GMC Talks Eating W’s
February 2nd, 2018
Still catches grief.
He should have secured a trademark.
When Joe noticed folks freaking when TV cameras caught America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, on the sidelines before the awful beatdown at New Orleans imploring his teammates to eat W’s, Joe knew it would go viral and Jameis should capitalize on the craze financially.
Sure enough, two Friday nights later, Joe watched a Cal-Stanford game on FS1 when Stanford got a game-sealing pick late in the game. Their two safeties from ran off the field celebrating by eating W’s.
Jameis also has been mocked by fellow and former NFL players for his stunt. And it hasn’t stopped, per Bucs stud defensive tackle Gerald McCoy.
Appearing yesterday with former Bucs quarterback Chris Simms and Adam Lefkoe of the “Simms and Lefkoe Podcast,” recorded live from the radio row at the media center of Super Bowl LII, McCoy was asked about Jameis eating W’ court of the Mall of America
GMC said the Bucs hound Jameis about it to this day.
“We destroy him in the locker room [and], at practice, all the time,” GMC said. “It is like a never-ending joke.”
GMC noted he cannot escape eating W’s. He said at the Pro Bowl practices and during the game, his Pro Bowl teammates were talking about eating W’s to secure a win.
Another interesting thing GMC said in the podcast: He believes Jameis will be a better quarterback next year and into the future for what he went through this year. GMC is convinced the 2017 season was the very first time Jameis had to deal with adversity (injured shoulder, terrible season) on the field.
“This year he had to deal with injuries,” GMC said. “I think he grew a lot not just as a player but as a man. Sitting down talking to him, he said he learned a lot,
“I love him. I believe in him.”
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:03 am
Go Buccs
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:06 am
Jameis will go down as greatest buc of all time. Gmc legacy is already set in stone The Face of the Basement Years. Jameis is a driven winner while gmc and his great first step to nowhere has proven he is a career loser and quitter.
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:11 am
Jameis has been a winner his entire life. It’s just a matter of time till he wins here to. Yes Joe despite being the “4th best QB in the division “.
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:17 am
Gerry hanging out at the S.B. looking for a microphone, sounds about right. I’m embarrassed this career loser is the face of the Bucs. Only way Gerry gets to the S.B. is if he buys tickets.
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:19 am
He was given alot of alphabet soup growing up. He never ever found a W. So eating a W was on his bucket list. I wish it was the lower case o, would have made for better tv.
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:20 am
Nolemutt…..virtually every player coming into the NFL has been all everything in football their whole life….NFL puts them in their place if they are lucky enough to make a roster…..I really hope Jameis can “become” what all Buc fans hope for….he has a lot to clean up in his game..the most concerning is accuracy…followed by decision making….as of now his success is the W-L in the games he has started
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:32 am
Yep, he’s a disgrace. The only DT to never take his team to the SB!!!!
TEAM game Hodad. That’s T-E-A-M!
I seriously question who Buc “fans” are sometimes.
Oh, and the mic “thing”, yeah, do you watch much SB week?! They’d stick a mic in YOUR face just to fill air!
Man, being a Buc fan is tough. Go GMC!
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:37 am
Dude let gmc go he’s done nothing in his ENTIRE CAREER. Stop falling for losers
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:38 am
Most of the imitation is not in a flattering way. He looked like a special needs child. Totally embarrassed his teammates
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:55 am
“Sitting down talking to him, he said he learned a lot,”
Man…..I sure hope so!
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:59 am
How flipping embarrassing for him, me and all of Buc”dumb”! This picture / incident makes me feel ashamed to root for him.
Perhaps if we didn’t kiss the gluteus’ of these players, since middle school, they might make it to young manhood and understand that the world is NOT their oyster; you can’t grab a girl anywhere on HER body just because you’d like to; you can’t stand on a table in the cafeteria of a major university (or anywhere else) and shout to the high heavens “f her in the p”; stealing is wrong; being able to form sentences & coherent thoughts is imperative and eating your fingers in the shape of a “w” might have been cool in the 5th grade but, not as a 23 year old man!
The Bucs should not pass up on a QB if one should present himself and no, not for this (“w”) reason alone. This oversized child may be suspended and ultimately abandoned, as a QB.
Who was the 3rd passenger?
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:02 am
Jameis is a fckn trendsetter. People always laugh at the trendsetters until one day they wake up and realize their trend has been set by a lion who don’t care what sheep think!!
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:09 am
GMC, the voice of the Bucs, how lovely….no wonder this team is in a tailspin that never ends…The Bucs will never win anything until this camera loving fraud is sent packing…Pro Bowls, big pay cheques and attention is the GMC way….does that strike inspiration into your teammates to win anything? Lead by example?
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:19 am
Actually, the Bucs ate more than their share of “Ls” last season…..sorry, but just not getting into this nonsense….
Don’t eat “Ws” just produce some on the final scoreboard…..
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:30 am
Jameis is a fckn trendsetter….so are fidget spinners…digit eaters….
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:37 am
Theyre not laughing with him. No trend there. They will make fun of that for years, as they should. If u think he is a trend setter just watch him never do anything like that again. It was disturbing, as i said as it happened. It still is. Hey you cant win em all. A simple talk will do from now on.
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:41 am
I agree. He shouldn’t feel embarrassed about it. That said, eating a W only works if you actually win. When Joe Flacco did it, it was awesome.
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:49 am
It was premeditated. Ppl act like he just got up and started eating his fingers like he was deraigned
I’ll take eating Ws any day than that GMC speech in Dallas that killed my hype leading up to huge SNF game.
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:57 am
“We destroy him in the locker room [and], at practice, all the time,” GMC said. “It is like a never-ending joke.”
this I why some fans cant stand GMC…..he thinks everything is a freakin joke….Winston was dead serious during his speech….his teammates and team captains like GMC should have his back and not encourage the mockery…..
they should be coming out supporting Winston and say, last year was bad but we’re determined to eat a lot of “W’s” in 2018…..
I bet the same players “destroying him” are the same players that don’t care about winning….GMC…baker…martin….ward…hell i’ll throw in djax….as many balls that were right off his figure tips that he could’ve stretched/laid out for….
#NOEXCUSESIN2018!!!!!….GO BUCS!!!!!
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:01 am
For the thousandth time he is not inaccurate. Do you even watch the games? You keep saying the same crap but he keeps getting a higher completion % each year and as Joe pointed out this year we had less drops so that means his completion % would gabe been better last yeah if we caught the ball. Then consider we throw deeper down the field than most teams and couple that with his comp % you would have to be delusional to say he is inaccurate.
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:04 am
so let me get this straight GMC…..
during the week preparing for the next opponent GMC and other say,
“hey Winston, we goin to eat a “W” on sunday?”…hahahahahaha….lolololol……
too much joking around…..only a few players are interested in winning….I could probably count them on 2 hands….SMDH….
#NOEXCUSESIN2018!!!!….GO BUCS!!!!!
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:07 am
I bet no one mock drew brees 300 impression after a lost….player respect their qb and their trying to win….I bet no one “destroys” him in the locker room or during practice…..
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:42 am
Ndog…you inaccurately portray Jameis
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:44 am
Here’s hoping that “eating Ws” becomes a real thing in 2018. I want to see the entire Buccaneers team embrace this silliness.
But you only get to eat your Ws after a WIN.
So I hope to see all Bucs players eating Ws on their way back to the locker room about 15 times next season (including 4 straight times to end the season in Feb!)
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:44 am
tmax- We won’t get good trade value for him and we don’t have anyone on the team that comes near his “production”. I hate to tell you this but, he ain’t going anywhere. Embrace him tmax! You know you want to hug him!! Don’t deny it!
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:52 am
Stop eatin the..LOSSES!
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:00 am
He may be able to eat the 6 wins that they will get in 2018.
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:10 am
tmaxcon Says:
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:37 am
Dude let gmc go he’s done nothing in his ENTIRE CAREER. Stop falling for losers
Exactly! What have we won with Geraldine McSofty on the roster? I’ll wait…….. That’s resounding NOTHING!!! I don’t care about his pro bowl appearances, I don’t care about his stats, I sure as hell don’t care about all you “Buc fans” around here have your tongues up a$$. I care that he’s a soft, fragile, non leading a$$ clown! There’s NOTHING any of you GMC fans can say to me or no matter how many stats you guys throw out about him that’s going to make me change my mind. I care only about one stat…….W’s! And again I ask what the hell has he helped this team to achieve???? I get so tired of hearing people compare her to Warren Sapp, he couldn’t carry Warren’s jock in a wheel barrow if he tried. The fact that he’s one of the faces of the franchise is a joke! In order to do that you have be a LEADER, something that he is not nor does he want to be, he actually said this! WTF!!! I ZERO respect for his ass, as a player or a man!
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:13 am
Jameis Winston Chunky Soup with Ws starts selling on 2019
2019 HC Jim Swartz or Joe Dellippo
2019 GM Joe Douglas
“Philly Philly my Fav team”
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:29 am
“Man, being a Buc fan is tough. Go GMC!”
Obviously I agree Fanman. But what saddens me is many of our fans make it just as tough to be a Buc’s player. Who wants to go someplace and be a perennial pro bowler and still get trashed by half the Buc’s fanbase?
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:37 am
Guess what. Same with Jameis. What have we won with him? NOTHING! And I don’t care about his stats. W-l. He was the answer and all we needed. He too was a Captain.
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:39 am
And by the way. Jameis was a Pro Bowler was he not??
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:57 am
the object of the game is to WIN anything else is failure. Pro bowls are meaningless popularity contests and do not reflect ON FIELD results therefore using pro bowls to justify gmc is not only tired but useless. GMC has just as many flat performances and quitting on coaches as he does pro bowls. you can not have selective memory sir. I hope retirement is treating you well but there is no defending a career loser who quits on coaches. that is like trying to defend weinstein who actually has more credibility than the crying clown.
February 2nd, 2018 at 12:01 pm
WAS…a pro bowler. And to be honest, Jameis is not pro bowl caliber yet. He got a L-O-N-G ways to go man!
February 2nd, 2018 at 12:05 pm
We ate 5 W’s this year
I see 6 next year
February 2nd, 2018 at 12:08 pm
DBS Says:
February 2nd, 2018 at 11:37 am
Guess what. Same with Jameis. What have we won with him? NOTHING! And I don’t care about his stats. W-l. He was the answer and all we needed. He too was a Captain.
Okay, very good! Who says I disagree with you? Capt. Crablegs hasn’t done $hit either! Well he’s sexually assaulted a Uber driver……ALLEGEDLY. LOL
February 2nd, 2018 at 12:19 pm
PP99- He’s a Buc so I root for him. I’m a Buc fan. That he hasn’t won sh!t is more an indictment of the team, wouldn’t you say?
February 2nd, 2018 at 12:21 pm
@StPete- It’s mind-boggling! The one positive thing we have from this train-wreck of a season and we can’t even enjoy that!
February 2nd, 2018 at 12:28 pm
Bucsfanman Says:
February 2nd, 2018 at 12:19 pm
PP99- He’s a Buc so I root for him. I’m a Buc fan. That he hasn’t won sh!t is more an indictment of the team, wouldn’t you say?
Yes you do have a point, I’m not just pointing fingers at Geraldine.The organization as a whole is a $HIT SHOW. However I still don’t like her, I think she’s a soft a$$ clown that doesn’t want to lead. And I’m sorry but I DO NOT want the starting DT/Capt. of the defense of my team to be that way. I will NEVER EVER like him or respect him!
February 2nd, 2018 at 1:25 pm
All good 99. I would like to see a different “face” myself on defense. Problem is, that guy ain’t on the roster yet.
February 2nd, 2018 at 1:28 pm
Man who gives a damn if Jameis is eating W’s, hell the whole team should be joining him. Like a few other have said, there are very few in the Bucs organization that really want to win as bad as Jameis does but yet this man is getting ripped/mocked for trying to motivate his team……. like 813 said
February 2nd, 2018 at 1:49 pm
If Jameis’ team would have performed and actually won that game, it wouldn’t be a joke … but they didn’t … the joke is on the losers in that locker-room …
February 2nd, 2018 at 3:24 pm
Not sure about “W”s, but medicine companies have no clue what fruit tastes like!
February 2nd, 2018 at 3:35 pm
I’m going to eat a W, with my beans tonight.
February 2nd, 2018 at 3:42 pm
Don’t know about you guys/gals, but I’m about ready for the NFLs Jameis Winston Investigation to come to an end (HOW F HASNT THE NFL INTERVIEWED DARBY YET???). I will not be able to support this team any longer knowing the Bucs decided to look past their face-of-the franchise being a rapist (who would also undoubtably be suspended for half the season in the event that the NFL finds Jameis guilty of crotch grabbing that Uber driver).
February 2nd, 2018 at 3:45 pm
Don’t know about you guys/gals, but I’m about ready for the NFLs Jameis Winston Investigation to come to an end (HOW F HASNT THE NFL INTERVIEWED DARBY YET???). I will not be able to support this team any longer knowing the Bucs decided to look past their ‘face-of-the-franchise-to-be’ being a rapist (who would also undoubtably be suspended for half the season in the event that the NFL finds Jameis guilty of crotch grabbing that Uber driver) My season ticket rep is going to get a very nasty phone call if Jameis is ever found to be guilt of any of this. Point. Blank. PERIOD.
February 2nd, 2018 at 3:59 pm
Oh, common Joe. Is going the website who promotes “Bucs Uncensored” really going to “Censor” my previous comment b/c it was critical of Winston (and for damn good reason). You just lost A LOT of respect, fwtw.
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:47 pm
Nobody is going to find #3 guilty. There are NO criminal charges.
The NFL just wants it all to go away. They could care less if #3 grabbed her crotch. They only care whether it becomes a PR disaster in the era of #metoo.
Sad but true. The other side of the coin appears to be guys like you who do not care if #3 is innocent.
February 2nd, 2018 at 8:57 pm
I love that this just won’t stop being so hilarious. The eating W’s is so out there that it just won’t stop being funny.
February 2nd, 2018 at 9:32 pm
Nothing to see, keep looking forward to March 14th.
February 2nd, 2018 at 10:15 pm
The team will starve if they have to eat W’s.
February 3rd, 2018 at 11:13 pm
Forget about the fingers, just win