“If He Is Here, Then I Give Up On The Bucs”
June 24th, 2017
Calls out Bucs’ shot-callers.
The dean of Tampa Bay sports radio, “The Big Dog,” Steve Duemig of WDAE-AM 620, had strong words for the movers and shakers at One Buc Palace earlier this week.
Duemig said during the “JoeBucsFan.com Hour,” heard exclusively Wednesdays at 5 p.m., that if the Bucs bring back embattled running back Doug Martin, then Duemig will wash his hands of the team.
Joe and Duemig discussed America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, stating during an interview with Jeff Cameron of ESPN Tallahassee that he “was lobbying hard” for the Bucs to draft running back Dalvin Cook in the first round. Duemig vented his frustration with Martin and what he thinks of the veteran running back who will miss the first three games of this season — the balance of his four-game suspension for violating the NFL policy on banned substances.
“Doug Martin, if he is here, then I give up on the Bucs,” Duemig said. “Knowing what I know, I give up on the Bucs. You keep an addict – and it’s not just one chance but two chances. I would – ick! – I would give up on them. I would! …
“How many times are you going to get burned if you are the Bucs? They have already been burned twice by the same guy. And I know Doug Martin likes to party. Can you keep him off of that stuff? I don’t know.
“If he is to come back, I think [the Bucs] cut him and bring him back at a lesser salary.”
In January, Duemig made public his drug-related information on Martin after it was announced Martin was suspended and chose to seek medical attention for a dependency. Duemig explained on the air how he was told Martin had been a user of the banned substance known as “Molly.” That has never been confirmed — or denied — by Martin or Bucs officials.
This Martin issue is so intriguing because there are any number of valid reasons to let him walk away, and any number of valid reasons to keep him. There almost isn’t a wrong answer.
To hear Wednesday’s full appearance of Joe and his weekly in-studio visit with “The Big Dog,” click below. Audio courtesy of WDAE-AM 620.
June 24th, 2017 at 12:41 am
Be careful throwing stones, Steve. You’ve heard things about Martin liking to party. I’ve heard stories about you liking to party too. Glass houses, my man.
June 24th, 2017 at 12:56 am
Don’t care. He’s never really been a bucs fan or a Tampa fan at all. Just a talking head from out of town
June 24th, 2017 at 1:08 am
He made the same empty threat just before the Josh Freeman pick. Then they became besties.
And to think he calls anyone not on the Blame Jameis bandwagon a “flag waver.” Please.
June 24th, 2017 at 1:16 am
He is a hypocrite. When people said things about Freeman he would yell at them and belittle them. It’s amazing what he gets away with.
June 24th, 2017 at 2:12 am
Just another attention-seeking obnoxious big mouth with a declining audience. We’ll be saying goodbye and good riddance to the guy soon enough. Radio is dying and almost dead, especially the shock-jock variety. Go get another job, [deleted for hate speech].
June 24th, 2017 at 3:14 am
Prepare to get that bar of soap then Steve. Start getting ready report on the Dolphins or the Jags…. Seriously tho, I guess I might not comment if his take was logical and thought out. We all know if he quit reporting on the Bucs, his career in Tampa would be over. It would just hasten the end of sports radio in the Tampa market.
Also, just curious, what is this “second time” stuff that Steve is referring to? To my knowledge, listening to him and a quick internet search this is Martin’s first suspension or verified drug situation, one that he stepped forward and attended rehab for. This is a big point of difference. If it is based on hear-say from earlier events, comparable to the Josh Freeman situation, I would say this is a non-valid claim.
Gonna write on this one last time. Keep Martin, on his current contract. Cut him as soon as any evidence regarding drug use or a lack of desire/performance appear. Allow him to know that his contract is on a thread resting against a sharp knife. He is no longer “needed” but a luxury. At the end of this season, restructure if you must or trade if possible. This will all work itself out.
And I’ve heard Steve’s comments, people can change and he knows this. Its hard. Martin wouldn’t beat the first to overcome and addiction. Martin’s true battle is versus time. Can he beat his addiction before time takes away his opportunity. It may have already happened.
June 24th, 2017 at 3:16 am
Like him, love him, tolerate or hate him, life will be ALOT less interesting when the day comes that the Big Dog is no longer on the air. Lunchbox makes a very valid point though. GO BUCS!!!
June 24th, 2017 at 4:12 am
@Lunchbox not another Bill O’Reilly chastise people for allegedly doing things that he actually did or does LOL
June 24th, 2017 at 5:37 am
Never been a big fan of talking heads who play the “I know something that you don’t know card”. If they’ve got information that’s pertinent to an issue or situation, then lay it out on the table so others can evaluate it. If not, keep that card in your pocket. I like Steve, but don’t like statements like ‘burned twice’ and ‘likes to party’ shouldn’t be thrown around without concrete evidence to back them up.
June 24th, 2017 at 5:49 am
Apparently Steve believes he has some secret knowledge about Doug Martin that is unforgivable. I suspect the Bucs’ brass has the same “inside scoop” and will act on it accordingly when it is necessary to make that decision.
This Freeman statement is inaccurate. –Joe
Of course there was Steve’s “inside scoop” about the Glazers plans to sell the team a few years back.
I believe the rumors about Martin’s partying ways are probably at least partially based on fact and I’m sure he is under very close scrutiny. Let’s hope he is on the same track that Chris Carter took to salvage his career. If he does, I believe he deserves a chance here in spite of Duemig’s self-anointed Judgeship.
June 24th, 2017 at 6:00 am
It’s his schtick…his paycheck. Steve is first and foremost a performer! His number one job is to get RATINGS! That’s it. He’s just doing his job.
Now I’m like all the posters here. Sometimes I really enjoy Steve…sometimes I hate him….that means he has succeeded! As long as he’s not boring he’s good to go.
Looking at his broadcast history in this market…given again his and everybody on the airs #1 goal is to get ratings….he’s clearly been a major success.
Like him or loathe him ya gotta respect what Steve has achieved in this radio market. I spent ten years as a rock and roll DJ and about 15 as a TV Sportscaster so I have a professional appreciation for what Steve does. It’s absolutely not MY schtick…but I get it and as history has shown it’s clearly worked big time for Steve.
June 24th, 2017 at 6:14 am
His show will put you to sleep so boring
June 24th, 2017 at 6:29 am
The funny part is that none of these haters have the guts to even look Steve in the eye.
June 24th, 2017 at 6:33 am
See yah then🙅♂️
June 24th, 2017 at 6:38 am
Time to give up on Duemig.
June 24th, 2017 at 6:38 am
@ St. pete — DITTO!
Sometimes you agree and sometimes you disagree. The Joes are the same but a different flavor if you will. All 3 are doing their JOB!!!!!
When he was not available I missed Steve. I wish Steve nothing but the best!
Go Bucs!!!
June 24th, 2017 at 6:43 am
Who cares what duemig does. Adios steve. He talks, its his job. When u talk too much eventually youll contradict yourself. Go back to philly. N go bucs
June 24th, 2017 at 7:34 am
If the Bucs keep Martin it will be at a substantially reduced contract. If they keep Martin they will based on him passing random drug tests. The NFL tests the crap out of players that use drugs. The first three games will decide everything.
June 24th, 2017 at 7:36 am
If I am not mistaken, the NFL does not suspend you for your first “dirty” test. If you are getting suspended it’s a second violation already. But I could be wrong. But he will be through until he buddy’s up with DB and new bestie OJ Howard. We all should be grateful for 2nd and even 3rd chances.
June 24th, 2017 at 7:38 am
Didn’t Quan Alexander serve a suspension for a banned substance? His suspension hurt the team when he was out. No outrage about him!
June 24th, 2017 at 7:40 am
Wow !! Joe you let those allegation be reported on your site. I recall many saying Freeman was doing drugs and you threatened and removed poeple for those comments. Yet steve says “that stuff”
I guess Freeman was untouchable with some.
As Joe has written and said, going back to January when Duemig first opened up about Martin (Story linked above), if Duemig was inaccurate, then station management, Martin’s legal team and Team Glazer would have come crashing down on him. You don’t say those things on the team’s flagship radio station and get away with it if they are false. Anonymous people saying Freeman was doing drugs without a shred of evidence is not something Joe would tolerate. Duemig, an iconic local figure speaking on the public airwaves, is a very different story. Surely you can see that. –Joe
June 24th, 2017 at 8:04 am
Dear Steve,
Please keep your word and bounce if Doug is on the team.
June 24th, 2017 at 8:26 am
Such a blowhard. Most negative person in Tampa Sports radio. Cant wait for him to take his condescending schtick somewhere else. Throwing stones over substance abuse, unbelievable.
June 24th, 2017 at 8:42 am
Hows the lawsuit going that he said Freeman had against the NFLPA going??
June 24th, 2017 at 8:57 am
Might need to stick to Hockey and Horse Racing as Martin will be on this team
June 24th, 2017 at 9:02 am
I like listening to Steve but sometimes hes a littke over the top. This is a pretty dumb statement. To say your done with the team.if they keep him? Sometimes Steve seems.like he has never done any wrong when he speaks. Martin is human and has made.mistakes, I myself went through dark times you cant judge someone by theyre mistakes
June 24th, 2017 at 9:07 am
Most of y’all are just classless haters who would rather have some brown- nosing goober behind the mic. Like him or not, the big dog is entertaining. Also, Duemig doesn’t come to your street corner and tell you how to S some D, so stop telling him how to do his job.
June 24th, 2017 at 9:07 am
Steve Duemig talks a lot of crap. First off all, there have been players who have done worse. You don’t drop a player who has shown that he can play (2nd in the league in rushing) just because he’s had one suspendable problem. An addiction is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, but realize why it’s called an addiction. It becomes out of someone’s control once addiction settles in. The suspension and subsequent rehab may help him get back on track. Instead of dumping his baggage off at the nearest exit (ala Dungy, Gruden), man up and take the necessary steps to help someone that’s a part of the family. Duemig is an outsider. He wouldn’t understand loyalty and empathy if it smacked him in the face. Why exactly do the Bucs care about his opinion? Oh yea, they don’t! Who exactly cares if he’s off the air? I’m going to keep an eye on this situation to make sure he sticks to his word. And Dalvin Cook had red flags all over the place – to the point that he fell out of the first round. Can people get over it already?
Like someone else said, don’t play the card without revealing the source or the details. Duemig sounds like a chick with his gossip mongering.
Let’s clarify. Duemig never said he was going off the air if Martin is here. He said he’d be done with the Bucs.–Joe
June 24th, 2017 at 9:08 am
I really don’t care about Duemig’s opinions…..at all.
I think the best strategy is to keep Martin…..play him on a week-to-week basis….cut him if he doesn’t perform…..the only downside is that it takes up a roster spot for a younger, developing back…..
We should at least try to get something for him……renegotiate his contract, then trade…..something.
I am willing to give him a second chance on this.
June 24th, 2017 at 9:14 am
I’m sure this guy is fine with cutting the best RB on our roster so Falcons-reject Rodgers can be our starting RB for 16 games.
June 24th, 2017 at 9:18 am
Making a bit too much out of Martin staying or leaving. I guess he put his foot down squarely in the dislike column.
June 24th, 2017 at 9:21 am
If he’s done with the Bucs, then that entails not talking about them. Correct? You can’t be “done with the Bucs” and still poop in their cereal. I would prefer someone who isn’t a fan of the TEAM to please stop talking about the Bucs. One player does not make a team, a community, or a representation of the entire organization. And real fans stick with the team through thick and thin.
June 24th, 2017 at 9:48 am
Smh. Sometimes you ignore stuff out there. Don’t take Bucs and Martin silence on Duemig to provide credibilty to the allegations. Good theory but simply not accurate in the legal or business channels. Sorry, but you really shouldn’t spread nonsense like that. Non-applicable here. –Joe True or not, be careful of assumptions like this. Clients are advised all the time to ignore what the media says, true or false.
June 24th, 2017 at 10:22 am
Hopefully Joe is man enough to print the response here out to make sure steve gets to read them.
I have never pulled as hard for a player as I will be for Doug. Bye bye small dog.
June 24th, 2017 at 10:26 am
Could this guy and tmaxipad be the same dude 🤔
June 24th, 2017 at 10:33 am
All I can say is now I really really hope Doug Martin comes back
June 24th, 2017 at 10:48 am
Kwon and Martin apples and oranges. Kwon accidentally chugged a banned energy drink as a rookie. Aside from that, he has been a model teammate.
June 24th, 2017 at 10:58 am
First of all, the Big Dog being a Bucs fan is meaningless. He doesn’t have to be. He is there to get viewers, which he does. If you want constant Bucs love, go to Buccaneers.com. You don’t have to, nor should you, like everything he says. I definitely disagree with a lot of what he says, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t right. He is much more connected that all of us. While that doesn’t mean his information is always accurate, more often than not it will be.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:12 am
I like Kwon, but just because he says he was suspended for a banned energy drink does not make it so. The NFL as a rule doesn’t reveal the banned substance so players, when they volunteer information always mention the most innocuous, accepted substance (because, who not? What sounds better to the public, marijuana or an energy drink?). It’s always Adderall or a banned energy drink. They never volunteer that they were suspended for marijuana (or certainly anything harsher) even though it’s becoming less stigmatized. So unless you know something more than we do it’s no more or less valid than rumors about Martin and Molly.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:15 am
If Steve quit the Bucs, would Joe go running to the bathroom and dance naked in front of a mirror?
June 24th, 2017 at 11:16 am
It’s okay. He’s not a Bucs fan anyway…
June 24th, 2017 at 11:17 am
I will trust Licht and Koetter to do the right thing for the Bucs. Steve…no one is always right….I remember how you were leading the parade to dump Gruden, when you should have been leading the parade to dump Allen. And Martin needs or needed a “come to Jesus moment , if he hasn’t already”….just as many of us have..including you I’d imagine. That being said, I continue to hope are continuing to get better.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:23 am
Chugged a banned energy drink? Lol. There is the joke of the day i come to jbf for. How in the world do you know it was a banned energy drink? Because kwon said it? Did the nfl confirm it? You dont know why kwon was suspended just like you and steve do not know why doug was suspended. Thanks for the laugh as always.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:33 am
Steven007, Webster:
If you guys have information that Kwon had to seek medical help for a dependacy issue, Joe would love to talk.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:35 am
take all the drug BS out of it and Doug Martin is still a bad running back who has more bad games and bad seasons that he has had good ones. that can not be denied. he let his team down and screwed both koetter and lict over who just paid the POS… Do not underestimate that… Licht gave martin that deal knowing that their were issues or the contract language would not have protected the team so well. Martin is garbage and nothing more. I’d rather seeing him pushing a shopping cart with the rest of the dirtbags on hillsborough than letting the bucs down AGAIN… it’s not about the drugs it’s about he sucks more than he is good and he screwed over the organization and his teammates.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:44 am
This team has too many question marks, we have a long way to go until our finale on 12-31-2017.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:47 am
Come on Joe, you’re clearly changing the argument and conflating the issue. You went from stating, with implied certainty (“Kwon accidentally chugged a banned energy drink as a rookie”) that Kwon drank an energy drink that was banned to now asking if he had to seek help for a dependency issue. We know he didn’t. But so what? And you say apples and oranges? Your original statement vs. your follow-up. Now that’s apples and oranges. Is Molly the only substance people seek help for? If Martin is clean come week 4, and the RB’s aren’t producing, Licht has a real decision on his hands. If they are, he has an easier decision. That’s really the crux of it.
June 24th, 2017 at 11:48 am
This guy is a joke. Hated to see him go through the health issues he did, but loved The Pat And Aaron show that replaced him while he was out. They should have kept his time slot and let him work their weekend slot. Now I can’t listen to 620 from 3p-7p because I hate his opinionated views.
June 24th, 2017 at 12:05 pm
Why didnt the bucs start martins suspension at the end of last year when they deactivated him? if they had done that he could have been back earlier next year
June 24th, 2017 at 12:43 pm
Smell ya later big dog! Ray Lewis murdered someone and he still got to play just saying
June 24th, 2017 at 12:49 pm
First step towards retirement…
June 24th, 2017 at 1:08 pm
More on air talk time about Steve’s true loves coming apparently – betting, horse racing, golf, drinking…. How exciting. That should boost ratings – SMH
Not very smart to paint oneself into a corner like this.
And I just love how a guy like this is so judgmental about “drug” use by a player when he himself is (allegedly) so well versed in the consumption of one of the most dangerous drugs that our society has to contend with – alcohol.
June 24th, 2017 at 1:42 pm
You dopes are hilarious. First, alcohol is legal around the world and Duemig doesn’t play professional football. Second, local radio was so damn piss poor without him around, I don’t even know what to say. And if Duemig was making crap up about Martin he would be off the air, or slapped down and told to shutup or walk.
June 24th, 2017 at 1:44 pm
I started deaf-earing Duemig when he refused—to this day—to admit he and his “sources” were 100% wrong about the De Bartolo’s buying the Bucs any day now. So you listen every minute? –Joe
Him and his sources have close to *zero* credibility.
And, Joe: No. The team, league, Martin and his reps did the correct thing in not giving that blowhard’s rumors any response whatsoever. To claim that a non-response is an admission of guilt is seriously bad, irresponsible journalism. Joe never claimed that. And you’re dead wrong anyway in this case. Sage Ira Kaufman journalist agrees. –Joe
June 24th, 2017 at 1:50 pm
Cyas. Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.
June 24th, 2017 at 1:50 pm
Really? So put yourself in Martin’s spot. A guy on radio with the same large audience as Duemig claims you are doing specific drugs and it’s not true. You (much less your employer who is also damaged by the allegations) are just going to sit back and do nothing?
Guys who work for the same station that is affiliated with an NFL team are not long for employment by spreading vicious lies about a high-profile member of said NFL team. Joe can promise you that!
Want an example? Dan Sileo.
Want another example? A Cleveland sports radio host was fired when she said Jabril Peppers was on Molly.
June 24th, 2017 at 1:55 pm
Ray Lewis was never convicted of a murder and he was suspended for being involved in that fracas.
June 24th, 2017 at 2:34 pm
Joe the truth is you have no idea why or what Keon was suspended for. I find it pretty funny that you now say flat out it was an energy drink, without any knowledge of that. But then act so confident that Doug is an addict, even though once again, you don’t know the actual truth.
Your bias is showing.
June 24th, 2017 at 2:37 pm
June 24th, 2017 at 2:40 pm
Ray Lewis was never suspended only fined
June 24th, 2017 at 2:46 pm
Duemig Rants & Rants about people not wearing te
June 24th, 2017 at 2:47 pm
Ray Lewis should not have been suspended. Why should he be suspended for defending himself against known thugs?
June 24th, 2017 at 2:47 pm
Didn’t they find Blood inside Lewis’ limo? Oh and then there’s the vanishing suit.
June 24th, 2017 at 2:58 pm
Thanks Tony.
June 24th, 2017 at 3:00 pm
The whole point is, what is the difference between Kwon and Martin, Kwon is a team leader. That’s why the Bucs call him “the Jameis of the defense.” Have not heard one whisper of anything negative on Kwon. Ever. Zee-roe.
Martin sought medical help to fight a dependency issue. Martin said it. The Bucs have said it. If you don’t believe what Kwon and the Bucs said about the energy drink, then why believe Martin and the Bucs for admitting he sought medical help to fight a drug dependency? Either they are both lying or both telling the truth, which is it? Can’t have it both ways.
There is your difference. Twist that any way you wish.
A guy with massive radio audience stated this about Martin, the same station that is in bed with the Bucs. Mind you the Bucs have already demonstrated that they will go after folks on that same station who spread lies about the team. The Bucs, nor Martin, didn’t say one word to dispute Duemig.
Trust Joe, if he wrote anything remotely that negative (that was untrue) about a player, the Bucs would be all over his arse with texts, phone calls, e-mails, you name it. And Joe isn’t even affiliated with the Bucs like 620 is. Duemig didn’t hear one word from the Bucs. Not one peep.
If you can’t come to grips with that or that makes you uncomfortable, that’s your issue.
If anyone is biased it is you.
June 24th, 2017 at 3:24 pm
With people like him being “in” with the Bucs, who needs enemies?????
I stand with the Commish on this subject!!!!!! I do not care about a person who has said repeatedly that his job is to divide the fan base so he can get calls and ratings!!!!! I do feel bad about the people in polk county that have no internet and this is their sole source for Bucs news!!!!!
I wish I could say the whole truth, but I know someone filters the truth ( and its not Joe!!!!) that this thread is even up is a surprise, as seeing how it ended a different partnership long ago!!!!!!
GO BUCS!!!!!!!! Together we will take the league!!!!! but divided we will fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 24th, 2017 at 4:02 pm
Joe, you can no more declare, by fiat, that a poster is biased anymore than we can declare that you are biased. But here’s the difference. What is more likely, that a random poster, anonymous by nature, be biased? To what end is that a reasonable thing (with exceptions as evidenced here by certain hater posters)? Or is it more likely that Joe would be biased? Joe, who gained an immeasurable amount of readership and clicks through his association with Duemig (that’s how I first heard of you)? And I have to argue with the “largeness” of Duemig’s listening audience as it relates to reality. Yes, he has good ratings for that time slot in the very isolated world of local sports talk radio. But you would have to listen every day during the whole show to catch things like this. I listen every day and I did not hear this allegation. I read about it here. I think the number of people who actually heard about it on the radio was probably quite small all considered. Definitely wrong. –Joe As Pick astutely noted above, aside from football (and to a much smaller extent, hockey) Duemig’s interests are betting, horse racing and golf. Completely wrong, considering most of Duemig’s show is baseball focused during the spring and summer. And there is no greater (and never has been) hockey voice on the afternoon airwaves.–Joe
He has disdain for any caller who wants to chat NBA or any other team but the Bucs. Another falsehood. –Joe He seems weirdly proud of this. Bogus.–Joe So it will be interesting indeed if he follows through on this “threat” if Martin makes the squad. Finally, as also asserted somewhere above, throwing stones in glass houses is poor form. Not too long ago Duemig had his own substance troubles, to the point where certain posters would intentionally misspell his last name to accentuate the allegations he dealt with. I’m sure he didn’t like it when it was happening to him. Let’s get real. Being found not guilty of DUI about 10 years ago by a jury is hardly “substance troubles.”–Joe
June 24th, 2017 at 4:22 pm
Whatever, Steve, lol.
He’s just trying to drum up ratings because they’ve been declining so rapidly. Ira is stealing all the listeners!
June 24th, 2017 at 4:24 pm
unbelievable Says
“Joe the truth is you have no idea why or what KWON was suspended for.”
Wrong! Kwon said it himself. He drank Red Bull during Training camp as a rookie, and didn’t know it was banned until afterward.
June 24th, 2017 at 4:38 pm
Bonzai, Reed Bull is not banned by the NFL:
June 24th, 2017 at 4:58 pm
Hey First down tampa bay….That falcons reject rodgers was the most effective back on the team last year, and he looks like hes entering this season in the vest shape hes ever been in. I want Martin to stay but I think.your underestimating Rodgers his calfs look like bowling balls and his thighs look like little tree trunks hes clearly stepped up his training this offseason
June 24th, 2017 at 5:01 pm
Lol so what if he give up on the Bucs!!! This guy does not have powe the Bucs and the fans that pay real money can GAF what the Big Dog Thanks!!LOL what a Joke!!! XM Radio Folks!!!
June 24th, 2017 at 5:02 pm
June 24th, 2017 at 7:12 pm
Hard to say definitely wrong when I didn’t state a number. “All considered” alluded to the fact that we’re talking small numbers relative to other things of broad interest. Regardless, that’s fine.
Completely right. I’d meant to add hockey to his list of interests and expertise. And sure, BB too. But you must know wagering of all kinds and golf gets far more play on his show than is warranted given the interests of his general audience, as proven by his frequent asides telling off callers, texters and twitterers for telling him it’s boring.
I have personally heard him on numerous occasions saying, proudly, that he would not accept NBA calls because he hates it. Ditto NFL.
I’m not accusing anyone of anything, but we all know that not guilty often comes down to money. OJ’s was also “not guilty”.
June 24th, 2017 at 7:14 pm
*Ditto other teams in the NFL.
June 24th, 2017 at 8:13 pm
Why would anyone be “done” with a team because management chooses to provide opportunity for talented player to redeem himself? Seems self righteous and egotistical to me, but most radio personalities do have big egos.
June 24th, 2017 at 8:25 pm
Why are we comparing kwon and dougs suspensions?
Doug is a bad running back! This is addition by subtraction. We are a better team without him!!!!!
June 24th, 2017 at 10:25 pm
…Glass houses indeed!
As was mentioned above, he said the same thing if the Bucs were to draft Freeman, before they did just that.
Once you leave Big Frog (always croaking), we’ll stay in touch. We’ve all got your number: 888 Admit it, right?
However, something tells me that your actions won’t match your words.
June 24th, 2017 at 10:53 pm
Blah Blah Blah he’s way too sensetive on social media 😅
June 24th, 2017 at 10:56 pm
Look, please stop wasting Joe’s time with this kind of stuff. Believe what you want, but please don’t come here to call Joe naive. It’s inaccurate and Joe has no time to babysit commentary that attacks Joe’s credibility.–Joe
June 24th, 2017 at 10:58 pm
Molly is NOT addictive old man it’s just fun as hell popping them with the ladies
June 24th, 2017 at 11:36 pm
Wow!!! I never heard anything to make me like or dislike this guy but this is enough to completely write him off. Such a strong, tone-deaf, small minded statement from a guy speaking of a topic about which he has almost certainly has ZERO knowledge. What a clown! Joe needs to create some distance from him to avoid being lumped into the kooky, Alex Jones realm with this out of touch blowhard
June 24th, 2017 at 11:45 pm
To be clear, I have never heard an actual word come out of Steve Duemig’s mouth. I don’t know who he is, or what he has done. But if I came out years ago, campaigning for people to cut Lawrence Taylor or Chris Carter because of their heavy cocaine use or ditching Walter Payton because of his fondness for “Whip-it’s”, I would look pretty stupid right now
June 24th, 2017 at 11:51 pm
“Trust Joe, if he wrote anything remotely that negative (that was untrue) about a player, the Bucs would be all over his arse with texts, phone calls, e-mails, you name it. And Joe isn’t even affiliated with the Bucs like 620 is. Duemig didn’t hear one word from the Bucs. Not one peep.” -Joe
Oh, so like the literal tons of crap you have been talking about Doug Martin all off season? (Insert weak defense followed by semi-witty rebuttal here)
Tons of crap? Doesn’t exist. Feel free to pull up the archives that illustrate the crap you speak of.
June 25th, 2017 at 7:44 am
I get that he may be a personal friend and a professional boon to your business but it is apparent after even a cursory listen that he does not know football. He is akin to a Fox “News” journalist. They know very little and get ratings via being controversial and arrousing strong emotions positive or negative to the nonsense they spew. I really wish there was a viable local sports radio alternative at that time slot because he is just that horrible to listen to. I sincerely hope freedom of speech is allowed here and I’m not censored for disliking a dishonorable person you choose to like.
June 25th, 2017 at 9:23 am
People still listen to local radio??? Everyone knows podcast rule the world LMAO WDAE is fake news anyway. NPR for news podcast for sports.
June 25th, 2017 at 10:28 am
This guy is a tu**. Joe’s ita best not to associate with such a terrible person.
June 25th, 2017 at 10:34 am
So if Martin is on the team and the bucs make the super bowl big dog wont cover it?
June 25th, 2017 at 3:47 pm
Lets take inventory, shall we?
He hated Gruden. He led the anto-Gruden mob and had a big part in getting Gruden run from Tampa.
He hated Jim Leavitt. Railed against the guy. Helped lead the charge to get him run from town (worst decision USF ever made)
He was getting in position to make Joe Maddon his next victim but Maddon got the best of everyone. Maddon = winning.
He loved Lovie Smith and was very skeptical of Koetter.
Definitely not a Bucs fan. More of transplanted Phillie type.
I’m sorry Joe. I hope nothing here was offensive.
I know my last Duemig diatribe bought me a year in the cooler.
June 26th, 2017 at 9:34 am
I too enjoyed Pat and Aaron in the drive time. Here is how I score the Big Dog’s knowledge: Hockey A, Golf A, Baseball C+, Football C-, Basketball F, Car Racing F.
June 26th, 2017 at 10:19 am
Let’s get real. Being found not guilty of DUI about 10 years ago by a jury is hardly “substance troubles.”–Joe
I strongly disagree with this. Joe’s cutting it off there. What could possibly be strongly disagreed with in those 2 sentences?–Joe
June 26th, 2017 at 11:20 am
Only time I ever listen to that is when JBF is on. BTW am I the only one that cringes when is says “Brotha”?
June 27th, 2017 at 4:33 pm
“If He Is Here, Then I Give Up On The Bucs”
“Martin does not do a radio show with me so I will railroad him like I did Gruden”
I haven’t listened to him in years (it’s terrible radio in my opinion) so I could be wrong about the radio show, but I doubt it.
In reading Howard Cossell’s post above I would also be willing to bet that the only person on his list that did a radio show was Lovie, that is why he liked him.