Joel Glazer Weighs In On Jameis Bashing In The National And Local Media
March 31st, 2017
The gold standard, says Team Glazer.
It’s been about five weeks since America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, was clobbered on the front page of the Tampa Bay Times.
Joe still can’t figure out how Jameis was labeled “irresponsible” for one misguided sentence during a 40-minute motivational speech to young children at a local elementary school. If he was so “irresponsible,” so worthy of getting torched by local and national media, then why didn’t one of the many adults in the room during the speech, trained educators and caretakers of children, speak up to right the alleged wrong?
Regardless, the War on Jameis went on for about four days across various media before dying down. It was the kind of happening that impacts an entire franchise. And that’s why Joe wanted Team Glazer’s take on the situation.
During Joe’s 1-on-1 session with Joel Glazer at the NFL Owners Meetings this week in Phoenix, Joe broached the subject. Jameis Winston recently took quite an extended national and local beating in the media for some comments to young students he was volunteering to help. What’s your takeaway from that experience?
Bucs co-chairman Joel Glazer: You look at Jameis over his first two years in the National Football League and we just think he’s the model that a lot of young players could look up to. I mean his involvement in the community, his leadership on the field, his work ethic, he’s everything that anybody would ever want in a young player. And my hope is always that the positives, all the great things he’s been doing in the community would get the huge coverage. You know, anybody can say some wrong words or whatever it is, or have someone interpret words a certain way. But it’s all the great things that one’s doing in the community that should be the focus, all the efforts and all the time. We just couldn’t be more proud of everything he’s done.
Glazer’s salute of all things Jameis in his response should let you know how Team Glazer clearly feels about the way Jameis was torched by the Times and others.
Joe would like to say more, but Joe will leave it right there.
This is Part III of Joe’s annual sitdown with Team Glazer. Part II is right here, where Team Glazer goes deep on the call to throw bags of loot at defensive coordinator Mike Smith.
March 31st, 2017 at 9:45 am
It’s a shame really…the kid has far exceeded my expectation on and off the field.
March 31st, 2017 at 9:45 am
The Times can suck it. No one reads it anymore.
C’mon, now. Plenty of people read the newspaper, just less and less every year. –Joe
March 31st, 2017 at 9:50 am
Joel Glazer probably knows Jameis as well as Jameis’s best friends, and you can bet they had the full scoop (the ground truth) on all the “stuff” Jameis has been associated with over the past five years, fairly or not. So they knew what they were getting, and Jameis has indeed been a role model. Eventually, the others will figure it out who Jameis really is. Except…you know it’s bogus and ill-concieved storying when it comes to the local rag that uses “Tampa Bay” in its name, and especially is from a writer who shall be unnamed but his first name is “Tom”, last name begins with a “J” and rhymes with “bones.” The weak local sports media in this area this area is the biggest hindrance to pro sports around here. Which is why I say Thank God for Joe Bucs Fans (TGFJBF). Just like anything else, the more messed up the rest of the country think we are, the better the advantage when the Bucs take the field when it counts.
March 31st, 2017 at 9:55 am
Somehow…. some…. way…. Aunt Geraldine should get blamed for this. It just seems right.
March 31st, 2017 at 10:02 am
Buc50…I think you are close on few readers. TBT had to keep competitive in price and try to report when the Trib was around, but when TBT absorbed the Trib, the newstand price doubled (who would actually subscribe to TBT? For money?) and the stories have gone freakishly “FAKE.” Not to mention TBT just feeds from AP stories nows for anything not local. Yup….TBT has a winning formula though for the sports page though. Yah, let’s hire a bunch of washed up writers who aren’t fans of local teams, so that when the teams have a story to break, they’d rather not break it to your guys…saves all that overtime, keeps overtime down. Meanwhile, JoeBucsFan is the only real news for the Bucs within a 100 miles. Yup, we miss Tom McEwen…so Thank God for Joe Bucs Fan. We’d have NOTHING on the Bucs worth reading otherwise.
March 31st, 2017 at 10:03 am
Sorry…last was meant for Ben…not Buc50.
March 31st, 2017 at 10:03 am
The slanted and biased view of the Times has turned me off.
I don’t read it anymore.
That guy Chris Baker over there is probably the worst of them all.
March 31st, 2017 at 10:06 am
That’s my quarterback 😭🤧 -TO
March 31st, 2017 at 10:06 am
Whatever jameis wants jameis gets. And im not mad at that at all. Lol i wouldn’t be surprise if he tells jason licht to get peterson after working out with him the last couple of days. Jameis winston = Americas quarterback.
March 31st, 2017 at 10:11 am
I’ve noticed that the other guy in Tenn is in Heisman commercials and is viewed as a saint. Our guy in Tampa gets zero recognition for the things he does in Tampa, Tally, and Bessemer/Hueytown. Until he has 1 slip up with the tongue in 2 years.
March 31st, 2017 at 10:12 am
Ray ray my man. Where you been homie?
March 31st, 2017 at 10:15 am
The Times has always and will always – F**KING SUCK
March 31st, 2017 at 10:16 am
It amazes me how many people still bash Jameis and make accusations about him when they have no clue what he has done since his young days at FSU. People only hear what they want to hear. This guy was a big Dolphins fan and gators fan and would make statements how he would take Ryan Tanahil over Jameis any day. And how he heard that Jameis doesn’t quite have the football IQ. I found myself defending Jameis and pretty much laughed at what this guy said. Then it got to a point where I was going nowhere with this guy so I just said well you will get to see Jameis in your house real soon. Man I hope Jameis torches the Dolphins! Go Bucs! Proud to have Jameis as our QB!
March 31st, 2017 at 10:17 am
Ya that’s pretty gnarly saying that women should be lady like.
March 31st, 2017 at 10:39 am
The Times employee who wrote that garbage is the Nancy Grace of sports columnists…part of the “we shouldn’t have winners and losers because someone’s feelings may get hurt” crowd….and “they should resign or be fired for a tiny mistake”. Jameis could’ve used a better phrase, sure, but hardly newsworthy on any level
March 31st, 2017 at 11:14 am
IF Jamis said that to YOUR daughter…would you feel the same?? that is if u did not got to the same school !
March 31st, 2017 at 11:39 am
@ ben What Jameis said was completely taken out of context by the so called “writer” who penned the TMZ piece.
March 31st, 2017 at 11:40 am
It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s lived long enough to be able to read that your past haunts you. There’d be nothing to write about if not for the incidents at FSU.
It’ll be a while before he gets a pass, that’s the way things are. Is it fair? No. We’re fans so it hits a little closer to home for us.
Jameis got over it, we should to.
March 31st, 2017 at 11:41 am
Folks its the world we live in now. Articles are produced to get clicks. Substance and ethics no longer hold any meaning or responsibility. You see it in the political world and its just the same in the sports world. The media loves to pick winners and losers when it comes to framing athletes to the public. Jameis is going to face an up hill battle with the media for the next 10 years.
March 31st, 2017 at 11:58 am
Don’t get your panties in a bunch fella’s. The media will be all over him when he brings home that NFC championship ring + trophy. Why do you think the ice is cracking and some media types are vocally supporting jameis and the bucs? They can smell the success brewing. Having 2 nfc south teams reach the superbowl the last 2 years is no coincidence. The stars are aligning so that the bucs are the best team in the most competitive division in football. Then finally your qb will have his respect.
March 31st, 2017 at 12:20 pm
Jameis was wrong in what he said just like he was wrong on the several instances we all know about college. Just because he’s the franchise QB of our team doesn’t give him a pass. He makes a lot of money to be a QB in the spotlight. With the luxury of cashing those checks every week comes the scrutiny of the spotlight and the media swarm when one messes up. A lot of QB’s go through this, not just Jameis. guys like Brady are constantly labeled cheaters and given media scrutiny for their political leanings. It’s part of the job. When you have a history like Jameis’ – shouting vulgar things about women in publlc and the main serious allegation we all know about – you have to be absurdly careful in what you say and how you say it.
There should be zero feeling sorry for Jameis because of the big bad media. Choices Jameis made put him in the spotlight and scrutiny he faces. I’m a huge fan of his and hope he succeeds – but the basis on whether or not the media ever lets up on him lies squarely on HIS shoulders and actions.
March 31st, 2017 at 12:40 pm
@Tony from Los Angeles
What you wrote would be true IF the media told THE WHOLE story. Just the facts.
Theyallowed this young lady to state, as fact, that she was drugged, but refused to write about her toxicology test being clean and her legal team accusing the authorities of testing SOMEONE ELSES BLOOD as a coverup, and when the tests were redone at UF and the results were the same, CRICKETS!!!
March 31st, 2017 at 1:17 pm
What’s crackalackin? I’ve been on hiatus. BUT IM BACK!
March 31st, 2017 at 2:07 pm
Congrats on the great reporting.
March 31st, 2017 at 3:00 pm
@Tony from Los Angeles
That same media waits with baited mouthbreathing for an instance just like this, a person in the spotlight touching on some hot-button issue without grace. The same media who makes zero mention of Jameis doing the right thing 99% of the time. You have a wonky lack of sensitivity for people’s imperfections just like the audience media like the Tampa Bay Times is trying to reach.
March 31st, 2017 at 3:04 pm
Tony from LA – your attitude towards Jameis in this regard (based strictly on ignorance and refusal to do the research) mirrors that of these ignorant media types who love to sensationalize and demonize even the hint of impropriety among well known celebrities whether its true or not.
“Where there’s smoke there’s fire” attitudes in the media consistently trump actual investigation way too often and Jameis Winston is the modern day poster child for misguided, widespread media character assassination run amuck.
Drinking soda from a ketchup container at BK? BBgun shenanigans with teammates at their apartments? Yelling out a popular yet profane internet meme on campus? A local grocery store crab legs hookup incident?
This is all meaningless. Damn near every one reading this post has done much worse in their lifetimes and we all know it.
The real problem here is that people won’t research the truth and the facts about why Jameis Winston still has an underlying PR issue. Way to many people still believe in the back of their minds that Jameis might have gotten away with ra_pe. And to make matters worse – he is black and she is white which only adds about 10 tons of fuel to the hatred of the possibility by many.
Well guess what? The facts in this case for anyone who bothers to spend a little time investigating them are very clear – and the facts exonerate Winston 1000%.
The cleatchaser (self proclaimed) was a liar and a bad one at that. Her false accusation against Winston of committing a serious crime was coerced and unfounded. Her version of what happened that night is more full of holes than a slice of baby swiss cheese once the facts were examined – which is exactly why Jameis Winston was never charged with doing anything illegal and exonerated of any wrong doing by 3 different in-depth investigations once the unsuccessful witch hunt got into full swing.
Everyone makes bad choices or occasionally says the wrong thing from time to time. Jameis was still somewhat immature when he was 18-19 years old and he has admitted that. ketchup container soda, bb gun war with friends. shouting out FHRINTP on campus. These are immature acts. Crab Legs hook up was a bad decision – he should have known better. But legally – that is hardly the crime of the century…
Yes he had s e x with Erica and every possible way of looking at every fact that was uncovered regarding that night indicates that it was 100% consensual. Jameis’ friend’s accounts confirmed that. Erica’s friend’s account of the evening confirmed that. And Erica’s misstatement of facts and multiple changes to her story once confronted with evidence disproving her versions of what happened should also confirm that.
Jameis Winston is a loving, kind, considerate and honorable young man. Way more so than the average 23 year old. He has proved this over and over and over again in his 2 years with the Bucs through his words and actions. His parents should be very proud of the man their son has become and we Bucs fans are lucky to have such a person be the face of our franchise.
I for one hope that the Bucs are on Hard Knocks this year. Its high time the rest of the nation get an in depth glimpse of what a great leader and exceptional person Jameis Winston is on a day in – day out basis as we fans who follow the Bucs closely are already well aware.
March 31st, 2017 at 3:23 pm
ben Says: IF Jamis said that to YOUR daughter…would you feel the same?? that is if u did not got to the same school !
I absolutely would!! I saw nothing offensive about those comments and those who say they are offended are: 1- Lying they couldn’t care less, Just something to sensationalize and get on their soap box with faux shock and disgust.
And: 2-Just plain iognorant
March 31st, 2017 at 3:24 pm
March 31st, 2017 at 3:47 pm
I stopped reading those jerks at Tampa Bay Times about 5 years ago (I used to read that toilet paper for a lot of years before that). So happened that I notice they were trashing my Bucs everyday. Hey, I know, the Bucs were the worst. But the way I felt, they could’ve focused on the positives once in a while (there were a few, during those years), but no; everyday they had the whip on the team, in a very disrespectful manner. It’s a shame, being the territory newspaper they could’ve help themselves a little, by not bashing the local futball team so much. But, you know, life is a bitch, and look at that newspaper now, about to dissappear. Lmao. P.s. it’s called Karma, bitches!
March 31st, 2017 at 3:50 pm
ben…go fist yourself.
Is that out of line?
March 31st, 2017 at 3:51 pm
…..and, the Bucs are looking better than ever nowadays!
March 31st, 2017 at 3:54 pm
TBT will be the first one to jump back on the Bucs’ jock when they make the playoffs, and they’ll act like they’ve been there the whole time.
March 31st, 2017 at 4:06 pm
It’s time to start holding newspapers accountable. Stop reading them. They will eventually go out of business. Tom Jones should be fired.
March 31st, 2017 at 5:10 pm
PILGRIM you nailed it…thanks!
…and as for misspeaking…give me a break…it happens, that’s what apologizes are for…Jameis girlfriend (Breion) is the epitome of a strong woman…who he lifts up high…she is an intelligent, beautiful basketball athlete, and he praises her talent.
“He who has never done anything wrong, cast the first stone”😇 The ones who scream tje loudest had proven to be the BIGGEST hypocrits🙃
March 31st, 2017 at 7:03 pm
The A section is trash for sure.
March 31st, 2017 at 7:04 pm
Pickgrin, that was beautifully stated. For the record, I am a grandmother in her 70’s who lives in North Carolina. I love college football and chose to learn everything I could about Jameis before becoming a fan. Although it was difficult reading sometimes, I concluded that he was definitely being lied about and used. I am sorry, among so many things, if you are raped, you don’t accept a ride home on the back of your rapist’s scooter! Enough on that, have followed him closely and he has turned out to be everything I had originally hoped for, and am proud to call him my QB!
March 31st, 2017 at 7:04 pm
Pickgrin, that was beautifully stated. For the record, I am a grandmother in her 70’s who lives in North Carolina. I love college football and chose to learn everything I could about Jameis before becoming a fan. Although it was difficult reading sometimes, I concluded that he was definitely being lied about and used. I am sorry, among so many things, if you are raped, you don’t accept a ride home on the back of your rapist’s scooter! Enough on that, have followed him closely and he has turned out to be everything I had originally hoped for, and am proud to call him my QB!
March 31st, 2017 at 7:41 pm
“If he was so “irresponsible,” so worthy of getting torched by local and national media, then why didn’t one of the many adults in the room during the speech, trained educators and caretakers of children, speak up to right the alleged wrong?”
Maybe because educators probably don’t feel like they should be responsible for telling a 20 year old man that he said something stupid? Why do you keep bringing this flimsy talking point up as if it absolves him of accountability for his words? Joe is not trying to absolve Jameis of accountability, just trying to offer some relevant perspective.–Joe
He was trying to inspire kids. Great. In the midst of that he said something dumb. Not great. I’m not saying the team needs cut, suspend or fine him, but good lord it’s like the Joes think it’s their job to coddle the kid as if he couldn’t have known any better. This might be a revolutionary idea, but we don’t have to cheerlead and defend every stupid thing these guys say and do – just like we don’t have to crucify him either. Ask the difficult/relevant questions (and no, lobbing softballs to ownership doesn’t count in my opinion), help him learn, hold him accountable, and just move on already.
Joe has moved on. However, this was a major national hit to the franchise and the franchise player. Joe was not about to pretend it didn’t happen and not ask ownership about it. Joe asked Glazer for his takeaway from the fallout. That’s hardly a softball. –Joe