“Not Looking Good”
December 5th, 2017
Four-letter sees potential doom.
The late-season losses very well could wreck Dirk Koetter.
That’s the word from Jenna Laine of ESPN.com. The four-letter did a look at what went right, what needs to change and the security of head coaches already out of the playoffs. Since Laine is the Bucs beat writer for the self-professed world-wide leader in NBA/SEC/Yankees/Red Sox sports, she took the Bucs angle. And she sees dark clouds on the horizon for Koetter.
Is a coaching change the answer? The verdict is still out on Dirk Koetter, but it’s not looking good, as the losses continue to mount. The Bucs went 9-7 under Koetter last year — their first winning season since 2010. But they’re now 4-8 and the offense — his system — just can’t score enough points. Buccaneers ownership is notoriously impatient, so even after two years, it won’t hesitate to fire a head coach, after what happened with Greg Schiano and Lovie Smith.
Maybe it is just Joe, but is Joe the only one in some sort of beer-induced fog?
Joe swears last year in his first season as Bucs coach Koetter had nine wins. Is this some figment of Joe’s imagination or did this actually happen?
So in a coach’s first losing year, Team Glazer is going to throw the guy overboard and not give him a chance to fix things? Don’t bring up Ben McAdoo. That guy is a total clown and he completely lost control of the locker room in New York and bungled so many things — with the cherry on top of the sundae being benching a two-time Super Bowl champ and future Hall of Fame quarterback for Geno freaking Smith.
Nor can you even remotely compare Koetter to former Bucs commander Greg Schiano or Lovie. That’s an apples/oranges/peaches analogy.
Schiano had virtually the entire Tampa Bay community upended and there were many inside the walls of One Buc Palace that wanted nothing at all to do with him. With some Bucs staffers, there were hostile relationships with Schiano, who unintentionally or not, napalmed bridges.
Lovie? He was just inept. Simple as that. In two years, the only three decisions he got right was hiring Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht, hiring Koetter and giving the green light to draft America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
And if you are of the mind that Licht and Koetter should be launched and Jameis should be cut, then you also believe Lovie may have been the biggest unmitigated disaster this franchise has made; right on par with not re-signing Doug Williams, drafting Bo Jackson and letting Michael Bennett walk away for no good reason.
And the one thing Koetter has done that Schiano and Lovie never did? Put together a winning season, and that was with a shaky defense, no running game and one reliable wide receiver.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:24 pm
Dumping the entire staff at this point would be foolish, but I can see some revision of roles and some new faces. Smitty will likely be forced out. Monken should get a shot at being a true OC. And you have to wonder about the effectiveness of QB coach Bajakian.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:25 pm
National media loves throwing gas on the fire!!!! Question is, are the Glazers strong enough to stick with their guns and let the process get this team to its potential!!!!!!!! Or will they poll their “so called” fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in Feb that same network with either say it is a dumbster fire because they fired so many coaches in so many years, and if they keep the coach they will say its a dumbster fire and predict a 2 win season and the coach is dead man walking!!!!!!
stick to the process the fix the trenches!!!!! Tune out the noise, and this team will be fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 5th, 2017 at 4:26 pm
If we keep Koetter he sure as hell better give up play-calling duties and get a new QB coach.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:32 pm
[That’s a bit over the top. — Joe]
December 5th, 2017 at 4:39 pm
I would luv to see Koetter gone. But I think he stays with Smitty getting the ax and some revisions on how the team is run. Jameis will also get a new QB coach. But DC PressBox Smitty is going fishin with Jimmy Johnson down in Miami.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:39 pm
I think koetter and licht should stay. Cuz I’m pissed at them don’t mean they should fired.
I’m concern with soft training camp take. And koetter giving players green light on loafers (grimes and gmc)
December 5th, 2017 at 4:40 pm
If he can’t win with what is one of the most talented rosters the Buccaneers have had since the Super Bowl then what roster can he win with?
December 5th, 2017 at 4:41 pm
Only in Buccaneer la-la land are GMC and Brent Grimes loafers. Please give me some of what you are drinking!
December 5th, 2017 at 4:43 pm
I totally agree with you Joe. The team is playing with a lot of heart, especially the offense, even without its best two offensive lineman. The expectations were over the edge. We started the season with a bye–a tremendous disadvantage–and with three starters on defense out. We’ve tried playing musical chairs with coaches before. I’m all in on a defensive coach change and perhaps Koetter will give up play calling. But it’s not as if we’re getting blown out every week. Unless we lose the remainder of our games, I’d like to see Koetter return. Let’s try a little continuity for a change. We rank 13th in total offense and may improve on that over the last four games. No reason to panic. This offense has the potential to be great, especially with some additions on the offensive line and with help at running back. But aside from the game at Green Bay, we seem to never have the ball because the defense has been unable to stop other teams and the special teams have been, how would you say it “special.” It’s playoffs or out next year. I had enough of John Gruden. He simply is not a player development guy. Name one guy he coached up!
December 5th, 2017 at 4:48 pm
I’m with the son of Kobe faker on this.
Koetter called a good game plan in 2015 I thought; but his offensive play designs / scheme is somewhat antiquated it seems.
The Steelers are one team I can think of that takes a lot of deep shots similar to Koetter’s offensive style- but they still run the offense through Leveon Bell and have a ton of shotgun fake’s to him that go to quick slants / screens / etc – or essentially many short routes. They also run most everything out of the same formation and are not very predictable for that reason.
In general I just don’t get the approach. Too many weird packages. Too many personnel changes. Not enough attempts at running up-tempo drives. Insanely head scratching play calling in the red zone and play design in the redzone.
I haven’t seen us run those rub routes / quick slant routes many teams use in the RZ. I haven’t seen us use the roll out play action where Winston can run it in or pass it to a TE – even though that was Koetter’s best red zone play in terms of % of success. I haven’t seen any red zone plays designed to get OJ Howard 1 on 1 with a small CB or LB. I have seen as many DJax red zone targets as ME targets it seems – which is just insane.
He plays scared in the red zone. Won’t trust his run game when it’s been succesful. Decides to trust it when it’s been bad. I just don’t get what his vision was for this team this year and the offense. THere is no excuse – the pass blocking has been good enough and the talent is there – this should have been a top 10 scoring offense easy and is bottom 10 unit instead.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:51 pm
Here’s the problem as I see it: the winning season last year was fueled by a five game win streak. Outside of those 5 games and a small sprinkling of others (the opener in ATL comes to mind), the team has looked unprepared and overmatched the vast majority of the games – particularly on defense. And, while the offense has moved the ball throughout Koetter’s tenure, it has never generated the number of points you would expect from a high powered unit – particularly in the red zone “goal to go” situations. Throw in the soft training camp, the public discontent from the locker room earlier this year, the embarrassing losses to the Vikings, Arizona, NO, and now the Packers, where the team looked completely inept at times, and it is apparent there is a lot of room for improvement on the coaching front.
Now, I’m not throwing in the towel on Dirk, but I do believe that this season warrants some significant changes on the coaching staff. Despite the record last season, there has been too much “status quo” on both sides of the ball to expect next year would yield improved results under the same staff. You have to bring in a new D-coordinator – aside from the 5 game stretch last year, this unit has been abysmal. I’d also think special teams needs some injection of new blood given the prior failings of the kicking game (Aguayo, Folk), and the more recent failings on punt protection and returns (sooo many penalties). I question whether a new play caller is in order – I like what I’ve seen from DK the last couple of games, but can we get a bit more physical in the red zone for goodness sakes!?!?!
All that said, if the Glazers have their eyes on a replacement (Gruden, Harbaugh, etc.) and think he is the man to get the team over the hump, then I would not forego that coach in favor of this staff. If not, I might give DK an ultimatum of staff changes and one more year to prove his place.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:51 pm
December 5th, 2017 at 4:52 pm
Matt Ryan said one of the biggest keys to their offensive dominance in 2016 was that they ran everything using the same personnel / base formation pretty much. It’s that they could run so many different types of plays using the same personnel / package that made them hard to defend.
You don’t draft OJ Howard to run packages with f*cking Auclair & Brandon Myers all in the game; or to have Godwin/Humphries/Mike Evans or some other weird combo of players out there.
We should have been running a 2 TE set with Howard/Brate/ME/Djax; and a 3 WR 1 TE set with Howard/Me/Djax/Godwin – on like 70-80% of our plays this year at least; with Peyton Barber the back the entire time – available to run/pass block/or slip out for a screen. We haven’t even run Howard on any screen which is insane.
Use your dumb jumbo packages or adam humphries packages for goal line runs / short passing conversions and that’s it.
Sorry I just need to vent now lol
December 5th, 2017 at 4:52 pm
Clean house and punt on this coaching staff. There is zero excuse for the awful play calling. The Bucs have regressed with added talent. Winston has regressed, the defense has regressed and special teams continue to suck! Go to Saban’s house with a Brinks truck. No more coach in training picks. BUILD A DYNASTY! Not a travesty.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:54 pm
Huge decision for the Glazer brothers. They have not been good at hiring head coaches in the past. It is not unthinkable that they mess it up again. So the real question is…do they think they can do better than Dirk. They need to evaluate their past decisions before they get serious about changing things. Otherwise, we as fans end up with same problems and only a different guy to blame.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:56 pm
What a paradox. Peeps here talk about giving Smith the hook while at the same time NYC peeps babbling about Smith as Giants next HC. Maybe all the beholders have cloudy vision.
December 5th, 2017 at 4:56 pm
A likely six game losing streak to end the season and the human ATM (America’s turnover machine ), Jameis finishing a pedestrian 2-11 and Fitz 2-1 as the starting qb’s spells doom for many at One Buc Place. 9-7 to 4-12 not forgivable to me considering the talent we have here. I like Koetter but losing 3/4 of the time gets you fired. Go Bucs!
December 5th, 2017 at 4:56 pm
Don’t let the door hit him or Jason on the way out…
December 5th, 2017 at 4:59 pm
HC Schiano- No clue how to run an NFL team.
HC Lovie- No clue how to run an NFL offense.
HC Koetter-No clue how to run an NFL defense.
Good HC has to at least somewhat know how to run both sides of the ball. A great HC knows exactly how to run both sides of the ball.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:02 pm
So you are one that does not want Gruden then????????
December 5th, 2017 at 5:09 pm
my problem with Licht and Koetter continues to be that they do not seem to have a long term plan. They have taken big chances on personel, and have mostly lost. Licht might improve as a GM, but Koetter is who he is. He runs the same system Joe Gibbs ran in the 80’s, which might work better if we had “the Hogs.” We don’t. So deep drops and go-routes are negated by bad pass blocking. I just don’t see much adjustment from either Koetter or Smith and that won’t work in todays NFL.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:12 pm
Koetter’s 9 win season doesn’t even remotely matter.
The Giants went 11-5 last season, made the playoffs, and were ravaged by injury this year. Yet they still did the right thing and axe’d a guy who clearly gave them no shot at obtaining the ultimate goal of every franchise.
Dirk Koetter is coaching the magic out of Jameis, while at the same time failing to coach out the bad stuff. He should be terminated when lose out to end the season.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets the boot after we get blown out again by the Falcons on Monday night, and the entire stadium is chanting “We want Gruden.”
December 5th, 2017 at 5:12 pm
If I’m the Glazers, I’m asking both Licht & Koetter to give me recommendations on how to improve the team (separately)….
If either or both don’t recommend firing Mike Smith….they would be gone.
Actually, I think Licht is safe for another year…..Koetter could survive with a new OC & DC….
Smith is a very dead man walking….they have to throw some red meat to us.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:12 pm
“… when *we* lose out…”
December 5th, 2017 at 5:12 pm
GoBucs…shuffling the chairs on the Titantic.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:23 pm
@tampabaybucfan aka “the angriest buc fan”
Why throw out the only reason that the Bucs had a winning season last year!!!!! I can name games this year that the Defense carried the day!!!!! Why do you want a pound of flesh when you see the roster deficiencies with injuries yet they have preformed before?????
Fix the trenches!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!
December 5th, 2017 at 5:27 pm
Change for the sake of change is hardly ever the right move.
Specific change with definitive improvement is what successful people/organizations constantly do.
You don’t fire Koetter and then go… okay, now what?
But if there’s someone out there (Gruden, Shaw, etc.) that the braintrust absolutely believes is a better fit to run the organizatiuon – then you do it.
The braintrust has been horrible at making hires. 0 for whatever it is now. What the Bucs really need is to hire a president of football operations – a wizened ex Super Bowl winning coach/GM to run the overall biz side of things and to do the actual hire/implementation of the coach/GM. Until that happens, it’s just the same people utilizing the same process to make the same type of hires.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:27 pm
@The Buc Ostrich
That 5 game streak was a fluke!!!
Mike Smith’s defenses have been slightly below average, to awful, ever since he got to Atlanta!!!!
Your head is in the sand!!!!!
December 5th, 2017 at 5:28 pm
I think Licht sits with no contract extension for a reason…..that’s pretty telling. This team isnt making the playoffs, there’s no wait and see how we finish. Now you have rumors that Smith might be a candidate in NY….Any guess who he would hire as his offensive coordinator? All these guys could be off the books in one swoop.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:29 pm
Gruden is an offensive and QB great when it comes to coaching with long time experience as an NFL coach. If we can get a Monte Kiffen type to run the defense, I will have no problem what so ever with him coming back. I’m one of the one’s that the hair on the back of my neck stand up with the idea of Gruden HC and Rex Ryan DC (of course he’s no Monte but still).
December 5th, 2017 at 5:31 pm
December 5th, 2017 at 5:32 pm
I LIKE Dirk Koetter too, and though I hate to say this, I think the 3 of them, Smitty, Licht, and Koetter are all Dead Men Walking.
Fans are not showing up at the games, and the Glazers need to sell seats.
I think at this point, the only question is, who will the new regime be ?
December 5th, 2017 at 5:34 pm
@tampabaybucfan aka “the angriest buc fan”
Why ask for “red meat” when you used to be a vegetarian!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was tampabaybucfan hours before lovie was fired
“Tampabaybucfan Says:
January 6th, 2016 at 3:46 pm
With a top 10 Offense and a # 5 defense….coupled with only a 6-10 record…it is quite obvious that we are knocking on the door of success. We easily could have won 3-4 more games….Houston, Washington, NY Giants, Saints were all in reach.
We have to clean up a few things……get 7 instead of 3……penalties…..our kicking game cost us a game early……3rd down conversions (both sides)…..completion percentage (both sides)….pass rush….secondary….clock management…..
Well…I guess more than a few things….but we are moving in the right direction….if you can’t get excited about the future….I feel sad for you.”
December 5th, 2017 at 5:36 pm
Do you mean that ownership is thinking about firing a coach with multiple years left on his contract? Yeah, that sounds about right for the “notoriously impatient” Team Glazer. #GlazerLootIsTheBest
I agree with TBBF. Smitty will be the “fall guy” for this season. If Smitty is gone, I fear that Koetter will be stuck with a defensive coordinator that he doesn’t want, sort of like when Coach Dungy had to bring in Les Steckel. Regarding Smitty, FSU hired Willie Taggart as their head coach, so that means that his head coaching options are FAU (when the “notoriously impatient” Lane Kiffin inevitably bolts) or Mainland High School (Daytona Beach).
December 5th, 2017 at 5:36 pm
Tony from Los Angeles Says:
December 5th, 2017 at 5:27 pm
Change for the sake of change is hardly ever the right move.
The very same argument could be made against continuity for the sake of continuity.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:47 pm
I too would like to see Todd Monkey in the Offensive Coordinator roll, including play calling…. QB coach Bajakian has also raised the question in my mind whether he can be effective in Winston’s development?
December 5th, 2017 at 5:54 pm
Too early to predict who gets fired. But after a couple of more blowouts it’ll be just assumed.
Except for five games last year when they played lights out and snuck up on a couple of teams, the Bucs looked equally inept as this entire season.
December 5th, 2017 at 5:57 pm
@ Realist
Yes, I supported a 3rd year for Lovie….not denying that….I also support a 3rd year for Koetter….(with changes)
You can defend Mike Smith if you like but to go from 1st on 3rd downs to dead last is indefensible in my book.
Our defense is terribly inconsistent….and we are getting beat up by some rotten teams….and the good teams are rolling over us.
I cut a small amount of slack for having our 2 DEs injured.
I am a very angry Buc fan and that’s a rarity for me and I blame the coaching…..a message needs to be sent and Koetter needs to delegate playcalling.
Bottom line….I don’t like churning head coaches…so I’ll stay angry another year if things don’t improve.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:02 pm
Im not even sure how I feel at this point. Throughout the week I try to remember that this thing is a process. It takes patience to change the culture. It takes time.
But then I watch the game on Sunday and its truly disgusting. The offense is bland and the defense is soft. I wonder is this mess due to a lack of talent? Bad coaching? Perhaps both?
And then there’s Jameis. I want him to be the guy. I tirelessly lobbied for him over Mariota in ’15. But its starting to get really embarrassing with him as the face of the franchise.
So I just hope that whatever happens turns out to be for the best. Seeing the aints, failcons and pussycats run the division while we are nothing more than a joke in the basement has me seeing red.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:02 pm
We had no business firing lovie anyways if the result was either same and declined. And guys. Results are in and we still suck even worse now.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:03 pm
One more year…hopefully the 53 and coaches can run the table
December 5th, 2017 at 6:03 pm
the one thing guaranteed is that glazers will make the wrong decisions what ever those turn out to be. they simply have no desire to build a consistent winner.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:07 pm
Just keep shaking my head at some of the comments I read on JBF. “Smith is a very dead man walking….they have to throw some red meat to us.” Seriously tampabaybucfan? I would’ve expected that from the Joes as they baited the hook for the trolls, or from tmaxcon or 813bucboi, but not from you. Bucs’ fans are well known for demanding at least 1 sacrificial lamb at the end of each losing season, but running Smitty off BEFORE we fix our abysmal roster simply guarantees more turmoil next year.
As the old saying goes: “Don’t expect vast results from half-vast efforts.” And in the Bucs’ case, the ‘half-vast effort’ is from the Glazers and Licht, not the coaches. This team is so devoid of talent in so many positions it’s amazing.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:08 pm
@tampabaybucfan aka “the angriest buc fan”
Then be a man and say you don’t want this regime, instead of trying to tie coaches arm and legs behind them and then saying go get them!!!!!!!!
look at the pts per game for the defense this year!!!!! 24 ppg, then look at last years 23.1 ppg.
now look at the rookies in the line up and injuries!!!!!!! This coach is scheme his azzzzzz off trying to keep points off the board with a riddle roster!!!!!! He does not carry if they gave up 600 yards a game, its about points per game!!!!!!! And if you still think it is just the coach, then change your name right now!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 5th, 2017 at 6:10 pm
So the next logical question is who replaces DK and Smith cuz im sure that guy is toast?
December 5th, 2017 at 6:17 pm
@tampabaybucfan … “Koetter needs to delegate playcalling.” There we both agree. Koetter is in way over his head at being BOTH a HC AND OC. Personally think that Dirk could be a good HC or a good OC, but not both. Licht & the Glazers have to make a decision which one he’ll be, or next year will be more of the same. I don’t know if Monken is the answer, but he couldn’t do any worse than what I’m seeing right now. Jameis and the offense is regressing, and that’s unacceptable given how much attention Bucs have paid to this offense. And yes, to the detriment of the defense.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:22 pm
Maybe the ones inside ones buc palace and the staffers that wanted nothing to do with Schiano should have been the ones to go. They should have been shown the door the same day as josh freeman.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:35 pm
Joseph Mamma
you are dead on!!! schiano was not the problem the losing culture and the fact that the owners are more concerned with perception and feelings than building a winner.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:44 pm
@ Realist
OK…I’m convinced…..thanks, I’m no longer angry….Mike Smith is fantastic, lets keep him……all he needs is fewer rookies and fewer injured players….his schemes are brilliant….and his half time adjustments genius.
He’ll be sure to hold Lions, Falcons, Panthers & Saints to that 24 point average….and stop them late in games like Buffalo & the Packers…..
I am so thankful for you relieving me of my anger.
Go Bucs in 2018…..
All we need is a center, 2 offensive tackles, RB….6 DEs & a Safety…..better playcalling and mistake free football late in games….and fewer QB miscues….along with a bit more accuracy on deep throws.
The good news is we don’t need any TEs or LBs.
After going 4=12 or 5-11 and 0-6 in the division…that’s the argument Licht, Koetter & Smith make to the Glazers….best of luck guys.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:47 pm
Tb bucs
12th ranked offense
31st ranked defense
Need I say more?
December 5th, 2017 at 6:48 pm
Stop the panic….one more off season …repair the roster
December 5th, 2017 at 6:48 pm
Jim Harbaugh…….
December 5th, 2017 at 6:50 pm
All we get here are sympathy votes for Dirk because he is a much better public personality who speaks from the gut. He’s a breath of fresh air comapred to Lovie and Shiano.
He has the tools to be able to compete in the NFC South but the problem is the players dont respond to anybody thats coached this team. Same soft players and lousy defenses and offense at One Country Club place.
The environment is toxic, they always fall apart vs. Good teams. You see it every week. The NFC South has the best QBs in the NFL and you cannot win unless Winston gets his game closer to what Ryan, Brees and Newton bring every week.
I think however Jameis plays/develops is either an indictment ore success for Koetter and this season he hasnt proved he can get this lousy quality of football improved.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:50 pm
December 5th, 2017 at 6:51 pm
Drafting a guy who they didn’t need in the first round because he was best player available and a safety in the second round they didn’t need because he was best player available and a linebacker in the third round they didn’t need because he was best player available is sort of a tell that, yes, Licht (and Koetter?) are thinking long-term.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:52 pm
@tampabaybucfan … “All we need is a center, 2 offensive tackles, RB….6 DEs & a Safety…..better playcalling and mistake free football late in games….and fewer QB miscues….along with a bit more accuracy on deep throws.”
You forgot the 2 CBs and 2 DTs. Other than that, great list.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:53 pm
31st ranked def and not a word about captain McIceCream tutti frutti bubblegum rainbow sprinkles.
December 5th, 2017 at 6:55 pm
admin…to be fair…having OJ Howard unexpectedly @19 threw their 1st round strategy upside down….I really think they would have taken a defensive player at that spot….played catch up with Evans…and got out of phase
December 5th, 2017 at 6:58 pm
@Joe … “Drafting a guy who they didn’t need in the first round because he was best player available and a safety in the second round they didn’t need because he was best player available and a linebacker in the third round they didn’t need because he was best player available is sort of a tell that, yes, Licht (and Koetter?) are thinking long-term.”
Great logic Joe, ASSUMING that Licht (and the Glazers) is willing to live with the short-term results of that strategy. We’ll see at the end of the season how impressed the Glazers have been with Licht’s ‘strategy’ and drafting/FA prowess.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:05 pm
12th rank offense
31st defense
@ DB55 , but what skewed vantage point seat are you watching the 12th ranked offense from …..in yards maybe
try going by what wins games….points per game not yards
Bucs scored less than 20 points in 8 games last year…..how many this year?
riddle me that and glazers you have your answer
Gruden , Brooks @ GM *that position they been promising
he will fix the D , Gruden has the offense….draft baker Mayfield as a backup to jameis and let them push each other
Brooks will build back the D with a talented D assistant from a seattle or Minnesota
go all defense in draft and O line in draft and watch your ticket sales go way up glazers!!!!
December 5th, 2017 at 7:05 pm
I Like koetter.
Unfortunately if things continue this way with offensive struggles and those skilled players, he will be scapegoat.
That defense looks bad so maybe he gets pass , smutty cut cause koetter doesn’t get involved with defense
If however gruden is ready (his last son is a senior?) don’t think glazers will wait
December 5th, 2017 at 7:08 pm
@DR: your comment about FA raises a good point. Here we are talking about coaches, but will some veterans walk the plank, too? Baker? DJax? #PaidFloridaVacation
December 5th, 2017 at 7:08 pm
As much as I love Brooks he didn’t do anything with the storm. They were champs before he got there then they became chumps but wtfdik.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:11 pm
Keep everybody fire gmc. Problem solved.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:11 pm
Ever think thank Shameus can’t operate in a more sophisticated offense and that makes our Bucs limited in play calling? Pretty evident that he has reached his capabilities
December 5th, 2017 at 7:15 pm
Joe, I’m supposed to thank Lovie for hiring Licht? The guy who moved up to draft a kicker in the second round, LoL! Thanks for the meathead Lovie, your xmas card is in the mail.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:17 pm
Agree with your position on Brooks. Personally don’t think the guy has any business being the GM of this or any team.
Especially with a legit, proven GM in Dave Gettleman unemployed and ripe for the taking.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:18 pm
@Defense Rules
Thanks for pointing out the need for CBs….I thought my call for 6 DEs would make our current CB corps adequate….
I think we are ok at long snapper…..but I’ll check.
I don’t subscribe to the GMC is at fault….but I wouldn’t mind trading him if the deal is good….but if the other team’s GMs monitor JBF, all we would get would be a conditional 7th rounder in 2020.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:18 pm
If we were consistently losing 35-34, then I’d agree with blaming the defense. Make no mistake, this defense sucks, but this offense with this roster averaging less than 18 points a week, equally blows. The whole coaching staff will be fired and deserves it. It’s as simple as that.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:27 pm
20 ppg avg but who’s counting.
Def gives up 24 ppg and nearly 400 ypg, last in sacks and q.b. pressures
December 5th, 2017 at 7:30 pm
Our vets should be getting some blame also. Not the young studs. I mean they are “established” right? Where is that veteran leadership? That was the first thing I thot when we lose.
Every single vet that is 28 and older should be thrown to the wolves
December 5th, 2017 at 7:37 pm
Cleaning house is not the solution. Defense is the problem, and that’s not even on Smitty. We need better players on the DLine. We have GMC and that’s it. We have GREAT linebackers, and we can get by with our secondary; load up on DLine talent in the off-season and we’ll do much better next year.
Fire everyone once again, and we start anew – at the bottom. Let’s build on what we have – even if we’re at the bottom at the end of the season.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:37 pm
Geraldini McCoy is protected better than Fort Knox. Dude continues to give up the booty quietly without issue or concern.
We can’t stop ANYONE EVER from driving the length of the field and scoring.
24-0 lead at half isn’t safe
7-0 lead with 3 mins left isn’t safe
3-0 lead with 4 mins left isn’t safe.
Don’t forget what the raider did to us at home.
Or the Vikings last time they were in Tampa.
How about the geriatric ARZ cardinal putting up 40 points yet they avg 18 points vs everyone else.
Must be nice to have a big beautiful smile in TB.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:40 pm
You can put the entire nfc all-pro team on the line once gmc gets a hold of them they’ll give up 30 points to the bad news bears.
December 5th, 2017 at 7:44 pm
Wait until next year! Or the year after…or the year after that. zzzzzzz!
December 5th, 2017 at 8:37 pm
Wait until Monday night when we get embarrassed by Julio Jones and Mat Ryan at home on national TV again, the tune will change again. Mike Smith should be let go for allowing Julio to run all over the field, or was he trying to prove that it was a great draft pick by HIM.
The 2 years Koetter and Smith tandem have been together the very first games of each one of the 2 seasons have played great football than they fail to show up in Arizona both years and up and down and so on so forth.
They are not great motivators, they are not good X’s and O’s coaches, they are terrible at making in game adjustments, and as a result the team is regressing.
I remember when Mike Smith took over he said that you have to adjust the scheme based on the players that you have and talent because that’s exactly what Lovie failed to do and guess what ? It is just as bad.
I’m not sure what makes everyone think this team will be better next year on both sides of the ball. Even if they play better the last 4 games ( which I highly doubt ) you can’t have a short term memory about a very under achieving season that has been so far.
December 5th, 2017 at 8:45 pm
Msmith also said Vh3 wanted to play off 10 ten yards. Then the bills game I saw McClain line 20 YARDS OFF.
I said this fool (msmith) threw vh3 under the bus unacceptable.
December 5th, 2017 at 8:46 pm
If I remember correctly, last year we went 9-7 mostly because the defense carried the team for a 5 game win streak which looks more and more like a fluke. Its not like the offense, which is why Dirk was promoted, was putting up 40 every week.
During that 5 game streak this is what the offense did:
21 against the Bears + 2 FGs
7 against the Chiefs + 4 FGs
14 against Seattle
14 against the Chargers + 2 FGs
7 against the Saints + 3 FGs
We thought adding weapons would help and it just hasnt. The offense, again the reason why Koetter was promoted, is still struggling to score.
So if for 2 seasons the offense hasnt produced up to expectations, why would keeping the same offense for a 3rd season bring better results?
December 5th, 2017 at 8:54 pm
A 9-7 record isn’t something to brag about in the NFL. Well maybe it is in Tampa,that’s not saying much. Ben McAdoo went 11-5 and made the playoffs last season. The Giants didn’t hesitate in giving him his walking papers.
December 5th, 2017 at 9:37 pm
Anyone thought of Romo or P. Manning?
December 5th, 2017 at 10:10 pm
@kbucfan – for what?
December 5th, 2017 at 11:07 pm
At this point, I’d be willing to trade GMC for a 3rd rd pick and a frosty from Wendy’s. The round of the pick in return is negotiable but I demand the frosty. Large too dammit.
December 6th, 2017 at 12:02 am
Hire the Chin !!
December 6th, 2017 at 12:08 am
A medium frosty haha
December 6th, 2017 at 7:36 am
The Monday night game should be good. Can’t wait to see how the Glazers and Gruden react to each other. They may already have a deal in place.
December 6th, 2017 at 10:24 am
Raheem was fired one season after posting a 10-6 record and Gruden was fired after going 9-7. Koetter should be gone. Licht should be spared. He has accumulated good talent for a team that seriously lacking, he just needs to strengthen the pass rush.
December 6th, 2017 at 5:31 pm
JOE… YOU dont like Gruden, huh?