Preaching For Simeon Rice
July 24th, 2017
Stumps for Simeon Rice.
It seems Peter Schrager is building a case to replace the “Custodian of Canton” if he ever retires.
Yes, treasured columnist eye-RAH! Kaufman is the lone selector representing the Tampa Bay area for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. And to Joe’s knowledge, eye-RAH! has no immediate plans to retire.
(Joe’s got to keep eye-RAH! alive long enough for when the Bucs play the Raiders in Las Vegas in 2020 — hell, Joe hopes he’s alive to experience that! Joe can’t wait to see eye-RAH! prowling the Vegas Strip like the boss he is.)
Anyway, this morning on “Good Morning Football,” co-hosted by Kyle Brandt, Nate Burleson and Bucs fans’ it-girl Kay Adams, Schrager did sort of an impersonation of eye-RAH! by going on a soliloquy, banging the desk to get former Bucs great Simeon Rice into the Hall of Fame.
It was as if Schrager was presenting Rice before the Hall of Fame voters himself. It was pretty impressive. Schrager is appalled that Rice hasn’t been seriously considered as a Hall of Fame candidate, and hints that maybe the Hall of Fame voters are just too old.
Uh, oh, eye-RAH! Maybe Schrager really is trying to replace you?
Anyway, you can watch the pleas from Schrager in the NFL Network video below.
Should Simeon Rice be in the Hall of Fame? @PSchrags shared his thoughts on #GMFB
— GMFB (@gmfb) July 24, 2017
July 24th, 2017 at 1:27 pm
Simeon was Mr. Strip-sack before it was a thing.
July 24th, 2017 at 1:58 pm
Man, it’s the hall of FAME. If they got to debate this much, you ain’t famous.
July 24th, 2017 at 2:15 pm
I’ll take Peter Schrager over that little weasel smart alec Florio anytime…
July 24th, 2017 at 2:25 pm
I believe Rice still hasn’t lived past the rhetoric of the era of 300 lb. D-linemen, and that he was weak against the run. When we all know he redefined the position! Just another example of the media disrespecting the Bucs. Because we always embarrassed their storied franchises. Same reason we were pushed into the NFC SOUTH. Even though thats back fired on them! Because the south is now the most competitive division in the league ! Eat that EAST!!
July 24th, 2017 at 2:26 pm
Do not get me wrong I totally respect the HOF! But I don’t necessarily agree with all of the selections.
Doesn’t bother me that much though. It would be nice if Sim can get in but if he doesn’t he can always admire that SB ring which for me is all that counts anyway.
And as a Buc’s fan I’m actually more concerned with our own Ring of Honor. These are OUR guys…the guys who contributed to OUR team. Yeah call me selfish and self centered but I don’t care about HOFers from other teams. I respect them for sure but they’re not my main focus of attention.
July 24th, 2017 at 2:30 pm
i can understand the debate around his worthiness, what i cannot understand is how that debate didn’t pull his name into debates around Jason Taylor who waltzed in with generally lesser production and similar “one dimensional” accusations.
Simeon is potentially being “punished” for going way off the NFL reservation with his Pat Tillman comments. Other than that he was an off the charts DE who did little to get on the wrong side of media, teammates, or NFL peers
July 24th, 2017 at 2:52 pm
This has to do with the markets he played in. It has nothing to do with his level of play. If he played in NY, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
July 24th, 2017 at 3:49 pm
If Jason Taylor is a 1st ballot HOFer – then Simeon (who was more dominant than Taylor save for 1 or 2 season while they were contemporaries) is absolutely worthy of inclusion in the HOF.
Taylor jumping line and taking John Lynch’s spot last year in his 1st year of eligibility was total BS and just shows what a political and agenda laden environment the HOF vote has become.
Keep up the heat Ira – you’ve got 3 more guys to push into the Hall before your HOF work is done. Lynch, Barber and Rice. All are deserving!
July 24th, 2017 at 5:21 pm
Of course he belongs in the Hall. I hope they put him in, he walks up to the podium, stomps the gold jacket and tells them all to suck it.
July 24th, 2017 at 5:50 pm
Sim has a problem in that he played on a great defense…one of the very best of all times. Excuse me I forgot how the English language is now used. Simeon was the very best DE to ever play on the most incredible defense ever fielded by an NFL team and lots of people are telling me that.
But for those stuck back in the good ole days there are those who are holding against Sim that he played with some all time greats..which did have the effect of making his job easier than Taylors. I’m not saying I agree with this simply pointing it out.
And the other strike is that for all their talent these guys only made it to the SB once. The same argument could be made against some of the defenders on that Great Bears defense. The Steelers Steel Curtain on the other hand played and WON multiple SB’s…they were not one hit wonders. More of them SHOULD be in the HOF.
I do not disagree with anyone here who thinks Sim is an HOFer. But I don’t use the Jason Taylor comparisons because quite frankly I don’t believe he deserved to be in.
July 24th, 2017 at 10:55 pm
I was born and raised in Chi town. I still have all the words to the SB shuffle memorized. That being said, if you ever have the ability to watch the Bears-Dolphins game from the 85 season, watch it and you will see why there aren’t more defenders from the Bears defenses of the late 70’s/mid 80’s in the HOF. Those defenses were great at attacking and in those days really hurting (bad) the passer, but not so great at defending the passing game. It’s not very well known, but for as great a thumper that Iron Mike Singletary was, he was also a liability in pass coverage. Don’t get me wrong, the LB’ers of the 85 Bears did pretty darn well at catching interceptions that glorious 85 season, but it was more to do with QB’s literally throwing scared to get the ball out of their hands asap. When a team was able to put together a dink and dunk gameplan as Miami did that year, the Bears D got carved like a turkey. But they were still a phenomenon and an awesome sight to behold and watch play.
July 24th, 2017 at 11:04 pm
Great video.
Lynch next year and a strong push over the next couple for Rice
July 25th, 2017 at 7:05 am
Rice belongs more than half of the people going in this year.