A Bucs Christmas Story
December 26th, 2017
The season of giving.
It’s officially Dec. 26. If it isn’t Joe’s favorite day of the year, it’s damn close (yeah, Joe’s a scrooge).
That doesn’t mean it’s too late for a cool Christmas story.
It seems that backup defensive tackle Sealver Siliga spread Christmas cheer — and cash — to almost a dozen restaurant workers on Christmas Eve.
As you know, the Bucs coughed up a win at Carolina. Nothing new with this team. After the Bucs got back to Tampa, per TMZSports.com, Siliga went out for dinner and played Santa Claus, in a good way.
TB defensive tackle Sealver Siliga and some friends hit up Applebee’s after losing to the Carolina Panthers earlier in the day — but despite the L, we’re told the guys couldn’t have been nicer.
When the bill came (around 10pm), we’re told Siliga asked the manager how many people were still working in the restaurant … because he wanted to tip every person $100 (from the servers to dishwashers).
In total, Siliga dropped a cool $1,000 … and made everyone’s night.
There’s a photo of the receipt with the tip in the link above for evidence.
That’s just way cool. Props to Siliga for helping quite a few folks working when they’d rather be elsewhere, and likely working for not very much. Joe is sure that $100 will go a long ways for some who likely have kids to feed or Christmas bills to pay.
December 26th, 2017 at 12:30 am
Better than Sapps tips
December 26th, 2017 at 12:52 am
Both my sons depend on tips to earn their way through college..they have friends all over and talking tipping is always the subject..Kudos to Siliga…he must have someone is his family who use to pay their bills by counting on tips..
Here’s a partial list of the TB Bucs good tippers that have been in my son’s restaurant..
Gerald McCoy..always a 20 dollar bill minimum on to go orders…his wife picks up after the kids at the restaurants they attend in New Tampa..
LVD also a great tipper…LVD, if you are reading this, thanks for asking my son at the detail shop,how is he doing every time you go in..
Another NFL player my sons facebook group has waited on and he’s a hundred percenter since his days in college..it’s Carson Wentz…worse? Michael Vick…
December 26th, 2017 at 2:05 am
If only our fans were as kind, cool, and compassionate as our PLAYERS!!
December 26th, 2017 at 7:59 am
Yeah, that’s cool. Good guy.
December 26th, 2017 at 1:22 pm
Nice! Gotta love people like that. Wish I could’ve done something like that at ihop yesterday….place was packed.
December 26th, 2017 at 1:52 pm
Only about 2 of you have done it. So I’ll say it again. Just because WE are losers does not mean our whole state is. Lets congratulate them JAG-WARS for a great season. Hell, how can you not be happy for them. They ain’t even in our Division. Its great to see a sorry team finally..come up. Hopefully next year it is us!!
December 26th, 2017 at 3:01 pm
We’ll said, Mike.
December 26th, 2017 at 4:33 pm
Cool story, very nice thing to do.
December 26th, 2017 at 4:37 pm
Cool story Life! I would expect that from GMC and LVD, both very classy.
I spent years working for tips during college and a few years afterwards. Ah, the industry life…
December 26th, 2017 at 4:40 pm
Mike – Did you know Jacksonville is the largest and most populated city in FL? Amazing that it’s not Miami or Tampa or Orlando, but Jacksonville! But the entire county is one city, so it’s actually just some dumb technicality.
Anywho the last time I visited Jacksonville was we drove through it when I was a kid – and I can still smell the place. Also they have the ugliest shade of blue I’ve seen on that ugly bridge they always so – it’s almost as offensive looking as their god awful helmets with that ridiculously lazy gradient that is one of the ugliest things known to man.
Rather than Jacksonville be given praise for making the playoffs after getting blown out at San Francisco, I’d rather the city fall into the ocean so long as it took that hideous bridge and helmets with it.
December 27th, 2017 at 7:57 am
Applebee’s is always open. Wife and I hung out there for a while on Christmas day. The bartender had a great attitude about having to work. We tipped the guy nicely for his service and taking care of the outcasts. Always try to have cash on you around the holidays. The service industry appreciates that.