The Difference In A Year
May 11th, 2017
Common sense approach.
My, what a refreshing difference a season makes.
Two years ago the Bucs were fronted by lazy Lovie Smith. A guy who often talked down to folks like he was a high school math teacher. He’s a guy so stuck in his ways he probably still uses a typewriter and gets up off the couch to change TV channels.
Lovie’s defense with the Bucs was nothing less than atrocious, and this was from a guy who propped himself up as some sort of a second coming of Father Dungy. You know, the way Brian Billick was thought to be a quarterback guru?
Lovie was all about takeaways. He didn’t care about offense. He didn’t care about scoring. He didn’t care about tackling. The only thing he gave a damn about was takeaways. If you talked takeaways with Lovie, his eyes lit up like talking free beer with Joe.
Because of his fetish, the Bucs, to be polite, were sloppy on defense. Players were so focused on takeaways their fundamentals withered. The result was teams running up and down the field on the Bucs so badly, it was like watching a tennis match or a NASCAR race your neck hurt so bad.
Not long after Team Glazer told Lovie to clean out his desk, Joe talked to a Bucs type and told him, “Punts are takeaways, too.” Joe was told, “You are right.”
Enter Mike Smith to take over the defense. While it struggled initially last season as players learned how to communicate effecitvely, the defense transformed into a formidable unit. Discussing the transformation yesterday at One Buc Palace, Smith dropped this small item.
“Third down is very important, we take it as a turnover,” Smith said. “If we stop a team on third down, our defense is off the field and the offense is getting an opportunity to go back out there.”
Thank you!
Joe preached that for damn near as long as Lovie wrecked ran the defense. Turnovers is a nice stat, but if you let teams score on you and march down the field on you like an Independence Day parade, it doesn’t matter.
Lovie, for whatever reason, was willing to sacrifice the game if not the team for the glory of the almighty turnover.
Mike Smith knows better.
May 11th, 2017 at 11:08 am
Sooooooo, tell me something I don’t know….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 11:09 am
It’s being a fun year!
May 11th, 2017 at 11:16 am
What a change from such a lazy, claustrophobic, myopic, nepotistic administration (the Lovie era; hmm, sounds familiar). I remember being lukewarm about the Lovie hiring. Clearly ownership thought it was getting Dungy lite at worst. Like others I gave him too much credit for bringing a team to the SuperBowl with Rex Grossman at the helm. Who would have envisioned such a disaster? I sometimes wonder what might have happened had Tedford taken the gig when he got healthy. Of course I’m glad how it turned out. We have a chance now to have a long run at not only respectability, but relevance and if everything plays out well, dominance. I love how Smith (Mike) keeps up with the times. Boy was his extension in the off season a coup from ownership.
May 11th, 2017 at 11:35 am
“813bucboi Says:
May 11th, 2017 at 11:08 am
Sooooooo, tell me something I don’t know….GO BUCS!!!!”
lol this was the main fact I pointed out to you early last season when you were clamoring on about Dirk Koetter being Jim Tomsula and losing the locker room
“813bucboi Says:
November 11th, 2016 at 11:29 am
@LAKELAND….YOUR RIGHT AND I 100% AGREE… have to give your players a chance….put them in position to be successful….
@realist….when are you going to stop making excuses for dirk?….even dirk admitted that he f’ed up by declining a penalty that had he accepted, it would’ve pushed the falcons back…its these type of f’ups that make players lose confidence….if dirk quits on the team, its expected the team will quit on dirk….
im against the whole shipping off players thing….bring in a coach that is well respected, demands respect, has creditability, and knows simple coaching 101 duties we should’ve have a problem….good coaches don’t let talent walk out the door….as bear Bryant said,”embarrass them, or do something to turn them around.”….
May 11th, 2017 at 11:36 am
“813bucboi Says:
November 14th, 2016 at 11:07 am
“I wonder what type of record dirk would have if he didn’t have jameis and went without and OC for the entire year?….improvement?…..we’ve gotten blowout multiple times this year and have yet to beat a quality team besides atl in week 1…..improvement, not so much….looks like the same 6-10 team to me… is a 6-10 under dirk better than 6-10 under lovie?””
May 11th, 2017 at 11:39 am
I was excited about Lovie…until his Tennessee ready team took the field. Game over!
May 11th, 2017 at 11:42 am
Steven007 …ya see. Peeps search the archives all the time.
May 11th, 2017 at 11:43 am
LC …slashing and slicing.
Like a Ninja!
May 11th, 2017 at 11:53 am
87- I just had never searched the archives before and thought it might be interesting to try today lol.
Speaking on that – is there not a way to just search by date (other than typing in “November 2016” for example? Seemed there were more threads I was missing
May 11th, 2017 at 11:53 am
1987 –
I do indeed see that. And because of it I was reminded of Realist’s preposterous and endless DIRK = TOMSULA!!! garbage which both then and now renders his endless blather and cherry picking low self esteem boosting searching irrelevant. Thanks for the hard work guys. I don’t have the time or patience for it but I guess I’m glad someone does.
May 11th, 2017 at 11:56 am
That is a good one Lord Cornelius, But my favorite is when he was calling Head Coach Koetter equal to jim tomsula!!!!!! It was classic!!!!!!
813bucboi Says:
November 14th, 2016 at 3:53 pm
@realist…way to pound your chest after beating a 2-6 team….way to go…the world now knows the bucs are for real….after beating the 2-6 bears I can really see the improvement…just like I saw it after the 49ers game…..we’ll see if that improvement is visible vs KC or will you come up with yet another excuse….at some point dirk will have to beat a quality team to show he’s a quality hc…..beating up on a 2-6 team gets you participation trophy….GO KAP…GO MIKE…DIRK=JIM TOMSULA….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 11:59 am
@ Lord Cornelius
Google is your friend!!!!!
I hope you just “mis-remembered”, otherwise that would just make you a liar!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 11:59 am
@Realist –
Oh, was that 813boi? My apologies.
May 11th, 2017 at 12:05 pm
No problem, We all just want the “Truth” at JBF!!!!!!!! that is why the comments section is so great!!! It cannot be edited or changed!!!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:07 pm
@lc…..LOL….you have to be the dumbest poster of them all…..was dirks name mentioned in the above article?……
you brought up dirk not me…..and dirk admitted to f’ing up multiple time early in the season(rams,broncos,falcons)…..those are just facts….
glad to see dirk got his sh!t together but he still has work to do…..mainly play calling….
so again, tell me something I don’t know….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:08 pm
Turnovers win FFL games, not NFL games. Easy to confuse though, so I’ll give Lovie a pass here.
May 11th, 2017 at 12:14 pm
I remember all that crrrap. Sup Bucboi?
Fans are damn antsy lately. I’ve seen fights all over this site on various topics and players. It’s as if the Bucs still have no future and the outlook is bleak. I guess it’s JBF. So we fight anyways. See peeps calling out others for past posts. Funny stuff.
I started copy and pasting stuff back during the Freeman debates. Some hated it and some liked it. I like it of course.
LC …okay. Sorry Realist if Kobe Liar sees this. Google helps a lot if you remember what the poster said in a round about way. Just type in Joebucsfan and the poster’s name. Scroll up and down for the topic. Most dates are there too.
May 11th, 2017 at 12:22 pm
Yes, and below the search box, click on the “tools” tab, then under that where it says “anytime” you can select “custom range” and select the calendar dates to really zero on what you are looking for !!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:24 pm
LOL….when we beat KC I came on here and gave mad props to dirk…..
the thing that yall fail to point out is how LC and the realist were so sure that the bucs were light years better than the previous year….and then we started 1-3….and LC and realist came up with excuse after excuse as to why we were 1-3…..none of which had to do with dirk and players and more to do with, “coaching to lovie out of players”….we won 2 straight and they said it was fixed…then we lost to the raiders and falcons and the excuses came back…..
if yall want to talk about the past, then feel free to do so….it is what it is…yall have been wrong plaenty of time on here too….the difference is im man enough to admit it…..
dirk did a decent job last year….happy to see us with a winning record….glad he and smitty got it together….but lets focus on the present and future…..
now, after a decent year, @realist suggest we will regress not do to injury, lack of preparation, teams getting better or coaching schemes, but our demise will be HARD KNOCKS……BS….this is the type of sh!t that drives me crazy…..dumb excuses and setting the bar low…..
LC, you’ve been so wrong on here countless amount of times it aint even funny….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:25 pm
I too, enjoyed when you started keeping a “dossier” on people!!!!! Ahh good times!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:28 pm
They will get torched
May 11th, 2017 at 12:29 pm
He said, she said. Fun game. See what ya started Joe? Mention Lovie’s name anywhere in your article and it’s off to the races. 2014 races that is.
Your quote from Mike Smith, “Third down is very important, we take it as a turnover,” says it all in terms of our present defense. Make your opponent battle for EVERY inch of turf. Let ’em know they’re in a dogfight. That’s what we started seeing more and more of as last season wore on. Fully expect our D to pick up right where they left off. One big difference from a TEAM perspective though: this year the Bucs offense will not only put more points on the board (forcing opponents to ‘play from behind’), but it’ll also do much better in terms of time-of-possession (keeping our defense fresher into the 4th qtr). Hmmm, maybe we could make that a ‘Bucs prophesy’ like Realist was talking about yesterday.
May 11th, 2017 at 12:31 pm
And for anyone who misses Lovieball just see if you can catch an ILLINI game on TV one day this fall. He even made Rutgers look good…May take a quarter or two but besides the lopsided score there it is….12 men on the field, Lovie looking skyward, defensive backs covering large areas of grass rather than wide receivers, DBs looking to tear away the ball and allowing a large gain….Anyone who doesn’t see the difference in how we play is not paying attention.
May 11th, 2017 at 12:31 pm
Uhhh I totally disagree, Lord C is one of my most respected posters on this site. Dumb is not a word that seems fair in relation to that guy. Now me I can get carried away on sillines sometimes so to call me dumb cool I get it. But Lord C dumb not so much bro.
May 11th, 2017 at 12:32 pm
Lovie is too lazy to get up to change the channel. Not even sure if he gets reception in the basement. N he doesnt say change the channel, he says turn over the channel. Go bucs
May 11th, 2017 at 12:32 pm
@87….WATS UP…..
if I was bored out of my mind and had all day to do nothing, then I would take your advice and Google all the dumb misguided info LC and Realist spew on here….but I have things to do….mainly reading about the present bucs and what our future holds…..
but your right….fans are antsy….I would say excited and anxious…we finally feel like we have a true team that can contend for so much more than 8-8….now if we can get the “ducks” to stop setting the bar so low and coming up with excuses before games are even played, we may become united here on JBF….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:35 pm
@nole…your right…dumb is not the word….UNEDUCATED fits LC better…..GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:38 pm
@Defense Rules
Great Idea!!!!!! But that was already discussed!!!!!!
The Buc Realist Says:
November 10th, 2016 at 7:42 am
Yea Joe, Its not like the defense has injuries too!!!!! I read an interesting article that stated how the offense has had a much easier go in the first 8 games than the defense!!! The average rank of the defenses the Bucs offense has faced was 20th!!! while the offenses the Bucs defense has face is ranked 12th!!! Which is not a gigantic deference until you consider that the offense is in its second year while the defense is learning!!!!
Maybe the offense should help the defense that is dragging Koetter down by not turning over the ball in short field and evening up the time of possession!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:40 pm
How about a fun in house competition.
Which unit will be ranked highest at the end of the year?
Offense or Defense?
Which unit will be the one that drives this Buc’s team?
Could this be a rare year and a rare team where both young units play equally well and grow and get better together?
May 11th, 2017 at 12:49 pm
no doubt there’s a difference….but to fair, lovie didn’t have as many talented players at key positions as dirk has had(grimes,VHG,n.spence,r.ayers)….revis had one good season after we cut him so looking back at it, it was a good decision….
but hey, lovie f’ed up and f’ed up bad…he dug his own grave and licht laid him to rest…..I was pissed because I thought he wasn’t given enough time to build thru the draft and we had just fired a decent coach but it is what it is……I was even more pissed when we let schiano go…..
but im happy with dirk and smitty….they must continue to get better but they won me over last year…..expectations are high, and I hope they can meet them…..better yet, unlike @realist, I believe we’ll exceed expectation and make the playoffs regardless of HARD KNOCKS…..GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 12:50 pm
Once again bringing up the past which has nothing to do with now. When do you guys stop rehashing these old wounds? Just let em go away! He’s got nothing to do with this team now. Truth be told your misery don’t want company
May 11th, 2017 at 12:58 pm
lol look at Bucboi spinning and hurling insults
I didn’t give excuses I gave reasons for optimism and reasons to see growth. Big freaking difference. I was disappointed in our start but I saw things that offered a lot of hope if the D could just clean up on giving up the big plays.
I said that we were blowing too many big plays but that we were at least a more attacking D and that we were improving on QB completion % and 3rd down % by a sh1t load. BucBoi completely ignored this; labeled it as an “excuse” or some sh1t; and said NO IMPROVEMENT and DIRK = TOMSULA
My problem with you man is you don’t own up to anything. I’ve had bad opinions here before and eaten crow on it. Ask Realist. I admitted I was wrong about Lovie during year 1 and before year 2 and that he was right. I’ll admit it right here again. But you don’t own up to sh1t.
Giving someone props AFTER they do something good is a brainless exercise that doesn’t show any integrity. Admitting you were wrong as f*ck when it came to measuring the pulse of this team early and the abilities of this coaching staff would be owning it.
Even the comparison of Dirk to Tomsula was dumb as all h3ll regardless of what would have happened in 2016. I pointed this out in detail but bucboi’s way of argue-ing is to just call me an idiot. Dirk’s career before HC was drastically drastically different than Tomsula. Dirk was an established coordinator. Tomsula was only a head coach in Europe for one year vs Dirk being a college HC for years. Tomsula was a D-line coach / assistant coach whereas Dirk was an Offensive Coordinator with successful offenses across various teams / years. The comparison was just so bad. But he won’t own it.
May 11th, 2017 at 1:00 pm
@stpete….great question….I think both units will finish top 10…I think the offense will finish the year in the top 5 but the defense will set the tone and drive this team….im looking at a defense on paper that will be extremely tough to run on making the opponents one dimensional….that will play right into smitty hands allowing him to get creative with his blitz packages….this year I bet we see safety, cb and linebacker blitz early and often….but as you stated, this could be one of those rare/special years for both sides of the ball….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 1:01 pm
“…yall have been wrong plaenty of time on here too….the difference is im man enough to admit it…..”
I don’t think a bigger lie has ever been stated here
May 11th, 2017 at 1:08 pm
come on Joe we finally got ourselves a winning team. most believe we are ready to contend. can we focus on that? Rehashing the Lovie days feels like a kick in the gut
May 11th, 2017 at 1:13 pm
Washing that Lovie Defense and the likes of Jennings getting down-right molested in coverage was as mind numbing of a period was I can remember. Fourth down was a rarety as teams marched down the field relentlessly only to have Lovie tell us in the post game that we were getting better…
Excuse me while I hit my inhaler
May 11th, 2017 at 1:13 pm
May 11th, 2017 at 1:28 pm
Gee Realist, downright laziness on my part for not searching every post you (and others) have made in the past few years to ensure I wasn’t plagiarizing. Of course, how your analysis (Nov 2016 comment) relates to what I wrote looks to be a tad circumspect (as in ‘reaching’?) but that’s another issue for another day.
And StPete, gladly participate in that in-house competition as I expect BOTH sides of the ball to improve this year. Offense ranked 18th last yr (pts scored), and I tend to think if they improve to 10-15 ranking (I’ll pick 12) that’d be a major improvement. Our OLine still has some question-marks over it IMO, and because of that I’m not sure right now how the run game will evolve & whether pass protection will improve. Defense ranked 15th last yr, and I think they can improve to around 10th if they can pick up where they left off in 2016. Being much more familiar with Mike Smith’s defensive schemes should be a major plus, but as always injuries will play a major role. So there you have it: Offense – 12th and defense – 10th (with a lot of caveats).
May 11th, 2017 at 1:29 pm
Gee Realist, downright laziness on my part for not searching every post you (and others) have made in the past few years to ensure I wasn’t plagiarizing. Of course, how your analysis (Nov 2016 comment) relates to what I wrote looks to be a tad circumspect (as in ‘reaching’?) but that’s another issue for another day.
May 11th, 2017 at 1:29 pm
this is why I said your the one of the dumbest ever….
“Giving someone props AFTER they do something good is a brainless exercise that doesn’t show any integrity.”…..
so are you suggesting that buc nation congratulate our team for making the playoffs and having a great season before they actually touch the field?……what sense does that make?…..most people with common senses will wait until something is accomplished before singing praise…..something you and realist fail to do…..
ive stated right after the KC game how I felt about dirk…..@realist even applauded my comments after the KC game…..
if your feeling are still hurt because ive called you out regarding your lack of knowledge of the game then it is what it is…..I wont apologize for stating that you were wrong…get over it….ive stated positive comments about dirk plenty of times…..your so busy looking in the past for the negative, try searching for the positives…..stop being butt hurt young man….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 1:29 pm
StPete, gladly participate in that in-house competition as I expect BOTH sides of the ball to improve this year. Offense ranked 18th last yr (pts scored), and I tend to think if they improve to 10-15 ranking (I’ll pick 12) that’d be a major improvement. Our OLine still has some question-marks over it IMO, and because of that I’m not sure right now how the run game will evolve & whether pass protection will improve. Defense ranked 15th last yr, and I think they can improve to around 10th if they can pick up where they left off in 2016. Being much more familiar with Mike Smith’s defensive schemes should be a major plus, but as always injuries will play a major role. So there you have it: Offense – 12th and defense – 10th (with a lot of caveats).
May 11th, 2017 at 1:29 pm
Every defense, goal is to get off the field on 3rd down. But it’s easy said than done..ask Jude.
May 11th, 2017 at 1:30 pm
Can’t lose to garbage QB’s like Tannehill, Bradford, Glennon, and whoever the Jets and Bills roll out
Get the d right from week 1!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 1:31 pm
“I didn’t give excuses I gave reasons for optimism and reasons to see growth”….this is the biggest lie from the most uneducated poster on JBF…GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 1:32 pm
What a difference a year does make!!!!!!!!!!
The Buc Realist Says:
May 11th, 2016 at 9:26 am
DallasBuc has hit the nail on the head!!!! There will be an adjustment period to coach the lovie out of some of these players!!! For 2 years they have had the passive and nonsense pounded into their heads by the Incompetent one!!!!
The Buc Realist Says:
May 11th, 2016 at 10:12 am
It was so sad that the Incompetent one would use stats when it suited him and made his defense look good!!! But two sentences later would dismiss certain stats if they did not fit his narrative!!!! And the local media and sheep bowed down and lapped it up!!!!!!!
The Buc Realist Says:
May 11th, 2016 at 10:26 am
you forgot the part after the opposition picked up the first down, The Incompetent one would stare cluelessly at the Jumbo-tron and try to figure out who let his scheme down!!!!
The Buc Realist Says:
May 11th, 2016 at 12:47 pm
I just want to thank the Glazers and NFL GM Licht coming their senses and only wasting 2 years instead of 3!!! Looking at the upcoming season and it would have been predicted of 4 wins with the Incompetent one!!!!
Patrick in VA is right, you just have to ignore the Baiting brothers!!! Like a stray cat once you fed them they are hard to get rid of!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 2:06 pm
All of this hoorah, hoorah, hoorah, hoorah over a non-playoff 9-7 record, only shows me the mindset of our fanbase. This is what years of pathetic losing does to a person mind.
May 11th, 2017 at 2:18 pm
Lovie’s lap dog boi getting exposed today. Practice makes perfect.
May 11th, 2017 at 2:18 pm
lt was a 9-7 Non-Playoff record that got Jon Gruden fired.
May 11th, 2017 at 2:30 pm
😀That’s a good one Pete. Ima think that one over at work today. I’ll give my belief tomorrow sir.
May 11th, 2017 at 2:31 pm
I am truly dumber for having skimmed through these comments….
May 11th, 2017 at 2:47 pm
“so are you suggesting that buc nation congratulate our team for making the playoffs and having a great season before they actually touch the field?”
Nope. Just suggesting you say that you were wrong as all f*ck to ever compare Dirk Koetter to Jim Tomsula. And that your predictions of our season were wrong as f*ck.
Because they were. Period.
If i came on here all off-season or just early in the season and said the bucs were going to suck a5s and only win 4-6 games and that Dirk Koetter was the equivalent of an interim HC with a terrible resume that would lose the team and lose the locker room…then waited till we were in the playoffs or had a winning record to say “good job Bucs!” without ever acknowledging I was being a jack4ss or completely misguided and wrong early on then I’d be doing what you did last year.
You’ve never said “I was wrong” about anything. Acknowledging the obvious isn’t the same as admitting your own errors and f*cked up statements that were negative as hell.
The fact that you can’t even understand any of this is just weird
May 11th, 2017 at 2:49 pm
My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone.
May 11th, 2017 at 2:51 pm
“813bucboi Says:
May 11th, 2017 at 1:31 pm
“I didn’t give excuses I gave reasons for optimism and reasons to see growth”….this is the biggest lie from the most uneducated poster on JBF…GO BUCS!!!!”
Um. wtf.
I said we improved on 3rd down efficiency and were allowing a way lower QB completion % – if that’s a lie please go cite it.
I said we needed to cut down on blown coverages – please go cite me where I’m lying on that.
Once the team figured out how to communicate and get on the same page during the bye (along with the D-line not being decimated by injury); the big plays cut down big time but the 3rd down D & QB % stayed great; and we all saw what happened.
Wtf am I lying about dude? What is wrong with you?
May 11th, 2017 at 3:13 pm
was never a lap dog….more of a supporter of the HC coaching my team….doesn’t matter who’s at the helm i’ll support them…..the bucs are my team….it amazes me how some people can root against a coach that’s coaching their so called favorite team….truly amazing…..
LC….did my son beat up your son?…..LOL….did I bang your wife in college?….what the h3ll is wrong with you dude…..
lots of people were wrong about the season…when we were 1-3, nobody thought we would go on a tear….during the 5 game winning streak most thought were we playoff bound…I believe you and realist were wrong about your predicts about the season as well…..face it, YOU ARE NOT 100% CORRECT ALL THE TIME…..get over it….last year wasn’t the first time you were wrong and judging by your post today, it wont be the last time you’ll be wrong….and im looking forward to it….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 4:13 pm
You will see call for Mark Barron to play LB the off-season before Lovie traded him.
Before we drafted Barron, you will find me calling for Keuchly.
I was also calling for Honey Badger to replace Ronde Barber.
I knew Mathieu would be a sick nickle/FS.
I made a mistake callin for Mariota.
Called for Burfict in the 7th. (We got Drake Dunsmore)
Teacherman supporting the Bucs!
May 11th, 2017 at 4:17 pm
Wow!!!! with “supporter” like you, who needs enemies!!!!!!!!!!
813bucboi Says:
November 3rd, 2016 at 10:46 am
funny how people praised dirk and smitty but have all the excuses in the world on why the defense and jameis has regressed….
dirk has more talent and a so called better dc….so why do we have the same record as last year?…..nothing has changed but faces….same offensive system….still playing a 43 defense…the way we’re losing games this year is far worst than any time last year….dirk is incompetent….EXCUSES EXCUSES….GO BUCS!!!!
this game will show if dirk still has control over the locker room….lose this one and the doubt will start to creep in among the players….dirk has already quit on this team a few times this season and isn’t helping them out with his calling, personnel and clock management decision…..his seat is starting to warm up….JIM TOMSULA anyone?…..GO BUCS!!!!
Go BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 4:22 pm you made a mistake with Marcus Mariota? I know Jameis is our QB. But I actually like Mariota also and he’s playing good football. They went 9-7 last season, just like the Bucs.
May 11th, 2017 at 4:32 pm
Thank you Realist. I think we’ve said enough because no matter how many quotes you pull or facts you state he will plug his ears and say his piece while ignoring all of it.
You were the first poster and only other one I tangled with for any period of time but you never bothered me this much and I think we kept things a bit more civil. If not I apologize for any insults. I just hated being lumped in or defined as a “sheep” because I had a differing view lol – that was really the main issue I had. I’m an independent thinker my liege.
What’s odd is he keeps saying we were wrong and that we lied or whatever but he literally hasn’t given a single freaking example of either ever that I’ve seen…. meanwhile there are a sh1t load of quotes in this single thread alone showing how ridiculous and negative he was being last year about the team – all of which was proven wrong.
Everyone but him can see it.
The logical inconsistencies are simply amazing. I mean look at this sh1t he just said:
“….it amazes me how some people can root against a coach that’s coaching their so called favorite team….truly amazing…..”
coming from the guy who basically gave up on Koetter 4 weeks into the season… the guy who said he lost the locker room and basically should be fired and was the equivalent of Tomsula… is that “rooting for the coach”?
I feel like I’m living in a different universe trying to understand this guys brain. It’s not healthy and I need to just walk away
May 11th, 2017 at 4:49 pm
One of the few things I agree with you on..
May 11th, 2017 at 4:49 pm
@Lord Cornelius
Lol!!! No apologies necessary my friend!!!! I do like to tangle with some, but it is all in fun!!!! And the sheep thing is just a trap!!!!! It is never directed at anyone, but it always riles up some people!!!!! I usually never start with anyone, except bighogheinous, because if you get him made enough, he turns into the “black popeye” and will at some point yell ” you can’t tell me how to live!!! I am what a yam!!!!!! Its not right, but it is funny to me!!!!!! my apologies to bighoghienous!!!!!
Anyway, at this point they just see our screen names and start seeing red with steam coming out of their ears and will say anything to argue against our statements!!!!! If he was honest and stand up like a man and just say, You got under my skin Buc Realist ( which is understandable) and I said thing out of anger that I did not mean. I would totally understand and respect him for it!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 4:54 pm
for sure man
Go Bucs!
May 11th, 2017 at 5:34 pm
those quotes are from when we were 1-3… I not correct?….thank you …enough said….you 2 clowns acting like I was talking sh!t about dirk in week 12….come on man….
I never gave up on dirk you dumb a$$…I just wanted to see the marked improvement you and realist were claiming had been made without even playing a game….once the “l’s” started piling up, I was asking you and realist what happened…you 2 came up with excuse after excuse, L after L……but its cool…..doesn’t excuse the fact that you 2 have been wrong numerous times before….GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 5:39 pm
“If he was honest and stand up like a man and just say, You got under my skin Buc Realist”…..get under my skin…LOL….this is the internet…..everybody’s tough behind a screen and key board…..getting under my skin…NEVER!!!!…GO BUCS!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 6:11 pm
See Lord Cornelius, This is why you have to stick with the thread for a while!!! Eventually 813bucboi will out himself!!!! All the accusations that he throws out at others, if you get him talking will expose himself as the culprit!!!!! LOL, he can’t help himself!!!!! Now, we can argue is he just a troll that lies and losses track, or is he mentally unstable and has no grip of “reality”!!!!!! That is a discussion that can go on and on and on!!!!!!!!
LOL @ 813bucboi
Go BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11th, 2017 at 6:38 pm
“Now, we can argue is he just a troll that lies and losses track, or is he mentally unstable and has no grip of “reality”!!!!!! That is a discussion that can go on and on and on!!!!!!!!”
I think he was a guy that came into 2016 with a pre-conceived anger and bias towards the staff that was founded in anger over Lovie being fired. He spewed a bunch of negativity about as bad as anyone whenever he had any reason to do so early on. No other reason to do that other than having a pre-conceived bias or notion that this staff would suck just as bad if not worse than Lovie.
That never came to fruition; and now he’s changed his tune because he has no choice: it’s obvious we made the right move.
You posted about a learning curve & adjustment that would happen before we even had preseason last year if I remember. I think it’s pretty reasonable to give a new coaching staff more than a month before deciding what they are; but I guess that’s called an “excuse”?
There is never an excuse for losing that will satisfy anyone who thinks that simply (just in W/Ls). I never made excuses I just said what I saw and what I thought was improving in general – not even as it related to W/L. I thought I saw a team that was turning a corner in a few areas even early in the year; and that seemed to pan out. I predicted a 9-7 record but for the life of me can’t find where my game by game prediction was posted for 2016. The only quote i could find of myself was saying we should win 9-10 games.
I got 9-7 right but I was pretty off on which games we would win or lose
May 11th, 2017 at 6:41 pm
“…I just wanted to see the marked improvement you and realist were claiming had been made without even playing a game…”
lol link to me saying I saw measured improvement without seeing a game yet?
The only “marked improvement” I ever talked about was always supported with stats. I.e. 3rd down conversion %. I.e. QB completion %. but you know that already
May 11th, 2017 at 10:15 pm
Good read. I thought Lovie got a little too comfy in his job. He was, after all brought here because Schiano didn’t have NFL experience, had a terrible demeanor (and record), and the Glazers knew about the longing for the old Bucs D and bringing those SB era fans back. I know this much. Whether or not one agrees Lovie had a real part in it in the Bucs of old, his name was there…and Dungy boy, a Kiffen boy, who could argue against that? And he got the SB in Chicago. Not Raheem. Not Schiano. There you go. They literally offered him the farm, and he took it. Hired his sons, brought in his buds, and was loyal to keeping them all, unconditionally apparently. All the way down the drain. His loyality to his family and friends…his greatest trait…but refusing to replace them as needed…is what I think did him in.
May 11th, 2017 at 10:16 pm
Got TO the SB in CHI….didn’t win. Of course.
May 11th, 2017 at 11:20 pm
“I think he was a guy that came into 2016 with a pre-conceived anger and bias towards the staff that was founded in anger over Lovie being fired.”
LC…BINGO. Winnah, winnah chicken dinner.
May 12th, 2017 at 1:51 am
Boom cannon fire kill shot 1 #13 ME/AKA/Godzilla Boom cannon shot 2 #11 DJAX/AKA/Flash Boom kill shot 3 OJ/The Freak Howard or Boom kill shot 4 Cam the man Brate or Hump or or and you see👁 Where I’m going with this can you say high octane I’m talking 93 premium phuck it’s more like NOS 1 time for them 2017 SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS TAMPABAY BUCCANEERS yeah I said it whom ever want’s it please come and get it 813HeadBusta outmans
May 12th, 2017 at 1:56 am
Say what you will about Lovie, but remember two good things he brought us. He bought time until Koetter was available, ecause someone else at HC may have lasted longer and we would have missed out on koetter. A year longer would hzve missed out on him.
And second? Jameis Winston. Without Lovie inststing, Licht would have gone with Mariota. Still a good pick, but he ain’t Winston (and yes, I did dventually eat crow on that). As a result, because Mariota is a more mobile QB, the offense would have been built differently (extremely run first).
Koetter had experience with both styles, thankfully.
May 12th, 2017 at 1:59 am
The Buc Realist is a sissy.
Just kidding.
May 12th, 2017 at 10:20 am
“I think he was a guy that came into 2016 with a pre-conceived anger and bias towards the staff that was founded in anger over Lovie being fired.”
not at all…..the first few weeks of the season dirk was making coaching 101 mistakes….he looked as if he was incompetent….GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2017 at 10:52 am
I hope in the next thread I don’t have to wade thru all the b#!! $&i\ I did on this one…Where I come from he with the biggest c0:( calls the shots so Please could a couple of you just get a room and work this $h!t out…..
May 12th, 2017 at 5:54 pm
What is this I hear about free beer?