King: Team Glazer Loves Chucky
January 11th, 2018
“Hey Ed, I love it out west. There’s no humidity. And I won’t have Warren Sapp hounding me to take him out on my boat. That’s why you moved to California, right?”
The hiring of Chucky by Mark Davis and the Raiders still has the NFL world buzzing before the divisional round of the playoffs begins.
And it seems Chucky broke Team Glazer’s heart by moving back west.
That is the word from none other than chewing-with-his-mouth-open, soup-gulping, California train-romancing, anti-football proliferation, outhouse-admiring, airline-napping, steerage-flying, Yogi Berra-worshiping, urinal picture-taking, video game-playing, Taylor Swift-listening, pickpocket-thwarting, Bucs-uniform-frowning, Allie-LaForce-smitten, Big-Ten-Network-hating, pedestrian-bumping, olive oil-lapping, popcorn-munching, coffee-slurping, fried-chicken-eating, oatmeal-loving, circle-jerking, craft beer-chugging, cricket-watching, scone-loathing, college football-naïve, baseball-box-score-reading, NPR-honk, filthy-hotel-staying, fight-instigating, barista-training, social activist Peter King of fame.
King is convinced Team Glazer pants in the small hours of the night, wanting Chucky to coach the Bucs. But for reasons not quite clear, Team Glazer’s lustful advances were unrequited and Chucky bolted for the western time zone.
“I will always think that the Glazer family would have liked at some point in life, to have Jon Gruden return,” King told the one and only Chris “Mad Dog” Russo on SiriusXM Mad Dog Radio. “Whether that is the absolute truth or not, it is always the feeling I’ve got being around the Bucs. They have a statue of Gruden there in their facility. He is just a beloved figure there. I figured they would want him and [Gruden passed] they would give Koetter another year to help Jameis Winston become a good quarterback.”
To the best of Joe’s knowledge, at best King is around Team Glazer maybe a half-dozen days a year. League meetings. Maybe a chance encounter the one day a year (if that) King’s entourage does a drive-by hit at One Buc Palace in August.
Two years ago after inept Lovie Smith cleaned out his office in the dark of the night, King was one of the many national NFL types who were outraged at Lovie getting canned. Joe later spoke with King at a craft brewery at the combine in Indianapolis. Joe asked King why he thought all the national media types were so shocked and outraged about Lovie’s firing, yet the local pen and mic club was only surprised — not at Lovie’s firing — but when it came. At night.
King admitted perhaps he was wrong because he isn’t around One Buc Palace that much and didn’t have the pulse of the team like the beat writers. That’s fair.
January 11th, 2018 at 12:11 pm
Gruden is beloved in Tampa? Yes by some, but a lot of idiots in Tampa, Probably what 40% think hes overrated and didn’t want him back. Compare that to Raider Nation… there he is beloved, 99% of them are ecstatic to have him back. IMO 10 years is too long a contract, but we most likely just sacraficed another 2… Dirk gets the boot after next year and the new guy starts the rebuild after that. We will see, but the Raiders and Carr will be great right away
January 11th, 2018 at 12:25 pm
And then there is the idiots that guaranteed Gruden coming this year . with all their inside knowledge. Gruden is not here. Would not be here. Get over it and move on. Nobody knows for sure what this team or the Raiders will be next season except to make a guess!! Hell the players are not even on the team yet.
January 11th, 2018 at 12:31 pm
There is no part of me that “hates” Jon Gruden so I can’t describe my feelings as love-hate. But they are love-meh.
I love Chucky for that magical year…it was truly special and so a lot of Tampa faithful remember those feelings of love.
I also remember however the letdown after the SB. I think Chucky is a good not great coach. His motivational technique can wear thin on players and fans alike.
But he is clearly a smart guy…a workaholic…dedicated to winning…in short Chucky has a lot of very positive traits. But he also brings some baggage. Then again who doesn’t?
I wanted Koetter to stay…if Chucky had taken the job I would have been fine…I respect both of these guys but I’m not in awe of either.
January 11th, 2018 at 12:35 pm
King is fake news.
Gruden is not beloved. Dungy is beloved, even if you’re on Team Gruden because you’re a bandwagon rider that didn’t live through the pre-Dungy years, still who doesn’t love the guy? If you don’t it’s on and the fact you’re a piece of garbage. Meanwhile there is a large number of us that watched Gruden dismantle the Bucs because he couldn’t live with people saying he won with Dungy’s team – so he dumped Lynch and Sapp, claimed it was a salary cap issue, then signed a 32-year old injured Charlie Garner to a big deal along with ever injured mid-30s offensive lineman he could find and even went down to the retirement home in St Pete where Cocoon was filmed and brought back Tim Brown. Gruden lost control of the team in 2003 with his hissy fits like sending Keyshawn home when the Bucs still very much had a chance to make it back to the playoffs. Gruden threw a hissyfit when Rich McKay wouldn’t sign every 40-year free agent WR Gruden brought in off the street. Gruden is not beloved by people that know their Buc history and watched him destroy the team and a possible dynasty all to prove he could win it without it being Dungy’s team.
With that said sure, there was a sense of excite to by those that believed he might come back, but i think that is mainly based on who the coach is now. I’m not on Team Gruden but compared to Dirk I’d LOVE to have Gruden back since going 9-7 every year and losing in the first round of the playoffs is a huge step up from what Dirk brings to the table.
January 11th, 2018 at 12:41 pm
Loved him so much they canned him after back to back 9-7 seasons and a Division Title in the previous year.
A fact not lost on Jon Gruden. Ergo, the new head coach at the raiders.
Reap what you sow Glazer boys.
January 11th, 2018 at 12:48 pm
January 11th, 2018 at 12:52 pm
He’s not here…can we please now move the hell on!!
January 11th, 2018 at 1:02 pm
The biggest surprise here was that Joe set foot in a craft brewery.
January 11th, 2018 at 1:31 pm
If they loved him so much then why did they fire gruden after giving him an extension.
January 11th, 2018 at 1:37 pm
We could always trade for him after next year.
January 11th, 2018 at 1:41 pm
Munch, if Gruden won with Dungy’s team… how come Dungy couldn’t win with Dungy’s team?
Wasted the prime years of Bucs D and prime years of an all world QB in his next stop. Dungy is an underachiever, but all the bible thumpers prop him up for his holier than thou persona.
January 11th, 2018 at 1:41 pm
That does frustrate me a little that he’s talking about something he doesn’t know when all he has to do is pick up the phone and call Joe or someone local. He knew he was going to talk about chucky so why not have your facts straight. Maybe he’s too busy, but by him making a comment like that gives the rest of the nfl/fans the wrong idea.
January 11th, 2018 at 1:57 pm
Ex Buc Scott Frost new head coach 2020.
January 11th, 2018 at 2:20 pm
Yeah, Gruden was so terrible both his former employers, that knew all his flaws, still got in a bidding war to get him back. Two teams that haven’t sustained any level of success since he left their teams.
January 11th, 2018 at 2:21 pm
This is the line that blows me away:
I figured they would want him and [Gruden passed] they would give Koetter another year to help Jameis Winston become a good quarterback.”
Help Jamies Winston become a GOOD quarterback?????
Wow this guys is more clueless about actual football than I thought he was. Sure you can say Jameis has not reached his zenith, you can say he is not great, you can say he need to get better, but to say that he needs to BECOME a good quarterback is just simply delusional.
January 11th, 2018 at 2:24 pm
My poor Bucs..prolonging their pain. Koetter should be gone tomorrow and Mike Smith gone..Yesterday. The HORROR of being a Bucs fan. Oh well, at least I can root for them JAG-WARS. We got one winner in the state. And they are doing it with DEFENSE!
January 11th, 2018 at 3:19 pm
the glazers made the same mistake al davis just made, albeit on a smaller scale, with Lovie Smith. They asked him to name his terms and said “take everything you want, just make us respectable”…and Lovie arrived in Tampa with a .563 winning %. the guy who just got more money for twice as many years arrived in oakland as a career .540 coach
I can understand the hesitation to go back down the road of giving a coach everything he asks for in a fit of desperation and nostalgia
January 11th, 2018 at 4:14 pm
Jon Gruden chose the better team and the better situation.
January 11th, 2018 at 4:22 pm
Joe, why do you have negative epithets for Lovie and not Dirk?
January 11th, 2018 at 4:23 pm
LakeLand why don’t you do the same?
January 11th, 2018 at 4:29 pm
Tampa Bay Bucs record with Tony Dungy
Tampa Bay Bucs record since Tony Dungy
Tony Dungy record with the Indianapolis Colts
It’s obvious that Tony Dungy is a winner
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers Sucks
January 11th, 2018 at 4:50 pm
Pssssst!!!Rod Munch our beloved tmaxicon despises Dungy wih a passion because Tom Flores didn’t get in the Hall and Wyche drafted Sapp and Brooks and Barber and Lynch Donnie Abraham and Brian Kelly and Simeon Rice and Dwight Smith. Plus he went and won a Stupor Bowl with Peyton Manning. Oh! Is that you tmax? Hey buddy how you doin? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
January 11th, 2018 at 8:43 pm
I get my solace from him wearing that superowl ring wildcard wknd …and it wasn’t from the raiders
that’s GOOD ENUFF FOR ME ……I know you aint selling your house here coach
—-Nate dub…..haha
January 12th, 2018 at 1:09 am
DavidBigBucsFan99 – Rich McKay drafted those players. Learn your history kiddo.
January 12th, 2018 at 1:13 am
BUCLUV55 – If Dungy had been here in 2002 the Bucs would have won a SB with him. The 2002 Bucs defense, which was built by Dungy and Kiffin and left completely untouched by Gruden, can easily make the claim as the best defense of all time. It is absolutely the best pass defense of all time and in the playoffs it went against three top 10 offense teams and held them to a net of 4 points a game (net being after you subtract defensive scores). The offense literally had to do nothing but put up 5 points a game, and even Mike Shula could do more than that.
Anywho if it wasn’t Dungy’s team then why after putting his own mark on the team after 2002 when he had a full offseason, got in more of his coaches and started making personel changes, why didn’t he win another playoff game? The team just went to the SB and yet with the same team missed the playoffs the next season, why is that?
January 12th, 2018 at 7:08 am
321Bucfan is on tonsomething.