Jameis Is Tired Of Hearing Other QBs Names
June 21st, 2017
Before America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, was drafted, he boldly told the world that he wasn’t competing against Marcus Mariota.
No, no. Jameis, he said, was battling Tom Brady and Peyton Manning.
Fast forward to June, and Jameis admits he’s tired of hearing about other quarterbacks leading the NFL.
That’s what Jameis said on Podcast One during an exchange last week with a man who knows a lot about greatness, former NBA star Shaquille O’Neal.
Shaquille O’Neal: Jameis, this is Year 3 for you. Are you in the point in your career yet when you say, ‘You know what, I’m tired of hearing Cam Newton’s name, Tom Brady’s name. I want people to recognize me as the best quarterback in the game.’
Jameis Winston: Yes, sir. You know, I’m going to wait for my time, you know. But I ain’t going to wait for my time; [I’m] just preparing for my time. I just want to get better every single year. At the end of the day, when I start performing, when I start producing, that’s when my name will start coming up there. Until then, I’ve got to earn everything I get. Those names that you’ve just said, they’ve earned a lot in this league. So I know that I’ve got to continue to improve and be consistent.
Great question by Shaq. And the passion in Jameis’ answer was strong.
Two years of being a very good but not great starter has got to be gnawing at a competitor like Jameis, who is used to being the greatest QB in the land (for his age).
Many people even believe Jameis is the worst quarterback in his division, though that’s really not a significant knock.
Hopefully, Jameis’ drive will lift the games of those around him. That’s the X-factor of so many of the greats.
June 21st, 2017 at 12:15 pm
If Mr Winston is America’s qb what do u call Mariota who has been rated by the nfl ahead of him every year? (even missing games due to injury)
June 21st, 2017 at 12:18 pm
This season Jameis and the Bucs play 9 games against QB’s who’ve either won or played in a Super Bowl. Want respect? Beat them all, drop mic.
June 21st, 2017 at 12:20 pm
I call Mariota Paper Mache Mariota because while he looks dazzling, he tears very easily.
June 21st, 2017 at 12:26 pm
We don’t call Mariota anything because he doesn’t play for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
June 21st, 2017 at 12:27 pm
“ben Says:
June 21st, 2017 at 12:15 pm
If Mr Winston is America’s qb what do u call Mariota who has been rated by the nfl ahead of him every year? (even missing games due to injury)”
America’s other often injured QB?
Here’s some stats that aren’t captured in a simple QB rating:
The Titans are 9-10 in 1 score games the last 2 years; with 6 of those 10 losses being one’s Mariota was given a chance to win at the end; vs 4 game winning TD drives out of the 9 wins.
The Bucs are 11-7 in 1 score games the last 2 years; with only 2 losses in which Winston actually had a chance to win at the end; vs 6 game winning TD drives out of the 11 wins.
Go check all the game logs and they support these #s.. Chance to win = getting the ball down 1 score max with enough time to move down the field.
Mariota had a losing record in close games in college. Winston was undefeated in close games. So far Winston is winning more close games and proving to be pretty clutch while Mariota has been decent but not as clutch.
All of that said – I think Mariota will be just fine and one of the better QBs in this league if he can just stay healthy. I just prefer Jaboo.
June 21st, 2017 at 12:33 pm
“JTHV Says:
June 21st, 2017 at 12:18 pm
This season Jameis and the Bucs play 9 games against QB’s who’ve either won or played in a Super Bowl. Want respect? Beat them all, drop mic.”
Had a winning record vs SB QBs last year at least (7 games since Newton was injured for 1 of the other games)
(Matt ryan 1-1 / Drew Brees 1-1 / Cam Newton 1-0 / Russel Wilson 1-0 / Palmer 0-1)
In general he has a winning record against the division the last 2 years (7-5) and all those QBs have played in the SB
June 21st, 2017 at 12:42 pm
Jameis is too classy to say it, but I’m sure when “Dak” appeared where he did on the Top 100 list, he cussed out loud and may have broke the TV he was watching it on. #Joke.
June 21st, 2017 at 12:42 pm
Get rid of the interceptions, fumbles, and streakiness. That’s what separates him from the best. I don’t count Cam among the best – he’s a pouty little crybaby b!tch.
June 21st, 2017 at 12:56 pm
JB is on the right track to be an excellent QB, time will tell if he someday becomes a HOF QB like Manning, Brady or Brees. For now, the future looks bright in Tampa.
June 21st, 2017 at 1:19 pm
Man #3 just GET’S IT!!!
I don’t think anything is gnawing away at him. I think he’s one of those very rare individuals who is blessed with peace of mind. He knows exactly who he is and where he is in life’s journey fulfilling what he sees as his destiny.
People who are great at anything have an amazing self belief that transcends mere confidence….they believe their success is their destiny. #3 already sees himself lofting a Super Bowl Trophy…or two or three….I suspect I have more limitations in my mind than he does in his…who knows how many Lombardi’s?LMAO
#3 BELIEVES he’s right on schedule…he KNOWS he has to continue to work very hard to fulfill his destiny and he LOVES putting in that work. It’s all good.
#3 may be relying on his faith and the words from the world’s wisest man…
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to be a rookie…a time to be a second year player paying those dues..learning the lessons the hard way….now it’s time for graduate school.
This year #3 gets his Masters and next year his PhD in NFL.
June 21st, 2017 at 1:33 pm
At least Jameis knows he has to be more consistent. At this point he’s been consistently inconsistent which is maddening since you see such promise from him then you see a multiple turnover game where the team loses by one score. Good QB’s don’t beat themselves
June 21st, 2017 at 1:42 pm
Cam Jordan was asked about the NFC South QBs and had high praise for JW. He wants to be the best and works hard. If he continues that path, we’ll see the transformation from good to great.
June 21st, 2017 at 1:56 pm
Tampa tony and ben are the biggest jokes on jbf
June 21st, 2017 at 2:15 pm
Realize Bucs Fans that JW at times was trying too hard to win because he didn’t have the supporting cast he now has. Let’s see how much progress he makes this year when he doesn’t have to force some throws to ME13. He’s not Brady or Manning or Brees just yet, but give him time and the tools to work with and see where he will take our Bucs! It took several years for Manning and Brees to get to a SB. This is only Jaboo’s 3rd year. Go Bucs!!
June 21st, 2017 at 2:27 pm
Let this sink in a bit. The kid is 23 years old with four years of big time football experience.
I can’t wait to see his improvement this year!
June 21st, 2017 at 2:28 pm
😄That’s one of my heroes round here man. Lord C be doin y’all @$$ man.
June 21st, 2017 at 2:30 pm
Uhh get it right webster that’s tampa tonya bro.
June 21st, 2017 at 2:33 pm
Mr. Webster ..i have had season tkts since 76 and went to bucs superbowl . Mr.Winston may be rated higher but he has to prove it..As of now M.M. is rated as a better qb by the nfl so i would believe them …no joke :>)
June 21st, 2017 at 2:38 pm
I love my haters you fuel me to keep bringing the truth
June 21st, 2017 at 2:47 pm
I’m 100 with you Big Ben.. Jameis has proved..diddley squat yet. Nothing. Currently he is maybe an above average QB who needs many improvements. This team has been losing for eons. They had a 9-7 record last yr which was very decent. And already Fickle Buc fams want to crown Koetter and Jameis as the 2nd coming. Get to the playoffs..Win a division title first, Win a playoff game..Don’t tell me how great the ocean is…Bring in the ship with a championship!! Nough said.
June 21st, 2017 at 2:55 pm
Careful Mike, you might be labeled a hater for not having low expectations like most of the Jameis nut huggers like Ahole on Saturdays Bucs on Sunday
June 21st, 2017 at 2:55 pm
@ ben
I can care less if you are a season ticket holder. It doesnt change the fact that you are a mariotta lover fan boy that is a joke.
@ tampa tony
The truth is you are butt hurt the bucs didnt draft mariotta. You are a mariotta lover fan boy that is a joke. Ps…change your screen name to mariotta lover as you are disgracing a local rap legends name due to being such a fan boy of mariotta. Joke!!!
June 21st, 2017 at 3:13 pm
It’s not just value compared to other QBs but also to the team. The Raiders are going to close a deal with Derek Carr for about $25 million per year, now the highest paid QB in the league. When the time comes (maybe as early as next year), Jameis Winston might command a salary in the $30-40 million per year range.
June 21st, 2017 at 3:15 pm
It beats the hell outta me why alleged fans of the Bucs come here to give love to other players and throw shade on “their” team. Are you all afraid of success?
Damn..Ben, you should be ashamed, if you didn’t get the quarterback you wanted, go be a titans fan. I’ve been behind the Bucs win or lose since 78. I pull for MY guys…all of them.
Muster on the focsal or walk the plank!
June 21st, 2017 at 3:15 pm
lump Ben into the category of people who talk sh1t and then completely ignore objective positive stats that destroy their negative perception… such as Winson’s very superior edge in clutch performances and actual wins when the game is on the line vs chokes.
You’d think if you’re a fan of this team you’d think “oh well that’s awesome maybe I’m being dumb to simply just state Mariota is doing better than Winston based on freaking QB rating and ignoring a million other things”
Even going by QBR rating they were basically the same last year anyway (64.9 vs 64.7 ranked 12th and 13th).
None of this considers the vastly superior O-line MM had (hit like 1/3 of the times as Winston) and run game he had; which make efficiency stats a lot easier to achieve.
@Mike Johnson – if being the first QB to throw 4000+ yards their first 2 years isn’t an accomplishment worth acknowledging then why watch the games man? What’s wrong with appreciating sh1t that is unique and good for the franchise?
Just wait till the SB every year to see who won I guess and don’t bother watching a single regular season game if this is how you think
June 21st, 2017 at 3:17 pm
Also wtf is the point of saying “even missing games due to injury” Ben?
Is that some sort of excuse? Missing games isn’t a good quality to point out and missing games doesn’t alter his QB rating or anything that you’re likely hanging your argument on anyway.
June 21st, 2017 at 3:45 pm
You might wanna go into the archives and look where I begged the Bucs not to draft Mariota as spread QB’s were typically bust. I’m no Mariota fan I just want jameis to play better and earn the franchise qb label
June 21st, 2017 at 3:46 pm
@ lord
The fanboy mariotta lover is probably talking about the nfl top 100 rankings. You know, the scientific analysis that has jj watt as the 35 best player last year eventhough he only played 3 games. Yea that scientific rating system.
June 21st, 2017 at 3:49 pm
Tampa tony
I dont have to do squat. Your comments on a daily tells me you are a mariotta fan boy. Change your screen name. You are a disgrace to the tampa native and im sure he would not want you soiling his name fanboy.
June 21st, 2017 at 4:08 pm
You are a disgrace to the classic tv show you stole your name from. I’m sorry your feeble mind can’t accept criticism and not accepting mediocrity.
I tend to agree with Koetter, Monken and Ira that Jameis needs to protect the ball and make better decisions. Don’t be so desperate for a franchise QB that you anoint Jameis before he’s done anything
Accepting and applying criticism is part of being an adult, grow up Webster.
June 21st, 2017 at 5:07 pm
@ Tampa Tony
Winston has actually consistently been much better than worse throughout his career so far. His overall stats are decimated by a couple really bad turnover games; but in terms of his general week to week consistency he’s been pretty reliable.
If you take out his 3 worst games; he has 45 TDs to 22 picks in the other 29 games he’s played. Literally 1/3 of his career interceptions came in 3 games.
He has a total of 8 multiple interception games out of 32 or 1 out of 4. In his other games (75% of the time); he has 41 TDs to 12 Interceptions.
Basically – 3/4 of the time dude has been money as hell on a game to game basis.
ALl that said – it’s gotta be better if we’re going to win a SB; and I think it will.
June 21st, 2017 at 5:12 pm
@ tenessee tony
No, you are not an adult. You are a fanboy mariotta lover troll. Dont you dare put yourself in the same class as ira or koetter. Unlike you fanboy, they also praise jameis for his countless attributes that are very essential to this teams progress and bright future. All you do mariotta lover is come and spit the same ol “consistently inconsistent” and his turnovers are the reason for losses. Not once have you considered a miss block which resulted in a fumble from the blind side. Not once have you considered an int that was a result of a ball going off a receiver’s hand. Not once have you factored in incorrect routes ie Jameis very first pass of his career. No, you are the mariota fanboy troll that spews nonsence about winston even when the article is talking about his community service. You are a mariota fanboy troll through and through. Thats a fact tennessee tony!!!
June 21st, 2017 at 5:57 pm
I’m flattered I’m occupying so much room in your tiny brain. I praise Jameis quite a bit, even have his jersey.
You gotta be blind to not see his issues, with that said he’s got time to improve and progress as a player. Koetter, Ira, even Jameis himself support my point of view. Only sheepish homers support yours.
Typical millennial cry baby it’s everyone else’s fault never yours (or in this case Jameis)
June 21st, 2017 at 6:19 pm
Tennessee tony
You are not occupying anything but a spot on the mariota fan boy troll hall of fame. No buc fan on jbf or coach has ever said jameis doesnt need to improve. Stop twisting words fan boy. But all you do is point out negatives where in real fans and the coaches can give you a grocery list of his positives. You are a joke fanboy mariota troll tennesee tony period.
June 21st, 2017 at 6:21 pm
Lord Cornelius
Great info as always! In this post by Joe Jameis even says he has to be consistent. INT’s suck even if you take away the inordinate amount of hail Mary’s he had intercepted this year, he still turned it over 20+ times. Fumbles were an issue last year as well. It’s average for a QB to complete 60% of his passes Jameis has completed less than 60% of his passes in 15 of 32 games. I think that will improve with better weapons and making better decisions
Prior to the draft we were told how high Jameis’s football IQ was that has yet to show up on the field very often as we don’t see too many audibles or Jameis adjust his game to fit the personnel. Example if you are completing around 25% of your throws that go 20 yards or farther limit those shots and hit the check down and keep a drive alive rather than over throw Mike Evans.
None of my criticisms are incorrectable he has time to get better which is good for us fans but let’s pump the brake on the franchise qb chatter until he shows he’s improving in these critical areas
June 21st, 2017 at 6:41 pm
Why am i being moderated?
June 21st, 2017 at 8:59 pm
I don’t give a rats ass if he ever improves. This kid is a winner. I do care if they have other winners around him in his likeness tho. Ill take Winston as is…… the bad too.
June 21st, 2017 at 9:20 pm
Winston did it against more difficult opponents in the NFC South than Mariota in the AFC South.
June 21st, 2017 at 11:07 pm
My opinion is indisputable too.
June 22nd, 2017 at 12:50 am
As a bucs fan since ’96, I love that we finally have a real franchise QB. As for Marriota vs Winston, Mariota has a few HUGE advantages that have helped him get marginally better stats: his running backs and Oline, as well as his own running ability. However, while these make him deadlier when he’s on the field for now, as time goes by and injuries mount, his running ability will decline and he won’t be able to count on the talent around him forever. Give me the fiery, dependable, student of the game qb over the understated, injury-prone, natural athlete qb ANY DAY.
June 22nd, 2017 at 2:01 am
Bucnole850 Says:
June 21st, 2017 at 9:20 pm
Winston did it against more difficult opponents in the NFC South than Mariota in the AFC South.
June 22nd, 2017 at 2:20 am
I was about to say: Bucnole hit it right on the nose.
In 2016, defensive rankings from NFL.com:
CAR = 21st by yds allowed, 26th by points allowed, 29th passing (QBR 92)
ATL = 25th by yds allowed, 27th by points allowed, 28th passing (QBR 92.5)
NO = 27th by yds allowed, 31st in points allowed, 32nd passing (QBR 98.1)
The QBR’s listed were the average quarterback rating of the opposing QB facing those defense in 2016.
Obviously there were two games against each of those opponents.
The Bucs also faced: the LA Rams 23rd by points allowed, CHI 24th by points allowed, SD 29th by points allowed, and SF 32nd by points allowed.
So just imagine if the Bucs could have played some easy defenses like in the AFC South?
June 22nd, 2017 at 2:11 pm
I don’t think we want to go there. The Texans and Jags had two of the better pass defenses in the league last year. It was their offenses that sucked. I would interested in seeing what the opposing QBs ratings were against the AFC South defenses.
June 22nd, 2017 at 4:06 pm
@Keeping It Real:
I guess I have to work at my sarcasm font, but I thought that the numbers themselves would tell the story. It looks to me that the Bucs played at least TEN games against the worst defenses in the league last year.
To answer your question though, you are right about HOU and JAX. By the same criteria as above:
HOU = 1st by yds allowed, 11th by points allowed, and 2nd passing (QBR 84.3)
JAX = 6th by yds allowed, 25th by points allowed, and 5th passing (QBR 88.5)
IND = 30 by yds allowed, 22nd by points allowed, and 27th passing (QBR 97.5)
I am sure these rankings have nothing to do with Lord C’s stats about the one score games listed above however.
June 22nd, 2017 at 4:18 pm
I see the sarcasm font now. Some of us are pretty slow. But thanks for the reply and Keeping It Real.
June 22nd, 2017 at 4:27 pm
You’re most welcome, and a hat tip to you sir!