Mike Evans The New Kellen Winslow
December 24th, 2017
Bad reputation.
No, to the best of Joe’s knowledge, stud Bucs receiver Mike Evans doesn’t do lurid things in a Target parking lot.
Joe thought about this a week ago but never wrote it.
Now Joe is sure of it.
The zebras are targeting Mike Evans.
Remember when Winslow was with the Bucs? He had such a bad reputation for pushing off the zebras were bird-dogging him and even if he sneezed on a defender it drew a flag for offensive interference.
The most glaring example of this cost the Bucs a wild card berth. Winslow was interfered with when he caught a touchdown pass that would have been a game-winner against the Lions in 2010. An official thought Winslow was the culprit. The Bucs had to settle for a field goal and lost in overtime, bouncing them from the playoffs.
It was highway robbery.
Well, today, early in the game, Evans was flagged for offensive interference and the replay (just one) FOX showed, if that was interference, Joe needs glasses.
It’s pretty damn obvious now that just like Winslow, refs are hounding Evans looking for a flag.
December 24th, 2017 at 4:59 pm
when you’re 4-11 that happens. when you’re 11-4 you get the calls.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:01 pm
It’s obvious because multiple teams have complained to the league office because mike evans pushes off on Defenders all the time so now the refs are watching for that…it’s not rocket science Joe
December 24th, 2017 at 5:02 pm
It is #13’s mouth on the field …..IMO….ref payback is a BITCH…..he’ll grow out of it….
December 24th, 2017 at 5:03 pm
HC – Jon Gruden
QB/OC – Marc Trestman
RB – Kirby Wilson
OL – Joe Philbin/Mice Tice if possible Callahan (assistant HC)
WR – Kevin Sumlin/Todd Moeken
TE – keep current
DC – Gus Bradley
LB – Mike Singletary/Ken Norton
DB – Ed Donnatel/Jimmy Lake
ST – Chuck Pagano
December 24th, 2017 at 5:05 pm
Even Ronde said he was guilty. Numerous times.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:06 pm
Look at what changes if that 2010 game against the Lions isn’t blown by the refs (the NFL issued a statement saying the call was incorrect for those that don’t remember).
Well if the Bucs win that week 16 game against the Lions they go into the playoffs as the hottest team in football. Green Bay, who got the Bucs spot in the playoffs, well they don’t win the SB since they’re not even in the playoffs and Aaron Rodgers doesn’t get a ring, and we’re not subjected to those non-stop discount double check commercials for years.
Additionally Raheem Morris almost certainly isn’t fired a season removed from the playoffs – and in turn the Jersey Trash(tm) Schiano isn’t hired.
Schiano in turn isn’t there to turn Josh Freeman to a life of drugs (allegedly) and perhaps Freeman, who is remarkably still just 29 years old, doesn’t flake out and is still playing today.
Then if Schiano isn’t hired, he can’t be fired, which means Lovie never ends up here and the Bucs don’t tank for Winston (and I really like Winston, that’s not judgement either way, it just doesn’t happen).
All of that can be traced to one BS call by the officials.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:09 pm
When you wait to play your best ball, when it does not count, at seasons end, and you are 4-12? The refs figure..you got nothing comin. and..you don’t. Evans will be just fine..under Gruden.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:10 pm
Thing is Evans does NOT need to push off !
December 24th, 2017 at 5:11 pm
::: nods :::
December 24th, 2017 at 5:12 pm
@Dewey Selmon
Especially when it’s a playoff clinching game for a team like Carolina and the NFC South against a team that hasn’t made it to the playoffs in 13 years. Goodell and the NFL pay these refs to make and not make BS calls and that really sucks being a Bucs fan.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:18 pm
^^ And when I say Goodell and the NFL pay these guys to make and not make BS calls, I mean they tell them to for higher TV ratings and products sold.^^
December 24th, 2017 at 5:19 pm
I think cutting D. Jackson would be good for both parties. Goodwin is ready to step into his spot.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:22 pm
“It’s a business.” Bucs been getting f’d in this business for a long time now.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:23 pm
Trade meme for 2nd rounder
Giving this fool 15 mil per year is a disgrace
December 24th, 2017 at 5:24 pm
If Chucky comes in, DJax is as safe as Phil Knight at Nike.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:26 pm
It’s not Mike Evans fault. He is a calm, law-abiding citizen we’d think. He is of sound character to hang out with guys like Johnny Manziel. He’s a great American for disrespecting the flag and Americans everywhere. He’s also a good sport, a team captain who would never get himself suspended for a cheap shot in a professional game where he makes millions; clearly he’d draw several penalties, other offenses, admit he’s wrong, vow not to do it, and not do it again…just a kid.
This is really all the NFL’s fault. I mean, he’s in his early 20s. Clean up this town. Get Winston and Evans off the side our OUR stadium. You can have better guys be the face of your franchise without all the baggage.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:27 pm
@Buck Rogers
No doubt. It sucks that he’s not starting every week, but we got one game left and I’m assuming there is going to be many changes this offseason so we’ll have to wait and see.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:28 pm
@AlteredEgo….I agree…he runs his mouth. But I’m not sure he’ll grow out of it. He got a bogus call on him today, but he gets a away with a few too. Just not today.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:28 pm
I think one one replay of the kickoff return there was a very clear flagrant block in the back.
As far as ME13 is concerned….it’s a shame…because he is an absolute monster….that catch he made on the sideline was fantastic. He has great hands and they are huge….his size vs the DBs is almost unfair and I think the refs cut the DBs too much slack.
It’s not so much his pushing off that is the issue, it’s them constantly getting away with interfering with him.
Jameis feels comfortable throwing him the ball in tight coverage & it’s usually very tight.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:33 pm
@Joe…”If Chucky comes in, DJax is as safe as Phil Knight at Nike.” Interesting take. I doubt it though. And who other than Fitz would be able to hit him?
December 24th, 2017 at 5:33 pm
Roy T….ever consider any possible significance to his jersey #
if ya know what I mean Vern….
December 24th, 2017 at 5:49 pm
Evan’s body language and attitude has been sh*t this year.
He’s taken a step back in terms of professionalism partially due to his lack of opportunities early this year, inconsistent QB play and sh*tty play calling.
He needs to be better, but it’s not all on him.
December 24th, 2017 at 5:53 pm
Mods be damned!!!
Does anyone remember when Gruden couldn’t get Bryant and Galloway on the field at the same time?
Most of you all are completely blinded by visions of grandeur.
Quit living in the past!
December 24th, 2017 at 5:53 pm
Does anyone remember when Gruden couldn’t get Bryant and Galloway on the field at the same time?
Most of you all are completely blinded by visions of grandeur.
Quit living in the past!
December 24th, 2017 at 5:54 pm
Tampa bay Buc
December 24th, 2017 at 6:12 pm
@Altered Ego….Matt Bryant and Bill Capece (best K we ever let slip away, and one we couldn’t get rid of fast enough…”Capece is Kaput” AND WHOLE LOT OF BAD LUCK WITH THE NUMBER ITSELF also rings a bell, of course. But I’m not superstitious. Not yet!
December 24th, 2017 at 6:16 pm
When do refs call illegal contact against the cbs who always put their hands on him while he’s running his route? How is it pass interference with that?
Roy T Buford please come right out and say you want a white qb and receiver. You clowns who say he’s disrespecting the flag don’t even know what the flag stands for. Ideally it stands for freedom but for many Americans like you that freedom only extends to those like you whom you really deem as Americans. I wonder how many of you flag lovers ever served in the military? John McCains wife said it best when she said Americans want someone who looks like them.
December 24th, 2017 at 6:17 pm
I love it when these morons post their coaching/ drafting lists. As if anybody in any walk of life would listen to what you say. Go fuc*urselves. Go Bucs. GOjubucsfan for making thousands off a of said retairds. And merry Christmas everybody
December 24th, 2017 at 6:18 pm
ElioT is spot on ! Evans looks for a flag every pass he doesn’t catch . His poor attitude and childish behavior should get him a ticket out of town . His kind of attitude and actions are the reason this team can’t win games . And Jameis is not far behind him !
December 24th, 2017 at 6:22 pm
@David…wow…what wierd thing to say.I think Godwin will be in place for DJax next year–love the guy. I love OJ Howard over Brate. Thought Jos was great til he got all wierd. Never wanted Glennon on this team. What you are saying? Are you a race baitor?
Many ways to go for social causes off the job. Sorry, you won’t win that one with me.
I don’t care what color my team players are. I just wish they are honorable people without a portfolio off the field to distract us from football? How about you? Especially if their image is on the side of OUR stadium. You read?
December 24th, 2017 at 6:32 pm
And David…I am an old man. I am 80% disabled…combat rated. Unlike so many I can still walk; just can run. Still breathe and eat and bathe on my own. Still work. Hard. I used my GI Bill to finish up my education since I wasn’t going to be able to fly jets any more. Sucking up the tax payers money. Wasn’t my choice. Guy came up to me at Church one say and asked what I was going to do with my life. Said I wanted to fly airplanes. Well, lots of stuff after that. So I try to help out veterans every chance I get with their legal issues.
John McCain is just that. He’s got his opinion, and his wife has her own. I can’t believe because you don’t like me breaking my on Evans and Winston for legit reasons you get into all this. Really odd. Evans is disrespecting the flag. He only did it because he knew that would get attention. Better ways to do that. You don’t have to do that. I’ve got too many of friends pushing up daisies who wore that flag into battle and didn’t come home. I don’t care if you agree. That’s my beliefs. You can have yours.
Now, aside from being a poor American, Mike Evans is a poor sport and rotten team captain. What don’t you understand about kid’s game rules?
December 24th, 2017 at 6:42 pm
Merry Christmas Roy T………
December 24th, 2017 at 6:46 pm
We’ve got a great WR & TE corps……
Just because we have now built some depth it’s not time for us to kick our good players to the curb & Mike Evans is a great player. Sure, he’s passionate and complains….but he catches the tough balls.
How about a hat’s off to Humphries today….and, Joe….isn’t it about time we gave Freddie Martino the respect he is due as a NFL player?
All the kid does is perform every time he is asked. You’ve got to have some UDFA low salary players to average down the Evans’ & Jackson’s.
December 24th, 2017 at 6:49 pm
Hey TimeChange, so you just decide that Kevin Sumlin would love to be a WR coach for the Bucs or Chuck Pagano would dream to go from a Head Coach to a Special Teams Coach? I mean come on man, give me a break
December 24th, 2017 at 6:53 pm
evans has a lot of separation issues because he is sorta slow…if he loses a step as he ages he will be a shadow of his current self…i like evans and he’s good but he pushes off like crazy…a smart gm might be willing to dump him a little earl,y before it’s a little too late…it’s an issue..big fan of his tho…hope he stays around for a long time and has great success as a chuckaneer
December 24th, 2017 at 7:00 pm
Good for you Roy! Thanks for your service, just not your arrogant, better than thou (let me tell you about ME) attitude.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:03 pm
Oh and you called me stupid….spell check is your friend, old buddy!
December 24th, 2017 at 7:14 pm
@Mikadeemas…ask a question, you get an answer. I don’t care about spell check. Reality check is my friend. As I said in the follow-on post…did you get the “subliminal”….? That was intentional.
Dude, you cannot like my opinions; I don’t care; and I try to back them up with what I know or believe. even if you disagree. When an idiot says on here it’s not crime to grab a lady’s crotch, I disagree. That’s civil rights you seem to care about. But you don’t need to go around attacking folks. And others don’t need to insinuate racism. You can. Just looks bad. So you can say I’m arrogant, or holier than thou. I don’t care. I can tell a loser when I see one. I could respond with an insult like you do on the FIRST response too. I am curious, have done some prison time?
December 24th, 2017 at 7:21 pm
@Altered Ego…Merry Christmas to you too. So…no idea who to pull for to win the SB. I mean, I think it goes to NE or PIT this year, but I guess I have to get behind JAX, as our other FL team. I don’t think they have a chance, but as we know, one fumble can change a game…or many.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:25 pm
Funny I always thought military pilots were required to have a degree. I glad they made an exception in your case Roy T Buford.
You’re also one of the very few vets that have a problem with kneeling during the anthem.
Hate to call you a liar but hmmm something sounds off…
December 24th, 2017 at 7:29 pm
And @Mik…directed at me was “please come right out and say you want a white qb and receiver. You clowns who say he’s disrespecting the flag don’t even know what the flag stands for. Ideally it stands for freedom but for many Americans like you that freedom only extends to those like you whom you really deem as Americans. I wonder how many of you flag lovers ever served in the military?”
I don’t volunteer that stuff up front, but will answer the question when someone has the auducity to bring up race or something else and throw it at my feet over the whole flag deal. I can tell with someone who hasn’t served asks. The difference is, I don’t care that you don’t care if someone respects the flag or not. It is your right. I can tell I think you are a dirtbag for not doing it.
But no one who serves EVER accuses others of not, nor do they thing others who have not have more or less rights than those who have. It’s not in us. Keep that one for yourself.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:30 pm
See Mika you sound black so you’re obviously a convict/felon but I’m not a racist bc I’m an old man that grew up in the Deep South. There’s no racist elderly southerns you jailbird. Your mama cooks some good chitlins too I’m sure. But I’m not racist I watch Steve Harvey on family fued everyday.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:32 pm
Please ask yourself who really gives a flying fck what you think you ignorant ass hillybilly.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:35 pm
Yet you’re the judge and jury on the whole uber and even FSU deals? Then you can judge a book by its cover, right? And calling me stupid for this tablet deciding what word I meant to type? You’re a total hypocrite and typical lawyer. And by the way, I had no need to build myself up here, but since you asked, I’m a college educated medical professional with a 145 IQ with 2 traffic tickets in 37 years of driving. Keep showing your azz, DUDE!
December 24th, 2017 at 7:35 pm
49ers win! Bears win! 4th pick he we come. If we lose and Texans beat the Colts next week. Hey got to have SOMETHING to look forward to.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:39 pm
As for the Uber thing, I have always said I don’t know. Same with FSU. Why would I say otherwise? I didn’t ask about your education. That means nothing to me. My question is did you serve any prison time?
December 24th, 2017 at 7:41 pm
Joe…the coach needs to stand up for Evans…one of the failings of Koetter.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:41 pm
If Evans played for the Steelers they wouldn’t call anything. AB is the push off king and never gets called. Officiating seems to be especially bad this season all across the NFL.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:42 pm
You go DB! Merry Christmas, man. I said the same to Roy earlier but I guess I hurt his feelings too bad.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:43 pm
Ya that’s not on Evans, that’s on the refs. They sucked all game! There was a hold on Kwon that was obvious and missed.. and that penalty on Ward on 3rd and long was horrible!
December 24th, 2017 at 7:45 pm
DB55…how much prison time have you had? You guys want to call me racist, hillbilly, flag lover, because I think Jameis and Evans stink as leaders of my hometown team, etc, but can’t answer a few questions on your own.
So…how much prison time have you had? Any sex crimes? Restraining orders? None of my business mind you, but you see, when you make allegations like that to me, people need to know what’s in your little pea head. When you say stuff like to people while not behind the keyboard, they ask you these things back.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:45 pm
Yeah, Dumbazz. For the traffic tickets. No Roy! I’ve never been in ANY type of jail. Your point?
December 24th, 2017 at 7:48 pm
Roy, you sir are something else. I’m just not sure what. You should probably go back and read your own posts.
December 24th, 2017 at 7:49 pm
Roy you’re the a typical southern republican. DUMB AF. YOURE SO STUPID YOU DONT REALIZE OTHER PEOPLE ARE SMARTER THAN YOU. YOU LIAR! You have no shame you POS.
I spent 2 days in Alcatraz for fckn your mother in the ass. Apparently that’s illegal in 4 counties Polk, HILL billy, and klu cluck county where you’re from.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:03 pm
@Mik.I think you may be lying. Just remember…you started with the questions…and I had my ONE. You couldn’t handle it. Before you get yourself caught up in accusations and name calling, you should read your own stuff first. Curious (this is a follow-up question): Is DB55 your cell mate? Just asking.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:16 pm
Bucs played good football today, usual mistakes, but good football. Now they’ve got a real shot at the #3 pick, thanks to the 49er’s and Bears winning today. Considering QB’s are expected to go 1&2, Bucs could have to choose between the best DE or RB on the board, maybe even trading back a little for more picks.
Almost time for the annual draft poll, eh Joe? Should be a good one after this season!
Merry Christmas to all you my fellow Bucs fans!
December 24th, 2017 at 8:18 pm
Oh, I started with the questions? Ok Roy. Maybe you’re lying about being a lawyer, a pilot, someone asking a question at church, your service,a Tampa native, blah, blah ,blah. Nobody cares Roy. You try to make yourself seem important and intelligent but you’re failing. NOBODY CARES.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:25 pm
I said this last month that the Bucs will get a Top-5 draft pick. I hope they don’t let Jason Licht pick for them.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:26 pm
You and others asked Mik. From college to mil service to profession.
I am sad you did what you did to my mom, but I’d not be surprised. You did your time at Alcatraz though, so I’m sure you got some back.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:28 pm
Of course, it was really DB, and we know why he’d do it. As I said, you were cell mates. Hope you have mended your lives!
December 24th, 2017 at 8:28 pm
Roy T you have already convicted Jameis in your mind. It shows in your posts and you’re supposed to be a lawyer? Jameis was never convicted of rape but you bucnut2 and a few others have convicted him. You ignore the obvious signs….. the money of a young wealthy ball player would never entice a young lady into falsely accusing him of rayp even trailer park trash.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:29 pm
Yes, Joe remembers that and several other Chucky goof-ups. That’s why Joe isn’t doing jumping-jacks. What spooks Joe the most is he hasn’t coached in a decade. No, sitting around with other coaches in a darkened room in a Tampa strip mall isn’t coaching.
(Before the haters come out of the woodwork, Joe worships to this day what Chucky — the best coach this franchise ever had — did for this franchise. That was 15 years ago.)
The last time Team Glazer reached into the way back machine it blew up in their faces.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:29 pm
I’m not the one pretending to be a military pilot on a Bucs site
December 24th, 2017 at 8:31 pm
Nah, why let the guy who has been the best at the draft for the Bucs since Rick McKay make a top-five pick. Since everyone is wanting Chucky here with full power, let him make it.
Go ahead and look what a trainwreck the Bucs draft was with Bruce Allen and Chucky running it. Nah, Mike Evans, Jameis, O.J. Howard, what a collection of stiffs and bums. Proves Licht is clueless with the draft. Missed on each first round pick.
Seriously Lakeland, either you are a full-blown alcoholic or the guys with the long white sleeves let you out of your cage once a day to post. It’s difficult to believe someone can act as dumb as you are.
December 24th, 2017 at 8:50 pm
Thanks Joe for the compliments
Anytime a Buc fan criticize me, I take it as a compliment
Anyone who supports the WORST Bucs GM since John Mckay
Has lost touch with reality
The reality is Jason Licht draft picks
Sucks as bad as his record as GM
December 24th, 2017 at 8:58 pm
Tampa Bay Buccaneers GMs record
Rich McKay 80-64
Bruce Allen 38-42
Mark Dominik 28-52
Jason Licht 21-42
Keep loving Licht the Loser
Maybe next season he can get to 29 wins and pass Dominik
December 24th, 2017 at 9:36 pm
Evans can’t get separation that’s why he’s so susceptible to those calls.
December 24th, 2017 at 10:38 pm
Evans is a 6′ 5″ monster WR who catches nearly everything thrown his way – he’s not a speed guy and never was that guy – and there isn’t a team in the NFL that wouldn’t want him as their #1 WR. If you think otherwise you know less about football than my left shoelace.
December 24th, 2017 at 11:56 pm
He also got two called in his favor that I remember ..