Jameis Winston Says He Was Lacking A “True Deep Threat”
July 5th, 2017
Jameis reveals his mindset
Great insight served up last night into the mindset of America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston.
It came from Jameis himself. That’s what makes it so interesting.
A relaxed Jameis cooly and calmly told NFL Network that the Bucs didn’t have a deep threat until they signed DeSean Jackson.
“We haven’t had a true deep threat guy in Tampa Bay, and now we have DeSean,” Jameis said. “So we’re excited to throw him a couple of bombs.”
First, it’s awfully rare to here Jameis saying anything was “lacking” from his roster — past or present. So his comments really stood out. Second, Mike Evans is hardly a second-rate deep threat. In fact, his 15-yards-per-catch career average is the 11th best among active NFL receivers. Eleventh! Evans also averaged 16.3 yards a reception in 2015. That’s what Joe calls a deep threat.
Was Jameis taking a public slap at Evans here? No. But what’s key is Jameis’ attitude — that he believes the deep threat was missing and Jackson is the answer.
If nothing else, Jackson instantly gives Jameis more confidence throwing deep. And perhaps that will make him better. Not that Jameis is bad on the deep ball, but certainly he’s been nothing special.
July 5th, 2017 at 2:50 pm
# 3 Accuracy is all that is lacking…
July 5th, 2017 at 3:09 pm
No shot at Mikey. Huge difference in the speed of the 2. One truly has the highest ypc in nfl history i believe, over a certain amount of catches. Thats a deep threat defined. Go bucs
July 5th, 2017 at 3:17 pm
There is a difference between a post up the DB 25 yards downfield receiver (Evans) and a use speed to get behind the DB and don’t stop running until the endzone receiver (Jackson).
July 5th, 2017 at 3:25 pm
Substitute the word “speed” for “deep threat” and this is what Jameis was referring to. The Buccaneers were indeed lacking “true speed” last year.
Evans at his fastest runs a 4.5 40 which is pretty fast for a big guy but he’s not going to outrun many outside defenders.
DJax runs about a 4.3 from all accounts. Add Godwin (4.4) in the slot. Big TE OJ Howard (4.5) over the middle and McNichols (4.49) out of the backfield and the Bucs got a lot faster in the offseason.
Just another important bullet in Winston’s arsenal – and this one (speed) kills!
July 5th, 2017 at 3:40 pm
Deep balls look inaccurate when you don’t have anyone who can chase them down
July 5th, 2017 at 3:43 pm
“Deep balls look inaccurate when you don’t have anyone who can chase them down”…then don’t throw the ball where they aren’t….
July 5th, 2017 at 3:49 pm
I understood what he meant. Evans is not a low pass the guy on a jet route receiver. He’s a brawler. He will fight for a catch. Jackson doesn’t strike me as “physical.” He’s going to use his speed to get around people and get a feel. They are two different receivers.
That being said, expect the Tampa Bay Times to run a story that says how Winston completely disrespected Evans.
July 5th, 2017 at 3:49 pm
I agree Oxy.
I have played a lot of basketball and I am an ok player, but its amazing how much better of a player I have been when I had good players around me.
All of a sudden that pass towards the basket is accurate instead of it being stolen or going out of bounds.
This year a pass to Freddie Martino is going to be thrown to Desean Jackson or that seem route to Brandon Myers is going to be thrown to OJ Howard.
That will make an incredible difference.
I am confident Jameis will be a lot better on his deep passes significantly more as a result of his receivers than improving his timing or mechanics.
July 5th, 2017 at 3:56 pm
ME fully capable we’ve all seen him snatch the rock deep down field. But a “deep ball threat” makes CBs play 10 yards of the line of scrimmage pre snap.
July 5th, 2017 at 3:59 pm
ME loves press coverage so he can put them paws on yo @$$.
July 5th, 2017 at 4:04 pm
Season ticket holder. Never missed a game. A lot of bad long balls thrown last year when guys open . Don’t think you can make to many negative comments about mike Evans
July 5th, 2017 at 4:05 pm
Except joes k y hand comments for a while
July 5th, 2017 at 4:18 pm
Winston always over-threw ME vs under-throwing him on the real deep balls.. There were only a few clean releases in which this seemed to happen though. ME on go routes typically has to fight through a bunch of contact / double teams which disrupts timing. Very rarely was he clean on a 1 on 1 while running in full regular stride and still missed by Winston on a true deep route.
Very rarely did he even run the type of deep routes that Djax will. Most of ME’s deep routes were still intermediate type routes not a true deep post or go route. And that’s fine because he dominates at that
Winston hit tons of FSU WRs in stride on deep passes when he had guys who could burn other corners. I’m not that worried about it.
July 5th, 2017 at 4:27 pm
Lord C says:
“Winston hit tons of FSU WRs in stride on deep passes when he had guys who could burn other corners. I’m not that worried about it.”
True that!
July 5th, 2017 at 4:56 pm
Altered ego.
Then go be a titans fan. MM will give u a couple of good bombs before he gets hurt again.
July 5th, 2017 at 5:03 pm
It’s hare to get YAC when you are concentrating on getting both feet in
bounds…….many of Evans’ receptions are semi-deep…..I can’t wait until a 12 yard catch from Djax turns into a 60 yd TD.
I don’t think Evans took any offense at all from Jameis’ comment.
July 5th, 2017 at 5:45 pm
It won’t matter if Jameis can’t hit Jackson in stride with all that speed. A really fast smaller receiver is much harder to connect with than a 6 5 monster you can air it up at. I’m mentally preparing myself for some missed opportunities. Hate to admit it but Winston does have some accuracy issues when he’s not dialed in. When he’s hot he is ON! When he’s not it’s ugly.
July 5th, 2017 at 5:48 pm
“LC, is taking my material”
Kobe Faker
Jameis is going to be lights out going deep to Djax and Godwin.
4 games minimum with 4 tds…think tampa vs philly
2017, no team/qb will go downfild effortlessly with +25 yard chucks than like Jameis
July 5th, 2017 at 5:49 pm
“LC, takes my posts/analytics and converts it to english”
Kobe Faker
July 5th, 2017 at 5:55 pm
Evans also averaged 16.3 yards a reception
Martino avg 18+. JUst saying….
July 5th, 2017 at 5:56 pm
Altered…I say they should get rid of Jameis.
July 5th, 2017 at 6:54 pm
Not sure if he was lacking a deep threat, or just accuracy to his deep threat…
July 5th, 2017 at 7:31 pm
May 19 2017 JBF Story. Look it up Yourself. I would say If the team decided to track all his throws there is an accuracy issue or they would not be looking.
July 5th, 2017 at 8:39 pm
Hmmm, let me get this str8. Most passing yards in first two season’s in the NFL. But internet gurus around here talkin bout deep ball inaccuracy. Seems illogical considering he has the most passing yards of any QB in his first two season’s. Anyone know how many QBs have played in the NFL??? I’ll tell you,a lot muthaf@$!s. Not mention only having one bonafide stud target to work with. FOH deep accuracy. Ask those atl defenders from week 1 last season on that strike to ME about deep ball accuracy.
July 5th, 2017 at 8:41 pm
And when done asking them about that one ask them about the strike to asj. Or maybe you can chat wit a few bears about that ad lib bomb to ME in the middle of the football field. Ya see I’ve never any QB complete every deep ball pass. Find it funny Fameis is being held at some standard that says he should. Whack @$$ fanbase.
July 5th, 2017 at 8:45 pm
Again, MOST PASSING YARDS IN FIRST TWO SEASON’S IN THE NFL. That’s tells he’s completed his fair share deep down field.. Muthaf@$!.
July 5th, 2017 at 8:52 pm
Can anyone yoots show me the graphic of the QB in history that went 100% completion percentage on his deep balls??? Won’t hold my breath cause it ain’t worth waiting on.
July 5th, 2017 at 8:58 pm
And it is well proven that having a legit deep threat will improve deep ball accuracy. Look a Kurt cousins #s with and without DJax on the field. It is staggering the difference a true deep threat majes
July 5th, 2017 at 9:19 pm
Evans top speed is prob very close if not faster than d jax , more of the problem lies in protection and Winstons altered throwing motion ( making him a more effective pocket passer) it has really really hurt his deep ball !! For all the good he has done he really struggles to get on top of the ball like he did in college and hasn’t been as accurate as he was in college as a Pro. He has however improved in the professional pocket allot but then again he is throwing out of the pocket allot which allows him to better get on top of and behind the ball but still not to the comfort of his natural throwing motion!!!
This results in high throws and inaccuracy due to the elbow moving less and more of an arm throw and some pushing
July 5th, 2017 at 9:29 pm
I stopped reading that silly @$$ post when u said mike was as fast as DJax. U must have bumped your silly little head
July 5th, 2017 at 9:49 pm
I think we understand exactly what JW is saying a take the top off the defense guy that is something ME will be he is more of the 50/50 guy. Desean wil out run past anyone on the defense!! Not a critical statement at all
July 5th, 2017 at 10:09 pm
Its a reason they’re called “low percentage throws”. And only a few shots a game Are ever taken.
July 5th, 2017 at 11:15 pm
Mike the goat: I know right, smh.
As for The Messiah I say this, you give Jameis 5 secs to throw and he’s better than ARod. That’s right I said it.
Jameis is under constant attack and our solution is to move Ali to center. It’s a start, I guess!
Meanwhile Tenn building an oline ala Dallas.
Leading mofos to compare “the often injured, coach-killer, im not as good as josh huff” QB to Jameis. Come on man it’s not even close.
Jameis don’t have a two-headed monster in the backfield. He could but upgrading our TE position was more important than signing AP for 3mil or drafting Dalvin Cook. Cough cough crey crey.
Ironically Jameis is the one out here like Atlas and unlike Brady he don’t have Bellicheat. We have Atl’s rejects. Humbling indeed. But I still have faith in Koetter, However the Licht is slowing dwindling.
We better pray and hope that DJax decides to play all season rather than collect a check. If he’s out by week 3 which I fully expect then Jameis is ducked once again. Depending on rookies and UDFAs sans ME aka KY Hands per JBF{dot}com.
So to recap, worse case scenario, Jameis is playing hurt all season behind a broken Oline with a 1st year center and a guard with a broken or bad back (allegedly). Rookies starting at or playing significant roles at RB, TE, WR2/3. And I almost forgot, the nicca can’t see so the deep ball always hit and miss.
But yea, best year ever!
July 6th, 2017 at 11:06 am
Jameis did overthrow some deep balls past year. Go routes. It’ll be tough to overthrow Desean. Watch him chase those down!
July 6th, 2017 at 12:23 pm
I love Evans, he is one of the best receivers in the League. The best at intermediate routes because of the way that he likes to catch the ball. He really prefers to stop, shield and use his length and jump to extend and win the ball. He may be the best hand catcher in the league. If he improves in 2017 like he did in 2016 he will. But, he often doesn’t run through the catch on deep throws. This wasn’t just with Jameis, this goes back to A&M. Watch his highlights and you will see it. He can run through balls but it isn’t his first instinct. Nothing wrong, its just Jameis needs to adjust. I’ve watched the “overthrow” in the Dallas game 25 times probably. That was a miss on Evans as much as Winston, at the release of the ball, Evans slows just a hair then accelerates. If he just keeps running he makes the catch. Another example was the play of the year with him and Winston versus the Bears, and I love that play by both of them, but Evan’s tendency is highlighted there. He stops to post up a bit, and maybe it was good because maybe that caused the defender to do the same, but if he runs through the ball, its a score.
This is not taking anything away from Evans. He is a super weapon, the MVP on this team IMO. I don’t want him to change anything, but on those plays, DJax will run through the ball and go to the house. Some of those “overthrows” are just Winston and Evans not quite being on the exact same page. Its just going to get better as they both are driven. The best thing is now we have both. The best possession/chain moving/ red zone WR in the game and the best deep threat. LOOK OUT.
July 6th, 2017 at 8:15 pm
Tnew, you are correct !!
Mike Eva goat , you must work for CNN !!! I said nothing of the sort I said, to repeat his top end speed is prob as good, meaning,good enough to be a great deep threat and tnew just explained the rest of what my premise was !!
Point is ,,,,,we do have two deep threats it’s just There is work to do with Evans , Rec. Coach and Winston because they are dead wrong if they don’t think Evans can be a great deep threat. The other point is 40 times don’t always make great deep threats and top end speed is just as or more important. Dumb AR$$ !!! And since you don’t properly consume or digest what you read I will repeat You appear to work for CNN , Dumb Ar$$ !!! 🏈 Go Bucs !!!