Dancing Muscle Hamster?
June 8th, 2017
Joe saw something today at practice he’s not sure he’s seen before.
Now in underwear football, it seems — keyword there: seems — everyone’s favorite Muscle Hamster Doug Martin has slimmed down. Whether this was part of reshaping himself or a different diet, or something to do with his new healthy self, that’s anyone’s guess. But it just looks as though Martin is slimmer; not exactly the bowling ball he once was.
What Joe saw Martin do today sort of solidifies what Joe has seen, that Martin is trimmer and more nimble as a result.
Martin caught a short pass from Jameis this afternoon in the middle of a nest of defenders. Now remember, this is underwear football. No contact is allowed. If players had pads on and Martin was allowed to hit, he would have put his head down and tried to barrel over defenders.
Not today. Instead, when Martin secured the pass, he spun and weaved through the defenders for a touchdown. Joe can never recall Martin ever being this spry or spinning past defenders for daylight.
Joe’s not trying to make too much of one play in underwear football, but perhaps this is the new Muscle Hamster? Instead of being a plowhorse type of runner, maybe Martin has dropped weight, in part, to avoid would-be tacklers and be more Warrick Dunn than Mike Alstott?
June 8th, 2017 at 2:22 pm
I think doug has always been nimble his best trait in my opinion was never knowing if he would truck you or juke you out your shoes he’s unpredictable with that first burst and tbh I think he gets to much crap for getting caught from behind whenever he gets caught from behind it was bc he already juked like 3 people out in the beginning of the run which gives you less juice to get all the way to the end zone after that
June 8th, 2017 at 2:28 pm
Joe he doesn’t like to be called Muscle Hamster…
June 8th, 2017 at 2:28 pm
The Muscle Hamster LIVES ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Embrace your inner BEAST!!!!!!!!
June 8th, 2017 at 2:29 pm
I keep thinking of the sick juke he put on a defender in the backfield in 2015. Nearly broke the dude’s ankles.
June 8th, 2017 at 2:30 pm
Joe will be happy to cash a large check from Martin in exchange for not using his nickname again. One does not get to gloss oneself. We’ve gone over this how many times over the years?
June 8th, 2017 at 2:32 pm
its “The Dougernaut to you Joe!
June 8th, 2017 at 2:47 pm
Martin had the best elusive rating of any back in 2015…this isn’t anything new…though the reduced weight makes him a tad quicker. Never a bad thing…especially with the extra created space he will have available with all our weapons on the field at the same time.
June 8th, 2017 at 2:49 pm
Bull shiite!!!
His name is Mollie Hamster or Druggernaut!!
Eff this Muscle BS!
June 8th, 2017 at 2:55 pm
Want to see ankle breaking moves ? Check out Gale Sayers and Barry Sanders. Now that’s what I’m talking about. …And both of them were on crappy teams.
June 8th, 2017 at 3:54 pm
Muscle Hamster it is! Whew, glad that’s settled.
June 8th, 2017 at 4:03 pm
“Joe’s not trying to make too much of one play in underwear football, but perhaps this is the new Muscle Hamster”…..
You sound very excited joe…..has a slimmer martin led Joe to believe he will be retained after his suspension?….LOL…LOL…GO BUCS!!!!
June 8th, 2017 at 4:33 pm
@Jimmy – that was a dick comment
June 8th, 2017 at 4:56 pm
Muscle Hamster is better than Drug Martin at least lol
June 8th, 2017 at 5:13 pm
I’m a Doug fan and have vocally criticized those that so easily wish to toss him off the team. But given his suspension and injury history, I don’t give a rat’s behind if he doesn’t want to be called Muscle Hamster.
Like I said, I’m pulling for him and believe he’s the current answer at running back, but he’s lost the right to Dougernaut for now.
June 8th, 2017 at 5:34 pm
Muscle Hamster still sounds better than Cancer93…..and probably makes more of a difference overall.
June 8th, 2017 at 5:42 pm
Joe must have a short term (or selective) memory. All he remembers is 2016 martin. But 2015 Martin was the most elusive back in the league. League leader in yards after contact confirms that. Martin is motivated again. There is no way he won’t be our best rusher this season. Martin had some issues last season. We can’t just forget that, but we can’t forget what Martin did in 2015 either. He has the talent to be an elite back.
June 8th, 2017 at 5:43 pm
Wait this isn’t an Anti-Doug Martin tirade?
June 8th, 2017 at 5:50 pm
He has to earn not being called the MH.
June 8th, 2017 at 6:06 pm
Muscle Hamster is better than Muscle Turtle.
June 8th, 2017 at 7:08 pm
WE shall see how hungry Martin is. But I get this feeling he will be ready after the suspension. And his presence is going to be welcomed! Me think Martin is going to straight up..ball out this season.
June 8th, 2017 at 7:25 pm
Truth is: Any of our running backs will do well as the secondary has to respect the TB receivers. Heck, I probably could average 5 yards per carry. That would be an interesting bet on the over/under.
June 8th, 2017 at 9:29 pm
Still hoping DM is sober and lives up to his potential.
June 8th, 2017 at 9:55 pm
If he’s slimmer, then who is the power ‘back?
June 8th, 2017 at 10:18 pm
And 2015. (Very good)
And 2014. (Very bad)
And 2013. (Very bad)
That’s not a good track record. Throw in the PED (?) deal, and the arrow very much pointing down.
June 9th, 2017 at 8:26 am
Let’s change it to the black mamba!
June 9th, 2017 at 10:08 am
One of Martins patented moves is a spin move. I believe he did it maybe a few times in the Raider game he dominated. Dougies got a spin move and has had it for some time.
June 9th, 2017 at 11:18 am
@buc15…..agree and well said
June 9th, 2017 at 5:07 pm
he’s always seemed to be a shifty guy. even when he gets mobbed in the backfield he will show off some nifty cuts trying to get away from tackles.
Doug’s problem, other than health, seems to be his vision. For some reason, he wasn’t just better physically in his 2 big seasons, he also seemed to be seeing the field better. In his down years, even when the blocks were there, he seemed more likely to run into a defender than through a hole
June 13th, 2017 at 10:41 pm
June 14th, 2017 at 9:09 am
Joe Says:
“Joe will be happy to cash a large check from Martin in exchange for not using his nickname again.”
I want in on that action!