine.
Now if Jameis can Not be suspended and clean up the silly turnovers, we can talk about a big time extension.
Your faith for Jameis is almost bordering a “Freemanite” level.
Have you ever changed your JBF.com moniker? I know some fans do bc they can’t handle being wrong as hell about things and have to change their handle to feel better about life. It’s a sheeps life.
February 17th, 2018 at 8:27 pm
I do not know about #3’s lawyer but unless they are lying the Bucs claim he didn’t let them know. If that’s true that is what would really bug me. He’s enjoying a life of tremendous privilege playing a kids game for millions of dollars.
For me that changes the equation. A Wal Mart employee owes nothing about their personal life…but an NFL franchise QB who came into the league with questions..he has obligations above and beyond in my opinion.
Agree 100% about your #metoo comments. Yeah PART of it was long overdue but it has been co opted by other for personal and political purposes.
This drives people…even liberals like Bill Maher nucking futs. What Al Franken did is not the same as what Weinstein or even Louis CK and some of these people can’t seem to split out simple bad manners from true sexual predation.
I’ve slept with women in the workplace…always consensually…and I was never one of their supervisors…but I’m not sure I’m not guilty as well. LOL
Nobody griped and I’d like to think it was because I was a “real” man like TMAX….but nobody is the man that TMAX is.
If I’m inappropriate here…to much Sangria with dinner. Don’t you guys love Sangria when they do not skimp on the brandy?
February 17th, 2018 at 8:48 pm
You know what happens on the next suspension, don’t you? One year.
Better believe if Jameis is hit with a six-game suspension that will hurt his bargaining power.
February 17th, 2018 at 9:20 pm
Thank you for weighing in, Joe.
Gotta love that you are a man of the people and a true fan to boot.
Notice that Bucsnation.com is without a writer. You all should buy out the web site and just post JBF.com there too.
Glad to see truly passionate football fans/writers kick so much ass. Imagine if the Buccaneers were any good. You all are great AF. My favorite website on the internet. Hands down.
February 17th, 2018 at 10:20 pm
I was NEVER a Bucs fan till 2015 so no, I haven’t changed my moniker … I never cared about Freeman … he was just irrevelant to me.
You’re both wrong imho. If Jameis gets slapped with a 6 game suspension that will NOT hurt his contract at all. Matt Stafford, who has NEVER won a single playoff game in 9 years got the richest contract in history … Jimmy G who has started a whopping 7 games topped it … Kirk Cousins who Washington let walk so they could trade a draft pick and a promising corner (for Alex Smith of all people) will top that … it makes no difference if a QB is a top 5-10 QB anymore, all that matters is if he is “next in line”, that’s it.
When the time comes for Jameis to sign his extension, that extension will make him the highest paid player in NFL history and you can take that to the bank imo … and it won’t make one bit of difference if he gets suspended for 6 games this upcoming season.
As for my “Jameis love” … I do believe in the young man’s future, be it in Tampa or elsewhere, but that doesn’t cloud my thinking on legal or contractual issues in the least. For example, I do NOT believe in Kirk Cousins anywhere near as much as I believe in Matt Stafford but I will still go on the record and say that he will easily top Stafford’s contract … it’s just the way things go in the modern NFL even if many fans don’t understand it.
Likewise, I do NOT believe in Dak Prescott at all … I consider him nothing more than a gimmicky game-manager and check-down artist who is a poor man’s Alex Smith … but … I also have no reservations in saying that if he signs his extension after Jameis’ extension, Dak will “top” Jameis deal …. again, it’s just the way things go and people should understand that by now.
February 17th, 2018 at 10:48 pm
You are missing the point. If one slip up mean Jameis misses an entire season, it doesn’t matter if Jameis is the next Aaron Rodgers. If a guy is staring squarely in the face of a potential season-long suspension or just about any minor screwup, any owner is going to take pause before cutting a fat check.
Every quarterback you cited, unless Joe is missing something, has never been suspended.
February 17th, 2018 at 10:51 pm
Thanks, but Vox isn’t selling a piece of its company.
February 18th, 2018 at 12:12 am
I understand what you’re saying, but what I’m saying is that imho it won’t matter one bit if Jameis gets suspended for 6 games, period.
Derek Carr signed his contract coming off a broken leg. Jimmy G signed his after playing less games in 4 years than Mitch Trubisky just played this year. Kirk Cousins is going to be signing his at 30 years old coming off his worst year in a while. Jameis will be just 27 years old with 6 years experience, around 25,000 career passing yards and at least one Pro Bowl to his credit, and he will easily become the highest paid player ever if that is what he wants when the time comes imho.
In fact, if Jameis gets suspended for this uber thing, that’s nowhere near as troubling as a drug issue like Lev Bell had or even injury issues like Matt Stafford had, as it’s something that can be managed to a much greater extent, and with Jameis now being a father, and likely about to be married, I doubt many owners would worry about him repeating an uber type incident to the extent they’d be worried about another injury-prone QB.
February 18th, 2018 at 7:26 am
Nfl nut,
Thanks for the discussion. So what you’re saying is you’re a Jameis fan, and when the Bucs drafted your boyc you became a fan. That’s awesome!
I just couldn’t disagree more. If Jameis is suspended, his contract value IS hurt. It will be especially hurt if Jameis doesn’t take this team to the playoffs in the next two years.
Could you imagine if Jameis is suspended 6 games, and we miss the playoffs by a game or two? It would make the Uber suspension look worse.
February 18th, 2018 at 9:43 am
I may be off base here, but for those saying the 3rd passenger is irrelevant. Did not both Jamies and Darby bring this 3rd party into the equation in order to corroborate their story? If so, then would they not have to name that person in order to prove their story? If they are unwilling to name that person and I was investigating this, I would be forced to disregard that point and would then probably assume they are lying.
Let me say that I am hoping he did nothing wrong and he is cleared of this. However, I see no way they can not name the 3 passenger at this point. To not do so just looks bad.
February 18th, 2018 at 1:36 pm
I’m a fan of many players … I’m not a team fan.
I follow the Bucs because I follow Jameis … same with the Lions and Stafford and the Eagles and Wentz, etc.
I’m NOT a “Jameis homer” though. I was not a Seminoles fan. I simply recognize great players when I see them and I like to follow their careers.
Also, again, I respect your view, even if it’s wrong. Again, Matt Stafford got the richest contract ever and has never won a single playoff game in 9 years and Derek Carr got the richest contract ever despite having just broke his leg and having never even played in a playoff game.
It won’t matter if the Bucs go 5-11 the next two years AND Jameis gets suspended 6 games this season, if he simply puts up two more 90+ passer rating seasons like he did this past year with a bad throwing shoulder, when his time comes, he’ll become the highest paid player ever … and then the next week a game-manager like Dak could top him if his time comes, etc … it’s just the way the position goes.
However, one thing I am very clear on … Jameis should REFUSE to sign any extension the Bucs offer him and force them to franchise him in 2020 so that he can enter 2021 as an unrestricted free agent ala Kirk Cousins this year … all decent QBs should do whatever it takes to be able to control their own future imho.
February 18th, 2018 at 1:48 pm
Jameis, to my knowledge, never said how many passengers were in the car at all. He simply said the driver was confused as to the number of passengers and as to who was in the front seat next to her. Ronald Darby came out later and said there were three passengers and that he and Jameis were in the back seat together. For all we know, the 3rd front-seat passenger could have only been a friend of Darby’s.
Regardless, neither Jameis or Darby needs to ever name the 3rd passenger as it makes no difference if that passenger was Patrick Peterson (who was at the same charity event that weekend) or the deceased corpse of Pablo Picasso. It doesn’t matter.
All that matters is the ONE AND ONLY WITNESS THAT IS TALKING is corroborating Jameis’ statement.
The driver has no evidence and no witness. Jameis has a witness. CASE CLOSED.
The only person who would really want and need the 3rd passenger to come forward is the driver herself, and then only if that 3rd passengers was going to corroborate her story … and obviously, that is not happening.
And again, you don’t just hand over someone’s name to someone who will try to make their life heck and drag them through a lawsuit if you know that person is innocent and Darby’s exact words were, “I am confident that nothing inappropriate in nature happened in the car that evening ” … so, if he and Jameis both feel that way, than NO, they should NEVER reveal the front-seat passengers name! If the uber driver wants to put the front-seat passenger through heck and sue him than let her hire her own P.I. on her own dime and try to find out who he is!
Put yourself in the same situation … you and your brother were in the back seat and it was your best friend or your dad or your other brother or anyone that you love and care about and you know that person did NOTHING wrong but that some driver wants to put them through heck and sue them … would you just willingly offer up that loved one’s name? I would hope your answer is, “Heck no, never!”.
February 18th, 2018 at 3:06 pm
Too soon to see whose “right” and “wrong”.
What I can tell you is that Derek Carr and Matt Stafford don’t have off the field issues.
Injuries are a part of the game, but off the field nonsense is not in the equation when t came to extending those QBs to mega contracts.
I hoe Jameis earns a contract extension, and doesn’t miss games bc of off the field nonsense. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
February 18th, 2018 at 3:10 pm
end of message
There is a huge market for Jameis Winston for the teams without a true franchise QB (over 13 teams)
The 6 game suspension doesnt mean a damn thing
It is a OPPORTUNITY for other teams to acquire Jameis winston when then couldnt if he was clean
EVEN with a 6 game suspension and no more strikes….
“What he does on the the field is ….EVERYTHING AND ONLY THING”
Ray Lewis
If Jameis is a top QB on the field…He will make 30 mill per year GUARANTEED
February 18th, 2018 at 3:17 pm
Good points. I hope Jameis gets an extension bc his play warrants such.
If Ray Lewis played in today’s game, with Gestapo Goodell +Social Media, he may well have faced suspension?
February 18th, 2018 at 3:20 pm
^ You have more common sense than STEVEK … obviously.
February 18th, 2018 at 4:24 pm
NFLNut- beg to differ. One of the two, Darby or Jameis or possibly both mentioned a third passenger as evidence that the driver was confused and that Jameis was in the back seat.
If I accuse you of stealing something from me and have no proof other than my word vs yours and you then say that there is no way you could have done it because you have a witness that says otherwise then I want to talk to that witness. If you are then unwilling to produce that witness, then you now look suspect. That might not be enough to arrest you for a crime. However, this an NFL investigation they can suspend you for simply looking shady.
Also, have we seen anything proving Darby was in the car?
February 18th, 2018 at 5:07 pm
NFLNut Says:
February 18th, 2018 at 3:20 pm
^ You have more common sense than STEVEK … obviously.
We shall see about that. Glad we can debate, and I wish you wouldn’t discount people’s opinions, as yours way off base.
Lol, we shall see, but suspended players are less attractive than non suspended players. You know, gotta be on the field to win ball games.
February 18th, 2018 at 5:10 pm
Matt Stafford is a top 10 QB
Jameis is top 20.
Keep it coming, your sh!t is weak and off base AF.
February 18th, 2018 at 6:43 pm
Go back and read through all my previous posts to educate yourself.
As for Stafford and Jameis … again, it doesn’t matter if one is a top 5 or 10 or even 15 QB anymore, all that matters is if one is “next in line” for an extension.
Jameis had a higher passer rating last year than Matt Ryan despite playing with an injured throwing shoulder, behind a worse O-Line and with less support in the running game … and Jameis is far younger, yet, watch … when Matt Ryan signs his next extension it will make him the highest paid player in NFL history.
You know I’m right and don’t want to admit it, so you resort to childish nonsense … it’s not a good look … grow up.
February 18th, 2018 at 6:54 pm
I don’t believe Jameis ever said how many passengers were in the car. His statement merely said the driver was confused as to the number of passengers and who was sitting next to her.
It was Darby who willingly volunteered the info that there were three passengers and that he and Jameis were in the back seat.
Regardless, let’s use the example you gave about theft.
Let’s say you claim that last Sunday you were at Joe Schmoe’s house and no one else was there and Joe Schmoe stole your wallet while you were both in his man-cave. Joe Schmoe then says he didn’t steal it and you are lying about how many people were in the house and that it was someone else altogether that went into the man-cave with you. Then, a guy named Bill comes out and says that he was also there along with another guy and that Joe Schmoe never even went into the man-cave with you. At that point, YOU are toast and have no case at all as the one and only witness talking is saying you’re lying and that Joe Schmoe is right. Case closed.
Jameis does NOT need the 3rd passenger to come forward, nor does he need to name him. It is the uber driver that needs to produce this 3rd passenger and have that 3rd passenger corroborate her version of events, as right now there is only one witness that is talking and that one witness is corroborating Jameis’ version of events.
Now, as far as the NFL investigation goes … sure, Goodell could suspend Jameis just for fun, but I don’t see that happening. With Ezekiel Elliot there was a police report filed, multiple witnesses and even video evidence of him breaking the personal conduct policy … it was obvious Zeke was getting suspended. With Jameis there is nothing but a rumor … nothing … no police report, no proof, no witness that corroborates the accuser, just nothing. I don’t see how Goodell suspends Jameis based on nothing, as if he does, he will just open a massive can of worms and basically be inviting the public to lie about players at anytime in order to get a payday … it would be mayhem.
February 18th, 2018 at 8:28 pm
You started it, and put your opinion on a pedestal.
I will not back down.
Matt Ryan has been to a super bowl and has a league MVP award. Say what you will but he deserves his pay day.
February 18th, 2018 at 9:42 pm
You’re already backing down as your last reply ignored what I said and just mentioned Matt Ryan.
Regardless, even Ryan proves my point as while yes, in 2016 he had a magical season, he had a lower passer rating than even Jameis (with a bad throwing shoulder) had last year, and no one actually considers Ryan in Brady or Rodgers or even Brees’ class and yet when his time comes his contract extension will be the richest in history unless he willingly gives the team a hometown discount.
Finally, please understand I did NOT set my “opinion” on a pedestal. My “opinion” means nothing. In fact, opinions aren’t really even worth debating about. I debate with stats, facts and historical data and that is why I win all my debates … most people just debate with opinions and emotional arguments and therefore come off as children and loons.
Again, you know full well that I’m right about the “next in line” thing … there’s no point in debating with me about it.
However, if you want to just say, “Okay, you’re right about ‘next in line’ but I personally think a QB’s paycheck should equal his on-field performance” than I could respect that “opinion” and I wouldn’t argue with it, as it’s just an opinion and you’re not likely to change it.
Please just try to recognize that there is a major difference between a mere opinion and a statement that is backed up by stats and historical data. For example, it is my opinion that Jameis is a better QB right now than Matt Ryan is but it is a fact that Jameis had a higher passer rating than Matt Ryan had last year. Likewise it is my opinion that Barry Sanders was the single most amazing RB to ever play the game but it is a fact that Emmitt Smith has more career rushing yards.
February 19th, 2018 at 9:10 am
“Jameis is next in line for a fat contract IF he is not suspended.”
Final answer’