When Will The Hate End?
July 14th, 2017
Changing perception.
Yesterday, Joe got a Twitter from long-time JoeBucsFan.com supporter Mike Weber, a producer for WTSP-TV Channel 10.
In it, he forwarded a new “Hard Knocks” promotional video highlighting Bucs stud defensive tackle Gerald McCoy. Weber asked Joe if “Hard Knocks” will finally shut up GMC’s irrational haters. Sadly, Joe is dubious.
Two days ago during the weekly “JoeBucsFan.com Hour,” when Joe appeared with his good friend and the dean of Tampa Bay sports radio, “The Big Dog,” Steve Duemig of WDAE-AM 620, Duemig opened a segment point-blank asking Joe why Bucs fans hate Gerald McCoy. Joe couldn’t offer a reasonable explanation other than Joe guesses fans want a cartoon character playing defensive tackle, a cross between an ax-murderer and “The Ultimate Warrior,” and are more concerned with optics over results.
Unfairly to GMC, Joe also guessed the long shadow of Warren Sapp does GMC no favors.
Holding GMC to a Hall of Fame standard is just not fair. At worst, GMC is the third-best defensive tackle in the game. How this is suddenly deemed unsuitable or unacceptable to the GMC haters is beyond Joe’s comprehension.
Attending national events like Super Bowl media week or the NFL combine in Indianapolis, Joe speaks to NFL types from other cities and mentions how GMC is mocked by so many Bucs fans, they look at Joe as if he has three eyes.
Then yesterday, Joe noticed this item about the Bucs typed by Ryan Wood of the Green Bay Press-Gazette. The paper is running a series of previews, each day highlighting a Packers’ 2017 opponent, of which the Bucs are one.
The real McCoy: Quietly, Gerald McCoy is putting together an all-time great resume for any defensive tackle. Just 28, McCoy already has been selected to five Pro Bowls. He was a first-team All-Pro in 2013, with second-team selections in 2014 and 2016. And his 42 career sacks already rank fourth in franchise history, behind Lee Roy Selmon, Warren Sapp and Simeon Rice. The Packers’ schedule is packed with disruptive interior rushers, but none are better than McCoy.
Miles away from the shores of Tampa Bay, the NFL world is comfortable using GMC’s name in the same sentence as Lee Roy Selmon, Simeon Rice and Sapp. For a number of Bucs fans, they are more inclined to insert GMC’s name in the same sentence as Akeem Spence or Derek Landri.
And to Joe, that is just sad.
July 14th, 2017 at 7:22 am
It’s not “hate”…..it’s just that GMC has never been the catalyst, the motivator, the game changer.
July 14th, 2017 at 7:29 am
Final line – “You are not truly great yet – but you can be!”
I’d say that fits GMC and the entire Bucs team quite well. Just need to win a Super Bowl and the whole conversation changes…
July 14th, 2017 at 7:43 am
I hope GMC reads this comment and smiles:
Bro, you’re great. Don’t listen to the trolls. What do they know? All they’re proving is how little they know. You’ve been hurt, or bad teams with bad coaches as still you kill it. Don’t sweat the haters they’re beclowning themselves every time they hate on you. Hang tough
July 14th, 2017 at 7:48 am
The Packers’ schedule? Isn’t that supposed to be the Buccaneers’ schedule?
July 14th, 2017 at 7:51 am
I can think of at least 6 Sapp plays that turned a game around when he played. I can also think of pregame rituals that would get the other players and coaches pissed. He wasn’t just a big player on the field, he was polarizing. He was the General and he and Brooks were side by side 90% of the time on the sidelines.
McCoy is a great player!! But I don’t think other players are scared of him. That’s the big difference. It’s not the fact that he helps other players up etc. He just ain’t mean!! And he doesn’t have to tread on ppl or gouge eyes in face masks to be mean.
If you could put Jameis, or Kwon in McCoy’s body, you would have Sapp 2.0
You also have to remember he will always be compared to Sapp. The same as some ppl in Green Bay will say Rogers is no Brett Favre….
July 14th, 2017 at 7:53 am
I agree McCoy isn’t as revered to Bucs’ fans as Sapp or even Rice to some extent. I think leading the team to the playoffs and having a signature play or two late in the game when the team needs a sack or a fumble, etc. will help cement him more in the minds of Buc fans. He has had a great career, truly. However on a team where the defense has not been as dominating as it was back in the Sapp days, I think fans are expecting him to single handedly dominate teams and take over the game when the game is on the line. He quietly gets the job done and more! He needs though, IMO, a strong and deep playoff run for the team to get him HOF credentials.
July 14th, 2017 at 7:55 am
I re-read that and saw that it was a Green Bay reporter being quoted regarding Packers’ schedule, my bad. Still want the Morning Cup of Joe though. 🙂
July 14th, 2017 at 7:58 am
For a number of Bucs fans, they are more inclined to insert GMC’s name in the same sentence as Akeem Spence or Derek Landri.
Yep. Those Buc fans are the circus idiot ass clowns.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:02 am
Still be nice to have a cup of Joe in the morning.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:03 am
Couldn’t agree more Joe. The shadow of Sapp is definitely what clouds the minds of those who would love to see GMC run out of town or take a significant pay cut because he’s ‘not worth’ the high salary he gets paid. Like you said though, top 5 DT easy in this league RIGHT NOW. Who would anyone else want? I can only think of Aaron Donald as a better overall DT in the 4-3 scheme. And the reality is when you’re in the top 5 of your position, there’s next to no chance a team lets you walk unless the player decides they just don’t want to be there anymore ala Calvin Johnson.
When GMC is gone or when Father Time catches up to him, then the haters will see how valuable the guy is.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:05 am
Run a survey Joe…I don’t think the hate is that extensive…just a few here on JBF…
July 14th, 2017 at 8:07 am
Quit crying little babies. It’s getting old. The Cup of Joe is not here. And only Joe knows if it ever will be.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:08 am
GMC is over rated plain and simple. He’s paid game changer money with average results. There’s a reason a lot off Buc fans aren’t big on him. It is not personal for me.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:11 am
The hate is from the select few who want a Sapp . No more no no less. But it is not the majority.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:15 am
Playing for mediocre to very bad Bucs teams for many years (with the exception of last year), lack of splash plays, ice cream man attitude, and being compared to Sapp are all McCoy’s worst enemies.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:16 am
He is NOT and never will be Elite, is he good? YES, very. Can he be great, maybe. Will he ever be a Lee Roy Selmon, nope. Will he ever be a Warren Sapp, Never.
He is not even the best in the league, not sure he has ever been. For many years when you talked about the best DT in the league their was only one real and consistent conversation and that was around Warren Sapp.
@Joe, please stop this.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:16 am
McCoy hate is just irrational. Some ppl don’t need a good reason to hate, they just need someone to hate and they picked GMC (bc he is NOT Sapp).
July 14th, 2017 at 8:17 am
And I want my Cup of Joe back!!!
July 14th, 2017 at 8:17 am
McCoy will stopped being looked at like he is a good player and nothing more once the games matter and he makes plays. So for instance if he makes a big impact in the Giants game this year or the Patriots game this year or in the GB game this year. Down the stretch when it realllllly matters and every fan is watching that is when he must do something. It is simple, it is all about those moments that people remember and look back fondly on and to date McCoy maybe has two of those types of plays in sort of big games. It is about memories and if you don’t make those, in a happy sense, then you will be know for losing and that is about it, plain and simple. When you think about great players the great moments come to mind. Sapp taking out Young and Rice in the same game, or Sapp going at it with Farve telling him we were not going to take it anymore. Brooks picking off Kurt Warner and going to the house or Brooks picking off Gannon and going to the house. Barber picking of Farve with a broken wrist/thumb or picking off McNabb to win the NFC title. These are the plays people remember fondly, heck even Jameis ALREADY has a few of those plays like the dive for a TD against the Giants, or the great run against Atlanta, or the crazy play against the Bears. Those are the moments people will never forget and when you think of McCoy you might think of a batted down pass against Atlanta or a tipped pass against KC that’s about it in the good column and the rest is him going to the movies or buying ice cream which is not ideal for the “leader” of your defense. Right or wrong that is the truth.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:19 am
Was driving to work thinking about this subject and said to myself I won’t even read a comment about this considering he’s talked about as a beast by everyone except some morons in ourfan base .
July 14th, 2017 at 8:20 am
July 14th, 2017 at 8:21 am
Perhaps he is overpaid relative to the production of others who have maned the position in NFL history but pay doesn’t equal performance in the league. Pay represents Supply and Demand. DT’s better then McCoy are not walking the streets or waiting to be drafted in college. Perhaps he’s not as dominant as Sapp or Aaron Donald, but his job is not just ‘get sacks’; his position and what the coaches have asked him to do is be a disrupter in the backfield. And seriously name one person outside of Michael Bennet that’s actually been a threat on our D-Line with GMC. Maybe Sapp could get it done but he is a generational player and they don’t come around very often. At least Sapp had Booger, who wasn’t a slouch himself
July 14th, 2017 at 8:27 am
Note to Jameis. Do not buy Ice Cream or Go to the Movies in your Buccaneer Career!
July 14th, 2017 at 8:50 am
No DBS to make your point correct, don’t be known mainly for going to the movies and buying ice cream. Both those things are fine but they should not be the most lasting memory you leave as a football player.
July 14th, 2017 at 8:54 am
So freaking what if he is overpaid??? Any of you fools going to turn down cash when someone throws millions in your face??? Bunch of tards!
July 14th, 2017 at 8:59 am
Went over your head ndog!
July 14th, 2017 at 9:13 am
Love what have when you have it and refuse to find yourself wishing you valued something once it’s gone. McCoy is the best DT we’ve had since Sapp, amd I’m willing to “lay cash” as Joe says that my boi finds his way to the Hall when his career is Fin.
‘Til then, keep dominating the opposition GMc. Real Bucs fans know how important you are to this team!!
July 14th, 2017 at 9:15 am
GMC is an excellent player, with a good resume’, who has the unfortunate experience o playing on a team that has a difficult time winning. Hopefully 2016 was a turning point. He is a good teammate, defensive leader, and should have plenty of gas in his tank going forward. This year could truly be a breakout year under the the second year of Smith’s regime, maturity of other players, and upgrades to those around him. Can you imagine if he wouldn’t have spent most of his career double teamed?
July 14th, 2017 at 9:35 am
I wonder where the resident GMC hater is? He’s curiously quiet. I guess the hangover is severe this morning.
The slack-jawed mouth breathers need to come to grips with GMC being a potential HoF’er. If GMC makes another 2-3 pro bowls and a couple more All-Pro teams (doesn’t have to be first team) he’ll be a Hall of Famer one day. He won’t be first ballot, but he’ll get there. GMC won’t even need that much if the Bucs win a Super Bowl.
July 14th, 2017 at 9:37 am
GMC is very good, but I think the fan frustration of constantly losing and GMC acting like it doesn’t bother him or not publicly showing it bothers him doesn’t endear him to some fans.
I like GMC, I think Dominik, and to a lesser extent Licht have failed to surround him with good players. If he leads a good d (top 15) and the Bucs get to the playoffs it will help his image. Before you bash GMC ask yourselves which interior D linemen has done it al on his own without a good edge rusher to help out?
July 14th, 2017 at 9:41 am
Totally agree with Tampabaybucfan, I don’t think the hate is that extensive either. Certain fans seem to need a scapegoat to focus on for the ‘bad years’ and GMC has been here through a lot of games lost. In his 7 yrs here, Bucs defense ranked #22 on the average, and that was brought up considerably based on ‘good years’ defensively in 2010 & 2016.
Reality to me is that Bucs fans got spoiled by some very good defenses before GMC arrived in 2010. For a similar 7 yr period from 2002 – 2008 Bucs defense ranked #8 on the average (and #1 in our SB yr). We got spoiled with Sapp & Rice & Brooks & Lynch & a number of others who’d played together for quite a long time. We knew that our Bucs defense was going to keep us in most games during that timeframe (and several yrs before that obviously). Last year’s defense improved considerably in the 2nd half of the year, and if it continues to improve any silly talk about ‘GMC hate’ will all disappear. Fans love winners. So do owners, coaches & players.
July 14th, 2017 at 9:48 am
Ndog, Here are a few plays to help refresh your memory from last season. No need to let irrational hatred cloud your judgement based on Tmax’s made up narrative that McCoy never makes any plays during crunch time. Last I checked a football game is 60 minutes. A drive killing sack is a pretty good thing any time in the game. GMC is a very good player, maybe its time to step off his nut sack and acknowledge it. THe rest of the NFL does.
July 14th, 2017 at 9:53 am
Hate is real when all those years of losing. So called best players on bad teams get the tar get or blame. That was losing does to fans. It’s obvious he didn’t want it more than say some bench players. He is good that obvious but good isn’t good enough. Then the clown GMC says the first thing this off season after all is awards…. he is not the player he should’ve been. But his haters been saying that for years. Gmc gets cut or traded after this year.
July 14th, 2017 at 9:55 am
I love McCoy. That said…I would have traded him this off season or next for 2 first rounders. And we would have gotten them.
July 14th, 2017 at 10:05 am
So Dreambig did you even watch the video? Cause if you did please show me where in the two biggest games of the year you see any highlights? There was not one shot of the Cowboys game, which was for the playoffs and on National TV, NOT ONE from and entire game that likes featured a team against us that like to run the ball. And there was a batted down pass at NO which was another huge game that was flexed to 4pm. Do you not get it, that these games are when “Great” players are paid to make plays and ball out. Sorry if I don’t get jazzed about a play he made in the 3rd quarter vs Chicago when he goes David Copperfield on national TV and the middle of our Dline gets gutted for the world to see.
July 14th, 2017 at 10:18 am
Hold my beer I’ll brb
July 14th, 2017 at 10:31 am
gotta shine when the bright lights come on and vs top notch opponents….know a bunch of Dallas fans and before the game they said they were eager to see GMC in action….they claimed he was our best player on defense…mid way thru the 3rd quarter they asked me did he even make the trip to Texas……
when you play in the trenches you have to have a mean streak….that’s what separates the good from the great….GMC is the DT version of alex smith….GO BUCS!!!!
July 14th, 2017 at 10:52 am
Ndog summed it up best in his first post.
July 14th, 2017 at 11:02 am
What a bunch of JACK/ASS Buc fans!
July 14th, 2017 at 11:05 am
Ndamukong Suh has a mean streak. McCoy had a better season. McCoy plays hard between the whistles. That’s all that matters.
July 14th, 2017 at 11:06 am
I just think it’s funny how the TB media can invest an entire week and multiple articles on how Jameis needs to improve his accuracy, he needs to start faster, he needs to be better but are unable in their collective genius to find one criticism or area of improvement for Gerald McCoy.
Jameis leads the team to 9 wins in his sophomore year while GMC is enjoying his second 9 win season in 7 years. And you have the nerve to talk about results. Child please!
July 14th, 2017 at 11:07 am
I don’t even see why that would trigger moderation.
July 14th, 2017 at 11:08 am
You should read my original post!
July 14th, 2017 at 11:20 am
The losing got to Calvin Johnson so bad he had to retire. GMC celebrates losing at Disney World while wearing his superhero cape.
And how you gonna tell people that you’re the Hulk when you never get mad? Doesn’t that just make you Bruce Jenner?
July 14th, 2017 at 11:41 am
@DB55: you might mean Bruce Banner? Jenner has done another transformation.
July 14th, 2017 at 12:04 pm
Nope! I meant what I said, Jenner!
July 14th, 2017 at 12:08 pm
I hardly even pinpoint watch GMC during Buc games. He must be doing his job to still be here. Being that high of a pick is a bunch of added pressure.
July 14th, 2017 at 12:14 pm
GMC gets a lot of flack for simply being the best one on a D-Line that sucked for years. Easy to take McCoy out of the equation when you can double him and not think twice about anyone else on the line
July 14th, 2017 at 1:14 pm
@DB55- I’m pretty sure the TB media feasted during GMC’s first 2-3 years when he was almost never on the field due to torn biceps or something. I remember conversations talking about him being a “bust”.
Bottom line, we are better with him than without him. Forget about the FACT that he’s one of the 5 best DTs in the game right now.
July 14th, 2017 at 2:09 pm
Consider this: the lions made the playoffs For the first time in forever immediately after Calvin retires. Ijs
July 14th, 2017 at 2:39 pm
^^^I think that was more coincidence than anything else DB55. Although, it can be argued that it made their offense less one-dimesional. It truly must’ve sucked for him though!!!
July 14th, 2017 at 2:42 pm
Ndamukong Suh has a mean streak. McCoy had a better season. McCoy plays hard between the whistles. That’s all that matters….
who do opponents fear?…suh or GMC….
suh was drafted by a franchise that was in the dumpster just like GMC….unlike GMC, he is feared….and suh lead the lions to the playoffs….
now thats all that matters….GO BUCS!!!!
July 14th, 2017 at 2:51 pm
Are you frigging kidding me?? There is more of that LONE WOLF CRAP! SUH did nothing by himself! No more than Jameis can lead the Bucs by himself!
July 14th, 2017 at 2:58 pm
Great Injustices of Recent History:
* Murder of Irish railway workers in 1870 by mobs
* The displacement of indigenous Americans by manifest destiny
* Gerald McCoy hate
Some people think every pro football player should be as mean as Dick Butkus
July 14th, 2017 at 3:27 pm
If the bucs lost in the warren sapp era as often as they have in the GMC era, Sapp would be be strongly disliked by a noticeable portion of the fan base. Winning changes everything and suddenly players are celebrated for what they are instead of vilified for what they aren’t. The losing history is not all on GMC but he can’t be extricated from it, and some fans will blame him for it.
July 14th, 2017 at 4:18 pm
I agree with Wombat way up there in the chain…..
Where is McCoy’s “signature” game? All those Pro Bowls, All-Pro teams, 48 sacks…. where’s that one GAME he just went McCoy Smash and took over? There isn’t one.
Off the top of my head, the Super Bowl season, Sapp literally BODY SLAMMING Chester Taylor of the Ravens. 1997 – knocking Steve Young AND Jerry Rice out of the opener. 1996 against the Eagles… his INT for a TD…. How about his “Beyonce” dance after catching a TD pass as a TE? I can’t think of ONE of those moments with McCoy.
McCoy’s nickname should be “Wallpaper” because you never notice him.
July 14th, 2017 at 4:45 pm
The hate for McCoy is about as inexplicable as people who continue to support that Assclown Manbaby Smallhands Von Foekstick.
July 14th, 2017 at 5:19 pm
The ignorance of some fans is really funny to me at this point. I’m just here to read the stupid comments.
July 14th, 2017 at 5:40 pm
I can’t help myself. First of all, he’s not Warren Sapp. That’s your first mistake. Second, and more importantly, he hasn’t been on winning teams. No matter how much you think otherwise, that’s not his fault. There’s never been a DT in the league that has carried a team to a championship, much less in today’s game. He is the only Pro Bowl DT in the league that has never played with another pro bowl lineman. Let that sink in. He’s never had an effective edge rusher. He’s never played with a prolific offense. He’s had terrible coaches. He’s never had anywhere near enough help. You could have put Reggie White on our team, and even he wouldn’t have done anything with the teams McCoy has played on.
The signature game talk is stupid. Derrick Brooks is my favorite player of all time, and I can’t think of a signature game for him. JJ Watt is the best defensive player in the game, and I can’t think of a signature game. I can’t think of a signature game for Reggie White. And yes, there’s not really a signature game when you go 6-10. There’s not really a signature game when you go 9-7 but don’t make the playoffs. He did bat down a pass on 4th down against Atlanta. He deflected another pass on the goal line in KC that was returned 50 something yards. He sacked Rivers on third down to force them to a long field goal (which they missed). He was an absolute terror against Seattle. You probably don’t think those are big plays, but they made the difference between us winning and losing. But those games aren’t signature games because we didn’t make the playoffs. He’s a DT. He’s not a QB. He’s not going to have the same impact. He can be doubled and tripled if he doesn’t have help around him, and pretty much forced out of the game. You can’t keep a QB from getting the ball.
July 14th, 2017 at 7:20 pm
I don’t know anyone who hates McCoy. Then again, I don’t typically associate with idiots.
I think there is a vocal minority that is very small and very loud.
As for me, my only complaint about McCoy is his tendency to get injured.