“Significant Loss”
March 17th, 2017
“Significant loss.”
Joe doesn’t understand the fetish some folks have for backups.
Just yesterday, Joe read a comment on this here site that suggested the Bucs will rue the day they let Russell Shepard out the door.
Really? A guy who was, at best, a No. 4 receiver and while he was a special teams warrior, how many impact plays per game did Shepard make, two… three… if that?
This leads into the subject of Lovie Smith’s new favorite quarterback, Mike Glennon, he of the Chicago Bears. Glennon took a massive pay raise and a chance to cement himself as a starter in the NFL, a goal that was doomed here in Tampa Bay the instant the Bucs drafted America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
Jenna Laine of ESPN believes Glennon was a “significant loss.”
Most significant loss: Backup quarterback Mike Glennon. According to ESPN Stats & Information, 18 of the 32 teams started multiple quarterbacks last season. That’s up from 15 teams that used multiple starting quarterbacks in 2015 and is the most since 2010, when 20 teams used multiple starting quarterbacks. Injuries happen, and given the way last season panned out, where one game would have made all the difference for the Bucs, the last thing anyone wants is for Jameis Winston to go down with an injury and not have a reliable backup waiting in the wings. In reality, however, the Bucs knew they weren’t going to be able to keep Glennon, even with a very generous offer of more than $7 million per year.
Joe fails to see how a backup is “significant.” If the guy was significant, he wouldn’t be a backup!
Joe has nothing against Glennon but folks, if your starting quarterback is hurt, the team is screwed, it is really that simple. The fact Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht was willing to throw over $7 million a year Glennon’s way to remain a backup was reckless. That kind of bread could have been spent on an every-down back, further depth at receiver or another edge rusher.
So $7 million a year (or more) would be more wisely spent on a running back or a defensive end, or a No. 3/4 receiver who would be on the field for 30+ plays a game — not on a guy you pray never takes the field.
Shoot, even throw a few million of Team Glazer loot at a veteran, established NFL kicker to come in and try out.
Sorry if Joe can’t see the forest for the trees here.
March 17th, 2017 at 5:15 am
I think the only reason Gelnnon is a “significant loss” is because everybody else we lost has been replaced. McDougald – Wilcox, Spence – Baker, Shep – D-Jax. Glennon is kind of the only option for that category imo.
March 17th, 2017 at 5:31 am
Me neither. Lot of money saved n we dont even know if the backup is gona be a step back yet. We definitely need to bring in another kicker too. Put the pressure on. If he cant handle it its time to go. Need some 40 plus fgs this year like every other team. Go bucs
March 17th, 2017 at 5:48 am
Agreed. If we’re playing the backup we have problems. We offered glennon that amount but we’re not touching mangold who touches the ball every snap? Sigh.
March 17th, 2017 at 5:53 am
Joe, I agree that if Winston goes down for the season we’re screwed, but if he’s out for 3 games, that could be the difference between 11-5 and 8-8. I’m not saying it had to be Glennon, but we need a capable backup.
March 17th, 2017 at 6:03 am
Curious to see how Chicago reacts when the season starts horribly. Glennon is very nice guy but I don’t see that working out. He will throw 20 five yard passes a game. Who will he throw too? I know they drafted what’s his name recently but he hasn’t been able to stay healthy since coming in league. Could be bad for them. They need to draft qb as well
March 17th, 2017 at 6:29 am
What else was Jenna going to say if she was required to assign a “significant loss” tag on a Buccaneer? Akeem Spence? No Russell Shepard? Maybe – but Joe just said that was ridiculous too. So she picked our only other FA loss – Glennon. McDougald hasn’t signed with anyone and may still come back to Tampa Bay – so she couldn’t go that route….
March 17th, 2017 at 6:31 am
Spend 7mil on the offensive line and keep Winston upright
March 17th, 2017 at 6:39 am
Joe, the backup is an important piece whether we want to admit it or not. It is hard to win a super bowl without depth at any position. Look at Dallas last year with Dak Prescott. Romo goes down in the preseason and everyone thought the season was lost and/or Romo would get his job back when he returned. I know Dak is considered starter material in hindsight, but we don’t have to settle for an incompetent quarterback or young qb without upside. I don’t think the towel should be thrown in when the qb goes down. The backup shouldnt get a lot of money, I concur, but I think we shouldn’t just throw in the towel either. Winston shouldn’t preclude us from drafting a qb either.
March 17th, 2017 at 6:40 am
Come on Joe! MG8 had a stellar starting record of 5-13! That right there shows why he is a huge loss! Can’t you see it? What are you sipping on the szuurp again? 😂😂😂😂😂 Puhleeaaze! It’s a loss because you always need a good back up but there always older vets out there who can play clip holder so Glennon is one dime among a dozen. So the loss isn’t as bad as Jennay makes it out to be. We do need to go get a decent veteran because no matter how bad they were on other teams they all had good some great games along the way to go with their experience. Ryan Griffindorf he of 0 starts will not cut it!
March 17th, 2017 at 6:47 am
@ Pickgrin
Bingo. Reading the article, the context of “significant” is being overblown by Joe here. It’d be nice to know the player Joe would put into the category, too. How bout it Joe?
March 17th, 2017 at 6:48 am
RG3 who probably won’t get another starting gig again could be had for what they paid MG8. He’d probably be a good team mate to Fameis. A reunion with Action Jackson
March 17th, 2017 at 6:53 am
No_Bucs very good point! Too bad K&L don’t read these boards. That’s the best logic I’ve seen as of yet. Not signing him and paying him what they would’ve paid MG8 makes no sense
March 17th, 2017 at 7:05 am
You will when America goes down
March 17th, 2017 at 7:23 am
March 17th, 2017 at 7:29 am
Joe – Pickgrin nailed it and beyond that I can think of two teams who would disagree with your position about the team being screwed if we are playing our backup. Both the Cowboys and the Patriots had to rely on their backups last season. In the case of the Cowboys their backup became the starter and I seem to remember Brady’s situation back in the day playing out in a similar way. Backups are important.
March 17th, 2017 at 7:38 am
Don’t fall for if Joe- fight the urge to make sense of Glennon speak.
March 17th, 2017 at 7:40 am
I could see if Joe was arguing that 7 plus million for the backup QB is not value, and they were right for letting go and not offering more. But the whole screwed if the starting QB goes down so scuttle the ship is where Joe cannot see!!! The last 2 Superbowl winning teams had backup QB’s play and win!!! and those are usually the most healthy, hot streak teams!!!!! The cold hard fact is that Joe put a ceiling on MG8 after only a few games in his rookie year when he was thrown in without the lion share of starting snaps in training camo!!! He claimed his “eye test” told him that MG8 is a career backup!!!!! after just a few games!!!!!
The problem with the “eye test” is when people stop looking!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!
March 17th, 2017 at 7:55 am
After seeing Glennon fail miserably against 2nd and 3rd teamers running vanilla schemes in pre season the Bears are gonna regret signing napolean dynamite 2.0
March 17th, 2017 at 8:05 am
So you lose Mike Glennon and you don’t do anything to improve your highly overrated oline? Sounds like disaster in waiting. But don’t worry Licht, when your QB goes down because your pride prevented you from improving the faulty oline you have constructed rest assured the media mouthpiece you have here will not hold you responsible and thankfully neither will the minions here that like you way more than they like winning.
March 17th, 2017 at 8:18 am
^^^this guy’s a dope. How does he know that Licht won’t address the OLine? There is still a draft and another 5 months to acquire players before we kickoff. Get a grip Dallas! Things are getting better which I know is bad for your narrative. You can throw shade his way all day long, but he’s still not going to call you back.
March 17th, 2017 at 8:22 am
Glennon= “significant loss” if Jameis goes down and Ryan Griffin has to take ONE snap.
March 17th, 2017 at 8:26 am
Jaboo- it was the narrative of the Joes yesterday that Licht thinks we’re all fools and the oline is perfectly fine as evidenced by it not being touched. My only narrative is that I want this team to get better, win football games and a championship. So far the record has improved (it was hard not to after Licht helped usher in 2-14) but I believe this has more to do with the presence of Winston rather than the guy that trades up for a keeker in the second and pays a guy uber millions to patrol the sidelines in a floppy hat for a year.
March 17th, 2017 at 8:29 am
@Dallas- exactly Licht is too prideful in his failed experiments to realize this o line is weak at center and tackle. As of now he’s failed to improve this line and is too reliant on hoping for a injured player to come back and be a key contributor
Don’t get me started on the Joes bias toward people within the organization who feed them info. All the love for Dominik and Licht makes me question their football IQ
March 17th, 2017 at 8:55 am
This is what Joe Cowboys Fan wrote when Romo went down.
There’s no excuse not to have a vaible backup that can give you a good chance to win especially when your franchise Qb is under his rookie ontract.
March 17th, 2017 at 8:58 am
You guys keep talking about the o line. Hawley was above average in 2015 when he was healthy. He can be that again. Not to mention he was leaps and bounds better when he was next to mankins. You both are seeming to forget we are getting sweezy back. I know everyone is precautious about it but I’m confident and so is licht. Sweezy is very good when healthy and will instantly upgrade the entire unit. Dotson was also banged up most of last year and can be above average when he is on his game. Calm down about the o line. We still have time as well.
March 17th, 2017 at 9:22 am
Really? A guy who was, at best, a No. 4 receiver and while he was a special teams warrior, how many impact plays per game did Shepard make, two… three… if that?
Impact plays? I thought you were talking about Geraldini in the last part of that sentence. Two…three…if that.
March 17th, 2017 at 9:31 am
I agree with the guys pointing out the importance of a good backup. Dak Prescott has been mentioned…and let’s don’t forget that Garapolo got the Pats to 3-1 during Brady’s suspension. I’m not sure however we can’t get somebody as “effective” as MG8 in time for the season.
And that’s what is hilarious here. The Licht haters are already dissing the 2017 Bucs BEFORE we’ve even had the freaking draft!!! Already slamming our OL again before the draft…and before the pickups that could come when teams face their cutdowns right before the start of the season.
NONE of you…nor me…knows what the starting OL will be…who will be drafted…who will be picked up…and yet you freaking negative nellies want to hate based on stupid observations of an OL that DOESN’T EVEN EXIST
Do you maroons realize you are criticizing some that isn’t even real? There hasn’t been a single snap in training camp. Who here knows the starting OL?
I’m not certain that Licht or Koetter know exactly yet since they may wish to see how the draft shakes out…which players become available after cutdowns etc.
But hey the negative haters on JBF are already lined up pronouncing a non existent OL as a total failure and a complete indictment of Licht. It’s just freaking amazing!!!
March 17th, 2017 at 9:32 am
If your starting QB is injured your screwed?
Tell that to Earl Morrall, Jeff Hostetler, Curt Warner, Vince Ferragamo, Tom Brady, etc.
Or even 2005 bucs.
Many examples of a good backup coming in for a few games and saving the season. Starting QB’s don’t always go out for entire year.
Get a better backup or we might be screwed.
March 17th, 2017 at 9:33 am
Dallas- good to hear that you want the Bucs to improve. To be honest, it’s hard to tell with you sometimes. However, you continue to blame Licht for things beyond his control. He didn’t sign Sweezy knowing of his injury. It’s football, injuries happen. Almost everyone agrees that signing DJax is a good thing but if he blows his knee out today while working out would you then blame Licht?
If Sweezy comes back to play this year then I would argue we have already improved this line with depth and quality Guards. I’m fine with Harley at Center provided he is healthy and we shall see about RT.
We were 2-14 just a couple of years ago. Worst team in the league. We were 9-7 last year and by most accounts a serious contender this year. The talent on this team is much better and don’t think you would even argue that. We can debate all day as to whether or not Licht is responsible but in the end it doesn’t matter. It’s about W’s and trending upwards.
March 17th, 2017 at 9:34 am
Should say Hawley
March 17th, 2017 at 9:54 am
Jaboo- “However, you continue to blame Licht for things beyond his control. He didn’t sign Sweezy knowing of his injury. It’s football, injuries happen.”
This is where you are wrong. It is Licht’s job to make sure that the players he is signing are fit to play, i.e. pass a physical, unless you are contending that IR Sneezy threw out his back transferring the bags of Benjamins from the trunk of the Glazer’s car to his? Had he been injured on the first day of practice that would be one thing but the guy was signed injured and it doesn’t matter whether Licht knew about the injury or not because it is a damning indictment either way since it is the general manager’s job to damn well know the physical condition of the players he is throwing bags of cash at.
This leads to your question “Almost everyone agrees that signing DJax is a good thing but if he blows his knee out today while working out would you then blame Licht?”
The answer is I too liked the signing a lot and no I would not blame Licht UNLESS he signed an injured DJax. There has been zero evidence that I have seen that IR Sneezy had a training accident. The dude was damaged goods and it is egg on the face of Licht.
March 17th, 2017 at 10:02 am
I think it’s funny you think Licht didn’t do his due diligence on Sweezy. You honestly think that he signed him knowing there was a significant injury that may not heal? I think it’s fairly evident that our doctors communicated to Licht that his injury wouldn’t be a big deal, however things changed. He is throwing millions of dollars at a player so do you really think ANY GM in the league would ever sign a player knowing they may not be physically capable? LMAO.
I think it’s safe to say Licht had no clue about the severity of his injury last season. I still believe Sweezy will be back and ready to go as well.
March 17th, 2017 at 10:02 am
Ryan Griffin has some potential at Qb, so its not like our cupboards are bare.
A veteran QB is a good Idea. Should be quite a few available after the Draft.
Second wave of Free Agency is ussually cheaper.
I wish Glennon Good luck. But here, he was a “Beautiful loser”. He protected his stats, at the risk of losing the Game. He would take sacks, rather than throw risky passes or incompletions, with the game on the line.
He is a nice guy, and has some skills.
But we didnt lose much-and that money can be better spent else where.
March 17th, 2017 at 10:02 am
This has nothing to do with Jenna. Jenna works very hard at her craft and Joe respects her a lot. And Joe did suspect she was ordered to write this, knowing how the four-letter works. Please do not confuse this post with some jab at Jenna.
March 17th, 2017 at 10:27 am
Eric- that’s precisely the problem. It is his mf job to know the severity of injury a player has BEFORE you tie bags of cash to his thong. Give me a break with all these excuses for the professional failures of this ego maniac GM. It’s time we start acknowledging all the screw ups instead of putting lipstick on them or sweeping them under the rug.
March 17th, 2017 at 10:32 am
Well it’s evident your close-minded in this regard. You must be outside your damn mind if you think that Licht knew everything about sweezy and still threw all that cash at him. How can licht know the severity if DOCTORS COULDN’T EVEN PINPOINT THE EXTENT OF HIS INJURY?
This isn’t an excuse. It seems like common sense. You’re just regurgitating negativity like you do every day.
March 17th, 2017 at 10:35 am
Btw before you respond that he should have done more due diligence before he was signed, it is entirely possible and quite common to falsely diagnose injuries. Which seems to be the case.
March 17th, 2017 at 11:08 am
If we HAVE to argue about this, let’s draft: RD1 RT, RD2 C, RD3 WR, RD4 RB. Offense solved.
March 17th, 2017 at 11:10 am
DallasBuc Licht must be a JoesBucsfan.com contributor because he compliments a weakness on the team that he made even weaker by resigning EDS& Hawley. The proif is in the pudding we had ththe worst line in the league and Licht won’t improve it. If Fameis goes down because of them what good is a great backup? Sign Mangold Mr. Licht! DallasBuc the way you say things only one thing left to say to you……..😂😂😂😂😂😂!!!!
March 17th, 2017 at 11:20 am
Sneezy is still a ?. Optimistic he will play effectively, what other approach is logical presently? It’s higher than wishful thinking I think. Backup QB, Winston has shown toughness at the position. I was skeptical he could work through his earlier ankle injury when he was visibly limping on the field. I was hoping Glennon would remain the Bucs backup QB. Not worried at that position now though.
March 17th, 2017 at 11:29 am
Eric- provide the evidence that you have that the doctors dropped the ball? I’ll wait…
Without meeting a burden of proof for your wildly speculative contention one can only reasonably assume that the doctors did their job and it was Licht that took a risk on IR Sneezy and he screwed the pooch. Seems like his MO as GM taking cutesy risks and subsequently pooping the bed. And why not, the local media mouthpiece and fans like you won’t hold him accountable so prepare yourself for more Anthony Collins, IR Sneezy and AguaOh,no acquisitions. He’s above accountability.
March 17th, 2017 at 12:22 pm
please provide the evidence that Licht dropped the ball and not the doctors. I’ll wait…..
This thing goes both ways. LOL Without meeting a burden of proof for your wildly speculative contention, one can reasonably assume that the doctors did do their job and missed on an accurate prognosis. Like I said it happens all the time. I didn’t state this was the case, I stated it is a possibility. You’re the one that is so certain that Licht messed this one up.
Let’s not forget the fact that 7 teams were in contention for Sweezy. He was the most highly sought linemen in that free agency period.
Your accusations of our fanbase’s inability to hold him accountable is laughable. As if most GMs make less mistakes in free agency and the draft than Licht. Breaking news, they all do! Nice of you to cherry pick his mistakes though. What about Jameis, Grimes, Ayers, Spence, Baker, Djax? Again, it goes both ways. He’s going to make mistakes and he’s going to make great decisions. Fans like me can be open-minded and see the bad/good. Prepare yourself for more Anthony Collins and more Brent Grimes, cuz like I said IT GOES BOTH WAYS and thankfully I have the ability to look at the big picture and determine he has done more for than this team than hurt, OVERALL.
March 17th, 2017 at 12:50 pm
Joe Says:
This is the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard. Why are most teams screwed in that situation? Because they don’t have a quality backup! Dumbass. So now Joe is advocating not bothering to have a quality backup? Guess Garrapolo was useless when Brady was hurt. Were they screwed. Your assertion is patently false, Joe… Jeezus, the dumbfoekery here never stops.
March 17th, 2017 at 12:59 pm
Eric- you clearly are not familiar with how burden of proof works and it may require diagrams or perhaps remedial course work to convey a level of understanding that you might be able to handle. I tried and I failed. Take care buddy.
Go Bucs.
March 17th, 2017 at 1:25 pm
No Dallas I am completely aware of your failed attempt to convey your point. You clearly are being hypocritical in your accusation of my failed ability to comprehend the definition of burden of proof considering you are making assumptions that licht knew the facts with no proof yourself. You did kind of state that theory first, I only mentioned it as an alternative possibility. This is highly ironic considering you spew conjecture on a routine basis.
I’m sure your a wiz with diagrams and remedial course work that makes you feel better about KNOWING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT FOOTBALL but let me clarify, the definition of burden of proof will not help you with your inability to comprehend how an NFL GM conducts business. Diagrams and course work can’t teach football awareness. Sorry. Your English skills and bob Saget insults won’t help you in here, old man.
March 17th, 2017 at 1:58 pm
OK.. It said “most significant loss” What else was she going to write? If you picked a free agent who went elsewhere, who is the one you kinda wish you still had? The Cannon
March 17th, 2017 at 2:50 pm
Dallas- Eric is correct and the point is that none of us know what truly happened yet you jump to Licht didn’t do his job. At the end of the day, this team is getting better and had a winning record last year. That’s all you or I really know. Until that stops being the case you just look like a guy with a personal vendetta.
March 17th, 2017 at 3:20 pm
Exactly. He is constantly on here bashing Licht and I think I’m part of the majority that believes he has done an excellent job thus far.
March 17th, 2017 at 4:09 pm
I think Mr. Licht has assembled a talented football team that should be in the mix for the Division Title and beyond for a long time.
Its an imperfect profession. Kinda like a great hitter – the best in the world fail more than they succeed.
All relative.
I don’t see how you can look at our team since his arrival and not be impressed.
March 17th, 2017 at 5:27 pm
Exactly Eric.
BTW you gotta change your username. LOL
March 17th, 2017 at 5:52 pm
Wait a minute I date back to 2009 on here!
March 17th, 2017 at 7:36 pm
Ahhh 2009,,,,back when a busy day was 5 people in the comments, and one of those was Joe!!!!!!
March 17th, 2017 at 8:35 pm
“Joe fails to see how a backup is “significant.” ”
I am sure glad Joe is not in charge of the water system, sewer system, electrical grid, a network, or just about any other significant mission critical job. But then again, I guess that winning NFL football games is not mission critical. It sure seems to be for a lot of fans, though. If one has a good backup system, it insures continuity as well as the ability to take more risks for higher gain.
March 18th, 2017 at 9:52 am
Lol. Okay. Guess I gotta change mine.