Ahead Of The Pack
January 10th, 2018
Jaw-dropping data.
The haters might choke on these numbers.
It seems America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, could be in a league of his own.
A loyal reader of Joe’s, a guy who goes by the Twitter handle of @Jameis1on1, did some research and floated Joe the results. In turn, Joe is giving the guy credit for work and sharing his research.
It seems Jameis is the best quarterback to come into the league since Andrew Luck. And that’s nothing to sneeze at. Since Luck, per this research, other quarterbacks don’t stand up to Jameis when it comes to passing numbers.
Now, the only thing Jameis needs is to start eating W’s.
For the Jameis haters, they might have to resort to blackmailing Uber drivers.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:06 am
Now all we need to do is to get the league to change their rules and allow us to get in based on whatever crazy stats Joe wants to pull out that week instead of actual wins.
For a guy who loves to say stats are for nerds you sure seem to love to pull them out to backup Jameis. Have fun scouring Profootballrefrence.com for more stats showing his supposed greatness this weekend, I’ll be to busy watching the #2 overall pick play in a divisional playoff game.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:19 am
I wonder why we keep seeing “yard” stats and nothing about points!!!!!! Oh Yea, it makes JW3 look good and the defense look bad!!!!!!!! I can not wait until we see the series of articles of the “top ten X factors of why Coach Smitty should have been fired”!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!
January 10th, 2018 at 9:23 am
Stick Carrier Says:
For a guy who loves to say stats are for nerds you sure seem to love to pull them out to backup Jameis. Have fun scouring Profootballrefrence.com for more stats showing his supposed greatness this weekend
Joe already said he didn’t find these numbers, they were sent to him by a twitter follower which he named above. However, I do have to agree with your first statement. Joe, why are you always bashing the “orangutans” at PFF and saying stats mean nothing, yet when you find something that can be spun as a positive you can’t seem to wait to write an article about it?
January 10th, 2018 at 9:26 am
don’t you think norv turner would be a great addition to this staff and help develop Winston better than his current OC and QB coach?…..
can you imagine what CAR offense would look like if norv gets a hold of CAM….GO BUCS!!!!
January 10th, 2018 at 9:30 am
What about the win loss comparison?
January 10th, 2018 at 9:32 am
only stat that matters….Mariota 1 Winstunned 0
January 10th, 2018 at 9:35 am
@813Buc : You know better than to consider any new additions to the coaching staff! The staff’s all set – there’s no need for change … obviously.
I feel like the front office and leadership of this team are like Kevin Bacon in Animal House. Chaos and bedlam everywhere you look, and and Licht and Koetter are screaming “ALL IS WELL!!! All IS WELL!!!”
January 10th, 2018 at 9:36 am
PFF makes player ratings based on evaluations. Stats are simply that. Unarguable numbers generated based on player production.
Two different things.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:39 am
Realist…News flash.. The defense was bad this season. They need no help with that.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:40 am
Before you get too excited… Blake Bortles had 69 Tds and over 11,000 yards after 3 years. I’m surprised Joe didn’t put Johnny Unitas, he only had 52 tds after 3 seasons.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:45 am
No one cares Joe! You’re talking to a bunch of angry pent up hostiles that are so frustrated with a decade of being the worst team in the Nfl that they can’t think straight. I think they’re called sheep!
They want jameis to “just win” but some really don’t they’d rather see him fail miserably so they can have some gratification for whatever reason.
If you couldn’t tell that Luck and Winston were wonder twins after year 1 then maybe you’re not too good with this football stuff. Ironically they are so similar that the Bucs will fail to protect Winston and ruin his career just like Indy did to Luck. I guess that’s what happens when your owner has more important things to worry about than football.
But wtfdik?
January 10th, 2018 at 9:49 am
one can only dream….GO BUCS!!!!
January 10th, 2018 at 9:50 am
I didn’t see interception and fumbles on that chart. Stats are for losers.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:50 am
Oh Yea, it makes JW3 look good and the defense look bad!!!
Don’t you mean Baaaaaaahaaad?
January 10th, 2018 at 9:53 am
This site is a joke
January 10th, 2018 at 9:53 am
Stats are great talking points for the offseason when your team never makes it to the playoffs.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:56 am
My favorite part of Winston’s game is when he yells hike and immediately has to use a stiff arm to keep a DT off of him. Or when he’s dropping back to 3 steps and has a free blitzer coming right at him causing him to scramble (on a 3 step drop).
Also love when he puts the ball in WR bread baskets and they drop it or immediately go to the ground. I love when he drives down the field for a game winning FG and the kicker misses the kick.
These are just a few of my favorite things…..
January 10th, 2018 at 9:58 am
I do not understand the graph. Unless we are talking simply age but that’s actually no big deal…chronological age that is.
What’s far more important…and for me the only stats that count…are apples to apples…compare #3 to these guys at the same points in the career…after 1..2..and 3 years….BTW do that and #3 still looks excellent. But I do not see comparing Dak Prescott to #3 when one had three years the other had 1.
I’m also waaaay over this age crap or coming out early. #3 got more experience in his time at FSU than the average guy coming out. He played in an NFL ready program…I’m not particularly an FSU guy but I certainly do respect their program which was EXCELLENT during Jimbo’s years. #3 got the opportunity to literally play on the best team in the country.
I’m not out to bust #3’s chops because I think the fundamental point is still accurate…#3 has produced more than other young QB’s at similar points in their careers. I also am far more forgiving of the past season’s failure than the vast majority of posters.
Rick Stroud pretty much summed up my feelings this morning when he analyzed Chucky’s move to the Raiders instead of the Bucs. There is a possibility that the Glazers never preferred Chucky over Koetter.
Semantics is a funny thing…one man’s extenuating circumstance is another man’s excuse. I don’t want to be an alibi Ike for the Bucs but they did have some horrible breaks in the 2017 season!!!
Stroud starts with Hard Knocks and Hurricane Irma. If the Bucs were torpedoed by HK that’s on the Bucs’!!! That’s an excuse not an extenuating circumstance. That’s weakness of mind and character.
Irma is another story. That’s an actual circumstance that was beyond unusual.
Rearranged schedules…loss of bye…inconsistent practice times…families had to be flown to safety by the Glazers…it was a MAJOR and scary disruption. We didn’t know for sure if our homes of Tampa General would be around.
Stroud adds #3’s arm…absolute bad break and not an excuse.
Noah Spence misses the season due to injury…again a bad break not an excuse although I do respect the criticism of Licht who could have had better backup.
#3 did play better at the end when his arm appeared to recover…the Glazers have always liked Koetter and believe he’s the same guy in 2017 as he was in 2016 and perhaps as critical as any measure…the team did NOT quit on DK.
There are many reasons explaining the 2017 disaster. We don’t wish to focus on looking for individual scapegoats and throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Given all the “reasons” we had a horrible season here are my hopes for 2018.
Simply repair the OL and totally rebuild the DL. Nothing about the rest of the team scares me at all…coaching included…QB included IF he has his best ability….availability. If he’s healthy and not suspended I look for a great year.
January 10th, 2018 at 9:59 am
Garbage time numbers for all!!!!! bha ha ha Joedelusionalfan.com
January 10th, 2018 at 9:59 am
DB55 Says:
January 10th, 2018 at 9:45 am
No one cares Joe! You’re talking to a bunch of angry pent up hostiles that are so frustrated with a decade of being the worst team in the Nfl that they can’t think straight.
He’s right Joe…..its time to start talking about:
-the draft…..
-players headed into FA…..
-what to expect from players on our roster like hey jude…d.bond…VHG…spence….tu tu….pamphile….r.griffin….
-salary cap…..
anything that doesn’t remind us of this past failed season….no Winston stats….no #4 passing stats….
lets focus on our upcoming opponents and figure out their strength and weaknesses and what additions we need to make in order to take advantage….GO BUCS!!!!
January 10th, 2018 at 10:03 am
Almost forgot, jameis is a trend setter not only does he have the nfl eating W (imatation flattery and what not) but I see qbs throwing downfield blocks (remember when jw did that his rookie yr he was criticized now “certain” qbs are celebrated for the same thing) and I even seen two of the “best young q.b” throwing the ball up for grabs as they were being sacked, of course they were applauded for doing so. Weird huh?
JW already changing the game but I wouldn’t expect a bunch of southern gentlemen to understand much about that ther…. they is simple folks who just like to win them there football games.
Run Jameis Run!!!!
January 10th, 2018 at 10:08 am
I love how J0E has started quoting commenters and twitter followers this off season. That’s something new. I like it.
January 10th, 2018 at 10:13 am
STPETE SAYS: Stroud starts with Hard Knocks and Hurricane Irma. If the Bucs were torpedoed by HK that’s on the Bucs’!!! That’s an excuse not an extenuating circumstance. That’s weakness of mind and character.
Irma is another story. That’s an actual circumstance that was beyond unusual.
Rearranged schedules…loss of bye…inconsistent practice times…families had to be flown to safety by the Glazers…it was a MAJOR and scary disruption. We didn’t know for sure if our homes of Tampa General would be around.
Miami lost their starting qb….had to deal with IRMA…had friction in the locker room that caused their rb to get traded…..injuries to their defense…..but still managed to win 6 games……
jags had to deal with IRMA….had some injuries to weapons….lousy qb play….and still managed to make the playoffs…..
those 2 teams had to deal with the same situations as the bucs…..no excuses!!!!…..GO BUCS!!!!
January 10th, 2018 at 10:16 am
If Jameis Winston’s agent allows him to re-sign with Tampa he should be arrested for:
1. endangering the welfare of a quarterback,
2. neglect and endangerment of a qb and
3. causing great harm, permanent disability and permanent disfigurement to a q.b
And he should be tried as a felon without the possibility of parole.
January 10th, 2018 at 10:22 am
Those two teams don’t have ice cream McCupcake leading their defenses either so there’s that.
Press: Hey gmc you lead your team to another last place finish what are you going to do now?
Gmc: I’m going to Mickey Mouse castle.
January 10th, 2018 at 10:41 am
I don’t need stats to know Jameis is the best Bucs QB in the last 20 years. I can see it with my own eyes.
January 10th, 2018 at 11:00 am
Winston ,being the 1st pick in the draft has NOT proved anything yet!
January 10th, 2018 at 11:11 am
That graph means nothing except that Jameis was a starter at an early age.
Graph needs to show what QB’s did in their first three years as a starter regardless of age. Again this shows stats are for losers and people with a very low football IQ
January 10th, 2018 at 11:36 am
This is a total joke. These stats aren’t comparable whatsoever. Unbelievable that the Joe’s would give airtime to this. Losing credibility more and more, especially with the cherry picking of dumb stats.
Lets just take Russel Wilson as ONE example. Won’t even both with the rest because this is so ludicrous….
First 10 games (comparable games at the same “age”):
1,827 passing yards / 62.1% completion rate (2,405 yds / 58.3% completion rate for JW)
15 passing TDs (15 TDs for JW)
8 INTs (9 INTs for JW)
His first 45 games (comparable to JW’s first three seasons ex 3 missed games):
9,204 passing yards / 63.6% completion rate (11,636 yds / 60.8% completion rate for JW)
69 TDs (compares to 69 TDs for JW)
24 INTs (compares to 44 INTs for JW)
January 10th, 2018 at 11:46 am
Don’t think Joe has ever written that but please do carry on with your misinformation.
January 10th, 2018 at 11:47 am
That’s one way to look at it.
January 10th, 2018 at 11:56 am
The mindless “stats are for losers” mouth breathers will never be placated. They thrive on negativity. One has to remember… studies have shown that a person is 5x more likely to comment when feeling negative than when feeling positive.
Don’t let the Jameis haters on this site reflect the overall feeling of Buc fans. Most are enjoying their lives and resting easy that they have a really promising up and coming franchise QB who just turned 24 this month leading the charge.
January 10th, 2018 at 11:56 am
The solution for those “W’s” is plain as can be:
January 10th, 2018 at 12:00 pm
I have no doubt IF Koetter utilizes his QB properly this year and allow him to play some based on what he sees, JW WILL LIGHT IT UP THIS YEAR.
IT MAY NOT FIT SOME PEOPLE’s narrative, but I saw in 2017 the progress and awareness, just like I saw other QB’s do some of the same stuff, JW has been blasted for…just watch how he transform their play while they try to keep up!
And some here try to either get on his bandwagon or give the coaches credit for HIS GOD GIVEN ABILITY!
January 10th, 2018 at 12:04 pm
Stats are for the people who EARN THEM duh! NOT THE COUCH COACH🤗
January 10th, 2018 at 12:33 pm
Sad fact though. I hate Mariota but he has more passing tds in playoffs than winston and more recieving tds than Evans. Winston is a beast we will be fine. The players just needed to be humbled. And as many have said fix the trenches then profit!
January 10th, 2018 at 12:45 pm
As usual , a bunch of useless numbers . Mariota takes his team to the playoffs , JW takes his team to the club .
January 10th, 2018 at 12:51 pm
I love stats, but come on – these are as worthless a stats as they get. Also where is Josh Freeman on this chart?
January 10th, 2018 at 12:53 pm
The only thing more sad than Joe actually reporting this nonsense, is that some sap in his mom’s basement has enough free time to collate this useless data.
January 10th, 2018 at 1:05 pm
For everyone who wants to compare Mariota to Winston, just know Mariota has a better team than Winston. Titans got into the playoffs with a 9-7 record, the same record the bucs had last year. And why come to this site to trash joe and the bucs? Go be titans fans.
January 10th, 2018 at 1:24 pm
If games were won by these stats, we’d be Super Bowl champs year after year!!!
January 10th, 2018 at 1:33 pm
jim burns Says:
January 10th, 2018 at 12:45 pm
As usual , a bunch of useless numbers . Mariota takes his team to the playoffs , JW takes his team to the club
You misspelled Derrick Henry!
January 10th, 2018 at 1:59 pm
Buc Realist I could not help it. I laughed while reading your post. Touchdowns are points. If you look at the NFL stats, for loser, you will notice that playoff teams are able to score the ball running. The exception would be the Eagles, and the Eagles have a strong running game.
January 10th, 2018 at 2:02 pm
That’s all great and stuff but Stats don’t win football games….. I’m happy to have JW, but at the end of the day JW is sitting home eating wings and watching
January 10th, 2018 at 2:07 pm
Lightning Buc,
I thought your punch line would read the only thing more sad is lightningbuc hating on Jameis. It is rather sad.
January 10th, 2018 at 2:22 pm
Here is how ridiculous people are with their Mariota got Tenn to the playoffs garbage.
Just in the playoff vs KC Henry ran for 156 yards, where as the Bucs did not have a player do that the ENTIRE SEASON and their defense pitched a shutout in the 2nd half of that game vs KC and the Bucs Defense did not do that the ENTIRE SEASON.
You see this is what winning looks like, all parts working together to equal a win but you folks expect Jameis to just do it all by himself and the sad part is we are even in these games because of Jameis/the passing game but you people are too clueless to realize that without the passing game and Jameis we would be getting blown out by 30 each week.
January 10th, 2018 at 2:28 pm
Winning one more game than the Bucs in the worst or 2nd worst Division in all of football doesn’t seem very impressive either.
Truth is BOTH the Dolphins and Bucs had sorry seasons and they both had some legitimate excuses.
Seriously…Tennessee played a garbage schedule as well and so they make the playoffs.
This does not really bother me however. IF the Bucs had made the playoffs and been one and done we’d be jumping up and down. But ultimately that doesn’t do it for me. I want to have an actual great team not a team that played in the right place at the right time.
That game between Buffalo and Jax was a freaking JOKE!!! Who wants to watch a 3-3 game at the half between two sorry teams. The Bucs would have been just another sorry team even if we won 9 or ten.
I want to be the Lightning…not just posting a good record but CLEARLY being the best team in the contest.
And so who in the NFL is really good this year? NE…Pittsburgh…Atlanta or N.O.? Is there a team in the NFL this year that is to the NFL what the Lightning are to the NHL. Just seems like a year of mediocrity in the NFL to me.
January 10th, 2018 at 2:36 pm
It was Jameis who won the final home game against the Aints and Cheatbag Payton. How come the Panthers couldn’t do it? Cheatbag needed that game for seeding so Saints came to play. Jameis changed DK’s call cos both ME13 and the Godwin man spotted a secondary weakness in the Aints. Bucs need to concentrate on the D this off-season. Jameis the Famous will be just fine! Go Bucs!!
January 10th, 2018 at 2:45 pm
Given the 28 points that the defense scored last season. The Bucs offense actually scored 19.2 points per game. There is NO way, they can overtake Atlanta, Carolina, New Orleans with this PATHETIC offense.
January 10th, 2018 at 2:52 pm
The Mariota fanboys actually watched that game at KC and thought Mariota won it, LOL! The guy fumbled the ball before halftime and the refs ruled “forward progress” which is one of the dumbest and most fake news calls I’ve ever seen, then the guy throws into quadruple coverage and the ball is slapped back in his face and he catches it for a TD and these dopes think that just proves how great he is. The Titans won despite Mariota, not because of him. The Titans won because Alex Smith is a choke artist who couldn’t get his team on the board in the 2nd half – that is what Alex Smith does in the biggest games at the most important times, he chokes – it’s why KC drafted a QB in the first round since they know that.
Anywho back to Mariota he made plays with his legs, and he’s very good at that, but that doesn’t make you an NFL QB. The offense in Tennessee is based around having a great offensive line, the best duo of RBs in the NFL and a coach that is creative in his play calling and gives his QB a chance by getting him out of the pocket, where Mariota is the worst QB in the league. Comparing Mariota, a very mediocre QB with good legs to Winston, a very good classic pocket passer, is what dopes do that don’t know football.
January 10th, 2018 at 3:22 pm
There are some really knowledgeable football guys on Twitter, but most ignore the Bucs.
@Jameis1of1 is a MUST FOLLOW for Bucs fans!
Some other good follows for Bucs fans are:
January 10th, 2018 at 3:31 pm
To answer my own question above, here are Josh Freeman’s numbers through his 3rd season in which he was also the same age as Winston (23 at the time)…
8898 yards, 51 TDs
Too bad the Jersey Trash ™ Schiano showed up and drove Freeman into a life of drugs (allegedly). Fat Freeman was a really good young QB, then just fell apart.
No real comparison to Winston since they’re completely different guys on the mental and leadership side of things, but just showing how worthless this chart above is. Again I love charts, but compare players to players with similar playing time. Saying Winston at 23 has much better stats than a 23 year old Aaron Rodgers is kinda dumb.
January 10th, 2018 at 3:45 pm
5/14 “Refreshing Honesty From Nerds”
10/9 “Nerds Seeing The Light?”
9/5 “Chief Geek Down On Bucs” the first line being these stats nerds
12/4 “Another Film Victory For Donovan Smith” the first paragraph you say “misguided professional stats nerd”
I think I was mistaken with stats are for losers and while you may not say “stats are for nerds” exactly but it does seem like you have an auto fill in that happens ever time you type the word stat.
January 10th, 2018 at 3:46 pm
LakeLandBuc Says:
June 1st, 2017 at 10:54 am
I have said this a thousand times, and I’m going to say it once again. Marcus Mariota is in good hands with ” Football People”. Mike Mularkey has one of the best offensive minds in the NFL. He will put his QB in the best position to grow and succeed in the NFL. Plus he’s one of the best playcallers in the NFL. And let’s face it, Jon Robinson is going a great job as GM of the Titans. I believe that Jon Robinson had the best off-season of any GM in the NFL. Free Agents signings: CB Logan Ryans, SS Johnathan Cyprien, NT Sylvester Williams, CB Demontre Hurst, OC Tim Lelito. 2017 Draft: WR Corey Davis, CB Adoree Jackson, WR Taywan Taylor, TE Jonnu Smith, LB Jaylon Brown. It’s not that Marcus Mariota is a better football player than Jameis Winston. He’s surrounded by a better coaching staff and better players. Why should Mike Mularkley have Mariota throwing the ball 40 times a game, when he have Demarco Murray and Derrick Henry in the backfield? And Tennessee has one of the most experienced coaching staff in the NFL. DC Dick LeBeau, OC Terry Robiskie, RB Sylvester Croom, OL Russ Grimm, DL Nick Eason.
January 10th, 2018 at 3:51 pm
Let me get this straight
One qb stat line 15 games 3232 yrds, 13 tds, 15 ints with a 79.3 quarterback rating is responsible for his team getting to the playoffs.
The other qb who stat line is 12 games 3500yrds, 19 tds, 11 ints 92.2 quarterback rating is the reason his team didnt make the playoffs? How does that even make sense?
You idiot posters are the very reason why tampa fans are talked about so harshly. Idiot posters take a bow. You earned it.
January 10th, 2018 at 3:59 pm
JOE posted more of Jameis1of1 stat breakdowns in another thread … the guy has Jameis’ numbers through the EXACT same amount of NFL games as past greats and even then Jameis blows them all away except for Peyton Manning … if you go to @Jameis1of1 on Twitter … on his 4th tweet from the top (could change if he posts more of course) theres a tweet about Jameis with like 5-6 statistical tables in it … he breaks it down by age and by games played …
January 10th, 2018 at 4:07 pm
NFLNut – I like stats, I just don’t like these stats. But yeah I’ve done a ton of my own stats as well and it just basically says the same thing, Jameis is a star and the numbers back up what we actually see on the field, which is a young Brett Favre gunslinger who will play for a very very long time and be very very good.
January 10th, 2018 at 4:11 pm
Some more stats for Jameis from just this year…
4TH QTR, +/-7 PTS
676 yards, 64.2%, 8.35ypa, 6 TDs, 1 INT, 109.9 rating
1,689 yards, 62.0%, 7.38ypa, 5 TDs, 5 INTs, 82.7 rating
1,815 yards, 65.7%, 8.52ypa, 14 TDs, 6 INTs, 102.5 rating
So those number combined show us what we already know, Winston is a slow starter who excels when it matters. Basically he’s the exact same guy that was at FSU – or the anti-Alex Smith.
January 10th, 2018 at 4:19 pm
For fun, I got the same numbers as above but for Mariota…
4TH QTR, +/-7 PTS
452 yards, 53.8%, 5.65ypa, 4 TDs, 1 INTs, 81.9 rating
1,540 yards, 65.3%, 6.84ypa, 9 TDs, 13 INTs, 72.8 rating
1,654 yards, 58.7%, 7.42ypa, 10 TDs, 6 INTs, 85.7 rating
So yeah… those numbers show a QB who is actually pretty bad in the first half, who improves to mediocre by the second half. His INTs are down in the 2nd half, but his completion percentage plummets. His 4th quarter stats in close games are also pretty bad, his completion percentage plummets yet again as does his average per play, meaning he’s missing a lot of guys and then the passes he’s completing are underneath. His TD to INT ratio is good, but that’s it, the rest of his close game stats are pretty abysmal.
January 10th, 2018 at 4:38 pm
The Titans game just showed how important o and d lines are. Henry lit them up. Mariota was literally playing a trent dilfer role. Get winston a running game and line. Also put some pressure on the other QBS and actually drop them and you will see a whole other team. Only a handful of games weren’t winable. A few missed kicks and just a little bit D would of been a different story. But hey like they say the team that scores the most points will probably win.
January 10th, 2018 at 4:59 pm
Wait wait wait… I made a big mistake on my Mariota numbers for the first half as the numbers got moved over a column, my bad…
He didn’t throw 13 INTs in the first half, he threw 9 INTs….
Also he didn’t throw 9 TDs in the first half, he threw 3.
His first half numbers were 3 TDs and 9 INTs…. and you thought Jameis was a slow starter. So anyways his numbers are actually worse than I thought.
January 10th, 2018 at 5:44 pm
@ rod
Thanks for the post, but you cant teach stupid. Let the iduots contunue to believe that mariota is the reason the titans are in the playoffs and its jameis fault the bucs are not. It helps them sleep better at night because they did not want winston in the first place. You know what is really crazy? Can you imagine the crap winston would be taking if his numbers were like mariota’s numbers this year? I know, some within this fan base are hypocritical idiots.
January 10th, 2018 at 6:10 pm
Moderation? Why?
January 10th, 2018 at 9:10 pm
Interceptions and fumbles are the int sure thing with Winston.
January 11th, 2018 at 3:24 am
I think the point of this is was just to slap some sense into the JW haters. Winston obviously still has a couple major flaws in his game, and we were all hoping they’d be corrected by now, but it shouldn’t take away from the fact that he is doing many other things as well as any other QB in the league.
The reason this team is not in the playoffs has much more to do with the defense and the HC. The success of any football team ultimately lies in the coaching staff, not the personnel guys or even the players themselves. Coaching is 65% of the game.