First Outing Of Josh Freeman
June 3rd, 2017
Rare insight from former teammate.
One of the great sports mysteries that may never be solved is what the hell happened to leaky, sleepy Josh Freeman?
After guiding the Bucs to a 10-6 record in 2010, missing out on a playoff berth in a tiebreaker to the eventual Super Bowl champion Packers, Freeman was atop Tampa Bay.
Yes, Dirtbag Longoria (click the link before you freak out) and Steven Stamkos were in town and had popularity, but Tampa Bay is and always will be a football-first town, and Freeman was the face of the local football franchise.
And in less than two years, it all blew up. The fame, the fortune, the career, the reputation.
Freeman went from heralded to scorned and cut by the Bucs. The reasons for the downfall are some of the greatest and saddest puzzles in local sports historys.
In Freeman’s final days with the Bucs, we learned of all the stunts he pulled and fines he accumulated.
How did Freeman go from a model citizen to the trash heap of the NFL in less than 24 months?
Freeman has played in a total of two games since the former 2009 first-round pick was cut by the Bucs. He is out of football, sold his south Tampa house and rumor has it he is back living in Kansas City where he grew up.
There are rumors about Freeman; boy are there rumors. Joe won’t traffic in them. One reason this Freeman saga is so strange is because in an age when seemingly every person under the age of 70 has a cell phone that shoot photos and video, nothing has ever surfaced about Freeman to confirm the wild rumors. Zero.
Hell, there are video and photos of Olympic gold medal-winning swimmer Michael Phelps pulling bongs. Videos and photos of athletes doing strange things pop up on TMZ or Twitter or YouTube daily. But there’s nothing Freeman floating around the internet, social media sites, nothing. It’s as if Freeman disappeared from the surface of the earth. Like a weird dream after drinking too much scotch.
Ex-coaches of Freeman are mum. Those who worked in the front office of the Bucs were equally tight-lipped. Joe remembers speaking with a high-placed suit at One Buc Palace about Freeman, and was told the team had heard all the rumors floating out there at the time but could not find any evidence.
Mind you, the Bucs employ their own security staff — former detectives who are well plugged-in with local authorities, not a band of rent-a-cops or night watchmen.
And good luck prying anything from a former teammate of Freeman’s.
That was, until this week.
The wonderful Custodian of Canton, the King of New Port Richey, Pro Football Hall of Fame voter and treasured columnist eye-RAH! Kaufman, spoke to Bucs right tackle Demar Dotson and asked Dotson how he could compare this year’s Bucs squad to the last Bucs team to win 10 games, the Freeman-led 2010 pewter pirates. Dotson had this to say:
“I don’t compare this team to 2010 — and anybody who does is crazy,” Dotson says. “Let’s start with the quarterback. I don’t think Jameis is a guy who will get complacent. He’s always hungry, always coming out here and working hard. He’s just a born leader. He’s not taking any plays off and he’s not going to take a step back.
“It starts with that. He’s doing the right thing in the locker room, the way he treats people in the facility and the way he approaches practice. He’s so young, but you can’t help but to follow him.”
That’s a helluva mouthful Dotson offered. And while Dotson didn’t name Freeman specifically, it’s clear he wasn’t talking about Josh Johnson.
Basically, Dotson confirmed what many folks believe: former Bucs commander Greg Schiano wasn’t impressed with Freeman’s work ethic and he tried to light a fire under Freeman. But Freeman just wasn’t all that interested in the extra effort most franchises expect from a quarterback, the type of 24/7 football work ethic, drive and desire that America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, is famous for.
While Dotson’s words may help shine a light on Freeman’s woes, it’s still anyone’s guess how exactly a guy went from being considered one of the top quarterbacks in the game to out of the game and totally off the radar in a social media world where everything is on the radar.
June 3rd, 2017 at 12:29 am
Don’t get it is really liked Freeman thought he had IT (my bad)
June 3rd, 2017 at 12:39 am
Imo. Freeman was a B+ prospect college player that was a reach in the first round cuz he had a connection w raheem. Mismanagement by Raheem. Let’s start there.
June 3rd, 2017 at 1:30 am
Freeman ruined Freeman.
June 3rd, 2017 at 2:02 am
You know what else we havent heard about? The NFLPA into the “leaks” that just about everyone tried to pin on Schiano…. But it clearly wasnt Schiano. I said it then and ill say it again. Freeman screwed Freeman and all the other teams knew it to.
June 3rd, 2017 at 2:03 am
NFLPA investigation***
June 3rd, 2017 at 2:24 am
The rumors of substance abuse by Freeman were pretty rampant – and I imagine that played a part – but I’m relatively convinced from all I’ve heard and surmised that mental health issues and perhaps related medications were the primary reason for Freeman’s dramatic downfall.
June 3rd, 2017 at 3:14 am
What a joke and selfish loser. Have another drink Joshy
June 3rd, 2017 at 3:15 am
This isn’t really an “outing”… Not really news. We know this stuff. The only thing we don’t know is which substance(s) contributed to his downfall.
June 3rd, 2017 at 4:14 am
As others noted, Freeman ruined freeman
In an effort to make it look like someone else ruined Freeman, Freeman and his agent worked hard to ruin schiano.
In that process, they also ruined the Glazers, the bucs brand, and multiple years of bucs fans’ lives
Ah, such wonderful memories for all involved
June 3rd, 2017 at 5:08 am
Schiano, the Jersey Trash ™, ruined the kid. Freeman made plays by moving around, not always running, but being mobile, and the first thing that Schiano, the Jersey Trash ™, did when he got here was put knee braces on Freeman and tell him he had to stay in the pocket. This was a kid that took an awful Bucs team to a 10-6 record and was one BS offensive PI call away from the playoffs in 2010 (and the NFL said it was BS, they said oh sorry, the refs got it wrong, sorry about that playoff spot you lost out on, go Green Bay, yay!). Freeman in 2010 lead a ton of 4th quarter comebacks and looked fantastic, better than Matt Ryan for sure.
Then Schiano comes to town and the next year Fat Freeman is gone, instead this ripped thin kid saying he’s Josh Freeman shows up and is a shell of the QB. How Freeman lost what had to be 60lbs in a few months in the offseason, it as impressive. I mean the kid was ripped, had abs, and the prior season he had to have been 280lbs. I don’t care what anyone says but Molly doesn’t grow abs on you, so he was working his tail off. But doing what, I have no idea? He really did seem to just lose the desire to play football and obviously that last season, with all the stuff about he was showing up late everywhere, seemed out of it, etc – it’s clear something big happened to him.
This link provides a much more accurate description of Freeman’s weight loss.
Man what a waste. The kid even now is what, 29 years old. If he had been that 2010 QB he’d only now be hitting his prime, he’d have another 7-10 years of being a starting QB yet to go. He had great size, a great arm (he’s bigger, strong and has a better arm than our man Winston, and that’s saying something) he could move, he really had it all – except one thing. Leadership ability. Then the Schiano, the Jersey Trash ™, came to town and his lack of ability to deal with a bully like Schiano, I believe, pushed him into a life of drugs. Can’t prove it, but that’s what I think happened. Also after Freeman was cut, Schiano, the Jersey Trash ™, added insult to injury by “leaking” his medical records to the press. What ever happened to that investigation anyways?
June 3rd, 2017 at 5:49 am
Let’s not be too revisionist here. If Freeman doesn’t melt down in 2011, Schiano never comes in and “ruins” him. Schiano could’ve done more, at least publicly, to work with Freeman for sure. That season, 2011, you saw a different side of Josh. He was quick to blame team mates. Had bad body language. Often had the look on his face that told everyone, “this sucks”. To me he for all the world looks like a guy that gets a glimpse of success, doesn’t have the tools to stay and get to the top, is afraid he’s really not good enough, so he blows it all up rather than taking the chance to see if he was good enough. It was like the fear of failure overcame the desire to achieve.
June 3rd, 2017 at 6:07 am
I have to take umbrage with the statement
“In Freeman’s final days with the Bucs, we learned of all the stunts he pulled and fines he accumulated.”
We did not learn all the stunts, shenanigans and buffoonery!!!! The Rah/dom era was really a 3 year bachelor party in that locker room!!!!!! I lot of local media will never admit this because dominik covered up a lot it!!!!!!!!! There were issues with the Bucs in 2009!!!! There was issues with the team in 2010!!! And there were major issues in 2011!!!!!!
Why are there no pictures??? why are their no pictures of win-slow bringing the gym bag of the wacky-tabaccey to the team hotel during training camp (allegedly)!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Thank everyday that Head Coach Schiano came here and did exactly what he was hired to do!!!!!! And that was to clean up this team and take out the trash!!!!!! And he had to fight and compromise with dominik the whole time!!!!! But he saved the Bucs from so many dominik mistakes and disasters!!!!!! Not all, but enough to go down as a hero in Buc History!!!!!!!
June 3rd, 2017 at 6:26 am
Rod once again, an idiot. You like to call people snowflakes. Sounds you and Freeman are both a couple of Snowflakes. Birch and cry about how everyone’s ruined them, and not take accountability.Snowflake apologist
June 3rd, 2017 at 6:32 am
The highest rankrd defense Freeman ever played against in college was ranked 70th in the nation… another bad draft pick by the Bucs.
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:04 am
One of the longest pieces I’ve ever read on JBF Joe, and all from Dots’ short comments on 2010. You may not have ventured into rumors, but it’s obvious everyone else did … everything from drugs, to mental illness to Schiano the Jersey Trash (really Rod?).
Dotson’s comments about Jameis the QB (won’t get complacent, always hungry, hard working, born leader, won’t take a step back, treats people well, approaches practice the right way, etc, etc) should tell all of us that he’s got what it takes to be a franchise QB. The fact that Dots brought up those specific qualities tells me that Dots didn’t see those things in Josh Freeman. Without those qualities, Josh was never going to be a franchise QB … it was just a question of time when he’d fail, not if he’d fail. Schiano might’ve been a trigger, but Josh Freeman was never going to be the franchise QB who the Bucs so desperately needed.
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:19 am
Damn I loved FAT FREE before the slimdown . He WAS a hell of a lot more relaxed and mobile.
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:20 am
Wake me up for training camp please. Thank you. Go Bucs!!!
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:26 am
I’m just glad we have Koetter Licht and Winston. No longer the old Bucs!!!
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:35 am
If only “Complacent” was his only downfall.
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:36 am
We had a lot of come from behind wins in 2010 , it’s not like Freeman lit it up, I would consider a lot of those wins luck.
The bottom line is Freeman was offered other opportunities to showcase his talents ( Miami, Minnesota, NY Giants I believe ) and he failed to impress any of those teams as a backup. I’m not a Schiano supporter but to say that he ruined Freeman isn’t fair.
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:41 am
I’m shocked joe has let the comments about the substance abuse remain up. The joes normally delete those when it comes to freeman. Since you haven’t deleted them here’s my 2 cents then.
Joe allowed them because they all were clearly spelled out as rumors or speculation–Joe
The rumors about freeman and his “substance abuse” ran rampant throughout the bay. And the places they came from all had tight holds on any info that got out. Examples night clubs. If you’ve ever been to a certain night club the bucs hang out in you know there are things that goes on that does not make it in the paper or interwebs. The club owners make sure of that by keeping the players separate from the average customer.
With that said. I’ll relate this to doug Martin. There is no video or photographic evidence of him doing molly anywhere but those same rumors were just as rampant during last season as the freeman “substance abuse ” rumors yeas ago. Yet doug got help. Freman didnt. Educational moment. Saying “Freeman didn’t” is a great example of a misleading statement (one Joe normally wouldn’t allow) and one you can’t back up. Better said as, “You don’t think Freeman got help.” Remember, the Giants, Dolphins and Colts all brought him back to the league.–Joe
Freeman killed freeman’s career. And those plugged into the bucs by now and should know how it happened. I’m shocked you still pretend like you don’t. But you do have to keep your credentials so I understand. This is a shot against Joe’s credibility and inappropriate and inaccurate. Malicious crime against Joe. Also, if you think losing “credentials” would negatively change the dynamic and the following/traffic related to this website, then you are sadly mistaken. –Joe
I better stop before I get blocked. Yes, you are blocked. –Joe
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:42 am
He was very good in 2012, too.
27 TD passes, 4000+ yards…with a new rookie RB coming off a 1400 yd 11 TD season.
The next year, Freeman and Martin both fell off a cliff. Martin went from 1400 yards to under 500, and Freeman was dumped by October.
We’ve learned since that Martin likes the molly. We saw in 2013 Freeman in ESPN magazine dressing up like MJ and laying down with fuzzy tigers for ESPN magazine photo shoots…and the sudden weight loss.
Can I solve the puzzle?
June 3rd, 2017 at 7:47 am
It seems quite simple to me…..when you give some 20 year old’s a $36 million dollar guaranteed contract…..some (even if only a few) aren’t motivated after that.
The NFL has fixed the rookie contract bonanza so a player at least has to play for the big money contract.
For some…..$36 million is enough…especially if they don’t really love the game that much. Josh Freeman ran into some pressure and gave up!!!
June 3rd, 2017 at 8:24 am
Schiano’s fault.
June 3rd, 2017 at 8:26 am
Brilliant Gerald Mcrudd
June 3rd, 2017 at 8:39 am
Freeman suffered from depression, I think. Been there. Recognize it. Really just that simple. Just sayin’
June 3rd, 2017 at 8:45 am
I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me, but Freeman always seemed a little off to me. Even during the 2010 season, he always seemed to have a few offensive series’ (usual my in the 2nd or 3rd quarter) where he just seemed like he didn’t care. The series would go something like: fumbled snap, sack, then a wildly inaccurate pass after scrambling from nonexistent pressure. Then he would jog off the field with a shoulder shrug and a goofy smile, and I’d be sitting at home like “WTF was that?”. Very different from Jameis. Good riddance.
June 3rd, 2017 at 8:48 am
So in summary Dotson thinks Winston is a better QB than Freeman and more of a leader????? Wow would have thunk it. Glad we now have that cleared and man that is some huge insight into Freeman’s downfall.
June 3rd, 2017 at 8:49 am
Poor Joshy Washy………………
That 2010 season was amazing and all true bucs fans thought we finally found our Franchise QB and a possible amazing coach in Mr “youngry” duheem!!!!!
But………………….all of it was a giant mascaraed QB, Coach, and team……..
Still to this day, I still feel bad for Freeman because he had it all………….and now there’s nothing left but a giant mystery.
June 3rd, 2017 at 9:11 am
I’ll never forget how in 2010 Freeman would stiff arm defensive lineman and push them into the ground while scrambling. I’ll concentrate on the good memories.
June 3rd, 2017 at 9:29 am
I recall the 2010 offense being one that relied on a lot of luck…
Maybe I need to review the tape again… but a lot of Freeman’s completions were him launching 50/50 balls downfield, and the receiver just making great plays (or getting a defensive pass interference)
Flash forward a year into 2011, and my memories of Freeman involved a lot of “deer-in-the-headlights” facial expressions.
June 3rd, 2017 at 9:32 am
He was also horrible at short and mid range passes. But a hell of alot better deep ball thrower than Winston. With all his issues he still threw for over 4000 yards. We seen this guy struggle with accuracy and lose games because of it. That’s exactly why I’m not sold on Winston. No excuses this year. Win games thats all i care about!!!.not passing yardage.
June 3rd, 2017 at 10:34 am
Freeman ruined Freeman.
June 3rd, 2017 at 10:36 am
You have to be pretty simple to blame Josh’s selfishness on Greg. Lmao excuses
June 3rd, 2017 at 10:39 am
It’s really sad that people who know absolutely nothing that can substantiate it will throw around inuendo about a man being a drug abuser. Anyone throwing around those claims ought to prefess their statement with “in my opinion” or “I thinK…” Because none of you really know. In between your nasty comments about Freeman and Doug Williams ask yourself how you would feel if you have a problem of any kind be it medical, psychological, etc that cost you your ability to work and you lost your job. How would you feel if anonymous a-holes who have never met you and don’t know what the heck they are talking about starting spreading rumors about what happened to you. Have a little human decency and compassion.
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:01 am
Cash….I’d feel just fine knowing I had MILLIONS of dollars in…Cash.
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:07 am
A relative of mine who lived in Tampa and was of that age group, hung out in those same bars. He told me to enjoy the Bucs while they were up because it was his opinion that Freeman couldn’t last doing the things he saw. He also forecasted Raheem’s demise as well. While I find him credible, I hope he’s wrong.
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:08 am
I meant to say, I had hoped he was wrong!
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:11 am
So I”ve scrolled the thread and seen the usual assortment of “substance abuse”…pooor work ethic….lack of focus…all combining to also create a horrible vacuum of leadership…..
I accept ALL of those as factors. But how about this. The smaller the sample the less reliable the stat. Free had that one “statistically great” season.
But look at his body of work. His physical attributes were Cam like…giant with a cannon for an arm….could throw it through a wall….IF he could hit the freaking wall. I used to wince watching him miss wide open RB’s out in the flat.
But he was BIG…and he could run…and during his “great” year he was running to keep plays alive and converting third downs…when Schiano took his running away that was brain dead IMHO. I had hope for Josh as a total offensive threat…again like Cam….his running offsetting his scatter arm.
Maybe the reason we marval at “how far” Josh fell because we had him placed waaaaay to high up the food chain to begin with. Josh simply wasn’t all that.
One good season does not make a career.
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:13 am
Look at Coach Toes on the line…. then look at your President Dumb Ass Donnie now can you understand what happened to Josh it’s simple Coach Toes on the line didn’t want Josh as his QB…simple as that!!!
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:18 am
Phreakybuc… Kind of agree that something wasn’t quite right, but it is speculative. I don’t blame this on drug use. I think he had something else going on that led to drug use. He really seemed to not enjoy to me that he didn’t enjoy the spotlight. I’m not sure how much he really liked football. He seemed to sabotage his career just as it was starting to lift off. Most guys with this in their personality get weeded out way sooner, especially at QB. This just speaks to the immense talent Freeman has.. Doubt me .. check this out…This was after he was “ruined” by Schiano too.
The two things tho when you watch this versus Winston’s highlights. Note the time Freeman has in the pocket and the separation the receivers get.
The addendum this this post could be.. What happened to Mike Williams? That kid was every bit of a stud.
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:36 am
Big Hog.. do with this knowledge what you will.
“”My favorite Michael Jackson song is Black or White,” Freeman said of the Jackson hit released off the Dangerous Album in 1991. “Because I am black and white. My father is black, African American, and my mom is caucasion. So it’s a nice split right down the middle.””:
Josh Freeman quote from a Rick Stroud interview…
June 3rd, 2017 at 11:45 am
The “real” reason Head Coach Shiano did not want jfro-6pak as his QB was because he was a liar, a drug user and did not work hard!!!!! and all these are facts!!!!!! He lied about his football camp saga (and other things)!!!! He was in the NFL sudstance abuse program!!!!! and now DD69 just said what most already knew!!!!!
And back by request its “The Realist Repost”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Buc Realist Says:
September 22nd, 2015 at 1:01 pm
I can not wish anything but misfortune to this buffoon!!! He is a Liar and never has even tried to make amends for it!!! No apology for his fans, and the people that covered up so much for so many years!!!! May Failure follow Jfro-6pak!!!!!!
June 3rd, 2017 at 12:12 pm
I realize that’s an old post Rhealist – so maybe the emotions/anger about the situation were fresher then – but that’s still pretty harsh dude and for you to repost shows you still have some issues yourself to overcome in regards to Freeman.
I’m sure there are plenty of others who still despise Josh Freeman for the bridge burning crap he pulled in 2013 on his way out the door – and its anyone’s right to hold onto that anger.
But wouldn’t it just be better now to let go of anger and resentment towards Josh Freeman at this point? What good does it do to hold onto negative feelings towards a former Buccaneer who we all rooted for and had high hopes for from ’09>2012.
Best to just let the negative feelings go and realize that just like every other negative thing that happened during the Dom years (and boy were there plenty) – it all led to Jameis Winston becoming a Buccaneer.
Click on the link tnew provided and re-live some of the “good” memories of Josh. It will do all of us some good.
June 3rd, 2017 at 12:20 pm
And regarding that “Freeman Highlights” link – LOL at 3701 views.
The thing that stood out to me the most in watching that (aside from Freeman throwing some nice long balls) was the # of excellent catches and plays made my VJax and Mike Williams. There wasn’t much depth at WR after those 2 but those dudes made some PLAYS as a tandem in 2012. Helped Freeman look good and get those 4000 yards.
Williams was another player that broke our hearts. So much promise and talent and big play ability in his 1st 3 years and then he just apparently lost interest in being an NFL player immediately after getting paid. Sad.
June 3rd, 2017 at 12:21 pm
I want to know what happened in London. That’s when it all started to unravel. We’ve heard something happened but no details.
June 3rd, 2017 at 12:25 pm
Freeman ruined Freeman is right.
That 2012 team culture was Adderall and Alcohol. Look at Freeman, Dougie, Mike Williams, Talib, Eric Wright. All popped.
June 3rd, 2017 at 1:32 pm
Short answer is no!!! I am not over it!!! But I can sleep at night knowing that the garbage is in the trash as it should be!!!!!! I will re-evaluate if he ever comes clean and tells the truth and apologize for all the lies he told of other people for his problems!!!!!!!!
And if you want a video with more views,,,,,, speak no more!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!
June 3rd, 2017 at 1:33 pm
In honor of Jimmy Buffett playing at the Amphitheater tonight, I’ll put forth my completely speculative theory on Josh Freeman’s demise.
“Some people claim there’s a woman to blame … but I know, it’s my own d*** fault!”
June 3rd, 2017 at 2:02 pm
If Jon Gruden don’t make the dumb mistake of passing on Aaron Rodgers for Cadillac Williams. Dom would never had to reach for a QB. The 7 drafts before Dom was GM was the worst draft era in Bucs history.
June 3rd, 2017 at 2:28 pm
One’s on the pole, shove the other in a bag
With the rerun shows
And the cocaine nose-job
The daytime crap of the folksinger slop
He hung himself with a guitar string
Slap the turkey-neck
And it’s hanging’ from a pigeon wing
You can’t write if you can’t relate
Trade the cash for the beef
For the body for the hate
And my time is a piece of wax
Falling’ on a termite
Who’s choking’ on the splinters
Soy un perdedor
I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me?
(Get crazy with the cheeze whiz)
June 3rd, 2017 at 2:56 pm
I thought of that one, But for the Bucs Front office I think they will go with Henry Rollins though!!!
you meet me
and you whole world changes
because everything I say is everything you’ve ever wanted to hear
so you drop all your defenses and you drop all your fears
and you trust me completely
I’m perfect
in every way
cause I make you feel so strong and so powerful inside
you feel so lucky
but your ego obscures reality
and you never bother to wonder why
things are going so well
you want to know why?
cause I’m a liar
yeah I’m a liar
I’ll tear your mind out
I’ll burn your soul
I’ll turn you into me
I’ll turn you into me
cause I’m a liar, a liar
a liar, a liar
June 3rd, 2017 at 2:56 pm
Gee from reading the article headline I thought we were finally going to get some info on freeman. Not just a repeat of the Dotson quote from the previous do or die article. Meh.
Whole lot of nothingburgers right here.
June 3rd, 2017 at 4:49 pm
It’s just so heartbreaking when you see someone like Josh Freeman who’s just oozing with so much athletic ability and potential to be great, only to be thwarted by ones own lack of motivation and work ethic.
June 3rd, 2017 at 6:01 pm
Well, Ira chose not to address the Freeman angle. Joe did. Personally find it fresh since it wasn’t touched upon before.
Ira’s column chose to focus on the 2017 Bucs.
June 3rd, 2017 at 6:05 pm
Dominik likely would not have been the GM. And you are right, Freeman was a total reach because Dominik was ordered to draft a quarterback. Long-time readers of Joe know that Joe was dead set against drafting Freeman. He was meh in college and history proved Joe right.
Glad someone other than Joe is recognizing this.
June 3rd, 2017 at 9:03 pm
“A Hero in Buc History”…..Man pass the pipe on the left hand side! Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!
June 4th, 2017 at 9:10 am
Freeman had his issues, but there is no reason he shouldn’t be in the NFL right now.
He was still productive a number of years and better than the Gabbert’s, who keep getting shot after shot in the league.
June 4th, 2017 at 12:10 pm
There is a reason why he shouldn’t be in the NFL right now. He’s not good enough. He didn’t want to be in the NFL anymore. He didn’t do what it is required to stay in the NFL. All on him. End of story.
June 4th, 2017 at 1:00 pm
My wife suspected with absolutely no proof whatsoever that he “played for the other team.”
June 4th, 2017 at 10:59 pm
I personally witnessed the dude hammered during the week of games. His issue was his inability to handle success. Throw in Raheem lacked any discipline and the fella became unmanageable. Players with his talent and early success develop an attitude that somebody will sign them so they just do whatever the hell they wish.