“He’s Starting To Look Like A Fraud”
December 27th, 2017
“Speak for Yourself” discussion.
There is one thing for sure, whether you are a supporter or a hater of America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, he elicits opinions and touches nerves.
After Jameis’ meltdown after the game against Carolina, sparked when the zebras incorrectly claimed he lost a fumble, sports analysts from coast-to-coast who are not on a holiday vacation weighed in on Jameis.
Some good; some bad.
In Monday’s broadcast of “Speak for Yourself,” seen weekdays on FS1, Jason Whitlock floored Joe when he not only said he is 100 percent behind Jameis, he thought Bucs coach Dirk Koetter had a “brilliant” gameplan for the Stinking Panthers and Jameis executed it perfectly.
Except for the fumbles.
Between the fumbles and now his second stunt (the first was his freakout at New Orleans on the sidelines) this season, Jameis appears to be turning some off.
Whitlock’s panelists Tony Gonzalez, Doug Gottlieb and Joe’s good friend Jason McIntyre were on Jameis’ bandwagon after watching him on “Hard Knocks” in August. All three have either jumped off the bandwagon, or are looking for a safe spot to land.
Gonzalez said he is turned off by Jameis’ emotional antics — he is disturbed by eating W’s.
McIntyre trashed Jameis for his fumbling saying of Jameis, “He’s starting to look like a fraud.”
Gottlieb believes Jameis is transforming into the second coming of Dante Culpepper.
You can view the full Jameis discussion in the FS1 clip below.
“I think Jameis Winston is jealous of Cam Newton. Jameis wants that throne and he believes he’s better than Cam.” — @WhitlockJason pic.twitter.com/jZQAklIJW6
— Speak For Yourself (@SFY) December 27, 2017
December 27th, 2017 at 9:01 am
Has been looking like he needs Sigmund Freud
December 27th, 2017 at 9:05 am
Needs to keep playing like last 2 games (except fumbles) and bucs will be fine.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:07 am
Criticism of Jameis is fair, but you cant take anything these know nothings say seriously. BS1 is just looking for incendiary things to say to set them apart from ESPN. That channel is a joke, and the fact that their big on air talent is Skip Bayless and Colin Cowherd just proves that station is a joke
December 27th, 2017 at 9:10 am
Jameis Winston will be fine. He just needs fresh new coaching. Jameis is just frustrated right now as are all of the Buc Players. They just want the season to hurry up and end. They are embarrassed. Wouldn’t you be? Fresh new start next year Buc fans. Time to..Turn the page.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:13 am
maybe if cancer93 showed some emotion the defense he captains would not come out flat and uninspired so much.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:14 am
Does Magoo have small hands like Shawn King. Didn’t King have the same fumbling issues due to small hands?
December 27th, 2017 at 9:14 am
Yeah…Jameis needs new coaching…one that doe not call uncontrolled emotional outbursts ….fumbles and interceptions….
December 27th, 2017 at 9:15 am
Has Tony Gonzalez won a championship? No. Will Jameis win an NFL Championship(s). Most likely….because Jameis doesn’t care what the media and pundits think. He only cares about passion, drive, and winning. Once we get all 53 with the same fire as Winston this team will be a Super Bowl contender year in and year out, just like the Patriots have been the last decade.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:23 am
In the words of ronde barber on sunday…….you have to be a moron if you think winston is not a franchise qb.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:23 am
tmaxcon, you know we live in a 3 dimensional world, right?
So how about you stop being so 1 dimensional?
December 27th, 2017 at 9:23 am
anything on FS1 i don’t pay any attention to it is the definition of click bait media. just say whatever will get the fans rilled up and tuning into the show. like that clown colin cowherd claiming all year marcus mariota is the 2’nd coming of aaron rodgers to just a couple weeks ago he’s a complete bust. and anyone saying anything about his meltdown better be saying something about how tom brady goes off on his coaches and that they are disturbed by his “antics” it’s laughable to me. it’s football, he puts his heart into it of course he’s gonna be upset when things don’t go his way. if he didn’t then that means he doesn’t care enough
December 27th, 2017 at 9:24 am
Like I said before, with Jameis Winston, on and off the field, you will always get a whole lot of good mixed in with a whole lot of bad. That’s just who he is and how he plays
December 27th, 2017 at 9:24 am
winston with a run game reached 6 wins. Winston with a defense won 9 games. Winston without either won 4 games. Wonder what Winston can do with a run game and a defense?????
December 27th, 2017 at 9:25 am
And how many times was he sacked on Sunday? 6 times? So if the O-line could block there would be a lot less fumbles.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:27 am
Brady has hissy fits all the time. Close to a fist fight with OC once.
Jameis is a “fraud” with 68 touchdown passes before age 24, tied with Marino for the record.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:28 am
Please factor in the Bucs are two starters down on the offensive line. Given the offensive line crisis in the NFL, pretty confident any team down two starters would be facing a trainwreck as well.
Not making excuses but it’s a fact.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:29 am
Winston without a run game reached nine wins.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:29 am
Winston and Evans are extremely young. Emotions and playing skills have more time to mature and grow. I am not giving them a pass, but I would rather see fire than someone like Baker who causes stress on the team because of his laziness.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:30 am
@ johnnybuc
Fs1 and the like are here to feed the idiot trolls like some of the posters here. Making sense to a troll does not compute so Fs1 speak in a language only trolls can understand. Thats why some idiot media members, trolls/posters see winston’s passion as a bad thing.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:33 am
Jameis’ “passion” will only carry him as far as his skills. When the team puts a defense together, the Bucs’ fortunes will change. Until then…Jameis is not good enough to cover the defensive liabilities and vice-versa the defense isn’t capable of overcoming JW’s turnovers.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:37 am
As a supporter of Jameis, even I was disturbed by the “eat a W” thing. In fact the NO game really made me question his sanity. However, I’ve been very impressed by the way he’s played the past couple of weeks and I think maybe he’s beginning to understand the gravity of this losing culture (which he’s never experienced).
He made some throws against Atlanta that were simply Aaron Rogers worthy and I think a coach that will hold him and the team accountable daily is all that is needed.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:45 am
The easy solution for Jameis is simply not to do immature stuff every other week….The other 31 starting QBs seem to be able to avoid this conversation so it seems reasonable to assume Jameis can conform. Frankly, this is who he’s always been and he’s left such a mark in everyone’s memory that it will forever be on the radar with the media. Whenever things aren’t going well, this is the story that you’ll hear start being discussed….even if he’s not doing anything, they’ll hope that he will to add to the buzz. He created his bed, now he has to sleep in it.
December 27th, 2017 at 9:48 am
And there we are again with the grinch who stole joebucsfan polluting minds as soon as an article posts as he races to comment first. Yeah that’s it ego he looks like a fraud like Freud. What does that even mean. He’s a fraud because he got mugged blindside and recovered one of his fumbled
December 27th, 2017 at 9:58 am
Jameis has all the physical skills you could want. He needs to show a little more maturity, and get a little better at reading defenses….both of which come with time and good coaching. I think Jameis will be a “Top 10” QB for several years…as long as he grows emotionally and gets the right mentoring. He’s still so young, but has already shown a lot of promise!
December 27th, 2017 at 10:00 am
What the hell does your race have anything to do with your QB skills or just in general? Why does that even come up?
December 27th, 2017 at 10:02 am
Joe, Jameis won 9 games without a running game because the defense showed up.
December 27th, 2017 at 10:02 am
Guy is 23 years old. Brady was holding a clipboard at the same age. Very few qbs have thrown for the TDs and yardage Winston has in his first 3 years, let alone at 23….. Give the kid time, I am sure the national media would love the Bucs to cut him loose so he can land at one of their teams (either NY team comes to mind) and become another Steve Young albatross the Bucs have to wear. National media always trolls the small market teams to make a good story. Prediction: national media turns their attention to the Titans if they lose to the Jags either next week or in the 1st round and start pointing out the deficiencies of Marcus Mariota who is having a regressing year and is very lucky he got to beat up on the Texans, Colts, Browns, Bears and Fins (actually lost to them) to be 8-7. Give the Titans Tampa’s schedule and they would be 0-6 in the division and probably not much better than 4-12 overall.
Interesting to note that Tennessee runs an offense similar to Koetters and it is failing as well. Mularkey would be on the hot seat if not for the cake schedule and his O would be criticized right along with the Bucs….
December 27th, 2017 at 10:09 am
FortMyers: good points. Surprised that nobody is talking about Marioto’s regression. Based on their careers thus far, no doubt the Bucs made the correct choice.
December 27th, 2017 at 10:16 am
brilliant game plan???????
since when is kicking 4 field goals applauded for the OC / head coach
the one TD we got….had NOTHING to do with the play call it was jameis climbing the pocket and a comeback drill
saying special teams blew the game or not so swaggy doing that is a backwards thinking mentality
how about scoring 2 of the 4 times and that isn’t even an issue….
go back and look at the final TD drive for Carolina….it was easily hands to the face against Carolina on baker
but oh well…..score points and these issues are small on other teams
December 27th, 2017 at 10:23 am
Joe says
winston with a run game reached 6 wins.
Winston without a run game reached nine wins.
UMMM negative
Some of us KEEP giving Winston credit for the 9 wins last year when it was your DEFENSE #1 on 3rd down holding teams under 20 POINTS FOR 8 GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8!!!!!!! OK one of 8 was 21 points allowed….and those other games the offense couldn’t stay on the field …..the D was tired as SPIT
December 27th, 2017 at 10:25 am
Hey Joe I think they are down three starters on the oline if Sweezy counts as a starter lol.
December 27th, 2017 at 10:26 am
and IF the D …..kwon alexander didn’t give us that turnover and set us up would we have scored at all???
December 27th, 2017 at 10:32 am
Fort Myers
I think the same thing. Getting Tampa and their sour about their Qb (who we don’t deserve) and land JW in New England. Or some top market team. I always thot that someone will jack us for JW it’s in the making. Now if JW goes to Denver w the same antics u will only hear how JW is a great leader. Eating Ws was just a stunt to spark a dead team – probably won’t televised it and fighting against the refs makes him great. But he is Tampa the laughing stock franchise who have a Qb that put back to back great games and still loss. They will continue to laugh at Tampa with or without Jameis
December 27th, 2017 at 10:34 am
Any wins or losses are unfortunately pinned on Qb and HC. Thats it that’s all. Defense wins the game and JW gets the credit. Defense gives up the game and all on JW. Idk why is this but it’s the way it is
December 27th, 2017 at 10:39 am
we got to cut the dead weight…..
tj ward
and any other player that doesn’t care about winning!!!!!….GO BUCS!!!!
December 27th, 2017 at 10:54 am
Can’t believe I listened to Whitlock much less agree. Jameis is sooooo focused right now. Have you seen his performance last 3 week? Pro bowl’esk.
As for the “uncontrollable” emotional outbursts, there are compilation videos of Brady having “controlled” emotional outbursts all over YouTube if you’re interested.
I wonder what the difference between controlled and uncontrolled might be? hmmmmm, maybe the same as “thug” and “troubled youth”? Hmmmm this English language is amazing so many words and synonyms and such.
December 27th, 2017 at 10:58 am
The lack of maturity from the ENTIRE team has got to be coaching! The slow starts are coaching! The mistakes EVERY game that other teams just do not make are coaching! Jameis fumbles I’ve got to believe are Coaching! The entire team especially on offense UNDERACHIEVING is on coaching! Taking a 9-7 team from last year and turning them into a 4-12 team with more talent is coaching! Like these guys and wish they had at least a little success this year, but if I were the owner taking notes on each game I’d be more than a little upset with this staff!
December 27th, 2017 at 11:02 am
Keep in mind the owners were of the mindset that this team was playoff ready which is why they brought in Jackson and drafted more weapons when we really were in need of D. Too much money wasted and I know how they feel about that.
December 27th, 2017 at 11:09 am
He’s not fraudulent…but he’s extra emotional…to his detriment at times. In some ways I don’t blame him for his latest eruption. Many on the team have gone into the proverbial give-up slide…including The Dirk it oftentimes appears. His career is at a crossroads…including a potential 9 figure contract. Only McCoy has cashed in on that from the Bucs thus far…thus so much hate given his smiles and affinity for comic books and Little Mermaids.
December 27th, 2017 at 11:20 am
Keep in mind it was the squirt who never played ball that had the problem.
Everybody else is like homeboy extra and needs to calm down. To that I say all geniuses are extra. #DealWithIt
Consider this, some say Jameis is the greatest athlete to come out of FSU and Deion didn’t straight up deny it. He thought about but remained speechless. Deion Sanders speechless, you heard it here first …
December 27th, 2017 at 11:36 am
With an adequate oline, the fumbles wouldve never happened
December 27th, 2017 at 11:42 am
This is a legitimate concern.
Winston has incredible talent but the NFL is full of talent. Getting him to a higher level requires a different skill set. It is not clear that he has demonstrated a favorable trend in this direction.
He is too young and talented to give up on him but for his benefit and for the benefit of the franchise he will need to be more consistent emotionally and physically in my opinion.
Being a true franchise leader is a long play. Eruptions of emotion to the detriment of the team just don’t help with leadership.
Winston and his teammates will be better served if he focuses on what he can control — his attitude, his preparation, his attention to detail, his actions — and leaving everything else alone.
He will lead by doing his best to position his teammates to be at their best.
Tantrums and mindless penalties just don’t do that.
December 27th, 2017 at 11:50 am
@DB55- Winning. Plain and simple. People tend to overlook most anything, as long as you’re winning. Big Ben, case in point.
Once he starts winning you’ll see the wagoners flocking back. Look around, who are the last fans standing in this troubled time?! They’re not the ones that jumped ship when things went sour, that’s for sure!
Man, it is tough being a Bucs fan, man! 🙂
December 27th, 2017 at 12:04 pm
Guys you are overthinking this. Just because a team was 9-7 the year before does not mean 11 wins is suppose to happen the next year. You see many teams lose in the playoffs/superbowl one year and the next year do not sniff the playoffs. Look no further than carolina, from the superbowl to six wins. Was that coaching too? No. Some seasons are better/luckier than others. Injuries, bad call, lucky/bad bounces is the difference between 11-5 and 6-10.
December 27th, 2017 at 12:09 pm
Jameis has already demonstrated being on a higher level than any other qb outside of marino at this age. He will be fine. I forgot though, you are one of the posters who understand the troll language of fs1.
December 27th, 2017 at 12:17 pm
Jason Whitlock has been a FRAUD for years
December 27th, 2017 at 12:31 pm
Man, it is tough being a Bucs fan, man! 🙂
Truer words have never been spoken!
Dealing with the fans is worse than dealing with the losing.
December 27th, 2017 at 12:37 pm
I like Jameis, especially the last 2 games. those show what he could be, IF it wasn’t for the fumbles. You can’t throew all of it on the O-line either. One of the fumbles was straight from the snap, which was a good snap, he just dropped it. He really needs to get the ball out of his hand faster. When he does they are more effective. He REALLY needs to read the blitz, and when he sees it, he needs to get rid of the ball! The thing that bugs me most is his maturity level. It’s great that he’s passionate and wants to win, but you have to control that. It can throw you off your game if you don’t. Every HOF QB you can name had a passion to win, but they controlled that. The last person your own players want to out of control is the guy that is supposed to be leading them. He is certainly the victim of some crummy play calling and he should take a some, not all, blame for the lousy clock management. I HATE the delay of game penalties. Those should never happen. That’s a lack of awareness and it seems to happen every game.
December 27th, 2017 at 12:52 pm
DB: The kind of guy that could find racism in a BJ. The Uncle Leo of JBF
December 27th, 2017 at 12:56 pm
Does the NFL being a pass first league now have any affect on Winston’s numbers so far? I keep seeing him compared to other all-time greats in different ERA’s. Isn’t that stupid?
December 27th, 2017 at 1:28 pm
Well he has all the weapons. Now the Winston lovers are crying about o line and running game. This guy will NEVER be consistant enough to beat 3 v good teams. Back to back to back in the NFL playoffs. Even if you suround him with a team like the 2000 Ravens. He would ignore his coach’s instructions. To play safe and smart. Then find a way to lose with stupid decisions
December 27th, 2017 at 1:48 pm
Yaawwn…he just like the rest of the human RACE…is human with his own personality and passions…Jameis 23 and Mike 24 young bucs, not like the old grown azz Men who are constantly complaining…I know you weren’t angels, and with no talent not under the spot light.
Look around the league without your Jameis tinted glasses and watch the young talented gifted guys and see how they act.
You don’t like Cam Newton, complained about BoBo, ASJ and he is maturing elsewhere, Ezekiel Elliot, Kapernick for kneeling, complain abou for his tude on hard knocks, GMC and he is older but, he isn’t a passionate enough leader and he is too nice, Antonio Brown dancing bothers some, you purchase a lousy ticket you are not purchasing the players, nor are you the one playing a violent, life threatening game!
If you want fiction and not human nature go play madden or fantasy ball and sit in your recliner belch, burp and .f…t…Give me a break…😲
December 27th, 2017 at 1:51 pm
Agree on your point @Anomoly, but the fact is that no one else from the current era has broken Marino’s record. Plenty of young QBs have fallen far short. Our guy is making a lot of plays at a very very young age. Needs some work, but time is on his side and the arrow is pointing up, especially the last couple of weeks.
December 27th, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Hilarious! You know I stuck up for you the other day, that won’t happen again. Lol.
You know you luv me, stop faking the funk. And you know I’m right too.
December 27th, 2017 at 2:13 pm
I won’t lie I do love pretty much all your posts except the racist ones. I bet if we met and didn’t talk politics or race, we’d have a rippin good time!!!
And I can’t say you’re right when Tom Brady is voted the most hated player in the league time and time again. Can’t pretend he gets a pass
December 27th, 2017 at 2:37 pm
He does though so does Phillip Rivers, Ben and a host of others. It’s all good though we’ve grown accustomed after 400 years. BAHHHHHHH. KIDDING but not really. Lmao.
December 27th, 2017 at 2:40 pm
If Mariota had all the bucs” weapons for Jamis” he would have set a new scoring record .Winston is terrible in the red zone and all the excuses aren’t fixing that .
December 27th, 2017 at 2:42 pm
I learned when we had Griese as our QB. Who lead the NFL in passing %. One season as a Bucs starter. That a few really bad decisions a game. Can render impressive stats a mut point. No one person has bought into the Winston hype more than Winston himself. Brady is a 100% confident QB. He is aware however, that taking the sack or throwing the ball away. Is the key to consistency. Winston just pushes the envelope, wants to play his way. He does not think situationally at all. He listens to yall calling him great because of his yardage and TD. He was drafted knowing your gunna get turnovers. But he’s gunna win you games late. So far he has 4 4th quarter comebacks n 44 games. His turnovers have made 4th quarter comeback attempts….rare. 68 td yay……41Ints, 31 fumbles naa
December 27th, 2017 at 3:01 pm
DB55 has grabbed hold of the Crown Royal again! Somebody get the man off the ledge!
Man, you have issues!!! 🙂
@nole- I’ve got an issue with anyone named or nicknamed BoBo. Unless the dude’s a circus clown, he should find another nickname!!!
Actually, now that I think of it, for this team he is most certainly, aptly named! It’s Sunday at RayJay, here comes the circus known as the “Bucs”!!!
December 27th, 2017 at 4:30 pm
Lol nah bruh that Title belongs to Charlie Ward.
Dude evented the term “All World”
December 27th, 2017 at 4:36 pm
Charlie Ward
• Heisman Trophy (1993)
• Maxwell Award (1993)
• Consensus All-American (1993)
• Walter Camp Award (1993)
• Johnny Unitas Award (1993)
• Davey O’Brien Award (1993)
• Sullivan Award (1993)
• Chic Harley Award (1993)
• Two-time ACC Athlete of the Year (1993–94)
• NCAA National Champion (1993)
Played basketball for four years at Florida State University (FSU)
Ward’s 1992 team made the Sweet Sixteen. His 1993 team made it to the Southeast Regional Final where they lost to Kentucky 106–81 with the winner advancing to the Final Four.
• NBA draft: 1994 / Round: 1 / Pick: 26th overall
• Major League Baseball draftee.
• Arthur Ashe Tennis Tournament
December 27th, 2017 at 5:06 pm
I actually like Whitlock … his biases are just extremely transparent, so perhaps me calling him a “fraud” was a little harsh … but he does try to sort of hide his biases which is fraufulent.
I’m glad he’s starting to see the light on Jameis … the 23 year old who has played much of the year with an injured THROWING shouder, a bad O-line and no running game and yet, right now, has a HIGHER comp % AND a higher passer rating than the MVP candidate Russell Wilson …. Jameis is “elite” right now, at 23, and playing half the year hurt …. he’s a bad man!
December 27th, 2017 at 5:50 pm
FS1’s whole business model is taking 2 equally uninformed but diametrically opposed hot takes and pitting them against each other. This allows them to generate their own controversy (which they then cover in all their formats as if it were credible opinion or news generated someplace more legitimate) while also being able to claim one of their guys is\was on the right side of every issue discussed. Talking heads filling space with insincere debate
December 27th, 2017 at 6:04 pm
Great point Dewey
December 27th, 2017 at 6:28 pm
Yea no argument here ….. normally prime would scoff at that but he didn’t so….
December 27th, 2017 at 11:05 pm
Colin Cowherd is actually probably my favorite “talking head” of all … I don’t agree with him on a whole lot but I just like the way he says things and the angles he takes on debates as it’s usually “original” and not merely parroting other talking heads.