Robert Ayers Is Outraged!
June 6th, 2017
Believes teammate got fisted by fellow NFLers.
Mr. Beasting has a beef.
And it seems Robert Ayers, the Bucs’ high-intensity defensive end, is PO’ed at his brethren in the NFL.
To help fill airtime in late spring and summer, post-draft, NFL Network has its annual “Top 100 Players ” features. Players are ranked by NFL players’ votes (allegedly). Recently, Gerald McCoy was voted as the No. 52 player for 2017.
Players ranked 81-100 were released May 1, and 10 more are revealed in a weekly show. Hey, there’s programming to fill!
America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, grumbled a bit about McCoy’s ranking at his last news conference, but it was nothing too crazy. Well, last night, it was announced Houston defensive lineman J.J. Watt was named No. 34, and Ayers hit the ceiling.
No, Ayers has no ax to grind with Watt. Ayers admires Watt. But Ayers thinks his teammate, GMC, got jobbed. So Ayers took to Twitter to vent.
@1_900_ayersjr: JJ watt a full blown monster when healthy.. but better in 3 games than @Geraldini93 in 15???
Ayers then attached a GIF graphic that appears to show a preacher hollering, “HELL NAW!” several times.
In short, Ayers can’t believe GMC got taken to the cleaners like that.
And you know what, Ayers has a helluva point. Joe thinks GMC got robbed as well. Look, Watt is bound for Canton. Even if he cannot come back from back surgery, dude has dominated enough in the NFL to build a Hall of Fame resumé.
But there isn’t a player alive who, in three games, can have the same impact as GMC did in 15 games this past season.
Hell, ‘naw!’
And you know what? Watt seems to agree with Ayers, as Watt Twittered just after the list was announced.
@JJWatt: I played 3 games… this list is a joke.
Joe appreciates Watt for manning up and admitting the obvious. Good job J.J.
June 6th, 2017 at 4:41 am
Please let GMC line up at DE some next year!!
He will blow by every tackle one on one
June 6th, 2017 at 4:57 am
‘Feel good’ rankings like the Top 100 are pretty much meaningless. Doesn’t matter whether they’re created by coaches, players, media or fans. They still end up being popularity contests to one degree or another. Like Coach Koetter says, the only thing that matters is winning.
June 6th, 2017 at 5:51 am
With the big bodies we have now in the middle… Don’t be surprised to see that every once in a while. Ughhhhhh I can’t wait!!!!!
June 6th, 2017 at 6:48 am
Still not sure how Kwon is not on the list, led the league in solo tackles, pick 6, etc.
June 6th, 2017 at 6:49 am
Don’t worry sheep!!! NfL’s longest commercial (hard knocks) will change the national perspective of the Bucs!!! The National media will finally give respect the ,,,,,,,LOL HAhhahaha ahHAHAHA I can’t say it with a straight face!!!!!!!!!!!!
The distraction will change nothing!!!!!!!!! And I don’t care about the rankings, popularity lists, and projections done by “analysts” who barely look at our standings from last year and making an informed opinion!!!!!!!!
These are all just distractions!!! It does not matter!!! Only whipping azz on Sundays!!!!!!! Wait till next year, when their will only be one GOAL!!!!!! And the Owners down to grounds crew will say the exact same thing!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 6th, 2017 at 7:51 am
Agree with D.R. that this is largely meaningless…just off season entertainment based a lot on feelings as much as reality.
This is not the only situation like that. I saw plenty of examples of guys ranked higher than guys who are at this point playing better…but the first guy has been in the league…played on a winner…played in a major market…these things all add to the guys score as well as just his talent and play.
I’m curious about the voting. I heard last night that each player picks his top 20. Then the NFL takes the votes and collates them and projects their top 100.
I’m not a stats guy but to a laymen like me it seems that voting a top 20 would produce an accurate top 20 but not a top 100. I get they just add up the points and run it out to 100…but I wonder how a guy looks at the competition from 75-100…in ALL the votes…those guys wouldn’t make the list…but I guess if enough guys split with the group and make him in the top 20 that offsets it.
Bottom line as D.R. and others suggest it’s just opinions and while the players MAY be the best qualified to judge their peers even the players have limitations and biases.
However Joe you can lighten up. I like watching this top 100 show simply because I normally do not get to see the top 100 presented in this detail with many of their plays grouped into one highlights reel. It’s very informative IMHO especially for we non professional watchers of the sport.
Besides I”m freaking jonesing for some football! I found myself watching that NFL red with last years highlights….last year’s freaking highlights.
June 6th, 2017 at 8:16 am
It’s a stupid list and just for entertainment. JJ is but one example, Adrian Peterson’s on the list too. What did he do last year again?!
June 6th, 2017 at 8:27 am
The Titans had like 8 players on the list, if not more and we’re probably only going to wind up with three.
June 6th, 2017 at 8:31 am
The list is a joke.
June 6th, 2017 at 9:29 am
Yaaas, let the hate flow through you and on every QB next year!
June 6th, 2017 at 9:37 am
Top 100 sucks. I said it before just take it with a grain of salt but obviously not a true top 100. Never was into top 100 players anyway.
June 6th, 2017 at 9:40 am
No hate but I’ll take Watt over Gmc on any given day.
June 6th, 2017 at 10:24 am
So now the list is a joke. Players are bias. And it is just entertainment. The rankings are not correct. So why should we believe any of it? Because it works to prove your point one day but goes against it the next?
These lists. The player records fan fair all useless. The only thing that matters is W/L. Getting to the playoffs and Winning the Super Bowl.
June 6th, 2017 at 10:31 am
This list is irrelevant…….Nobody should care about…..EGO, EGO, EGO
June 6th, 2017 at 10:38 am
TMaxie must be on vacation
June 6th, 2017 at 11:10 am
Watt is a great player no doubt , like all players when they are healthy.
As for “Look, Watt is bound for Canton. Even if he cannot come back from back surgery, dude has dominated enough in the NFL to build a Hall of Fame resumé.”
Really? Better than Simeon Rice chances at making the Hall why? Was it not here that I read about how a bad back is not something a NFL player can easily come back from and play back at a high skill level, Is that right J.R.? How many less sacks does Mr. Watt have less than Mr. Rice? Rice has 122 sacks Watt 76 sacks so far. That is 46 less, so far. Just how many tackles less? Rice 389 Watt 299 so far. 90 less tackles so far. All with less years in the NFL. I agree Watt is a great player but no less or no more deserving than Simeon Rice. When considering Hall of fame membership.
Great to see our vocal leading players stepping up to defend a perceived slight on their teammates. I want to see and hear some more of these actions.
The hand, separate it is just a group of fingers, together they become a fist! Love it!
Go! Bucs!
June 6th, 2017 at 11:12 am
@DBS- My mentor and then later my Statistics professor proved that the same numbers can be used to prove/disprove any argument. It’s all perspective. Otherwise, Tom Brady would be #1 EVERY year.
In general, the list is appropriate, just maybe not the order. I would add caveats that exclude players who play less than 10 games, for instance.
Your final sentence says it all. In the end, it’s about W’s. I could care less what rank they place on any Buc players as long as they’re winning.
June 6th, 2017 at 2:18 pm
It wasn’t GMC’s best year, but I somewhat agree with RA. But JJ Watt is a beast and my favorite player not wearing a Buc uniform.
June 6th, 2017 at 3:26 pm
Mr. Bee Sting
June 6th, 2017 at 5:50 pm
C’mon, you know they will always overlook us.
June 6th, 2017 at 6:58 pm
We’ll have more players on the list next year…after we win our 2nd Superbowl!
June 6th, 2017 at 9:27 pm
Well put, Bonzai. I couldn’t have said it better myself.